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Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1933, p. 3

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WITH THE NtS€0 10,000,000 Boy Scout* - Tl»» 76th birthday, February 22. of Lord Haden-Powell of Gllwell, father of the Boy Scoutx, and the fact that the movement this year achieves its '.'5th birthday, attracts new attention to the phenomenal growth of Scouting within the life of its founder. Rei>orts presented at the recent annual meet- ing In London show an enrolment of 2,159,9$4 Scouts and leaders in no 1638 than 94 countries and parts of the British Empire. Since the inauguration of the move- ment In 190S not less than ten million boy.s have profited by its training for good citizenship. To this number may be added probably half that number of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts of the re- sulting sister movement â€" in all some 15,000,000 young people influenced to realizA their b ^st in service, health and (rieDdllness. Not the least contribution ha.s been that to youth ncrlu-understandlng by (his "Junior League of Nations." Three world gatherings of Boy Scouts and one of Rover (older) Scouts have brought together many thousands of boys of all nations iu completely friendly intercourse. The Scout Jam- boree of 1929 called to England over 53,000 boys, many from enemy coun- tries of the Great War, tor two weeks of the friendliest fraterniziug. A simi- lar gathering this year will bring other thousands together to offer "adult na- tions" and their diplomats another ex- ample of thousands of boys of Aiany countries living and playing together in complete mutual respect and cor- dial good-will for two jolly week.s. Truly a wonderful living monument â- to a living leader; and one for whom many more years of inspired leader- ship will be toasted at a practically nnbroken world chain of Scout and Guide banquets, celebrating his natal day. and that also of Lady Baden- Powell, World Chief Guide, on Febr- uary 22nd. Silver Wolf For J. W. Mitchell Before a distinguisiied gathering at a luncheon at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto, given by Mr. E. R. Wood, the Honorary Silver Wolf, was presented by His Excellency, the Earl of Bessborough as Chief Scout for Can- ada to Mr. J. W. Mitchell. President of the Provincial Council of the Boy Scouts Association. The decoration was in recognition of twelve years of outstanding service. During Mr. Mit- chell's presidency the Scout member- ship in Ontario has grown from 7,697 to 23,876. New U.S. President Backs Scouti At a recent meeting of the Boy Scouts Foundation of Greater New York President-elect Franklin D. Roosevelt announced his readiness to serve as President of the Boy Scouts of America, and declared the Scouts could always feel they had an ardent friend in the White House. Forestry Minister's Tribute to Scouting Triijule to the effectiveness of Scout citizenship training in general and to the value of Scout co-operation in vari- ous forestry department activities. was paid by Hon. Wm. Finlayaon, Minister of Lands and forests of On- tario, at the annual meeting dinner of iho Provincial Scout -Association. _ Par- ticular mention was made of help in getting tree-planting publicity-lo farm- ers, and the annual work done by Scouts on the reforestation project at Angus, Ont. Lt.-Gov. Presents Scout "V.C." The rare Cornwell Badge, the fourth awarded a Canadian Scout, was pre- sented by Lieut.-Govemor Fordham Johnson to Scout Myddleton Macken- zie before a large gathering at the Legislative Buildings, Victoria, B.C. The occasion was marked by the pre- sence of Hon. R. H. Pooley. represent- ing the Provincial Government, and Mayor David Leeming. The badge is awarded for exceptional character and fortitude shown during an extended period of sutfering, and high standing in Scouting. Every boy between the ages of 12 and IS years of age should be a Scout. The Boy Scout Movement has some- thing to interest bo.vs of all types, and It is non-military and non-political, it caters to boys in all classes of life. and it is also inter-denominational. Scouting supplements your school education, gives you a broader out- look, and helps you to have "a clean mind In a healthy body.' and teaches you how to nt yourself to bo a useful and good citizen when you grow up. The Lone Scout Department is es- pecially organized to take care of country hoys and those who are un- able to join a regularly organized Troop. Why not write to-day for in- formation about it? The address is: The Boy Scouts Association, Lone Scout Department, 330 Bay Street, Toronto.