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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1933, p. 8

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."WEDNESDAY, JANUARY i. V.rS.i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE S. S. Concert The auditorium of St. John's Unit- t'd church was well filled for the an- nual .Sunday school entertainment on Momlay evenintr. A fine pincrain was (jiven by the scholars. The pro- gram consisted of recitations, musical numbers and several drills and dia- loffue.i. The Pi|KT brothers jrave several violin trios and Allan Chappie gave a mouth orfran solo and wa* heartily applauded. Dr. K. C. Mur- ray, Superintendent, gave his report and showed the Sunday school in a flourishing condition. The proceeds of the adnvission fee to the entertain- ment amounted to $46.00. A splen- did supper was .'jerved by the ladies of the conRregalion prior to the pro- Kiam. Mr$. Ernie Stinson Dies In Toronto \ Mrs. Ernest Stinson of Victoria Corners passed away in the Toronto Cleneral Hospital on Tuesday, after an operation to remove a tumor or abscess from her head. The patient !!ed under the anaesthetic. This v/at the second <leath to occur in the Vic- toria Coimers vicinity in three days. The late Mrs. Stinson was formerly Miss Bessie Richardson, a daughtet of Mr. and Mrs. E. Uichardsoii ot Laurel, and was 28 years of ape. Besides her Rorrowinj; husband she leaves two daughters, besides hei parent.'!, a sister and two brothers. .Much sympathy is expressed to Mr. Stinson from his many friends in Flesherton. SCHOOL SECTION NO. 6 MET The annual meeting of School Sec- tion No. 6, Artemesia, was called to order Wednesday morning at 10 a.m. J. K. McLood, chairman, and Brady Irwin, secretary, with a large attend-"^ ance of ratepayers. Minutes of Tasi meeting read and adopted. Trustees report and auditor's report gave good satisfaction. Contracts were award- ed to Neil Cameron, caretaker; Brady Irwin, wood; W. Boyce, cedar; W Beaton elected trustee on Mr. Russe? Purdy's retirement. The toxide pre- vention of diphtheria caused much discussion. A German is to fly by rocket next spring. Hadn't we better try to jret him for a 24th of May celebra- tion? Figure This Out A travelling salesman passed over to a hotel man a §100 bill to hold until he called for it. The hotel man needed this amount to pay his gar- age rental and so used it. The gar- age man then paid it to the Irocer; the grocer bought some clothes with it; the clothing man paid it to a hai'dwaro firm, and the hardware merchant, owing the hotel man, paid tho same $100 bill back into the lat- ter's possession just before the sales- man arrived on the .scene to reclalni it. It then developed that the bill was counterfeit, whereupon the sales- man lighted a cigar with the bad bill. Hockey Season To Open Thursday Junior hockey gets away for a start in Fle.sherton this Thursday evening when the Durham team trots over the boards in an N. H. L. fixture This should be a reai' game as both teams are of exceptional strength and the' wise ones figure that the group championship will come to either of these two teams. The other clubs in the Kroup are Hanover and Walkerton. Flesherton juniors are being strengthened with the addition of Bob and Tuck Berry and Bob Dun- das of Markdale, the latter as goalie, and Mel McFanand, brother of E. Mc- Farland, well known in hockey circles in Flesherton. The local players ar? Bill Patton, George Boyd, Harold Best, Fred Gorrell, Bob Phillips and Mci-vyn Johnson, and a real fast taam should result when they get working together. The boys have been practis- ing faithfully and should be in good condition. •:~X'<~:~><~:~:"KK~XK~:~x~:~x~x..:~><.<~H~K~x..:.<^^^^ I SPEND YOUR CHRISTMAS I cheque" I AT BENNETT'S And take advantage of the after Christmas bargains A Dollar Saved is a Dollar Earned Emerson J. Bennett FLESHERTON, ONT. JLNIOK HOCKEY SCHEDULE The organization meeting of tlie Flesherton Hockey Club was held last week and the following elected to office: Pres., E. Bennett; vice Pres. and Manager, J. Nuhn; Sec- Treas., Peter Dow; Managing Com., W. Akitt, A. Down, and W. Turney; coach, Reg. Boyd. The following schedule was drawn up with the aid of representatives from the other towns interested: The following schedule of hockey gpmes was drawn up on Thursday evening for a junior group, compris- ing, Hanover, Durham, Walkerton and Flesherton: Jan. 2 Hanover at WaiTierton ,") Durham- at Flesherton fi Walkerton at Hanover y Flesherton at Hanover 12 Hanover at Durham 16 