®()je fk^f^ttion %imnu^ Vol. 52; No. 47 FLESHERTOX, MAY 3. 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors- CEYLON r Mr. Henry Goheen of Bethel spent a cougie of days the past week with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Patterson. Mr. Hugh McPh«n-son and sisters Mrs. Annie Stewart and Mrs. Muir moved from their farm into ilr. Thos. Gilchrisfs residence and Mr. Gilchrist moved the past week to his farm in Osprey. Mr. D. D. McLaughlan, who has spent the winter months with mem- bers of his family in Toronto return- ed home on Saturday, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MeLaaghlan and babe. Mr. and Mrs. .A.rchie Sinclair and Miss Margaret Sinclair, Mrs. Kno.x and Mrs. .A.. E. Haw motored to Owen Sound on Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Stewart has been re^ maining with her mother at Portlaw. who has been ill. Mr. Ross McMullen of Toronto is spending this week at his parental home here. Miss D. Fisher spent the- week end at her home in Paisley and was ac- companied by Mrs. Hunt. PROTON STATION VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mi*s. Robt. Lee and son, Russel, have moved to Mrs. Vause"s farm, originally the Jas. Lockhart farm. They are the first tenants in the new house- erected by the late Mr. Jas. V'ause. Mr. Bannister preached his fare- well sermon on Sunday. We are in- deed very sorry to lose Mr. Bannis- ter as he was exceedingly capable, but vre know that what is our loss is surely someone else's gain. We are however very glad to welcome Mr. Young as our ne.xt minister. We feel sure our thanks should go to the stationing committee for sending us such capable young men. Our only regret is that we cannot keep them longer with us. The Y.P.S. was held on Friday evening last at Robt. .A.cheson's. The meetings will be in the church for the summ<n\ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Towl of Ban- croft, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Russel of Dundalk called on Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gallagher last week. The ladies of the W.C.T.U. held their annual quilting at the home of Mrs. Robt. Acheson on Tuesday after- noon. The ladies of the W.M.S. held their monthl^y meeting ^t the home of Mrs. Will. .-Vcheson on Thursday. Mr. Bannister preached his fare- well sermon in tht; United church pulpit on Sunday night to a large congregation, who regret his depar- ture. â- Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wauchope have moved to Dobbinton. Mr. Dal. Hopkins and family of Chatsworth are moving into the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Wauchope. Mr. Richard Hodgin has sold his farm to 3Ir. Wm. Dingwall. The Inistioge W.C.T.U. quilted a nice quilt at the home of Mrs. R. G. .A.cheson last Tuesday afternoon. When buzzing wood Billy Hopkins had the misfortune to get a finger cutt off and two other fingers injur- ed. Everyone is jorry about Billy's accident. Mr. John Hemphill visited at his home here. Miss Eileen McNalty is staying with her grandparents in this village. Glad to see Mr. Ale.xander Stewart able to be around after his illness last wfe^k. Mr. John McNalty is still confined to the house. Mrs. Still of Orangeville visited with Mrs. .\rchibald. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett of Ventry visited the former's mother and broth- er here. Mr. Edward Rutherford visited his daughtci- at Angus. Mr. R. G. Acheson sold a fine young horse to Mr. McXalty of Port- law. ROCK MILLS Farmers have 'oeen busy on the land, but very little grain has been EUGENIA A Missionary meeting was held ia thf United church here on Friday sown yet. The heavy rain on Mon-; afternoon, .-Vpril 28.. The meetir.