â€" "Lone E." If There Were No Books (I'rom London Correspondent of \e\v York Times Book Review.) "It is a mistake to assume that Jooks have come to stay. The human race did without them for thousands jf >-ears and may decide *o do with- out them again." This starilinjr pre- diction comes not from any Philistine lowbrow, but from one of our most accomplished literary artists, E. M. Forster. He observes that the radio and cinema are turning us from read- ers into listenei-s and lookers, and he wonders whither this tendency will lead. Mr. Forster regards the pros- pect of a bookless world as a deplor- able one, for books, he says, have an educational value which nothing yet invented will supply. No one is edu- cated who cannot concentrate, and it is. "asier to learn concentration through a book than through,a talk or a film, for an obvious reason. If your attention wanders, you can go back to the top of the page and start again, whereas in a talk or a film you are carried on. So he confesses that he has little faith in the educational fu- ture of broadcasting unalloyed, and he trusts in the movies still less. Microphone ami screen will both be helpful as long as they are subsi- diary only, and are combined with books and refer us to books. They can indicate, but they cannot rub anything in. and in twenty-four hours »!'. they leave behind is a blur. Sonnet on the Sea It keeps eternal whlsporings around Desolate shores, and with Its mighty swell Gluts twice ten thousand caverns, till the spell Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound. Often 'tis iu such gentle teatper found. That scarcely will the very small- est shell Be mov'd for days whence it some- time fell. Wlien last the winds of heaven were unbound. Oh ye! who have your eyeballs vex'd and tir'd. Feast them upon the wideness of the sea: Oh ye! whose ears are dinn'd with uproar rude. Or fed too much with cloying melody. â€" Sit ye near soma old carern's mouth, and brood Until yo start, as It the sea-nymphs quir'd." â€" John Keats. 'Poems'*. Goatskin Exports Are Huge .â- ;.>at»ki«« exported from British India last year weighed 83,600.000 pound?. There is no odor so bad as that which arises from goodness tainted. It is human. It Is divine carrion.â€" fhoreau. Mongol Dictionary Contains 2,000 Pages Tokyo.â€" After 16 years of work. -Maj. Kenji Shimonaga of the War Of- flco has compJeted a Mongolian-Jap- anese dictionary, the first of its kind, which will be published shortly by the army, u Is a book ot 2000 pages. The army loag has given clos* at- tention to the study of foreign langu- ages and has in Its language school experts on nearly all tongues. Major Shimonaga has specialized in Oriental languages. including Mongolian, Chinese dialects, Manchu and Tibetan. He had to design special type to re- produce the intricate Mongol char- acters appearing In his dictionary. Sunday School Lesson March S Lesson X â€" Jesus Giving Life and Healthâ€" Mark 5; 21-24, 35-43. Golden Text â€" The Lord hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad. â€" Psalm 126:3. ANALYSIS. I. WHEN TEOL-BLE COMES, Mark 5: oi .» II. WHEN KAITH IS FEEBLE, Mark 5: 24-34. III. WHEN GOD COMES IN, Mark 5. 3-3- 43. I. WHEN TIlOtBLE COMES, Mark 5: 21-23. When Jesus and his men arrived back at Capernaum, the news of the previous night'.s happenings had al- ready reached ".he town. The popu- lace crowded down r the harbor to welcome him ba.;k. Many were the motives which brought them there, curiosity, gr-.ititude, hope, desperate need. Jairus (v. 22) was in desperate need. Desth was hovering over his honae, v. 23. Some one hurrying past cried out, "There comes Jesus!" Cast- ing asido his pridj aiid perhaps pre- judice, the artisocrat ran and flung himself, in Oriental l shion, at Jesus' feet, imploring him to come to heal the child. Man's extremity was God's oppor- tunity. When trouble comes the many things which separate men sud- denly lose theii importance. T.he February 26. Lesson IX â€" Jesus Shows rough ploughshare of sorrow had broken up the st rfaee of this man's life, and made him capable of receiv- ing God's best. II. WHEN FAITH IS FEEBLE, Mark 5: 24-34. In the crowd was another figure, also drawn there by her trouble. Suf- fering from recurring hemorrhages for many years, she has suffered much, as Mark quaintly puts it, at the hands of the doctors â€" many doctors. All her money had gone in doctors' bills, and she was worse instead of better, v. 26. Luke, himself a physi- cian, thought this . ather hard on the medical profession. He 'left cut part of Mark's account, Luke 8: 43. Even today in the East, it is comnioi in the case of serious illness to employ a multiplicity of doctors. Their diag- noses ar.d prescriptions conflict. When one reflects t'nat they prescribed such remedies as ashes of burnt wolves' skulls, frogs' livers, eyes of crabs and such things, it is ieasy to imagine this woman's condition after twelve years' treatment! Instead of addressing herself to the Master, she crept up behind him and touched his clothes. Her disease prob- ably made her ceremonially unclean. She would, therefo-o, avoid publicity. She also shared the belief, common in her time, that a kind of supernatural virtue went forth from the Healer, and might even be spraed through contact with his clothing. See Acts I'J: 12. The extraordinary sensitiveness of Jesus distinguished that particular touch fi-om the pressure of the crowd. He turned and asked, "Who touched me?" Matthe-w evidently shocked at the disciples' too bold correction, omits it in his account. Shocked also at a miracle of which Jesus was not thj author, he makes the healing fol- lov Jesus' words. Matt. 9:20. Jesus, ignoring the disciples, continued to look for the one who had caught his j garment. The poor woman, trembling with embarrassment and fear of the possible consequences of her deed in trying to gain benefits without the Healer's kno^'ledge, made herself j known, v. S3. Affectionat dy address- ing her as '"daughter," Jesus reassur- ec her. Her faith, superstitious as it was. not the touch of his garment, had cured her. A timid faith it was. just enabling her to stretch out a stealthy hand, too feeble to bring hetr openily to Jesus' yet a real faith, richly reward- ed. The Canadian soldier, dying on the field, pressing to his lips lie rudo cross hurriedly improvised by the Pro- testant padre w^ith two bits of sticks, may have shown a somewha- super- stitious faith. But it helped the boy to see his Saviour and die happy. The amazing love and meoxy will not quench the -mcking flax of our feeble faith. '"I think that there is a great les- ion here. It is not that it does not matter whether or not wo have in- telligent and enlightened evangelical views. We should be thankful that we live in a land of the open Bible, a land delivered largely from religious .superstition. We do not believe in such things as fetishes and holy relics. But can j-ou imagine the Spirit of the Lord locking over Christendom tod*y? Think of some dark placvs in South .â- America where many people are grossly superstitious regarding cer- tain holy relics and so on. I can Ima- gine him looking at people like that. and at ourselves, with all our true. Youthful and Useful lij HEL£N~^ILLlAMa. lltuatratid Dressmaking Leattn Fur. nithed With Every Pattern Here's a eharmingiy youthful model for you. It reflects the Victorian age with its deep round yoked bodice with sleeves that widen and puff above the elbow. The skirt lines are clever with snug hips and a deep pointed section at the front that will give elegant height to your figure. For it you may choose a discreetly patterned crinkly crepe silk (such as made the original) in your favorite scheme. Medium blue, geranium-red and rust tones are delightfully chic. Style Xo. 3333 is designed for sizes 14, 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38 and 40 inch bust. Size 16 requires 3^ yards of 39-inch material with ^s yard of contrasting and •'S yard of 35-inch lining. HOW TO ORDER PATTEKNS. Write your name and address plain- ly, giving number and size of such patteriis as you want. Enclose loc in stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap it carefully) for each number, and address your order to Wilson Pattern Service, 72 West .Adelaide St., Toronto. erJightened, intelligent faith, and per- haps finding in some poor soul there a deeper desire for liim, a greater readiness to be changed by him, than in some of us, with all our correct views." â€" P. Carnegie Simpson. III. WHEN GOD C0.ME3 IN, Mark â- }. 