I Always Tired, Sluggish Mrs. Hartwell's Run - Down Health Restored by Or. Williams' Pink Pills, She States. "I have derived gffat benettt from Dr. Wlllfams' Pink Pill.i," wrlt&s Mrs. Ix)rn6 HartweH, Osnabruck Centre, Out. 'My healtli sot poor: indigestion followed, and 1 was nervous and irritable. .My heart was also bad. 1 got up in the morn- log more tired than when 1 wt^nt to bed. My weight wa.s reduceil, my imbltloa shattered, my memory un- certain. I was unable to do my hout>ework and I was so discouraged Uiat life was a burden. A friend ad- rlsed me to try Dr. Williams" Pink Pllla. While taking the first boi my appetite revived. The daily use of the Pills for a time restored my health." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills earn high praise from benefited users because they antually rebuild health by en- riching the blood. Nervous, run- lowu conditions yield to their blood- building properties. Young girls arn OUR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE wonderfully helped and development, list's in the new rials. Try them. .>- In their growth At your drug- protective glass 50c package. Five Species Supply 90% of Cut Lumber Dougleis Fir, Spruce, White Pine, Hemlock and Cedar Leaders in Production Canadian forests rank second only to agriculture in their contribution to Domlnloa production, and they pro- ride a (ourth of the net production of Canadian manufactures. Five tree â- pecies are the source of over 90 per cent, of the lumber cut of the Do- minion. They are Douglas fir, spruce, white pine, hemlock and cedar. There •re in Canada approximately 160 dif- ferent species or varieties of plants reaching tree size, of which 31 are conifers and form 80 per cent, of the standing timber. Of the 90 species of kardwood the most importaLt are birch and maple. The Douglas flr t>f the Pacific coast probably yields more lumber annually than any other single species in America. This tree is not found in Canada east of the Rocky Mountains, tlie greater part of the lumber being produced In the coast region of British Columbia. This is Canada's biggest tree and from it larger structural tim- bers can be obtained than from any Other ia America. It is chiefly used tor structural purposes but on account 9t its attractive appearance it is also •xtensively used for interior finish The wood is also important in Canada U a material for railway ties aad mining timbers. The five native spruce species arc all of commercial importance, provid- ing nearly one-third of the total pro- Juction of lumber. Spruce pulpwood b used in preference to all others, and lorms over two-thirds of the total Quantity of pulpwood used in Canadian palp mills and exported in the raw or Unmanufactured state. Spruce is also nsed for railway ties, poles, cooperage and mining timbers. White spruce is the most abundant. With black spruce tt ranges from Labrador to Alaska, ex- tending northward almost '.», the limit of tree gowth and southward Into the ^tJnlted States. The red spruce is con- flned to the Province of Quebec and the Maritime Provinces. Its wood is MDBidered to be of greate- technical Talue than of any other spruce species. .The Western species, Engelmann and Sitka spruce, are confined to the In- jterlor and coastal regions of British Columbia respectively, and the trees kttain great size in this region. « ONE FRIEND U but one friend have crossed thy way. Once only, in thy mortal day; tt only once life's best surprise Has opened on the human eyes. Ingrate thou wert, indeed, i; thou DJdst not In that rare presence bow. ind on earth's holy ground, unshod, Ipeaks sottHer the dear name of ftod. â€" Lucy Larcom. ^ "Oeorge Bernard Shaw has taught Bkny people to pose and to think What they really do not think." â€" kooth Tarklngton. i 2 râ€" 4 5 6 7 i 9 U) 11 12 n 14 15 lb 17 18 ;â- â- -":': 'y.j_ 19 20 :i V, • 7 t 25 24 ':;+â- â- . 