. I Vol. 52, No. 2 Flesherton, Ontario, June 8, 1932 W. H. Thurstcm & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Mr. Angus Whittaker, who spent the winter in Toronto, returned tc Ceylon the past week. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and Mr. Frank- Cairns Sr. motored to Alliston the past week on a business trip Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Snuth and Mr and Mrs. Winters and Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and family, all of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson over the week end. Mr. and Mr?. Goldwyn McMullen and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Whalen ot Toronto visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W/ McMullen and Mrs. Ellen McMullen. Miss Mabel Moore, R.N., of Dur- ham has been visiting Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., and Mrs. Sinclair foi the past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Jackson of Dun- das, Mr. F. Foster of Hamilton, Mrs. S. R. Beatty and daughter, Phylis of Madoc were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. McLeod. Other call- ers were Mr. and Mrs. Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. A. McMullen of Toronto. Visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Arrowsmith were- Dr. Thos. McCrae and Miss Mildred Colehouse of Dundas, Mr. and Mrs Geo. Ismond and son, Douglas, of Norval. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill, Mrs. Jas Hill and granddaughter, Bella, ol Osprey visited wfth Mrs. Bolton the first of the week. Mrs. Thos. Genoe received a mess- age on Monday morning that her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Isaac H. Turner, o) Winnipeg had passed away very suddenly at her home on Saturday. No other particulars have been re- ceived. She was formerly Margaret Rutledge of Flesherton. where she was widely known. She leaves to morrn her loss her husband and three daughters and one son, to whom deep- est sympathy is extended in their hour of sudden bereavement. A very pleasant event took place at the parsonagp on June 1st at 2 o m., when Rev. W. J. Scott united in KIMBERLEY Are you looking for a beauty spot '.' Come to the Beaver Valley. It is beautiful. We are glad to report Mrs. W, T EUGENIA PRICEVILLE There are many visitors to oui : Friends in this village and sur- A good number of people gathered for the funeral of the late Mr. Johr Conn on Saturday afternoon at the her"homr"h'ere' V after"'a'vis'i't"'with Baxter, death coming very suddenly j Church of England cemetery at Max little village these days. rounding district will learn with deep Mrs. (Dr.) Little has returned to ; regret of the passing of Miss Katie FEVERSHAM who attended the funera of her mother, Mrs. Roy, visited old friends returned to her home in New Jersey a few days ago. Ellis able to be home again from tht j friends in Owen Sound. CoJlingwood hospital and is feeling fine. Mr. Morley Abercrombie oJ Vancouver is still living and some wh"t improved. Mr. Charles Thompson of Orange- ville is spending a few days in th!? village. Mr. Stan Lawren:e of the H.E.P.C. is home for a holiday. The Third of June passed off in the I'sual way in Kimberley with a cele- bration by the W. I. The saftball same was won by the Clarksburg and Pimberley won from Dundalk in a baseball game. Football resulted in a win from Feversham by Kimber- ley, both games being especially good. A play was given by Riverview at the concert at night and was more than ordinarily good, all knowing ano taking their parts well. About $150 ' when she took a weak spell while or . . - XT T ' her way home and fell near her resi- Mrs. Oscar Enckson of New Jersey ; * o Sherbourne St.. Toronto wag in Eugenia one day last week. She 8 ? V i- 6 of her house, when she lived. It was thought that sht had taken a stroke. Deceased wa, : Mj ._ Rae Henders(m of London 60 years of age and was born twc Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parker ct I and a half miles north of Priceville Orangeville and the latter's mother, across the road from the f arm O f Mr. and sister, Mrs. E. J. Ellis and Miss Bessie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. ' s "^end~her holidays in the summer. F. Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Russell McMullpn ot ssL-sr^r s >*"** "* -"-s are and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette her7wo"siJte,"sarah! and , childre of Ow " Sound talled (Mrs. Manson) of Toronto and garet Tetlow) of Hamilton.) RCCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Johnston and ron, Clayton, of Kemble and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnston of Jackson visit- ed the past week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Joyce Porteous. Mr. J. Murta and friend, Mist Zelma Blackwell, of Toronto motored up and spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts. Visitors over the holiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Atkinson were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGuire and son, Allan. Mrs. John Gbson and four children and Mrs. Bell, Stayner, ind Mr. and Mrs. Mansell McGuirt and family of Toronto, ecenf!" ^ r ' and ^ rs- -^ ndrew Fawcett and md ''">tl, uehteri famil >' of Kimberley were visitors re- oaugntei | _ . _ well. The pastor, Rev. Oldham, ot Drndalk officiated, ass.sted by Rev Dean of Feversham. Miss Mae Jeffreys and Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound visited with Ivan's parents here last week. renewing old acquaintances here last . Meaford and niece, Miss Blanche ghe was O f a kind and genial dispost- Hammond of Kimberley, visited with tion and was muc h liked by everyone. Mrs. M. Me Mullen on Sunday. The funeral was held in Priceville Mrs. J. E. Williams and daughter, 1 on Wednesday with service in the Mrs. Henry Tudor and family and j Pres b y terian church. A short ser- Mr. Norman Williams visited on , vice had been ne u at tne home of her of ColK.-.gwood are visiting with her father, Mr. Sam Ottewell. Mrs. Jeffreys and daughter, Jft-s. | Winnifred Scott, and Mr. Ivan Alex- 1 " ander of Owen Sound and Mr. and . " Lewis centlv with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts Little Viva Atkinson is holidaying of weeks with her aunt, [ r a at M Mrs. Turner and family. A number of men and trucks havt been busy gravelling about four miles of the road from Mr. H. Walton's northward. marriage Muss Emily Saunders ofj Mr. Kendrick. teacher in Toronto Toronto and Mr. Thos. Fletcher ot Normal School, accompanied Mr this village, the only attendants being Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. Beatty of Orange Valley, who took the happy couple for a motor trip and later served the wedding dinner at their home. Hearty o-mjr-atulations are extended .from this community and their friends. The executors of the late Henry Stone Estate, Messrs. Jas. L. Me- Mullen and S. Hemphill, held a ver v successful auction sale of house and lot and household effects on Satur- day afternoon, the auctioneer. Mr. W. Kaitting was The property was taken in and the day ended with a full-house dance. Mrs. Thos. Abercrombie returned to her home in Kimberley, aftei spending the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Ferrier, at Barrie. Mrs. A. F. Hammond and Estelle returned home to Toionto Sunday Miss Bessie Stafford spent tht week end at her home here. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Johr. Walton is not very well. He is in the Markdale hospital. Mr. <ffm. Stafford is also bedfast at present. Mrs. McLaughlin and family \-t Hamilton and Mrs. Flavin and child- ren of Toronto are occupying the par- sonage. Mr. W. Turner has purchased thc farm of Mr. Ross Hutchinson and will move to it about the first of July. We are sorry to lose Mr. and ' Mr - and ^ Irs - Ben Shortt and fam- ily, accompanied by Mr. Shortt's sis- ters, the Misses Nellie and Lois, vis- ited with the former's sister, Mrs. Earl Hewgill, and husband at Thoru- bury recently. Mr. C. Neil, the energetic insurance agent from Heathcote. ac.-ompanioc' by Mr. Prentice, visited in Eugenia on Sunday. C'j'ff has a sort of hankering for the 8th line; there must be some attraction there. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clinton and the fc'rmer's sisters, Misses Irene ar. 1 Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rus- sell at Rock Mills. Mr. Robt. Plantt visited the first of the week with his son, Fred, and family at Wareham. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams at "Fairvlew Villa." Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Campbell and son, Billie, of Toronto visited witf friends here for a few days recentlyl Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Quesnel and family of Owen Sound visited Sunday with Mr. Joseph Sherwood. Their new baby, Kenneth Sherwood Qi'esnel. is two months old and doing fine. Some people like to hear the song. "Listen to the Mocking Bird," but we have two gentlemen in our village who like to listen to the "Nightingale." Alexander of th.s village in Collingwood. _ .attended the graduation ceremonies of . The church wasL,_ ,._., . ^ fa ly sister in Toronto. filled with SV iiiym-iicm. : .1-1. i . ^ * , " i Miss Mae Jeffreys of Owen Sound came to pav their last respects , ,,' , -graduated as a dental nurse with to one who held the high esteem of honors the entire community. Rev. T. O.| ^ Willig pcd , ar ^ Lieutenan( _, . . . Miller of Markdale preached a com- fortmg sermon fron. Psalm 90:12 So v officers teach us to number our days thatj wuii8 . g parent8i Mr an(J MR E c we may apply our hearts unto w.s-, p Q{ S| fc and hj dom." Hymns "Lead Kindly Light I br R .irn.- ^-..., ! ..f T't.wrt i,-.. .ittlrmcr QTliI 'The Sands of Time are linking ' and "My Faith Looks up to Thee." The pallbearers were Messrs. Wm. Manson. John Manson, C. Wallace, D. Wallace. Peter Ferguson. Friands from a distance whb at tended the funeral were Mrs. Scobie. Mrs. Mervyn Baxter. Mrs. McCoIeman Mrs. Richard Baxter, all of Coll ing- wood, Mrs. Peter Baxter and son John. Mrs. Annie MoPherson. Mr. spent Mrs. Thos. Gamey and Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. ANNUAL MEETING Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis visited) Sara ^ MoP ' herson and Miss Falconer ' Harold Thompson on a week end visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. Grieves. VICTORIA CORNERS the first of the week with Mr. an<jj a ,, of C aledon. Mrs. Tetlow of Ham- Mrs. Jas. Lmton. Wareham j, ton> M , ;SS Eva Tet]ow . M r*. Gordon McElhennie, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Man- son, John Manson and Mariorie, P. A. Ferguson and Dan Baxter, all 01 Tcronto, Messrs. C. Wallace and D Wallace and Mr. Rufus, al of Detroit Mr-. Betsy Osborne. Flesherton. Sympathy is expressed for the sor- rowing friends and relatives. The Swinton dark people presented their play. "The Poor Married Man," in the Agricultural Hall on Friday night, which proved very entertaininT The cast incud.'d, Mr. and Mrs. Clor- ion M-'Leod. Mrs. Walter Knox. Mrs week. Mr. Harold Whewell of Hamiltor was a week end visitor with hii grandfather, Mr. Samuel Brownridge and other friends here. Mr. Springgay, our new miller, has moved his family from St. Catherines to our village into the house lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Wiley. We welcome them. Mr. Hi-arh Davidson of Toronto vis- ited friends here o\'er the week end. Miss Mae Whiteoak and Miss Vio- letta Davidson of Toronto and Miss Madge Davidson of Collinjrwood were visitors at their homes here over the wek end. The annual meeting of the South- East Grey United Farmers will be held in Flesherton, June lltb. com- mencing at 10 o'clock a.m. Basket lunch. Addresses by R. J. Garland A. C. Macphail. M.P.. and F. R. Oliver M.P.P. God Save The King. Buy your Flour and Feeds from tke Osprey Farmer*' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Floor Made from No. 1 Wstirn Whe* Pastry Flour Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds Mr and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart, Mr. | Eugenia Clinton, of Toronto and Mr | Iim Sturrock. Mi':* Isabel McMillan and Mrs. Bert Rowden and Muriel ot Clinton paid a flying visit in our vic- inity over the week end. Week end visitors at the Bannor Bretherton visited over the week endj with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. We extend our sympathy to Mr- Messrs. Arthur Richardson. Fret! Knt|X and George Haw. Messrs. Bob Bl.ic'k at the 'ino, George Haw \vith th violin am' Helbert Haw with homes were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur j Will Semple. 