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Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1932, p. 2

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NF5COUTS The Ontario Lone Scout Depart- 1 greater than they ever before had ment has now '.>cen in existence for{ The opportunity to manufacture and three years and duilng that time a large number of boys in all parts of the province, who otherwise would not have had the chance, have availed themselves cf the opportunity to take an active interest in the Boy Sco'it Movement. In addition, the l/rie Scouts have ptved the way for some thirteen regu- lar troops which ha> - sprung into being as the direct result of the hard work and tenacity cf individual noys or gr< i ps. With an active membership of over throe hundred Lonies, we look forward tr. our fourth year with optimum and hipc for the opportunities \'> bring Scouting into the livis of a greater . umber of rural boys than ever before. A CALL TO SCOUTS. A rail to Scouts for ir.creasH -r- \ ice during the national crisis was made by Lord Baden-Powell at the annual meeting of the council of 'he a- sociation in Ixmdon. The Scouts, he said, were first in the field on he of the Circ.'t. War to ,-ender help behind the scenes, and the pres- move to service, as the Prince of Wales had said, was not mean*, ti be a mere flash in the pun, but an under- taking "for the duiTUon" of the na- tion's trouble. The Duke <-f Comiaught, president OL the association, sent a messa,? 1 in which he referred to the fact that the v. .rid total of Boy Sc^ut-s win now more tl an 2,070,000. The above paragraph was taken from an English newspaper published in February and wov.'.d seem to indi- cate- lh::t there a--e greater difficulties i- the Old CVjntry than we in Canada appreciate. However, we. know 'hat ;he Scouts will do tneir best to help '..ghten the burden, and in this v.:itU-r the Lone Scouts can help considerably right here in Ontario. "Lone E" was visited a few Jays go by a business ma i from Vienna, Austria, who in the course of conver- sation, ttated th?.t after a tour of Ihe United States nnd Canada he found that the most adverti:ied word on this side of the Atlanta i.i ''Depression." Ax far as Canada is concerned, at :vny i ate, this !>houi<i rot be as at this .ime < anadiai. business j.eople have an op- portunity at thfir linger tip* which is Ex-Kaiaer's Son Germany's New President? sell Canadian merchandise and to use Canadian raw materials and re- sources. Therefore Lone Scouts should Keop a smile on their faces and talk not about the hard times, but rather about! the great OPPORTUNITY and the, good season that we are about *.O| enter. WHY IS SCOUTING SO POPULAR?) This question is easily answered! find the two following paragraphs will illustrate the reason. Boy Scouts own no superiority of Race or Creed, Color or T:ngue. Scouting is just as mu.-h designed for the hum'.ile boy from town or country as u in for the l ou of influential parents. Some people quibble about our uniform, but it is designed especially so that all boys, of whatever rank, shall look alike, and therefore all meet on : oot- ing. WESTERN INDIAN BOY SCOUTS. Authority from the Department of Indian Affairs has bon granted for the organization of a Scout Troop at the Sarcee Indian School in Alberta. The Group Committee includes Chic' Jim Starlight and Chief Big Plume. LATEST ROYAL JOY SCOUT. The latest addition Scouts" is H.R.H. Prince Adolf, eldest ?on of the Crown Prince of NEW Attacked Japan In League Assembly Evidently the ex-Kaiser's son has a following in Germany as h* has thrown his hat in the ring for the German presidency and may oppose Von Hindenlnirs. He will be first groomed as a Councillor In preparation for tlia running. He is shown with his children. profit and still another class of work- erg to add to the domestic market Canadian goods without increasing the products for which a market has to be found. The Dominion government is also experimenting with the British Pref- 1 erence in the hope of making it profit f!;,: Human Bloodstream Classified by Science By Or. Henri Szollos. in Le Mois, Paris (November, 19311 Centuries ago. scientists and medi- fourth class cannot safely be treated with any one of the others. The most obvious value cf these findings is. of course, In the way al- ready mentioned. Once the principle was established, there was no <" | Spokesmen Q f S ma U ef culty In using it on an eitenslve scale. . ,-. . , To-day there is hardly a hospital or a tlon8 at Geneva Urge school of medicine I nany civilized World Pressure to country that has not Its list of pro- to n( J Hostilities fessloual blood-givers, whose blood baa been carefully tested and classified so Geneva. Spokesmci. of the small* that there may be no delay In cases of nations, *hich hare no material ! emergency. Moreover, during the Crests in the Far