Walkerton at Flesherton 20 Flesherton at Walkerton 23 Hanover at Flesherton 24 Walkerton at Durham 27 Durham at Walkerton 31 Flesherton at Durham Feb. 2 Durham at Hanover. OURIENâ€" KARSTEDT 111 Flesherton on Friday, December SOth, 1932, a quiet wedding took place when Elda Marie, daughter of Mr. F. G. Karstedt, was united in marriage to Mr. James Bartlette O'- Brien of Toronto, Rev. M. M. Bennett officiating. fllB STOBB WITH lEBTiai F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN BTDRB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUTINO POWER BATES TOU A LOT OF HONBT FLANNELETTE I'lanclettc 36 inches widi- and well napped doth, 2 yards 2Sc LADIES' JERSEY DRESSES $2.95 ea. .\ real buy in an all wool Jersey dress .\11 sizes and new smart styles $2.95 MEN'S OVERSHOES AT BARGAIN PRICES Men's 2 or ^ buckle over.shocs in ^ood quality cashnierette $1.95 pr. Men's 1 buckle overshoes. Extra quality cashmerette $1.49 pr. GROCERIES AT BARGAIN PRICES 3 tins Clarkcs tomato soup 23c 8 lbs. Oatmeal 25c ' 4 tins Anj>:ler salmon 39c Lard and shortening 10c lb. Have you broken your New Year's resolution? Miss Marion Hill of Markdale vis- ited with Mrs. Parker the past week. Mr. Geo. Armstrong spent New Years in Toronto. Miss Mary Paton of Owen Sound spent New Years in town. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoddart spent New Years with the former'.^ parents in Markdale. Mr. .Sam Smith of Toronto visitel here last week with hi.s brother, Mr Isaac Smith. Misses Alice and Margaret Robert- son of Toronto spent Christmas week at their home here. Miss Marion Bibby returned to To- ronto Normal after spending her vac- ation with her mother here. Miss Jean Stuart of the Toronto Hospital for Sick Children spent New Years at her home here. Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite and son Bernard, are residing for a time with her sister, Miss Reta Bellamy. Miss Reta Crane of Owen Sound spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. W. ,W. Trimble. Mr. Norman Todd of Toronto spent the Christmas holidays with Delbert Smith. Mr. iWm. Miller of Meaford is tem- porarily filling in as manager of the U.F.O. Co-operative store in Flesh- erton. The teachers have returned to their tasks at the various centres and stud- ents are again settled down for the winter grind. Mrs. J. 0. Dargavel last week un- derwent a serious operation in the Owen Sound hospital and is progress- ing very favorably. Junior N. H. L. hockey opens the sea.son in Flesherton with Durham as visitors. Come out and give the lads your support. Mr. Carl Stoddart and Miss Jean Lovcring of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander and family tho past week end. Mr. Cecil Loucks of Chatsworlh, formerly of Flesherton, headed the poll in the election of the council in that village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John English and daughter, Bemice, of CoUingwood and Mr. and Mre. John English Jr., and son of Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. A large crowd attended the dance in Maxwell on Monday night, held by Maxwell L.O.L. and everybody had 3 good time. The Dundalk orchestrs supplied excellent music. The annual meeting of the Osprey Agricultural Society will be held in the Orange Hall, Feversham, on Sat- urday, January 21st, 1933, at 2 p.m All members and others interested are urged to attend. The 1933 auto markers have black figures on a yellow back ground. Tho color scheme means that it takes yellow gold to keep away from black looks by the traffic officer when the driver is late in making tho change. The trial in Toronto of the Flesh- erton bank robbery suspects, Burlij and O'Brien, which was to have beon aeard Walnesdac-'. has again been postponed until January 18th. Both men are out on their own bail of $500. The Presbyterians held a Christ- mas social on Tuesday evening of last week, with Mr. Chas. Stewart acting as chairman. The evening was spent in games and contests, songs recitations, etc. The members of the Sunday School were remembered in the usual Christmas manner. A dainty lunch was sewed by the ladies at the Close. W. J. Wadsworth, elected at the head of the poll in Ward' 7, To- ronto, is a son of a former C.P.U agent at Ceylon. Ai'derman Wads- worth has spent several years in the Toronto city council and is making a success in his work in the city jfov- ernment. He should make a splen- did controller and at some future date we hope to extend our congi-atu lations on his attaining that office. The mild weather last week brought the usually hibersating