A ZH<w to pbty Bridge AUCTION * CONTRACT -4" Wynne Ferguson Author of 'ntACTICAl, AUCTION BRIOCB* ARTICLE No. 1 There are certain hands on which- tk beat of players will always differ. ud It U a lucky tiling (or Auction and Contract that this :s so. It is this very Tariety of opinion that make* the ; gamea interesting. No doubt it ia a! me thing to agree about some things. tut i!fe woud soon lose Its savor if we 11 were of the same opinion about Terything. Arguments are stimulat- teg an4 keep the interest alive. This ! particularly tme of Auction and Con- tract, and the very fact that some kands cause ecdless discussion and a wide rarietr of opinion shows why tk games are so fascinating. The fol- lowing kand it a good example. It was recently inbrnltted to the writer aa a and OB which BO good players seemed I* agree as to the proper bid. What do you thl*k? Hand No. 1 It !s an i. .r - : still an opn one. Hand No. 2 Hearts J. 10, 8, 3. 1* iJlubs J. -., 3 Diamonds 9. 5 Spades K, 6, 5 bj^ct an-! - !ar : A No score. 3rst game. Z dealt, bid i one no trump and .. passed. What should Y now bid with th foregoing hand at either Auction or Contract? Hand No. 3 Hearts 8, 2 Clubs J. 9. 8. 2 Diamonds 10. 2 Spades A, ~. 6, 5, 2 U*arta A Clafc S, 7, I. 5. 3. 1 Diamonds A, 3, ~. 3 SpadM A, 2 Vo core, rubber game. Wha; should ! X, M dealer, bid with the foregoing ' haad at either Auction or Contract? i T% writer will glre his opinion in the tut artlcl*. There ia one type of hand on which ike well-known writers and playen of ike gam* UU disagree. When partner fcad bid one no trump and second hard kas pateed. what type of hand justifies takeout at either Auction or Con- tract? If you want to get into an ar- gument, Just star a discussion of this object, and you will probably find aa any opinions as there are players. It '. the same thing with the writers : e* Auction and Contract. They mil! ileagre* and the result ts a wide di- wrsity of opinion. The following; kands illustrate the principles of the : take-out, both at Auction and Contract, al the writer will give his opinions IB t next article. U the meantime think It over anj tocuss your opinion with your friends. No score, rubber game. Z dealt, bid oce no trump and A passed. What should Y now bid with the foregoing kafid at either Auction or Contract? Tie following band his recently been brought. to the writer's attention and the proper play is so i&Uresting and Instructive that !t ia i - as . problem: Hand No. 4 Uearts A. K. Q, 4 Clubs J, 10. 9, 4. J. i Diamond 5 1 .-'rades A. 4 ! leans 10. 9. . -' Clubs A. K. g. : Diamonds 3. S. J Spades Q. 6 No score rubber game. Clubs ar*i trumps and Z is playing the hand. A opens the king of diamonds and all follow suit. H then leads the trey of spades. How should Z play the hand so that he can make game so matte; how the remaining cards are butedT Solution in r.<e\' j * A New Central Arcnlre Will B Built In Moscow, Costing Two and a ' Half Million Rublss." So reads one headline. And hre is a typical ' news item. Th* aouaing associa- tion of the Krassnia-Presania qoar- , ter complains bitterly that Its mem- bers keep talking about progress /e: never accomplish anyhinj. Work- ers' Community House No. T has only one light, a single petroleum lamp. In Leont!7$ki Street a com- munity boose where 22 people lire has on!