-g day night will delay seeding opera- tions for a few days. Mrs. Thos. Betts and two daugh- ters Edith, and Mabel, visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts and family, 4th line. This was the fust time Edith had been out since her operation last winter. Her many friends are glad to know she is grradually improving. Mr. Thos. Gilliland of Eugenia was a recent visitor with -relatives here. commenced at 3 o'clock, with iin. Ale.x. Cameron in the chair and was opened by the singing of hymn "O'er those gloomy hills of PRICEVILLE j Lear, and Mr. Heccor McLean taking 1st prize. Lunch was then served, Dr. W. J. Mclvor on Sunday, May 1 followed by the sinking of the Nat- 7th, has two practical messages: In ! '«cal Anthem. The proceeds were die morning he speaks oc the sob- â- nearly ?12. ject, -WTiolesome Words" and in the The building committee met last evening. "Is Rehgion Reasonable or i «t«k and the contract for seating what are we sure of in Christian- ity ?" darkn«6." Miss Geotgina Sr < :h . The closing cottage prayer meet- read a scripture reading from Isaiah | ing of the seaso- will be held at the 52 (1-10.) This was followed by [home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Nichol on prayer by Mrs. W. H. Thurston ot | Wednesday. Dr. Mclvor has ap- Flesherton. An address by Mrs.! precia:ed the support given these (Rev.) Scott of Flesherton was at- tentively .listened to. She stated that these times of depression Master Garth McDowell returned must be lifted through divine power. to his home in Toronto after spending a couple of weeks with iir. and Mrs. J. A. Foster and family. Mr. Driffil is back a^rain as sawyer at thtj mill here. The Rock Mils and Mount Zion Ladies' Aids were entertained to a birthday party at Mrs. Badjerow's on .A.pril 26th, where an, enjoyable Times will change when the spirit of God enters into the hear:s of men. | arrangements are being made to start -A. musical selection by Mrs. (Rev.) jhe brick veneer work. pulpit furniture, communion and table were let to the Globe Furniture Co. in Waterloo, through Mr. E. Ben- nett. Flesherton. Arrangements were made to purchase ne-w maple floor for the auditoritnn. The Soldiers' Memorial Window is being placed ia the transom over the front door with the new name, St. Andrew's Presby- ,- , . , , 1 terian church placed in the centre of Monday evening the share- ! . â- . , ,, , ,..,-. , „ the wiriiow. holders of the McKmnon hall are meeting to dispose of the hall, also pi aver stTvices. He will speak on •'Effective Prayer." Th McNeill, Mrs. Chas. Brodie and Miss Ella (Morrison of Ma.\well, '"That will be glory for me" was very much ap- preciated. Ne.xt ca.me the ecthus- iastic address of Mrs. E. C. Murray of Flciherton. She based her ad- aftemoon was spent. The program dress on St. John Chap. 13 ver*Ji opened by the reading of the Srd., -J-^ and -34. She sai-i that a disting- chapler of John, followed by thei uishing mark in a person's characer Lord's Prayer. Then all took part ^ should be "that ye love one another" PORTLAW Power House and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. John Eyies visited the former's parents in Creemore one day last week. Mr. Fred Wiokens had a cow that had a pair of fine twin calves; both doing well. iMr. Cecil Dillon, the great-great hockey plaj-tr of the New York Rang- ers, visited his brother, Mr. Karl Dillon of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ward of Dun- can were visitors over Sunday at Mr. Cecil Fawcett's. Mr. and Mrs. Jerick of this place visited tho former's parents in To- ronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Mc.\ffee and daugh- ter, Ida, also Bob Eagles of Owen Sound visited Mrs, John WickJenfe over the week end. Mr. Arthur Wickens has gone to help his uncle. Mr. C. Camack with his seeding. Litt!|' Miss Loreen jVeiis is on the sick list at the time of writing. IN MEMORIAM RADLEY â€" In loving memory ol a dear hu-sband and father, James Ernest Radley, who pas.«ed away op May 3, 1932. â€" -Alwai-s remembered by Wife and Children. Mr. J. .