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Flesherton Advance, 17 Aug 1932, p. 6

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Voice of the Press Canada, The Empire and The World at Large ' lontreal's Beauty Queen Arrives In Paris > CANADA Log Schoolhoutei in Ontario Var more attoiitlon Ih being paid to tlie csthelc pliuso of education In rural â- chools now than in vfars past. Kvl- dence ot this is sei>n in tho modern design ot rural school buildings and In tho school gardens surrounding them. It seem.s a far cry. Indeed, from the rural schools of the present day to the little log Bchoolhouse of our fathers' or our grandfathers' youth. Aud yet the annual report of the Uo- partmcnt ot Kducation for 1931 re- veals the fact that the time-honored log structure has not actually disap- peared. Ill fact, some counties in Ontario added log schoolhouses to their quota In 1930 and 1931. Yorlc County, for instance, is shown to have added one log school during the year, while Slm- coe reported two in liiil. Neither of these counties had any In 1930. Tlie total decrease In this type of construc- tion of 14 for tho province, however, Is unchanged from the previous year. In all there were 87 log schools in On- tario, chiefly in Northern Ontario, but a decrease there ot five from the pre- vious year. An aggregate ot 0,503 public schools In the province is reported, or a de- crease of G3. Classlfled as to con- struction, 3,517 are built of brick, 409 of stone, 176 ot concrete, 2,214 frame and S7 log. Kvery category shows a Blight decrease in comparison with 1930. Yorlc County has 187 public schools, of which ICO are brick, 1 atone, 2 concrete and 11 frame, while Hallon has 59 .school.^, 35 being brick, 13 stone, 4 concrete and 7 frame. â€" 7'oronto Mail and Fimpire. Free IVIedical Service According to a .statement at tho con- vention ot the Canadian Medical A.s- Bociatlon, Canadian doctors gave $10,- OOO.OOO worth ot free attention in 1930. .This year the amount is expected to fce trebblod or Quadrupled. This Is a financial sacrifice which is not appreci- ated as it should be.â€" Calgary Herald. Young Ontario Craftsmen If genius is correctly delincd as an Infinite capacity for taking pains, there are at least torty-soveu Ontario 'boys who have demonstrated tiioir rlgiit to a place within that classifica- tion. This number of youths, of ages ranging from twelve to nineteen years, (have spent many spare hours in pro- ducing replicas ot a Napoleonic state coach. The exhibition ot those tiny ^vorking models which have been on view tor several days, reveals tho hi);h level ot craft.sinansliip of Iho boys ot this province. Tliese young workmen have follow- ed with romarlcable ildollty the design and mea.surements furnished to thorn. They are compc4itorH In a contest un- der the auspices of Tho Telegram Chapter Fisher Hody Craftsman's Ciuild, the winners in wiiich go on to an international conipelltlon, tho IiIkIi- pr awards In which, aro unlversily scholarships. In woodwork, metal-work, painting, upliolKtory and glazing the competit- ors have emulated tiie minute atten- tion to detail ot the craftsraon of the mediaeval guilds. They have put in- to their work the loving interest tliat characterizes good workmanship ot all time. Tho oxliibition i.'i a credit to the persevering Industry and tho con- st nictlve Ingenuity ot the Ontiirli) hoy. â€" Toronto Tologram. Piano Returning An exchange assorts tiiat tho few months, particularly, have seen a great change in tlio attitude ot the people ot Canada toward tho piano. In tho United States the turn of tho tide set In earlier â€" al)out a year ago. Some ohsi-rvers ot the situation tliero havo attriliuted sonii) ot tlie piano's revived poiiularlty to tho Interest stimnlatod by llie extensive series of piano talks and piano lessons lliat havo been given over the Amoriian broadcasting chains and to tho widespread system of piano class teaching in the puiilic 8i liools-a movement lliat Is now well established In Canada. - Urockvllle Recorder