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Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1932, p. 4

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.WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1932 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i Published on CelHnjrwood struct, I FUahertoD, WectaMday of each I week. Circulation ovr 1100, i Price in Canada $2.00 par year, | wh>n paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. |2.6U per year whe paid in advance $2.00 W. H. THUHSTON. r. t. THURSTON - The countess H. S. Literary Society The High School Literary held last Thursday at four o'clock was of a very high calibre. The program presented by Form 2, together with the "Astonishcr" was undoubtedly the best so far this year. A French chorus by the second form girls was followed by an amusing dialogue by Evelyn Brown and Mer- vin McFadden, also in the French dialect. Bessie Cairns then sang u delightful solo accompanied by Isobei McMullen. A humorous reading from of Bessborough, on' Stephen Leacock's Literary Lapses, Aasoc. Editor Editor A NEEDED TKECEDENT , , her journey to her home in England, I wa " given by Gordon Patterson. Tho for her first over-sea holiday since ' program was here varied by the Form Canada as' - Orchestra, composed of Jean her husband came to Governor-General, sails from Halifax on Saturday next. In preferring the Canadian route the vice-regal folk sat a good example to some of Canada's : public men who almost invariably j ver X humorous, prefer to use United States steam- ships when they go abroad. Note- worthy instances of this slighting of Canad' - n ships and routes are given Ly an Ottawa correspondent, who points out that when the recent trade conference between New Zealand anc Canada was held our commissioners not only chose a United States island for the meeting place, but travelled home by way of San Fran- cisco on a U. S. boat, paying, 01 course, a heavy discount on the fare. Not to be outdone in their "liberality," points out the correspondent, the Canadian delegation to the Geneva Peace Conference spurned the Can- adian steamshipjs regularly sailing from our ocean ports and took a Clerman boat from New York. A nice example to set to ordinary travellers, and scarcely a proper ex- penditure of good Canadian money in these days of shortage of national revenue. These public beneficiaries might well be made to follow the example of their Excellencies, whose patriotism and pride in our instutions are indeed admirable. EDITORIAL NOTES Will Henry Ford send a peace ship to Japan. stencroft, Bessie Cairns and Milford Piper and who were enthusiastically encored. Another dialogue by Richard Stewart and James McCormack was very humorous. Following a chorus by the girls, the Astonisher was ably read by Iren Martin. The principal, Mr. Thibaudeau, con- cluded the program with a short ad- dress, in which he showed the folly of wit and humor, which had to in- clude the names of students. He BOND SELLING CAMPAIGN SUCCESS IN SOUTH GREY The Bond Selling Campaign to raise funds for the work of the Ontario Boys' Work Board was an unqualified success, as iar as South Grey is concerned. With an obiectivn of $110 to aim at the groups comprising this district rai;ed ?262.75, almost two and a half times the objective Hanover led the field with $121.50 Durham followed next wi?h $91.75 Holstein and Dromore raised $31.51, and Flesherton had $18 as their total. Eve-;v 'boy selling $5.00 of bond? is awarded a brmze medal by the Ontario Board. Those selling $14.00 worth receive a silver medal and those who reach the $50.00 mark ge; a gold medal. These awards are not then complimented the editorial staff vet announced from Toronto, but It ' * 'is expected they will be in the nox- of (!hc paper which had just been read and which was entirely free of personalities. The principal conclud- ed by admonishing the students to cultivate a more serious attitude in view of present world conditions Tho meeting closed with the Nation?. Anthem. Letter From John Boyd Dear Sir I trust you and your estimable wife are enjoying good h-:alth and at least your share of prosperity which circumstances arc applicable to myself for which we are extremely thankful. These are strenuous times although locally here we arc giving out very little relief to our citizens and while it is costing our city a lot of money for relief the major portion is being fow Fire caused by the explosion of a lantern in the haymow, destroyed the bank barn, with live stock, implements and grain, on the farm of Thomas Mc- Kerr, in Equesing Township, north ol Milton. The South Grey Boys' Work Board has four special awards for the boys selling the highest amount in each of the four centres. The results to date as received by the secretary shoWthe standing as follows: Clyde McCallum, Durham |53.bO Wesley Wright, Hanover 36.50 Fred Mather, Holstein 15.00 Tom Banks, Flesherton , 5.0d Burton Bellamy, Flesherton .... 