25 'â- '-â- :', 2b 27 ""W 28 29 30 U 32 s 33 34 35 ' 56 )7 38 39 'â- :-:^r''.V.^^ 40 42 jw^i«^ â- ii m^ 45 B ^ 47 4f 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 3j Horizontal 41â€" To forward ISâ€" Within 1â€" Boring tool 42â€" Number 21â€" Pertaining to i â€" Celebration 43â€" Nothing Passover 44 â€" Male swan 22 â€" Border 8â€" Ship tmber 45 â€" Pronoun 23â€" Rotating piece 11â€" To yelp 46 â€" Portuguese title 24â€" Chill 12â€" To shine 47 â€" To cajole 25â€" Tree 13 â€" Habitual practices 60â€" Pipe 26â€" Slang: fuel 15 â€" Purple 52â€" River in Egypt 28â€" Meat 17â€" Huge 64 â€" To triffle 29â€" Moistu.e 19 â€" Preposition 65- Night before 31â€" Glove 20â€" Facility 58â€" Worry 32â€" Barrow 21â€" Fold 57 â€" To understand 33â€" Invader oC Europe 22 â€" Pronoun Vertical 84â€" Goal 23 â€" To summon 1â€" Deed 35â€" Tool 25 â€" By very much 2â€" Askew 37â€" First appearances 26 â€" Precious stones 3 â€" Shaped like ancient 38 â€" To recommend 27 â€" Unit harp 39â€" To result 28 â€" Auxiliary verb 4 â€" Insipid 40â€" Paints 29â€" To block 6 â€" Incalculable period 41â€" Heavenly body 30 â€" Pronoun 6â€" Preposition 43â€" Negative 31 â€" ^Frontiers 7â€" Coal 44 â€" Ball of yarn 33 â€" Pronoun 8â€" Carpet 46â€" Study 35â€" Goal 3 â€" Elista 47â€" Beverage 36 To what Uegree 10â€" Mohammedan 48â€" Deer 37â€" Color princess 49â€" To look over 38 â€" Style of letters 14 â€" Drunkards 61â€" Part of "to be" 40â€" Youth 16â€" Wrath 53 â€" Pronoun Italy Goes on Building Rome. â€" No sooner had the inaugura- tion of the new edifice for the Minis- try of Corporations taken place than Premier Mussolini announced a pro- ject for another great public building to serve the double purpose of housing in an imposing edifice the exposition which is now being held on the Via Nazionale in commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the Fascist re- gime, and at the same time provide an appropriate home for the National Di- rectorate of the Fascist party. The building will oceupy a site on the new Via Impero, which runs from the Piaz- za Vene ia to the Colosseum. That the program of public works all over Italy is not going to slacken was also demonstrated at the same time by a royal decree in the Official Gazette anuounoing many new pro- jects to which the State is contribut- ing or which it is financing entirely. The contributions will amount to 56,000,000 lire ($2,800,000) and in- clude such things as the completion of the Palace of Justice at Salerno; of a new hospital at Perugia; of the re- storations to the Cathedral of Spoieto, the Castle of Celano and the vault of the Colosseum. A total of 20,000,000 lire will go toward the execution of engineering works in north and cen- tral Italy. NEUTRAL A discussion had arisen in the club upon the subject of tariffs. The prin- cipal protagonists, having e.Yhausted their arguments, appealed to the only other person present, a wealthy but not particularly well-educated mem- ber. His tactful reply was. "No, gentle- men, I ain't going to side neither with the one nor the other. If you don't mind I'd prefer to remain quite pu- trid." â€" •> One uf the curiosities of Loudon is the mummy preserved in St James' Church. Garllck Hill. It is that of a man and is over 250 years old; but there is no information as to who he w^&s and why or how he tieoarue mum- mified. ANS\. ER TO 1- .ST PUZZLE WEEK'S c A X P 8 P Z A B s X B T A I 3 R XT s s S r K X. â- t I J. L S H s I P H xIsM B I c «l BIBS L z m\^ X X s s riQQQ QQQ Eisaei Li. IS IS HH Z La IX s ao aaaciasa aa s z K X ? z! iDZ A L Z B z J> I t 3 3 T A B Z A Yorkshire Pudding One cup milk, 1 cup flour, 2 eggs, ',2 teaspoon salt. Mix salt and flour and gradually add milk, stirring to make a smooth