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Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1932, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th, 1932 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE Our Printing Dept gives you the best service at prices that cannot be beaten We are here to serve you THE ADVANCE FLESHERTON WHEN you are building, is the best time to make your home safe from the damage (ire can do. Order time-and-labour saving Gyproc Wallboard for all interior walls, ceilings and partitions. When remodelling:, extra space may be gained by ;: the atlic and base- ment with Gyproc partitions. Gyproc : :>:; /v easily identified l>y board and tbe Green - . .' :;.; tbe CTP8UU. 1.1ME AND AI.ABASTIN-C, I.lmiltd OnUrlj 11 You can payer it or panel it if yen wish and it is an excellent for Gyplex or Alabasline. Iriticism Gf Budget Is The Main Topic The criticism of the budget was ead off by Colonel Ralston, finan- ial critic of the Liberal party. He spoke at great length covering the inaneiul position, the trade, the u,xation and the railway situa- tion in Canada. He twitteo he Government over its return to the sales and nuisance taxes and liioted from speeches made by Mr. Cahan and the Prime Minister when they were in the opposition. Colonel Ralston claimed that the sales tax at the time the Liberal party went from power would cost a family spending $750 a year, the sum of $7.50, where- as under the rate this year they wouk pay $45. The trade of Canada h said, had fallen a hundred per cent and charged that the extremely higl tarriff was at least in part the caus of this tremendous decline. In 193( the average tarriff was 24','< and thi year with the 3 per cent, excise ta added, it will be on an average of S5 r '< and over and above that, the Ministe of National Revenue has the powc to valuate goods for customs pur- poses above their cost price, if he so desires. The decrease in exports was blamed on the tariff preventing imports and the Government was criticised foi not having included .-ome British pre- ference in the budget as a friendly gesture preceding the Imperial Con- ference. Col. Ralston concluded his FOR SALE BY Fiesherton Planing & Chopping Mills, Flesherton would restore prosperity to Canada. "What is the cause of this drop in commodity prices?" he asked. "Prices are expressed-in terms of currency, and in the leading countries f the world, the value of currency it at- tached to gold. If gold is scarce 01 is being hoarded, if gold is in abnor- mal demand for debts, then inevit- ably commodity prices will fall simply iccause people will be anxious to dis- pose of their commodities in order to| secure gold to meet their debts. We arc confronted with this situation and t is admitted by everyone that gold is scarce. To my mind that is per- haps the underlying cause of most of our troubles today. We must now admit, and I think it will be admitted, that the value of purchasing power of money does vitally affect commod- ity prices." Dealing with debt, the Hon. H. H Stevens, said: "The world is sunk in a veritable morass of debt." And he pointed out that the weight of debt) in this as well as all other countries has been doubled due to the drop in commodity prices. For this state- ment he got hearty applause from those who sit "angularly opposite." We can all clearly see that a woman whose revenue came from eggs and who contracted a debt in 1930 when eggs were selling in the winter around 45c a dozen, would have to have three times as many eggs to pay the debt in March of this year; that is her debt had trebled when measured in commodity prices. In discussing interest the Minister of Trade and Commerce said; agriculturalist, no industrialist PROPER USE OF SPEED Some motor car owners see no of the modern automobiles are the ones who are getting into trouble with the authorities. Speeding in defiance high available car capabilities. reason for making fast cars in they ! of safet y is J ust ; bad habit that ; is cannot be driven fast, but experts ex- j n se explained by the^ present-day plain the matter very simply. To have a satisfactory cruising speed an automobile must have a high top speed, but to drive much above the We used to hear men making cracks cruising speed is neither economical about flying trips with a horse and nor sensible. Those who misunder- buggy long before the days of the stand the performance characteristics aeroplane. "No and speech with an amendment asking no merchant can afford to pay 10 per the House to condemn the excessive cent, interest for the money he uses increases in tariff and the power to,j n his business; it simply cannot be set duties for customs purposes by done. Normal business will not per- mil of that rate of interest." Even though the amount of interest had Order-in-Council. The first speaker of the Govern- ment side of the general budget de- bate was the Hon. H. H. Stevens .Minister of Trade and Commerce. His- speech was well constructed and hit delivery excellent. After replying to the criticism of Mr. Ralston, he went on to make what was quite evidently a carefully prepared state- ment of the causes of today's diffi- c :lties. There were, he said, four d.sturbing factors; price levels, debt, interest and trade. Price levels arc admittedly the most disturbing factoi today, he said. Could we restore the price levels of 1928 'for wheat copper, paper, lumber and fish, we TUB 8TORI WITH BERTICI F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN 8TORB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONBT Big 3 Day Sale Fri., April 22 Sat., April 23 Mon., April 25 LADIES' WEAR DEPARTMENT HERE IN THIS DEPARTMENT WE ARE OFFER- ING YOU MANY LINES OF SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE AT BARGAIN PRICES A SPECIAL OKKEKINr, RO only Ladies' spring hats, all new. sale LADIES' DRESSES $4.95 It day . $1.1(5 New crepes all in the newest styles. Out at bargam prices $4.05 ca, LADIES' COATS $3.95 A genuin>> Big Bargain in twccdx and serge*. :t days only $3.95 ca. Children's leatherette jackets $2.95 each Keep them warm and dry during these cold priii/ .1. iy. $2.05 CHILDREN'S COATS $3.95 Slzo 6 to 10 years. All first class materials. Out they go at these low prices $3.05 GENERAL DRY OODS We are offering you these lines at new low prices. CHINTZ 2 YARDS 2Sc Attractive patterns, yards All extra quality cloth . 