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Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1933, p. 7

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GREAT BEAR MINERALS SYNDICATE Offers you »n opport'jnliy u> liiteri?')t yourseif In Canada's latest ami great- cat Hadlum-Uold and Sllvtr field. At 6 2/3 Cents a Share Writ" for particulars to «006 Btar Bldr- 80 Ung «t. We,t, TOTOBtO. Name. Street. City. , OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE mSunt roval Going to Montreal? Listen to this good, ncna! Our room rates bare been lowered. Tbe- â- cbedule shown below gives all tho thrift; details. Cbasles Dorn- berger and hla famous Broadcast- ing orchestra has made the Mount Royal Dinner and Supper Dances oae of the brightest spots la the â- oclal life of Montreal. On your next trip to Montreal, let Vernon Q. Cardy, our Managing Director, be your host. Let him â- how you why the Mount Royal Is •o famous. "The Home Away From Home." Mount Royal Hotel New Low Rate* Single rooms with baths, $3.00 up Double rooms with baths, J6.00 up Suites $10.00 up V. t. CARDY Manaslnc Director Owl Laffs Kaitb without works Is about as use- less as a watch without wheels. The score was tied and two minutes to play. Any second now the ball would be snapped back for that last, aU-important attempt. The crowd was spellbounii. breathlessly counting the seuonds. Would he make that final floal kii-k which meant victory and honor? "Let's go now and avoid ttat ter- rible jam," slie said. She never knew what hit her. If it's true that the good die young, this present generation ought to be here for quite a long time yet. Harold â€" "I just read where a flapper presented her 8o-y ear-old hubtv with a baby boy. What uo oa think of that?" James â€" "The same as you do." "He gives me a pain in the neck," says Jones, "this man from India who hasn't spoken a word for several years. Gosh, I've been married twice that long. " Telephoning for a new tikelele string, a miss asked the music store • clerk to tune the thing before sending it out. GOLD STOCKS We Are Issuing a New Circular Regarding Ac- tivity in These Stocks. Copy on Request. A. E. OSLER & CO., Established 1886 11 Jordan Street, Toronto ELgin 3461 Highest Price Paid for dressed and live poultry and eggs. Correspondence solicited. EASTERN FARM PRODUCTS CO., 423 St. Fanl Strett 'Sast Kontraal, Qaa. $4 A.P.H. PANTS guaranteed fully up to the standard. All pure i first weave wool, equal to the most expensive cloth made in Canada for strength, warmth and durability. Enclose $4.00 for sample pair; sent promiptly by return. CLAYTON'S HALIFAX On one very rare occasion an en- thusiastic golfer arrived home for din- ner. Diiring the meal his wife said: Wife â€" "William Jr. tells me chat he caddied for you all the afternoon." Golfer â€" "Well, do you know, I thought I'd seen that boy before." The great trouble with the man who says he only wants a moment of one's time is that he knows not how time flies. "Two dozen loaves, please," demand- ed the zoo keeper. "Are you having a i>arty?" asked the grocer in amazement. "No," replied the keeper, "the kan- garoo kicked the elephant, and I want to make a bread poultice for him." "That young man stayed very late again, Edith." "Yes, papa, I was showing him my picture postcards." "Well, the uest time he wants to stay late, show him some of my elec- tric light bills." _ Evolution My dear Miss Smith; Dear Miss Smith; Dear Mary; Mary Dear; Dearest Mary; Mary Darling; Mary, Beloved; â-  My Soulmate; Darling Wife; Dear Mary: Hello. Mame. Song From the Ship |To sea, to sea! The calm is o'er; The wanton water leaps In sport, lAnd rattles down the pebbly s'jore; I The dolphin wheels, the sea-cows I snort, [ijod unseen Mermaids' pearly song IComes bubbling up, the weeds among. Fling broad the sail, dip deep the oar: To sea, to sea! The calm is o'er. iTo sea, to sea! our wide-winged bark I Shall billowy cleave its sunny way, Llod with Its shadow, fleet and dark, '^ Break the cared Triton's azure day, jUke mighty eagle soaring light O'er antelopes on Alpine height. The anchor heaves, the ship swings tree, Tbo sails sweU full. To sea, to sea! 