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Flesherton Advance, 26 Apr 1933, p. 1

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«» Vol. ':^2; No. 46 W^t S{ft^))txim atrwttc^* FLESHERTOX, APRIL 26. 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON PROTON STATION ff . Miss Doris Stewart left on Monday , to attend Normal at Toronto. ^ (Vliss Margaret Sinclair spent a , couple of days in Toronto last week. The Gospel Workers of Markdale held Prayer meeting at the home of Mr. S. Hemphill on Friday evening. Mr. Jack .White has returned to his teaching duties in "Toronto after spending Easter week with his moth- er. Mrs. McCormack and little daugh- , ter of Swinton Park spent a few days , with her mother, Mrs. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. H. Houston and fam- ily, and Miss Marion Muir, who have been visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir, left the first of the . week for Peterboro. . iMrs. W. C. White and daughter , Laura, were first of the week visitors , with friends at Springhill. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rutledge and • family of Holland Centre visited the first of the week with their parents , here. , Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair motored to Harriston, Sunday, to visit the former's mother. • Miss Bonnycastle returned on Sat- • urday after spending Easter at her • home at Campbellford. . Miss D. Fisher, who spent Easter . at her home in Paisley returned tc , • her teaching duties on Monday. Mr. McLeod of Priceville visited the first of the week with his son here. Mrs. D. Adam-s and Mrs. J. Mc- Williaras and daughter, Nancy, were first of the week visitors with friends • in Proton. Mrs. Judd Sr., and son, Mr. Judd, of London motored over and spent the week end at Mr. J. D. Mcleod's. i. Her daughter, Mrs. Jack McLeod and babe returned with her to spend a month. Mr. George Jaynes left on Monday to join the extra C.P.R. men, who start work near Caledon. Rev. Mr. Scott gave a very inter- esting account on Sabbath afternoon of his work as a pastor. Commenc- ing in the west as the first settlers ^ entered and where he taught school, those were the happy days while many hardships were endured. In looking back over the years and seeing won- derful advancement of God's work and growth of population he has no re- gret. Mr. Scott sang "Lord Lead Me Gently Home," which was enjoy- ed by the congregation. On Tuesday evening of last week, neighbors and friends of this com- munity gathered in the church, that a social hour might be spent with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist, who left on Monday of this week to reside on their farm in Osprey. Rev. W. J. Scott acted as chairman in his usual happy manner. All joined in sing- ing', "Smile, Smile", after which the following contributed to a very en- joyable program: Mrs. Don McLeod and Master Goldwyn Kennedy each gave an instrumental on the organ; Mrs. J. McWilliams and Miss Marg- aret Sinclair, solo each; a dialogue by Laura White and Allan Haw; read- ings by Irene Mathewson. "Boys are Queer"; Melville Hunt, "iWhen Pa is Sick"; Edna Marshall, "Making a Cake for Mother"; Harvey Archibald, "Thp Village Blacksmith", after which Rev. Mr. Scott spoke of the removal from ov.v village of neighbors who had resided so many years in our midst, sharing in joys and soiTows and at all times ready to assist in every good They will be mis?, ed hy all from this place, but theli removal is only a few miles and they will be able to return often, where they will always receive a welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Gilchrist were then called to the front where M'. Mc- Wiiiiams re*d an adJ.ess and Mr. Haw, on behalf of this community presented them with o beautiful Al- ladin reading lamp as a small token of love and respect of their friends here. Mr. Gilchrist very feelingly on behalf of himself and Mrs. Gil- christ thanked all for the gift and good will and a hearty invitation was extended to all to visit them. Sev- eral choruses were sung and the Miz- path repeated which brought a very enjoyable evenin^r to a close. Easter holidays are ended and teachers and students have departed to their various duties. Public school opened here this (Monday) morning with Mr. G. Littlejohns of Markdale again in charge. This is the term when beginners embark on their edu- cational career. Three %yee tots have made their start in the Proton Sta- tion school today. The fine weather is drying the land and farmers are beginning to turn the sod for another year's harvest ^'he roads are also drying and 1- though rough, travel is possible. Mr. and Mrs. A. Hendei-son and Mrs. Henderson Sr., of Buffalo and Mrs. Brawley of Beaton were guests last Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke and little son, Roy, of Toronto visited Mrs. and Miss Park, also at the home of Mr. Joe Park. Mr. and Mrs. James Burton and family of Toronto are visiting at Mrs. Burton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville. Mr. Lloyd .Wauchope is relieving the section foreman at Markdale. Rev. H. B. Jackson and son, Em- mett, daughter, Miss Leila Jackson^ and Miss McLelland, spent Sunday at Harriston. Next Sunday will be Mr. Bannis- ter's last Sunday on the Proton Sta- tion charge and we are exceedingly sorry to lose him. Mr. Bannister is finishing his college course with splendid honors and will be ordained at the close of the year. We wish for him a life of consecrated usefulness. Young men, such as he, are much needed in the world at this particular time. Mr. Young of Emmanuel Col- lege comes to us for next year. The Proton Station charge is very for- tunate in the students who are sent to carry on the work. The United chi^rch W.M.S. quilted a nice quilt for their bale last Wed- nesday afternoon. IThe quilt was donated by Mi-s. Vause. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Woods of Chats- worth were callers on Proton Station friends on Sunday. Miss Jean McCannell of Toronto spent the holiday week at her home here. EUGENIA VICTORIA CORNERS Jno. Robertson of Hamilton visited at Milton Bannon's for Easter. Mrs. Bannon and Doris returned with him as far as Toronto for a few days. Delbert, Lorena and George Bannon of Dundalk visited the Bannon's. Mrs. Henderson (who was formerly Martha Henderson), Mr. and Mrs. Alva Henderson of Buffalo, also Mrs. Bromley Beeton visited at Chas. Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Ren. Acheson and children of iMaxwell visited at Will. Acheson's. Y.P.S. last wtek was held at the home of Milton Bannon and all en- joyed a taffy-pull. Was it good? Yum, Yum. Helen Moore is spending a month in Smithville. Mr. Sandy Acheson, Markdale, vis- ited at Wilfred Gallagher's. IN MEMORIAM Don't forget that there is a Mis- sionary meeting in the Eugenia Unit- ed Church on Friday afternoon of this week, to commence at 3 p.m. We are Wry sorry to report that owing to illness it will be impossible for the returned missionaries to be present at the meeting, but two very enthusiastic speaker*!, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Scott of Flesherton, will be present. There will also be a number of musical sel- ections on the program. Lunch will be served. Be sure and attend for you will enjoy yourself. We are sorry that Mrs. Jacob Wil- liams' condition has not improved very much. Nurse' Wright has returned to her home for a rest and Dr. Milne and nurse Proctor are now in attend- ance. We hope there is a decided change for the better soon. Miss Donalda Sloan spent her Easter vacation in Toronto. Miss Margaret Sinclair. 8th line teacher, also spent her holidays with friends in Toronto. Mr. Sam MacDonald returned Sat- tirday to Torontato resume his teach- ing duties there. .Master Andrew Armstrong of Long Branch, Ont., spent his Easter vaca- tion at the home of Wilfred Magee. On Sunday Rev. McNeill based his sermon on the disciple Peter, taking his text from John 1: 41 and 42 and Matthew 16:18. As usual he deliver- ed a fine sermon. As the church is the most important factor in the com- munity there should be a larger at- tendance. The Sunday School at- tendance was 42 and collection $1.34. Mr. and Mrs. T. Hazard and baby, Vernon, of Ceylon spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett the first of the week. We extend our sympathy to the re! • atives of the late Mr. Fred Weldrick whose death occurred last week. Miss Queenie Kaitting from near Owen Sound and her brother, Guy, spent Easter holidays with their brother, Mr. Wm. Kaitting, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and family of Owen Sound visited Sunda.v with Mr. Jos. Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pm-vis and children of Toronto visited over the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Littif Miss June remained for a longer visit with her grandparents. Miss Erva Magce, 8th line, spent her Easter vacation with her cousin, Miss Bernice Campbell. The L.O.L. held a very successful dance in their hall Friday evening. FEVERSHAM LADY BANK EAST MOUNTAIN The funeral of the late Mr. Fred Weldrick, who died at the G. and M. hospital, Collingwood, on Thursday, April 20th, was held from the hc:ne of his son, John, on the homestead on Saturday, April 22nd, to Bethel cem- etery on the 10th line. .A. large number of people gathered to pay their last respects to one of Osprey's life long residents, who was well and favorably known. The service at the house and grave was conducted by Rev. F. Dean of the Gospel Workers church, Fevershani. Mr. Weldrick leaves to mourn his passing his sor- rowing v/idow. two daughters and one son, namely, Reta, Mrs. John RaJley of Singhampton; .\nnie, Mrs. George Ottewell, on the twelfth line and John on the homestead; also one brother, Mr. Chas. Weldrick of Feversham and two sisters, Mrs. A. McGowan of Rav- enna and Mrs. Frank Savers on the tenth line. There were a numbei of friends from a distance in attend- ance: Mr. and ifj-s. .\. McGowan and son and Mr. and Mrs. D. MGov^-an and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Weldrick and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weldrick of Ravenna. The Foresters held their service at the grave as Mr. Weldrick had been a member of Court Fever- sham number 5.'34 C.O.F. for over 20 years. The pallbearers were six of his brother Foresters, namely: Wm. Osborne, Robert Colquette, E. Robin- son. Wm. Bewell, Mark Murphy and Jas. M.Kenxie. The sympathy ot the whole neighborhood is extended to the bereaved ones. iMis. John Smalley and family of Collingwood were recent visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barber. