Vol. 52. No. 27 Fleaherton, Ontario, December 14, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors PRICEVILLE KIMBERLEY This Monday morning is cold ano , ^^ ^^^ ^,^j ^^ ^^^ jj^ ^arl Car- stormy, yet not enough snow foi | ^^^hers home and restored to health leighmg. after his recent operation in Toronto EUGENIA CEYLON This Wednesday evening praye: meeting will be held at the home ot Mrs. Kate MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and Mr. C. E. Hincks of Clifford spent tha week end at their home here. This Friday, December 16th, the W.M.S. and Willing Helpers will hold their annual meeting in the hall, when a good attendance is requested. Each member is asked to bring anothei friend with them. Some from here attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. Cairns, on Fri- day in Flesherton. The windows are being nut in the basement of the new church and the furnace is expected soon. A pipe organ from Toronto has been donat- ed to the church and it is greatly appreciated. (While working in the gravel pit l&M week a piece of gravel fell on Mr Wm. McMillan's leg and caused him much pain. He was put in a car and taken home at once. Mrs. Wm. McBride and Mrs. Mc- I' or spent the week end in Tornn'-o. hospital. The rate payers of the village met on Saturday night after the closing of the books of the financial state- ment given showing the money spent for the year, S47.00 out of the sum apportioned by council of about $150.00, a good drain was put in on one side street and work done with men and teams on west valley road. This will leave a good balance on hand to spend for another year, which will be wisely spent. Repairs to the weigh scales and lights on the street were discussed, about four were spok- en of, which will be about $12.00 each a year. The retiring trustees were Geo. McConnell, Thos. Hawkins and S. S. Burritt. The new ones are Geo. McConnell, Wm. Grieve and B. Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Anchutz ana family moved to Owen Sound. The Hydro work they were doing is al- most completed. We are sorry to lose them as they were good citizen; Miss Mina Faweett of ^arkdale visited a week with her parents, Mr, from the Fergus hospital for a tew holidays. Messrs. iWreford and Neil McLean and Sterling Whyte went to Toronic on Tuesday with a load of Christmas trees. The furnace has been installed in the new church and it is the intention of the Board to make the basemerit floor of cement. R©CK MILLS Our teacher, Miss E. M. Oliver, and pupils are making preparations for their annual Christmas tree enter tainment to be held in the school house Wednesday evening, Decemljin 21st. Messrs. Allan McGuire and John Gibson of Stayner were recent visit- ors with the former's sister, Mrs Lome Atkinson, and family. Mrs. Joyce Porteous visited during the past week with relatives at Kemble. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and Mr. Wm. Pedlar visited recently with Dur- ham friends. Mrs. Thos. Aldcorn of Toronto was a visitor the past week with her par- ents here, Mr. and Mrs. John Foster. Miss E. M. Oliver spent the week end at her home near Priceville. Miss Alma McLean, who had heri^nd Mrs. John Faweett. tonsils removed in Fergus, is home! Miss Sheirer of Duncan spent a few days with her friend, Mrs. Rus- sel EUis. Miss Mae Tate of Duncan visited with Mrs. Jas. Lawrence for a few day?. The people of the community gath- ered in the hall Wednesday evening and after spending a few hours in dancing and social amusement pre- sented the bride and gi-oom of recent date, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McConnell with two beautiful chairs, a token ot esteem and good wishes for their fut- ure hanpin'rss. Mr. Harold Thompson. Vaudeleur spent the week end with his friend Norman Burritt. Mr. Earl Dillon H.E.P.C. plant and Mr. Dillon Thombury are wireing foi electric lights the homes of Mrs. Jas Lawrence and Mr. H. Lawrence. The Ladies' Aid met on Tuesday at the home «f Mrs. J. ,Wickens, business was disposed of and shutins remem- bered. A kind donation was sent to Mrs. D. A. Graham in Hamilton hospital. Members and friends of W. I. met at "Spring Brook" on December 8 to enjoy a pleasant evening at cards and crokinole, also to draw the winning card for the quilt. Miss Lillian Smart being the lucky winner. The death rate has fallen. Even A man whob ought a car for~$23 "" '^^'^ ^ ^^^^ show, you hate to leave told us he never realized before how ""'â- ' y°" see how it is going to turn hard it was driving a bargain. °^^- Euchre-Dance