i.ast, pronounced b Great War. transfusion of blood was fore the special Assembly of th carried In to such an extent that In League of Nations their public coa- the American army, for example, damnation of Japan's Invasion oC every soldier wore on his uniform the China and urged that all ths League'* class or group to which ha belonged, resourci so that first-aid might be rendered with all possible speed Although llif> question of heredity in mental or pi: iral characteristics has not been tied-, mined, there Is i\'> doubt concerning the heredity of blood- groups. For instance, there Is no case knowu of an infant having a blood- group that was not present in either one of his parents. Thus, If the moth- be employed to end the A number of the diplomats of tnen secondary powers made it clear they would Insist that the Assembly deal with the Manchurian problem as well as the Shanghai probl m. Thus they rejected the Japanese contention that the Assembly must ke<?p its hands nt Manchuria. Tsuneo Matsudaira and Naotake Sa- er's blood is A. and the father's B, the' 10 - the Japanese representatives, lis child's may be either or both. On the other hand. If the parents' blood Is tened while European and South an4 Central American speakers denounced able for the American manufacturer ,. al meu bel | e v e d that the blood lust to produce in Canada for export to the f ,. om w(mnd or , n a gevere hemorrh- crvn-Tu LCTPI, Br ' tlsh Em P' 'age could conceivably be replaced by BISHOP A SCOUTMASTEB.) At present Canada's strength . but (lhe blood o , f rc8 hly-kllled animals. The recently elected Anglicar one of the forces which fortify Eng-| The experiments .however, were rare- AB. the child ruay inherit either A or! armed intervention by a strong Statt H Independently. I in tne territory of a weaker State and The stability of blood-groups is re-| wnile thev called for the earl J with markable. and lasts through life. | drawal of Japanese troops from Chin- Neither sickness, pregnancy, or acci- e ' e so " - dent have the slightest effect on themJ Tne smaller States Spain, conn The introduction of medicines, serums tries of Latln America. Estonia and or drugs fail to change their structure.! others were in the saddle, and they Some have claimed that variations made the most of thelr opportunity, have followed the use of narcotics and Foreign Minister Lub Zulueta ol X-rays but their claims have not been s P ain reproached Japan for attempt substantiated. I in S to settle the dispute by armed During the last few years there ha-i force inste ad of bringing her com- plaints to the League. "Neither the problem of Shanghai Bishop of Ontario, Rt. Rev. John Ly- land's importance in world affairs. But ons, is a Scout leader of some years' | there appears to exist a striking sim- cxperience. He organized and for aev-j ilarity in the situation of the British eral years was Scoutmaster of a troop Empire in 18r>0, the United States of at Belleville. He participated in games and hikes and took the boys to camp. CAMP. Do you intend to come to 1910, and the Canada of llt.'W. The Franco-Prussian War of 1870, in which England was a spectator sup- ly successful. In almost every case ' related to him. but since A and B been some attempt to establish pa- ternity or maternity on the blood- classification, but it can give no exact aor the Problem of Manchuria can b. result. Naturally, If the child's blood 1 fu!l >' ^cussed until the Japanese soi- ls unlike that of either of his supposed dle " ecte China," he said. "Erac uatlou must precede negotiations." He asserted that the Assembly parents, one or the other Is not thus . the patient. Instead of gaining Basses are extremely common, the , ought not to recognize any agreement child might quite easi.y have allied ' resulting from the Japanese military strength, weakened, and succumbed. This led to most countries forbldlng the practice by law. But science was not satisfied to let the question T- <t. On the face of it, the Ix>ne Scout Cam;> which will b| established the British Umpire as the great creditor nation of the world; the World War, in which Kngland par- ticipated to the full, and in which the United Slues played (for the most of plying the nwds of the combatant. ' an organ t | lat !s not d i 9e ased, but has ; tie the dispute. "For the League this problem is a question of to be or not to be. We want it to be." For information regarding the Lone, tnat period, at least* the profiting I)}'-] ln tne course o f their investigations I>ect, they are looked upon as prima : p et e r Munch. Foreign Minister ot held this summer? if so, start those nickels now, and let your Scout- master know that you wish to be en- rolled as a Camp Prospect. been merely weakened by loss of blood should be restored to health, as naturally a.1 hunger is appeased by food. Clearly, the fault must lie in the blood used. blood without It proving either pater-' activities. nal or maternal relationship. The examination of blood-stains "The League must be the bulwark j n 'of the weak against the strong," he the investigation of a murder Is be- said. 