l\ '^i^e /k0[)jettxrtt %l^xnmu. Vol. 52. No 35 Flesherton, Ontario, February 8, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mis. Fred Brackenbury and Miss Welton of Flesherton were visitors in our village last week. Mr. Hugh Davidson of Toronto i« visiting with friends here at pres- ent. Mrs. G. Eby visited with her daugh ter, Mrs. Thos. Forsythe, and family in Owen Sound last week. Mrs. R. J. Whiteoak visited with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Hornsby, and other friends in Coilingwood last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Tuppling of Toronto were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Thompson here recently. Miss M. E. Heron has returned to her home in Toronto after spending a couple of months with her sister, Mrs. R. J. Colquette. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar and children visited with Harvey's parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pedlar, Singhamp- ton, recently. Miss Jennie Izard is with Mrs. Wm Mullin, who is ill at present. We rnderstand the trustees inter- viewed our school teachers re a re- duction of their salary, as expressed by the ratepayers at the annual meet- ing. They did not meet with any success. 'What will be the trustees next move, we wonder? Messrs. Eli Robinson and son, arc assisting the unemployed in our vill- age now. They have a gang of men cutting wood on their farm recently bought from Mr. Jo-s. Sewell. There is a large amount of wood being cut around here this winter, to be trucked out to the towns next summer. Mr. Gordon Henderson of Corbeton trucked out a large amount last summer. Mr. G. Eby motored to Owen Sound on Sur.day last. EUGENIA VANDELEUR Miss Lillian Buchanan is spending a few weeks with friends in Oshawa Mrs. Harry Baker visited recently with friends at Harkaway. Mr. Ab. Buchanan and Miss. Sand- erson of Toronto spent the week enc with the former's parents, Mr. ana Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. Mrs. Will Hutchinson visited her mother, Mrs. Fawcett in Kimberley for a few days. Mrs. Ben White of the west back line spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Holley and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. Haroi'd Richardson of Flesherton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sf<m Gilbert recently. Miss Lillian Buchanan taught the Sunday school lesson to the pupils in the public school on Friday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Graham and family of Markdale were recent vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. E. iWarling Residents of this community were shocked on Monday to hear of the death of Mr. "WilL Walk«r of Euph- rasia who passed away on Monday forenoon after a brief illness. The mid-week meeting on Friday evening was largely attended. The address was given by Mr. Howard Graham, and Miss Nellie Boland read the scripture lesson. The recrea- tion program was in charge of Mrs Geo. Buchanan and Mrs. Howard Mc- Gee. IN MJEMORIAM In lovin.a: memory of a dear hus- band and father, Malcolm McDonald, â- who passed away. Fob. 8th, 1928. â€"WIFE AND FAMILY IN MEMORIAM BADGEROW â€" In loving memory of our dear wife and mother, Maria Badgerow, who passed away on Feb 8. 1931. Not just today but everyday In silence we remember. â€" Husband and Family. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of o»ir dear moth- er, Maria Badgerow, who passed away February 8, 1931. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well, And while she -sleeps a peaceful sleep. Her memory we shall always keep. â€" Ever remembered by her loving daughter, son-in-law, and family Mabel and Charles Jackson, Winnipeg, Man. Heading in Toronto Globe Bays "Dispute at Dinner Settled With Spade." Is that the ws.y they eat their meals in our provincial centit of culture and education. Rev. McNeill read Psalm 8 as .scripture reading and took his text from the 3rd and 4th verses in the same Psalm. He preached a very enthusiastic sermon, emphasizing that God's gi'ory is magnified by his great works and by his loVe to man. "Tht worldly conditions at the present time apparently have come almost to tht precipice and will fall over if a change does not soon take place. The Lord has made man to have control ovei his works, therefore man should con- trol them in a way that will piease God. Some people work on, for theii own selfi-3h greed, despise their fel- low men and forget God at all times. Such like help to bring on depression. The Sunday school attendance in the afternoon was 33. Collection amounted to over a dollar. iWe were pleased to see some of the married people present. This class was tak- en by Mrs. Latimer, who is a most capable teacher. Mrs. Morgan has taken a class of little girls. Miss Sylvia Acheson of Victoria Comers visited over the week end witl: the Proctor and Latimer families. The Misses Christina Magee and Irene Martin of Toronto Normal school visited at their home here cm week end recently. Pleased to report Mrs. Will. Maget able to sit up a few hours each day Miss Annie Burritt, R. N., Flesh- erton visited a few days at the homt of Mr. Will. Kaitting. Miss Kathleen Pedlar is employed in Markdale at present. Mrs. Kimmerley and six children, who have spent the past few months with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan have returned to their home in Watertown, N. Y. The children will' be greatly missed by their playmates at school. Mrs. Milton Roberts (nee Miss Bertie Hawkins) of Providence visit- ed over the week end with her friend, Mrs. Ben Shortt. Mr. iWes. Plantt, 4th line, spent Monday afternoon with his father, Mr. Robt. Plantt here. Little Donald Cameron celebrated his sixth birthday anniversary or Tuesday, Jan. -Slst. He had his schoo] mates and little neighbor childrer present for the occasion. What a joily time they spent! Then there was the nice supper and Donald's birthday cake, which we must not forget to mention. Here's to wish ing "Donnje" many happy returns of his iE>ij tiday. Mr, Wesley Cooey is visiting in To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster and little daughter, Lorraine, and the former's sister, Miss Verdun Mc- Master were recent callers on Mrs Chas. Martin, The Sunday school are making preparations to hold a -social on Feb 17 in the basement of the churcli here. The L.O.L. are holding a dance In their hall this Friday evening. Mr. Chas. Park has returned from Toronto where he has been wovlciiig for the past few weeks. KIMBERLE A/ A A meeting of the library board was held at the home of Mrs. G. Proctor Mrs. Myles presided. It was decided to use cards in the future, also foi this year to not subscribe for more magizines. $11.00 was decided or to spend for new books. The librar- ian was in-structed to order them at once. They are expected any time now. The W. I. met at Mrs. Proctor's home Thursday afternoon. It wa? decided to have a summer speaker and join with some other branch. We were pleased to learn Vandeleur is expected to visit with us next meet- ing. Mrs. Burritt gave a paper on "What we have our grandmothers did not have." Rev. MeAusIan gave a very interesting talk on ".Women in History." The next meeting will be at .Mrs. F. J. Weber's. Mr. Stan Lawrence of St. Mary's and Mrs. Oldfield were guests over the week end with Mrs. Jas. Law- rence. Miss Smart of Markdale visited friends in Kimberley for a few days Miss Winnis Graham of Fleshertor visited with Miss Marjory Proctor over the week end. Miss. Marjory also spent a week end with Winni.