and Times. Industrial Progress During tlio year Just closed 7S new Industries have bei'n establlslied In Manitolja. In addition to tho now in- dustries, existing InduHtrlos added 17 now products to their Hues, which Is anotlii'r phase of the same niovoment. These facts Indicate vitality and adaptability which, to borrow a phrusn from the biologlntn, aro prime factors In survival. Actually the fouiulatlnnH of a great Industrial development ju ; Manitoba are being laid under pre^'!nt conditions. Industries which can g'ln a foothold and make progress now are bound to forgo ahead rapidly with re- turning prosperity. - Winnipeg Trl bune. Self Help Necessary There aro thousands of cases wliire, •mploymont being lacking, it is necos- •ary to xuhsist by tlio (haiity ot tho community: but how many people re- fuse to try and help themselves, and. Instead of perslslInK In looking for work or Id organizing their lives so as to emerge from their misery, resign themsolvfcs to coniplelo inaction and aro ready to live like parasites on their fnllow-clllzeTis, nbandoning all ^helr pride and dignity. People of this ahaructor are surely holding back tiio ^HwS Pt th9 world t9 uQrnml activity I and aro helping to prolong the crisis. â€" La I'roBse, Montreal. Symbol of a Nation's Power and Culture The August number of tho National Ceographic Magazine, olllclai organ of tho National Ceographic Society, Washington, has as its leading article "Ontario, Next Door." This article of 53 pages, accompanied by a map and 55 beautiful illustrations, was written by Frederick Simpich of the Geogra- phic's editorial staff, after an exten- sive survey and study ot present-day Ontario, during which he traveled by airplane, train and boat from Windsor to Hudson Bay aud from Ottawa to Lake of the Woods. Mr. SIrapich must be an accurate and intelligent observer, for this is how he describes Toronto: "The symbol of a new nation's power and culture. You cannot gauge it by mere figures. You may set down that greater Toronto has S50,000 peo- ple; 2,350 factories producing each year more than 654 million dollars' worth ot goods; or that it has ten miles ot waterfront, welcomes hun- dreds ot conventions a year, besides two million paid visitors to its Cana- dian National Exhibition ;tho flreatest hotel, the highest building and the largest department stores. But Tor- onto is more than that. It is, to a singular degree, the focal point ot much of all fresh thinking and indus- trial planning that goes on in the Do- minion." â€" Toronto Mail and Kmpire. Needed Instead ot a Now Year's resolution why not a week-end pledge to drive i carefully and help prevent accidents ! generally? â€" St. Thomas Times-Jour- nal. I Back to the Land The back-to-the-land movement may , not be as extensive as some ot us have hoped. But even reduced to less ample proportions, it will havo accomplishcsd a useful work. There has been too much readiness to believe that the | towns are paradises, and that money , can be picked up there In abundance. ' The sad discovery has now been made that they are far from being Klon- J dykes. Though there may be some- i thing alluring In the tliought ot re- ceiving every week a salary which the farmer would take a month or more to make, the needs ot a town life nuiUi- ply .So rapidly that wealth often dis- [ appears as as it Is earned. | THE EMPIRE I Britain's Foreign Loans ' if Ottawa does nothing else, it will liavo been worth while if it ensures that a check is put to the headlong rush ot nritish investors to put their, money into foreign loans. In ten years £203,000,000 of Uritish nianey ' has been thus subscribed â€" seventy per cent, of the Interest now being in de- fault. Betoro the crisis â€" the ."iim is much larRer now â€" Uritain was owed ' by toroigu countries the stupendous sum ot £3,000,000,000: and an uiuom-l torlably largo amount ot this must be regarded as a bad debt. Rut loans within tho Empire are not bad debts; | not to the extent of a single farthing has any colony or dominion