V Voice of the Press Canada, The Empire and The World at Large CANADA White Collar Moral* A noteworthy experiment has just been successfully concluded In Mont- real. It has been demonstrated that there is a real demand for adult educa- tion and Intellectual stimulus amongst the white-collar unemployed in this city. The Department of Extra-Mural Relations at MtCill offered three regu- lar lecture course.- ot seven weeks' duration without fee to the unemploy- ed. The response was little short of astounding. Those iu charge agreed that If as many as forty or fifty attend- ed regularly the experiment would be well justified. Actually an average of one hundred and nfty attended the historical and literary lecturer and f ighty odd followed the medical course. Montreal Star. British Speed The flight of Mr. J. A. Mollisou, re- markable young Scotsman, from Kng- land to Cape Town, 6,300 miles in the astonishing time of four days 17'.. hour*). Rurpassing the previous record bjr IS hours, has demonstrated again, in the words of the Air Minister's con- gratulory message, "What British air- planes, engines and pilots can do." He has actually brought the South African city nearer in time to London than Edinburgh a century ago. An even Qlore notable achievement is in pros- pect. Mall and Empire (Toronto/. Away with the snow shovel and out with the rake. Toronto Globe. Tn 4 Mad World Ton United States with nearly all the Old In the world with fifteen hun- dred million dollars of free gold above the minimum reserve Is so beset with anxieties that there In even talk of her going off the gold standard, although, officially, it 1 denied as ridiculous. The other extraordinary thing is put into words by the New Statesman and Nation i London i when it says: "At present the Bank of England is hard fcut to It to stop the soaring back to n'miethlug like parity." When one consider* the enormous *dcrlfli.---i Mini.- liy the Hank of Eng- land and the Hii'i-h government to tiold the at par and cling to the gold Standard as if the very life of the na- tion d"H> ii'i- <i on il, the average man Di Mt be puzzled to hear that the flank >f England - V-'-t.''"iy seeking IT ave the Jt from Hit disaster of gpt- (ing back to par. \ similar puzzle presents iuslf when >ne considers the hard and desperate efforts the United Stute.-i has made to tra.sp all the gold she could lay her hands on, only to find at present that A surplus of hundreds ot millions of It i* an embarrassment, and with gold by Ihe ton it may be deemed expedient tor the dollar to fall below pai. The rest of the world cannot take tills gold from the United Stales, but What If the rest of the world. be.) UK tie rjdent in gold, should d*. hi" to get along without this niftal'* Toronto BUr, THK EM 'IRE Empire Co-operition Nightly or wrmisly, the British peo- ple feel that they have suffered from b'-ir generosity towards the rest ot the world. Imperial sentiment Is tttrong la Great Britain, and It has :i MI kept well In the foreground, but In- ilrivlng force which lias brought about & radical change of policy has arisen from the grave situation of Bri- tish trade and from the necessity for 'lolng something for million* ot unem- ployed men and women. Kar ^"ini; men perceive In the promotion ot Im .'lial traile a great iil-.il which will MI I'leiitally ami inevitably promote. the welfare of ('.real Britain Mel 'neiniM Algl!-- Nsw Zealand Population llowevei nnlat'iiahb- present i mull i "His in. n ij'i' " >' would he .ili-Miil lit '-i|i|.-- II..K in normal condition'. N h., ruin mi - in, ,i |. ilii.- nl -ii I. i'ii inn a Mime i piil growth of population h.m II* own inliinil Inn-en-.. Tin- M!I ii-pliiiii nf llni'f now iineiii|ilo>ei| Illll-t prei <!<|e III- renewal of 'inn, nnil when that phase luf been iinpb'li 'I. Iheie ill he a in. ire rea 'iiiiibli- aitiiiiil- l.iwnnl new s-nleis Horn ovi-rnea.-,. foi Hie l.iihuiir I'arly , - iii i ,i..ii.-il n- i.ii 1. 1. -i liuslililk ..ml utterly has lie-n pii luiiiiiiiK the ad . .. i.t-itii--' ,f inri'OHMlng the P"|inlatlon t.i pruvld'i a lurg'tr domeMlc ilemaiid . .-. / ,! .'|,| |,i.iiiii. i- Auckland A ,i, \e -. Triumph of Economy r',-w ni'H- p-niai kalilft Ht.ii'-iiieiini '.m ever h.ive h-en made than Sir i , ,'i Si, imp'- ;ilnm-i -eil.iie :HI mini nf lliiW ha s.iv.