\. Thompson received tht" unwelcom.e news last week that his iister, Mrs. Wm. Blackburn, of Stay- ntv had sustained a fracture of her hip bone, the result of falling do\vn stairs and that her condition is crit- ical. Mrs. Geo. McMaster is very ser- iously ill with a complication of troubles. Another little boy has arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Blak«y. Mr. R. 0. Meldrum and -Mr. Cecil Meldrum have both been down with a severe attack of the flu. â- VVe are glad to hear that Mrs. Wm. Fisher, who is in Markdale hospital for treatment with a fractured leg, is progressing as well a? might be expected. Litst Wednesday tho anniversary of Mrs. L. Badgerow's birthday, the ladies of Rock Mills and -Mount Zion associations met in her home through invitation and participated in the celebration of the event. A good time was thoroughly enjoyed, birth- day gifts were presented and the best of good wishes to Mrs. Badge- row for many happy returns of her birthdav. m singing, contests, etc. At the close a dainty lunch was serv^ed by the hostess. The Rock Mills Ladies* Aid will hold their monthly meeting at the Baptist church on. May ITth. Lunch com., cake, Mrs. J. Porteous, Mrs. J. J. Boyce; sand., Mrs. .A.. English. Mrs. Earl Croft. FEVERSHAM Milton NichoUs Had Narrow Escape From Death What might have resulted in a very serious accident occurred in the farm- er;-' mill here one day last week While the assistant miller, Mr. Milton Nicholl. was oiling the bearing on the main shaft in the bastTiient of the mill his clothes became wound around the shaft. Luckily he caught a spout show love for one another, if by sacri- fice, show love for fellow men by helping them. We must be willi.ng to sacrifice to he!? missions. Next to our homes we should help others to know about Jesus; his life and his love. Mrs. Murray as a repre.sont- ative of the W. M. S. gave an ex- planation of a missionary society, an associate society, etc. The W.M.S. is a small part of the church work; it's object is to ir.spire a spirit ot prayer and service among the peopl-i. tc develop a missionary spirit and to secure a means of support to help others to learn about the Almighty. Mrs. Murray's address was very in- teresting. .A. pleasing number, "Tell me the old. old story" was rendered by the Misses Delsa Kaitting and Bernice Campbell, with Miss Muriel Carruthers presiding at the organ. -A. vote of thanks was tendered to those- assisting with the progra.m. .A Interest Centres On Washington Meeting The centre of interest is Washing- on, with everyone hoping that the and was able to keep himseU' from solo. -.My Task" was sweetly "sun> OWL CRASHES THROUGH WIN- DOW OF C. N. TRAIN Engineer Bowles, in charge of the C. N. R. passenger train which ar- livtd in Owen Sound from Stratfonl on Saturday night, wa-s the victim of a most unusual aa-ident. He was driving his train alonj: at a speed of about -45 miles an hour a short distance south of Park Head when SPECIAL ASCENSION DAY eing whirled around the rapidly re volving shaft, driven by a forty-five horsepower turbine water wheel. Mr. Springgay, the miller, who was in the top flat at the time, noticed the speed slowing, and, after quick thinking, rushed down and shut the water off. no doubt thereby saving Mr. Nicholl's life, as he was weakening rapidly and could not have ktpt his hold en the spout another minute. If he had lost his hold the revolving shaft would have dashed him on the cement floor of the basement. Although badly shocked and bruised he is able to move around, but is unable to work. Mr. Jas. Davidson has moved to his farm or? the Twelfth Line. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Kernahan have returned to their home here, after spending the winter in Toronto. Mrs. W. G. Dand and Mrs. Harry Horton and son, Stanley, of Long Branch motored up and were week end visitors with the former's par- I'nts, Mr. and Mrs. R. Colquttte. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson of Col- lingwood were visitors with Mrs. Will Davidson's mother, Mrs. .\. J. Conron. Miss Shouldice spent the week end at her home at Chatsworth. BORN CAMERON â€" In Artenwsia on Wednesday, .\pril 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dannie Cam^-on, the g^ift of a baby girl, Eleanor Joan. Flesherton'.o half holiday commenc- es this Thursday afternoon. EYE 8PECIAIJST a>MlNG J. G. Russell. R. O., will be at .ArmstronK's Jewellery store. May 2?, 30. 31. Anyone wish- ing to have their eyes examined, lenses changed, or new frames fitted bo .