'â€"Thomas LoveU Beddces. "Poems". Hash The high stepper is more apt to stub his toe than the fellow who shuf- fles along. Most of the troubles oi the young folks are not mental, but tem- peramental. Once a boy is engaged, his big worry is that she'll change her mind before he can change her name. There is one nice thing about a party telephone and that is that there is some one to answer the call or listen. A real angel Is not always trying to make you believe he is a real angel. It's funny about a fellow getting more health out of the game he plays for fun, instead of for his health. Agatha â€" 'But doesn't your husband have any hobby?" Agnes â€" "Oh, yes; he's always trying to comb his hair over the bald spot." To the enquiry as to why molasses kisses do not taste as good as they used to w-e would add: "Why specify molasses?" Investigators of the Pacific halibut finery have established that difrerent areas are populated by distinct stocks of fish which do not intermingle. Weak After Fhi and Pneumonia Joseph English is Well and Strong .\fter Taking Dr. Williams' Pink Tills to Rebuild Health "I feel we practically owe my brother's life to the benefit obtained fcom Dr. Williams' Pink Pills," Writes Doris English of Fort Lang- ley, B.C. "My brother took the 'flu' ' Bd, getting a chill, con- acted pneumonia, which Iter developed Into an btcoss oa the lung. After operation and a long ftfe of Illness, he was so tin and weak he was « nght. He had no appetite tot food, and we weren't £Ki much encouragement t he would recover. However, •• found Dr. WUliame' Pink Pills |i food as they were advertised, mm tbe beginning of the- treat kent there was a marked ImproTe- Gained From The Start ment. He goon had a good appe- tite, and bis face took on a healthy color. Ue gained weight from the first. To-day he is well and strong, and bnpes others may benefit from this wonderful remedy as he did" Whatever the cause of a rundown condition of health, nse Dr. 'Vnillaoia' Pink Pills. Thsy ere«t« new red blood, whteh re- Tltallzes the whole lystem and builds up new energy and vigor. For that rea- son th«y are MiuaUy good for young, growing firls. <Ht Or. Williams* Pink PlUs In the M* gtace containers from your drufglat. 50c • package. 1 Z 1 4 â- > « 1 8 ^) 10 u 12 4 li u 15 16 17 is 19 20 21 22 25 :4 25 2b 27 2t5 29 30 ii 52 33 i4 35 30 37 38 >9 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4a Horizontal 1 â€" Pugnacity 6 â€" Romantic habff" 11 â€" Coating 12 â€" Man's name 14 â€" Formerly 15 â€" Rowed 17 â€" Conjunction 18 â€" Girl's name 19â€" Pleas 20 â€" Overly 21 â€" French article 22 â€" To pertain 23 â€" Finishes 24 â€" Meditative poems 26 â€" Extreme happiness 27 â€" Row 28 â€" Claim 29â€" Collides 31 â€" Member oC council 34 â€" Uncouth S5 â€" Cnlmpassioned 36 â€" Musical note 37 â€" Devoured 38 â€" Rope missile 39â€" Thus 40 â€" Part of "to be" 41â€" Title 42 â€" To cover surface 43 â€" Girl's name 43 â€" Dickens' hero 47 â€" To loom 48 â€" Records Vertical 1â€" Herb 2 â€" South Ameiican emperor 3 â€" Command te horse 4 â€" Pronoun 5 â€" Travelling actor 6 â€" Maker of contract 7 â€" Minerals S â€" Finish 9 â€" Pan of Infinitive 10â€" Ships 11â€" A cloth 13â€" Refuse 16 â€" Suffers 19 â€" Scouts 20â€" To infect 22â€" Spr? 23â€" free 25â€" Musical composition 26â€" Twining plant 28â€" Biblical country 29â€" Delicate 30â€" Beginning "1- Piece for one :':;â€" Fruits 33 â€" Snake 35 â€" More painful 38â€" Xude 39â€" To keep 41â€" Arc 42 â€" To oppose 44â€" Negative 46â€" Behold + Do You Know? + A.S.S..tli ro 1. ..Si' WEiSK'i a%t. ♦•»â-  PUZZLE AJW L FlE T 2 R I B C R|Y LiO If TJ S E 3| tIy R i'aIwJIb I G â-  G A rIthpIe I a H T Icll 7 ^â- FlAifi I £ UIS aIc i â- h!a!sHi)IaIx K T IIm!aIrIcIh!