THE FLE3HERTON ABVANCE WEDNESDAY, DECEICBER 14, 1932 Mrs. R. McGhee Dies The death took place suddenly, on Friday, Dec. 2, 1932. of Maria Louise Sproat, wife of Robert J. McGhee, east half Lot 15, Con. 3, O.S., Melan- cthon, in her 55th year. Deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas Sproat, Milk River, Alberta. She had lived in Melancthon since hei marriage twenty years ago. Sht leaves a husband, four daughters ana one son, Louise, Rhoda, Jeanette, Ern- estine and Paul â€" all at home. Thret brothers and four sisters also survive: Andrew Sproat. Milk River, Alberta, Fred Sproat. .'^kron, Ohio; Willian- Sproat, Hollywood, California; Mrs A. H. Archibald, Davidson, Sask.; Mrs. E. Laurance, Vulcan, Alberta, Mrs. Wni. Laurance, Vancouver, B.C.; Mrs. Albert McCrJnnell. Shelburne. The funeral took place to Homing's Mills Cemetery, Monday afternoon December 5th, the service being con- ducted by Mr. Long, of Homing'^ Mills Presbyterian church. The pall- bearers were Me.ssrs. Norman Hunt- er, Rpy Andrews, Alex. Snider, Robt Emrick, Wm. Fleming and Henrj Fa wcett.â€" Shelburne F. P. and E. Hawken S STORE FOR IDEAL XMAS GIFTS There is still time to have those Photos for Xmas and there is no gift that will mean quite so much. Radios, Pianos and Musical Instrum^ts and Electic Supplies A full line of Groceries and Confectionary and Xmas Novelties W. A. HAWKEN 'Phone 17viK Flesherton FleshertoQ High School FORM 2 ARITHMETIC â€" V. Fisher 75, M. Sheardown 66, B. Murray 56, G. Boyd 55, A. Tumey 53, S. MacKinnon 53, E. Talbot 52, L. SeeUy 51, H. Croft 51, D. McRae 50, A. Martin 41, C. Stewart 40, M. Allen 35, D. Stuart 33, M. Fisher 32, H. Johnson 27, R. .'Vkitt 25, M. Chard 18, D. Smith 13, L. Magee 10. FORM 5 LATIX â€" Marion Shaw 79, Ellen Parker 75. Pass â€" Earl Johnson 74 Monica Lambert 73, Willie Somers 72 Annie Akins 65, Jean Hincks 63 Daisy McFadden 60, Mervyn Littk- 58, Almeda Hincks 58, Elda Frook 57, Audrey Brown 57, Elmore Fiaher 55. Fail â€" Jim McFadden 28. MIDDLE SCHOOL GEOMETRY â€" Hon. â€" Mary Wil- son 78, Rena Clark 7G. Pass â€" La- Verne Piper 64, Marion Stafford 61 Dorothy Jamieson 59, Mervin McFad- den 54, Emery Fisher 54, Wilfred Frook 52, Jim McCormack 50, Verdun McMaster 50, Cecil Chard 50. Fail â€"Dick Stewart 45, Frances CoUinson 44, Bill Parker 44. Jean WolsteAcroft 42, Hazel McKillop 42, Stanley Hunt 41, Gordon Patterson 37, George Mc- Master 35, Milford Piper 35, Neilbert McKenzie 32, Evelyn Brown 30,. Robt. Bellamv 29, Delia Vause 28, Bessie Cairns 27, Johnnie McVicar 24, Bob Phillips 23, Rowena Magee 14, Elsie Graham 9, Opal Weber 5. MIDDLE SCHOOL FRENCH AUTH.â€" Passâ€" E-elyn Brown 74, Verdun McMaster 63, Rena Clark 62, Jeanette McLeod 62, Will- iam Parker 61, Marion Stafford 60, Frances CoUinson 59, Emery Fisher 59, Isabelle MacMillan 59, Mary Wil- son 59, Dorothy Jamieson 52, Stanley Hunt 51, Catherine Stewart 51, La- veme Piper 50. Fail â€" Wilfred Frook 49, Mervin IMcFadden 47, Delia Vause 45, Robert Bellamy 43, Jean iWolstencroft 43, Earl Ottewell 40. CHRISTMAS CONCERT A Christmas concert will bo given in the Old Durham Road school on December 21. Program commencing at 8 p.m. Admissi'>n 13c. OWEN SOUND. ONT. "^O X ♦ CUT FLOWERS GIFT BOUQUETS WEDDING FLOWERS FUNERAL DESIGNS LANDSCAPE GARDEXIXG PEREXXIALS and SHRUBS Funeral of Mrs. F. Cairns Held Friday The funeral of the late Mrs. Frank Cairns was held from her late resi- dence on Friday afternoon of last week. Rev. W. J. Scott, pastor of St. John's United church, gave a very comforting message to the bereaved members of the family and was as- sisted by Rev. M. M. Bennett. In- terment was made in Flesherton cem etery. The pallbearers were all ola friends and neighbors'. Messrs. T. R -McKenzie, Frank Chard, A. Gilchrist W. J. Stewart, Geo. Mitchell and Jaa McMullen. The late Mrs. Cairns, whose maiden name was Nancy McLeod, was Ta years of age and was bom on tht west backline, Artemesia, and wa.s a daughter of the late Donald and Flora McLeod. , She was married to Mr Frank Cairns on January 25th, 1881 on the homestead now occupied by her brother, Mr. Donald McLeod. Until they moved into F!e;herton 15 years ago last spring they had always re- sided in Artemesia township. The union was blessed by three sons and one daughter, Geo. H. and F. D. oi -Artemesia, J. A. of Barrie and Pearl (Mrs. Alex. McDonald) of .Weston all of whom were home for the fun- eral service. There were also seven grandchildrtn. Besides her husband and family she is