Voice of the Press Canada, The Empire and The World at Large Prince of Wale*' Favorite •g CANADA ^ The Kolapor* Cup Again ' Canadian luarkitmHi) at KIbIo)- havu once atsain iarrle<l off tlio »»iilor tropliy for loam iibiH)tluK' 'I'lie Kola- pore Ciii> lia" Ix'cn WO" "o often by this country that wo are boKlunhiK to regard It almo.st as a Canadian iKwses- â- Ion, forRintlns pcrbap!) that It Is won only after hu-reaiiliiKly ttevera tunts and aKaliist the pick of Iho niarkHnion of the Knipiro This year tho Cana- dian win was ilei Islvo and proHpeots tor further viotorio.i aru bright. Lieut. Desmond Knrks Is, as UHual, "going great ruus" and Ills total of 146 out of a possible 150, including a porfect score at the opening distance it) the Kolaporo Cup event, was a greut achlovemenl.â€" Montreal Dally Star. We Have the Goods The flveyoar plan of national adver- tising which Is .shortly to be launched by 10,000 Canadian growers, In co- operatiou with Jobbor.i and shippers throughout the Dominion, will give, we think, a very real impetus to the fruit and vegetable Industry. Canada, whose products of the soil are unex- celled, for too long has been hiding her light under a bushel. There have been many striking illustrations of the power of publicity, expertly applied. The California growers, for Instance, have made this continent citrus-fnilt conscious. Much of the success of thoir publicity campaign has been due to the fact that new uses for oranges, lomuns and grapefruit have been de- veloped. Oranges, for a long time, â- were Just a luxury to be put in Willie's stocking at Christmas time, or taka In to a sick friend at the hospital. To- day oranges are an Important item of the dally diet.â€" Hamilton Spectator. Return to Horse and Buggy It Is an ill wind tliat blows nobody good. Hence, the County of Middle- sex congratulates Itself that road maintenance costs will bo cut nearly 30 per cent, (his year because of the decrease in tralBc on the county roads. Mr. Charles Talbot, county engineer, explains that many farmers are goiag back to the liorse ami buggy, particu- larly for .short trips, and, therefore, there Is not the .same wear and tear on the roads. "It isn't costing half aa much to keop tbo Hamilton road In shape this year as two yeans ago. This Is one of the busiest county roads, but there simply Isn't the tralllc this year." ho .said. Conditions In Middle- sex will, no doubt, bo duplicated In many other counties." â€" Mail and Em- pire, Toronto. Bright Prospects Alberta is- congratulating herself that never before, since the province became a grain producer, have the pro.^pocts for a heavy crop been more promising than they are to-day. Sas- katchewan conditions are very simi- lar. It all goes well, as It is doing now, the wheat growers of this pro- vince have the same prospects before them to to make them content and happy. Almost every district haa been revelling in unaccustomed ralna and the outlook Is for more yet to come. â€" The Regtna Star. Nolselesi Milk Wagons Those ninetyflvo per cent, of Van- couver citizens who prize above all trea.sures those last two or three hours of precious sslcep between flvo and seven or eight o'clock In the morn- ing will rise up and bless that inspired dairy company wliich has installed amall pneumatic tires on Its milk wagon.s. For nothing murders .sleep â- 0 bloodily a.s the steelrlmmed wheels Of milk wagons grinding and squeak- ing to and fro In the early hour.s of the day. Those rubber-tlred milk wagons are now tilings. They are things to bo Imitated. Tires are dirt cheap now. And the noiseless milk- man would bo the pDpular milkman In teBldential districts. Cannot some of the other dairies do sometlilng about It? â€" Vancouver Sun. Whining Unpopular Many men and women an? a prey to their moods. They don't handle life but are handled by It. As a conse- QUonco they are often badly treated Just because thoy have let life get a strangle hold on them rather than keeping the upper hand themselves. One of the most devastating