£ iP U E Aa MMHiO-W IPaTFH 1 D U H TiEI T s E ITD oil K s upir C B u sta L L U a E TiulB E â-  ;N !l,LiE T Y [K. z 5, IsItIeIw S £ B Canadian Pine Valuable Wood There are nine distinct pine species ni-tive to Canada, of v;hich iJx are of great cominer.i;-.! importance. Eastern white pine is thj most valuable cuni- ferous wood in Canada. Up to a few j'ears ago it ..-vs the most important in point of quantity exported, but; re- cently there ha.s been a relative scarc- ity. The Western white pins is sim- ilar in most respects to the EastJrn species but does not form exterjive pur' stands. It is confined to t.he PVovince of Br'tish Columbia. The red cr Nonvay pine of Eastern Can- ada is harder and more resinous than the white pine, and the tree is a valu- able source of structt-ral timber as well as of sawn lumber. The Western yellow or "bull'' pine of the interior of British Columbia is softer and lighter in color than the red piae, and is nov,- extensively used as a substi- tute for white pine. There are three hemlock species in Canada's forests, "two of which are valuable timber trees. The Eastern Leniiock is abundant throughout its ra.ige in the Ea.stern Provinces, but is not found west of the Province of On- tario. The wood is chiefly used for construe ion, especially in house-fram- ing. It supplies the demand for a cheap, strong material for many pur- poses, including poles, mining timber, pulpwood and firewood, and its bark is a valuable source of tannin. The Western hemlock is found in Canada only in the Province of British Col- umbia, and is becoming more valuable each year as its qu;ilities are better appreciated. The W-jstern species is used more exten; ively than the East- ern in pulp mai.ufacture. \ There are only two species of the' commonly c.-'-lkfl cedar in Can-' a<la. They are both of great com- ! mercial importance, each in its own region as their ranges d^ not overlap. The v.-cod of the cedars is the most durable conifortus wood grown in the Dominion. The Eastern tree, white! cedar, is found from the Atlantic to i tbe south-east part of Manitoba. Ce- dar is preferred to all other native woods for shingles and for all struc- tural work exposed to moisture, enor- n ous quantities being used for poles and fence posts. The Westerr red ce- Q£r is one of the giants of the Pacific coast, being surpassed in size only by the Douglas fir. Its wood is made into shingles to a greater e.xtent than any other wood in Canada, and it is also sawn into lumber. HAD RHEUMATISM FOR 20 YEARS But None Since 1930 Thi.i man must have something !ik( a record for suffering. He says:â€" "since 1910 up to 1930 â€" that Is 21 yearsâ€" I have been a great sufferel with rheumatism. I am pleased to say that .since 1930 up to date, I have beei free from that dreadful pain, simply by taking Kruschen Salts- and notW ing else. I must say that 20 years is a long lime to have that awful rhett- matic pain about one." â€" W. P. Your rheumatism is just like his and everyone else's. It is caused by sharp- edged uric acid crystals getting into your joints. Kruschen will dlssoiv* those crystals awa.v. Furthermoreâ€" If you keep up the "little daily dose* ever afterwards, it will never be pos- sible tor them to form again. Rheu- matism will be gone for good. FREE TRIAL OFFER It you Imve never trici ii_.-i.i i.. u -Lr>' it ouw at our fiiiense. Wc iiavc disinbiiieil a grtat many eiuxial " GH.VT " packams whirli maka It eaay lor you to [irovc our •laiiiu (or younwlf. .