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Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1933, p. 1

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3J. I /P i "Shje /kgh^tttftt atrwtic^* Vol. 52. No. 30 Flesherton, Ontario, January 4, I93f^ W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor! PROTON STATION EUGENIA Happy New Year to all. The Vote for Proton Township coun- cil for ll>3;i was polled totiay. Voting took place in the home of Mr. Thos. WyviJl. The annual school meeting was held in the school house last Wednesday ni;iht. The trustees for the ensuing year are: Mr. Neil McCannell, Mr. Bert Badgerow and Mr. Robt. Bates. Mr. A. Shearson, who has held the office of secretary for many years was re-elected. Mr. Ed Badgerow was appointed delegate to the O.E..\. Proton Station section is changing ."fchool teachers. Mr. Kirstine of Hanover has gone and Mr. G. Little- john of Markdale begins duty on Jan.. 3rd. The village was greatly shocked by the sudden and untimely death pf Mr. Geo. Best. Much sympathy is ex- pressed to the bei-eaved family. Mr. John Hanley of Hamilton is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sher- son. Mr. and Mrs. McNichoi and daugh- ter and Miss Gertrude Lyons of To- ronto were holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lyons. Miss Mildred Sharpe of Toronto holidayed with her sister, Mrs. Dev- er. The Misses Acheson were home for the holiday season. Miss Mary Jones and Miss Helen Shaw of Toronto were New Years guests of Miss Emily Acheson. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Consley spent Christmas and part of the holidays with her daughters in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. E. Park and babe are visiting at Mr. Joseph Park's. Mrs. Cole of this village has been under the Doctor's care. Mr. Clark Wyville and Mr. Arnold Hergott holidayed at their parental homes here. The Bible sehooi students, who have been away at their homes have re- turned to their duties. Mr. Perry of Emmanuel College took the United church work last Sun- day in the absence of Mr. Bannister, who was spending Ned Years at his home near Port Hope. At the last meeting of the United church (W.M.S., the following offic- ers were elected: Pres., Mrs. R. G. Acheson; cor. sec. and treas., Mrs. N. McCannell; rec. sec, Mrs. Lome Hod- gin. S. S. NO. 5, OSPREY Sr. 4th â€" Hubeit Sayers, Bernice Poole, Guy Poole. Wilfred Haley. Jr. 4th â€" Vernon Somers. Jr. 3rd â€" Mervyn Ottewell, Marg- aret Courvoisier, Patrick Haley and Bernice Wright equal, Muriel Cam- eron. 2nd â€" Loreen Tempest, Frances Roberts, Veletta Sayers, Neh'ie Ot- tewell and Dolly Ottewell equal. Jr. 1st â€" Anthony Haley. Pr. â€" Phyllis Roberts, Graco Poole. â€" E. M. TURNER, Teacher WON VALUABLE PRIZE Congratilations are being extend- ed to Mr. V. A. Ellis, who had a pleas- ant surprise last week. Quite unex- pectedly a letter of appreciation was received from the insurance company of whijh he is this district's repre- sentative, accompanied by a valuable movinsr picture camera and projector, for having written a large amount ot business.â€" CoUingwooil Bulletin. . Miss Nellie McMuUen returned to Toronto on Monday afternoon, after spending her Christmas vacation here. She was accompanied by her mother, who will spend the winter in Toronto. Miss Marjorie Prgctor of Kimber- ley spent Christmas with her unci'e and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proc- tor. The influenza is prevalent in our locality now. Several people have been ouite ill with it. Mrs. A. F. Hammond, Mr. Russel and the Misses Blanche and Hazel, motored from Toronto and spent the week end with the formers mother, Mrs. McMuUen, and other friends. Mrs. Jacob Williams is visiting with her sister, Mrs. H. Smith, in Owen Sound ?.t present. In regards the treat of candies and oi-anges given the Sunday school children on Christmas Day there was a misunderstanding. The treat was given by "Rev. McNeill" and not "Rev. McNeill and Miss Smith'" as stated in last week's issue. We are son'y this error was made. Mrs. Wm. Walker Sr. is ili al pres- ent with pleurisy. ,We wish her a speedy recovery. Nurse Burritt