«ure to come in and see Pr. Russell. suddenly there was a crash in the cab of hi3 window and a large owl came hurtling through. The bird came in with teiTific force and nearly threw Engin-eer Bowles off his seat. It put up quite a scrap before it was captured and Mr. Bowles was badly scratched about the face and hands. On arrival in Owen Sound a physic- ian examined Shj Engineer, but his injuries were not of a serious r.wture. The owl was killed and will be stuff- ed. It is thought that the owl mis- judged tho height at whicn it was flying: and just accidentally hit the cab window. â€" Owen Sound Sun- Times. StMary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. OMham. Holy 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer Communion and sermon. TRINITY CHI RCH. PROTON STA. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible clas-5. "In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine ha'.id: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both alike shall be good." Ecclesiastes 11: 6. by Miss Donalda Sloan with org.\r> accompaniment by Miss Carruthers. The closing hymn waj "Breathe on me." Collection was iaken up by Mesdames J. and S. Campbell. Mrs. Chas. Martin acted as sec. protem for the meeting. _, The meeting clos- ed with pravf- by Mrs. McNeill. Lunch was ser.-ed in the basement and a social half hour spent. There wa s a fair attendance at church on Sunday. Rev. McNeill preachtd a very interesting sermon from Matthew Chap 14. verse 2; Peter on the Water." His sermon r.cxt Sunday will be "Peter in tht firelight." Come ajid hear about this disciple Peter. The Sunday school attendance numbered 46. Moth- er's Day will K> observed in our. chuivh on Sunday. May 14. when the I Sunday school and church service will combine for the occasion. j Mr. Douglas Bond of Long Branch j arrived on Sunday to enjoy a day's j trout fishing with Mr. Jacob Will- 1 iaras. I We are sorry to report Mrs. Chas I Hanley's mother. Mrs. G. McMaster I of Wai-tham very ill at present. W. ! hope to hear of her speedy recovery. Mr. W. G. (Bill) Davies and daugh tcr. Miss Dorothy, and Mr. J. Ross Lehman and son. Master Hedley of Toronto visited on Sunday with the latter's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams. 'Mrs. Lehman and Mrs. Davies are, assisting at the bed- side of their mother, who is yet quite ill. There has been: a little improve- ment in her condition the past weok and we trust that God will bestow His blessings upon her and soon rt- store her to her good health again. Her sister, Mrs. Herb. Smith and hus- band of Owen Sound called to see her on Sunday. Mr. Wesley Cooey has rsturn^d from Toronto. Miss Lottie Graham spent th^ week t-nd with {Mrs. Will. Webe.-, near Vandeleur. Miss Donalda Sloan spent the week end with Flesherton friends. Mr. and .MVs. Ed. Graham and daughter of Thornbury visitetl friends in this community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison and two sons from near Walkert)'* spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts and Norval. The- Eugenia boys w-jll play foc'- ball this sunimer. They have beer, practicing during the {"ast couple oi .-Vgent^ weeks. On Saturday evening th»r.' J. F. Acheson, phone Dundalk 53 t 13, '* K^'"? *« t>^ a ^^f> between the Stanley Patton. Maxwell P.O. I married and single men omic Conference. However, we have had such screaming headlines and ballyhoo on conferences that we are now waiting to be convinced. Mrs. J. E. Dobson and son, Alex., returned home after visiting friends in Priceville. -A. dance was held in the .Agricul- tural hal!. Tufsday night, when a large crowd was present. The Dory i • , ^ v r._; ". . 'I , .„ . , . I conversations between the Prime orchestra trom Cedarvule [supplied',,. â- . , , „ - . ,. â- •.< , ,. . I KK Mimsters and t.ie President wtil re- fine music and all had a good time. ' . • • i- j j. _ _ » : suit m understanding: and a determ- Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean and : ination to tackle with a wiU the mone- Murray McMillan, Mr. Frank Reiley , .