WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Fle^berton High School FORM 1 GEOGRAPHY â€" HON. â€" S. Piper 82, D. Scott 82, M. Duncan 7C, W. Cairns 7B. PASS â€" M. Ohtrander 74, M. Coll- inson 72, F. Kinsman G'.l, O. Marshall 6«, F. Clark 6C, O. Weber 05, W. Gra- ham 64, R. Wolstencroft 64, H. Archi- bald 63, E. AMiite 62, R. Johnson 61, N. Thistlethwaite 01, R. Akitt 55, L. Clark 55, N. Genoe 55, 1). Mac- Miilan 55, H. Ix)ve 52. P. Smith 51, M. Haw 51, D. McRae 50. FAIL â€" G. MacDonald 49, E. Croft ii>, H. Johnson 45, G. Blackburn 45, R. Meldrum 44, F. Patton 37. FORM 3 LATIN â€" Hon. â€" Reta Clark 86, Catherine McVicar 84, Anna McLean Sa, Mary .Wilson 81. Pass â€" Wni. Parker 62, Martha Oslrander 57, Frances CoUinson 51. Fail â€" Phyl- lis Graham 4G, Marion StalTord 45, Wallace MacDerniid 41, Stanley Hunt 39, Bessie Cairn.? 38, Delia Vause 38, Jean Wolstencroft 36, LaVorne Piper 36, Elsie Graham 35, Johnnie McVicar 33, Wilfred Frook 19, Robert Bellamy IE, Earl Ottewell 9. MIDDLE SCHOOL ALCJEBRA-- Hon.â€" Doris Bannon 87. Elmore Fisher 82. Pass â€" Isobel McMudlen 70, fitella (Marshall 60. Josie Falconer 52. Jeanette McLeo<l 52, Lucy MacDonald 51, Hazel Mc- Killop 51, Rowena Magee 50, Dorothy Jamic-3on 50. Failed â€" Donald Ald- eom 42, Mervyn Johnson 41, Cecil Chard 38. Macil Snell 29, Neilbert MacKenzie 24, Christina McKinnon 24, Emery Fisher 22, Milford Piper 19, Bob Phillips 18, Isabelle McMillan 14, Mervyn McFadden 14, Dick Stew- art 12, Verdun McMaster 7. Absent â€" Bill Welton, Georg'e McMaster and Jim McCormack. UPPER SCHOOL MODERN HISTORY â€" Hon.â€" Eail Johnson 87, Mervyn Little 80, Ros.s Smith 75. Pa.xs â€" Graham Beard 73, Jean Hincks 66, F:dith Hcitman 63, Kathleen Morrison 62. Murray Stuart 62, Marion Shaw 01, James McFadden Eleanor Mather 54, Ellen Parker 51, Audrey Brown 50. Fail â€" .William Somers 47, Elda Frook 43, Almcda Hincks 43, Dora Stewart 33. Recipe For Pneumonia Take six to ten onions, accordinjf to size, and chop them fine. Add about the same ciuantity of rye meal, and vinegar enough to form a thick paste. Stir thoroughly, letting it simmer from five to ton minute-.-i. Then put the mixture into a cotton bag large enough to coVer the lungs, and apply to the chest as hot as the patient can bear it. Before this gets cold, apply ! another; and then continue by reheat- 1 ing the poultices. In a few hours the patient should be out of danger. Usually three oi four application! will be sufficient; but continue treatment until perspira- tion starts from the chest. Feet should be kept warm while undergoing this treatment, and the room free from draughts. Comfrey root tea would also be helpful; half n cup every three hours with a little honey added, and a small pinch of powdered ginger root. Mac CANNELL HAW When a salary is reduced 20 per cent, why refer to it as a cut? The cost of living in Canada has gone down to 20 per cent,, so an individual on a salary less 20 per cent, today i? just as well off as during 1929. Anything below 20 per cent, would be a cut, and it would be time then to complain. Business men have taken a cut of 50 per cent, and know it is of no use to murmur. The parsonage of the United church of Dundalk was the scene of a pretty wedding on March 1st, when Ethel, eldest daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Haw and the late Herbert Haw was married to Mr. Donald A. MacCannell youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus MacCannell of Proton Station, Rev. E. E. Baker officiating. The young couple were attended by Miss Effio MacCannell, sister of the groom and Mr. Russel Haw, brother of the bride. The bride looked charming in a gown of glass blue French crepe and carried a corsage bouquet of roses and forget- me-nots. The bridesmaid was prettily gowned in hyacinth blue crepe. The groom's gift to the bride was a cabinet of silver, to the bridesmaid a necklace and to the groomsman a gold watch chain. After the ceremony the wedding party returned to the bride's home, where a sumptuous wedding dinner wavi served to the immediate mem- bers of both families. The same evening a reception was tendered the newly maried couple at the home of the bride's mother. Over 150 guests were present and the evening was spent in dancing and cards. The bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and costly gifts. After a short honeymoon they will reside near Proton. Swine Cars Valuable A total of 45 stops were made by the Ontario Swine