.' Vol. 52, No. 7 Flesherton, Ontario, July 13, 1932 W. H. Thurston &c Son, Proprietors EUGENIA \ (Intended for Last Week) . Mrs. Penhonvood and son, Billie, ^ of Hampton spent the holiday at ^"Fair View Villa." Billie is remain- ing fc:- a month's holidays. Congratulations to Mr. Geo. Gra- ham, who celebrated his 3-lth birth- Say recently. Mr. Graham is enjoy- ing good health at present and is rtlways busy with some sort of em- pfoymcnt. May he be spared many more years yet. 'Mr. and Mrs. Dsan Clinton and the fofirter's sister, Miss Irene and Mr. Jal-k Bretherton of Toronto spent a few holidays with the Hanley and Magee families, 8th line. ' Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen "Sound spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jr.cob Williams. 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Whiteford of Detroit visited over the w aek end with Reeve and Mrs. Cameron. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wovis and fam- . ily of Markdale spent Sunday with . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and fam- .y- Mrs. (Dr.) Little spent a day rec- ' cntly with Mrs. Oscar Phillips, Flesh- erton, it being the 25th anniversary \ of Mr. and Mrs. Phillips wedding day. We extend our heartiest congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and hope they may live to enjoy many more anniversaries of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell of Rock : family of Feversham and Mr. and Mills spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Mrs. Fred Pedlar and son, Glenn visited friends in Meaford over the week end. M_. and Mrs. Silas Haney and th: letter's sister, Miss Tolton, of Paisley visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Har.ey. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. T. Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams and othei friends. Master Hedley Lehman of Toront' ia holidaying with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Williams. Mr. Alex. Fawcett and little son are visiting a week with Mr. and Mrs James Fawcett and family. Mr. Jo?eph Leppard and son, Jos., also Mrs. Rody Gordon and children from near Markdale visited recently with Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and J Mrs. James Leppard. Mr. and Mrs. Boyes of Duntrooti visited on Sunday with their son-Ln- law, Mr. Fred Young, and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hazard of Cey- lon spent Sunday with the latter'; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett. A number from this locality at- tended the party given in honor of Mr. and Mrs. MervLn Wright, at the home of Mrs. Beecroft, 12th 'line F-iday night. Sorry to report Mrs. James Lep- peard's health somewhat impaired, but glad to know she is on the road Mr. and Mrs. Legee (nee Miss to recovery . 'Jewel Wilson) of St. Catherines, whilt, jj r _ ant j jj rs j} a t es Fawcett o! on their honeymoon visited a few j Kimberley visited at the former's par days with the latter's grandmother enta i home here. Mrs. W. C. Hanley and with her uncle j strawberry picking is the order of and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Han- tn e day. The crop appears to be ley. We wish the young couple a | very g0(X j t h, g yea r. long and happy wedded life. Mrs. James Fawcett returned home Mrs. J. E. Large and little daugh- : f rom Owen Sound after spending a f r ; e nds there. Her little ter, Beth, of Niagara Falls, are vis- wee k iting with the former's father, Mr. Peter Munshaw. granddaughter. Julia Fawcett, three- year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. i Master Argyle Martin returned to j Jimmie Fawcett, Owen Sound, is very Flesherton on Sunday (to spend a , i ow at presen t. There is little hope while there. j for her recovery. Miss Isobel McKee of Toronto is Mr. Dave Young of Duntreon ard holidaying with her parents, Mr.- and , friend visited at Mr. Robt. Purvis' Mrs. Thos. McKee. last week end. Mas.ter Jimmie Hickling and Mas- . ter Bobbv? Milligan of Toronto, great . grandsons of the late Mr. and Mrs. . Jonathan Hickling, are spending a 'couple of weekfc With the Hanley Iboys, 8th line. / Congratulations to all the entrance pupils of Miss Sloan in the village ' and Miss Sinclair, 8th line, who were ,svccessful in passing their examina- tion. (This Week's Items) Almost every day our park here is thronged with visitors and t<ts. It is an ideal place for picnics and family re-unons and many are being A E Liulc hfls , efl f(U tQ vUJt her hugbaml . who , ooking after the interests of hi:' Mrs. R. Park and son. Charles, vis- "ited Mr. and Mrs. Beaton, Durham, 4 ore day recently. . Mr. Jack Jamieson of Toronto spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Fred Jamieson. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge of Rock Mills spent with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams Miss Audrey Jamieson of Toronto holidaying with Miss Dorothy brother, the late Dr. Herbert Little Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kimmerlcy an; family at Waterdown, N.Y., visited recently with Mrs. K's. parents, Mr and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Miss Don- nd friend. Miss Margaret Mrs. LOU'J Simones, and sister, Miss Sue Davidson, of Buffalo, called on Sunday on their cousin, Mr. William Kaitting, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and fam- ily of Markdale were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin and family. Mr. Hugh Ciozier and sister, Miss Elizabeth, of Orangeviile spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee. Messrs. Geo. and Gerald Falconer of Boothville visited over the week er.d with their brother, Harold, and family. Mr. Sam Mac-Donald, teacher ini Toronto, arrived home Monday ot ! this week to spend his holidays. Mr. Will. Magee is visiting friends in Ov.-en Sound and will attend the celebration in Meaford on the 12th. Mr. Donald MacDor.ald is putting * Mrs. Ern Davidson and babe and Miss Doreen Davidson have gone to | Toronto for a visit with friends in the Queen city. Messrs. R. J. Whiteoak, Stanley Smith, Mr. Jas. A. Davidson, Han'j | > Kerton and Mr. John Robinson art visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Fenwick and their niece and nephew. Miss Ruby and James Kerton visited friends at Hamilton, Niagara and Princeton last week. BATES BURIAL CO'Y DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KL 4344 J. W. DATES Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS an addition to his home. is doing the work. Mr. Elakey FEVERSHAM Mr. Mathew Conron of Collingwood was a visitor with his mother, Mrs. A. J. Conron, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hincks and family of Long Branch, were visitors with Mrs. James Conn ami daughter Belview, recently. Mr. Prince of the Bank of Toronto Thornbury, is relieving Mr. Taylor who is on his holidays. While the severe electric storm was raging in this locality last Tues- day several people had cuttle killed by lightning. Some, we hear, had five head killed in their field. Mr. Mann of Brampton, Mrs. Home and Mr. and Mrs. Hull and family of Streetsville and Mr. and Mrs. Wint ers and two daughters of Toronto wert MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Ar.giu Morrison visit- ed last week in Weston. Mrs. Geo. Priestly is visiting with Mr. a:;d Mrs. Wm. Seeley at present. Mrs. R. J. Morrison and son, Bert of Walkerton is visiting with relative? in this vicinity. Messrs. Geo. Priestley, Geo. Harvey and Miss Mar.iory Campbell visited on Sunday with the Seeley family. I-duction service will be held in the United church. Maxwell, on Monday July 18th, at 8 p.m. Rev. E. Bakei )f Dundalk will be in charge of the ervice assisted by Re'-". Scott ot Fleshertcn , Rev. Waircn of Markd.uk and Rev. McPherson of Mclntyre. Mr. M. Fozer and son, Vern, an. two daughters, Margaret and Florence of Toronto visited last week with Mr and Mrs. Robt. Priestley. The United church, Maxwell, is be- ing re-decorated this week and on next Sunday, July 17th, there will be spec- ial sen-ices both morning and even- in?, 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special music is bein<r prepared by the Max- 1 well and Warvham choirs. A thank- offering will be taken up. On Wednesday even;ig the Ladies Aid will hold a social evening in the lunch was served at the close. Vi*itt:vs at the Pedlar home here during the past week were, Mr. Will. Hudson, \\ife and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Brownlee c: Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Msv.re of Meaford and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury of Owen Sound. Miss Audrey Osborne of Wareham was a recent visitor with her cousins. Misses Lulu and Bessie Russell. Mr. Wm. Pedlar and son, Lewis, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Ped- lar to Durham the first of the week to see the former's brother, Mr. Geo. Pedlar, who is ill. recent vistors with Mrs. James Conn , hall. A good program is being pre- here. Mrs. Charles Long motored to To- ronto on Friday last and visited with friends over the week end. Messrs. Albert Rick, M. H. Corbett of Proton D. C. M. James, T. Me- Kenzie, representing Osprey District Gordon Sherrit, representing Proton District attended the Grand Orange Lodge at Montreal. These gentlemet wer.t by motor and report a delight- ful trip. Rev. Shannon preached in the church here on Sunday afternoon instead of the evening as usual. The malt quartette composed of Messrs. Eby, Hcitman. Robinson and Osborna rcn- pared; ice cream and cake will b>. served. L.O.L. No. 6GC and L.O.B.A. at- tended the annual Orange service which was held in the St. Mary's Ang- dured there the Anthem, idle?" in a "Why stand yi? very pleusin;; , Jamieson. Little Miss Margaret Sinclair, accompanied them home tc N.Y. while little Miss Marga'ret Kim- merley and brother. Ross, are re- maining here for their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Will Campbell and son, Billie, of Toronto are visiting relatives in this vicinity at present. MacMillan of Markdale, also visited ; Mrs _ Campbe n an d son wll remain a few days at the Jamieson home. | for th(? summer . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sloan and fam- children Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and , ily of Chatham visited over the 1st Vv Sa'rgeant and two sons, all of j of July with M r. and Mrs. Walker Toronlo. 'visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph TViham* and family. We understand Miss Patricia Mor- has been engaged at S. S. No. 3 pan Os prcy! and Miss Evelyn Turner has ^iircd Xo. 5 school. We wwh the ^irls succe - in their profession. Kfa has been re-engaged here ami Margaret Sinclair at 8th line school. Mr. and Mrs. Prince w. >r^ recent visitors Mrs. Francis Genoe. Mr. Plantt spent a couple with his on of Toronto with Mr. i-^*. - _ , Fred, at Wareham the past week. vinr \ C Snively and wife ami Cliff of Toronto were July visitors at the Fish- Mr. Sam 1st and week end oimen - s Club House. Mr. McNeil, PROTON STATION We are glad to report Mrs. Corbett, Sr., improving in health after her severe illness. Five of the Proton Station Entrance pupils passed the examinations, Naomi Jackson (H.), R. Sime, Lawson White Helen White and Bert Corbett. Con- gratulation? to all of them. The United church W.M.S. and tht Anglican Womens' Guild were en- tertained by the Inistioge W.M.S. al the home of Mrs. Milton Bannon, lasi Thursday afternoon. Everyone en joyed themselves. Those who missed the horse race last Saturday afternoon at the village corners will ouite likely be on ham) for the next one. Darky, owned and driven by Russell Irwin. won first Mrs. Vause is visiting at the home of her son, near Ceylon. NEW MERCHANDISING IDEA RE- PORTED BY J. A. CARROLL J. A. Carroll, secretary, Ontario Ma.-keting Board, whose study of markets and marketing took to De- markets and marketing took him to Detroit recently, has reported a new Mr. Carroll observed that eight re- tail markets had been opened undei such names as "packers' warehouse' and "canners" warehouse." These markets are not in any way elabor- ate, and personnel is cut tc a mini- mum, consisting Ln most cases- of a cashier and a limited number of clerks who act as guides. Business is con- ducted entirely on a self-serve basis "It was pointed out to me," said Mr Carroll, "that this 'warehouse' idea was designed to give the censumei the greatest amount food at the most This, of course, through the media '.'> price be effected* "buying direct -, ... ' _, ' place: Cupbearer, owned and driver lic-n church on Sunday evening. The : lodges paraded from the Orange'^, Art ' T Baderow, won second am; hall to the church, where the Rector ] preac-hed a very fitting sermon for the occasion. Robert J., owned and driven by Thos. Wauchope won third. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. from producers in car-load lots; elim- inating the usual retail store fixtures and decoration, essential; and reduc- ing the amount of help to the lowest efficient degree. "One firm informed me." he went on. "that if its first warehouse proved successful no hesitancy would be shown in establishing a chain of these shopping centres." These warehouses have been instaH- pd in vacant buildings, conveniently located on bus and trolley routes. For shoppers who arrive in private cars ample free parking space is provided While this scheme was first tried in Detroit a few months ago, it has now Hutchir.son, i spread to several other American cit- Rev. the new pastor Maxwell circuit preached h,rr We welcome Rev. and for the on Sunday. M.. S McNeil to our midst. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence BitJgar Owen Mr. anl Mr,. Tho,. Fer.w.ck. r'-nwick Stanley Campbell in Owen Sound. Mr. or.d Mrs. r.ml fami'-y visited on Sur-h-y M>-. Badgero, 4th with Messrs. 'jim and Eddie Hwrr*ve i,.\- 'a .'' b^ys Toronto visited ;v .-j \\oek end \\\- were Ut oi plear-ed to see t - manner. Mr. and Mrs. James Eby of Colling wood and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas For- sythe and daughter. Irene, of Over Sound were visitors with the former', parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby and family over Sunday. Our village is becoming a vcr;; pleasing placo for holiday campers. Mr. and Mrs. Kindle, Sr., of Clarks- burg and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wester ot New York were callers in our village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Samoniese nee (Mis- Maud Davidson) and Mi3 S. Davidsor of Buffalo are visiting with theii brother, Mr. James A. Davidson, and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Long, Mr. Sell and Miss Zella Long of Toronto wert visitors with Mr. and Mrs. James Long over Sunday. Mr. Robt. Alexander has reshingled his house in the village. Mrs. John Smalley and two child- ren of Collingwood are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Barber, here. Mr. Wcs. Clinton of Toronto is re- newing old acquaintances here at present. The iii.