defaulted. â€" National Graphic (Ijomlon). i Girls of Ancient Greece LiUnC ^Vlds Were Barred from Olympics I The girls of ancient Greece were ' keenly interested in sports both as I contestants and as spectators, but i they were prohibited from attending I or competing in the great games held I every four years at Olympla in ancient Greece, according to Science Service. The regular Olympics of those days, unlike those to-day, were exclusively niasculine affalr.s, the only woman pre- sent being the priestess of the old earth cult ot Demeter Chamyue, who sat at an altar In the stadium. : Although the male athletes com- peted completely nude, without even the loin cloth ot earlier times, mod- esty was not the rea.=on for the exclu- Alfalfa Yield ".Miss Montreal," selected to represent Quebec's metropolis in the International beauty pageant at Paris, is shown here aboard a liner as it dorks in France. pany that disposed ot the hog sent Mr. Magnan notice of the sale, with a cheijuo and statement c tho transac- tion. The animal was sold for $1.61. From tho tremendous sum the com- pany deducted expenses, state taxes and its own commission, and sent Mr. Magnan tlie balance â€" 5 cent.s. Such an incredible thing was almost too much for Mr. W. 11. C. Carriere, of this city, who dropped a line toMr. Mjignan. Hero is the answer: "What you saw in Collier's was straight goods, it was a small enough rice, so I had it put in the paper. I am saving the cheiiuo. which I am going to put in a cheap frame as an evidence ot the hard times we had in Miiinosota in '32 â€" and I think tho hard times are not over yet." â€" Ottawa Citizen. Swedish Family Has Owned Homestead 14 Generations Falun, Swidon. â€" At a meeting of Dalecarlian homesteaders, called by the Provincial Government, it was found that 700 families had possessed their liomesteads for more than a hun- dred years, and several of these had owned theirs for many centuries. Special attention was attracted b> the family of Anderson, of the Erk homestead, who produced documents ir evidence of their claim ot bavins' owned their farm for more than four- teen generations covering a period of 500 years or since 113,5. The present Governor of Dalecarlia, Herman Kvarnzelium, di.stribited several dip- l.dnas to the homesteaders in recogni- tion ot their lo'. e for their native so;;. Mutual Concessions What tlio Conferciico will have to seek Is agreement on some general |)rinciplo which can be applied o(iiially to the agricultural industries ot Oreat Hritalu and to tho manufacturing in- dustries ot tho Dominions. Whatever compromise is adopteil must apply to all. There is no ueod to measure too exactly coucossions against coneos- sions, but any glaring iiie<iuality would d(>feat its own onds. I'liblii; opinion In j nono ot the Dominions would long tolerate an arrangement undor which, for inst,ance, IJritlsh textiles were ad- mitted freely into its market while its meat, or Hour, or fruit was only ad- mitted into tho Britisli market on con- ditions which prevented any competi- tion with tho nriti.sli product. And the converse is equally true. Any agreement to bo la.stiug must bo re- ciprocal In its advantages, aud the lower tho scale of protection on which that reciprocity can be offocted the bettor will tho general interests be served. â€" I,ondou TIme.t. United Europe Dealing with tho aspect of L-.nsanr.*, psyclioldgirally the fact ia of aovln;: value to a di::il!u:>!oiicJ world.. ft moans that its .â- â- elf-re'in''' :uid ita he- lief ill ill ; â- - -.a have been ro-estali- !1 huti. It menm thlt ro'illsm has rt l.iiit won tho day, and that tho crazy s.'.stom olabornt^-d nt Vcrsall'os inn 1 priu'ailnuily malnllr-d i).- tvcry p'.opi cii.l avCfico a'.aca ha.i \>o~'\ decls'.vi'ly discredited. Materially, It means as , much or more. l''propo hi's done what i the d )Ubt?rj nald !:ho would never do â€" nbe Ins achieved unity on tho cen- condition ot c onomlo roc.ivory. I'lio liaa forgotten the p:ist in dotrr-, n.liiln-; lo make n'^r future, and In HO dolns she lia.i pri\-.nted America with a situation whicli, i'rcsidential or no Presidential", America will find lierself unable lo lannro.