Demonstrataon cars which completed their itinerary on March 4th. Animal husbandry experts from the Department at To- ronto and Ottawa gave an interesting series of lectures, and i>arasite.i wert d^scusked by authoi)ities from the Ontario Veterinary College. The lec- ture cars carried an interesting col- lection of charts and exhibits and a •full coach was devoted to breeding .swine which were sold to the far- mers. During the first two weeks in Eastern Ontario the sale.? at each stop averaged five. At the first 30 stops, a total of 130 sows and 18 boars were distributed. The aver- age attendance was 85 per stop. A keen interest in swine raising was evinced and enquiries were made re- garding feeding methodls, colony houses and parasite control. The officials made it plain that Canada has a .surplus of hogs and the only market for that surplus is in Great Britain where qijdity product is wanted. Furthermore, the Ontario grower is obliged to compete with the West where cheap grain makes cost of production lower than in the East. The Ontario farmer's hope then is in quality hogs, and through better breeding stock, correct rations, para- site control and good swine husbandry the Ontario grower may improve his position. The question of numbers is left for the producer to determine. MISS MACPHAIL AT DISADVANTAGE One of life's blessings is that the simplest way is usually the best. As March came in like a lamb it is scheduled to go out madder than a lion with a sore paw, so what's ahead will be fierce enough, some are pre- dicting, to blow a mortgage off a farm. Dancing in Fraternity Hall FLESHERTON Thurs., March 16 ;it 8 :30 p.m. Round Dancing Dorothy Foster's 6-piece Orchestra ADMISSION: 35c. fHK .4'1'ORit WITH â- BBTICl F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAD4 ST0BB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUTENG POWKB â- â-²TE8 TOU A LOT OF MONBT BIG DAYS OF BARGAINS AT THEIR VERY LOWEST PRICES A },aMUiinc full fashioned hose in heavy service wciK'ht. All wanted shades 79c pr. \K\V CURTAIN MATERIALS ARRIVING DAILY Now is the time to make your selections. Ne^v scrims and netts. Priced at prices eyeryone can al- ford to pay from 10c to $1.00 a yard. CHINTZ, 2 YDS. 25c Here again we offer you more value for your money than any ever before. Smart patterns .. 2 yd. 25c HEAVY ALL SILK SIDE DRAPES 25c YARD 3 days only, out for quick clearance only .... 25c yd. BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT HILLS' AND SAVE Heinz Catsup, large size, 2 for 35c Clarke's Pork and Beans 5c a tin 7 TiHuatoes 2'^ size tins 3 for 25c Choice corn, 3 tins 25c Clarke's Tuniat(»c Soup 3 for 23c Liptons Package Tea, 2 lbs. 95c McMamick Sodas, Reg. 25c size 15c each ':i Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster motored to Hespler on Monday. A St. Patrick's Dance i-s beint? held in Fraternity Hall, Flesherton, on. Thursday evening. Mr. Peter Dow of the Bank of Com- merce staff is on his holidays and is visiting in Toronto this week. In a letter received from Mr. A. S. HurlLurt of Vernon, B. C, he states that they have enjoyed a very fine winter there this year. Misses Winnona Patton and Lola Blackburn are visitini? with friends in Toronto and Port Hope for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart re- ceived many warm greetings on the occasion of their 35th wedding anni- versary, March 8th. The late Rev Leslie Thorn officiated. An auction sale of stock and house- hold furniture will be held on Lot 19, Con. 6, Osprey, the property of Mrs. Lily Milne. See bills for full particulars. The ,W. M. S. will meet in St. John's United church on Thursday at 3 p.m.; a chapter of the Study Book "His Dominion of Canada", will be given. Visitors welcome. Mr. W. R. Meads of the O.D.R. rec- ently sold a fine Percheron three- year-old mare to Geo. Duncan of Dun- dalk, which brought the best price of any animal around here for some time. The annual meeting of the Flesh- erton Old Boys' and Girls' Associa- tion will be held in room 307, Com- merce and Transportation Bldg., 159 Bay St., Toronto, on Monday, March 20th at 8 p.m. The Young People's Society of the United church of Ceylon and Flesher- ton enjoyed a skating party at the rink on Monday evening. Luncli was served at the close in St. John's church. Sunday evening the Flesherton Curling Club attended St. John's Unit- ed church when the pastor, Rev. W. J. Scott, delivered a special sermon for the curlers. Rev. M. M. Bennett as- sisted in