is in attendance. Miss Muriel Fenwick returned Mon- day to resume her studies ai High school in Owon Sound. Mr. Clarence Biggar has returned home to Owen Sound after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. T. F'^^wick. Mr. John MacDonald returned on Saturday to Codrington and his broth- er, Sara, to Toronto. The boys were ill with the flu during their Christ- mas vacation here so their holidays were not very pleasant. Miss Christena Magee and Miss Irene Martin have returned to Toron- to Normal school, after spending the ho.idays here. Mr. Will. Campbell of Toronto vis- ited over New Years with relatives here. His wife and son, Billie, who have spent the past week here return- "d home with him. Mr. Clarence Williams and iauy friend of Toronto visited a few days with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr-s. Will. Walker Jr.. was called to the' bedside of her mother. Mrs. Warling, near Durham, who is quite •.1. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick are having a party at their home this Friday evening. The annual school meeting was held on Wednesday forenoon of last week, with a good number of ratepayers present, Mr. Chas. Martin acted as chairman and Mr. Earl Gordon as secretary for the meeting. The min utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. Mr. Ernest Proctor the retiring trustee was re-elected foi another term. Mr. Duncan Williams received the contract tor 25 conls of wood at $2.00 ner cord, while Mr. J Park received the contiiict for "2 cords of cedar at $1.2,") per cord. The care leaking o* the school, which includes the daily ^weeping and dusting oi school, scrubbing floor ten times dur- ing the year, washing curtains, wood- work, etc. twice per year,, cleaning outbi'ildings etc. was I'et for $4.') for this year. The new caretaker is Mr. Harold Falconer. IN MEMORIAM HENDERSON â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Jessie Hend- erson, who entered into rest January 2nd, 1929. Take her in Thine arms, dear Lord And ever let her be A messenger of love, Between our hearts and Thee. â€" Sadly missed by Sons and Daugh- ters. VICTORIA CORNERS CEYLON Our burg is feeling very depressed thes>' dnys. George Best, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Best passed away on Sunday at i2.3p, after a brief illness from flu and pneumonia. Herb Grumraett, [ who is working at Mr. Best's is also v'.-ry il'. Last Monday Mrs. Ernie Stinson who has not been enjoying good health for aCcouple of years went again tc Toronto to consult a specialist and is awaiting a very serious operation in Toronto for a tumor in her head. We hope to have good mjsults to re- port next week. Mrs. Louie Bannon and children and Donald Robinson of Dundalk visited at the Bannon's for New Years. (Last Week's Itt.ns) The pupils of S. S. No, 4 and In- istioge S. S. pupils rendered a splen- did concert on Friday evening, Dec 23i-d. The fii-st part consisted ol humorous dialogues, recitations, duet? and choruses. After the Christma? tree at which Santa presided a pag- eant entitled "Star Gleams"', was giv- en which was very solemn and beauti- ful, quite fitting for the Christmas sea.soi. Mr. John Robinson of Hamilton vis- ited at Milton Bannon's for Christ- mas. Jim Bannon returned to To- ronto with him. Marguerite Stinson spent tht Christmas holidays under the par- ental roof. Helen Badgerow spent a few days with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs A. Stinson. Chas. Moore and family spent Christmas at Smithvilie. PORTLAW SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mrs. Peter Still and daughter Margucirite c.J Orangeville was u ca.ier at Mr. Wm. Blackburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Badgerow ana daughter. Helen, spent New Years at Mr. Jas. Semple's, Markdale. Mis. Bob Little of Orangeville re- turned home after spending the past week at Mr. Jos. Badgerow's. Mr. Robt. White spent a few days in the city. New Year visitors at Mr. John Dow's were: Mrs. D. Dow, daughter, Annie and son, Peter, of Flesherton, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMurda of Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Elzer Park of To- ronto is a visitor at Mr. Jos. Park's. VANDELEUR Miss Millie Whittaker has return- ed to her studies at Toronto Univer- sity. Mr. Angus 'A'hittakev is visiting with friends in Toronto. Mr. Jack White of Toronto spent the past week with his mother, re- turning home on Monday. Mr. .