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Flesherton Advance, 29 Mar 1933, p. 1

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'Ehje /ksij^rtutt ^t^mnu. -«-, I . .;. - â- *'i * J i- ^ t^ v/ s-* Vol. 52. No 42 Flesherton, Ontario. March 29. 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors VANDELEUR A very successful masquerade paity was held in the basement of tht church on Friday evening, March IT undir the auspices of the Y.P.S. Mr. Geo. Buchansn gave a short address, after which the costumes were judg- ed. The prize winners were as fol- lows: Best costume. Miss Thompson; best costume under 12 years, Evelyn Magee; comic, John and Dora Boland. The judges were Messrs. Will. Hutch- inson, L. Johnston and Frank Davis. A good program of songs, music, dtories and games followed, which was in charge of Mr. C. Colgan. Miss Lillian Buchanan, Mrs. L. Johnson and Miss Cargoe. At the Y. P. S. meeting last Fri- day night Mrs. Lundy Johnston gave the addrejs. Mrs. S. Fitzsimmons read the lesson and Miss Lilliar Buchanan and Violet Fitzsimmons had charge of the recreational pro- gram. The Women's Institute held theii March meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Davis on Thursday aftemoor of last week. The meeting was largely attended, an interesting pro- gram was provided, and considerabk business was transacted, following which a dainty luncheon was served Miss Dorothy Hare of Markdak si)€nt the week end with friends here Mr. Everett Graham is home aftei undergoing an operation for appendi- citis in the Owen Sound hospital. Mr. Harold Thompson motored to Orangeville for the week end; VICTORIA CORNERS CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Long wish to thank their freindi and neighbors foi the many acts of kindness shown them since their barn was destroyed by fire. The town of Preston is allowing a discount of five per cent, for prepay- ment of taxes. The outstanding feature of the to- bacco-growing industry in Canada continues to be the growing import- ance of the bright flue-cured type, declares the Economic Annalist. Pro- duction of this type has risen from 8^* million pounds in 1928 to 27 mill- ion pound-s in 1932. Milton Bannon when undressing the other evening discovered the loss of his wat:h. A thorough search was made with no results. The last he remembered having it was just be- fore feeding chop. A search of the chop baiTei gave no results. The pig trough was next vi^ted, but no watch. However, the last place he looked he found it, lying in the cows manger. It had not even stopped going. The ring which held it though broken, was found too. Jno. Duncan got his knec' hurt while in the bush. The Y.P.S. held their annual meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Jno. Duncan on Friday evening. The following officers were elected: President, Sylvia Acheson; 1st vice, Kingsley Gallagher; 2nd vice, Russel Acheson; 3rd vice, Gordon Acheson; 4th vice. Helen Moore; 5th vTce, Margruerite Batchelor; sec, George Moore; treas. Jim Gallagher; organist, Florence Batchelor. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Linton have moved to their new home. Mrs. ,Wm. Cantrel and daughter. Sheila, Toronto, are visiting the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Corbett and family of Beth«l visited at Mr. Jno H. Richardson's. CEYLON PRICEVILLE Miss Lorna Chard, who spent a I A St. Patrick social was held in week with her friend, Mrs. Gibson, the basement of the United chur:h on has returned to her home near Ma.x-| Friday evening, March 17th, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. The nigh: was ideal, a good crowd attending, and all enjoyed the fine entertainment that was giv- en. Rev. Mr. Moir acted as chair- man and presided in a very efficient manner. Mrs. H. B. McLean sang a solo, which was much enjoyed. Mrs. Peter Muir and Mrs. H. B. McLc>an sang a duet, ''There's a Pretty Spot in Ireland." Rev. Mr. Moir gave a splendid address on St. Patrick. Mrs. Harry Houston gave a couple of in- strumenlals on piano which were much enjoyed. -A trio corapri-sed ot M.S. Peter Muir, Misses Belle Weir and Bertha James sang "The Harp well. Miss Reta Hemphill, who spent the past fortnight with Toronto friends returned home on Saturday. Mrs. Marshall went to Toronto Sat- urday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Stewart Sr., at Bolton. Mr. Stanley .White of Toronto spent a couple of days with his mother, Mrs. W. C. White. Mrs. Macphail, who spent a month with her daughter in Toronto has re- turned home. Mrs. Gowanlock of Port Elgin has taken a position with Mrs. Macphail. Mr. J. Lambert, who has resided several years here, purchased a farm from Mr. Ira Schell near Berkeley; that once through Taia's Hall." A and moved his effects there the past number of choruses were also en- FEVERSHAM StMary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. Sunday school and Bible class at 10 a.m. and Divine -service at 11 a.m. on Sunday, April 9th. Trinitv Church. Proton Station SUNDAY. APRIL 2nd 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school amd Bible class. 