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Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1932, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20th, 1932 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year, when paid in advance $2.00. W. H. THl'RSTON, . . Editor F. J. THURSTON, - Assoc. Editor A BAXKRITT RAILWAY so, but not at the expense of the far- mers, who help to pay the salaries of those who are bent upon still further adding to the burden of low prices and small demand. EDITORIAL NOTES. It was stated in Parliament last week that the Canadian National Rail way is bankrupt and that the country is paying $1.250,000 weekly to keep OF THE dtanabtatt HHefrcal Assart attmt If many more yarns from New Jersey are fired at us we will all be- gin to wonder if there really was a Lindbergh baby. New Jersey is really noted for its big mosquitoes and big kidnapping stories. * * * We note that there will be a full enquiry into certain affairs of the ! ^ red to _ "^^ Ontario Hydro Commission. . It Is I' Mr GRANT FLEMING. M.D. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY MINERALS TO EAT Minerals are important as they arc of I the- body, and to furnish materials foi . . doubtful if the enquiry will have much ! buildin * bod y tissues . MI i effect or bring out any new evidence, the line* functioning! This will b< The minerals i n the diet have been an eye opener to the people of Can- ada who pay this enormous deficit A few years aeo Sir Henry Thornton was eiven thc ioh f managing thf Canadian National Railway at a sal- ary, which it is said, approximates $150.000 per annum. He was said to be a financial wizard who would earn his enormous salary by pulling our national railway out of the finan- rial hole in which it was then wallow- ire. Tho hopes of thc genorous men who engaged Sir Henry do not appear] to have materialized; in fact the rail- While the- Aird payments which caus- ' likened to the oil which is used in ed the excitement, are considerable, 1 machinery, as they act as lubricators mothers and young children require an abundant .supply of lime, and this is to be found in milk, cheese, leafy vegetable?, carrcts, turnips, oranges and whole-grain cereals. Ii-on forms a necessary part of the blood as it is the carrier of oxygen. It makes the energy in the foods m - s . | available for use by the body. Iron we- ^believe the inVest'gation could 1 ' promote thc smooth running of i * is present in eggs, lean beef, liver, ivoll he carried further and delve Into the various bodily processes. It is ' h-afy vegetables, molasses, dried beans 1 fnr ovon lilo -frnm Mil* minprl<5 thjll ' salaries paid, travelling - expens- ! f" r example, from the minerals thai es and such other items as would be' the digestive juices and other secre- necessary. This investigation of hydro 'ions obtain the acidity or the alkalin- :tatcc?, dried fruits and whole-grain affairs will probably turn out simil- arly to that of the Drui-y investiga- tion of the same Commission. FEVERSHAM ity neccsr.ary for their functioning. We know that we should eat a bai- It is obvious that an adequate sup- ply of calcium, phosphorus and iron A pleasant orer tat t may ea w e acs way system ha* . - f John OUM on the whio h are produced as a result of ti- anccd die!, one which provides the I wil1 be obtained by the person who body with a sufficiency of its various j uses a v rietv of foods - makin * sure food requirements. Thc tody itself to inelu<le in this diet milk - leafv vege ' tables, fruits and whole-grain cereals. This is of practical importance be- cause the regular use of these same foods ensures also an adequate supply must maintain a chemical balance. of neighbors ' Tn<> blood must bc kc P t alkaline in order that it may deal with the acids er and deeper under h,., management. The speaker who gave L '| evening with them before their re- information, F. H. Pickell. Comervm-lj of vitamins. A diet lacking in minerals means tive of Brome, Quebec, advocated the ml.