â-º -♦-♦♦•-♦< ♦♦♦♦•♦ â-º-♦â- ♦♦ »»-♦â- •-•-« Voice of the Press Canada, The Empire and The World at Large #»<*w»>»>l (â- »»â- #•••••••••••••••< CANADA HOl'KKUI.. It .s««mii a hard thinj? tu U'lieve, but from many sources there is evi- dence of returning prosperity. In ksepinK with thv age, it is coming in installments, and so far the install- nn«nts are m>t much felt, but it is a good thing to keep a stiff upiK-r lip aiul a hopeful he:i.t. -(I'ttrolia Ad- vertiser Topic.) BRKVITV IN SPEECH. Much miiy be >aid for the statement mad« by Judge Hawley Mott when questioned by a reporter recently in Bowinanvillc as to the reason that he only spoke for 30 minutes at the Wo- men's Canadian Club. Judge Mott said that any man .should be able to express all he hus to say in 30 iiiin- utfcs, and if he could net then he •hould not rise to speak; Some men are notoriou.sly b.-ng-windcd in an ad- dress, so long-winded in fact, that by the time they have concluded their talk the chances are ten to one that the audience have completely forgot- ten the first part of his remarks. â€" (Canadian Statesman, Uownianvillc.) ECONOMY AT SEA. So rapidly has post-war ship design developed thtt u modern 40,000-ton liner costs less to run to Montreal than a 20.000-ton 30-year-old rival. â€" (Ix)ndon Saturday Reviovi-.) WO.MKN IN INUUSTRV. To want to establish an infle-Kible rule and to deny women the right t© earn their daily bread is a lot of non- sense; to pretend that replacing wo- men by men in industry would allow the men to support their ho72ies is an- other of those Utopian theories which will not hold -.voter, just as it is un- true to say that the majority of wo- men seek employment as a hobby, to satisfy their taste for lu.xury and to be independent of men. The reverse in fact is true, for, in the majority of cases', the woman works because she needs to, of necessity, because the con- ditions of modern existence compel her to do so. â€" (Lo Monde Ouvrier. Mon trcal.) i^EARNING A NEW TRICK. Ju.st when farm l>oy« pre adept at adjusting carburetors, the old horse stages a comeback and you've got to learn to knot a halter.â€" (Winnipeg Tribune.) IT HAD TU COME. There's a gal in old Kentucky who is de.serving of a general vote of thanks, if not a public menu '.ial. She is suing for $10,000 a vaudeville per- former, who left the stage during the performance, anibied along the aisle and croone<l to her. In her statement of claim she declares she was humili- at< ; and embarrassed and that her health was affected as a result.â€" (Hamilton Spectator.) THE UNFINISHKf) WOKLU. In 1834, a current magazine article reveals, an official of the United Btatcj patent office resigned because "Everything possible had been in- vciit<?d." Since this gentieiiian loft his post li. the smug belief that the world was a finished product, the worl I's brains have invented tho sewing tr.Bchine, the t>'pewriter, the electric locomotive, the air brake, wireless te'graphy, interna! combustion engines, aeroplanes, cash registers, ineandescnt lamps, motion pictures and about a million and a half other devices which we now con- i.dor commonpl.ice. â€" (Vancouver Sun.) WITH llARril) HEADS. I'l-om time to time th^ro nre pic- tures in Toronto paper.* showing scenes at the funerals of prominent people, or again it may be some pub- lic function outdoor.; such as the open- ing of a new building. The iieopic appear to bo well and comfortably dre.sscd as a rule, that is if there is any comfort in a silk hat for a man. Often, though, it Is no- t!ce<i that many stand with bared headfl in cold weather. They do so as a mark of re»i)ect. The same thing ii done in nearly every olhe.- place. Whether all these people can do So nafely is nomething we do not know; In fart we hav« doubts. We do not believe the iwrson to whom tho honor is being paid, were he able to make his wi.shes known, would suggest that hemls !)• bared by elderly people in cold weather. In many cases it is a «urc way to invite a cold and possible •rri<-u.s illness. - (Stralfoid IVacon- Hcin'.j.i (JOI.I) AND THE CONFERENCE. The report of the experts on the agenda for the World Economic Cmu- ference confirms all the worst expeo- tati<ins. If the experts have their way, it is not to be a I'or.ference to devise ways and n>eans of emerging from the economic depression. It' Is to be a Conference to devise ways and means of forcing the whole world back ui»on the gold standard. F'rom first to last these expert.s has-c i-pproached the problems, not from the point of view of the workers, not from the point of view of the indust/ialists, but from that of the financiers â€" of the money-lenders. Unless there is quick and effective protest, the World Econ- omic Conference is going to be little more than a new and international "bankers' ramp."