3 p.m. â€" Evening prayer service and sermon. ".And it came to pass when the time was come that He should be re- ceived up. He stedfastly «et his face to go to Jerusalem." St. Luke 9: 51. Mr. and Mrs. H. -Alexander have returned home after a week's vi-sit with their daughter, Mrs. W. R. Col- quette and family in Owen Sound. Miss Mae Whiteoak of Toronto is visiting with her sister, Mrs. James Davidson and family here. Mrs. John Robinson Sr., a resident of this village for a number of years, .elebrated her eighty-ninth birthday on March 2-5th. Her many friends wish her many returns of the day. Mrs. Robinson is still enjoying good health. Mr. and Mrs. McMaster of Ware- ham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Smith here. Miss Maxine Davidson and friend of Toronto is visiting at the former's home near here. Mrs. Ed. Croft of Rock Mill-s vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Harold Osborne, last week. Mrs. Donaldson is visiting with friends at Port Elgin. Miss Campbell of the fourth line visited with Mrs. McQuay here rec- ently. week Mrs. Woods and daughter of Chats- worth, and .Miss Keta Marshall, nurse in training at General hospital, Owen Sound, visited Mrs. Marshall and family here on Friday last. Mrs. Cecil .Archibald of Proton vis- ited her parents here the past week. Mr. M. Ferguson, who has been laid up with a sore foot is now able to be around again. Mr. Farquhar Oliver, M.P.P., left on Monday to resume duties in To- ronto at Parliament. The neighbors of the six corners in number about twenty gathered on Saturday evening to extend a wel come to Mr. and Mrs. Hadden Hutch- inson and family, also their ancle Mr. Hutchinson Sr., who moved rec- ently to the farm vacated Wilson. -An enjoyable evening wa-s spent in progressive euchre. .At mid- night a dainty lunch was served. Mr. Ben McKenzie and two sons visited the first of tiie week with M::-. McKenzie, who was operated on in Markdale hospital the past week and who is making splendid progress. joyed. The orchestra, Mrs. G. A\'hyte and Stewart Muir, witit violins, Miss Mary McKinnon and Mr. Mattie Mc- Conkey with guitars, a.'conipanied by Mrs. J. C. Harrison at the piano, gave a number of fine so'.sctions. Mr. Wm. Ramage gave a couple of songs. Mr. Frank Reiley gave a fine talk on the history of Ireland. -A number of group games embracing the months of January, February, March and -April were held, each group being known as O'Brien. Murphy and Finnj- gan, Fagan. Flannigan and O'Grady, The Flannigans seemed to be the most numerous. Each group came to the front and posed for a photo a.nd then sang a song or did some stunt. Other contests included one ic which a girl from each group to hy i-^.| diaw a pig on blackboard blindfolded. The prize winners in this were Misses -Anna McLean and -Allie Eckhardt (tied.) Then one man from each group, blindfolded, went to the tabk and kissed the blarney stone and Mr. -Angus McLean was the winner. -A son.g by Mr. N'eill McLeod was also enjoyed. -A bountiful lunch was then EUGENIA LADY BANK Tha St. Patrick's social given I'n- der the auspices of the Women's As- sociation in the basement of the church on Monday evening, March i7:h, was -a decided success. The evening was spent in games and con- tents. The articles in the "Myster- ious Grab Bag" were all disposed of. The proceeds of the social amounted to^.45. The program was arrang- ed by the young people of the com- munity and we extend our thanks to them fcr the enjoyable time. The Women's .As:;ociation met in the basement of the United church on Thursday afternoon, March 23rd, Viith the president, Mrs. Jack Camp- bell in the chair. There were nine members and four visitors present. The scripture reading was taken from h^^par^ntar home ~heVe. the Seth Psalm. The roll call was answered by an Irish joke. The next roll call is to be answered by a Biblic- al verse containing the word '"faith."' It was decided to quilt quilts for any person for the small sum of 50c., also to piece a quilt top. Mrs. Lewis Genoe and Mrs. Carruthers were ap- pointed to provide lunch and program for the next meeting. .A letter ot appreciation from Mrs. -Adam Smith for the pretty primrose plant sent by the W. .A. during her illness, was read by Mrs. C. Martin. The W. -A. sent a bouquet to Mrs. Jake Williams, wao is Ul in Owen Sound. The pro- gram part of the meet'ng "ronsisted of a reading by Mrs. Pedia:. a read- Tne Ladies' .Aid met at the home