-Mox. Knox, who spent thf holidays with his moclier, returned to Toronto on Saturday. Mrs. Dill Stewart and three child- ren and Miss Vera Marshall R.N. who have been spending Christmas and New Years with their parents returned to Bolton on Tuesday. Miss Reta Marshall, nurse in train- ing, at the Genei-al and Marine hos- pital, Owen Sound, spent Saturday at j hor home here. Miss .Willa Patterson spent a few j days in Toronto tlie. past week and returned Monday to her school duties at Marbdale, accompanied by her niece. ! Mc. and Mrs. F. Marshall and j d-'ughter, Barbara, spent New Yeai- with friends at Chatsworth, Miss Mary McDonald of Toronto spent the Christmas and New Yeai holidays with her mother and brother, who gave a party on Friday eveu- mg. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Irish and three children who spent the yuletide with the lattor's father, Mr. S. Hemphill, and faroilv have returned to their home in Toronto. Misses AUie and Mabel Parslow spent the Christmas ho.idays with their brothers, returning to Toronto on Monday. Miss Catherine Cairns, who spent the holidays with her parents, M^ and Mrs. Geo. Cairns, also returned to Torotito. Mrs. Pedlar of Toronto spent the holiday with her daughter, Mrs. Fish- er. • PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM IN MEMORIAM BENSON â€" In loving memory of our lear son and brother, Albert E Benson, who was killed on Januar;; 6th, 1932. January brings sad memories, Of a loved one laid to rest. Who will aiVay be remembered, By those who loved him best. We loved him, yes. we loved him, But Jesus lovetl him best. So with farewells unspoken, , He took him home to rest, â€" Sadly missed by Parents, Brothers ftnd Sisters. Happy and prosperous New Year to all readers of The Advance, .\t the school meeting on Wednes- day, December 2!?. Mr. \V. A. We'oe. was elected trustee and Mr. J. T. Graham auditor. Hilliard Fitzsim- mons received the caretaking job and John Bowle.s the contract for wood at $2.50 per cord. Miss Jean Wright of Toronto spent ,he holidays with her parents. Mi and Mrs. Geo. Wright. Miss Evelyn Broun of Bervie spent the Christmas holidays with friends here. Mr. Wm. Brown and Miss Br-jdl^v of Bervie were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shanno.i at- tended the funeral of the formers sister, Mrs. Broughton, of Corbetton, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Brougli- ton passed away on Sunday from a stroke. Miss Lillian Thomson of Ceylon is spending the holidays at her home two miles north of here. Miss Beatrice Bewell of Flesherton is holidaying at her parental home on the townline. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Forsythe c: Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Collingwood spent New Year; with Mr and Mrs. G. Eby here. The Osprey election for the council ^ ^ , ^ . , -a »»_f 1. ij \m 1 -..u .1. u tatoes lost upwards of .lO per cent was held on Monday with the result ... '.. . ,.,,.,? that the old council and one new mem- SIMCOE POrATO CROP The aveiage potato crop in th. C-.iunty of S|mcce. Ontario's leadin.c potato growing county, is 80 bags tw the acre this year. .â- V large number of the smallei growers who did not spray their po- Messr.?. Dav'.d and CHfford Hincks spent a couple of days visiting in T^-int:). Mrs. Ramsdell of New York spent the Christmas holidays with her brother. Mr. John Stewart. Mr. John McEachnie of the Nor- mal sJiool. Toronto, and Miss Sadie McKinnon returned, after holidaying at their homes. Mr. Coiin Mclean and daughter. Nellie, spent part of the Christmas vacation visiting friends in Toronto Over fifty young people and theii f â- (.