â€" (London Daily Herald.) LORD WILLINGDON'S RULE. The law-abiding section of the com- munity, Indian and European, owes a tremendous debt of gratitud/j to Lord Willingdon for the manner in which he has succeeded in restori;ig the sym- bols of law and order that had become so dreadfully deface<t during the rule of his predecessor.- (Calcutta En5r- lishman.) British Air Fleet Maneouvres Just after taking off from llie Jlrilish aircraft carrier PurloUi, duriug annual exercises off the north coast of Africa en route to Malta. An unusual view of the giant carrier, while she is speeding ahead under full steam. BLOOD THICKER TH.\N W'ATER. The cordiality that s^hould exist be- tween the.sc tw-o English-r-pcaking na- tions â€" Great Britain and .America â€" should be sponsorid as muci as po.s- siblo, but cordiality must bo promoted by correct infoFmation, and both sides must work to disseminate such infor- mation. The best agent.s, of course, will be the leading slate.s.r.en of both countries. Will Mr. Roosevelt take the initiative in this work j.i America? • â€" (Kingston (Jamaica) Gleaner.) THE EMPIRE IIII.E HANDS. • â- « ly great war the spread Bl I Mine if attributed to the r<^stle«s- resit and the recklessness of the r»- furncd foldiers. We heard the same ^tory after tho (irrat War. It can not be .said now. According to Ed wsid Mulrooncy, New York Police c.v ..,,.,|,er. the criminal of today ha kill, w utterly ruthless, and hiii nverage age is only eighteen jx'arj. The-e lawbruakers are not men who have found it hard to settle down to work Btlet V nr. Brcauss oX wide- iipn ;i(l unemployment they have never btH'n in hill ri' »"â- (.- M.ondon Daily E»- prc*.'' I BRITISH riLM.\' IN TRINIDAD. Australia, New Zealand and South Africa are eager buyers of British pictures. Canada, as a film distribu- tion centre, has hitherto seemed vir- tually identical with the United States, I but British films arc triumphing here I too. The significance of Trinidad's acceptance of British films is thus' seen. The distributing organization! rcsi)onsible for winninj; the co-opera- 1 tion of our local cinema owners are on ' the threshold of entering the entire' Went Indian market. This, we under-' stand, will be the greatest colonial conquest made by the British indus- try. It mast be the l)eginning of one more step in encircling the entire British-speaking areas of the Empire to cater for the major portion of their requirements in cinema entertainment. --(Trinidad Guaixlinn). HOARDING IN INDIA. Those who per.sist in believing that all India still "hoards" precious mctaU and does not put them to any prac- tical use have proof of their mistake right under their eyes. A.s Sir George !-'chuster mentioned, the improvement ill sales of Post Office Cash Certifi- c; tcs indicates that some part of the proceeds of gold sales is being converts cd into other forms of investment even by^ the smallest class of investor. Then, too, tho maintenance of the im- port trade is only explained by the fact that some part of the profits from gold sales is l.»eing u.sed for current expenditure. As a largo profit has been, and is being, made on sales of gold, it cannot be said that the util- ization of that profit for current needs i:i equivalent to eating up the snving.s or capital of tho people; the capita! valuo of tiio original invest- n;cnt remains intact. â€" (Bombay Times of India.) Campbell Says Speed Contests Develop Auto British Racer States Valuable Lessons Learned .'\re Most Useful in Improving Models of Future Daytona Beach, Fla. -Mitor speed contests develop the automobile just as horse racing improves tl.e breed, in the opinion of Sir Malcolm Camp- bell. "I have oftj.i been asked," the Brit- ish racer said, "what is the use of attempting these high speeds, but the answer is easy. Unless wc progress we shall soon come to a standstill, and when this occurs we would imme- diately go backward. "The lessons learn are most val'i- able, and, although the man in the street has no wish to travel at a speed of 200 miles an hour, yet in 'he cours.7 « ' time he benefits by information that is compiled, since a great deal of knowledge can be utili7.ed in the tour- ing car of tomorrow. "We should never have possessed the powerful four-wheel br;ikos of to- day had not the racing car of yester- day developed this most important factor, arid undoubtedly lie tires of today owe a lot of lessons learned in the past by strains and stresses which racing has imposed on them." Tu'.