- in Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. W. Myrea of Flesh- erton spent a day with Mr. and Mrs W. Grieve. Mr. Harold Thompson of Vandeleui visited with Mr. Norman Burritt. Mrs. Will. Hutchinson visited a few days with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Fawcett and Miss Myrtle. The Jan. school attendance is low on account of so much sickness. Mr S. S. Burritt reports Quiet Vailey has the highest percentage in East Eu- phrasia. SPRINGHILL PUBLIC SCHOOL 4th â€" Patricia Beard, Ruby Vause. Sr. 3 â€" Eileen Johnson, Irene Doupc, Everett Parker, Edgar Doupe Jr. 3 â€" Roy Best. Sr. 2 â€" Lloyd Allen, Keith Parker Lorene Johnson. Jr. 2â€" Bruce Beard, Douglas Evans 1st â€" Leone John-son, Elgin Waller Lloyd Waller. Pr. â€" Edna Doupe, Grace Parker Gordon Waller. ISL.W W. McKECHNIE, Teacher FEVERSHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL VICTORIA CORNERS On Tuesday afternoon the ladies of the W. C. T. U. met at the home of Mrs. Albert Stevens and planne:f their winter's work. On Thursday afternoon the ladies 01 the W. M. S. met at the home ot Mrs. Albert Stevens and also planned their winter's •work. The Y. P. S. are holding theii- week- ly meetings at the different homes as per last year. The last meeting was held at iWii'fred Gallagher's. Miss Sylvia .\cheson visited at Eugenia. Mis-s Mabel Ross of Maxwell, who has been with her sister, Mrs. Ren. Acheson, returned home and Miss Jean Ross is here at present. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Leslie, a former minister, is to preach for us next Sunday at Inistoge. 4th Class â€" Burton Hudson and Belva Conn equal, Evelyn Hale, Ron- ald Springgay, Marjorie Lepard, Doris Conn, Dorine Davidson, Bob McQuay. Sr. 3rd â€" Bernice Hudson (H) Norman Davidson (H), Kathleen Hawton, Florence Stonehouse, Mildred Moore. Jr. 3rd â€" Murray Lepard, Loreen Davidson, Allan Springgay, George Osborne, Stanley Shortt, Norma Heit- man. 2nd â€" Wilfred Springgay, Roma Whiteoak, Betty Teeter, Laverne Smith. 1st â€" Phy.lis Hudson, Jim McKee, Jim Pedlar, Albert Ottewell. Pr. â€" Jim Hale, Velma Smith, Eunice Thcmpson. Shirley Springgay. -^. BRADLEY, Teacher. CEYLON CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL We are pleased to report Mrs. Medlar Guy improving in health aftei her serious accident. Mr. Robt. Priestley is building a butcher shop in the village. Rev. and Mrs. McNeill spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mrs. J. L. Morrison of Coilingwood spent the week end with friends here. The .Women's Association are hold- ing a social evening in the parsonage or Fridav. February 17th. We are sorry to rejxirt Mrs. Wilbert Poo.e in very poor health at present but ho, for a speedy recovery. Sr. 4 â€" Jean Collinson, Melvilk Hunt, Munny Marshall. Laura White Mabel Adams, Goldie Kennedy, Emic Mathewson, Jean Marshall, Marjorie Duckett, Carlotta Plester and Betty ! Stewart equal, Alex. Marshall. Sr. 3 â€" Doris Marshall. Jim Ken- nedy, Irene Mathewson, Jack .\dams. Emerson Plester, .\llan Hav/, Laurie Gonoo. Jr. 3 â€" Doris Duckett, Earl Plester. Charlie McWilliams, Fred Marshall. 2nd â€" Marjorie Stewart, Keith Cairns, Verna Kennedy. 1st â€" Marion Collinson, Gordon Nichol, Hilda Duckett, Mary McMul- len. Sr. Pr. â€" Joe McWilliams, Gordon Haw and George Stewart etjual. Jack McMullen, Edna Marshall and Marg- aret Smellie equal, Wallace Shaw. Jr. Pr. â€" Ena .\dam.?, Jean Mc- Mullen, Dorothy Plester, Delberl Plester. â€" D. P. FISHER, Teacher. Mrs. Jack Gibson and Mrs. Wiil Gibson motored to Toronto the past week. Mrs. Walter Mills left on Satur- day to visit her daughter in Toronto Miss Willa Patterson and Mr. anc Mrs. Audi'ey Foster of Ma-.kdale vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. H. Patterson Sat- urday. Mr. J. Plester had the misfortune to lose one of his best milk cows on Sunday morning. Mrs. Piper spent the past few weeks with her daughter at Lauris- ton, returning home the first of the week. Miss Maud Hemphill is visiting with her sister in Toronto. Mv. and Mrs. Jas. McMuilen enter- tained their neighbors and friends tc a dance and card party on Friday evening. Miss Reta Marshall, nurse in train- ing at Owen Sound, spent Monda; at her home here. Mrs. Donnie McLeod and littlt daughter have been spending a coupk- of weeks with her husband at Detroit returning home on Monday. Mr. Harry Hew-ston of PeteiUorc spent the week end with his wifi-. and family here. Miss Hilda Genoe who has been spending a few weeks near Heathcott has returned home. Mr. P. Marshall spent the week end with his -.