5.0C The boy selling the highest amount is entitled to a week at the summer camp at Holstein free, and the other four are each entitled to the week at camp at half the regular fee. These awards must naturally wait on a meeting of the Grey Boys' Work Board, when they will be satisfied and awarded. The local Board is naturally elated Shat the campaign should be such a success the first year of organization and is looking forward to a year ol real achievement. distant we shall often meet with you j at oice the impression that she war a person of more experience than her years would indicate. But it was when she began to speak that we were amazed by her maturity of thought Unassuming in manner, charming, even, her voice hnd a ring of author- ity, which showed beyond a doubt that her views were her own, not because she happened to belong to a politically minded family for three generations, as sue told us, or because she was :. member of the British Labor Party, but because she had thought out what she believed and was ready to stand We earnestly wish that you may en- ' joy many happy and prosperous years in your new home. At this time we beg of you to accept this token of remembrance which shows in a small way the high esteem in which you are held in this commun- ity. Signed on behalf of your neighbors Albert Blackburn Thomas Phillips The February meeting of Bucking- ham Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest Hawton on February by 't at any cost. 17th, with seventeen members pres- ent and Mrs. W. J. Conn, President, occupying the chair. The meeting was opened by singing the hymn, consumed by transients, who are veryi * " largely foreigners thanks to the 1 " Must * K and Empty Handed" and immigration Policy of the McKenzie' rp P eatin K the Lord's prayer in unison King Government (and by the way) A total eclipse of the sun, visible Mr KmK has termed the present !n the province of Quebec will brin?. two scientific bodies from Grrai Britain. It comes off o n August 31 and McGill University roof will be the theatre of observation. political situation as possessed ot double-barrelled leadership, which he can't quite understand. Well per- haps he will understand it later \vhen Meighen clean up the Bennett and dirty mess. After the business of the afternoon was transacted a dainty lunch was served by the hostess. In the even- ing the husbands and families joined for a social time and at the cjose of which a presentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie McMullen and Thirty-three thousand persons wen-l wi " tcr ' l woul<l "ay roal winter and . TI..:I 1 1 while 'jho winter is rr>l<I killed by automobiles in the United State.- l.i : year. Our neighbors do not need to go to war to get rid ol their surplus population. The Can- ad, an rt-cord >!' auto killings is hardly an improvement. W .Members of the Legislature at To- ronto M-I-III t., | )L . having a good holi- day this year. They sat for eight minutes on Wednesday last and ad- ' jouriit-d fur the day because the At- torney-General wa- absent and nont of the other MinisU-is could take his place. Another sign of the warlike aspect of affairs on the high seas is the iMiill < f Canada's navy, (all two of them) recently .started out on a vis- itation to cither lands. Better to ret;:ni and anchor without delay In one of Bay! \\ > fine navy! We are having quite a! Shil ' Ie - v - Mrs - McMullen was prc sented with a beautiful quilt, Shirley with a purse of money and Mr. Mc- Mullen a ring, the former two by the Ladies' Aid and the latter by the choir and quintette of which he wa-. a member. We arc sorry that time will not allow us to print the ad- winter is cold, it is alsn bright with much sunshine, which is very healthy weather with littlo 01 no sickness. I trust my eld <Vi e n ( | Pan, lhas fully recovered from hi-. HTi,:,.nt and with kindest regards to 1 the old friends. Sincerely. F. A. Bo yd the coves of Konchibougua-. are really proud of our Tho Ontario government made profit of $f,.J!U l 05. I J on the ?i:.,:{5,707 we th .,f intoxicating liquors sold by it lii-t yeur. In th .