paste. Beat whites and yolks of eggs separately and add to first mix- ture. Cover bottom of pan with a thick coating of beef fat tried out from roast Heat well and pour In batter. Bake 20 minutes in a hot oven, bast- ing after it is well risen with some of the "drippings" from the roast. Break in squares for serving. ^- "And uid he have the dentist take an Xray of his wife's Jaw ?" "II© tried to, but all they could get was a mov- ing picture." FREE TRIAL OFFER KRUSCHEN If you hMve ut-vfri int-tj Kia->»'lirii â€" try it now at our expense. We have diiitributed a great many bpecial " G LVNT " pa<-kaj{<-.H which iiiuke it easy tc>r you tn [inivi* our claims for yourself. .\ak yuur dru^i^iiit fur the new " Gl.\.\'r " 73c. piickagt'. Xliii c«jn«lat« lif our reuiilar 7j<'. b«lH« together Willi a iu!;>itrat« trial botiln â€" »iiit|iirnt (or iitxjut one wet-k. Oik-ii Uu^ triul htittl*- ftr»t. put It to rhe u-.tt, aikI then. If not entirely ..Miivini-pil th»t KniiM-lieii <toe» everything we â- â- laitii it to do, tlio re-.'uliir bottle U Ktill an k'kxI as newr. Taki* it buek. Your iln>K:jl«l i» autiiuhfletl to return voiir 7r,c. iininetliately aiiU wtrhoiit 'H:t-«tion. You liavo tried Kni«ntien fr<"e, at our expeiue. What could be fairer 7 Majuilaitured by K. lirtltitha Uu^heii, Ltd., MancheiK-r, Kn«. ii;iiUb. 175fl). Iniporttrj: MctiUlivrmy i3ro»., Ltd.. Tommn. (iuarrel wiiU any other kind yuu may get angry. Owl LafiFs Suitor (;sighing)â€" "Well, since you don't want to marry me, perhaps you will return the ring." Girl (snapping) â€" "If you must know, your jeweller has already called for it" Andyâ€" "How is It Harold has two caddies and you none?" Roger â€" "One's mine; he keeps track of Harold's score for me." A woman may have a mind of her own all right but she reserves the right to change it as often as she pleases. College Student (to professor) â€" "1b there a word in the English language that contains all the vowels?" Professor â€" "Unquestionably." College Studentâ€" "What is It?" Professor â€" "I've just told you." February Shorts The trouble is that men who drink like a fish don't drink what a fish drinks. Life should be a route, not a routine. Space is about all some col- lege students take up. A boy does as his father does, not as his father says. No man can add to his gi^atnesa by belittling others. The man with an axe to grind Is never particular whose grindstone he uses. When a man asks for criticism, he is usually seek- ing praise. An apple caused the first downfall of man, but peaches have handled the business since that time. The less work a man has to do, the more he tires other people, it doesn't pay to fight other men's battles unless vou are a lawyer. We always sob while looking at cute, pink-nosed little pig, because we know It will eventually became a big, fat, dirty old bog. MOUNT HOYAE *; I HOTEL//,/ Doctorâ€" "What is the moat you ever weighed?" New Patient â€" "One hundred fifty- four pouuds." Doctorâ€" ".\nd what is the least you ever weighed?" New Patientâ€" "Eight and a quarter pounds." Weeklies Held Vital Factors One youth has solved the problem of what to do with Christmas cards. He saves and uses the nicest ones for book marks. The others ho throws away. Never spread an ill report about your neighbor unless you first , take great pains to ascertain if it is true â€" and then don't do it anyway. Let's do all the business we cau honestly. Have all the tun wu can reasonably, Do all the good we can willingly. And save our digestions by thinking pleasantly. The teacher had written 97.2 on the blackboard and to show the effect of multiplying by ten, rubbed out the decimal point. She then turned to the class and said: Teacher â€" "Now, Alfred, where ia the decimal point?" Alfred (without hesitatiou) -â€" "On the eraser." If you must