- of the system to the C. P. R.j Even were that undertaken, it i? doubtful if the C. P. R. or any body of men could be found who would pur- chase a concern which is costing the people of Canada a million and a activity. In order to determine whether a their new home on the 12th ' ^ <K ' ' s ac ' ( ' r alkali forming, it is ill-health and inefficiency. If we wish Mr Stonehousc has secur- ' burned and the ash is tested. To keep to keep healthy and enjoy a larger Spring in Swing Freshen up inside and outside and when you use Sher- win Williams Paints and Varnishes you are assured of best results. It is thoroughly dependable, covers most, looks best and wears longest. HOUSECLEANING ITEMS YOU WILL REQUIRE BROOM vS TUBS HAIR BROOMS DRY MOPS PAINT BRUSHES DUST PANS PAILS CORN BROOMS O'CEDAR MOPS SCRUB BRUSH STEEL WOOL Royal Purple Garden Seeds 5c package Massey Harris Impiemeots & Repairs Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE FLESHERTON ed Mr A , f IIawton The evening was spent in dancing and games and the following address was read and presentation made:- It thc body in a state of health and to maintain the alkalinity of the blood, a reasonable balance between thc two must bc obtained. Milk, and fruits pleasure in presenting '""'' vegetables, with a few exceptions measure of health, we should use ?-al amounts of a good variety of vegetables, particularly the leafy ones, fruits, whole-grain cereals, and milk. The minerals in vegetables which are you with these remembrances. We ' uch as prunes and rhubarb, arc alk- eaten cooked arc preserved by cook- J ; ouarter dollars every week to keep it ( have pn j oyp(1 your company very much j ali - formir - fd s ; meats, eggs and ing the vegetables in their jackets and ,;; in operation. Enormous salaries so ., c you haye bcon Qn the EiKnth cereals arc acid-forming foods, lavi.hly handed out are. we believe , Une an(J w wjsh you many happy ! Calcium is required for the building paring them afterwards; they may be| bi<ked or steamed. If they are pared the chief contributing agency in de- J '~ ~ in ~your new home Signed on'" f st ng teeth and bones, to keep thej and cooked in water, the water should stroyinjt thc efficiency of our nation- bcnn)f ()f your f r j cn ,j s an ,i neighbors, ' ' jlood normal, and to regulate body not bc thrown away, but used as a Richard Hallam, Will. Hollingshead j functions. Frank ; ally owned railway. The complaint to-day is that wealth Mrs ^ill. Faddcn and Mrs. is being" concentrated in the hands of ji<.llinirshead. a few, while thc poor are becoming Migs M aDe l Ross of Maxwell vis- poorer. Our governments are con- i?<1( | w j,), ner s i. s t,.,, Mrs. Miltoi tributinsr directly to this sort of Njcol UJ1( , f anl ji y npn . | as t week, thing V>y taxing to death the pooi Mr an( j Mrs \\-. u jjttle of I'ro- man's living, while paying high rates , y'isitcd with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Expectant and nursing base for soups or sauces. New Vegetable Varieties I but have the earliness of Alacrity. Break, O'Day although a desirable . tomato, it was not quite early enough A few of the varieties worthy ot to b in the first earlv harvest, but m.-ntion that have come to the notice '" a Promising variety. Ilarric teachers have of intercut ti financial concerns and -j- v i,. r here last week. handing out yearly salaries equiva- 1 ' ,, , um , Mrs . Ef , r ,. of , ,, r Rock at Ottawa during the pat year, that lent to a sum which could only be Mills spent Sunday with Mr . an d ** w he K rown aro as . folloWS> saved by one person in ten thousand nj rs Harold Osborne. during a lifetime. No nc govern j; r an( j M rs _ Ei> y an ,| f am ily visit to mont appears to IM? alone in this re- "pect, hut all appear to find it so easy to force the poor mnn to pay, that they seem to decide that it is unnoces nary to even think of other methods of makig thc budget balance. cd with their son, Jp.nies, in Colling- wood over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eby and Mrs. Donald- i.r the Dominion Experimental Farm refused but Bean - Davis White Wax (Rtrimr- ; r!pkc a V(lluntar >- contribution to the I, i This strain is quite identical "' llt ' f '""' to the original variety, but is string- 1 Thc:o will be five .steamers in the less. ' ' -.'liiin I'; 1 :; f lake service bctwee" Corn - The early yellow corn Ban:- ; Port McNicoll and the head of the Small Advts. Lost or Strayed COAT LOST Mackinaw coat left on buggy in United church shed on Saturday afternoon, April 9th. Finder please notify Dr. J. P. Ottewell of Flesherton. BULBS FOR SALE For Sale FOR SALE Goose eggs for sale. Phone 45 r 1. Joseph Radley. BERKSHIRES Pure Bred Eng lish young sows and boar?, from prize winning stock. Joseph Radley. Gladioli bulbs for sale, composed of over forty varieties of choicest named in mixture. No finer mixturu in the world. Two grades, 35c and 50c per dozen. With each of the lat- ter we will give one bulb of the rare Smokey or Rose Ash varieties. The Advance Office. FOR SALE KOHBIM; I-KTKH TO PAY PAUL The Dominion Government has for a long time been endeavoring to per- nuade the people of Canada to eal more fish, and even prints a