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Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1933, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Holdfa»t U.F.W.O. C!ub The Holdfast U.F^W.O. Club met at the Park House, Kiesnerton, on Feb. 8th, with 19 meinberif and 8 visitors present, Mrs. Ben MacKenzie being the hostess. After sinirinK' the club .song and re|>eating the creed the roll call was answered by a Valentine verse. When the usual part of the business had been attended to, an ex- cellent program took place. Mrs «enry Tucker toid the story of St Valentine. Mrs. Robt. Best gave a paper on an old time barn raising Mr. a representative from the Toronto creamery, addressed the meeting on cream grading and testing etc. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. Lunch wa.s serv- ed and a social half hour spent. The .March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. John Nichol at 2 p.m. It is queer how unfailingly the neighbors find you out, and how .sel- dom the bill collector does. Abstract Statement of the Auditors' Report and Statement of Assets and Liabilities - I'or The - VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON For the Year 1932 RECKIPTS Balance from 1931 « ..,-„ ^c Taxes of VXiZ * ^^!^ ^5 A-rr-ars of taxes .â- .â- .â- .â- .â- :.â- â- â- â- .â-  ''/,'* ??, Ventures sold (pavement)":::::::;:::::::::::::::::;:::::::;::::;::::::::::::.::;;:;;:;; 323^^ °^ Miscehan^ous-:::::;::::::::::::::;;;:: ^eoooo Refunds ^^' '*^ Treasurer of Ontario, subsidy T.!.!.!!!'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.".!!;;'.".!!.!.!...".'.!!!!!!!'.!!!!"'.'.'.".".;.!;'.".'. 6680 61 EXPENDITURES *^^^*^ ^^ Salaries and allowances « ,,(^ r.^ Printing, postage and stationery '""â- .'. * fin iV Interest 1*0 25 Roads and streets Hit 1% Charity " ^IJ, °° Schools S'Z'Z 142R an Debentures Z-Z }?^S ^2 Fire protection ,n7 ii County rate "; A^i ?^i Loans and interest ooinn nn Street lighting â- .::â- .:â- .;::â- .::::•.;::::â- .•.â- â€¢. 574 So Town hall expenses 224 32 Miscellaneous .ir, '4^ Refunds :.::;:::::;::::::::;::;::;::::: " oo Library grant ;.;;"â- ; ^41 gQ Pavement account 1177,1 on Park account 25 16 R»l«n.-. $48067 76 S"'»"<^e ? 5814 87 ASSCTS & LIABILITIES AS.SETS Balance jnfiij pt Balance on Collector's Roll '.'.'.'.â- .'.'.'.'.â- .â- .â- .â- .'.â- .â- .â- .'.â- .'. 666 07 Village hall and furniture ......"....!.... 2500 00 I'ark lOon on other real estate , 5go qq §10480 i)4 LIABILITIES Pavement debenture and interest maturing 1933 $ 2104 G'\ Town hall debenture and interest maturing 1933 .. ' 331 C'i Bal^"" - ''.'Z":Z.. 7344 02 PRINCIPAL OF DEBENTURES OUTSTANDING '^""^^^ °^ Hydro By-laws .. e 0151, 07 To%vn Hall By-law ".;".". fml 71 Pavement By-iaw 32169 10 $37637 78 F. ,W. DUNCAN. C. J. BELLAMY, Auditors Artemesia Couocii This council met at the council chambers, Flesherton, on the 6th day of February. The members were all present, the Reeve presiding. Communications read as foh'ows' Ontario Municipal Association, notice of meeting; C.P.Ry., notice of assess- ment; Municipal World, account for Assessment Rolls and suppues |30.07; County Grpy, account for oiling roads at Price ville and Ceylon; the Clerk, registering B., M. and D. ?17; Percy Sample, claim for sheep killed, valued by John Campbell $5; the County Treasurer, list of lands liable to be sold for taxes in 1933; the Auditors Report on accounts of 1932. The following accounts were order- ed paid: R. Plant, refund $2; Collec- tor, on account $60; VV. Gordon, draw- ing gravel $3; Municipal World $30.07 Percy Sample, sheep killed $5; John Campbell, vai'uing sheep $1.2!;;; the Clerk, registering B., M. and D. $17. Warlingâ€" Moldrumâ€" That the Arte- mesia Trustees' Association be grant- ed SIO. â€" Carried. Warling â€" Whittaker â€" That the Auditors' Report be adopted and the ReeVe, Deputy-Reeve and Clerk be a committee to finally audit the same and have printed for distribution. â€" Cd.