FLESHERTON «8>*«B>'X"C>*0 FEATURING THE Opening of Fraternal Hall on Thursday, Dec. 15 In the new Fraternal Hall building Euchre Upstairs 8.15; Dancing Downstairs 9 to 2 Dorothy Foster Orchestra FOR ROUND AND SQUARE DANCING Admissidxi 50c each Buffet Lunch Mrs. Basil Carruthers and children of Sault Ste. Marie are visiting with Mr. Carruther's parents, Mr. and Jlrs. Alex. Carruthers. Sorry to report little Miss Selena Duckett, youngest daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Duckett, ill with in- flammatory rheumatism. We wisii her a speedy recovery. Miss Josie Falconer of Flesherton spent the week end with her brother, Mr. Harold Falconer, and wife. Pleased to report Mr. Alex. Car- ruthers continually improving m health, after his recent severe attack of pleuro pneumonia. Miss Walton has returned borne to Sault Ste. Marie after a vi^it wita the Carruthers and Walton famines, Eugenia north. The Women's Association of the United church here are holding the;i annual meeting on Thursday after- noon, December 15. The W. M. S. will also hold their annual meeting the same afternoon. Meeting t:> commence at 2 o'clock p.m. It :s hoped that there will be a good at- tendance. ! The bazaar and play on Friday j evening v.-as a decided sue. ess. The weather was extremely cold prevent- ing many from attending. The play, "Bread on the Water" given by the Wareham young people was good. The proceeds of play and bazaar amount- ed to about S2S.C0, after expenses were paid. Miss Lottie Graham spent a few days with Mrs. ,W:U. Weber near Van- deleur. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound and Mrs. White of Markdale visited recsnlly with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob. WiUiams. Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft and Evere:: of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Crowe and ua^e and -Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Williams of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Miss Sinclair and pupils are bus;, piactising for their school entertain- ment to be held on Tuesday evening. December -0. Miss Sloan and her pupils are doing likewise for theli concert on Thursday evening, Decem- ber 22nd. Mr. H. Cairas and Mrs. H. Foerste; attended the funeral of the formers sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Cairns which was held in Flesherto;! on Fr; day afternoon of last week. Others of the village also attended. We ex- tend oui- sympathy to the sorrowrng relatives in their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Conn of Fever- sham recently visited with Mr. and .Mrs. Will. Kaitting. Mrs. Chas. Martin visited one day with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. McMaster of .Wareham spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Hanloy. Master Argyle Martin and Master Harvey Croft spent the week end at thf former's parental home. We offer congratulations to Mrs. Adam Smith who celebrated her 76th birthday on Sunday, December 4th. We wish her many happy returns ot the c'.iy. Miss Irene Martin of Toronto Nor- mal visited recently with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Miss Christena Magee of Toronto Normal and Mr. Reasor of Toronto visited with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Mr. Norman Williams is recovering from an attack .of tonsilitis. Mr. Charhe Williams who has been suffering with a severe attack oi blood poison in his hand t'lie past couple of weeks is now on the road to re.overy. He had his hand lanced on Sunday and nurse Burritt is L'< attendance for a few days. We wisTi Chas;. a complete recovery. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. John Haynos on December 5, a daughter. BORN â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haynes, December 5 a daughter. PROTON STATION CARD OF THANKS Mr. J. Campbell and daughter, Ber- nice and Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia via- ited Mr. Geo. McKenzie the past w^ek. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (nee Dorothy Wright) •>* Maxwell has the past week visite<i with the former's broth- er, Mr. Thos. Stewart and family, a:s<^ with Mr. S. Hemphill and daughters. Mr. Will. McKenzie has returned home after spending a couple of weeks at Laurel. :Mr. John McMillan motored tt, Barrie on Saturday. Mr. Elleston who has been assist- ing Mr. D. M.Leod for the past sum- mer leaves Halifax on Saturday for bis home in England, where he will spend Christmas. Mrs. Mitchell of Toronto spent fae week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLeod. Mr. F. Cairns Sr., Mr. and Mrs. .