moods that one nan Indulge in Is the mood 6t self-pity. Nobody loves a whinor. Complaints are often made that a man loses his friends when ho falls Into misfortunes. That Is a sad and often true commentary on the constancy of human affections. But the men who ar« most loud In this complaint fall to recognize that often they have not lost their friends, but that they have driven thnm away by thoir own com- plainingâ€" Halifax Chrinlcle EMPIRE Spending â- Virtua "Increased Saving" from le.ssenod Incomes Involves a drastic cutting down of ordinary expenditure, which In the reverse of beneficial for the general community. We are not, of Oourso. speaking of luxury spending or miscellaneous outgoings, but of â- pending on the general majnlenanie Of one's proper standard of life. To restrict thatâ€" If one's Income Is rea â- onably secureâ€" Is njost unhelpful to the gnnoral recovery. Thrift Is so ex- collent a virtue ttiat one Is reluctant to believe that It can ever asaume aa antisocial rfhapo. Yet there Is llltle doubt Uiat the deliberate curtalimeut of normal. Judicious, private expendi- ture Is at this Juncture as bad for the country as It Is obviously bad for trade â€"rA)udc>n Dally Telegraph. A Land of Cheerful Givers 1'hough we, maybe a liltio envious- ly, have sliown In earlier years a su« l>erlorlty over the land of dollar (bas- ing, wo must look to what was done with it. There Is no nation, not even our own, where the rich men «ie ho anxious to benefit not only the com- munity but humanity, fireat Americans reap distinction, not in conferred honours, but In conferring blessings, libraries, museums, public galleries, paying for sclentlllc expeditions, giv- ing millions to Rritain as well as to their own people tor research in high- lyequipped laboratories so disease may be banished. To endow a hos- pital provides a liner memory than to have a bronze monument. And the light of well-doing still shines. No; America has not lost Its soul. â€" Sir J. roster Fraser In the Sunday Graphic (London). Britain's Lead As a matter of fact, (Jreat Britain ever since the Armistice has been dis- arming on the most extensive scale. Other Powers have not .so far follow- ed her example. Figures given by the Italian representative, Signor Orandl, at Geneva, showed that between 1925 and 19.^0 the world's total expenditure on armaments rose by .£120,000,000, Willie British expenditure fell by £3,- 000,000. Can we go further In one- sided disarmament without risk of dis- aster â€" rx)ndon Dally Mail. Women in Public Life Women wlio have learned the busi- ness of managing the family life have a very great deal to teach to men. The trouble Is that these women are gen- erally too busy and too happy in the home to want to enter public life. The majority of those who do. It appears, bring little that Is new in practice to public affairs. For originality In itself is not the strong .suit of women. Thoy are changeable only in the sense tliat the multitude is changeable â€" In the mass. Fashion proves that. A man designs a hat or dress for one woman, and ton million wear It. Next week ho may design another model. If it looks right the ten million will wear that one.â€" London Dally Express. London's Population A (H>ntluiilng decline of population la the adminislrativB County of Lon- don, coupled with a largo net Increase In the whole of Greater London, is re- vealed In tho tables for the county wliich have been compiled from tlie 1931 census figures. The persons counted In tho city and the 28 metro- l>olilan boroughs numbered 4,397,003. Tlie decrease in tlio 10 years since the census of 1921 was S7,,'J20, a figure commensurate with the population of a good-sized town like Ipswich, New- imrt (Mon), or Wigan. In tho Greater London areaâ€" comprising tlio city and the Metropolitan Police districts, and Included roughly in a circle ot 15 iiilles radius round Cliaring Cross â€" .S,20;!,9>12 persons were enumerated. The increase here since 1921 was 723,- 741, a number comparable with the liopulation of Liverpool or Manche.s- ler. Expre.ssed as a percentage of tho 1921 population, llio increase in Great- er London amounted to 9.7 per cent. This Is three times as great an In- crease as occurred In tho previous 10 years, and nearly twice as great as the current increase for tho country as a whole.