survived by twc sisters and three brothers, Mrs. D McMillan of Priceville, Mrs. M. Mit- chell of Toronto, John D. and Ronald of Artemesia and Roderick in Color- ada, U.S.A. On January 25th. 1931, Mr. and Mrs. Cairns celebrated the 50th anniversary of thjir wedding at the home of their daughter in Wes- ton. The late Mrs. Cairns has been :i sufferer for the past year with heart trouble and for a few weeks this fall she was seriously ill, but recovered considerably. Two weeks before her death on Tuesday, December 6th she was forced to take to bed and while her passing was not unexpected it came as a great shock to her family, who mourn the loss of a devoted wife and mother. The casket was surrounded by a beautifid bower of floral tokens of re- membrance and were from a wide circle of friends and relatives Amongst them were sprays from the officers and members of Mt. Dennis Chapter O.E.S., Matron and Patron of Clovelly Chapter O.E.S.. Weston; Neighbors of Weston; Matrons ana Patrons club 1932. O.E.S., .Artemesia District and Ceylon L.O.L.; and neighbors of Flesherton. Prior to the remains being brougiu Sunday School Entertainment. Dec. 22 ^ Place your order with our Flesherton representative • I W. A. HAWKEN I .»***** • ♦ * •.«.»â- *.*.*. »- .♦- »â- .♦-♦â- >..♦. ♦.-♦--». -♦..♦l.»..«^.*-.*..»- .•--♦--♦-.*..*..»^.*-.».-*-.»--».-*-.*.-».A-»--».-%..* •> •:~> St. Columba United church Sun- day school. Priceville will hold their annual Xmas tree and entertainmeui on Thursday evening. December 22nd in the church. A good proi'ram is being prepared. Admission: .Adults 2yc. children 13 and under free. Dishes - Cutlery Santa Claus Says: This Year Give Useful Presents You Can Get Practical and Inexpensive Gifts Here Fancy China . Aluminum Tea Pots and Coffee Perco- laters, Kettles, Combination Steamer Saucepan, Double Boilers, etc. Knife and Fork Setts in boxes. Bread Knives, Carving Setts, Spoons and Pocket Cutlery China and Porcelain Dinner and Tea Setts, Berry Setts, Bowls, Fauticy Handled Plates and Bon Bons, English Bone China, Cups, Saucers and Plates, and a Big Variety of Fancy Dishes Priced fom 15c to $1.00 FLASHLIGHTS, SKATES, SKIS, SNOWSHOES, Hockey STICKS, PUCKS Special Price on Aladdin Lamps We are giving a special price on ALADDIN LAMPS from now until Christmas. Now will be a good time to get that good light you need so much Rogers Symyhonic Tone Radios lk>gers Sjrmphonic Tone tvrin speaker Radios with guaranteed tukes. and get an entry form for a Popular Radio Program Contest Prize is a $169.50 ten tube Radio Frank W. Duncan 'Phone: 54 FLESHERTON Come in râ„¢ »»»>â- >â- >*»*»♦•*•*••*• •♦*aA*»»<»»«i»i»^»».vfr o» »^» < »fr»t< a* »* * *******»'»»'»»^»**»» ^fl ^iiii^ Come to Ken Kennedy^s for Real Christmas Bargains SWEATERS FROM $1.50 UP SHIRTS $1.50 to $2.50 CAPS 95c to $2.00 UNDERWEAR $1.75 to $4.00 TIES Ranging from 50c to $1.00 SCARFS Ranging from $1.00 to $2.50 BELTS Ranging from 50c to $1.00 BRACES Ranging from 50c to $1.00 MITTS and GLOVES 25c to $2.00 BUY DAD A LEATHER COAT; WE HAVE SOME GOOD ONES CIGARS & CIGARETTS XMAS WRAPPED •:~:~:'<«*<«<-i->-K-s»>* We have a lovely assortment of Christmas Candies and Fancy Boxes YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED WITH OUR CHRISTMAS GOODS. E\'ERYTHING FRESH t I Phone 37 to Flesherton on Thursaay afternoon a short service was held ta the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald Weston, Rev. Forbes of Westniinistei church, Weston, officiating. Quite a large number of Toronto friends wert present at the service. Those from a distance who attended the funeral in Flesherton were Mrs. Ruthven Sr and son, Frank, and Mr. Camplin ol Clarksburg and Mrs. M. Mitchell ol Toronto. A Seal On Display A seal in Flesherton! Such is the case. How^ever it hapepns to be a stuffed one sent to Mr. C. X. Rich- ardson of town last week by Mr. George Richardson of Botvvood, New- foundland. It is of the fur seal var iety, about two feet long, perfectly white and is said to have been only three days old when captured. .