. . . < . Vol. 51, No. 49 Flesherton, Ontario, May 4, 1932 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors .LE Miss Alma McLean left the first of the week for Fergus, where she will train as a nurse. All wish her CEYLON i EUGENIA PROTON STATION the city home. Mr. C for some time, has returned ourt Smith of Eugenia has \ffl^fpr Rpnn v Hanlpv rf Fi L. Hincks. 'Mr. and Mrs. Colin McMillan of Holstein visited on Monday at the home of Hector McLean. VANDELEUR It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. Colin McLean, who , . , M passed away on April 23rd in the * US McCannel returned to Western hospital, Toronto where she ' her h me n Sundav - after Pnding had spent three weeks. Deceased ' ? w j ek , visitin * hcr darter, Mrs. A was well known and highlyl respected throughout the community. She was of a kind and genial disposition and was 58 years of age. The late Mrs. McLean was born on the 19th Con. of Proton, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ferguson. On June 26th, 1901, she Miss Minnie Graham and Miss Lee was married to Mr. McLean, who sur- ' o f Listowel motored over and spent vives, along with two daughters, Mrs. the week end at the former's home. Neil Norman (Esther) of Dundalk,! Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith of Mea- Nellie and one son, Alroy, both of f or d spent the first of the week with Toronto. She also leaves to mourn | tne latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. her loss one brother and three sisters ^ m Gilbert. Sarah and John on the old home-] jfr. Ed. Warling and daughter of stead, Molly and Mrs. Fred Runciman Toronto were recent visitors at the (Katie) of Toronto. | Warling and Gilbert homes. The funeral was held on Monday | Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wright of Barr- afternoon at her late residence which j head visited recently with their _ *!_ _ L ___<! ?_ i V was filled to overflowing with sympa- thetic friends, who came to pay their daughter, Mrs. H. H. Hutchinson. Mr. D. A. Graham of the H.E.P.C. last tribute of respect to the memory and f ara il y o Flesherton and Mr. < of one who held the high esteem and and Mrs . R usse i Graham of Rocklyn, regard of the community. The pas- | were week end visitors with Mr. and, tor, Rev. Snider of Dundalk, preach- : Mr s. J. I. Graham. eu an impressive sermon to the| The April meeting of the Vandeleuri friends and three favorite hymns of i Women's Institute was held at the ' the deceased were sung. Many beau- j home of Mrs. Frank Davis. Fifteen tiful floral tributes bore ^silent ( mem bers and two visitors were pres- messages of love and were carried by ent and considerable business was a number of young ladies. Among ( transacted. Miss Myrtle Freeman | them were wreaths and sprays from j was appointed as delegate to the the Co-operative store, Dundalk, Y.j G ; r i s > Conference at Guelph in June. W. A. of Chalmer's Church, Toronto, j A Mothers' Day program was given, Teachers' Association of Chalmer's which consisted of a poem by Mrs. Church, Toronto. j Mother?" A splendid paper wa? Friends from a distance who at- rea d by Mrs. Glen McGee on a "Moth- tended the funeral were: Mr. and, er ' s Job in the Home" and a poem Mrs. Eldon Runciman. Mr. and Mrs. "Stop Yoi-r Kickin' " by Mrs. Stella Gilmore, Mrs. Ibbitson, Mrs. Morti- mer. Mrs. Salter. Chas. McLean and Gorire McTaggart, all of Toronto. Mr. John McGillivary ar.d W\n. Peter- man of Woodbridge Mr. and Mr? Wyville. With community singing the meeting was brought to a close,, after which lunch was served by all. members and a treat of maple syrup was given by Mrs. Frank Davis, which Alex. Ferguson and Miss McLellan of j a n en.joyed. The next meeting will Harirston. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Me- be held at the home of Mrs. J. Holley. Millar.. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ferguson! - of Holstein, besides a number of the friends from Durham. Dundalk and Proton Station. Sympathy is ex- pressed for the sorrowing friends. It was with deep regret that we learned of the death of Mrs. Annie McEachem, who passed away at her home in Priceville on Tuesday morn- ing. Deceased had not been well for some time, but was up and around the week previous to her death. She had been troubled with her heart and stomach and her death came as a great shock to -her friends, as she had eaten a hearty breakfast, but passed away shortly afterwards. She was born on the South Line on the South Line on the farm owned by hei farm owned by her son. Hector. ROCK MILLS spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. Thos. Stewart. Mr. Thomas Fletcher, who spent the winter in Toronto, has returned to his home here accompanied by Miss Sanderson. Mrs. Allie Muir is visiting with hei sisters in Toronto. Mr. Ernest McMullen of Toronto visited his father here one day last week. Mr. Percy Hemphill of Wingham spent the week end at his home here, Mrs. Clark of Sault Ste. Marie ar- rived on Thursday and will spend a fortnight with her sisetr, Mrs. Waltei Scott. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod for the week end were: Mrs. G. R. Jackson, Miss Hattie McRae Messrs. Jas. Butters, John Ellison Mr. Huskey, all of Dundas, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thibaudeau of Markdale Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau of Detroit, Miss Edna Thibaudeau of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Genoe and son Sammie, Mr. and Mrs. Grenfell and daughter, Irene, of Owen Sound were first of the week visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett and family Mr. Robt. Rutledge and Mr. Clarenct Marshall of Holland Centre were first of the week visitors at the home of Mr. Fred Marshall. The young people met on Saturday night, as usual, for their weekly, meeeting, when 23 were present. The program was in charge of Stella! Marshall, who read the lesson from j the.r prandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Proverbs 20:1; Proverbs 23: 31-32 F and Romans 14: 19-23, after which the explanation was read by Mable Haw. Murray Marshall and Jean Marshall then gave interesting stories. A' piece entitled "Liquor Control and Young People" was read by Stella Marshall, after which the meeting closed with the benediction. The held' held Fawcett. ill. L11CT \.L\ja\^ " l*tii f* WM*- .--* i 1 by Mable Haw and Olive Marshall compamed ,, Mrs. Beecroft and ; winning the prize. As Sunday. May 8th, is Mothers Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lewis and little daughter, Beverley, of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Hanley and family. Mrs. Lewis is Mrs. HanJey's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Mclntosh (nee Elena Fenwick) of Allenford, while on theii honeymoon, visited with Mr. and Mrs John Parson recently. /Mrs. Me- ' Intosh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John ; Fenwick, accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Linton of Ware- ham visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. Mr. H. Cairns attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Ruthven, Alliston, one day last week. Mr. Harry Foes- ter accompanied him. We extend our sympathy to those left in sad ber- eavement. Miss Edmondson of Woodstock vis- ited the past week with the Kaitting family. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Court Smith and fam- : lv have rented the Burke farm near Feversham and moved there the first! of the week. We will miss themj ereatly from this vicinity, but wish I "hpir. success in their new abode. Mr. Harold Lever an-1 Mr. Arnold j Harbottle made a business trip tc his vicinity one dav last week. Mrs. Wilson is returning to hei residence in the village this week. We welcome her back. The little Misses Shirley and June s of Toronto are vi-ntin<r Mrs. Sherson Sr. has been very il! for some time, but we are glad tc Mr. Fred Duckett has disposed of ', farm to Mr. John Campbell. Mr. -?kett and familv will movp in th future to his fsrr\ formor'.v by his father, the late Mr. J. F. r>""k-'-. MI: and Mr*. T^ .--. Hazzrx-1 n? Cevlon vi<;ted on Monday with 'n parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Jas Vern'ce Faw.-ett ae- improvement in her condition. We are also glad to see Mrs. Mc- Cat:Iey out again after her serious illness. The United Church here welcome Mr. Bannister, B.A., as their student minister and enjoyed his very fine sermon on Sunday night. Mrs. Edmund Williams of Toronto formerly of Holland Centre, i.i a g-uest at the home of Mr. R. Acheson Mr. Edward Rutherford of Proton Station received the news of the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. Edward Ross, of Thessalon. Tlr. Ross wa- of a pioneer family in the Mt. Zion 1 neighborhood, and will be remembered by some as a man of outstanding Christian character. Dever Bros, have fowid their stort altogether too small for their busin- ' ess. This is the store they occupied immediately after their disastrous, fire some weeks ago. They have workmen now engaged busy framine an addition 40x45 feet. They will ; take out the east wall and make the' body of the store much wider. Tht remainder will be used for a store- house and barber shop. Mi? Lena Park, who has been ir poor health all winter, is still con- fined to the house. We trrst tht | warm weather may bring relief. Miss Gladys Batchelor is in To- ronto, staying with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. ; rented the Burk farm on the 8th Knt i and is moving to it now. Mr. William Benson, who has been renting Mr. Burk's farm, has rented Mr. Ja.s. Davidson's farm on the 12th line and has taken possession. The river was lined all day Sunday with fishermen from Toronto. Mr. anu Mrs. Fred BrackenbuTy of Flesherton were visitors with tht latter's aunt, Mrs. Jos. Barber, ovet Sunday. Mrs. Jake Wismer and Mrs. Morris of Toronto are visting with the lat- ter's brother, Mr. Henry Coulthard, at present. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ottewell spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. Alex. Foster, on the 8th Miss Mary Speer visited with her cousin, Mr. S. Hemphill, and fanrilv at Ceylon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and daughter of Owen Sounu visited with Mrs. Forsythe s parents here over The greed of a Clarksburg trans- port man to make an extra dollar by cramming more pigs into his truck than the law permits, cost him ten dollars and costs. FEVERSHAM St. Vary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. Miss Hat? Whiteoak of Toronto is visiting with her sisters and brother : Robert, here. Miss Violetta Davidson of Toronto 1 has returned to Toronto, after a two' weeks' visit at her parental home' Mr. Ned Croft had the misfortune last week to have his arm badly torn at the wrist with a rusty nail, while Day the Sunday School will give the program and will meet at 2 p.m. in order to mark their books and make ready for the service at 2:30. It i# hoped that all mothers will be present working around the mill at some re- f or tn j s OCC asion. pairing. It was necessary to havej The Ladies' Aid met for their several stitches put in to close the mO nthly meeting at the home of Mrs. wound. Mrs. Alex. English is visiting with friends in Toronto. Seeding operations are progressing quite favorably, many of the farmers having several acres sown. Work commenced at the saw mill on Tuesday. There will be a few months of cutting as there is a fair stock of logs in. i Geo. Snell with a good attendance. The President, Mrs. McWilliams, open- ed the meeting with the hymn "I Am so Glad." followed by Scripture read- from Matthew 3rd chapter read re- sponsively. In the absence of the Secretary. Mrs. P. Hunt, who was ill Mass Lottie (Whittafcer substituted. The roll call was answered by a verse T2th lire visited of the, her mother. Mrs iss Mary Long, who has been in MOTHERS' DAY SUNDAY. MAY g 10 a.m. Sunday School for children 11 a.m. Mothers' Day service of Morning Prayer. Holy Communion and sermon. All mothers are most cordially invited to be present on Mothers' Day. "Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies." Proverbs 31:10. Turner, on Sunday. Mr. Cha>. Park returned home fron- Toronto last week. Mr. George Falconf- of WirvNo- : > visiting his brother. Mr. Harold Fal- coner and family at present. On the sidewalks of Eugenia You can view the horseshoe game. Pitching horseshoes up so high. jfc^fc. ^ A +* > i! BATES BURIAL CO'Y. Knocking glas frame. n the ridewalks of They '.vill gu-j^s from the window Eusrenia. vho wjro these Was it Charlie. Joe or Ken? Was it RonaUi. Jack or Glen? J. W. BATES CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS | Deceased was in her 74th year and i - H . leaves to mourn four sons and two Mr. Wm. Hawkms and s Bob laughters: Angus in Cleveland. Alex, were in Tnornbury last of Toronto, John of Durham, Hectoi on the South Line, Mrs. Norman Mc- Intyre, home. South Line, and Mary at Mrs. McEachem was of a kindly esented on Friday night in the hall and was well received. All gave their parts well. Mr. 'Gilvray McLean of Tiverton visited at his home the first of the \V C'* K Rov. Murdock of Shakespere took the service in the hall on Sunday for a call and based his text from Matthew 1: 2. Messrs. Ray McLean and vvilne Nichol have purchased new trucks. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morrison and daughters. Flora and .Thelma of Col- lingwood spent the week end with Mr. Frank Hall of Hamilton visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. disposition and helu in the highest re- erton. gard by all who knew her. The fun- eral was held on Thursday in the Presbyterian church and was very largely attended. Rev. Armstrong of Durham conducted the service and preacheu a comforting message tc the bereaved from Mark 8:14. "She has done what she could." The - Robt pricstly choir rendered an anthem "Heaver seems nearer." The pallbearers were Allan McLean, Colin II. McLean Coh'n A. McLean. Hermte McLean, Ray McLean Hector McLean. The casket was covered with floral trib- utes which were carried by four eranddaughters. Misses Annie Mae Mdntvre. Florence. Sadie and Mary McEachem. Those who attended the funeral from a distance were Mr and Mrs. Jim Whiteside, Mr. Rod Whiteside, Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Pren- tice of Collingwood, Miss Sarah Mc- Donald, Hugh and Archie of Bent- inck and Mrs. McQuarrie of Bentinck Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEaehern, Mrs. Salter. Mrs. Mortimer, Mrs. Korts. Chas-. 