quarrel with a woman, he suTe to pick a pretty one. If you + Do You Know? + Help ai Teething Mother After Mother Writes in High Praise of Benefits of BABY'S OWN TABLETS "We have not lost one eight's rest through teething, as I always use my oU standby, Baby's Own Tablets. Ilwy are worth their weight in gold," writes Mn. Arcbic Begbie, Con^econ, Ontario. Mn. Alton Parcber, Glenalmond, Que- bec, says: "My baby ha.s five teeth and kas BSTtt been tick one day since birth, thsikks to Baby's Own Tablets '. "Babv's Own Tablets are ucelknt at tecthoig tln^" sutes Mn Hugh Mac- NtiS, Sydn«]r, N. S. DR. WILLIAMS' "Particularly helpiul when the little ones are cutting their teeth," writes Mb. A. J. Lebel, Rigaud, Quebec. Scores of other Mothers have written in similar vein. Give YOUR child Baby's Own Tablets for teething troubles, upset stofuach, simple (even, colic, colds, constipation, sleeplestosss ud whenever he is cross, restless tiul Ititlul. Children take these Tablets m mdUy •> candty They're absolutehr SAFKâ€" see analyst's certificate in eaa t5-cnt packsge. Ov«r l.2'io,Q00 fack- •!•» told m 1931. JO BABY'S OWN TABLETS M«b tod K-p Children Well â€" A» Mothers Know Survey Indicates They Are Gaining Prestige in Ad- vertising Field Truckee, Calif. â€" Stanley Bavler, editor and publisher of the Republican here, recently asked prominent state, civic aud industrial officials of Cali- fornia to express their opinions as to the worthwhileness, or otherwse, of the small town newspaper of to-day. So many and Interesting were the replies received â€" all of them favoring the small town paper â€" that the United Press released a story about the survey, from Sacramento, October 13, under the by-line of Homer Rob- erts. "The small town newspaper Is the most powerful influence in public life to-day," ran the story. "Instead of losing prestige, it is steadily gaining. The home town editor is the most Important individual in his community. "The country newspaper 1b a tre- mendous factor in developing business. It ia one of the most effective med- iums of advertising to be found any- where. "These and many uther observations encouraging to the small town news- paper publsher were expressed to Stanley Bavler, editor and publisher of the Truckee (Calif.) Republican, In a recent survey to determine whether the c-ommunity newspaper was losing its 'punch.' 'â- 'I was curious to know just what the leaders in business and public life thought of the small town newspapers,' said Mr. Bavler. 'I wanted to know If such papers, especially the weeklies, were an important factor in our na- tional life, or whether their influence was weakening. The replies speak for themselves'." Among the prominent Califomians quoted iu the story was A. P. Glannlni, head of the Bank of America, who stated: "Perhaps I can beat answer you by stating that the Bank of Ameri- ca relies upon 320 newspapers of this state, of which, of course, the majority are in small towns, to carry its mess- age to the people of California. Our advertising is in the newspapers week in and week out, a policy which we have pursued for over seventeen years. During the first seven months of 1932, when conditions were at their worst and many other advertisers were curtailing their expenditures, our appropriation was increased. We are more than satisfied with the results, both for ourselves aad for California. We have added over $51,000,000 in de- posits with 130 new depositors." llVIJ, Going to .Montreal'.' Listen to this good news! Oar room rates have been lowered. The schedule shown below give.? all the thrifty details. Charles Dom- berger and his famous Broadcastp ing orchestra has made the Mo;mt Royal Dinner and Supper Dancei one of the brightest spots In the •ocial life of .Montreal. On your next trip to Montreal, let Vernon G. Cardy, our Manaj^ing Director, be your host. Let him show you why the .Mount Royal is EO famous. "The Home Avslt From Home." Mount Royal Hotel New Low Rates Single rooms with baths, $3.00 up Double rooms with baths, %6 00 up Suites •- *10.00 up V. '1 CARD 7, Managing Director Classified Advertising DE N N I S O N, H. J. S.