12th line, and Mr. Ro, thc RUitai . furni!i!: , d excellent musi f^l.ltt+n*^ nf T****. _*.. TA ^11 . . T X_-*_-1J . / ^.T__l-.1_t_ f__ !_!__ 1_ Clayton of Toronto, Delbert, Lorenu and George Bannon of Dundalk. nurchascd bv Mr. Jas. Irving of the] Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson and BacWine, Aiiemesdiy. for his dai'trhter, lately from the West. We understand that Mr. Earl Me- Teod paid a business trip to Hamilton the nast week. M : ss Florence Fee, n returned mis- missionarv on furlough, will havo charge of the sen-ices next. Sabbath Miss Fee is a very interesting speak- er. We hope for a large congre- gation. Mr. ar<l Mrs. Austin McMullen and Mr. and Mrs. W. Buckle'' of Toronto paid a short v'cit the first of the week with their father, Mr. Jas. L McMullen. PROTON STATION Visitors ?n and around Proton Sta- tion over the holiday and week end were: Mr. and Mrs. McGlashen of Toronto at Mr. Joseph Badgerow's; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNichol and daughter, Helen, of Toronto and Miss Gertrude Lyons at the home of Chas Lyons; Misses Mariorie and Roberta Acheson of Toronto at R. G. Acheson's Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lockhart with their daughter and son-in-law, M"r. and Mrs. Bert Rowden of Goderich with Mrs. Lockhart 's mother, Mrs. Corbctt; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton of Toronto at Dever's. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr Thos. Wauchope were Mr. and Mrs. Haroldl Thompson and baby, Kennoth of Dobbinton, Mr. and Mrs. Gonior Waut'hope and baby daughter and Mrs Tremp iand Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Moore of Flesherton. When Mrs. Ed. Stinson of Pro tor Station and her mother, Mrs. W. Lud low, were driving on the highway their horse took fright at a truck and upset them ilito the ditch. Mrs Lu.dlow received some injuries, which necessitated calling a doctor. We wish her a speedy recovery. Rev. Thos. Hicks, rector of Wiarton and a m.-tive of Hatherton, 3rd line. Osprey, will preach in Trinity Angli- can church at 3 p.m., Sunday June 12th. A cordial invitation is extend ed to all members and friends of tht church to attend. children visited at Laurel. Mr. Chas. Moore visited at Alliston George Ludlow has had the flu ana wa< under the doctor's care, but is well again. The W.C.T.U. held thqir annua, meeting at the home of Mrs. R. Ach- cson. Proton Station, on May 31st when the officers of the past yeat were re-elected. The Scc.-Treas. gav* a good report of the work accomp- lished in the past year. A donation of $1.00 by a friend a year ago, being invested in ciuilt patches, has made $3.48, with material enough on hand for another quilt. A few more friends like this would help the bud- get fund. Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher has established a record hard to beat as she has never missed a meetine in the seven years of the Society's organization. MacMillan of Markdale in thc their father, who died a few day; ?TO. " Mrs. Thomas Fenwick and daujrh- betvveen acts, after which a bountiful lunch was served and the young people spent a couple of hours dancirsr. The proceeds v/ere $2:!. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison and two daughters visited on Sunday with relatives here. Mr. Angus Morrison and son. An- drew, motored to Toronto and are visiting relativps there. Miss Ella Morrison vi^tted ove: the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison, near Walkerton. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. E. Buckingham on Ji-ne 2mi and it was decided to change the date of the garden party from June 24th to July 6th. Our minister, Re*. A. 