> times of lack of WM I. and trade depression it would have l.e-ii ,.,!! if the sale of Intoxt cant-, roulrl have been entirely sus- pended. M, ,..', j ,.nt could have boon much more usefully got rid of for food and clothing. Who was it who tried to discredit a Hiblx-jtJ ilh;trat(<n by alleging that the whale uf history had a nar- row swallow. Only the other day, one i p the whales washed ashore on Tory Island, off the West coast of North Ireland, when opened up was found to have in his stomach a sub- Rtantial mahogany box. This is no fairy tale. Times certainly must be difficult for some ooliticians. Hun. E. C Drury. former Premier of Ontario, and Pert Wemp, former Mayor of Toronto, each have i-arrifieed their principle* and taken salary increases which t (1 iey were (riven in their re- apertive offices. They were legally entitled to the money, but it dons upern mtrange that public men will refuse Part pay given to them by parliament Council for servk-e* rendered. It might not be so strange though m Mr. Wemp. will never again Heck tin Mayor's office in Toronto, nor will W--. Drury, a* he has been dofente.i V.rec times in an attempt to enter parliament and ii thought ( > !-... politically "dead." PRESENTATIONS A social evening was recently held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt who were leaving for their farm pur- "hasecl from Mr. Thus. Taylor, near Portlaw. Mrs. John 'TcKee read the address and Messrs. Aibert Blackburn e Fisher presented them some chair and book rack address was as follow?,: dresses. Clearly and concisely she outlined the British political situation as she saw it. The labor party in parliament had been torn between two courses cif action. The one section, headed by Ramsay MacDonald, had held that as the labor government was a min- ority government, it was powerless to pass legislation without the assistance of one of the two old parties. Hence A crate of eggs was offered at auction in Hamilton one day recently, but there were no bidders. The 'hen fruit' had come from China, packed 1 1 clay), and were believed to be 30 years old. Along with other Chinese goods they had been seized by excise officials in a search for narcotics. Mr. I. B. Lucas jr., of Markdale. who has been unwell recently, under- went an operation in Toronto and is making a satisfactory recovery. Then again, some of us might be better able to chase the wolf from the door if we could just keep the entrance to the garage closed so thai the kids couldn't get the car out. Why worry? asks the Listowel Banner. And now we can sit down and worry why so many people worry when there is really nothing to worry about. Small Advts. For Sale FOR SALE Young pigs. R Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALE 9 pigs, 6 weeks old Apply Archie McKechnie, Priceville. BERKSHIRES Pure Bred Eng- lish young sows and boars, from prize winning stock. Joseph Radley. BARN FOR SALE Frame 40x60 with track. Archie Currle, R. R. 3, Priceville. FOR RENT -House and Lot. Good six roomed house and garden in Flesh- erton. Mrs. W.^J. Caswell. WOOD FOR SALE Wood in the tree, 50c a cord. Wm. Hales, Proto r Station. FOR SALE Grade Ayrshire cow, 1 years old, due January 29th. Wm. Mather, R. R. 1, Priceville. YORKSHIRE Sow with litter ol tea pigs (Berk and York crossed) ready to wean. Joseph Radley. FOR SALE Four Shorthorn Bulls, about 13 months old, all reds and roans. Frank W. Taylor, Markdale R. R. No. 4. u n FARM FOR SALE 100 acres. Lot 2, Con. 8, Osprey. 40 acres cleared, 20 acres hardwood bush, balance swamp and pasture. Running water year round and good drilled well. For further particulars apply to Mrs. J. J. Haley, Eugenia. Ont. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received for 50 cord of green wood, 36 in. long for Flesh- erton high school, not more than 25Co beech, balance maple. Tenders to be delivered to W. J. Bellamy, Secretary of the High School Board. FOR SALE There is offered for sale by Albert Jackson, Bailiff, a quantity of ha y and straw on Lots No. 136 & 137, 3rd Range, North East Toronto & Syden- ham Road, Township of Artemesia, seized under warrant directed to him by mortgagee. Terms of Sale Cash. DATED at Markdale this 8th day of February A. D. 1932. Apply to J. A. Jackson, Bailiff, Markdale SOWS Choice young ones. Berk policies had to be framed with c and York, crossed. One free service view to enlisting support which was to Registered Tamsworth Boar, for non-sccialistie. Compromise led to further compromise and finally re- action at the recent elections. Jennie I-ce thought it was exactly what was coming to the labor party f or pursu- in.rr si-ch i policy. Tho other section, led by "Uncle Arthur" Henderson had always believ- ed and still believed, that socialism cannot compromise with capitalism Dear Mr. and Mrs. Plantt We. your friends and neighbors, are gath- ered here fihis evening to bid you adieu prior to your approaching <!o- : i.iurc for