â€" London 1'iuios. OTHER OPINIONS Something To Remember The United States Dopartinent of Agriculture reiiorts that last winter, Just as in previous winters, nunii>rous colonies of boos were lost from star- vation because In tlie autumn their koep(-rs did not leave enough honey with the bees to fiirinsh food for them until spring, 'i'lu! greedy bee- keepers ovoiTeached themselves, though It Is unlikely that any of thoni had not hoard of the man who killed the g>oos9 that laid the golden eggs. There are law-makers who should con- sidor what befell flie man who killed tho goose that laid tho golden eggs and tho losses tliat camo on apiarists to<i grasping to feed their boos. Even a taxpayer may collapse under in- cronsing pressure of bureuiicratic at- tention. -N. Y. Hon. No Weakening If the work now being done in fur- thering economy In public expenditure Is to bo of Jasting value It must be a continuing work. For the tomplalions to extravagance are constant. Eter- nal vigilance Is needed If they are to ho Hiiccessfully n-sisled. â€" lloston 'I'raiHcrlpt. Toronto, Ont â€" The Toronto Indus- trial Commission announces that the Rrlo lleslstor of C.inada, Llinlled, manufacturers of high reslslanco products used in the radio Industry and one of the new Arms of ousllde origin commencing bu«Iiie.«ts linra. Pilot's Prince's plane. The most Interesting entry for the King's cup air race to be flown from Hrooklands this inontti is the Comi>er Swift Gipsy plane especially designed for the Prince of Wales. E. It. Fieldeu will pilot I'. Canada's Entrants In the Olympiad What Are the Dominion's Chances Among 2,000 Entrants? Can Canada hope to se^» the Maple Loaf held high amonif the emblems of fifty nations, when two thousand ath- letes meet in combat in Los AnReles for tho gamts of the Tenth Olympiad? asks Fred Beck in The Western Home Monthly- and an.swers in the follow- ing article: The answer is unquestionably and undeniably "YES!" Canada's repre- sentation at lo.s Angeles, July 30 to August 14. will be worthy of carrying tiie banner of the Dominion. Of the c.onpetition in on'i huidrcd and thirty-five fields of .sport Canada i.s represented in every major activity, sending teams of reasonable promise in both field and aquatic spor's. One of the high .spots ol' the sixteen days and nights of competition, an event which jierhaps holds as niuih world interest as any other incident of the crowded program, i.s a lacro.ise tournament in which Canada, Great Britain and the United States cum- P';Le. Interest is tho keenei because of a controversy which has been waged f.ince 1928. The world's champion.ship title is at .stake. Teams from the same thrw countries fought to what 'vas a<ljudgod a ti( at Amstar.lam. .A. Ji.spute, as friendly as it was .'•pirite 1, arose over the question of the title- each team claiming it. With the con- troversy still at whito-liot jiitch the United States proposed a play-otf on the spot. Canada enthusiastically ac- cepted but Great Britain was unable to accept the challenge and all three teams sailed homeward without an agreement having been reached. Such is one of the outstanding memories of the Ia.st Olympiad. Canada, with a team considered at least the equal of our 1928 lineup, has an excellent chance to win this important event. Because Canadian Olympic Try-outs will not be completed until what is virtually tlio eve of the impressive opening ceremonies it is impossible to go into, with utter accuracy, the ques- tion of tho iieisonalities that will compri.se the Canadian reiire.seiitation. No mention of t'anada's Olympic pi()S|>ects can l>e made without bring- ing to mind the name of Percy Wil- liams ot Vancouver. Williams .stepiied from the ranks