the service. Mrs. E. C. Murray, President of Grey Presbyterial, and Miss M. Mac millan, sec. of Flesherton W.M.S. at- tended the Toronto Conference Branch meeting in Toronto on Thursday and Friday of last "week. The locomotive on Saturday night's C.P.R. train broke a tire at Mark- dale and the passengers were over three hours late in reaching Ower Sound. A se:ond engine was sent from Owen Sound to take the train to its terminus. A fine two year old horse, owned by Mr. J. B. Welton, of town, became mired in a bog on Sunday near the Munshaw lake, inside the corporation and perished. The horse was found dead on Monday morning. It had been running loose and is thought to have gone to the lake for a drink when it became mired in quicksand. Mr. F. J. Thurston of The Advance managed to scald his right hand pretty badly on Monday morning by accidentally spUlitng som'e boiling water on it. By the time new skin covers the burn he expects to be quite ambidexterous and will be able to shoot the curling stones with both hands. As the old darkey said, "It's an ill wind blows nowhar." The worst snow storm this winter hit this section on Wednesday night of last week and continued until Fri- day, blocking the roads for motor traffic. The provincial plow came up Friday night and allowed two transport trucks to come this far, but were forced to lay up on account of the snow quicltly filling in tht opened road. Saturday morning when the storm was over the. plow made a return trip and sinoe then motor traffic has been free to run north or south. All other roadfl out of town are completely tied up at the present time. Being the only woman member of the House of Commons, Miss Agnes Macphail is at a certain disadvan- tage. When a member refers to an honorable member and says that "he" did this or that, the identity of the member remains vague. But if he said of the honorable member that "she" did so and so, there can only be one member referred to, and that is Miss Macphail. Hence every one knew whom Prime Minister Bennett was hitting at when he said: "Then it is suggested that some private enterprise have received mon- ey from the government. -One hon- orable member of this House is auth- ority for the statement that she was told that money had been given to Mr. Wright's furniture factory at Stratford by this Government. "That is the story that is circulat- ed in the back conce^dions. Every- one knows how false that is. The orders in council have been laid upon the table of this House; if not, they were published in the Gazette. "That safeguard was established in last year's legislation. The Aud- itor- General will not honor a single cheque that has not behind it the authority of an order in council, and these orders in council have either been published in the Gazette or laid upon the table of the House, so that every member could fully know and appreciate how every dollar has been spent." There is only one "she" and the identity of the member was establish- ed by the pronoun. â€" Border Cities St«r. Guard The Equity Farquhar Oliver (Prog., S. Grey) will propose to the government an amendment to the Moratorium Act under which the debtor's equity in his home will be protected when it amounts to at least 50 per cent, of the indebtedness. Mr. Oliver says that the mortgagor should have the same right to appeal to a judge or the master to have a case reviewed. S. S. NO. 11. OSPREY * denotes those pupils who were ab- sent for one or more examinations. Sr. 4th â€" Charlie Winters, John Stephens, Donald Gordon*. Jr. 4th â€" Ida Hill, William Steph- ens, Kenneth Gordon, Thelma Fisher, Melville Fisher, Hazel Young. Sr. 3rd â€" Clifford McMaster. Jr. 3rd â€" Florence Hill, Cecil Blak- ey*, Velda Hill. Sr. 2nd â€" Jack Grummett, Jean Gordon, Birdie Hill. Sr. 1 â€" Neil McMaster. Sr. Pr. â€" Teresa Hill. Jr. Pr. â€" Hazel McMaster. â€" ROBT. L. CARSON, Teacher. S. S. NO. 4, ARTEMESIA Sr. 4th â€" Kathleen Bannon, Earl Talbot*, Ted Moore. 3rd â€" Marjorie Stevens* and Beth Stinson* (equal.) 2nd â€" Jack Bannon. 