'McLean and Gorrie McTaggart of Toronto. Sincere sympathy is extended all the sorrowing ones. Mrs. Craig of Toronto is visitine her mother. Mrs. Hector McDonald Mr. Jim Weir was in Hamilton on Wednesday lst. Mr. Wm. Ramage spent a few days in Harriston last week. The piny entitled "The Pill was pre of Scripture containing the wora ! ^JfttfSftTl Eft ~1 - I NO. ,. CEVU*. , ~ ' speeches were also given. Knox gave an invitation for the May meeting to be held at her home. The meeting closed with all heartily sing- ing "Tell me the Old, Old Story," which the hostess serve 1 a lunch. . A. E. Haw invited the members purchased a fine team of heavy, horses, which he Intends to bring home by truck on Tuesday. Miss Leila Clark spent the week end with her grandparents in Flesh- Sr . 4t h Margaret sherman Piper'. Harvey Archibald Genoe*, Mabel Haw*. Olivt Billy Cairns*. Ernie Math aw n Jr. 4th --Jean Col.inson Jean of the Ladies' Aid and friends to her| Marshall*. Mabel Adan s < Gold* Kennedy*. Murray Marshall , M Robt. Priestly. Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Guy and daugh- ter. Marjorie and Helen, motored from Newmarket on Sunday to visit Mrs. Guy's mother, Mrs. McCallum. who fell last week, fracturing her Mr. John Stephen received word hip. last week that his daughter. Annie in Winnipeg was very ill. We hope for her speedy recovery. On Friday, April 22nd, the funeral of the late Mrs. Robt. Wellar was conducted at Maxwell. Mrs. Wellar was born at Maxwell 71 years ago and was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Guy Sr., pioneers of Osprey township, and where she spent the greater part of her life. She was a member of the Methodist church and later the United Church here The sympathy of the old friends ant neighbors are extended to all tht bereaved relatives in their time ol trouble. The cost of ringing the town bell at 7 a.m., 12 noon, 1 and 6 p.m. of Grimsby, a custom that has prevail- ed over 50 years, is $90 a year. Tht council, tiecidtd to discontinue the practice but protests were so strong and numerous that the bell will con- tinue to be rung. home on Friday evening, when _ ? were present. A very enlj->yable Hunt*. Carlotta Plester*. Betty Stew- tinu was spent in games, contents and art jjariorie Du:kett. singing. At an appropriate tiirej M clasg _ Jrene \i at hewson, Mrs. Cameron Smiley, who is amen . !Laur . e Genoe , Jim Kennedy, Jack !, r and assisted injthe * k - R wa *! Adams *, Doris Marshall', Emerson Sad addressTnd M" McWilliaiu"*! Plester*. Allen Haw* made the presentation of a beautiful; 2nd Class - Billy Marshall'. Chas. neck scarf, as a little token of th-j. McWilliams*. Earl Plester', pt.od wis-hes of the Aid. Mrs. Smiley, Duckett. was taken by surprise, but thanked lst cj ass _ Verna Kennedy* the bdies for their kind remembrance. jorie 5^^.^., Keith Caims*. She ar.d her daughter leave this week . ^ ^ _ Marion Co llinson*, Hild:i i Duckett, Gordon Nichol. Mary Me- 1 Mullen. Jr. Pr. Joe McWilliams*. Lrella Scott*. Gordon Haw, Edna Marshall* George Stewart, Margaret Smiley, Mar- thi* week! for Priceville. A very dainty lunch was then served by the hostess. EYE SPECIALIST COMING YOU SHOULD BE GRATEFUL to anyone who suggests that you have your eyes examined. The results would give you cause for thankful- ness. If your eyes are found not to need help, that is worth knowing; if they do, then you will secure that | which will help you as long as youj j live. Visit Dr. J. G. Russell at Armstrong's the week of May 16, 17 j! and 18. 'Phone for appointment. Jack McMullen. * Present every day. G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher. "The Heu;e ol Quality" Specials SWEET P'CKLF.S, 32 oz. size 36c CROWX SYRUP. 5 Ib. pail 36c P.RUXSU ICK SARDINES 2 for 9c FRUXH S 2 Ibs. 15c CATSUP 2 bottle i 23c The Best Field Seeds CLOVER SEED TIMOTHY ALF\LF\ RED CLOVER MA MOUTH CLOVER SWEET CLOVER These seeds are all No. 1 grade TERMS: Cash. 'Phone :46 JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON Flowers FLOWERS The most appreciat- ed token for Mother's Day Remem brance. Sunday, May 8th, is Mother's Da> Fresh Cut Roses, Carnations, Tulip Stocks, Daffodils, Marigolds, deliver ed by express, bus, or parcel post. All orders carefully filled. Represented by W. A. Hawken j ! Flesherton, ask for Northern Nurseries Flowers Owen Sound, Ontario. Toilet Soap 10 Bars 21c Brursw:ck;Sardines 2 for 9c. Prairie Rose FLOUR $2.30 Pork & Beans 2 Tins 12c Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 MEN'S WEAR Men's Socks 25c up Special in Work Shirts 79c Caps 98c up Overalls, Reg. $1.75 for $1.49 CASH GROCERIES CROWN SYRUP 5 Ibs. 31c PRUNES 2 Ibs. 15c