-i| I lie f/r.Mler part (if n'-i i. mi .mil .1 half million pminil in i ,., : nf BXpen .IM of I In- I/ M.H II i< evident Hi, n ,,iM.- | pie i, .ml *ll Ills method., ill first with sollle II 'ii: ti,"ninie|ll ; (hey \\ein he|,| '<, IK- an i-vampi" ><t "-inil.iiirh run ni.ul ' That I' really not BO very ex 'iniiiiary. U would not have or .1 .ivorftRo uinn that the .iipi-rvi.iloii of lint Sir Jo.slah (all- i]i "vast niai hlne" which wo know a 1 - < ItfBJ < iinpany noulil na(ni:ill.v In i ludo n keen Inlercil In milk i, inks, In i :IHI Iron rliaiis. in .li.iwlng papor, In pins for oflli'B nue, in varloux k'.iids ot .ionpi, ami In the Uf0 of carriage A a .hint Imnh,--,. Kill Sir .losiah sludiud tho inlnule in -.oine {||1IP'H. atl IIUlliMllillllt lie il.14 Ml* his critics. London News- Extensive Bridge Building Program in London laugh on Chronicle. Indian Disorder* Congress is the political organ of orthodox Hinduism. Orthodox Hindu- ism is the heir of 4,000 years of a static social system; we are the ex- ponents of a brummagen democracy; and the older civilization distrusts the younger. How deep this aversion goes few Knglisliineu can fathom unless they have lived with it. It is far great- er than any racial animosity, any re- ligious odium. In our Western experi- ence. It Is based on the conviction that our democratic practice, If forced upon Inda, would mean an end to the sanctity of the family, the confusion of righteousness with Impurity; the overthrow of an ordering of human life which is divine in its origin. If any of us felt equally strongly about a poltl- cal creed which Is being pressed upon us, the odds are that we should be just as vehement as Congress in re- sisting It. Lord Mestou In the Nine- teenth Century ( London i. Germany Struggles to Her Fet Germany's spinal cord Is and re- mains her middle class. It was their! treason to progressive ideals iu the hey-day of the country's commercial prosperity which made possible the anachronism of the BlBmarckfan Km- plre. Since the war their children have suffered for it. with a vengeance! For the salent feature of the post-war regime In Germany Is the "proletari- anization" of the bulk of her middle class. Economic stress would iu any case have meant for the.ni, us In Eng- land and other highly Industrialized ( countries, a very much more modest i The forest beeches burn with reader London. The battle modern science I.amheih Bridge shown here nearing completion will be officially this summer. Kew, Putney and Mortlake spans are also well under way, offering new outlets for London's ever-increasing traffic. April 'Tis April when British Leper Colony Fast Routing Disease existence; the lunatic inflation period, flame. is waging against leprosy is achieving together with tlie chronic crisis, lias. Before they ope their tips, and then results which arouse hope the disease definitely reduced them to the prole- tarian ranks. It is difficult for Kng- llsh people who have not lived in Ger- many during these years to realize: the demoralizing effect of such Burst forth In green along the lane! \Vhen Spring's much traveled feet, fields And in the reports. can be exterminated. Sir Leonard Rogers, authority orrtropical diseases, ences. At the best, the effect must be , Its pleasant fragrance yields' to destroy any faith in the values! When Spring steps i which we take as a matter of course. | in .silver raia, W. Horxfall Carter in the l-'ortnight-' Then has April come again ly Review ( 1/ninlon i. -Klsie A Kie-i'ifil OTHER OPINIONS Laughing Stock of World fun of a total of -N."> kidnappings within the last thr<* years in these] Tniie.l S'afs. only seventy are record-] eil as achieving any convictions what- soever, California stands third on tlie' list of stales with high kidnapping re- j cords. In three years California has had twenty-eight kidnapping cn.,es, three of which resulted iu murder. But theru were, only four convictions. By] all means Increase the penalties hut not until we have increased the \lnll- MIII .