'Spain desires the League t coming of more and more value. Na- use a " the Powers It possesses to set- turally, If the stains belong to the vie-] tlm they are of little assistance Ifi found at the scene of the crime. If, however, they are discovered on wea- pons or clothes belonging to the sus Scouts, which branch of Scouting is open to all boys between 12 and IS years of age who cannot joint regular Scout Troops, writ* lo the Lone Scout slander, -Imaged .lown England snJ established the United State* as the world's great creditor. Why sho-jld not another great war. instead cf de- Department, Boy Scouts Association, I "troying civilization entirely, cause the I!30 Bay St., Toronto 2. final break-up of the Brif..ii Empire, drag down the United Stau-s towud England's present plight, nnd I.ONE K." I The natural resources of the Domin-! ( 'nda to a minor pinnacle? Canwla . . ra _ _ _ 1* - A Dominion of Canada New World Power flsherie *' min * s> forests - wat * r power, ion fall into five major categories: By W. W. McLaren, Professor of Economics at Williams College, in Collaboration with J. J. Gibson. Though still nominally a constitu- 'innal dependency, the Dominion of Canada during the past decac'.e has achieved political and economic inde- pendence. hai taken her place among the select few of the money- lending nation* <-f the world. Between 1921 and 19'JR, Canada produced wealth at a rate which permitted the net export of approximately $800,000,- c'K). Especially significant is the fact that her secondary production, whuh consists largely of manufactures, has more than kept pace with her primary production, which is divided between agriculture, forestry anil mining. Can- ada has been for many years one of the important primary producers of the world; the recent temendous in- crease in the value of her manufac- tures has raised her from obscurity in 1914 to fifth plaoe, in 1928, among the manufacturing nations. and farm lands. Of all the countries of the world Canada stands first in production of nickel and asbestos, se 1 - ond in cobalt, third in gold and silver, fourth in lead and copper, and sixth in zinc. Canadian forests are becom- ing of more importance. Available American lumber has been dwindling rapidly, and the .-vur-increasi'ig le- tr.und for wood pulp arid newsprint should bring forestry to the very fore- front of Dominion industry. Canada's enormous potential production of hydro-electric energy is important fllso, and attracting to the Domin- ion certain industries, such as the Aluminum Corporation, which require great quantities of cheap power. The second of the basic causes for the development of the Dominion is the sturdy pioneer spirit of her people, which has shown itself in the perse- vering opening up of the west and north country, and in the gallant past- war struggle to extricate the nation from a precarious economic position. The careful restriction of immigration can be counted on to preserve the Nor- has sufficient natural wealth to l>ring such an outcome within the realms of possibility, even though its small -i/. in relation to the natural -.%-ealth of the United States would ~ause her never to re<ich the postwar credit pin- nacle of our ri.untry. Such an event- uality, concentrating as it wuM the credit and most of the natural wealth of the world in the western hemi- sphere (for other semi-developed neu- trals like Argentina and Brazil might be expected to profit, also), rcignl bring about the transfer of the finan- cial, cultural and diplomatic centres from one side of the Atlantic to the other. And who can tell but what in that readustment Canada, with her vast natural resources, might not em- erge as one of the great nations of the world? Condensed from W.rH's Work by The Reader's Digest. the doctors discovered that when the ] f cia evidence, but must be corrobor-i Denmark, asserted that the failure to blood of a rabbit was mingled with ate d by other evidence. There is al- declare war did not absolve a natiou that of a dog, the red corpuscles of the ] wa y 8 l!l e possibility that the blood ( from its engagements under the Kel- latter dissolved the plasma of the ma y have come from some other | logg-Uriand pact. The League, h former, and both suffered serious re- ! source 1 nine same group. When the j said, must apply all tJie means at Its suits. Other experiments established , stains reveal a group that does not disposal to enforce its covenant, the curloui fact that animals of the | correspond to that of the victim, thei The spokesman for Estonia con same species, or even of the same ' search for the murdered is narrowed demned armed Inter. entlon by family had blood that mingled