-ning to a discussion of auto^no- bile record attempts, Sij- Malcolm ex- plained the governing factors at pres- ent arc tires and condition of tlie course. "Regarding lire.-i," he said, "as we progress, so will they become more efficient and will be made to stand tor- rific strains and stresses to which they are subjected when these high speeds are attempttsl. .\nd, natur- ally, it is only possible to achieve higli speed under the most favorable con- ditions of the course." Flying Across Continents As Described By J. A. Mollison Famous British Aviator Recounts Mental Experiences of His Adventures in the Air GOLD AND WAR DEBTS. The inevitable return to .--omo lonn <if gold standard fo- all covntries has come appreciably nearer in the la.it few weeks; but it is equally clear that no stabilization of currencies can bo achieved while the war debts remain, with the implied necessity for tho periodical transfer of huge amounta of gold from one country to another. (Tho Melbourne Argus.) Sinclair Lewis Advocates Cancellation of War Debt I..ondon.- Sin<'lair Lewis, tlia writ- er, arriving here from the continent, proclaimed tlvat Anglo- American fiien<lship could save the world from a new war. I/ewis, profcs.sing a new-found af- fection for Great Britain, declared hia belief that "modern civiliialion li a heritage worth keeping," and a con- tention that "the only countrie* which have a chance of retaining it are Am- erica and Great Britain." I*wis, in an interview with the Daily Express, advocated outright I'ancellation of the war debts at ".•dimply a mattf-r of good liushieMâ€" not i<entiniont." Au auto trip across tha United States from Jer.iey City of Oakland was made in 86 hours and 20 nilu utes elapsed time. O. A.C. Short Courses Packed With Practical Usefulness' Amazed at the amount of practical , luCormation which ihe ha.s picked up, in the ten-day short course in Farm | l^owcr, a woman who is operating a l.'.Oaore farm In Norfolk ('ouuty has [ has decided to ream next week to attend two or three other short courses in which she Is confident thai .she can get many practical Ideas wliicli will be helpful to her In ih© management of her home farm. "I am glad that there are so many pe.oplo taking advantage of these short course.s. but after goiiiK through one of them and thits realizing its pracacal value, I am surprised that there are not five timo.^ as many people in attendance." She Is just ono of many who are havtug similar experience at the On- tario Agriculuiral CoUogo this win- ter. lu all, there are 21S men and wo- men, youug and old. uiUing advant- age of the various short courses which are under way at tho present limo. Two or three other courses ot different kinds wiU open in the near futiiro and these will undoubt- edly bring a number more to take ad- vantage ot what is being offered hy the College in these special winter courses. , • • World Conference, Debts, Trade Whether the Confci-ence meets or not, this monstrosity of the Great War is now clearly at an end, ^vrites George Glasgow in the Contemporary Review. No political force can longer keep it going. No more political debt payments will be made. If the poli- ticians of the world cannot agree to lower tariffs and thus to remove a gi- gantic barrier lo trade; if the Unitwl States and France cannot agree to unloosen their boards of gold which make the working of the gold stand- ard impossible; then the wit of man and his innate resource for acclimatiz- ing himself to any conditions will force him to resume his normal work In spite of the politicians and their tar- iffs and without the help of the gold .standard; and experience suggests that he will succeed in doing so. Off To French Indo China -♦ Air Shuttle :$ervice Planned Clilrago. Air traveling visitors to the Centmy of Progress Erposltlon hero this .lummer may he "jiot down" riglit ai the falv'.i front door If they wlsli. A fleet of am|)hlliian planes • ten-r>asKeiiRi-r, twin-motor ships has been ordered to provide a shuttle ser vice lift ween thf municipal nlriHirt and 8 special ramp on llir shi>ri> of T.nk>: .Mli'hignn Two essential things we want to leurn when u famous Hyer enters the oonfpssloiisl of uutohlography: his IhouRhts and feolings in moments of crisis, and the mental outlook whirli sustains him in his life of hazard and adventure. The facts ot his achieve- ments most of UH