- of the police, the judges ami tlie 1 juries. We have too many impotent i penalties now thai are a l.nu'iinr-' stock of the underworld San Krun ' cisco Argonaut. Canada's Fur Business Canada k ;eps .1 .sharp eye on its in duslries. Fifteen yuars ago the muff | helped ' - sustain Us fur industry; it parsed out of fashion with long skirts and high shoes. Now, in Us less vol- Experiment* on the Island Nauru, As carpel from the primrose sweet. j n trie Pacific Ocean, have shown that by segregation and special treatment vrapt it will be possiWe to rid the island of lepers within ten years, although r t<j per cent^of the islanders were afflict- ed when the work began. It is hoped now to carry out the same experiment, on a larger scale, in Zanzibar. Ancient methods are combined with ir.otlern ones in treating leprosy. The disease in its early stages can be stop- ped with old Indian chaulmooga oil treatment, Sir Leonard said. EVPII IIK.SI of the advanced cases respond t'> treatment now. Another vast stride has bean mauV recently with the discovery that it if no longer necessary to segregate iep- <M-S afflicted with the nerve type ui' the disease, as distinguished from the ii active skin type. Immense progress has been made 'n combatting leprosy within the last fifteen years, Sir Ixnmurd said. The H'itish Empire Leprosy Relief Asso- Argentine Banks Plan To Popularize Checks News Oddities Buenos Ayes. --Argentine financial house arc considering the advisability of launching an educational campaign Rain of Goats Breaks Roof of Coffee House in Smyrna Smyrna, Turkey. A shower of goat* to denn. nst rale the advantages of j failing through the roof of a wateft checking accounts. The aversion here f ront coffee house here shattered for to the use of cheques is believed to be I once t ne somnolence of Turkish back- _ one of the principal reasons for the| gammon> co ffee and hubble-bubble ftt- comparative stiffness of the machinery 1 for handling commercial paper. For generations "cash down" ha been the invariable rule among the thousands of small traders throughout the country. Most hotels, restatirants and establishments of a similar na- ture have been insistent on the rule- that all their transactions be of a cash nature. Insistent propaganda by the banks had led, to a more widespread use of cheques, at least among the larger firms, and two years ago it had appeared that the cheque was gradu- ally gaining ground as a method of payment among the Argentine people. But the severe competition, the| lained a license ' mar rapid drop in prices and the gradual] Too-elderly Ostrich l Given restriction of credit in all lines o* busings have once nure led to a gei'- Investigations showed that 2,00* goats had been parked for the night bf the waterfront, to be shipped to Ata- ens in the morning. One member of the herd jumped up on the low roof of ' the coffee house. Then came a follow! the-leader scramble until the roo* crashed. Coffee cups were smashed, > but nobody was hurt, not even a goat Didn't Need Divorce Vancouver, Wash. When. Wake* and Pearl Priddy sought a divorce, they discovered that they never -were legally married. They Immediately ob- eral refusal to receive or handle cheques, not only among: the small re- tailers and the public but also among the larger firms, which had hitherto given signs of welcoming this form of currency. A U. S. Imports of Scotch Tweed During 1931 Show Decline Approximately eighty-eight firms are engaged in the various branches of the Scotch tweed industry (includ- ing spinning and dyeing) says "U.S. Commerce Reports." Normally the in- dustry employs about 13,700 workers, but the number reported about the end of October, 1931, was only 10,400. In June, 1931, the mills were working at 40 to 45 per cent, of capacity. Chloroform San Ontouia. Tex. Nellie, 22-year- old ostrich at Brackeurldge Park Zoo here, has been chloroformed to end th pains of old age. The hen had lived 12 years beyond the average life span. Zoo officials believe Nellie holds th record among ostriches for length ot years iu captivity. She was born IK the zoo here, and narrowly missed ta fate of her mates in the flood of 19JL. River waters carried her out of th< zoo. She was revived and lived an- other decade. Seeks Wife at 79 With a Rule Book Evanslon, 111. After performing 1,600 wedding ceremonies for others, 79-year-old Samuel Harrison, Evans- ton's marrying justice of the peace, an- nounces himself in the market for A wife of his own. He is a widower. His bride, he said, must subscribe rru* iL ... MIS Drnie, ll*r saiu. luu The output of the industry is saiu to consist principally of Harris " .