} one t*akettle>. Tne men in rharge- of these houses are to blame and most take the responsi- hfittjr. Some concrete instances of the daily misfortune of standing In Hue! for necessities are given. At Shop, No. 10-J5 of tie Mosiva Rlv^r Co-! operative society people had to stand : for hours in the early morning wait- ing for vegetable oil and venison. WhyT The goods had been deliver- ed the previous evening, bat there : was no pomp for the oil and not ' enough room on -.he counter for the ; deer. "Why should we hurry?" :he store manager asked the reporter | who was investigating the incident. ) "We always get rid of all oar goods." At Shop No. !32 long lines stand waiting every day. The cashier Is tcdostricas bat the cash register does not work. . A brilliantly written article dea eribes how a member of 'i new generation was walking along a street lit by bright arc lights. H was gailng in wonder on a new theatre ! when he sw the lth century emerge . from a basement window in the form ! of a rat. There are 2.500.000 rats : In Moscow today, almost as mary as there are human beings, according to scientific estimates. I: is tr-e that Moscow does not hold the re- cord for rats; it has less thaa Paris, London, and Hamburg: bu: it :is plenty just the same. People have began to flght bedbugs, though. w;-n resolutions more than witfe chem:-jl formulae. The articles goes on to ask: "Why don't we talk more about the rats, about thee relics of ye- ttrday that we inherited from Ts^-r.'^: and Chat still make their way into the life of today along with the most modern bread factories, coir I bouses, and educational parks?' Another headline reads: "The Par eel Did Not Arrive." Here are =-x erous Instances of pa^ages arriving The Daily News In Soviet Russia By GUNTBER STEIN German journalist, writing in the "Berliner Taoeblatt." Brl>n Dally very country shows Us true face to Its newspapers. They reveal its fcaractar and its circumstances. What they contain and what they awk. wht they emphasiie and what; *y conceal, their prohibitions and liberties. t*!r style and form of| ireating the news all these things ' ar mot chance creations. Thej r- ; K*aat, consclouaJy or anconsciona- ! *y, a portrait ot an entire country, a eaape hot of a riven people at a I t'T.n time. I uote hers the contents of a pop- \ tar Moacow evening newspaper, one *: less serious, less scientific, tasji factual and Jry than the big ewspapers that sell by the million* and that are road by the '.ntellec i elect. "Mos.-o- ia the Evening' ia published by Use City Soviet It ha: four large pases, each of wh -fe It divided into seven columns. It contains \bcmt one page, of adrertiie- ments. It begins with fore jn politics, aad ; the world resolution U ccnstac-'y featured. Here is a three-column headline: "Today the Geneva Gas- bag* Go Into Conference. Geneva I.acke> s Prepare to Serve Japan butt , Eipnfss Every Sympathy for RESTFUL SLEEP for FRETFUL, FEVERISH CHILD WWi Cosfono i regulation Wn*n four child tosses and cries < la his ileep. it means '- ! net eoufortabl*. ' *. often :ie troubl* to that volscnoa* wast* uatt*r . ot f.E4 can-ied off M It ibottld (it . >9W*1* u4 help mild, gratl* *]p kat *Cctlv*. Just :t, kind dstorte I'.VM Castorla I* a pars i*g*4afel*pr*paratlon made special- ly fcr eMlortn a s".n:*nts It oo&- tala* ao karab, harmful J no ar*U*j. Doa't tot your child '* *j< ut yar own a* tnt*rrupt- 4. A pwayt don *f C*st>rla will Itttl* bowels to act. omtort and restful :**l 0*aatn too o*m: CASTORIA The dispatch Itself consist* ot a telegram from Paris. Then follow brief, more or less factual report*' on the Russo-tierman economic negotiations, the end of the Indian Hound-Tab!