â€" PATE.\TS, Trade Marlis, Designs, Copyrights. AH countries. ijOT rJ'eJeraJ Building, Toronto. A N OFFER TO EVERY I.W^NTOR. .'3 List of wanted Inventions anJ full fnformatlon sent free. Tli« Samsay Com- pany, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St^ee^, Otta-.va, Canada. BUSUrSSS OFP0»Tt7XITTr TORONTO OPPORTUNITIESâ€" Grocery, delicatessen; beauty par- lor; tobacco; bakery; tea room and beau- tifully furnished rooming house. Par- ticulars, Homestead. 2 College, Toronto. DRUG SUNDRIE.S AND SANITARI S-pplles. Write for wholesale cata- logue. Sent to adults only. National Distributors, Box i43. Dept. W., R& GIX.V. £5,isk. Bl ; MONEY GROWINij ML'SH- ROOMS from wild sterilized ruar- anteed bottled spawn. Right prices for dried or fresh mushrooms. Ship r dis- tance. Information: Canadian Mushroom Producers. Reglna, Saak. While the human population of lUa world is estimated at 1,849,500,000, the rat population is placed at 10,000,000,- 000, or at the proportion of five rats to every human being. Dragging Days and Restless Nights Lack of pep is frequently caased by clogged-ap systems. Feen-a-mint Is thorough, dependable yet gentle in action. Effective In smaller doses because you chew It. Modern, scientific, safe, non-hablt-formb; Homes for Birds Made in Liverpool Gardens Liverpool, Eng.â€" Making private gardens into bird sanctuaries ia be- coming a popular pastime in Liver- pool. A number of feeding tables and nesting boxes have been instal- led. The desire to protect and study wild bird life ia aroii-o^ V" »»<" i in the Gl That th* narrowest houM la Canada and probably the narrowwt la North America i» located at No. < Donacona Street, Quehec OltyT it the top of th» front steps It has a maximum width of 7 feet • lndi«. t was btillt (a t«48 and rented for $5.00 a month. » fs ttni ccctip««d. Circular negaiuuns xi«.- tivity in These Stocks. Copy on Request. A. E. OSLER & CO., Established 1886 11 Jordan Street, Toronto ELgln 3461 Highest Price Paid -nr dressed and live Poultry ?!"* '^^^â- Correspondence solloltea. EASTERN FARM PRODUCTS CO.. 423 St. »»nl 8tr««t S»»t Montraa], Qa*. YOUR LIVER'S MAKIN6 YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake up your Liver Bile â€"No Gdomel needed Wl»n vou !«d blue, deprwwpd, wur on fi)« world, th»t'« vour Uv«r whiob Im t pouring li» Uls' two pouDds ol liQuiJ bil* lalo your bowtta DInttioQ »nd elimiastion sr* bainc •}«>»;"* ap, ?ood Is *ocumul>Ung ud dMkjriac is«'l« «M kod i»«kini you f«l wT»t«>«a. vM*r, Uativ* oundy cr »mnM !«â- • â- " fWMbM*. don't to '»' •""'V-- ^ . , â- „,. â„¢T?««1 » Uv.r •timul«r Owur't U!U« Ursr Pills i» tb« b«»t on«. Bu*. "Tsiy »•«â-º tebU. 8ur«. A«k for Ui«m by nsBW. "••"â- • â- abMituto. 3to. at all dnigaitti. •> ISSUE No. 6--*33 On the easily disested SCOTT'S EMULSION of Norwegian I Cod Liver Oil Vj) il Ricn in the ^=9=3^* Rickety Preventing ^Vitamin D HELP FOR TlSEO WIVES Take Ljdla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound WItm ttt tired durlcjl tbesa time*. They »ro the one* who most th* burden* o( th* family. Whan tk# binband come* bom* with le** mooajr j hi* pay envelope ... It la the wife « muat •tmgal* alonn sod mail* th* elthin«*. II TOO ar* tiMd . . . worn cot . .. aerrotM. try Lydia K. PInkbam'a TaMJ M* Compound. What yoa need la m Mil tihat nm ftiT* you tb* atTtottb to can? an. n out of eTtrr IM womM who report •b u* aay that they ar« beoefltad by tbM â- Mdlcin*. Buy a bottla from yaar drai* «M today . . â- aod watcb tta rcealffc