* ? rules " hlch h '_ principally tweeds and similar cloths and the an- nual value of production to fluctuate between 4,000,000 and 6,000.000. More than 50 per cent, of the produc- tion, it is estimated, is exported in normal times. The United States, the best foreign outlet for Scotch tweeds, took only $35:2,000 worth in the first three-quarters of 1931, compared with $745.000 in the full year 1930. o- Father I u"' a number of deal- oil pio|K>sals In my office today.' DailKhtei "(111. pa. were any [ Ill-ill for me'.'" , i.ai'Xi alone sent out supplies 'ast ..r for administering '.,000,000 trea' - ' 'n doubt. 1 What do the reports from the Southern training camps indicate?" "That we will have eight cham- pionship teams in all of the big leagues." Women Require Les$ Food Than Adult Males? London. Women neexl less food llian men. The question is no longer uminous forms, gaining favor. it shows signs of re- The motie.rn muff i" Cross-Channel Air Travel Set Record in the Last Year London. There is nn sin'" of the world depression in the cross-Channel menu. Feminine Staff to Run Women's Coast Prison I! 1st, than ever IK* fore. limited to about twenty two inches around, a serious come down from the pillow muffs of a short time ago. In 19,'tn Canada made r.'n muffs valued at $.. I'-urs must HiniRKlH against ^ al|v e| , carried 2 , various other materials nowadays in ,,.,,,.,,,,,.. al>OV( . lne Channel, com miitr .nuking In i::0 the Canadian , (|> ., 1()4 f()1 . t|> , pn>vioua ,.,.,, rnr. K ,,ods industry amounted to .- ord year, 1928-29. Women were among Women's coats and ja.kei.s. ^ ;.,,.,. . |>( , s| pn , rimSi and ,,.. air traffic. More passengers were HakerMleld. Calif. - Women prison carried between London and Paris fy ,., s iu Sau ( j llelltll , alld otlle ,. state lu . tht British Imperial Airways dunnj, ,,., .. move t() . new ,, j " u ^ ( ,'^ the financial year which ended March ,,., ,. ,, ere t , ||s slimni(M . By Ju , y ' 1 four building of old KiiKlisb and Nor- That eight women need the same ;i mount and quality of food as rather more than flve and a half men is one of the discoveries made by the Advisory Committee on Nutrition to the Ministry of Health. England. They arrive at this conclusion as a handy method of determining man- At least nf the committee is a The mulli-engined airliners whim ,,, architecture will b ready to re one member woman. The report iu which this discovery ceive them. The absence of prison ap- i, announced -a discovery which will out in his experience as a justice. Among them are: The husband must say every day to the wife: "1 love you." She must saf to him: "How strong you are. and how clever." Don't put your wife on a pedestal. It's too cold up there. Give a lot ot praise and set to mean it. Do not open each other's letters. If the husband snores, comes horn* too frequently under the weather,, talks too much to other women, or it the wife is untidy, serves much cannei . food or flxh, they should tell each other about it two times a year iu writing. 282 of 300 Villagers Serve Jail Term* in Groups of Thirty Prague. Practically the entire popu- lation of the village of Hidveg in Slo- vakia were recently condemned to serve sentences of ihnv (lays' impris- onment. Soni" lime ago uii airplane camt down in the village ot" Dregely t'alan- ka, just across the Hungarian frontier, and :!$:' of the 300 inhabitants of Hid- veg, who are Hungarians by race, be- lieving that it was the machine of th famous Hungarian pilot Kudresz, has- tened across the border regardless of the efforts of the Czech frontier iiard to prevent them. On their return all were stopped. For the offence of crossing the frontier without a permit tliey were sentenced to flues of 50 Czech crow us or threo days iu jail As the local jail is too small, they served their sentences in Tin nu**en prison in l>.itciie of th'rtr at a time. Only 1 Comic Magazine Survives Under Soviet Moscow. Only one humorous mag- cbar-icieri'/es ti inrixi ' I " z i"e remains in Russia, where fori,i- ha\e repercussions at every breakfast i stoles, scarves, cuff* and collars a< counted for $U'.."ilii.L'::i of Ibis sum; men's fur-lined gloves and fur coats hionnlit only $:'i:i,4!l7. Kobe*, gloves, bats and coal shells broiiKht the total ill) to the recorded llures. The Bri- tish Isles took the major share of the fur exportM of Canada in lidi, the I'niled Siaii ninnini; second. \" York