\!ex. McDonald and daughter, isabelle i of V.'c3ton spent the week end with i Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns. i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jackson oi i Dundas attended the funeral ot the I late Mrs. Cairns and also visited t'ne I latter's father, Mr. Donald McLeod. I Mr. and 'Mrs. George .A.lton of I Markdale visited the latter's mother. I Mrs. Wilcock, and sistei-, Mrs. Geo Cairns, the first of the week. I Much sympathy is expressed for â- Mr. D. McDonald at the Irish Lake.' who at midnight Saturday was awak- : ened by the dog barking and arose to find the house in flames, due to an overheated chimney. Their iiouse . barn and shed were all burned, th«o high wind carrying the s)3arks. An interesting sermon was preach- ed in the Anglican church last Sun- day afternoon by the rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham, commerating the capture of Jerusalem from the Turks on Uec 11th, I'.tlT, by the British under Gen- eral .AJlenby. The Anglican Women's Guild held their annual business meeting in the church last Tuesday aiternooii. wun the president, Mrs. Thos. Wauchope. in the chair. Owing to Mr. Bannister's absence during the week, since coiiege opened he has been obliged to discontinue his mid-week young people's meeting- He purposes holding those meetings on Sunday night after the United church service beginning next Sunday Mr. Herb C-oi-bett motored this week-end to Kingston and Belleville Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dever accompaniec him as far as Toronto. Miss Vause from near Priceville >.* visiting her aunt, Mrs. Vause liere. Mr. and Mrs. David Reddick and babe of Swinton Park visited on Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roddick. SPECI.\L SERVICES IN DINDALK ANGLICAN CHIRCH We take this opportunity to thank our dear neighbors and friends of Flesheiton and Wc<ton for the lovely flowers and kindness shown in the sad bereavement that we were callea upon to endure through the illness and passing of our dear wife and mother. "~ â€"FRANK CAIRNS AND FAMILY. CARD OF THANKS To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen, â€" I wish to thank you for your support in the re- cent municipal elections and I also appreciate the work and influence of many others on my behalf. I wish you all the compliments of the sea- son and a more prosperous 1933. â€" WM. BURNETT IN MEMORIAM FORTLAW Quite a number of our people are suffering from severe colds. } Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ; .M'oert Blackburn, has been in poor'l health of late and receiving- medical i treatment. iWe hope that she may ; soon be restored and enjoy yuletido! ffstivities. Mrs. F. T. Taylor was at Creemotv iatelv for rcodical treatment. Mrs. Simmons of Drayton is vis- iting: her sister, Mrs. Florence Lyon? 'Mr. W. G. Jamiescn was in Toron- to last week visiting v.-ith kindred. The Sunday school social evening on Friday last was pronounced one ,-.f the b-sst yet held. There was a '-rge iittendance and the splendid prrgram v.as ;" 3roughly enjoyed.' Following a nea . address of welcome j presented by Victor Osborne, a varied program was given, consisting of community singing, instrumental mus- i Sunday. December 11th, marked the 52nd anniversary of the establishment' of the Anglican church in Dundalk. â- Special services were held with the: rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham, in charge.; .A.t the morning service a Litany Desk] and Baptismal Font made and fin-! ished by Mr. James Arnott. a membei | of the congregation was dedicated. Tht '- Baptismal Font is placed at the en- trance and tifj Litany Desk is placed at the Chancel Steps facing the Com- munion Table. The church is now fully equipped. December 11th alst marks the 15th anniversary of tht capture of Jerusalem by Sir Genera! Edmund .\llenby. .\t the morning service the rector preached on Jere- miah 52:4. preaching on the history of Jerusalem up to the present time -•^t the evening service the new Litany Desk was used for the first time and the Litany was read. The sermor, given was based on .A.cts of .\postIer 20:28. dealing with the meanings of j the church as taught in Holy Sorip- i ture and the duty of the people to- I day to maintain the church. Tiie .hurch has had a successful 52 years in Dundalk and the speaker stressed the importance of keeping up this good record Ln coming years. P.\TTON â€" In loving memory ot our dear mother. Mrs. T. H. Patton who passed away December 18. 