â€" I.onilon Sunday Timcii. Reward of Industry in the U.S. A recent Is.'iun of I'olller's mention- ed that a giMitleman named Magnan, of Fort Ripley. Minn , shipped to mar- ket a 215 pound hog that cost him ton . dollars to raise. The comroLsBion coin- Prince of Wales Has j Become Ov/n Physician ' London. â€" The Prince of Wales has become his own doctor â€" to a certain ! extent â€" according to his own testl- ' mony before tho Uriti.'h Medical As- sociation. I "I have had so much advice." he told the learned physicians, "and havo aLso I learned, like many others, how to keep i myself lit â€" that 1 liavo to some extent I become my own doctor. Tho doctor," I ha added gravely, "is certainly our I first friend in life and last." Canada-Argentina Sales Show Steady Increase Montreal â€" Canada's sales to Argen- tina aro on the increase as reflect- ed in shipping here. Last season shipments from this port were negli- gible. This year a regular service is being maintained witli 8000-ton motorships ot a speed of 15 knots. On each sailing, additional cargo space has been booked. Newsprint is being shipped in large quantities, and manufactured goods, rubber goods, electrical appliances, shoes, tires and miscellaneous articles. The carriers pointed out that they wore not making a profit, but are confident that it the present rate at improvement is continued they will gradually be able to produce sub- stantial profit. Within the next two years the trend toward a betterment of world conditioua will have accel- erated and it is then hoped to under- take a fortnightly service. Condi- tions are beginning to mend in the South American republics, it was stated. Attempts to Grow it in Acid SoiU Are Wasted Fertilizer, seed aud labor arc large- ly wasted If an attempt is made to grow alfalfa on acid soila, accordloB to Professor A. W. Blair, soil chemist at the New Jersey Agricultural Experi- ment Station. In the East, where tha rainfall la heavy, the soil is generally very deflcient in available lime, ha says. Alfalfa grows most luxuriantly where the soil is well supplied with lime, and since there is a great abund- ance of limstone and shell material slon ot women from the games. Some | ,„ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^j ^^e country the lima early religious taboo probably prevent- 1 necessary for the improvement ot add ed the women from Joining the rogu-i ^^^^^ j^ g^,„y obtained, ar Olympics, In the opinion of Dr.. ..^^^ ^ ^^^^^^, „f ye^^s the New falter W. Hyde of the University of j^rgey Agricultural Experiment Sta- Feiinsylvania. ^.^^^ ^^^ conducted experiments for The Greek girls did not forego com- ^^^^ ^, deterraining'the valua pet itive athletics simply because they „, i,„, ;„ connection with the grow- could not participate in the masculine Olympiads. They had their own ath- ! letic festival at Olympia. This was in honor of Hera, the queen of the gods In Greek mythology. It was held every four years like the Olympic games for the men. The winner re- ceived an olive crown and a share ot the cow sacrificed to Hera. Just as ing of alfalfa," says Professor Blair. * "The work has shown that if sassatraa* loam soil or soils having similar chan acteristics are allowed to go for » period ot years without lime the sol> I becomes so acid that alfalfa will not* ; grow and weeds and crab grass take I possession of the land. Even with .. , . , ,. I moderate application of lime the yield the male victors were allowed to erect „, 1,^ j, ^^^^ ^^^^ below what It statues to commemorate their prow- [ sho,,]^ i,e ess, the feminine winners were allow-' ed to set up painted pictures of them- selves ii. the temple ot Hera. The separation of the sexes in ath- letics was not customary throughout the Grecian world. Ionian women could witness games and Spartan girls took part in athletic contests with boys. Chicago Industrial Area Swept By Six Million Fire