^ Whittaker â€" Purvis â€" That the ab- 1 stiact statement of Auditors' Report be printed in the Markdale Standard and Flesherton Advance.â€" Carried. Meldrum â€" Whittaker â€" That the Clerk communicate with the C. R. Railway Co. in regard to putting the cui'vert at Cairns' crossing in repaii to remedy damage done by water now blocked at that railway crossing. â€" Cd. Meldrum â€" Warling â€" That this Council meet at Parker's bridge on Wednesday 8th Inst, to consider mak- ing a detour there.â€" Carried. Meldrumâ€" Whittakerâ€" That the Collector be given until the 15th ot March to return his Roll, but it is understood that this extension in no way prevents the return of the said Roll, nor in any way affects the re- sponsibility of the Treasurer's sure- ties. â€" Carried. The Reeve and Deputy-Reeve were appointed to cntiuire into a matter of school rates complained of by several ratepayers. The Council adjourned. County Crown Attorney Speaks About Fees Claims Statement Of Fundi Is Misleading To Public Only Received $5,164.88 PLAY IN PRICEVILLE A three act play entitled "Civil Service" will be presented by the Young People's Society of Presbyter ian church, PriceviUe, in the base- ment of the new church, Friday, Feb 24th, 1933. All home talent. Comt out and hear a good clean play. -Ad- misaion '25 and 15 cents. tliH H-roRi â- BKTICa F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN BTDBBB Markdale, Ontario OUR BUTDiQ POWEB BATES YOU A LOT OF MONEY ANNOUNCING THREE BIG DAYS of A Special Sale At Hills BOYS' SUITS III Twc'L'd.s and Sfr.L^fS, si/t's 2f> to vH . MEN'S SHIRTS 79c EACH ffl Men's $1.95 ea. hcavv checked and dmskin shirts, all si/.vs ' 79c each or 2 for $1,50 LEATHER WINDBREAKERS $2.49 Each ' Hoys' Leather windbreakeis $2.49 Ea. LADIES' JERSEY DRESSES $1.95 Ea. Final 3 day clearance, all sizes $1.95 Ea. NETT CURTAIN PANELS 2 for $1.00 A real buy for little money 2 for $1.00 GROCERY SPECIALS Clarke's Toinatoe Soup 3 for 23c kobin Hood oaf^eal, 2 pkgs 35c 3 cans choice corn 25c Seedless Kaisins, 2 lbs.' 25c ('.(.Id Medal P. Xut I'.iitter 2 for 19c Keynote flour, jute bajjs only, per cut $1.79 THESE SPECIALS GOOD FOR 3 DAYS ONLY Fri., Feb. 17; Sat., Feb. 18; Mon., Feb. 20 Both the councils of the county ot Grey and the city of Owen Sound have attacked the remuneration of $10,000 received by Mr. W. D. Henry, K. C. of Markdale, County Crown Attorney, for the year 1932. In a letter to the Owen Sound Sun-Times Mr. Henry defends his acceptance of the money on account of the increase of court cases and inquests since the time that the late T. H. Dyre, former Crown Attorney, who received $3,200 for his services. Mr. Henry's reply, in part, is as follows: Mr. Henry pointed out that during the year 1932 ho received in his capacity as County Crown Attorney and Clerk of the Peace the sum ol $9,821.62. From this amount is de- ducted $2,275.38 as his expenses, which includes office help, telephone travelling and hotel expenses. Thert is also a statutory remittance to tht Government of $2,480.30, making a total of $4,655.74, a»'l of which comes out of the total of $9,821.62, leaving a net balance of $5,164.88. Mr. Henry also states that the Government re- funds to the county the sum of $2,- 989.00 due to a working arrangement between the county and the province. Referring to the statement that the late Mr. Dyre had received a total of 83,200 Mr. Henry stated that in 1923 Mr. Dyre commuted his fees for both of the offices he held and that in that year he received $3,010 for his services as County Crown Attorney, $1,500 for hi.s services as Clerk of the Peace, and $100 for expenses, making a total of $4,610.00. Since that time the criminal business of the countj has doubled and tripled, claims Mr. Henry. He gave figures to bear out his contention in th«is regard and pointed out that in 1930 the Crown Attorney attended 131 cases ill police court in the city and county, three cases were