your new home. Youi 'oj.nirn in our midst has indeed been a pleasant one and it is with deep tcfrret that wo. think of your depar- ture. Our uppermost hope however is that since your ne\v home is not fai .n:\NIE LEE By Grace Maclnnis l-\>" several years we have been 'earing of Jennie Lee, ''baby member' of the British House of Commons. KbvtHd at 24 on the socialist tiek"t. -he was defeated nt the recent elec- tions. Now, at 27, she is visiting the United States and Eastern Canada addressing labor audiences wherever possible. In this connection she paid a recent visit to the Canadian House! of Commons, pnd snent .1 morning with the farmer-labor group. We met her thorc. One is a bit cautious about infant Prodi-Ties. So often the publicity given them far outshines their own achievements, which in so many cases become less and less as years pass But, there is nothing of the infant prodigy about Jennie Leo. Of medium height, dark haired and alert, she gave If labor were a minority government is letter begin by a socialisHp moo=, , ! . "The House oi Quality" Specials Corn .Syrup, 10 ll>. pail .............................. 64c Lard, 3 Ibs ................................................... 29c 24 Ib. baK Pastry Flour and 1 can McLaren's Baking Powder .................................. 74c Choice Cooking Apples, bu. basket ........ 60c Try a batf of (Jood Klmir, every bag' guaran- teed, priced from .............. $2.35 to $2.90 Don't forget your Purina All-Mash Startena for baby chicks for spring. Terms cash. JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON letter begin by a socialistic measure .such as the nationalization of finan e Of course defeat would be inevitable but the labor party could again come back secure in the knowledge that its principles still remained intact. It is to this smaller, radical section that Jennie Lee belongs. Forcefui and direct, there is something de- lightfully fresh and youthful" about her courage. One cannot h*lp en/y- mg the British labor mov enie nt il there are many such young people ii it- She shows that rare combination r enthusiasm and intelligence and real knowledge which alone can hop- for achievement. all sows purchased. Joseph Radley. FOR SALE 2 good cows, due about April 1, will sell or exchange for sheep or cattle. Alb. Blackburn, Phone: Flesherton 42r6. Notice All accounts owing the Osprey and Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd., must be settled by March 15th by ear.h or note. By order of the B"r>ard. FOR SALE Fordson tractor, newly overhauled, 8-foot-cut Deering Binder with new canvass, tractoi plow, seed drill, set of tandem discs, mower C-foot-cut, 40 inch bu*-. saw.' This machinery is at present equipp- ed for tractor hitch, can be changed to horse hitch. <}. F. Brackenbury Flesherton. Krbcrt Smith, f p oe l and reeve of Boljon is the only man in his district who has "1932" repeated on his auto license plates. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR TO RENT, the East 150 acres, lots 7 & 8, Concess- ion four, Township Osprey. About thirty-five acres under alfalfa, twenty acres fall plowed. Good water, fences and buildings. No reasonable offer refused. Apply, -J. C. HAMILTON, Glen Huron P.O., Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Tamworth Boar, "Legal Tender", 7 mos. old; TERMS: $1.50, strictly cash. JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ad- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS GEO E. DUNCAN " ' DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County erf Grey. Termi' 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Dates made at The Advance office. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Ul- versity of Toronto. Gas admintatw- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 99. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. F. & A. M. meets in the masonic Hall over Kennedy's store, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., C. Meldru,m; Secretary, H. A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock Terms moderate anteed. All arrangement's and dates may be made at the Advance office or addressing me at Eugenia. sales a speciality, satisfaction guar- *^***<^<K*<^<">*>^^ Pictures By means of the new VERICHROME FILM it i 8 possible to take Clear Pictures on the Gloomiest Days ls ideal for P icture Have a permanent record of that ski tramp or the snowshoe party as a pleasant memory. * ^ 6 C ,?F-, UP r ply y u t w \ th Cither Verichrom or the Standard Film for any Kodak. 2-day service on developing and printing. W. A. Armstrong & Son, Flesherton Jewellers and Opticians . . . .

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