25c Flowered Lemldla Just the right thing for the elderly person's afternoon dress 2Bc V( '- Patterns that are tho best yet. Reg. 85c yd. 3 days only 25c yd. Habette Crepes 29c yard The new cloth for children's dresses, etc. AH new colors 29c yd. Attractive Prints 16c yard 4 pieces only of our regular 25c yd. prints. Out they go at the new low price 16c yd. Ladies' Silk Hose 3 pairs $1.00 A real buy in hosiery. All attractive shades 3 prs $1.00 Ladies' Chiffon Hose $1.00 pair For 3 days only we are offering our regular $1.19 line at this very attractive price of ....$1.00 pr. Service Weight Hose S5c pair Our regular $1.00 line of supersilk hose. 3 days only 85c pr. MEN'S WEAK DEPARTMENT Offers You These Very Attractive 1 Buys Men's Broadcloth Shirts $1.00 each Men's Leatherette Raincoats $4.95 A real buy at the right tilme. All sizes $4.95 ea. Men! Men! Look! 2 Big Bargains Men's I'Ylt Hat 50c each ii All i.v-. MEN'S RAINCOATS AND LIGHT OVERCOATS $1.00 EACH (GROCERY SPECIALS 6 String Brooms 23 c fl cons tomatoes and peas <!5c Gallon tin apples 2.V ea. 2 Ibs. choice seedless raisins 25c 7 bars Gold Soap 2Bc KKMKMBKR THESE PRICES QUOTED HERE ARE ONLY GOOD FOR FRIDAY. AjPRIL 22 SATURDAY, APRIL 2.1 MONDAY, APRIL 25 not increased, all interest that had to be paid for by selling commodities, had actually increased. On a farm loan of $2,000, interest at 8 per cent, would rc-iuire $100. In 1928, 133 bushels of wheat would pay the in- terest, whereas in 11)31, though th<? interest was still $160, it required 260 bushels of wheat to pay for it. In commenting upon Mr. Stevens statement, Mr. Gardiner, the leader of the Form Group in the House, saiiJ it was as impossible for a western farmer to pay 5 per cent, on his in- debtedness as it was for him to pay 10 per cent., or in other words, he could pay neither. Mr. Gardiner ad- vocated the taxing of incomes abovt $25,000 a year to a degree that would amount to practical conscription o income above that amount. He de- voted most of his speech to a discusr ion of the need of a change in our finnnc-ial system and at the conclusion moved a sub-amendment. In the Senate the other day a most interesting story of the discovery of radium in Canada at Great Bear Lake about 1,000 miles north of Edmonton was related by General McRae. He was urging that the Government form n Radium Commission to take charge of the development of the radium field and the putting of this life sav- ing metal on the market at the lowest possible cost. Only 300 grammes ot radium for medicinal purposes is available in the whole world. It Is usedin the treatment of cancer. 85 percent, of all radium is found in the Belgian Congo. The wholesale price of it is $50,000 a gramme, retail $70,- 000. General McRae gave some very interesting statistics in regard to cancer and its treatment by rad- ium; ho quoted a Philadelphia author- ity for tho statement that 9f>0 gramm- es would lip needed in Unitod States if nil the cancer there were to be treated with radium. At firent Bonr Lake there are three veins of rndiuni running out 1,400 feet and n fourth vein is indicated. General McRae believes that a car- load n day of the ore could be mined and should that bp the case, in a year tho Groat Bear Lake deposits could produce 1,800 grammes. The De- partment of mines of the Federal Government estimate that it would cost $10,000 a gramme but the Gen- eral believes that it could be done for a little in excess of $5,000, A. C. MCPHATl House of Commons Saturday, Alpril Ifith, 1032 Tho North Bay Nugget says this country would be mwh better off with only one half of our present gov- .M'ninf? bodies. Over two hundred men have been riven meals nt the Mount Forest soup kitchen at im average cost of eight ents n meal, Thoiv a iv suit) to lu v no loss than ij-ht different nationalities living in ne anartmcnt house in Fergus, n record Hint many cities would find innl to heat. Easy Terms on Diamonds - Watches Clocks Order the article you require Pay a small amount down and the rest in easy monthly payments. " * All dealings strictly confidential. $5.00 DOWN and 10 monthly payments on any diamond ring'. $1.00 DOWN and 10 monthly payments on any Watch, Clock, Musical Instrument. Electrical Appliance, Silverware, etc. W. A. Armstrong & Son Jewellers Flesherton - . Ontario v TED defm it leaves the MILL It gives you satisfaction through years of hardest weather wear. // OJIBWAY COPPER BEARING ZINC INSULATED FARM FENCE Zinc Insulated "OJIBWAY" Copper Bearing Steel Farm Fence, Full No. 9 Gauge Gal- vanized Wire throughout, will stand FOUR one Minute immersions in the Preece Acid Test the severest test of zinc galvanizing known to science. That's why you know "OJIB- WAY" Farm Fence will give lifetime service. For economy and endurance erect "OJIBWAY" Farm Fence on "BANNER" Steel Posts built like a railroad rail. Large Slit Wing Anchor Plate locks the post perman- ently into the ground. Dirt Set End and Corner Posts no cement no post nole digging. Easy to haul and drive. Ask your Dealer about the "OJIB- WAY" Guarantee of Service. ZiM Insulated Fences JL V^ElVxV^O Mode and Guaranteed by Mills and Head Office Ojibway, Essex County, Ontario

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