* Conference, flfct crUts 1 in Morocco, secret Fascist organUa- , tions in Stockholm. The newa columns are broken by an almost un- j recognizable* picture of the unem- ployed in New York The Russians emp.iasuze with in- credible cleverness and incr*dibl*j success the> efforts cf separate unit* and of ths vbole economic system to put through th* Five-Year Plan. ' AJ article with two pictures on the first page bears a three-column head- ' line: "The Iron Baker. Bread Fac- tory No. 5 a Brilliant Achievement of the Soviet Union. Engineer Mar-, akor Is the Organizer of th* ; Triumph." The dispatch t* written I tB a good, sharp style. U relates; the.*. German and English manufaec- ( urers ot machinery Uad asserted that j their methods were the most high- ly rationalized, but Russia has com pletely outstripped them by building; a bread factory without foreign aid ' Not one foreign nail was used. The factory ts readr. Nine persons !n la-fat working hours can tnake 10.- 999 loaves of bread entirely by Tna chtnery. The second p*j COUIAIUS Jsrlp- , tloM of dally Soviet affairs. Dvry other word is r*lentle*s self-criticism On* must admit that k U a s'gn ot strength that this expanding, ambt-j tious sysim permit* Itself so much canjMd self-criticism in oublio. Tasrs t* a description of bow j Moscow has failed to r*c*Iv . supply ot 'n-j \^ f aocords&g to plan. In*t*ad *t to* IU.ST4 too* ot potato** feat - . rappo**d to have b*a d*llv*r4. sne % ha* received only 111.441 too*. r*n ' the deliver!** that are mad* often go to th* wrong plac*. A "flying patrol brigade" discovers each day .iojens of "criminal f;uluv* to pvvv vld* th* necessities ot lit*." In one place carrots are rotting: la ovbe- !>!ac** potatoes are freeing. Under an oval ilio;ojr.ii>h ot s allor m**smM! .' >t':i<'< is a cap, 'on praisins \\ TrwbntkoT, ta* v worker of th* i;th Moscow ' 1'liing faotory. ^hlnb completed It* M soheUnltvl MttfRtf Jor th y**r \> -t>'or the >ear had late or no; at ill. It took 19 days j fcr one package to get from Smol- ] ecsk to MMCOW, and la 1931 alone 110 package* were los* ia the Movow Central Post Office The advertising columns begtc with the announcements of theatre* oncerts, and circuses. Then there is half a column of offers t ' buy or sell. Naturally, more people want to boy. There are doniands for sUe- board*. typewriters. pianos, chairs cameras, and phonographs. The ob- jects for sale include men's coats. telescope*, writs watches, bear nie- and an old hotel. A Leningrad operative i dvertlsee for an unli:i quantity ot turnip* and cabbage, and the state meat trust *.mt. to buy two nio-orcvi :<>. Then come the BIOS: urgent d<> sands of al!, the demands tor dwell- ing place* "The occupant o' a room in Leningrad containing 153 square feet is looking for a room ic Moscow \\ : eichaage a corridor room for two rooms, paying al! costs." Wanted, a re-ox Will pay 100 ruble* a mouth " "Will exchange; room containing 43 square fet tor larger room, paying all cov.s.' \Ve need rooms aad houses for foreign specialist*." announces a trust. "Will ' exchange flte-roorn coun'ry house for one room !n Moscow " -Will rent corner of room to student who will: educate a boy " There is also a labor exchange j column whose few Items confirm th* tact that no real unemployment exists in Russia. 