monthly bulk-tin with that end in view. It also has engaged a professional lady speaker to broadcast this propaganda by radio. She is now busily engaged in Toronto doing her broadcasting and giving cookinif demonstrations. Sure- ly the Dominion Government could not have taken into consideration tht. fact that every meal which it switches- from meat to fish hits the farming community quite as much as it bene- fits the fisherman. Surely thc far- mer is hit hard enough at tho present time without having any more of his principle source of revenue taken from him and handed to the fisherman. Thc government should withdraw its fish propoganda and quit robbing Petal to pay Paul. If the fishermen wiah .'II, 11 1 1< i l*t I 9i i j i' v a i in * i at ' n attended tho funornl of tho lat, i"K certainly is in demand these days > k ' s during tho coming season. Mr. K,.rsytlH in Allanford last Thurs- * h" s stepped the season up ten to The Mayor ,,f Penetang is leading - Thc farms of Wilfred Teeter on Toronto Sydenham road, and the late FOR EXCHANGE Wagon and Pr 'ce Teeter on east back line. Foi democrat for exchange for young particulars write A. MILLS, box 197, horse. Enquire at this office. Markdale. d-v. fifteen days earlier than the season ,>" a movement to have the citizens Mr Wiley who has been Miller in nf (Jol c n Bantam. This ,-irl v COM, , organize to secure a greater share of the Farmer's Mill here for some P 088 * 8888 vprv * OO(1 <lualitv aml i, the tourist traffic, years has resigned and is moving nlitablp for thc first l ' arlv 80rt all(I The- Royal Alexandra Hospital, For- Imck to his old home town in Nottawa \ f '"' th(> home * ar ' k ' n - Golllon Ocnt >" ls - win in futurp hc digaaUd "The village. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley wilt ' Another yellow variety that is of, droves Memorial Hospital," after Dr be very much mi.ssfd in our village. Mr. Springgay from St. Catherines has taken the position of miller in the mill here. U is understood that Mr. HarolO Osborne has rented the house that Mr. Wiley will vacate. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thompson and their family have movid into the vill- age and have rented a part of thc parsonage on the hill. HI II HIM. FOR SAI.K Building known as the Artemesia Twp. hall in the village of Flesherton Offers for above to be closed by April 30, 19H2. Highest or any offer not necessarily accepted. Building to be removed from lot by June 1, 1932. For further particulars apply to, to advertise their wares let them do C. J. BELLAMY, Sec. of Com. the same season and quality of Bnnt- Potato An early shallow eyed, white potato has been required for years. A potato that would take thc olf 1 " of Irish Cobbler. To those that are looking for this type, then the Gold Nugget will bc found ideal. The seed of this variety is under cer- tification and can be got from the growers in Western Canada. Tomato Earliness in tomatoes Is an important factor, where seasonal conditions are not the most ideal. Th Abel variety originated in the Divis- ion of Horticultural has been found lo be exceedingly early and n good yielder. Bosta! is another of the originators thut has been giving a good account Tf itself in the trials. The fruits are of the Bonny Best type and quality, A. Groves, who recently donated it to Fergus. Any Color $1.20 qt. SPECIAL This Next Week Only Mon., April 25 to Sat, April 30 Star Varnish $2 per gal. $1.30 per qt. Interior and Exterior Trim Flooring, Doors, Windows while Work done yon wait Chopping 7c per bag Flesherton Piariog Mill (Phone 24 w) Auction Sale of Farm Stock. Implements, etc. R. J. MORRISON Will sell by public auction on LOT 0. CON. 6, OSPREY on TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 1932 The following articles namely HORSES Horse, 2 yrs. old, mare in foal, mare, aged, horse 10 yrs. old year old colt. CATTLE Durham cow in calf, Hereford cow 6 yrs. old, Hereford heifer 3 yrs. old, pure bred Hereford cow (i yrs., Hereford cow in calf, Ayr- shire cow in calf, Jersey cow, hekfer. Durham heifer in calf, white Durham heifer in calf, spotted Durham heifer in calf, baby beef heifer 625 Ibs.. baby beef steer 675 Ibs., Durham heifer 3 yrs., red heifer 1 yr., baby beef about 400 Ibs., heifer 1 yr. (rci) & white,) heifer 1 yr., heifer 1 yr. (red & white,) bull calf spring pure bred Hereford, bull calf spring pure bred Hereford, heifer calf spring. 1MGS Yorkshire sow 18 months, due June 15th; sow, 18 months, due lune 25; sow, 5 years, due June 28; boar 2 yrs. (prize winner,) 11 young pigs 10 weeks old. 35 hens and pullets. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. F. & W binder 7 ft., M. II. mower 5 ft. cut, M. II. rake 10 ft.. M. H. barrow 15 bull, disc seed drill 13 ft. (nearly new,) M. II. cultivator, International plow 2 furrow, No. 21 Fleury plow single, light tang plow Cockshutt manure spreader, T.-A., wheel hart- ". scuff ler. cutter, stock scale, hay f'<rk rope, pulley, slings, farming mili, Speight wagon, set sloop sleighs, 20 cord maple wood 18 in., straw, 2 horse blankets, robe, 2fi cow chains, 2 logg- ing chains, cross cut saw, hand saw. set Toll on harrows, 2 pitch forks, 2 shovels, manure fork. 2 water barrels, churn, new M. H. separator, garden hoe, lantern, 4 halters. 20 good grain hairs, I'-i bu. alfalfa, 335 sap buckets, sap pan. HARNESS Set good team har- ness, set light harness rubber mount- ed, set plr^ harness. HAY & CRAIN - 30 bu. seed peas, 20 bn. \vhont, 05 bu. seed oats, denn- ed, <"0 bags potatoes, a'<oul 10 ton TERMS OF SALE All sums of ten dollars and under cash; over that P^O- -> t,, n month'!' cr"djt will bc (> :. >. i-if. '.I joint notes. <5KO. WNCAN. Auctioneer. FOR SALE Team for sale; will sell reasonably, also a sow and eight pigs, will sell pigs separately. Phone 44 r 14 W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE -- Thc Ladies' Aid of St. John's United church has for sale an upholstered, leather covered couch. It may be seen at Mrs. W. Moore's. For Sale Pontiac Sedan 1929 Yorkshire Boar for service. Terms $1.00. John Oliver, O.D.R., Arte- mesia. FARM FOR SALE The Executors of the Estate of the late Robert J. Stock offer for sale model in good condition, cheap for ; W. H Lot 7, 4th Con., Osprey Town- cash; also cow due to freshen end 01 : ship, CO acres more or less. On this April. Mrs. Walter Scott, Ceylon. property is a Frame Barn with Stone foundation, Frame house, well, and $1200.00 buys House and Lot with 10 acres of hardwood. This property Barn, Hard and soft water, Electric i must be sold to close out the Estate, lights and good garden in Flesherton. Anyone desiring to buy, apply for further particulars to Lucas, Henry & W. J. W. Armstrong, Flesherton. Lucas, Markdale, or to Dr. R. L Care- FOR SALE Pure Bred Hereford foot and Wilfred Teeter, Executors, bull; will exchange for a good heavy horse, preferably a mare. Apply at once. Roy White, Flesherton, R. R. No. 1. FOR SALE 2 Durham cows, 1 fresh, 1 to freshen soon; 20 sheep and their lambs. Everything must be sold as I need the room. Fred Stuart, Flesherton, Phone 29. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Tamworth Boar, "Legal Tender", 7 mos. old; TERMS: $1.60, strictly cash. -JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton. FlOR SALE Why bother with BOAR FOR SERVICE. Retfitered Yorkahire Boar for r- vke by FUiherton Bacon Hog dob, property of the Ontario Popart' oil stock when you can lose money on hogs; try a pair and be convinced ; ' n >*nt of Agriculture. ready to wean. F. Russell, Flesher- ' ' ' "-C. ST1WART, Caretaker. ton, R. R. 2, phono Markdale 30 r 141 i - ______ FOR SALE Good strong driving j horse, good for work on farm as well as driving; also 2 young pun-bretlj Hereford bulls. Apply to Geo. A.I Ihitchinson, Kimberley. BUSINESS CARDS CEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terras 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaratesd b'OK SAI.K Cement Garage am! Dates m * de Bt Tho Advance office. garden on Hill St. Flesherton $400. Also good building lot for sale on Sydenham. St. W. J. W. Armstrong, Flcsherton. FOR SALE Registered Short- horn Bull, rising three years; two cows due to freshen in April, also ' - Dr> W " D " Br >*. L. D. S.. D. D. S ' de " tal "I"* 00 *"- rduate of Uni- TV y W * t - ^ ">*" ed for k-jctcaeUon. Office at tha rwl- dani of Dr. E. C. Murray. ToronU street, Flenherton. Phone 89. Princ* Arthur Lod^e, MS. A. F. A team of good work horses, will sell, A. N. lueete in the mawnic Hall over cheap. Apply to Bert Magee, phone Kennedy's store, Fleohrton every Fri- day on or he/ore th Nil moon. W. M., C. MeHrum; Secretary, H. A. Feversham 5 r 11. FOR SAIJS Matched team ot heavy mares; Set heavy harness with '.ireeching (nearly ncw); set of plow haimvs (nearly new); Waggon, ,al- moil M..W): Walking plow. NV 31 I'lrury, (nearly new); also a quam it N ' ' McCnuley. , ^ Kaittin *' Licensed Auctioneer P tte 2**** Grey and Simcoe * *** ale. a speciality. ms moderate satisfaction guar- onts. pea, and hay. - Apply to Mrs.; antMd . A11 an , nifcmcnta ,, <!atp , .. J. \ au.e. tol. mav lo made 19 i: 1 .. Atlvonec of ficc or

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