^ry. trade and debt; problems of the a.nd son, Donald, Mr. IXnald ilcMill- j ^-ouiitries involved. There does seem an and Neil McLeod. Mrs. .Archie } some basis for hope that with the McLc-an and son, and Miss NeUie grro-jad preoared, something substan- ilcLean. attended the funeral of the I ^jai will res'ul; from the World Econ- latf Miss Eifie McMillan, daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMiUan, Hol- :;tein, last week. Mr. Innis McLean has gone to To- ronto. Mr. Dougald Maephail from the "•est i;s visiting his mother, ilrsi, Isaac PinktTton. and other friends. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. .Vllie McLean is in the hospital with pneumonia, all are hoping for a speedy recovery. The Young People of Salem pre- sented their play. "Mother Mine"' in j St. Columba church on Friday night. -A good crowd was present and en- joyed the play very much. -A hard-time social was held Friday evening in the basement of the Pres- b;.-terian church, under the auspices of the Willing Helpers society. Rev. Dr. Mclvor opened with prayer and then presided over the meeting. Mr. Colin McLean with violin, accom- panied by Mrs. John McMeekin at piano gave a number of selections. Community singing was also enjoyed. Miss Monica Lambert gave a read- lug. "HW CoL.ld-''t .Afford," which was enjoyed. Miss Alma Hooper gave a couple of instrumentals on tho piano, followed with a duet by Messrs. Thos. and Jno. Nichol. Rev. Dr. Mclvor gave a very splendid talk on "Humor of Ministers." .A play entitled "The Old Maid" was given The House has now got down to odds and ends. The Railway Bill has become more or less steady diet with the detailed items of the bud- get and the Radio Commission serv- ing as relish. Mr. Pouliot went so far as to jocularly threaten to twig the whiskers of the chairman of tht- Radio Commission. Let us hope it will not come to that, but should Mr. Pouliot so far forget himself 1m would find the whiskers luxuriant. Two Liberal members. Mr. Charles Howard of Quebec and F. G. Sander son of Perth, levelled serious charges maintaining that the news of the sugar ta-x had leaked out and several firms had bought up great quantities out of which they made enormous profits at the' expense of the Domin- ion Treasury. The Finance Minister, Hon. E. N. Rhodes, said the Depart- ment had inve-stigated and reached the conclusion that the revenue it had lost would not amount to more than two million dollars. It seems enough! Mr. Rhodes admitted this was "contrary to the national inter- est" and gave assurance that sucii an occurrence would be guarde I and W3.= humorous from start to fin- i against in future budgets. He said ish. The hard time parade in Paris : th« main trouble was the spread of caused much fun. Miss Nellie Mc- 1 (Continued on Page 4) t*'********'^******"8-!-C>*<>***<-^«-»** â- »»»^»»»»»»»»»8 ♦♦<♦♦♦» SERVICE MAY 23 The -Anglican Clergy of Grey con- vened at Shelburne on Monday, May 1st. the guests of Rev. R. P. D. and Mrs. Hurford. It was decided to hold a special .Ascension Day service at 8 p.m. on Thursday. May 25th. in St. James chuivh. Markdale. The massed choirs and cler.gy of the south- ern parishes comprising, Durham. Markdale. Maxwell. Dundalk. Proton. Melarcthon and Shelburne \\;ill be present and render the evening pray- -.T service in full. It will be choral and all church of England choirs and adherents are asked to keep the ser- vice and date in mind and attend it possible. It will be a most fitting incident to commemorate the anni- versary of our Lord's ascension to heaven. BIGGER AND BETTER CROPS PER -VCRE WILL M.VKE 1933 PROFITS BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTH-E FUNER.A.L SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR D-\Yâ€" Klngsoale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chapel J. W. Bates Fred Maddooks Richard Maddocks, Mtnaxci* Formerlv of Flesherton ♦»»^'~^^^^'»»»^»»'»»»f~»<"»>»>»»» ^ »»» » SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer applieil this spring will give better returns. It pays to Fertilise and SHUR-GAIN| Fertilizer Pav,<s Best ' The House ol Qurlity ^' SPECIALS SOD.\ BISCUITS 2 Lbs. 25c AVI.MKR TOM.XTOE SOUP 3 Tins 25c -VYI.MKR \EGETABLK SOUP 3 Tins 25c DUTCH SEIT OXIOXS per lb. 10c MULTIPLIER OXIOXS per lb. 4c Flour and Feed RED CLOVER MAM. CLOVER ALSIKE ALFALFA TIMOTHY SWEET CLOVER Purina All Mash Startena for Baby Chicks JAS A. STEWART FLESHERTON