35- 43. While all this was taking pluce. a messenger came with the ntws that the girl had already passed away. The distraught father re- fused to accept the message as final, r . continued to implore Jesus. "Why are you still worrying the Teacher'.'" urged the servant, v. 35. Jesus also evidently refused to accept another's opinion. With a word of encourage- ment to the father (v. 36) he took his three most intimate disciples and w«nt to the house. Wlien he saw the girl h». declared her not really dead, but asleep (v. 39), that is, unconscious; and there- upon restored her to her parents. Bible students shouii compare the account in Matthew 9: 18, '.23-26, where the girl is already dead, and the father definitely a^s Jesus to restore her to life. Jesus' w>rds, 'not dead, but sleeping,'' must, thee, be taken metaphorically. I> to a Christian is but a sleep fro. which Jesus can waken one. The command to keep the restoring a secret was given possibly to enable Jesus to avoid th« excited and clamor- ous crowds w'ftose demands for heal- ings so interfered with hts teaching ministry. He mentioned to a too happy father that his little girl would be the better of something to eat. Once again oux Lord d"monstrabsd that the vitalizing an . enriching of « man's whole life, physical as well as spiritual, is part of his wwk. When God conies into one's life, spiritual force* are siet free. When we begin to l^^•» wisely and kindly, many pres- ent-day allmenta will disappear! Farm Queries Henry G. Beli. B.S..A.. Dept. of Chemistry, O.A.C. Address All Letters to Farm Editor, 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. All Answers Will Appear in this Column. If Personal Reply is Desired, Enclose Stamped and Addressed Envelope. Questions and Answers J, B. â€" Regarding the testing of soil for lime conditions, can I send and get the liquid to test the soil myself, or have I to send the soil sample to O.A.C? Answer.â€" Reacto Soil Kits contain- ing the liiiuid tor testing soils, the package of waxed papers on which the soil is placed and the chart carrying the comparatve colors and directions as to how much lime Is necessary in order to produce a neutral condition of soil, are supplied from the Depart- ment of Chemistry at cost (25c,i, or they may be had at the offices of the various Agricultural Representatives on the same terms. Each set contains full instructions and the test can be made by the farmer himself or by the .Agricultural Representative, or .vou may send samples to the soils labora- tory, Dept. of Chemistry, O..V..C.. where tests will be made free of charge. If samples are to be sent, place about one-half pint of soil In a closely woven cotton bag. Tie a tag on to the top of the bag when closing it and address same to the Department of Chemistry. Place your name and ad- dress on the other side of the tag. It Is best for you to drop us a line under separate cover at the same time. Of course, it will be necessary tor you to pay postage on this parcel but the testin,' and reply are free of charge. W. B, â€" I have been told to put my wood ashes on my potatoes next spring when I plow. Would this be a good thing to do and wouU you put the ashes on the set as you plant them? They will be plowed In. Would a handful do ea'ch set or would it be too much? I am planting 4 or 5 acres and was thinking of using ashes on some and commercial fertilizer on some, and of course will use manure on them a!:. What is the best fer- tilizer for potatoes? The soil Is a sandy loam and up high. Answer. â€" It wouid not be wise to put wood ashes on potatoes. It Is tiuo they carry from 5 to S'"c potas;i if un- leached, but they also carry a larsO percent of lime, frequently 30 to 40°i. This lime produces distinctly alkalrne conditions in the soil, which conditions are the best possible for ".'le growth of the potato scab. If your potatoes contain the spores of scab the treatment you mention would re- sult iu a very scabby crop. It Is a wise policy to use wood ashes on land that you are preparing to seed to al- falfa or other legumes. These crops take large quantities of potash out of the soil and will benefit greatly by the potash which is applied in the ashes and the lime which It carries also, since legumes thrive best on alkaline soils. If the manure is well rotted, you will be doing a good thing to give a fairly generous dressing to your potato ground, since the light soil that you describe will need considerable or- ganic matter or plant fibre for it to hold sufficient moisture for the grow- ing potato crop. Our tests on potatoes which cover a period of four years show an aver- age increase from fertilizers for the four years ot 51.3 bushels per acre. Where six different tertllizers were compared on 13 representative potato farms during the past year, the largest yield was obtained from 750 lbs. per acre of 4-S-lO. This gave an Increase of 57. S bushels per acre. At prices charged for this type of fertilizer in 1932. this represents an investment ot J7.S3 per acre, or the cost ot the in- creased bushels ot potatoes would be 13 "-ic