^sk your JruKguii Tor the acif ' liUXT " 75c ?acka«r. ta» connlMs of our recular 75c. bottle togetlier with a sciiHratf trial bottitâ€" sufflciriit for about one week. Uptn the triiU bottJc first, put it to the test, anil t.hen, if not entirely lonvincvil that KmiKlien cloes evernliing we claim it lo do, tlie regular bottle Is still a« good at new. Take It back. Your drusitisc Is authorise.1 to return your 75c. Imniwliately ami witliout queatton. You have tried Kruschen free at our exiviue. What could be fairer ? Manufactured by E. GriffiUia Hughes, Ltd., Manthe«t«r, Eac. (HiUb. 1756). Importers: MoUllllvray lirua- Ltd., Toronto. ;= â€" . .a Classified Advertising PATEKTS. DC .\" .N J S O .N. H. J. S.â€" P.\TE.\TS. Trade Marks. Designa, Copyrlglita. AM countries. 1^07 o'ederal BulldiTit. Toronto. AN OFFER TO EVERY WVIINTOR. List of wanted inventions ana full informatio.i sent tree. Tlie B<ua::«y Com- puir, W^rld Patent Attorneys. 2T3 Bank Street. Otta»va, Cgr.ada. AOEST8 •WAlfTEP. A'iENTS TO SKLL ilENS M.'Hb to measure â- â- I'-'thea. Splendid on- portur.ity. Fenwytk Tailoring Co, I-abelle Bids.. St. Catherine, Won- treal. BUSINESS OPPOBTPinT Y W\ O U ONTO rty O U O N X OPPORTU.MTiES-i, X Grocery, delicatessen; beauty uar< t?f',^°''^-'=°' "akery; tea room and beau« tiruuy lurnished rooming house. Par* tlcula.-s. Homestead, 2 College. Toronto. RE-TINNING Mlik Catjs. lee Crea.-n ra.ker?. Theesa Hoops, Your old ca.-.s mude like new for less than half c jst of new. pis- teurlzers retlnnad at your own plant. Toronto Cadmlain Plating ft TlaalM Co. 31t(l IM Edwin Aveane. ' . Toronto That at Kettle Point, Ontario, cu the slwre of Lake Huron, stones which are knovrn locally as "kettles" break through the ground like a mushroom and harden only after exposed 10 the air and daylight? The si2e of these "kettles" which are strewn all over the beach at this point is shown by comparing it with tlie child standing en one. Texas Supplies Most Mohair Lubbock, Te.Y. â€" Tesas produced 31 per cent of the United States mo- hair clip in 1929, accortiing to an analysis of the 1930 census complet- ed by Dr. J. 0. Ellsworth, head of the department of agricultural econo- ' mies at Texas Technological Col- â-  lege. Sixty-five per cent of the na- tion's goats aud kids are in Texas. 1 <. i "A great deal tliat is most import- I ant in newspapers is unfortunately ' read only hy a very few." â€" Nicholas 1 j Murray Butler. ! I London's Beauty Is London beautiful? Not at all in the sense in which Paris is beau- tiful, i.e. on account of its splendid- ly lald-out streets and "places" and the unity of style in Us chief thoroughfares. Paris 'aas a classic beauty which no one can deny. London's beauty ij like the face of a Rembrandt iwrtrait; it looks beau- tiful -without being so. London gets Its beauty from the climate, the light and, above all, the mist; It is barely the same for two days, nay two hours, together, and is at Its unloveliest in "lovely" weather. You get the most marvellous sunsets In the world on the river, lighting up with a magical radiance the masts and warehouses and bridges that pierce the misty sky. Rain and mist, the sky signs, the trains puffing out steam a« they roll by, the many- colored reflections of a thousand llgliti on the asphalt are among the li^redients of London's beauty, and the soot that blackens every building, leaving only the turrets and domes ittUldlnc out {n their whiteness, the red ot the lnnumera})le buses against th« trey of the streets, the fllcker- tns acetylene lamps to the street maileU help to «»ni|plete the picture. â€" rrom England, tlie Unknown I»le," by Paul Cohen-Porthelm Translat- ed Ir Alan Harris. * "(Ue does not ooiMtituie Talu*."â€" OMon Und^Ay Deww. Dental Parlor Put on Wheels Kalamazoo, Mich.