•r.ds of Price-vU';-" Presbyteriar; church were invited to the manse foi a delightful social evening on Thurs- day last, which had been arranged by the young men of the Biblj class a:d Y.P.S. Mr. Chas. Aldcorn, the pres., presided over the jsathering and opened with a Christmas carol, •.ollowed by prayei- by Rev. W. J. Mclvor. Early in the fali, t]ie Bible ci'ass undertook the sale of bricks ;--t ten cents a brick to provide the rug for the front and sides if pos sible for the new church. .â- ^. spirited contest was wageii between the young men and w'omcn, and it was agre-.'ii that whoever won the contest, tiic dj-'eated group .--hould provide the social evening. Most of the books for sale of bricks were returned ana Miss Olive McMeekin reported that well over S215.00 was raised, and quitv a nvmber to hear from. Messrs. Alfred Hincks and .Mex. McLean had charge of the program and games Miss Anna McEachern moved a vott of t\anks to the boys for the splev. c.d program and Ijnch and also t> Dr. and Mrs. ..McIvor for their hospi- tality. Mr. Thos. Nichoi thankee! th^ young pe,)ple for the support they had given in raising so much money in the bri'ck selling conlesi. '^h^ meeting dosed by singing ;c gethtr ".\uld Lang Syne" and a rhosl delightful evening was enjoyed b.* "11. May the New Year bring to every- body the desire of each heart for prosperity and happiness. • Vi'a think it is opportune at this time to pass along a word of apprec- iation to our post office officials and coi:rier3, Messrs. McEachnie and Brodie, for the splendid service beiny meted out to us. Mr. J. V.'. Lyons continues in a very critical state, with no apparent iniprov-mp'!f. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wauohope ot Schoniberg and Mrs. Weatlake of To- ronto visited with their mother, Mi-s. Wauchope, who cont nues very ill. Mr. Pearce McMuiliii met with a Very painful accident last week. He was operating a buzzing outfit at Mr. Wm. Xiehol's. anil in making a jump landed on the spout of an oil can which penetrated his foot, caus- ing a very painful wound. Santa Claus was genarous to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft in bringing to their home on Christmas Day the gift of a daughter. Mijs Violet Taylor of Toronto vis- t'ted -with hei parents ihiring the hol'day season. Miss Lillian Morton R. N., of To- ronto spent Christmas with the home folks. The school concert held before clost of school, proved a very successful and enjoyable affair, and the teacher. Miss Heard, deserves credit for the way her efforts turned out. Mr. C. D. .Meidrum occupied the chair and introduced a varied program which made everybody feel that depression was a thing of the past. Santa Claus, who seemed to have prospered in spite of bad markets, proved faithful as ever, and distributed gifts to all the children from a well-ladened tree. The proceeds were handed over by the teacher to the trustees for the purchase of necessary supplies for the school. The annual meeting of the rate- payers of the school section was held on Wednesday last, with a good at- tendance. Mr. R. D. Meidrum was voted to the chair and Mr. J. W. Mc- Kee acted as secretary. Reports were read, and met with approval'. Mr. Dinsihore Watson was elected trustee. Mrs. Florence Lyons was re-appointed see.-treas., and Mr. Dnvc Jamieson continues as caretaker and .Mr. Thos. Phillips was appointed aud- ito on behalf of the ratepayers. In our report of the officers elect- ed by the Womens' Association, an error crept in. Mrs. C. D. Meidrum was appointed the new treasurer, while Mrs. H. Fisher retired from that office. KOGK Miii-S It U3ed to be "cash for wheat": now it is "cash for coal". It shoui'd have come sooner and we would haVi. cheaper copl. School re-opened on Tuesday affer the Christmas holidays. • Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale and friend, Mr. Bert* Watt,, of Berkeley, spent New Yeai-s with her parents, Mr. and ilrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave and babe of Wareham visited one day the past week with the formers uncle here, Mi\ J. Hargrave and family. A New Years gathering was heid on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts, when all their child- ren and their families were present, numbeiing 24. A happy time was enjoyed by all. .Th-j Sunday school entertainment was held in the church Thursday even- ing, December 29th. with a fair at- '.endance. The program of musii. singir.g and recitations was enjoyed, after which the children each received a treat, lunch and home mad% candy wa.s also served. Mr. Jack Foster and Mr. and Mrs McDowell and son. Garth, of Toron- to were guests at the Foster home for New Years. The annual meetmg oi S. S, No, 17, .A.rteinesia, was held on Wednes- day, December 28th, in the school house, with a good representation of ratepayers present. The meeting opened with Dick Clark in the char* Frank Betts w^as again appointed as sec.