per bushel. It potatoes are sell- ing at 50c a bushel you" can readily see that this would represent a nice profit on Investment. The next highest increaae to 4-8-10 was made by 0-12-10, which made an Increase oC 10 bushels less per acre at a cost ot J6.34 tor the application or 13.'Jc per bushel of potatoes. It you plan to use fertilizer be sure not to put the potatoes directly on top of the fertilizer or the fertilizers di- rectly on top of the potato pieces. Such an application would tend to draw the moisture out ot the potato pieces and Injure their vltalit.v. Cover fertilizer lightly with sol! before dropping po- tatoes. J. E. Bâ€" What is the reason tor tur- nips taking on rot before matarity oi a particular piece of land, especiallj worse after a crop of rape has bees grown on the field the previous year Is this condition due to lack of min- eral or planttood In the soil, and might It be overcome by using sums kind ot fertilizer? Answer â€"The opinion ot the Depart ment ot Bacteriology is that this ro! Is one that Is quite prevalent in tur nip fields this year, known as "bac terlal rot of turnips.' It Is a very des- tructive rot and no treatment ot soiL nor spraying, so far discovered, ha* any effect on control of the disease. Rape belongs to the same botanical family as turnips, therefore It is quits natural to expect that a potato cro| following a rape crop may be Infected with the same disease, since the re manent of the rape crop would carry the turnip disease over. The best advice we can give you on the subject is to change the field for your turnips and by all means do not follow rape with turnips. If you see the disease starting in your tarnipi next year pull up the diseased plants remove them from the field and abso- lutely destroy them; also plow undei all refuse on the field after the crop ii harvested, such as leaves. T. P. W. â€" We are confronted with a problem which we cannot understana in the matter ot churning cream an* not able to obtain butter. The cream being the right temperature and aftei churning a short time It commenced to foam and could not do anythinj with it. The next lot of cream chura ed all right. Then a third chumin? took- place and the result was th« ground alfalfa as a mash. The coa is a Holstein in good condition and her feed consists ot timothy and al- falfa hay with chopped oats anc ground alfalfa a sa mash. The ccm is with call and will come in next May She is giving a lot ot milk at present We had no trouble with the cream until about a month ago. Perhaps yoi could enlighten uyon this matter ant give some reason for it for which wt wU! be glad to hear from y*a. Answer, â€" The Department ot Dairy ing gives the following answer to youi inquii-y: In order to get cream to chum la i reasonable length ot time It la uecea sary that the cream be of sufficleni richness, that the churn be not fillet over one-third full, and that the cor rect temperature range for churnini be adopted. If these conditions ar« observed throughout the year th« churning time should not exceed 30 t* 40 minutes. Winter cream, ot coursa tends to churn with difficulty as com pared with summer cream, owing ti smaller fat globules; milk fat of hard er chemical composition and also n the naturally increased viscoeity oi winter milk and cream. Nevertheless: it the richness ot cream and fuUnesi oi churn are standardized the simpU temperature adjustment, using a ther mometer. Is all that is necessary is order to regulate the churning time. I am of the opinion that thin cream combined with too low churning tem- perature is the cause of your churn- ing difficulties, and would, therefore, advise having the richness ot cream increased to 25 to SCi, and the adop- tion o£ a churning temperature to Si deg. F. to 64 reg. F. Acid Finishes Electric Bulb* The inside of electric lamp bulbs W being etched la France by a machins which injects hydrofluori« add into the bulb through a nozzle. Because these nozzles had to be replaced tre- Quently due to the acld'a coiTosIva action, they are now being made of a nickel-copper-chromium cast iron. « Beavers are equipped with oii glands on each side ot the body and with toesnail combs on their hind feet,' and they are constantly preening and primping when not sleeping, eating, playing or working. ^ It is a law ot nature that faint- hearted men should be the fruit lA luxurious countries, for we never fin that the same soil pivducee delicari and heroes. â€" Herodotus. 1 MUTT AND JEFFâ€" By BUD FISHER Now It's All Clear.

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