prosecuted at the General Sessions of the Peace and eight cases in the County Judge's criminal court. In 1932 there were 357 cases in police court in Owen , Sound and county, I case before the General Sessions and 7 cases in the County Judge's criminal court. Mr. Henry also referred to the num- ber of inquests which he was called upon to attend. He states that in 1930 the late Mr. Dyre attended 9 inquests, and there were but 6 of these in 1932, but he points out that since June 10, 1931, when he assumed office he has had 14 inquests, and there were 202 police court cases from June 10 to December 31, 1931, and 143 police court cases from January 1 to June 10 the same year, prior to his taking office. In 1932 there were 98 liquor control cases as compared to 55 in 1930, showing an increase in the duties of the Crown Attornev. HEALTHY PIGS In an address at the outset of the Swine Demonstration Train, Dr. L. Stevenson, provincial zoologist, em- phasized the importance of'health in growing pigs. Heaithy pigs, if properly fed, should be ready for the market at from six to seven months old. Pigs that did not reach the mar- ket weight at this age were either improperly fed or were not healthy. Internal parasites were one of the common causes of unthrifty hogs, and the farmer should always be on the lookout for possible infection from internal' parasites. Sanitation aud cleanliness were es.sential in the hog industry. Common treatments were recommended which may be secured by writing the provincial zoologist Dr. Lionel Stevenson, Ontario Veter- inary College, Gudph, Ont. Wps. Smith) of Rock Mills. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon when a large number ol friends attended. Sei-vice was held at her late residence and interment took place in Markdale cemetery. Mrs. W. J. Alcox Dies Mrs. VV. J. Alcox passed, away at her home on Toronto Line North on Saturday after a short illness. Her husband predeceased her a couple ot years ago. She leaves to mourn four sons and one daughter, Ross and Wellington of Markdaie, Leonard and Clarence at home, Delbert residing south of the home and Stella (Mrs LOCAUTEMS Mr. Norman Stoddart visited ths past week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.'Wm. Stoddart and family of Markdaie. When he fell on the icy sidewalk in front of the Park Hotel, Tuesday morning, Mr. John MacMillan of town suffered a broken arm. Last week a gentleman in town was busy filling a cigar lighter when the gaso.ine overflowed and soaked the gloves he was wearing. When the lighter was lit fire took hold ot the spilled ga.soline and in a few sec- onds his arm was in flames. Before any burns were sustained he plunged his arm in a pail of water and tht fire was extinguished. HOMEMADE BAKING SALE The Women's Association of the Presbyterian church will hold a sale of homemade baking at the home of Mrs. McGeoch on Saturday at 3 p.m. Flesherton Srs. Win again Sedond Game Wen On The Dundalk Rink This Year Displaying aggre.'sivcncss and com- bination on their attack and maintain- ing a strong defence throughout th? Flesherton seniors out- ^"ayed the Dundalk seniors in the latter's rink on Tuesday night of this week to the ti-ne (\{ 7-8. McCutcheon sent the locals off tc a pood start by s^'oring in the firs! few minutes of play on an assist from Best. Dundalk scored on p scramble and this was followed by Boyd shooting one that trickled through Patton's pad.-!. Before the period ended Dundalk scored ticing the score 2-2. In the second frame Sled Scored 2, whi'? Boyd, Jv)hn3on and Best scored one each. Dundailt scoring 3 making the score 7-5. In the first few minutes of plajr Mel. Thompson received an injury to his knee when he ran into McCutcheon, which kept him from playing the rest of tb*' game. In the third period Dundalk came out strong in a final effort to come out on top and scored two goals be- fore McCutcheon netted one for Flesh- erton. This cmlcd the scoring, but Gibson was kept busy to keep out the shots that were whiszed at him in the last few minutes of play. The game was clean throughotit. with no penalties bring handed out by rpforco Murcar. who kept tlje play well In hand. Flo'jherton â€" Goai, Gibson; defence, K. Johnson, M. Johnson; centre, H. Best: wings, H. McCutcheo*. B. Pat- ton; alternate?:, (5. Boyd, G. .