already know; they have become flying history. -Mr. J. A. Molllsonn 'IJeaiU Cometh Soon or Late" is an llhimlnating as well as thrilling narrative berauae it reveals the mind and emotions ot the courageous record-beater who flew from Australia to England, from Eng- land to the Cape, across the Atlantic from east to west, and from Kugland to Brazil, apart from War service in Waziristan and general test-pilot work which involved grave if less spectacu- lar risks. To-day's the Day First, then, his outlook on life. It Is, he confesses, â- 'lameutahly hedonis- tic," taking little or no thought for '.he morrow; but one which takes cognii ance of the present and the near fu- ture, and finds the years to come be- yond its range. Is, I believe, Ir'^eally adapted to anyone who takes ad^-ti- ture for his goal ... my outlook on life in fact la fairly adequately sum- med np In the words of a recently popular song, "To-morrow tho ^kles may he grey, 1 dare say, but not to- day." This lone flyer can also truly say ot himself: I am never more happy than when In a crowd. My own companionship quickly begins to pall. . . . On my long flights I have to drive conthuially on my nerves, singing, muttering and reciting poetry to myself to vary the monotony of loneliness. Not for me is the ideal contemplation of the true philosopher: my feelings can never pursue a level cou '•je. When I am left alone to think I only know the moods of ecstasy and depfession. The airman who takes risks with hi.s life is frightened to give free rein to meditations on the future. Because ot an element of laziness within him, he adds, which whisi>er3 of the joys of.^jcurity in routine, one day his nerves wil' cease to rule him and his imagination will forsake him. Then "I shall become a contented bore. AU tWat I think worth while wil! die that day " The Ship At Night It is deeply intorcatlng, psychologi- cally, to watcl\ this cast ot mind in action during the most crucial phases ot his flights. We see grim courage and resource, but no Olympian indif- ference, no easy fatalism. Mollison live.s to tha utmost every successive moment, whether it be ot trial or triumph. Everything that is happen- ing withiu and without his cabin im- pinges on his mind with instant force. When, on the flight from Australia, for instance, he espied a brilliantly lighted ship about 120 mile; out from Batavla, I somehow felt I must not leave It. I circled round it two or three times, while the passengers on deck gazed at me. Tho night was very rfark, and It was a wrench to leavo the only link wiUi existence I saw that nigltt. I pressed on. grateful for ttie clear weather, but beginning to feel the need of sleep. I continually shifted my position, adopting the mo»4 uncomfortable postures to kei > myself awake. My ears began to play bm irlck.s. I would fancy an Interruption in the regular beat of the eugine and start wltli sudden terror only o relax a. moment later as I realized it was merely the fancy of my semi-dormani brain. Making for Singapore he found that tho petrol in his main reserve tank had completely run out: â€" I started talking to my engineâ€" "come along, that's it; come along, damn good; come aloi^g, Ihats it; come along damn good"; my eyelids were aching and sore and I repeated the monotonous refrain of my coax- ings as my head nodded to and fro. On the .Atlantic flight of August, last year he had to fly blind through tb« worst of Newfoundland fogs, for hs could not see' even the tips of Ills wings: â€" I could only press on, straining mj eyes in vain, hoping against hope tha< all would be well. My head ached, and I began to feel physically sick. Th« length of the crossing was telling ob me. and I felt the drowsy numbness that I had experienced so often In my earlier flights beginning to attack m« with ever-increasing force. Thus 1 flew on, philosophically resigned ts the worst, but still hopng faintly thai a miracle might happen that would see me through. Scotch Economy The miracle did happen, and he con* pleted the flight at a co-st, it Is esti- mated, of only £10 6a. 3d. tor petrol and los. for engine oil â€" a fact which induced an American editor to r» mark: "Took a Scotchman like Molli- son to do It economcally. Wait, now, tin Harry Lauder flies from Ediaburgt to New York for sixpence!" Mr. Mollison does not pretend thai his outlook enables him to take serl oua defeat philosophically. Ai hii lirst attempt to fly from Australia tu England his machine failed to cieai telegraph iwles bordering his taking- off ground and was wrecked. Next