wild life wandering abound outside their dens Mr. Robt. Richardson of Toronto Lin" North caught a garter snake and IJr. Alex. English of Rock Mill's also saw a groundhog enjoying the mild weath- er. On Wednesday another thaw arrived and most of the snow that fell on Saturday has disappeared Motoring is the predominant means of tran^iportation at the present time. Nothing gives greater laliie tha:i your tele- phone â€" it costs so little and is worth so much. "Dad will be at the store now" Dad had left for Northampton an hour or so before with quite a list of the family's requirements. When Peg, suddenly recalling the knit- ting party at the Brown's that evening, realized she was short six balls of wool. Quickly she reached for the telephone. "He'll be at the store now and if he isn't, Mr. Coyle will have it ready for him". An incident typical of the value of your telephone in the daUy routine or in big or httle emergencies. It smooths life's path at trifling cost. You NEED your telephone. DEPARTMENTAL CHANGES ANNUAL MEETING John A. Carroll, head of the Crops Bi-anch, will be promoted to the po- sition of Superintendent of Fall Fairs of Ontario, succeeding J. Lockie Wil- son who held the office for 28 years and is now being superannuated at the age of 7G years. Mr. Carroll has been wdth the Department in var- ious capacities for the past twenty years and during the last year or so, in addition to administering the Crops Branch, has been Secretary of the Ontario Marketing Board and acting on the Agricultural Development Board. In taking over direction ot Ontario's fairs, he will continue to handle the crops end of his present duties, but the marketing activities will be under direct control of W. B. Somerset, chairman of the Ontario Marketing Board. A pig born near Mildmay is .^aid to have a tail where one of its hind legs ought to be, and nothing at aU where the tail ought to be. How similar to a lot of the rest of u; not pigs, says the Durham Chronic'e who have a pocket where the mcrv. ought to be and nothing but a Hok- In the pocket where the money woull bo if we had looked after the pock.^' which is now not a pocket but a h.'l". The annual meeting of East Grey Agricultural Society will be held in the town hail, Fleshex-ton, on Satur- day, January 21st at 1 p.m. All members of the Society and those interested are urged to attend this im- portant meeting. â€" H. A. McCAULEY, Sec. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Osprey and ."Artemesia Co-opea'aiive Co., Limited, for shareholders only will be held in the town hall, Flesherton> on Friday, January 6th, at 1, o'clock p.m. All shareholders are urged to attend. â€"GARNET MAGEE, Sec.-Treas. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Osprey Agricultural hail will be held in tht Orange Hall, Feversham, on Satur day, January 21, 1933, at 1 p.m. â€"GEO. ROSS, Secretary, NOTICE â€" Hunting, trapping or trespassing on lots 176, 177 and 178, 1st range W.T. & S.R., Artemesia, strictly forbidden. â€" T. J. Stinson, R. R. 3, Proton Station. Small Advts. For Sale FOR EXCH.ANGE â€" Will exchangt good horse for cows. â€" D. W, Adams, Flesherton. DRY (WOOD FOR SALE â€" Maple, beach, birch and elm. Phone 32 r i3 Flesherton, R. J. Vause. FOR SALE â- â€" 1932 Electric Philco Radio, 7 tubes, used only 8 months. Real bargain. â€" George Johnson, phone 75rll. FOR SALE â€" Star skates and boots, in good Jeondition, 7,V» sist boot. Sec them at The Advance of- fice. WANTED â€" Any quantity of good dry hard wood or on exchange foi furniture and bedding. Come in and make a deal. â€" E. J. Bennett, phone 78. FOR SALE â€" Well bred driving mare, good free driver, guaranteed worker, make excellent brood mare, 7 years. Apply any forenoon. â€" Archie McKechnie, Priceville. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for service. Term! $1.00. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Ait» mesia. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshirt Boar for 8er> vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Deparl> ment of Agricultiu-e. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. ' BUSINESS CARDS H GEO. E. DUNCAN if^l DUNDALK T ; LICENSED AUCTIONEER ~ For the County of Grey. Termi 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance offlce. Prince Arthur Lodge, 833, A. F. A A. M. meets jn the masonic Hall orer Kennedy's store, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., Geo. Long, Sr.; S>;retary, H. A. McCauley. .^^^ .riisiSfiilStltSSS^

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