\s it grows older its coat would change and become brown. George secured it from a fisherman who had caught it olf the coast of Labrador during the annual sealing operations and then had it mounted. Escaped Serious Injury Mr. W. McNally of Portlaw had a nasty experience down at the Little Mill on Monday where he went to get a grist ground. He had backed his wagon into the ohed and was in the act of stepping down on the doubltree to alight when the team /umped and crashed against a post Mr. McNally says he heard a crash and knew nothing more about it. The team rushed across the road anu across the mill stream below the bridge and out on the other side. When found Mr. McNally was soaked from head to foot and evidently hao been thoroughly dipped in the wate; He had to be clothed in a dry outfit, but otherwise was uninjured. It is fortunate that he had not t)een killed or badly injured. The horses were (.aught at Beecroft's hill, a mile and a half from where they started. CHRISTMAS CONCERT A Christmas concert will be held in Rock .Mills school on Wednesday, Dec. 21st. Admission 15 cents. .Another thing that spoils matri- mony is the fact that no house is big enough for two martyrs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS H.VD BEER BUT WERE NOT THE BURGLARS The so far successful get-away of two armed men who last week enter- ed the Flesherton branch of the Bank of Commerce, held up the staff, lock- ed them in the vault and helped them- selves to all the available cash, has cost that institution about $6,000. In- directly, it was responsible for two men being calletl upon to contribute a small fine and cost about $30 in all in the Palmerston Police Court to Ontar- io's decreasing revenues. Members of the Provincial Police were on the Kincardine highway west of Arthur with their eyes open for burglars in a blue carj They commenced following the Toronto machine, whose occupants decided they would hurry along, and that is where they made their mistake. Suspicion vas aroused that they were the men who had cleaned up the Flesherton thousands. The police gaTe pursuit and the Toronto car soon left the slippery road and crashed in- to a telephone pole. The suspected burglars were arrested but it was soon evident that they were not hold up men but quite respectable citizens. Just to make assurance doubly sure however, the officers searched theit car and made the find of two perfectly good bottles of beer. The beer oc- casioned a charge of havinjr liquor where it should not be and the inevit- able fine and costs were duly collect- ed. â€" .\rthur Enterprise. Goes To South America Miss Irene Marshal;, R.X.. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall of Ceylon, will sail for South Amer- ica on January 17th to the Hospital Bvitannico in Buenos .4ires. wTierf she will specialize in the "Essentials of Surgery." On her retui-n she will fulfill a position on the permanent staff of the General Hospital in To- ronto. SKATING & HOCKEY SCHEDULE This season skating will be held on Wednesday and Saturday nights and hockey practice on Tuesday and Thursday nights, with Monday and Friday nights left open for hockey matches, carnivals, skating parties, etc. Everybody come and have a good skate while the cars are runn- ing. Admission 15 and 10 cents, â€"WALTER AKITT. Prop, IN THE MATTER of the Estate ot Charles Wesley Bellamy late of the Village of Flesherton in the County of Grey, Carpenter, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustee Act R. S.O. 1927, Chapter 150. that all credit- ors and others having claims or de- .nands against the estate of the said Charles Wesley Bellamy who died on or about the 5th day of Xovembei .A..D. 1932 at the Village of Flesher- ton in the County of Grey, are re- quired on or before the 1st day of January, .-^.D. 1933, to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to Lucas. Henry & Lucas. Solicitors for the Executors of the estate of the said deceased, their christiar names and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full par- ticulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their acounts, and the nature of the security, if any. held by them. "and T.\KE NOTICE that after such last mentioned date the said ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among tho parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the saW executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim not- ice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. D.A.TED at Markdale this 10th day of December A.D. 1932. â€"LUCAS, HENRY & LUCAS, Sol- icitors for the said Executors. I Radio Service WITH NEW MODERN SET AND TUBE ; TESTER THAT ELIMINATES GUESS WORK 1 Another good menUl test is to fig- ure out what be.'omes of the money .xou save since living costs became cheaper. If your Radio needs service call WM. L. OSBORNE •Phone 17 r 2 - FEVERSHAM ;! S:andard parts and lubes in stock. , -orr. is positively ij'.iarantcecl All •J •>