without ' down to those In the same group that any harmful results. This led to the , <-ie within the list of suspects. An Interesting side of the classifi- cation ot blood Is its apparent connec- bullet that when human life was at stake, human blood should be used. Curiously enough, the transfusion of ' tlon with the various races of the human blood, although at times sue- 1 earth. Among the civilized nations of cessful, often gave the same results the earth. O, tht fourth group, Is be- as had followed the use ot animal tween 35 and 45 per cent., with a few blood. Once again, the doctors seemed variations. a strong State in the territory of a -eaker nation. Dr. Eduard Benes Foreign Minister of Czechoslovakia, insisted that all nations must hare n* course solely to pacific means In set- tling disputes. Nicholas .'olitis of Greece proposec that the assembly continue to considet There is a notable pre-lthe problem uutil a settlement has to have been brought face to face dominance of A over B among the peo-' been completed. He suggested that a with a blank wall. At the beginning of this cmitury, Dr. plos of western Europe, and their des cendants all over the world. This pre- Landsteiner of Vienna began the ex- ' dominance may be as high as from 40 periments that have brought to the aid to 60 per cent. Generally speaking, of medicine one ot the most powerful the proportion of A to B decreases in methods the science has known. In a Inverse ratio going east, until in Asia lecture he gave in 1910 at the opening J n Is In places as high as 49 per cent. of the International Congress of I'hy- 1 AB, never common. Is, ot course, mere- slology at Vienna, ho stated that, while no two men were alike either mentally or chemically, yet It was possible to ly a secondary group ot A and 1!. The fourth group, O, reaches its greatest height among the North American In- existence of a fourth, which Is, how- To the war, despite its cost in n.en j <iic character of '.he people, the in- and money may be attributed the ere- fluence of which is of vast imjuvrtancc. ation of the Canadian nation as \vet As to technological progress, th.ttl know it today. Kuch of the five years basic cause of development, one ex- <rf war cost the Dominion an average ample is the introduction of tho : ir- of $.'{00,000,000 and uO.OOO men, yet wo ' plane in exploring "the northlaml. are justified in declaring that Cuimla' Among others w the |>erfection of the found herself, spiritually and coon- sulphite method of producing wooJ "inically, during those yar.->. She pulp. emerged from the conflict with her Thct fourth factor, very different Fort Anne National Park ( . veri dtremely rare. Impressed by the grca' historical j The classification of the blood importance of tho ruins of Kort Anne based on the theory that two factors at Annapolis Koyal, Nova Scotia, not which we may call A and B exist in only to Ciinadlans but to the descend- the blood-stream of human beings, ants of the mirly colonists along the | Clearly, there are four possible ar- Atlantic coast of North America, the raiisi-ments of these factors. A person classify them in a general and perfect- 1 dlans. the Eskimos, the aborigines of ly satisfactory way. He demonstrated the South Sea Islands and related that there are three classes of blood. ' primitive peoples, where it Is found Later. Jausky and Moss discovered the in as high a proportion as 91 per cent. The results thus reached give some colour to the theory that the people of the earth have all descended from three principal races. It is quite probable that tho group O covers the primitive characteristics, but it \.. doubtful If there is a single pure-blooded race on earth to-day, since therj has been so is Dominion (iovpnunent set aside tho may Imvti the factor A only, hn may ; much IntcrmiuglliiR through marriage, military works and about twenty acres J have the factor B only, he may have a surrounding them an ,t national park combination of both A and B. or he under the Department of the Interior. [ may have neither. Many of tU ffiiiurcs have been re- wars, and great national upheavals. The medical profession ha begun to Interest itself In the possible con- population w,.;.K'.I l.v .