^es Jeanette and Wimifi-c-if Mi-Mullen and Mrs. Grey and son Billie, of Toronto are holidaying a' Miss Mi-Mullen's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Keith Jr., o' Collingwocd and Mr. and Mrs. Walte Mi-Master of Wareham wcro recent visitors with Mrs. Mi-Mullen and Stuart on the 12th line. Mr. Alvin Whiteoak and son, Jim- j \ mie, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Gibson and son, Bruce, Miss Gwen Caskey. Miss Maxiere Davidson and Miss Dorothy | Robinson and Miss Mary Long: ami j Miss Ida Deirtpsey. all of Toronto, j Members of the Fishermen's (BSl>(* v sitors ovor Sunday with Mr. nt their fishing reser-'c were: Mr. ami j an<1 MV< - R - J - Whiteoak ar.d other, ROCK MILLS Prayer meeting will be held this Friday night at the home of Mr. Win. Ped'.ar, at 8 o'clo . Rev. Mr. Dear | of r'jversham will aavc charge of tht service. Everybody welcome. Visitors at the home of Mr. an:! Mrs. W. J. Chard over the week enr 1 were, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Seal am two sons, Mr. Jack Durham of Gait Mrs. J. Glover of Preston and Mr Claud Glover of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Osborne an< : far.iily of Owen Sound and Mr. anc' Mr:-. Sam Osborne ami family visiteO recently with thdr sister, Mrs. Wai ter Russell. Unity U.F.W.O. club held their Ji-h Misses Tena and Kathleen Hutchin- l * s> son and Mr. Milton Hutchinson of Kimberley spent Sunday at the home Dr. A. Groves, surgeon of Fergus, of Mr. R. G. Acheson and attended was the first person to buy a railway church at Inisiioge in the afternoon, ticket from Toronto to Fergus. Sloan. Master Douglas remained to spend his holidays with his grand parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Paylor anil family of Traverston visited on Fri- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. Falconer. Mrs. Well Graham and daughter Phyllis, have returned home from a visit with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clan-nee BiRgar. Mi- Harold Cook and Miss Delmar Fen- wick of Owen Sound visited with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thistle of Shel- turne and daughter, Mrs. Anderson, ard husband were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Belts. Mr. Thos. Tudor of Toronto is hol- idaying with his brother, Mr. Henry Tudor, wife and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hardman of La- Vegas. Nevada, visited with the lat- ter's friemK Mrs. Harry Foester, tht past week. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Purvis and daughters. Misses Ella and Jean, ot Orillia are holidaying with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis. meeting on Wednesday afternoon o' last week at the park, Eugenia. A trood attendance was present and r splendid time enjoyed. A picnk "The House oi Quality ' Specials This Week nine Rose Rice. 3 Ib 16c St.Mary's Anqiicsn Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1932 10 a.m. Sunday school for all child- ren. 11 a.m. Morning Prayer service ami sermon. Preacher the Rector. Womens' Guild on Thursday, July 21, at Mrs. R. Londry's. O God is in the sanctu- is so great a God as oui "Thy way ary: who God?" Psalm 77:13. Clarks Fork ami Means. 3 tins Pearl Soap. 10 bars Jewel .shortening. 2 for liinken rice, 4 Ib FLOUR AND FEED. 21c 33c 21c 14c Purity Pilot Three Starch Prairie Rose BRAN SHORTS PARIS GRKF.X O'Canada Superior SCREENINGS JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON Mr.-. Thos. Wo<xl and Mr. and Mrs. Chisholm of Toronto. frier.iV. \\cre. on i '' Mr. am! M;--=. Robt. iruest:-- of Mr. and Mrs. Wil! \V'ii; .-, :i'; h..; woek WPI-O Mv. a;;.! 'I Fiv! nro-.vn'.ce. Mr. and Mr-. ' ! !-. :i and family, Mr. art'.! Mr.izee and familv wore: Mr. and Dan Yam-ix.', r-in and da 1 Nottawa. Miss *": tharine Kewsonu- Miv. Cha-. M . ; :uul My. rf Ptcscvitt Mvd Mr. Geo. Bro.- 1 ot Miller of Collinjfwoo.!: Mrs. Ghuly back to the village again. Tli "iison and Mr. John >' Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Davidson and, Toronto. RICE Choice Ouulity 3 LBS. 16c ;-->:*>.:~HX~>^<"KK^X^~>-><^K"W^ Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone ^7 Corked Bran Retr. 25c 17c Special Blend Tea 29c LB. ! HANDY AMMONIA 3 PKGS. 19c Men's Wear OFF READY MADE SUITS THIS WEEK CASH ONLY Clarks Pork & Beans: 3 frr 21c Frys Cocoa 22c Aylmer Catsup 2 Hottfes 25c MEATS 1'Yesh and Cured