1930 If all the world were mine to give, I'd give it, yes. and more, To clasp the hand of mother dear .â- Vnd see her smile once more; .\nd you who have a mother. Treasure her with care. For you'll never know her value Till you see her vacant chair. â€" Sadly missed by the Family. IN MEMORIAM P.\TTON â€" In loving memory oi our dear sister, Mrs. T. H. Patton, who passed from this life December IS. 1930. Many sleep, but not forever. There will be a glorious dawn. We shall meet to part no never On the resurrection morn. â€" Lovingly remembered by Brothei and Sisters. IN MEMORIAM So far the only holdups in country newspaper offices have been bv de- ic. duets, quartettes, quintette, recita- ' ''"quent subscribers tions, readings, dialogues and a hum-^ •nous play. We will not single out names because all who helped did their parts well. .\ generous coUec-; tion was received v.hich places the \ school in good fina:'..'ial standing. .A. tasty lunch was served and "God \>e with you till we meet again," brought the night's enjoyment to a close. One cautious Scotchman refused t» go to a banquet because he didn't know the word "Gratis" on the in- vitation meant. Next moniing he was found dead before an open dic- tionary. In loving memory of my dea' mother, Mrs. J. Hill, who passed away December ITth. 1931. December brings sad memories Of a loved one laid to rest. Who will always be remembered, By those who loved her best. â€" .Always remembered by Mrs. \V Turner. .Amendment* to the Old Age Pe-^- sion -Act are looked for in the neai future. It has 'oeen decided in many a d â- - bate that the pen is mightier thr. ! the sword and the trio who got o : of the Bank of Commerce vault i:i Flesherton are sure the screw-drive c is more powerful than the pistol. â€" Chesley Enterprise. ACCLMLL.U'ING FRIENDS It was recently said of one of the] * country's great men that he "haj ' 5 teen accumulating friends for fifty | Y Some of you young people | * BATES BURIAL CO 'Y j 124 Avenue Road Toronto Lodge members please bring sandwich or cake S. S. NO. 9, ARTEMESIA 4th Class â€" Gerald Magee 75, Ben Hanley 73, Iva Magee 68. Sr. 3rd â€" Doris Magee 77. Jr. 2nd â€" Bryce Hanley S5. Hazel Magee 86. Jr. 1st â€" Jim Magee 85. Pr. .\ â€" Delbert Magee. Pr. B â€" Donald Cameron. â€" M. SINCLAIR. Teacher. Alas! If you keep up a front, they ;u»s yon for being stingy when you're as broke as they are. fWe received a warning that forg- ed $5 and $10 Lii's might be in circu- lation. That was several days age and so far we have hsd no opportun- ity to exercise our powers of detee- years who are always engaged in violent friendships never seem to get aliead. You make friendo. but you lose them. Indeed your idea seems to be on mak- ing a new friend to break with the old ones. There is no accumulation of friendships. No matter how much money a man may earn, he will nevei be rich if he spends it as fast as h^ makes it. Likewi.e, no matter how many friends you acquire, you will not be rich in fric::ds if you drop an old friend as soon 3.< you make a new one. Accumulating friends is fai more importar.t to happiness than ac- cumulating money. What sort ot start are you making? â€" Forest Stand- ard. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PFJCES PHONES: NIGHT OR D.\Yâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chaiiel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manaser Formerl.v of Flesherton »»»»><>»fr»^»»»>»»^^'><"»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»«i»»»»»»»»»»»»»«« ^ .> SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18. 1932 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School for all children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer Service and Sermon. Service also on Christinas Sunday at 11 a.m. All individuals and fam- ilies invited. Trinity Church. Proton Station 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and BibR Class. Divine service on Christmas Day a! 3 p.m. "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, gooil will toward men.' St. Luke 2:14. ^ The House oi Qurlity ^' Fresh Fruit For Christmas Cake SM.M.l. RcMSlXS LKRCK .\L'ST. R.MSIN.:^ CURRANTS I).\TES FIGS T.KMOX. (M<.\X('.K .\XD CITROX PEKLS PRUXHS M.\R.\SCHIXO CHHRRIK.^ WALXUT .\XD .M.MOXD XUTS Flour and Feed BR.\N SHORTS SCREEXINGS BARI.F.Y AXn r..\RI.EY CHOP Full Line Purina Chows JA.S PRICES REDUCED A. STEWART FLESHERTON â- . ^^^^W^^^^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^^ .. '!! WiBli:3i.ii^iJ2>>.Vf ^ li^ili.i,>85t«