<?led. Dundalk â€" Goal, R. Pstton: dc- fonro, r. Thompson, M. Thompson; centre, Meldorf: wing's. Bill Claridgc R. Livermore. , Abstract Statement of the Auditors' Report and Statement of Assets and Liabilities - For The - TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA For the Year 1932 RECEIPTS Taxes for 1932 $29485 30 Arrears of taxes 1929 and 1930 - 593 60 Arrears of taxes 1931 3181 77 Licenses 20 00 Sale of Township Hall 660 00 Loans - 19000 00 Miscellaneous 179 40 Provincial Treasurer, subsidy ._. 5915 45 $59035 52 DISBURSEMENTS Election expenses $ 321 70 Salaries and allowances 1378 16 Printing, postage and stationery 399 34 Insurance, rent, etc « 269 29 Loans ar'd interest ^ - 19686 40 Roads and bridges 2240 73 Charity, hospitals, etc 735 84 Telephone svstems 549 84 School Boards 13830 00 Debentures and interest 1301 33 Sheep and dog account 289 20 Local Boa-d of Health 214 20 Miscellaneous 238 80 Refunds 13 57 County rate, account 1271 79 Grants 60 00 Piiceville Police Trustees , 156 39 Overdraft 10264 71 Balance in bank _ 5816 23 $59035 52 ASSETS & LIABI&LITIES ASSETS Cash balance $ 5816 23 Arrears of t«xes, 1932 11366 IB Arrears of taxes, 1931 3119 94 Arrears of taxes, 1930 625 04 Cash, PriceviUe Hydro j 154 24 Balance from PriceviUe Hydro 464 37 §21546 00 LIABILITIES PriceviUe Hydro Debenture : ; $ 523 10 Artemesia Tei'ephone Debenture 103 60 Acheson Drain Debenture 82 01 Artemesia Telephone System. 1932 i .„ 232 40 Ospvey Telephone System, 1932 252 47 Euuhrasia Telephone System, 1932 64 45 Balance County Rate, 1932 15738 21 Checks outstanding 94 13 Balance due PriceviUe •. 644 56 $17734 93 BALANCE OF PRINCIPAL OUTSTANDING DEBENTURES â- PriceviUe Hydro Debentures _ $ 3248 42 School Section No. 2 Debentures 2531 50 Artemesia Telephone Debentures 525 86 Achesop Drain Debentures 221 43 Proton Drain Debentures " ' 449 75 Dated February 6th, 1933 $ 697G 91 G. W. BUCHANAN, W. SWANTON, Auditors. Small Advts. I For Sale FOR SALE â€" Dry wood.â€" Alf Harrison, phone 41r4. FOR SALE â€" Hai-dwood at $2 per cordâ€" G. E. Henry, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for service. Termi 11.00. â€" John Oliver. O.D.R., Art» mesia. FOR SALEâ€" Heavy black horse ris- ing 5 â€" J. Parker Proton Station R.R.3 FOR S.\LE â€" Brown purebred male Pomeranian pup. two months old.â€" Apply H. Best, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Crosley electric radio. 8 tubes, only $25.00. Will exchange. â€"A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of gooo hay, all varieties. â€" T. J. Stinson phone 41 r 11. FOR SALE â€" Wheat. 52^1: bushe or $17.50 per ton. Middlings 95< cwt. Bran 80c cwt. Redpath sugat $4.75 bag. Terms:- Cash. A. C Muir, Ccvlon, nhone 38 r 3. FOR SALE â€" Your choice of two Jersey cows, one just freshened, the '•thcr due Jan. 27, both 7 years old. Would consider exchange for young cat tie .â€"Reg. Boyd, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshirt Boar for «er. vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the OnUrio Depart^ ment of AgricaltTire. -C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS i GEO. E. DUNCAN â-  H DUNDALK "'' LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' For the County of Grey. Terms I per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance offic*. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. F. A A. M. meets in the masonic Hall over Kennedy's store, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., Geo. Long, Sr.; Secretary, H. A. McCauley. ^^iij^^^^^t^:^^^ ,

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