of Mrs. W. Wilson. March 8th, with a fair attendance. The April me«t-> ing will be held in Providence church on the 12th inst. The roll call is to be answered by an Ea^iter verse. Mem- bers please attend and visitors are welcome. Mr. Clark McConnell of Kimberley is at present spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semple. Miss Lillian Thompson has return* ed to her position at Ceylon. Miss Jeanette McMillan, who has spent the past few months with her mother and brothers here, has return- ed to duties in Torono. Miss Mildred Maxwell of Clarks- burg spent a few days recently at Mr. and Mrs. George Dobson and son, Ellwood, motored to Meaford oa Sunday to visit the laiter's mother, Mrs. Tom Reid and report the roads in good condition, better than they will be when the frost begins to leave the ground. Miss -Annie Dow of Flesherton is the guest of her friend, Mrs. Joe Sewell at present. Mr. and Mi-s. George Ottewell are this week moving onto the farm known in earlier days as the J. J. Kaitting property. Mr. Ottewell for the past few years worked one of Mr. -Albert Ho Uings head's farms. We learn that Mr. and Mrs. Benson, who have been on the J as. Davidson ing by Mrs. Cameron and then all drev.- slips decorated with shamrocks, ...i^h slip foiecasiina something in the future. Lunch was then served ! by Mrs. .W. Magee and Mrs. C. -Mar- â- â-  of friends at Eugenia at present. tm. The next meeting will be held . Mrs. Elizabeth Dobson, Mrs. Wm. m May, owing to the missionary meet- | a^d Mrs. Percy Semple, also Mrs. mg to be held in April. We wel- .Joshua Dobson spent an afternoon farm for the past year have leased Mr. H. Cairn's farm at Eugenia and will move there in the near future. Miss Marie Fenwick is the guest Mr. A. C. Mi'.ir had seed grain! served by the ladies, when a most arrive on Monday, also a car of oats which were unloaded on Tuesday. MAXWELL Read the Small Advertisements STOCK TRUCKIN6 Ths year I am reducing the charge for trucking stock to the market tc the low price of 25 cents for each 100 pounds. I also wish at this time to thank all my patrons for their business in the past few years. â€" D. E. SEELEY, Maxwell. WE ARE UNLOADING A CAR OF Edgewood Shingles SATURDAY, APRIL 1st, 1933 ' SHINGLES XXXXX, $3.90 PER SQ. CASH SHINGLES XXX, $3.40 PER SQ. CASH The next car will be hitrlier in price as shingles arc scarce Standard Canada Paint VARNISH. $2.00 PER GALLON VARNISH $1.00 PER QUART PAINT $1.00 PER QUART PURK SUN WAX JUST -\RRIVED AT 29c PER LB. TIN FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY Get our ptices on Wood Shingles, Steel Roofing, Asphalt, Roofing, Flooring, Doors, Gyproc Lime and Lath and all Builders* Supplies. ^ Flesherton Planing Mill 'Phone 24w - FLESHERTON Mrs. Jo'nn Milne held a very suc- cessful sale last Saturday despite the ;old day a large crowd attended. Good prices were received for both furni- ture and stock. Mrs. Milne will be greatly missed by her friends in thc community and church. Communion service will be held at the fotir appointments in the Ma-x- well circuit of the United church next Sunday. The circuit board of the United church will meet in the United church at Eugenia on Monday, .\pril 3rd. at 2.30 p.m. The ,W. I. are holding a sewing course, which commenced on Monday, with Miss Petty of Toronto as in- structor. Our school re-opened on'Tklonday enjoyable time was spent. Mi-s. John McFarlane, Toronto, is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Coiin McLean. Mr. C. E. Hincks and sister, Beth. spent the week end at their home. Mrs. .Allie McLean came home Tues- ' uay, after being a patient in Durham : hospital for six weeks.. Her many ! iriends are glad to know she is im- proving. Friends here are pleased to hear that Mrs. Ben M:Kenzie. who under- went a serious operation for aPpe"- dicitis on Monday is making satis- factory progre: come Visitors to the W. .A. meetings. We would like to hear of a greater ! improvement in Mrs. Jake Willia.m's ' health. I last week with Mrs. George Dobson, town line. Collingwood and assisted with a quilting bee. The young people of the neighbor- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bijgar and : hood are holding a praver and song the latter's sister. -Miss Muriel Fen- ; service on each Sabbath evening in wick of Owen Sound visited the past vaiious homes around here at 7.30 week with Jlr. and Mrs. Thos. Fen- p.m. The meeting next Sundav even- wick. Glad to hear that Mrs. -Adam Smith is able to be about again. Mrs. Fogg of Winnipeg is a visitor with her brother, Postmaster R. A. Park, and wife and family, also her brother, George. .A dance will be held at the home; of Thos. E. Fenwick, Eugenia, on 1 ing will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sewell. Evervbody wel- PAT