of the uiinkown to beat the world's best sprinters at Amsterdam. lie won tlie hundred meters in 10.fi and the 2t>0 nicLers in 21.3. He has siiK'O set a world mark of 10.3 for the 100 meters. His aftei- Olympic appearances on United State's tracks netted liim a collection of start- ling wins and at a Vancouver track meet he beat Frank WyUolT and the great Eddie Tolan. And then these gonllemen both tiirned round to iiand the Vancouver lioy later defcaU. WillianiB carricn much Canadian h()|)o with him to Ia>a Angeles, and yet, lie is now suffering a strained leg niuiscle. He meets not only world- famous [K-rforniers like Wykolt' and Tolan, but a bespectacled young Cali- fornian, Bon Eastman. That perhaps is a new name for most of us. Ben Eastm.sn. In train- ing this Stanford University student has lieen breakinif world marks with carefrt^ ea.se. Ho runs the quarter- mile in 47.1. He is to be heard fiom at the Tenth Olympiad. And aside from Percy Williams? Well, Canada can point with pride to Johnny Fitzpatrick, I^eigh Miller and Bert Pear.son, all first string sprinters and certain starters at I/w Angeles whore they will meet the world's fast- est humans. As to the 200 meters, there's Ralph Adams and Fitzpatrick again. Jimm.v Ball, Winipeg's ace 400-meter man who finished se<;ond at Amsterdam is improving fast and the Ix)s Angeles track is due to prove more to his lik- ing than that of 192.S. The Manitoba winter .somewhat handicapped Ba'l, having delayed his outdoor training too long. But Dean Cromwell, Olym- pic coach at Los Angeles, points to Ball a.s competition to be reckoned with. Wil.son should also figure in the 800- meter line-up where his Canadian running mates should include Phil Edwards, Fred Shaver and very likely Brant Little. So much for the middle distance,' where Canada meets opposition that has turned in some startling times in training. At the longer distanc's things seem to be prett.v much of a toss-uj) with Canada standing as good a chance as any in the 1500 meters with a team on which we can count on finding Eddie King, Jack Walker, Earl Moor and Earl Mcjiahon â€" all notable gallopers at this distance. Their inair competition will be from the United States aithojgh recent Helsingfors timings indicate strength on the Fin- nish team and rumor has it that Japan is apt to provide upsets in any or al' of llie distance events. Canadians can look back with pride and regret to the Amsterdam mara- thon and the i)erforniance of CanadiaTi Clifi' Bricker. This Canadian burned down the gruelling course leading an imposing field at twenty-one miles. Twenty-one searing miles, and then his ftH't gave out. Bricker was in excel- lent condition save for those fatal "dogs." He could have gone on to win â€" and at Ix)s Angeles he will go on â€" and to win, we hope. And then there's Hank Cieman â€" a fighter who is as likely as any to bring Canada a fir.st place in the .OO - 000 meter walk. Hank sot a world re.'ord of 4.47, and one of his strong- est comi)etitors will be John Mahan, another Canuck. As to the pole va ilt, we Unik to tho (Myiii|)ic favorites an<l find such names ;'..s Kiuvjs of CzcH'ho-Slovakia with lo ft. 2 in. to his credit; Castro of Bra- zil with 1,'! ft. (5 in.; Bill Graber and Ted Lee, Americans; Nakazawa of Japan and his teammate the sensa- tional Nishida who has soared 13 ft. 7 '/a in. There's Uemadier of France, Biro of Rouniania, Culi of Spain, An- der.son of Sweden, Tamman the Es- tho'iian and Aiulreopoulus the Creek. Ii n form sheet list of names in this event â€" names purporting to repre.^ent tho forty best polo vauUers, we find one Canadian: Victor Pickard who took fourth place for Canada in 192?. In the high jump we have Malcolm McNaughton wlio.se training results at tho University of Brili.sli Columbia give real promise. The Iiub of Olympic activities will bo the Olympic Stadium, an amphi- theatre eivctod at a cost of $1,700,000 and seating 12.'