'M. Pope, ex- changed services on Sunday with Rev. Bartlett of Priceville. We enjoyed having Mr. Bartlett with us very much. :er, Elnora. are spending a week with. Mrs Meuser and Miss Marjorie of friends in Paisley. Owen Sound spent a few 'lays Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham of Wai- 1 at the home of Ari . h!e jJcCuaig. kerton visited with Mr. and Mrs j Messrs. Alex. M'.-Laan and Al'-e Stanley Campbell and other relatives here. Mr. Donald'MacDonald attended thc funeral of his uncle, Mr. D. JIacDon- ! aid, in Dundalk on June 2nd. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved relative.-'. We are very sorry to hear of the suddon death of Mr*. Isaac Turner ol Winnipeg. Sin 1 passed away on June 3th. The cause of death was d ? U a paralyse stroke. We extend oui sympathy to the sorrowing relative? of the deceased. Mr. Will Masree spent a few day? at Hamilton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Couri Smith and family of Foversham spent Sunday at Mr. Will M;gee's. Mr. Bert Magee visited in Toronto for a few days. He accomnaniec' Mr. Rensor to Toronto via Barrie. and had an anioyable trilfi. Mr. Blal:ey of Port law is assiVtinr- Mr. B. Magee in renovating tho house which the latter purchased at tho island. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor ."id family visitfd at KiTMbcrlev recently. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vnn-e" anj daughters, Christina ar.d Lillian, vis- ited with Mrs. Maeee's aunt. Mrs MacMillan at Priceville on Sunday. Mclnr.is of Hamilton and Innis Mc- Lean of Toronto spent tho week en<* BATES BURIAL CO'Y. i DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST ! > NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FTNERAi CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. U44 Formerly of Flesherton J. W. BATES R. MAD DOCKS was .-fittingly observed their Mtss Catherine Ma<',Miiy.n. R.N.. of Dunnville is spending two weeks' holidays at her home. Mr. Mi- y.-Millan returned ' after spending a week in Toronto. Mrs. Mi-Moekin is spending a cot!;-'c of weeks in Hamilton. Sacrament of the Lord's Sin.iv Sunday i last, when a large congregation \va- present. Rev. T. O. Miller of Mark dale preached a splendid sermon foi the occasion. Muss Violet Roberts of Feversham snont the wo.--k end with Mr. and Mrs. A Hie McLean. Messrs. Murray Watson and P:it Claridge of Toronto were up over thc holiday. DANCE AT SWINTON PARK ' A dancfl Will be held at Swintor Park on Friday. Juno 10th. Musii by the Blackburn Pasadena 0-piect orchestra. Aduission 25c. "The House ol Quality" Specials This Week SOAP CHI PS ........................... 8c., 2 forlSc KRVS COCOA, per tin ......................... 21c GO1.DKX I'.AXTAM CORX. ;,,T tin ........ 9c KI '!.!.! H OATS, per pkjr ........................ 20c FLOUR AND FEED. rrRLTY. THREE STAR. PILOT, SUPERIOR PRAIRIE KOSE I'.RAX. SHORTS. SCKEEXIXGS, : ^- MIDDLINGS ' JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON IN MEMORIAM SPECIAL Hot Dogs 5o each thi.. week at Oriole Service Station, for- merly Brack's Service Station, JAMIESOiN In fond remembrance of a loving husband and father Alvin N. Jamieson, who passed suddenly while visiting in Owen Sosncl, May 31st. 1931. Sadly missed by wife and children, Marjorie, Billy, Jimmie and Charles. Jack Gibbons of Meaford is tho pos- sessor of n $2 Bank of Brantford bill elated 1859. The bank has lona: been ort of existence. St.Mary's Anglican Church i MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY, JUNE 12. 1932 I Preacher Rev. Thos. Hicks, L.Th. ' rector of Wiarton, and native of thoi Hatherton district. 3rd line, Osprey. 10.00 a.m. Sunday School for all) children. \ 11.00 a.m. fc 7.36 p.m. Divine Ser- vices. All families and friends are '.vitod. FLOUR PRAIRIE ROSE 52.25 ] Soap Chips 13c 2 Ibs. ;::i;-'U>n party at Orange, ; Hall, Maxwell, on Thurs., June 16th "Enter into His gates 'with thank- giving and into His courts with praise:! | be thankful unto Him and bless Hisi ' name."- -P-alm 100:4. * i Rose Baking Powder per tin A REAL GOOD TEA 2$c per H\ Ken Kennedy's For Groceries T'honc 37 For a Real Treat try City Dairy Fast Frozen ICE CREAM CASH ONLY Fry's Cocoa ner tin ' Choice Golden Bantam CORN per tin 9c. SIDE BACON! nor Ih. 12c MEATS I'RKSH & CURED KK<K'<"H~:~XK^^^