'Looking for work as s dog trainer.' "Old cook seeks em ployment in state Institution or hos- pital." 'English. G#r:v.ao. and, French, seven rubles a moats." There ar* jobs offered to stenographers with th*:r own typewriters and Jobs !a th* Caucasus for engineers, me- chanic*, and so forth Such are the con-enis of a typl- eal number of s popular Moscow Gold or Ancients Found In St. lve St. Ire*. Knc V glitter of gold a the earth et a bauk on which h was at work caught the ey* of a laborer om Amalveor farm, not far troai St. ITS*. Search revealed two long twisted ribbons ot gold and sli n**rly complet* circlets, also of gold Th*s* latt*r are thought to bar* b**n used as arrr.'.ets Antiquarians think, that :t*s gold ornament* probably cam* from Ire land as U U known that th*r* was muca Intercourse between Rheumatism So Bad He Had to Quit Work AA01 brpr Nat Bitted Sin "I was terribly bothered with a weak back and rfaeumatiss in my shoulders." writesA!- bert Berber. Wlrgie. Oct. "It got so bad I had to stop workirz aid stay in the ho :*. I ws two weeks in bee, when a friend aovised me to try Dr. wn-amV Pink PuTs. I gave the Pills a fair trial, and they relieved me ngt: away. My back a food and strong cow. ami I am working every day. I have never beea bothered with rheumatism since. I recommend them for anyone sctfeeng from Rheumatism. Lame Back. Sciatica.* Rheumatism and kindred aDments thin the b'ooc very rapuily. Dr. Williams' Pink P23s fgri-t the biood stream and crea new red biood ceDs, which is the reason they ire so successful in combat - t?-g such iHmects. Eq\a!iy good for 3 rundown or nervously nthi'jted peopw. Try them. At yocr druggist s. 5Oc. ^ What New York Is Wearing Fxntilkid IT ANN < . -tV e crr< c.tt .: :>.. - -- . gktl? tte\i wrapped iices. It i* giver $: j-.-. cvctrmsi through toi't whit* cr*p* silk collar anc cuffs with pleated fril'.ec *cg*. always so charming. The novelty b'a:< shiny bi:t-.Ts ice a ceec-:- ative not*. This captiv.it r; '..::. u *ut . Sty> N>. 3481. comes :n sues 14. 16. IS. JO yea- M U W inch** bu?:. SU* 1 requires -' yards i-4 inch, with 'j yard 3^-inch contrsst- -(-- Persiar ;;;?. woolec with brown woo'.en and brown leather belt is a strikirg color combination much favored by yo. ' id green ervp* < . .;h self-fabric trim i< ; '.I ar.cther c- jfh:ol Me*. KO\V TO ORPKK KATTr'KNS. \\--.t your -a:r.<? and aiidre** y :'>-. giving r.u^i'rcr and sin of inch patterns as yvu want. Enclose -X- -. t:a:-'j's or coin (.coin pre- ferred: wrap ; caret j'.'.y) >r ea-'- nanifc r, fed auurvss your order- to Wi'.scn Patterr . er%ice, TS Ade'dY.* S-.. Toronto. Will You Pay 3c To Be Rid of Your Indigestion ? Owl Laffs Editor "Did you ever wrt'.e aay- i thing before?" "PAWS All OVER ME" Authoress "Oh. yea ! wrote a ccn- fessloa s;>rr once." Editor "DM the editor send it ! back?" Aathoresi "No. ie came vl_ the; Again! -Val once aga^n .~ was the " litti* dafly <i,Mc " ,..f Kruscbea that cm*. 4'jered .-. In int. it Bade ''"f sufferer " (ffl ever so wnU " ^ from New Tor* to Lo*UT:::e to ' ^^"S^ftSKtfSSi head and joints ; pain all over me. 1 fei: tired going to bfti, tirrti getting meet me. " r "Do fishes really go about in schools, mommy?" Mother "Yes. iea.