-treas; Arthur Chard and Ernie White were the auditors and gave a satisfactory report. Aiex. English was the retiring trustee and Sam Phillips was appointed in his place for a three year term; the other trustees are Chas. Newell and Jim Russell. Walter Russell is the care- taker again, and Dick Clark got the contract for 20 cords of wood at §1.70 a cord. The interior of the school was redecorated, floors oiled and some new books purchased for the library the past year. ONTARIO HORTICULTURISTS MEETING IN FEBRUARY At a meeting of the Directors of the Ontario Horticultural .Association arrangements were made for holding the annual convention of the .Associa- tion in the King Edward Hotel, To- ronto, on February 9th and 10th. .-V comprehensive program for discus- sion is being prepared and it is ex- pected that a new impetus will be given horticultural activities as a re- sult of the meetings. .\ lot of good work has already been done by the .Association in support of the More Beautiful Canada Cam- paign sponsored by the Canadian Horticultural Council. Special at- tention will be given during the com- ing year to this phase of the As- sociation's activities. j BATES BURIAL CO'Y I I 124 Avenue Road Toronto X "DISTINCTIVE FLNERAL SEKVICE AT REASONABLE PLICES } PHONES: NIGHT OR D.A.Yâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 * Modern Private Chanel I J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager ^ Formerly of Flesherton V b«r was elected. There is no depuity reeve in Osprey this year. The following wei-e elected: W. L Tavlor reeve; councillors, Stephen Wilton, Beatty, with the new man,' Mr. Arnold Hutchinson, heading the poll with over 500 votes. Mr. Earl Alexander ami his father, Mr. Robt, Alexander, of Flesherton were here on Monday, also Mr. Geo Brackenbury of Flesherton. DISTRICT L. O. L. MEETING The annual meeting of Artemesia District L.O.L. will be held in Fra- ternity Hall, Flesherton, on Tuesday afternoon, January tOth, at 1,30 p.m All Orangrenien are urged to attend, orough « of their crop through late blight, while a loss of 20 per cent would re- present the average of those who did .^pray. Marketing of potatoes has slowed up considerably on account of the importation of Maritime potatoes, al- ways competitoi-s of the Ontaiio- grownjivarieties. TTte chief reason for the slump in potato prices this fall in face of a limited supply, is the fact that truckers du*jpcd a largt quantity of poor quality po,tatoes on the jnarket when the marlet coulo least s^qA them. A Russian professor says he ha* A machine that will separate man from his soul. The ordinary niit or car can do that if it hits you hard TORONTO LINE NORTH Happy New Year to editor, staff and readers. Mr. and Mrs. W. Reed and two sons of Ann Arbor, Mich., spent the Christm*" holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. Richardson. Misses 1. Lever and A. McKenzie of Toronto spent the week end at the former's parental home here. Ean' Hogg of Toronto waar a vis- itor^at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. , Littlejohn's over the holiday. ' Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Alex. Miller is the recent sad bereavement, the death of her mother, Mrs. Bovd Don't forget the hockey game this Thursday night. « ^ The House oi Quplity ^^ SPECIALS CASTILE SOAP 10 bars 19c SYRUP ::^ 5 lb. paUs 29c JELLY POWDER per pkg. 5c PURE LARD 2 lbs. 19c SPY APPLES large hamper 75c Flour and Feed PRAIRIE ROSE O'CANADA PILOT ALBERT ROSE THREE STAR SUPERIOR. BRAN, SHORTS, SREENINGS FULL LINE PURINA CHOWS JAS\ A. STEWART FLESHERTON S.

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