^on, Dalton, at Roderick. Mr. John Shiers of Stone's Line, while working in open field near the bush on Saturday found a green spring frog hopping on top of the snow. He took it to' the house and is trying to care for it. Miss D. Fisher spent the week eno at Stratford. Quite a number from the country attended the lecture given on hog's on Saturday afternoon at the special train, which arrived here at 2 p.m.. the address lasting till 4 p.m., was found very instructive. The Ladies' .A.id met at the home of Mrs. A. C. Muir, Jan. 25th. Tht next meeting v/ill be held at the home of Mrs. A. Sinclair. Mrs. Jack Gibson leave-s this week to join her husband, who is working at Thornhill. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Patterson, wht lecen'tly moved to town were invited to Pricevi.le la.'^i; Thursday evening to the St. Coh:-iba church, wher; they have been faithful attendants and at the close of a fine program were invited to the front and giver. • pleasant -surprise. A beautifui parlor electric reading lamp was pre- sented to them and their daughter Willa. The presentation was madt by Mr. Peter Muir and the addres:e read by Miss Edith James. While wholly taken by surprise Mr, Patter- son on behalf of his wife and daugh- ter, replied in a few appreciative words. PROTON STATION We are sorry to report Mr. John McNalty seriou-^ly ill. .A.mong those who took advantage of the week end excursion to visit Toronto were: Mrs. D. McMillan, Miss Gladys .White, Mrs. Creighton and Htile daughter, Mrs. II. G. Acheson, Miss .\lice Broughton, Mr. Stanley Lyons, Mr. John Stainsby, Mr. Nor- man Reddick and Mr. Thos. Wyville. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon and family Sur.dayed with the Dever Bros Proton Station hockey team took part in a tournament on the Markdai't rink on Monday nifrht of this week and won the first ga ne of the even- ing from Markdale :n a o-'i -score. Chatsworth and Berkeley played the second game whi.-h resulted in a 3-1 £:ore in Chatsworth's favor. Chats- worth and Proton Station played the third game, Chatsworth winning in a 3-2 score. We congratulate the Proton boys on the fine showing they made against the other teams on goou ice. They have had no ice to prac- tice on for some time. Proton â€" Goal â€" Lome Hodgin; defence, Bert Hodgin. Lloyd Lyons; wings, Billy Hopkins, Russel White; centre, Clarke Wyville; subs., Gordon Acheson, Russel Acheson, Gordor. Park, Hugh Sims. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. E. Semple from near Harkaway spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. A. Miller. Mrs. Miller Sr., who has been with her son here, returned home with them. Mr. T. R. McKenzie of Portiaw spent a day with his brother, Rod- erick. Mrs. Earl Smart and children from near Markdale visited her sister, Mrs. Harold Richardson for a few days. Mr. Ab. Teeter of Orangeville was a caller at Mr. Fred Brown's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and daugh- ter and Mr. Geo. Bell of Toronto were visito'-s with Mr. R. McKenzie rec- ently. 'LET HIM ROAR" Editor Advance: If the Feversham correspondent, who sent in the article last week, crit- icizing the management of the Mill- ing Company, had been so efficient in times past at managing his own af- fairs he might not now be depending on the public treasury for assistance Let him roar. â€"A SHAREHOLDER CONDITIONS SERIOI'S BRITISH MEAT IMPORTATIONS BIG ITE.M L\ FOREIGN TRADE J. A. Carroll, Director, Markets Branch, states that the import of meat into the United Kingdom from the United States, Argentina and Den- mark in particular, is a very consid- erable item in British foreign trade. He further stated that reports in- dicate the British Empire as having one-third of the world's sheep, forty per cent of its cattle, but no more than four per cent of its pigs. AUCTION SALE A credit auction sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 104, Con. 2 N. E., Artemesia, three miles south-east of Flesherton, east back line, the property of Mr. Hadden Hutchinson, on Wednesday, February 15, Bale at 1:30 p.m. â€"See bills. Geo. Duncan, .Auctioneer. DO YOU WISH TO MAKE MONEY? Wat.:h the Fannlex contest with money prizes, which will be advertiser through radio at 5:30 p.m., Station CKAC, every Monday. Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday. One contest per week. For details on the line or products write or phone your dealer and ask for the Familex catalogue. â€"JAS. E. ST.\FFORD, .-^.uthorized dealer 'Phone 12 FLESHERTON The Flesherton .Advance: Dear Sirs,- Conditions here have not started to improve as yet. Farm products are so very cheap that the farmer's buying power is practically gone, and of course that has its ef- fect in all lines of trade, consequently business is very dull. We receive the Advance regularly every week. which we appreciate, as it gives us the news of our old stamping ground â€" Wishing you every success, yours truly, â€" W. L. HERON,Lethbridge, Alta A fellow who threw a flashlight at a wrestler was fined SIO. That lightened his roll. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY-, FEBRUARY 12, 11133 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school for all children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer, Holy Communion and sermon. Trinity Church, Proton Station 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. Divine service at 3 p.m. on Feb. 19. '.And God made two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to ruie the night: He made the stars also." Genesis 1: !6. t********««****<>«**<>**«^ > ♦♦♦ » »♦ » ♦♦ * »♦»< CLEAN AND STERILIZE ALL DAIRY UTENSILS The keeping quality of milk de- pends directly upon the number of bacteria present and this in turn de- pends upon the thoroughness with which dairy uten-jils have been clean- ed a.'.d sterilized. The use of live steam or scalding with boiling watei is always effective providing it is available in sufficient volume, but as a general, rule the quantity available on the average farm i-o inadequate foi effective results. It is for this reason that the use of cl-.Iorine in suitable form is recommended by bacteriolog- ical experts. It acts rapidly in cold water, and is chca;)er and more «»n- venient than the heat treatment gen- erally recommended. AVhen properly employed chlorine sterilization gives excellent results and the practice, al- ready general among milk and othei food plants is spreading to the dairy farms. BATES BURIAL CO'Y i 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE .AT REASONABLE PRICES \ PHONES; NIGHT OR D.AYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 $ Modern Private Chapel X 3. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manas«i* •> Formerlv of Flesherton V Charm is like ignorance. The n>ore perfect it is, the less you realize that you have it. Ten thou.sand lots of seeds were sent to approximately 10,000 farmers- of Ontario last year by the Experi- mental Union. Some of the best strains of leading varieties have been distributed through this agency to the gain of the farmers. We see where Gandhi is going: to become associated with a newspapei in India, so his previous experience in fasting will stand him in good stead. TENDERS FOR WO(>D Tenders for fifty cords oT hardwood 36 inches, beech and maple, 75 per cent mapi'e to be delivered at (he High school, Flesherton, before the first day in April, 19.13. Tenders received up to six o'clock p.m. of tht ISth day of February 193.3. Tht lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. v ^^_ Dated February 7, IS,".;}. ' " â€" W. J. BELL.\MY, Secretary " The House oi Quelity ^^ TO.\l.\TO JL'!CF„ 3 TIXS 28c LUX, 3 PKGS 24c FIGS. 3 LB , 18c L.\RGK BUv^. SPF APPLES 75c C.\LCIUM GRIT PER CWT 95c Flour and Feed BRAN SHORTS SCREENINGS J1\RLEY CHOP FULL LINE PURINA CHOWS SEVERAL BRANDS HIGH GRADE FLOUR ORDERS TAKEN FOR TWEDDLES BABY CHICKS JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON , ] '«%^<»«.-i<'<»«»«i«<««»»»<^x« r« . « » I . I â- â- â- . â- ,1 , . - ^ «.t. « J.7