Chicago. â€" Fire swept through more than two blocks ot buildings on the near southwest side of Chicago's in- dustrial area last week, causing dam- age estimated at more than $6,000,000. Two firemen and a spectator were injured while more than half the city's I "In 1931 three cuttings ot hay on the . experimental plot without lime yield- I ed at the rate of 1,713 pounds an acre. The crop, which was largely weeds I and not alfalfa hay, was low in nutri- j ment value and contained less than I half the protein found in clean alfalfa hay. Where lime iu the form ot ground oyster shells was used at the rate of 1000 pounds an acre the yield was two tons ot hay ot a fair quality to the acre. The yield was nearly four tons ot excellent hay to the acre when I 2,000 pounds ot the ground oyster j shells were used. With 4,000 pounds ; of the ground oyster shells the yield j was four and a half tons ot hay to the I acre, the crop having a protein value I ot almost two and one-half times that fire fighting equipment battled to keep' °[J^' ^''^ ^'°"' "'" '*'"' '^"'>''"' »•»« the flames from getting out ot control. Trans-Atlantic Survey To Map Air-Mail Route Truro, N.S.â€" R. E. Parkes, of New York, representing the Pan-.'Vineriean Airways, annour.ced here that Halifax might become a regular base for a trans-.-\t!antic air mail route. A sur- vey flight will begin at Minneapolis this month, the Northern route itiner- ary incUuling Holy Roof, Newfound- land, Labrador, Greenland and Nor- way. The flight will take about a r.-.onth. Dut.i will hi a:^c:i.bl3cl on this trip and a regular service will b3 started within tha next year, Mr. Parkes .«;a!d. The craft tj be ussd '. . an amp'nibian. Milady Taking to Monocle New York. â€" Womt:'. of the United States aro taking up tho monocle as a f:;shion feature for .ha fall season. The "nicnc<-lo" to be worn is merely a heavily-circled hole over tho left eye in a vi'ry line veil adjusted over a turban. The plant of the Omaha Packing Company was virtually destroyed at an estimated loss ot approximately $5,000,000. "In the majority of cases, a tjn of ground limestone or ground o/;!.;. shells, or about a halt ton of burned : lime to the acre, applied once in fire Fire oflicials said the conflagration! l'^''' '''"/^ '""'''^t' *° ^'''' 'he wa, started by a dust explosion in the' ^° a The cos, ".^ ^^°*.'"^^'- ten-storey elevator of the Quincy Ele-I ffl not .v h I o" aPP"^'>tlo" vator Comoanv. i "lou'd "ot exceed $1.50 an acre per year. There are. however, exceptional cases where more lime will be re- quired.' vator Company. Damage to the elevator and its con- tents was placed at $800,000. The flames also spread to the lum- ber yard ot the W. D. Crane Company! p. . ~* ^ and the coal yards ot the Consumers Uairyman S Expenses Company. , The cow that produces less than At the packing plant, 3,000 hogs, 800 j "^^"^ pounds of fat cannot make a cattle and 700 sheep were burned alive ' P'"°''' '^'"' ^^^ dairyman, believes E. in the livestock pens. Only .\ '"" â- ' ^ minor buildings belongin;; io slaughter hou.^e were saved. fewl"" P^'Ty- extension dairyman at the the' *'^'®^^ Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, who bases this contention on present milk prices and the cost of running a dairy farm. It is dit- I ficult at present for a herd averag- Heavy Fruit Crops In New York State ^ i"g even SOO pounds ot fat to yield Poughkeopsie, N.Y. â€" Heavy fruit ^ return over all expenses, he says crops are expected in New York State! "'"^ "'^'^ '^ " "^'^'1 o^ * weediug out this year with the single exception ot the Baldwin apple, according to Mr. Walter R. Clarke, president of the New York State Horticultural Society. ! Keturning here from a tour of the I principal fruit-growing sections ot the State, Mr. Clarke said uniformly fa- vorable weather conditions liad con- tributed to the preparation of bounti- ful crops of fine quality, li the Hud- son Valley, apples, peaches, pears and ot all inferior animals from the rank and file of the New Jersey herds. Milk and