>,000 people. This will b' Iho scone of track and field ath- letics, pymna.stics, finals of the eques- Canadian Notes tiian sporta and the field hockey finals. Swimming, diving and water-polo competition will ba staged in the new longcourse swimming stadium. With seats mounting high into the Califor- nia sky, this unique structure is ad- jacent to the Olympic Stadium in what has been renamed Olympic Park. A beautiful fencing pavilion is a feature of the Olympic group, while not far distant is the Olympic Audi- torium where thousands will witness boxing and wrestling and weight lifting. Rowing races are being held at tho Long Beach Marine Stadium, and at los Angeles harbor will Iw held the yachting events. The famous Pasadena Rose Bowl will l>e the .scene of the track cycling events, while pi-eliminary equestrian contests will be held amid the color- ful surroundings of the Riviera Coun- try Club, near Santa Monica, one ofin'oafbs ended April 30th, the mines the beach cities close '. . Los Angeles. [ of the Province of Quebec produced $2,840,000 ot gold. The highest ro- cord so far established for any one . Ill '"""th was In April with an output By Corporation Head of J744.000-H)r a rate of around J8„- New York. â€" Adoption throughout | 900,000 yearly. After adding the the United Slates of a 30-liour work- 1 Premium ot an average of 12 per ing week with 30 hours' pay and a 1 ^'eat. on exchange," tho Income from simultaneous increase of 10 per cent, the production of gold In Quebec ia Charlottetowo, P.E.I â€" For tho flnt time in history a Mhipmsnt of «««. hogs from the Eamore Rlrer, PriaM Kdward Island, baa hoen sent out •! Charlottetown to Torooo for caa>> ning. This species of clam prori4««' a lucrative Industry tor the flahar-. uieu of the western side of th« i*- Und. Halifax, .N.S.â€" The business int«r> ests of th(. Dominion, as repreaeatoA by over 200 Boards of Tre.d« aaA Chambers of Commerce, will asse*- hle in Halifax on September 13, II and ir, at the seventh aooual coa. ventlon ot the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. The offlciai booklet gives, among other information, parti- culars of a pre-convention cruise ta the Gulf of St. Lawrence to New- foundland and the Marltlmes, witk calls at Charlottetown, Sydney, St Pierre and Miquelon and St. John's, Newfoundland, reaching Halifax ia time for the convention. The re. turn Journey Includes a trip through the Annapolis Valley and a boat trt* to Saint John and Fredericton. Saint John, N.B. â€" At the recent aa- nual meeting of the Nevr Brunswick Turkey Breeders' Association, it wag reported that many eaquiriea had been received tor breeding stock from Maritime buyers during the winter. Quebec, Que. â€" A report i>f the QtM- boc Department of Agriculture showa that there are 1,050 dairy plants la operation at present. During May butter manufactured amouutei to 6,584,000 pounds compared with 7^ 697.000 in May, 1931. Production ot cheese Is placed at 2,355,000 pounds againsi 1,642.000 pounds In May a year ago. This year's production ot cheese, therefore, shows an increa.s9 ot 43 per cent, over May, 193L Quebec, Qile. â€" During the four 30-Hr. Week Proposed in pay rolls would end the unemploy- ment problem and put the economic situation again on the upgrade, ac- cording to Mr. J. Cheever Cowdiu, treasurer of the American Legion Na- tional Employment Commission and vlce-i)resident of the Bancamerlca- Blair Corporation. If the 30-hour week were inaugur- ated by only 50 per cent, ot all em- ployers of labor. 5.500.000 unemployed |)ersons would be again on pay rolls, | director; Mr. H. B. Letevre, treag- Mr. Cowdin declared i:i a radio ad- urer and general manager. In ad- dress spon.sored by tlie American Le- ditiou to its commercial activities gion in a series of programs on ua- j the Potash Company ot Canada Lim-' tional trade revival. These, added to ; ited will continue the agricultural 1,500,000 who will receive employ- |and educational work undertaken by ment throiigli construction ot self- tbo N. V. Potas.h Export My., Inc. liquidating projects, would mean a during the past four years ' ' total of 7.000,000 men and women April was at a rate of almost |10- 000,000 annually. Montreal, Que.