morning I awoke In black desi'air. II was the worst day of my life. Oaths that I never suspected I knew cams crowding to my lips as I lay thinking ot the disaster. ... I lay for hours and cursed myself for my bravado la taking off with a full complement ot petrol. ... I blamed the mechanic. . . . I blamed everything and every- body, but in my heart I knew that I had only myself to blame. Mr. JloUlson traces the spirit of ad venture In hmself to his grandfather, a Glasgow man who became au officei in the Turkish navy. It was Srs< aroused in the direction of aviatop, ht says, by Claude Grahame-White's car ly book, "With the Airmen," and his machine was the first young Mollison ever saw in flight. Wliea the Great War came he realized his amliition b> Joining the R.A.F., and bombing worli on the Indian frontier laid the found* tlons of a distinguished areer. "Death Cometli Soon or Late." But, luckily, not sufllciently soon to prevent Mr. Mollison writing a book which Is a superb gest' - of defiance la thi face of danger and a beckoning ts achievement and adventure. I lleltn Houch^r, pretty Frsnch girl, about lo oelebrale her 21 btrtiiday. derided to colebrato la a proper manner, in a few da\i I the flighty miss hntw off for French Indo, China. Ford Sees Bright Future Nearing Magnate Says Machine .Age Has Barely Started as Yet New Vork. â€" The New Vork Times recently published under a Detroit dateline a copyrighted interview with Henry Ford in which the automobile manufacturer declared that these are not bad limes but g:ood ones, arvd that we are on the threshold of an incon- ceivably bright future. Ho said that it is the dovelopnvent of machines which w^ill brings the bright new era and he smilingly dis- missed technocracy. "Technocracy sems to be misnam- ed," he said. I see little evidence of technical experience in it. Its diag- nosis of present conditions is partly correct, but when it assumes that pre- sent conditions are i>erman.'nt, when it forgets the fluid and progressive elements in life, it simply goea on the rocks. "The machine age is barely started now. In the real machine <\ge which is to come the dirt and ugliness and confusion and noise and disregard of human rights which are all about na totlay will be done away with. Thia is only the ox cart stage of the ma- chine age, RECOVERY GOING ON. Although he declared no one knows just when industry will {.ick up, he said: "This period that we ars going through right now is the recoyeiTr. Tha bad tintes were back in 1929 and liefore. That was the real panic â€" that so-called prosperous period. Bnsi- ness, at bottom, never was so bad as it waa in what we called l<opin times. I'he managers were off tha job. People weren't really working or really thinking. Now they are. We are aee- ing now the passing of an old era and the beginning of a new one better than anything the world has known before." Ford talked enthusiastically about iiis program to restore prosperity U the fanner by teaching him to pro- duce other commodities besides food- stuffs and of a system of dccentrab ized industry, in which small, self- contained communities scattered ovei the country will be the units. Postal Savings Popular Buenos Aires.â€" The Argentine Po» tals Savings Bank continues to b« popular, especially among school chil- dren in the country districta for w horn special facilities were provided when the bank was established in 1905. To- day the bank has 1,523,506 depositor! with average deposits of 60 pesoi (?12). Slightly more than half th< amount now on deposit, 90,793,381 pesos, is interest that has accrued oi tho savings. There are 5,145 branchw of the bank, of which 8,713 are is schools and 1,432 in post offices. Scottish Business Plans Second Trade Trip Her« Glasgow, Scotland. â€" Scottish butS ness men, it Is reported have bogus steps to origanize a second trade ml» sloo to C4tnada to follow up success attained last year through the vlsU to eastern CAnadtaa porta ot th« floating industrial exhibition ahoarl the steamer Letitla. Business circles said the visit ol the L«tltla resulted In a consider able increase in trade between ths Clyde district and tha Domlnioa. They anticipated a second uissios. probably headed again by the Duke ot Montrose, would build ap more buslnese. Makes Release Easter Releasing ths hand, or parking, brake on some cars which hare â- single brake system with two means of operation involves a trick that all drivers should know. The task at releasing the ratchet la simplified l( ths brake pedal is depremied at tks same time.