-." -.er "Wei; , what happens when the tea.:hrr g-rts : hook?" , up. I was in a very Lad way. I laid up foe over a iaonth,"anii th do..tor wh. atter.i^.1 .T.e said I wa winVring irom ai.'ote rhwiiaaii^m, and aifvised me r.> taJte Krun-iuai a In less than 3 month* I feft I can't ttaoJe yoa eaoafh fcr Customer "You made a miacal*. 1 * I p 1 ' prim-ipte is this : Kruseiuta Ban* Teller-- We r.vr aiaie r..s- ? 1)ur **? * " i avid crystals woi.-a cause your pain. Your pains ease : knotted joints j takes here Cnstomer "Thee I'm much obliged fcr tie extra $2'). ' beecene Tn tie " little daily d>>e " >( Kri*?hen so stinm- latea the liver and kidaev? >H your There LS j-is; .ae -jitg -JIA: cac. ba; ' "^^ " *"? d * n - >li*-hj*voM'urJe a go. 3 d wli*-*-d thai U a bad ias- m '"" : " *' ** ***** to band. Oir idea of a self 'entered ic- of nothing worta wiile. Then there is the soces . - - - - accumulate. FREE TRIAL OFFER oci.cg vorta wiile. Then tiers 'j u 7 ^ a ^ --. K-.er - *: &?-*:?*? erim^* lai- OM TC.O a::s it:i: sec* :-e J***2gp^uStr?5^SS'^^5 i^ es along :? ?csh "fee -e-: --.tg ITSyirr :':': " : - r Z2rr^ ; Uttia Jackie waa vlsitirg fr.eccis, , and his hostess noticed vha: lie - __ cot eating his spinach. Hostess "That's good for you. i Ja.-iie. Yc: cugit to ea: .v Jackie "N-j ma'&m. At o--r iouae ::- : a- Te-ns. " u or liit 5 of ov_- stii tr^: txy--! -= '-- i ^ ' t . -<-. ^ c - ^< -- - --JJ -" - tot -< *-- . TJc. ia>iEi*:t j *aa w-dioct (rJetiTC =. "How are yc: gf_sg e. kep:;j be3 ' " er Henry "Very wel Is i: :r.e that Margaret has a We secret sorrow?" - Vw : hasn't sr - tav-e not hai much, honey . B=it the TOG abo^: if!" bees have sf.cg xy n; --- - iw - ?rr -rcw Classified Advertising Lawyer- \Vi--eTere yc c tit T" - Ti \V- iT.enioc.B of th* nth" ^raaSsstsmt f *V rm* M' ' Defeaac: "W-rH x cf my Lawyer S . - ; r . jrcbaily." Defesdaot "Ye - - aoth of them were 'awyerV B-4JT CXICX8 i "" \yyrg- <! .-Sirts. - .-_. - ' .-rr:=e=t tM .- ''> ^j.:':": LT 5rt<xi. ''V. -.t '. - s A ;V- _\_:. iirs. Sii.ee. one- fr** -^-.j. .-.< ._ i?. s-. _-.- J-A.- half cf t--. - - i igr-.-rin: of how - the o:a*r ialf lires." "-'- is* # V- ma ctr A - - ^ :-- . , -- -r .---.-< r^ :o F-; ' - '-INT. CRETONNE. < K?--i-:s. I: i "re.-;. C-v '.'^.i - :' .-.;-- . in -i.-. ii. tssee ' . A .-: saw *!*!=* Is . '.' . . * b ti :: on :<* to ? t ca?. W**:;ir - ^er? Fr-.iar prob*b: fcl- r J rjj.y BrashrLl* Bugle. xat y __4 ris c--. At --;-- **-'cr-s o ' * - siirts. mer; r sj. ha: .jc ^<e a lot cf : Baa i!r.daes ri*Tr barns sour. - : . of Johnny We" ' aetic" * b - : do my a.-.tn- RE-TINNING "- ' -~ r~a > - * 3.a: . H - ... *'^rn.-s r: .---: a: <?.< "tn- y_-^ij k Tlas-.u Co. Ltd. r. i -. . Tor-.i- - So Ge-t -e Stally goi a break .' : 'Yes. anc sit i ! : t breach of pronvs*." y-t Co', (fg-.ir. HV.-W to you like my -ew tkirt cow that yoa've worn It |aU day? 1 Second Collegia- -"Ok :;'s al; r:gh!. but the cstf? don t take fek very weil." WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co, Ltd. 2 CMLRCH ST. TORONTO Hr to a y*it!r (urBt* n euJ- _ frvra tn<2i*tioB. vur. add ttoat- Irelani! ach can *Sor\i to igncrt. WUUa two . _ ._. mlnu:** by tk watch, at a cc*t of act and Cornwall during the B.onie Ag., mop . tfcM |o you maj . . w of m|1(i * ttomach. Icdts^sUoo. Koatlng. t**. Worth Watching , **=. stomart 1*10. D* you doubt U? Then ( to ysur A clergyman, oblisinj a ;<k frinu ur9t drur stor* -.j srt a packaj* by pr*achinj for him, was struck by , ?