â€" The Potash Com. pany ot Canada Limited has been formed to carry on in the Dominion (east of the Rockies) all phases ot the potash business heretofore con- ducted from .\ew York City 6y the N. V. Potash Export My., Inc.. of Amsterdam, Holland. Mr. H. Hol- leusen is president and managing back on pay rolls, he said. Soviet Spring Sowing Decreased by Million Acres Moscow. â€" Soviet Russia has wound up the Spring sowing campaign with nearly 1.000,000 acres less than last year under cultivation. The total Is nearly 15,000.000 acres below the pro- gram. Oltlclal figures place this total area sown on July 1 at 241,090,500 acres. .Montreal, Que. â€" The largest im- iwrtation ot Clydesdale horse.s into Canada since 1927 has just bean made by Robert and Albert Ne.ss of the firm of R. S. Ness and Sons, llowick, Quebec. The Importation consists ot 20 pure bred Clydesdales, 17 of which, including 3 mares 4 three-yesir-old lUlies. 7 two-year fiu'ios and 3 yearling lillies, are tor one ot the horse breeding schemes of the Provincial Government ot Quebec; S stallions purcliased by Messrs. Ness as compared with 242,580.500 last vearl ?!' ^t^'" *'''" *^«''>w»t »â- »<! a mare for I .MacDouald College. Quebec. In and 255,875,000 planned. Failure to come up to e.xpectatlons was attricu- led largely to the poor showing of the Ukraine, where a had drought last year caused great loss of cnips and seed. Gold Held At Ottawa Exceeds Requirements Ottawa.- tJold held by tho Minister of Finance against notes issued was $64,273,520 at June ,'!0. according tc a recent statement released by the department. This was $575,920 more than is required under the Dominion Notes Act. Gold hold by the Minister against savings bank deposits was $2,359,922, which was 10 iK>r cent, of total de- posits of $28,599,22,'?, as required by the Savings Bank Act. 1^ The postman expects everyone on his rounds to lake things as they come. New Zealand Leather-Pushers K.-adiiig from loft to ri-^hl -II Thomas, lighnv ciKhi ; U. Purdie, featherweight, ana A. L.iwe, dlowelght, three new Zealand pugilistic prodigies, arrive la Los Angeles for the Olympic gamca. mid- keeping with the policy ot the Que- bec Government in giving practical assistance to horse breeding, these lillies will be purchased by the mem- bers of three clubs at the coat price of the animals. Montreal. Quo. â€" A plan to culti- vate celery in Canada between June and October, transplant It iu Ber muda and harvest it tor export to Canada in February, la announced by M. W. R. Evans, marketing adviser to the Bermuda Department of Agri- culture. It is understood that aa expert will arrive in Montreal short- ly to plant the tlrst seeds. The scheme would advance the opening ot celery shipments from Bermuda to Canada by two or three months. This year 25,000 crates will reaoh Canada froin Bermuda. Ottawa. Ont -An exteusive pro gram for mapping and exploration ot mining areas in Canada Is being car- ried out this summer by the Depart- partment ot Mines. Some of the most promising mineral are»a ia Yukon territory, the Northwest Ter- ritory. Hritlsh Columbia, Norbhera Saskatchewan and Manitoba, and J"» the Rouyn mineral belt of Quebec, are to bo explored and mapped. while intensive Investigation in ser- oral ot tho older are-- will also be carried out. Thirty-tJye p.xrtles of goologi-sis will take this work ia hand, with assistants from tho uni- versities. Ottawa. Ont -A report Issued by the Deparcr.c-ul of National Defence shows that 495 aeroplanes operated In Canada last year, covering 7,0tS.- 276 miles and carrying 244.208 per- sons, w-hilo, in addition. Il.ll9,gsg one.mila trips were made. Express matter by aeroplane made up a total of 2,372.467 pounds, while air oiali carried totalled 470,481 pounds. Seven firms manufactured aircraft la Canada. There are no points of the compast on the chart of true patriotism. â€" Rob- ert Charles Wlnthropw