2nd â€" Muriel Talbot*. Sr. Pr. â€" Laurena Talbot*, Fred Bannon. Jr. Pr. â€" Alma Atkinson. * denotes perfect attendance. -SYLVIA E. ACHESON, Teacher. French sailors were tossed over board in a rough sea to find out if a new rubber life-saving suit would work. The inventor was delighted to find that it would, a feeling which we are certain was shared by the sailors. If the Doukhobors go to Mexico they may find the cactus just as painful to their nude parades as the frost of Canada. â€" Meaford Mirror. A spot 44,000 feet deep has been found in the Atlantic. A little more after the first 20 feet doesn't worry us. HOCKEY Come to the Big Hockey Match in the FLESHERTON ARENA on Wednesday, March 15 (TO-NIGHT) when Proton vs. Flesherton (Weather Permitting) This is the final game to decide which team is the best. These two teams have been battling ea:h other all season and a hot time is expected. Don't miss it. ADMISSION Adults 15c, Public School children 10c i Small Advts. FOR SALE â€" One Ford Truck, may be seen at Joe Whiteman's, Lot 4, Con. 3, Bentinck, North of Hanover. One Ford truck, may be seen at Thos. Nichol's, Lot 52, Con. 1, N.D.R., Glen- elg, just west of Priceville. Make cash offer to R. C. McKnight, County Engineer, Owen Sound, or to iW. H. Hunter, Chairman County Road Com- mittee, R. R. 1, Varney. Lost or Strayed LOST â€" Between Portlaw school and Flesherton on Friday, February 24th, ladies white gold wrist watch with wrist band. Reward. â€" Helen Heard, Flesherton. For Sale FOR SALE â€" Qpantity of Spy apples, W. C. Hopper, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Dry wood.â€" Alf. Harrison, phone 41r4. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Aberdeen Angus bull, also real good collie cattle dog. â€" Steve Dennett, R. C, Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Quamity of gooo hay, all varieties. â€" T. J. Stinson phone 41 r 11. FOR SALE â€" Two or three cutters and horse. â€" Alex. McEachnie, Flesh- erton. No depositor in a Canadian bank ever lost a dollar, declares the Sault Ste. Marie Star. We minder |f the Star man had any money in the Homt Bank. The banking system of the United States i.i giving the people of that country an object lesson in the frailty of their financial institutions and a comparison between their heterogen- ous banking system to Canada. The fact that U.S. bankers discount Can- adian money to the tune of 15 or 18 per cent, has absolutely no justifica- tion. In fact with the hundreds of bank failures taking place on the other side of the line the boot should be on the other foot. FOR SALE â€" Hay timothy and elover mixed or alfalfa first find sec- ond cutting. Would take stock in exchange. â€" E. Wickens, phone 33-11. NOTICE â€" Any person who has a horse for sale can communicate with me, as I have been asked by a buyer to locate some for him. â€" Geo. Duncan, Dundalk. HOUSE FOR SALE Bungalow residence, in riesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks. Good garage. Apply to G. F. Brack- enbury, Flesherton. 'BARRED ROCK CHICKS" Try OUT bred-to-lay chicks. Breed- ing pens headed by cockerels from R.O.P. Govei-nment Approved high producing hens. Kindly place your order before hatches are set. "Terms cash." Chicks are $9.00 per 100. Hatching eggs for sale $2.00 per 100. "Fairview Poultry Farm." Phone 22 r 4-1. â€"MRS. EDGAR PATTERSON. R- R- No. 2, Priceville, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICB Yorkshire Boar for servica, Tarm* H.OO. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Ait» mesia. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Grey County Egg Grading Station, ako lots adjoining the same. For terms apply to Thos. Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. WANTED â€" 10 to 16 cords of 14 inch green wood and 10 to 15 cords 18 inch green wood. Payment to be taken out in merchandise. â€" ^E. J. Bennett, Flesherton. EGjGS FOR HATCHING â€" Jersey Black Giant eggs 50c per setting locally, 75c if shipped. Flock is headed by a rooster who has taken two first prizes and silver cup for best bird in show. â€" W. H. Thurston. COLT FOR SALEâ€" Brown gelding rising two years, trotting bred, girt Wm. Belwin by Belwin 2.06%, dam by Grand Opera 2.05'V4 ; with this breed- ing this colt, when developed, should make a fast race horse or a wonder- ful driver. â€" .W. W. Trimble. BOAR FOR SERYICB R«Ctet«red Yorkshirt Boar for â-¼Ice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, tbe property of the Ontario Depart^ ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Caretakw. ' BUSINESS CARDS i GEO. E. DUNCAN ipn DUNDALK "T^ LICENSED AUCTIONEER ">' For the County of Grey. Tern* 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge. S38, A. F. A A. M. meets in the masonic Hall oTet Kennedy's store, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., Geo. Long, Sr.; S*:retary, H. A. McCauley. ^.i.a.^,^^,,.»j.:t^. / I .. t V t-