^ c{ ^ ur t t 'iftJ?*t n h e ,* 1 ftrJt U do"9r y?l do le attention cd 1 the eorgvegatior. ! not fttl lt la vor( h it* weight in -old. '.: th blchins; cat >. rain are wt rt!Ttl coinplttely. ycu my ha^ your tuoaey back. F'.iurmtJ \ltf.-?>'* 1* M ea '.*! roslttv* urTit bo^^i w i-ow Tabula stomach UUtr*s. It is used ? thouiands of >:om>i:h ull*rr t d'J Never one* thtvujh th* sermon they Uk* their r e* off him. "What an icteiiigent lot of peopV he said to the vevjrer. after the ser \ : c. "Really, 1 was delighted '." Ules.v 'ft. sir." replied the verger, tve was all war.ipg to *e* you disa?- ., . , What do you mean. Well our o'd culpit's got prettv t'hi, last n,onth'r,o..,o you'-; hv!,r than cut world ovr. Til* coet ts about Jc fr do*. Tou just simply rn't afford to 'j!T*r lonftr with stomach d!:r. Mid stomach tnd lndi*s:'jn whtn r'. rvlttf . o ln*x|>D*i've. i'-T u ]u*t one* i' - a heavy n**l *nd M* fcr yours*'! bow aftcally It i see ;u :atii-g s --.-. - -'to fa:c Isst night?" LVr-ls - Gee. > .-: 3- awfully i- - Prospecting In Street* Forbidden in Australia Uel&o-ir:-*. VI.- Mining n n*-: tie '&:> ti> ' ear\'i!ng for gold IB Ber.digo. Scm* ecttrprislag; :r or-l:^-'.t*rs recently foucd ths.- the dust from a suburiaa street con- tained payable gclj. Two youtig sien aroused inttres: la Eagleta^i a Becdigo suburb when they :>egn r-lgorously *wping the surfa.> of Caldu?ll's Read with hard brco=-s They, swept th* dust Into teajs. j'.'.^e.ed '.'. into barrows, and wheeled it away to aa old dam. where :tey tipped It lato a "crad'e" ' and shook it till goMen sp#cfcs ap- peared Far fron: appreclaiicg the fac; tha: tee road was being swept beau- tifully clean, however, tae borough aetiuTities sect alocg a poikemac. trto seised the brooms. vk barrows, aad "cradle' and Ut* goid du*t on th gi-ound that th* sweeping was ovtng the surface ot th road. IE volvicg civic *xpcs tr repair*. So cow ->< Road *J <*ty sgtir. and what rsaia^ni ef Its 1 gold*n treasure wl loft undla turned. Ar. eliierly couple wer charged with or*ating a breach of th* p*a* ; a tkeir own home. "How did you com* to caus* this disturbance at your cwp. flwside'.'" asked th* mar 1 * 1 * 4 *- "^*-- U was Ik* : r*pl!*d th* old wc- "John acd I w*r* i at '. v Sr*. Johc was reading aia n*wspap- ' and I was thirVins;. Tn*a I tamed to him and saidt 'John, sh**p ar* am 'i. stupid, aren't th*>yV A*^ Jenn a ; . ; Yes. wy lamb'." Safe for CHILDREN ACID ISSUE No !f men wro '* ai* to t a ; stup'.i ' MAN\ p<op'c. :->o : -* Jil*r eating, suffer uuii^tioa < they call it. It is usually ee<s acid. Correct it with an alkali. The bst way, the quick, harrnlcss and cil'--.-'.^!^'. wmv, k Puiilip*' Milk of Majnwsw. It 'nas rernAiad for 50 yars th* standard with physicians. On< spoon- ful in water nvttrulUes n;.iny t -. its volume ia stomach acids, and at once. Th* symptoms o ; <upMar i fl\* uunutw. You will noer xi cruu* m*tcco* whn you k.uow this better method. And you will ue\ suffer faun cace* acid" wha you prove out this *sy Be sure to gt lk gen'oiiie Pkiiiin*' Milk ol Mun*si* prescribed By ixhvsicians for 50 years in correct:])^ excess acids. 3CV: a bo.U any drug store. The ideal dentifrice fcr twtb and healthy fvms a Pc Deatal Magcesi* tootk-fasU.