-.nui.on acri- from tho first tho principle' Thousalldl1 vlsit u endl i _ L:_I. __! ...ui_t. *.._. .. the numlii'is arc ' p imvmi It has been Hilly demonstrated that nection of the various blood-groups stored wlillo others have liou added j those belonging to Uroup A have blood | with certain diseases. One eminent so that tho pnrk Is one of the most which dissolves the constituents of doctor affirms that Group A Is more Interesting 'utorU: spots in tho Kast. ' Croup B. Tims whose blood is both i Kusct'ptllilo to tuberculosis, and that season nnd A and B have mi ill effects on cither ; Croup Is is more clearly cancerous. lice into a compact ami loyal people, 'of n high taritf which fosters industry essentially Canadian in spirit. i at the expense of agriculture; and we and Great I!n | must confess that tho results seem to have justified the .nethods. Many Canadian eonomiatfl fiml it I. an! tu hi-lievo that Canada will cling much longer to (he system of high the numbers arc plowing every yoar. taken separately, while those of the These are. of course, merely theories Th; United tain poured into Canada in that half 'Itcade more than two billion dollars and built up a / economic btf'ie- lure (for the production of necessities of war) whose potential output \\ us . tariffs, in view of its heavy burden many times the requirements of her upon tho already ir.solvent farmer. fight million* of people. When tho war ended the European market was once more .ijpplied by its own pro- ducers, and Canada was left with this great potential production of monu- Yet thu government is apparently committed to the protection of thu manufacturer. The caution of an Ad- visory Tariff Board in 1!2G to aid in fixing tho duties on a .scientific basis, factures, for \\Moh it could find no] as low as possiblo for the protection <-'.i.-umers. I of home manufacturers, was one boon Economically the Dominion was at to tho agricultural and other group.'. the parting of the ways, She might abandon an enormous capital inves 1 - mcnt, cut down her production and resign herself to mediocrity as an allowing the returning American tu bring in $100 worth of foreign goods duty-free. The dirTeii'nlia! bi'tw"n for the export marko's of the world.] Canada's British Empire l'i. The Dominion chose the second rates and the American dutie.- course, pursued it courageously :md One trndfl possibility which to the Canadian 1 ! thrifty eye Mi's in the loophole in the American tariff inferior power; or she might maintain that economic structure nnd competo successfully, and now seems to havo its goal clearly in sight. This pno'i- otncnal economic development may bo traced to four basic causes: her natural resources, the sturdy tpirit of her people, the tren. :, 1 natei margin on such Empire products as Australian wool, English woolens, and Irish linens, which is enough to afford American pir. > in Canada a substantial saving and the Canadian middlcran n tidy profit. If Australian wool ,s manuf'U'hirod New York Chinese Prolcst Japane:e Inva: special Assembly commission be named to follow the negotiations and to eiecute the Assembly's program "for re-establishing peaco and Justice." Enrique Buero of Uruguay said he was unable to accept the Japanese ex- planation that China was an unor- ganized State. He cited the reception of China into the League and its elec- tion to the League Council as evidence of Its sovereign s tehood. Portugal Also Urges Move Portugal's cordial co-operation in re- establish! g peace was offered by Fer nando Augusto Branco. "By the application of the covenant,' he said, "the League will assure that Justice be done betweer two peoples and w.ll re-estobllsh Its prestige." Delegate Braadland ot Norway said the Assembly should recommend mea- sures designed to end the hostilities and settle "the whole of tho problem," but that i'. ihould not confine itself tu recomm tidations only, but proceed al- so, If necessary, to employ all the re- sources of the Leagre covenant to re- store peace. Senor Restrepo. Columbian delegate. s;-id the Assembly mils' hold itself ready to name the aggressor and tu declare at the n.iropriate time that one of the parties violated th : covenant. The occupants of the Assembly Hall applauded Senor Restrepo when he sal dhls country stood ready to sui>- port nil decision*, whatever they might be, to Insure peace and main tain intact tho authority ot the League. Isle of Man Becomes Protectionist Country Douglas, Isle of Man. The Isle of Man, with a population of 50,000, has now joined Groat Hritaln as a protec- tionist country. The Tynwald Court, its Legislature imposed a 10 per cent, tariff on all soodx except those on the free list of the I niteU Kingdom's tariff act and with the addition of sugar, table w.i TS. and dried fruits. technological progress of recent years into the finished products in Canada, mid the pi'.trctive tariff policy pjnc- or British woolens tailored in the Do-' tkcd by both political parties. ' n.iimm, there results an additional 1 : l.'iits of N>'w York ettjr, ' 'iiily. held a parade protesting the Japanese invasion OL' , -j. Miss Lla Han Mt>ng .uij Wen Ling, art stiiiU-nt<, are shown with some of tho u<> . . tile march. The only way to have a friend Is to I; ; one. Emerson. < "Is it true you tiro i suitor for m. daughter's hand?" "Yes, but I iidn't. ' "Didn't what?" "Suit her!" as yet, but may lead to a much wider uuderstai.utng ot both the. cause and 1 vention of many little-understood diseases. The Magazine .Ugeat

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