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby motored to Collingwood on Sunday and visited their son, James, and family. Mr. and Mrs. ,Wni. Tyler have mov- ed into the village. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wright of Ma-\wtll spent Sunday with Mrs. Wright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Hawton. Miss Edith Heitman of Flesherton high school spent the holidays at her home here. Misses F. and E. Hemphill of Flesh- erton were week end visitoi-s with Misses Mary and Maggie Speer. Mr. Howard McKee spent Sunday with friends in Owen Sound. (Last Week's Items) Dull weather at present with little growth. The Ladies' Aid and neighbors cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Benson met at their late home one evening of last week to spend a few hours with them before t'neir leaving this neighborhood to reside at Eugenia. The Ladies' Aid presented to Mrs. Benson, one of their sister members, a linen bordered table cloth, given as a small token of re- membrance. Mrs. Dave Roberts read the address, while Mrs. Wm. Semple made the presentation, and all joined in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Benson and family every sacces . In a few well chosen words Mrs. Benson thanked the members. The Easter visitors to the commun- ity from a distance were Mrs. Leslie McMullen and two children from Kiniberley with Jlrs. Mary McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett and Mr. Geo. McConnell of Kimberley with Mr. ant! ilrs. P. Semple, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Benson and son with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. B. McConnell and babe of Kimberley; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Craham and babe of the Beaver Valley, Mr. Fred Semple and lady friend. Miss Lawrence, of Toronto and Weston with Mr. and Mrs ,Wm. Semple; Mrs. Harold McCut- cheon and daughter of Flesherton with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Sewell. Those from hefe who visited at other points were: Mr. Ed. Harbottle with his sister. Mrs. Geo. Harbottle. at East Moutnain. who is in ill health; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson with the latter's aun, Mrs. John Tyson, and sons at Maple Grove. Mi-s. George Ottewell attended the bedside of her father, Mr. Fred Weld- rick, near Feversham, who is at pres- ent very ill in the G. and M. Hospital at Collingwood. We hope to receive good news very soon of all those in poor health being restored to health again soon. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dobson and son visited with friends at Meaford. Messrs. Ernie Thompson and Thos. McCullough are kept busy these days with their sawing outfits. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen and little daughter, Eleanor, visited re- cently with the latter's sister, Mrs. J. Brackenbury, Flesherton. Mr. Ed. Harbottle spent Sunday with his sister. Mrs. G. Harbottle, who has been confined to her bed. Her many frientis hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. Thompson Allen spent Easter with his brother, William, at Snnnidale. Visitors the past week at the home of Robt. McMullen were: Mrs. .Andrew Fawcett, Mr?. Cecil Fawcett and little Beth of Kimberley. Mrs. Cecil Betta and little daughter of Rock Mills and Miss Dorothy Wolstencroft. ol Flesherton. Miss Almeda Weber is spending the Easter vacation at her parental home in Kimberley. TORONTO LINE NORTH VANDELEUR ROC: MILLS DUNCA'N â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Wm. Duncan, who passed away at Arm- strong, B.C., on April 17th, 1932. The years are quickly passing Though still we can't forget. For in the hearts that love you Your memory lingers yet. â€"Sadly missed by Wife and Son. EYE SPECLVLIST COMING J. G. Russell, R. O., will be at Armstrong's Jewellery store. May 2<), 30, 31. Anyone wish- ing to have their eyes examined, lenses changed, or new frame.'! fitted be sure to come in and sec Dr. Russell, â- v^ . PLAY IN PRICEVILLE The young people of Salem church. Proton, will present their play, "Moth- er Mine" in St. Columba church, Priceville, on April 28th, (Friday evening.) Admission: 26 and 15 cents. PORTLAW StMary '8 Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Manriec F. OMham. Sunday school at 10 a.m.and divine service at 11 a.m. on Sundav, May 7th. TRINITY CHURCH. PROTON STA. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. 3 p.m. â€" Evening prayer service and sermon. "Open to me the gates of righteous- ness: I will go into them and I will praise the Lord." Psalm 118: 19. Mr. Wilfred Lockhart. a Dundalk boy, has been winning laurels at Im- manuel College, having secured four scholarships, which net him a nice sum of money and entitles him to a free course at the University Edin- borough, Scotland. This clever young man is a nephew of Mrs. J. W. Lyons of this place, and pre.tched very acceptably in Mount Zion church during thf pastor's holidays last sum- mer. Mrs. McLeod of Flesherton spent the week end at the home of her son, Mr. James Hopps. Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Gilchrist of Ceylon are moving to their farm on the third line, which they intend to operate this year. Bert Hopps left last week <|or Dobbinton, where he has secured a job foi- th? summer. The W, A Are working on an autograph quilt. A nominal fee en- titles the donor to have his or her name ornament the space between spokes of a wheel, and also to a pos- sibility of winning the completed quilt. We haw day dream-s of dream- ing under this cycled coverlet. Mount Zion Sunday school was re- organized last Sunday, when a full staff of officers and teachers was elected. With a few changes In the personnel the staff ie practically the same as last year. The school will commence on the first Sunday in May at one o'clock p.m. All are invited to come. BIGGER AND BETTTER CROPS PER ACRE WILL MAKE 1933 PROFITS School opened on Monday after tlie Ej-ster vacation. BORN â€" On Thursday, April 20th. to Mr. and Mi^. Herb Betts. the gift ;f a daughter. Miss Ita Pedlar of .Markdale spent the week end at her parental home here. Master Garth McDowell of Toron- to spent Easter week with his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foster. Rev. H. B. Jackson and daughter, Susan, of Proton called on Miss Edith Betts one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens and family of Kimberley were recvnt vi-;. itors with the Pedlar families. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. Binning- ton of Maxwell visited with the lat- ters brother here, Mr. Tho's. Betts, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen of East Mountain '. e visitors on Sun- day with relatives here. Messrs. George and Louie Newell! of Durham visited the first of the week with their hrothtr, Mr. W. J. I -Newell, and family. The mill started On Tuesday morn- ing afld it will only take a few weeks to cut the stock this season. We are glad to hear the old whistle once again. Mrs. Gordon Kellar of Toronto is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. John- son. Mrs. Catherine Davidson is home for a few days after spending several months near Ottawa. Mr. Lome Cattenden has returned to the Soo. after spending the winter NVith Mr. and Mrs. Limdy Johnson. At the Y. P. S. on Friday evening ing Mr. Howard Graham gave a good address and Miss Violet Fitzsimmon-^ read the lesson and gave out the hymns. A good recreational pro- gram followed. Work on the land is getting started in earnest. Read the Small Advertisements Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Perigoe, Kath- leen and Douglas of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson and son, Billie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson, Barrhead, Miss I. Lever of Toronto spent the Easter vacation at her parental home here. M- 5. J. Beecrof t and Marion, Mrs. Myles and daughter, Ruth, of Owen Sound are visiting the former's sis- ter, Mrs. E. Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Colquette of Owen Sound were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mrs. Thos. Lever and Gertrude vis- ited with Markdale friends recently. EISENDRATH AT MAPLE VALLEY Hear Rabbi Eisendrath, noted auth- ority on pre-sent-day conditions and well known to radio audiences, at Maple Valley Presbyterian Hall, on Wednesday evening, May 3rd, under the auspices of Badjeros Citizenship Forum. Subject: "Is There a Way Out?" Admission: 15 cents. IN MEMORIAM FISHER â€" In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Jas. Fisher, who passed away April 22nd. 1926. Anchored on the golden shore. Sheltered by the Rock of Ages, In the loving arms of Jesus Rest, dear mother, evermore. Ever remembered by â€"THE FAMILY S***^^^'>'»»»^»*»'>»»<'»»»»»»C>»»»«>»»»»»»»»*4»»»»9^^ « »»»»<» BATES BURIAL CO'Y I 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. ManajeB Formerly of Flesherton ! SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer applied this spring will give better returns. It pays to FertiUzc and SHUR-GAIN Fertilixer Pays Best Agents â€" J. F. Arhe.son, phone Dundalk 33 r IS Stanley Patlon, Maxwell P.O. Supply of Quality Cattle Very Limited, Says Duncan "The first essential in profitablt beef production," said Garnet H. Dun- can, livestock investigator, Ontaric Marketing Board, "is that of supply- ing' the domestic market with the quality desired by consumers. "Breeders and feeders can reach this domestic market by producing properly finished, early maturing livestock. This type meets with ready sale, and answers the requirements for government graded beef. "In my opinion, a visit to the mar- ket would definitely convince producN ers that while there is a real demand for this type of livestock, the supply is more than limited. * The House oi Quelity ^^ 4 DOZ. CLOTHES PIXS 10c L-\RGE BOTTLE OLIVES 23c WHE-V FL-\KES, 5,'4 LB. BAG 20c RED CLOVER MAMMOTH CLOVER ALFALFA ALSIKE TIMOTHY SWEET CLOVER All these are No. 1 seed and our prices are right Flour and Feed BR AX SHORTS SCREENINGS BARLEY CHOP FULL LINE PURIXA CHOWS SEVERAL BRANDS HIGH GRADE FLOUR ORDERS TAKEN FOR TWEDDLES BABY CHICKS JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON

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