fat records, regularly kept, are indispensable in eliminat- ing the unnecessary expenditures caused by low-producing animals, low testers and speculative feeding. Mr. Perry advocates the establishing ot monthly records ot milk flow, with regular fat tests on each cow. Re- ports sliow that cows producing 9,- I grapes are doing unusually well. The' ^''^^ Pounds ot milk for the past year j New York State pear crop is expected '" "'^ Salem County Herd Improve- j to be 116 per cent, greater than, last """"' -Association ate only 25 per cent year, although in other states It will """'* '^^'' ^^''"''^' "linking 88 i>er cent I take a drop. A Difficult Turn more in returns over-feed costs than animals that produced 4,500 pounds of milk, ho states. During the year 467 different cows were entered In the association, and of the 326 for Former Kaiser Owns Czech Church Prague. The seventy-iuth jubilee' ^^'''t'h f»ll year records of milk, fat ot the German Kvangelical Church in ' ""'' ^'â- 'â- '^^ costs were kept 12 per cent Marienl)ad. North Hoheniia, revealed ' Pt'oiluced less than 250 pounds ot fat that tho former l^erman Kinperor is ^-'.'-'lit.^' Per cent of the herds in the tho owner of the building ot this S^'il"'" Association exceeded an aver- congregatiou. Twenty-live years ago "â- '5'' of 300 pounds ot fat. The aver- the Kaiser when still ruling Uer- "K*" yearly production ot each asso- niany presented the church with two -iation cow was 7,300 i>ound3 of milk, valuable windows. On the present | ^-'^ pounds ot fat. while the average occasion, in » letter from Doom, Pr^'duction of all .New Jersey cows, William offored his congratulations according to the last census, was ap- and bestowed on the preacher ot the proximately 6,200 pounds ot milk and ohurch the Order ot Hohonzollern. Students' Cars Must Pass Safety Test in Iowa Ames, Iowa.â€" Safety tests and the requirement of liability in.-;uran.!e point to the abolititn of "campus' flivvers" at Iowa State College here. I A new rilling of the school adminis- ' trative board requires that students! driving automobiles invcsit in liability : insurance up to ?,".,00() and that they submit their cars to liirht and brake tc-tf. • _ .^ - Five and a Half Months' Fast Ended Near Warsa ,. Indiana, .hi.y 15, 1931. 500 pound hos was accidentally cot 240 pounds ot fat. The mating of the protitabl; cows V ith well brod bulls of ptoved an- cestry Is largely responsible tor the high average ot the cows in tba Salem County herds. Mr. Perry de dares. Culling and careful feeding are other important factors. Charting Sea Highways Begun by British Navy London A fleet of British naval sloops ha.s begun the annual task ot recharting the ocean highways. This undertaking retiuires several months and costs more than $500,000. The vessels engaged on the under- laking. equipped with many delicate instrunient.s. will t.iko tens of thou- sands of soundings and calculations. orcd with straw while threshing. After and the reiHirts from them will keep live and a halt months the stack was ^ taken down, and as It was belns re- moved out walked the hog, alive and well. As R result ot its fast its weight had been reduced by one-half. A picture that calls forth the »>nvy of rll who Imvi Hwlmmlng this season. .Mfred l'hl!i:p.<(, Toronto, of swimming team Is giving tho Olympic pool a try-out not ,vii . I tho Canadi.r.i Suitor: "Sir, when I'm away from .Nancy I plumb the uttermost depths (if despairs." B'athor (fed up with the youth K ".Well, I don't want my .daughter to marry a plumber, so you'd better gir« up the Idea." the hv'lrographic deiiartment of the .Vdmlralty busy for months. An Admiralty otTulal says that every year several hundred new rocks are discovered by the .survey. It Is not unusual for 100.000 alterations to be made on the existing charts. In Addition to charting new rock* and ch.inge.< in the level ot tho seabed alterations In coast lines and the posl. lion of buoys and lighthouses hare lo be noted.

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