â€" W. I. Nash, a dentist, takes his office to his pati- ents. He has completed a portable dental parlor, built on a standard truck chassis, to accommodate five persons. The parlor will be used within a thirty-mile radius of Kala- mazoo. »^ 'We need to start at the bottom, which we have now apparently reached, and build up."â€" Edward A. Filene. BABY'S OWN SOAP , Ifs Best for You oojBobn ^oo IT'S LIVERTHAT MAKeT YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile â€" N« Calomel necessary For you to feel hcalibv and happy, your Brer mvist ^our two pouaas of liquid bile into TOUT boweiB, every day Without that biie, wo.uble itarte. Poor diseauoD. Slow eliminati»a. FoiKJos in the body. General wretcheJnase. „.i'°w caa you eipoit to clear up a aituatioB Uke Ibia completely n-ith mere bowel-movin« •alta, od, mineral water, laxative candy or mewing ^m, or roughage? They don't wak* â- a your Uver. You need Carter's Little LiTer PiDj. Pure'-r J»«etable. Safe. Quick and aure resulta. Aak •or them by name. Heiuse aubatitutae. 25c. a* ell omgciatt. j^ Fashion Drawing || •IWrOHT AT HOME lluud'tds of M^n and Women avery- where are iiiaking good money draw- ing ladles' fashions. Let us give you the benetit of our experience and prepare you for a successful future In this busir.oss. â- \\"rite today for Free Uook'.'t. FASHION A&T STUOIO 60 Front Street We»t - Toronto /Jjt CHAPPED SKIN jt^f DilmcMintrd's with one-half Tl »»-««t oil Of cream. Apply ' â-  I ODC« a dty. For Fro« Bite 1 1 u»c the Liniment fre«ly tad ' â-  I undiluted. No Ireuble. Very healing ! Artificial Limbs 5 Years Guarantee. METAL OR WOOD Write S. J. DEW, â- !29 Church St.. Toronto TRUSSES Keep this sd REDUCE FATNOW SAFELY • SIMPLY . SURELY Wmm* ewtySna an mm vwlaa ttut BrMM wl wii tMa M(«ad »• maiMi •( ri^Mlat remt (at •Wwat Dm ilitMHt "U to li»rai LACCV* RCDUCINa SUli !• nanirtod atralew MtM •krile. Me 4l«t>ii| ar riiamut u« â- â€¢rtam FilaMr. kaaaty (iwctaltit wrtltu "I tnt rMe<«4 U ifÂ¥t»*\ aitn LACC#S w« M*l Ntkr Oiaa I law tor yvra. I Im* tMa iMMM^lK n » •« tr tllnla Tltt w^nt** T» i«tah OX akar* aaS kartr m a AUv â- ^Nk Ikm LACIV'S tfMr <Mk BMl. RMMI- â- â€¢MW ly IHtlui Int^n. |ia A Bex AT aU- •RUe AKD BCPT. »T*R(«. If jrw <a wXviH Mar a <r«t ••mk malt «• LACIVe. PA •â- Â« «Ml VaaMnnr. • C. «>thd (MtaaK. tiiMiT '••• sua «>4 Kajay Lift." tNa a* nnaat REDUCL WITHOUT STARll These ha-.e been (ryjr.g time* tor the farmor. They have, however, made him t6 the fact that efflcloncy 1b leed- Inr llvestoclt is the greatest factor !b brii^KiiiB euocess. Ose f&rmer reports a r^ln of almost a ponsde a day oa 435 bead of Beiwford two-year-old eteeri fad moetly cropi I crown on hia farm. The f»«d waa groimd â-  and TO'.xed with MOLASSES to make it 3iiora palatable and appetlainrâ€" eaeler to ditfeet and aealmllate. M01..\S^ES la the great grain aaver a- 1 a favorite with the moat aucceasful ^.u' tie feeders. Tour dealer will supply yon with the fl"- eM quality Canada West India* Maladsc^ â€"Write tor tolder. CAKAD.\ WEST INDIES MOLASSES ''^ 1400 Notrf Dame St, B. â€" tfOBtrea.! Soap for daily ue. Olnlmont to btal dun irrilttios:. Tnl«UUl ideil aitrr 'sa'Jiiii;. i.«t» :!"m-. OinttiMQl 2.10, MOLASSES CUT* FEED COST AND TURNS LOSSES INTO PROFITS SIMPLY WORN OUT? Take Lydia E. PiniJiain's Vegetable Compound _Ca'> •nythintf b« more wewla« foe womcQ thitn the caaselaaa round of â- ousshold dutlea? You hare no tlwe to M sick . . . you sre tired . . . slllnd « ; • yet caonot stop. There comes a tlcaS *»eo aomethlna •asps nod you flsS ywascU simply worn out. Lydla K. PinUiam's Vegetable Cotn* peoiKl will help you. \Vi tonic action will •ire yini renewed strrRgth, and will maka your daily tasks seam sasier to you. W out of eTCTT IM worucn who rspmt to oe aay that th<y sre benefited bv thia OMdlcine. Buy a buttle from your 'dnia< •iM today . . . and mtcb Um rNStab ISSUE 'n^~7-^^ â- 

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