WAS PUZZLED Pat was buying a clock. "This,"' said the persuasive assis- Friday. March 3lst. Ladies with lunch free. Gents 2oc. tant, "is an eight-day clock." Come where ! Pat scratched his head in wonder- you will have a good time. We are getting back to ground and people are now ment. j "What be an eight-day clock, mis- sound |ter?'' he asked. talking. ''One that will go for eight days I without needing winding." explained 1 the assistant. It would be all right being referred! "Begorrah," smiled the Irishman, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrisor spent the week end at the latter's , ^^'^'^^ ^*»e good old dimes, home. Congratulations to Mr. Hector Mc- 1 •â- " """>" "<: •»" i-s-ui. ^'cing reierrea| Eachern and Miss Adeline .Matilda] *° ''.^ ^ ""o^^^ husband if a person "how long would it go if you wound Becker of Ayton. who were mar- ; '^^^""'^ ^ave to look so meek. jit?" ried Wednesday, March 22nd. at the ; ' â-  Manse by Rev. Dr. Mac Ivor -A number of the farmers j^jj^.g ! »»»»»«»»»»»»<»»«~»<.»<>»»»»»»c<"fr^* » **» •»«â- Â»â™¦â- Â»Â»â™¦â™¦â™¦* i * **i** * after being closed for the past three taPPed around here. weeks owing to an epidemic of the! ^^''^ ^''^ s'*'' ^o know that all the mumps. â- *''^'^ 3i's improving and are feeling Miss Viola and Muriel Gordon of; "'"':'^ better. Srd line spent the week end with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hillock. ROGK MILL^ Mrs. Susan Doupe of Saugeen Jet is visiting with her brother, Mr. Wm. Hawkins, and family. Miss Edith Betts returned home on Monday from Markdak hospital. AVe' trust she will soon be restored to hei usual good health again. Mrs. H. Wilson returned home Sun- day after spending over a week vis- iting friends in Flesherton. Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mr. Cecil Meldrum and son, Bob, of Portlaw. and Mr. John Wickens of Kimberley were visitors recently with the Pedis Mrs. Russel Baird returned to Pynt- iac. Mivh.. after visiting her sisters and brother* h^re. Mr. .Alex. McLean, Toronto, jpent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMillan and family nn.l Rev. and Mrs. Ma;Ivor attended the golden wedding on Tues-j day of Mr. and Mrs. John .Aldcorn al • the home of Mrs. Ed. Heard. Salem.' Miso Margaret Johnson, who has .-spent the past tv.o months at the home of Mr. Wm. McBride. has re- turned to her home at Ingtewood. J Miss -Annie Smiley of Toronto is visiting her s'ster, Mrs. Dave Xichol. Mrs. Xeil Norman of Dundalk spent a few days with her sister. Miss Nellie McLean. The C.G.I.T. group held a very en- joyable social in t'ne basement of the new church on Friday, under :h-.- leadership of Mrs. Wm. McMillan and Miss Jessie Xichol. .At the close a I BATES BURIAL COY 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT RE-AS0N.A3LE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR D.AYâ€" KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chapel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton ar families. We are sorry to report M^^5. Geo. j hot bean supper was served. Johnson very poorly at present. We ' Tuesday afternoon the Willing trust she will soon be well again. TAXES TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Helpers held a silver tea in the I church. An invitataion was extend- ed to the ladies of St. Columba Unit- ' ed church and quite a number were present. The business meeting of the Willing Helpers and the W.M.S. j was held prior to a delightlul tea. | .A freewill offering ahounted to flO. =/ The 20th day of April is the last day on which all unpaid taxes may te paid at the Bank of Commerce, Dundalk,, the Bank of Toronto. Fev- A racket to beat the Workmen's! ersham, or J. A. Davidson, Collector. Compensation Board out of large sums with s'r penalty addetl. After that > of money has been unearthed in To-, date, where there are sufficient chat-| ronto. In these days when so many ties, the Collector will be authorized i men are out of work it is to be ex- to distrain. The balance will be re-' pwted they will concentrate on some| turned to the County Treasurer, where I ni»"ner of getting money, and the an additional 5' ^ will be added. DOi authorities will have to be constantly j IT NOW and save extra expense. on 'h«ir guard. â€" By Order of Osprey Council! " The House ol Qurlity ^^ WOXDERFri. SOAP. 9 B.\RS 25c G. M. FLOOR W VX. 1 LR TIXS 25c G. M. COFFEE. 1 LB. TIXS 44c -\XG JIG S.\\\' PUZZLE FREE Full Line Clover Seed at the Right Price ALL M-\SH ST.\RTEX.\ FOR B.\BY CHICKS" AND A HOPPER FREE Flour and Feed SCREENINGS BRAN SHORTS B-\RLEY CHOP FULL LINE PURINA CHOWS SEVERAL BRANDS HIGH GRADE FLOUR ORDERS TAKEN FOR TWEDDLES BABY CHICKS JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON 1-'

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