Sun. Effect of British Tariff Tin- Toil ol ll;ili imore Mnllelni notes iliiii a I, iri;,- chemical conipany ot tins iiiv II.M leased space In Toronto 'and will coninii-io i, , ,i|, i, linn in Ibi- ('ana dian fai lory " to snppl\ evpnri bn-i The oiiK thing thai gives (Uh sloi v i* ihe scales. in ;i -tiKill valley iieui here. table In the land-is a memorandum Alicia Mosgrove. of Sanl-Yancisco. for the use of medical olHcers who are the institution', Hrst .superintendent, aiked to criticise and suxgest Improve say-* the program will hi- reliuhllitulion nu'tits in dieting Its nndliiRs Involve i ulcnl;itions ot denliiK. stock and poultry raising on Ihe relative values of various foods the l.UiS-acre "farm." The prison, to ' In terms of proteins, calories, mineral b run entirely by women. Is known as jam! Utatnln content i the California Institute for Women to aud will be dedicated May U:! by i!ov- ' puted that 1 ernor .dimes Itnlph. Jr. |;m ailnlt male's needs. markalile feature was the growth winler air travel, pa<,eni{.-r tii-ui-- ,- ,,, imi ,. lll>s t \ intUKh farming, gar- iluring the past winter being mint than double those of the winler ; !' erly five or six tk>uriahd, The chronic shortage of paper explains, in pa r ., this limitation on humor. The serious mood of the country, however, al'O may have MimcthiiiK to do with it. The surviving comic magazine ij "Crocodile," issued weekly, and real comedy is almost the hardest thing tfl i find in it. \o joke, or cartoon, is pub In the matter ol calories i H com- iuk if . Itahed tor Us own sake, but on v fin a woman requires .S3 of i jj, Where Male Athletes Will Live During O lympics I|.'S~. 'especiall> IO COIIIlt I ies ' Nil I el. 'I I'llci- is IllildO III' Ihe ii. "A liiiii-h tariff, which lui li.'.-n liioiiKlit into being largely as a reply to other nations' policies. But it may be safely assumed that if products of the i onipanv lould be shipped from Haiti- more witliotil paying linrilcn: iinn- im ''I duties Illi- willllil he l|oll>- Klllll in, 1 1.. Hun. Security of ".imily Farm America llu.'ds Ihe .stability uuu it .illilV of .111 :i".l i. Illlill.' lli.iile lip Of f.iniily farms. In a propcily nialingftd i-.iiiiomii v inn i in ponition Fanning mii'lil p.-ili.ip In- ii "'fill lull l.ntil Hociety I". no i' -Hi -i liuw toihrc. t iln pmsciii i nnipli'v n iiii,.ih,. m n bine ihi-i. '. ill I.., hub- i;,iin in ni.iliing it en. i nipl.-x. tn I. MI! of inilii- i rial i/lih' III.' C nil ell Hlutes in In - . n of repliu im- Hie family fauns with l,ui;e corporation fannn. we need llnil ,onie Illelins III give In the ill. I il' .i ui the slablllty and -.-i nni> thai Is HIM bi'iiiiie oi am ii-iilinr.-. l-'mm Tlie Chi i -I i iu Si lem i- Moniliii Waking Up ''I'll- vMirld i- not KPllinn \\oise, bill WH aie Ki'itiiin mum sensitive tn its Bflln ii CHI Sumnir Knopf. | This is going to be a m:ui in,-, n when they finish building the tiny bungalow* to be occupied l>> vUiling male Athletes whu cnni|n-te at the Olympiad. i>t' some political moral. Tha subject mutter is thus extremely lim itcd. The jokes arc at the expense of foreign capitalists, domestic kflaks. e-fticiiil bureaucrats, followers of Trot- sky, etc.; in other words, the sam* people who come in for sorinu> attacks in the regular nii-c -ii'.ic papers. Writers ami arti-ls obviously tyul i! hard to keep up the .satirical barni^c in the >ame director, week after week, ?o that the humor i? always weaker. Several gifted artists, however, con- tribute extremely good caricattuv>. Spain Develops Devil's Island In Torrid Western Africa Madrid. -Spain may have its own "Devils' Island" for political and other convicts if many more prisoners aro sent to r't-rnamlo Po. Within six months many offenders have been son- tcnoed to exile in that Spanish pos- session on the west coast of Africa. It lias only three small villages. Its di mn to is titrriil. and there :m JiMXK) IKItivt-s. - * --- N:>ro3on To Be Extracted From Air in Manchuria N '-.Illusion. Nitrogen is to be ei- traded from tlie air by the South Mao- j eliurlan Uailway Company, formal p> 1'ioval from the Tokyo (lovernuifiit haviiiK been applied for. according to the Depart mem nf Commerce here. The enterprise will involve an outlay of some $7.L'Ou,OuO. The project calls for the establish tnent of a large uUhate ot ammoiiU at l>;dreii.