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Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1931, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1C, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE { PaUlfthed. on Collingwood street, FkMherton, WoJntuday of each wk. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada |2.00 per yer, when paid in advance fl.50. In U. 8. A. 18.60 per year when paid in advance $2.00 JT. H. THURSTON. - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor IM.I-.l-l.y GRANT FLEMING. M.D. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY STATUTE LABOR The Advance confesses that it was considerably surprised at the result of the referendum submitted to the elect- orate of Artemesia in the recent elec- tion. We did not think it possible that the ratepayers would favor a re- KYKS Good vision is priceless. There is nothing that could be offered to us which would tempt us in exchange for our eyes. licrausc we can see we take it for granted that we will always have good trograde step of this nature. Last ! eyesight, and we go ahead abusing year the government grant for roads j our eyes in a most careless manner, in this town-hip amounted to seven \ Our eyes t annot be replaced; they thousand dollar?. This year it was ; have to last us throughout life. If about four thousand. Should the 1 we continue to abuse them, they are town-hip revert to statute labor not almost sure to be worn out at an age only will they lose this government grant, but through their county taxes when we still need them. Any person who has difficulty in will be obliged to pay their share to feeing, who has frequent headaches, other townships which continue to whose eyes become tired or who has accept the government grant. That *Pts dancing before the eyes should feeling of genuine surprise is | have his eyes examined. our hared by others may be gathered from the following article which ap- peared last week in the Durham Re view : Over in Artemesia Township on Monday, a vote was taken on the question "Arc you in favor of a re- turn to the old system of Statute Ifcbor?" And the electors of that township plainly stated 'Yes, we are' by over a hundred majority. Which means that Statute Labor, which has been termed an antiquated -system for roadwork, and a relic of past time --, will again be in force in Artemesia In 1!>32, and that the township will forego a governmental grant amount- ing to several thousands of dollar" annually. Why the revolt? We believe it ex- presses a desire in the hearts of num> elector.* to be free from provin ial government domination, which i~ ( v er becoming more |>werful in oui municipal anil educational al fairs The people like to be freer to us< their own judgment along these lines but the government says "Ho as we say" or the grants will be cut off or reduced. Soh'i"l boards fre- quently claim the government lias n- surped mrt of their powers nor have County Councils the leprslative pow- ers of former times. Artemc ia i willing to relinqui-h n large govern- ment grant, that they may do their annual roadwork without expending the cash, and in their own way. The reason for having the eyes ex- amined is to find out whether or not there is an abnormal condition which requires treatment. Proper treat- ment will relieve the -symptoms, but, more important than relief of symp- PORTLAW toms, is damage. Faulty the prevention of further vision is common. Vision even among members of the same family. The roller-towel and the common towel spread infection, ant if BU?|I a towel is used in drying the face, there is a real danger of carry- ing infection from the towel into the eyes. If some foreign substance gets int< the eye, it should be removed by a trained person. The eye is too prec- ious to take chances on its being in- jured by unskilled attention, to say nothing of the possibility of its being infected at the same time. The eyes are part of the body and it should therefore not be forgotten that they are affected by the general health of the other parts. Good health, which is secured through pro- per die'., rest, exercise, fresh air and elimination will be reflected in all parts of the body. The eyes are priceless, take the best possible care of them. Questions concerning health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical As- sociation, 184 College Street, Toronto will be answered personally by letter defects should be corrected by glasses prescribed after a thorough examin- ation. We should always read and work in a good light. The light should be s-teady and shnu|d fall so that our bodies do not cast a shadow on what we are doing. The eyes should be protected from infoction. Fingers must be kept! A deer was found seriously wound- ed near Oakville, its front legs be- ing almost shot through. The Oak- ville Chief of Police was called and shot it. The meat was distributed to needy families. So indignant are The annual meeting of the Wo men?' Association of Mount Zion v.-as held at the home of Mrs. F. T. Taylor recently with fourteen mem- bers present. After opening exer- cises the report of the year's activit- ies was read by the Secretary, which showed that success had crowned the society's efforts and that very much had be?n accomplished during the ysar. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: President, Mrs. R. J. Taylor; Vice- Pres., Mrs. J. W. Lyons; See., Mrs. R. Osborne; Treas., Mrs. H. Fisher; Parsonage committee, Mrs. F. Plantt Mrs. W. Taylor; Buying committee Mrs. L. Lyons, Mrs. R. J. Fisher; Visiting committee, Mrs. J. Pedlar Mrs. R. J. Fisher, Mrs. J. A. Thomp- son, MM. J. W. Lyons, Mrs. R. J Taylor, Mrs. G. Little. The next meeting will be held at the home of the President. The pastor, Rev Pone, closed the meeting with prayer Mrs. R. Osborne suffered a very painful injury to an ankle recently which is making it difficult for her to engage in her usual activities. Mount Zion Sunday school helc their usual social evening last Satur day night and it sure proved a time for much mirth for the young folk and the older grown-ups left their cares outside and joined the young- sters in mirth-making. An enjoy- able program was furnished by the pupils and a few others, who kindly assisted. After the program a tasty funeh was served, finaled by a gen- erous treat of delicious home made candy and other sweets. All are looking forward with pleas- ant expectancy to our public school concert to be held next Friday even- ing. Small Advts. STRAYED From lot 3, Con. 12, Osprey, one yearling steer, slit in right ear. Finder please notify. Wm. Poole, Feversham, Phone 10 r 24. STRAYED From Temple Hill manse, Euphrasia, "Buddy", a yeai old brown Spaniel with white mark- ings; information as to hi where- abouts would be appreciated. J. R Wilkinson, Markdale. CAME ASTRAY Yearling heifer came to my premises, Lot. 40, Con. 13, Artemesia, about Sept. 12. Owner prove property, pay expenses ana take same away. tValter Wilson, Phone 10r5, Feversham. CAME ASTRAY A two year old heifer came to Lot 4, Con. 11, Osprey, on or about Nov. 1st. Owner prove property, pay expenses and take hei away. Les. Poole, Eugenia. $25 for information leading to the conviction of the person who did the i shooting, away from the eyes as they are very apt to carry infection into them. Every person should have hi-.* own towel, this The Advance makes a lovely Xmas gift the people of the town and district) Brampton property owners will vote that they have offered a reward of| at the January elections on a by-law For Sale WANTED 50 bu. of barley. Apply at thi-s office. FOR SALE Moffatt box stove and Taco kitchen range, in good shape -J. Radley, Flesherton, phone 45 r 4. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm on Provincial High- way No. 10, 85 acres under crop, bal- ance pasture, this is an ideal crop and pasture farm with river running through the property. All plowing is completed. Price very reasonable. GEO. F. BRACKENBURY Flesherton, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Tamworth Boar, 7 mos. old; TERMS: $1.50, itrictly cash. JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton. FOK SALE Quantity of dry 18 in. hard wood. Chas. Doupe, phone 32 r 14, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for er- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS GEO E. DUNCAN ' DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER Por the County at Grey. Terms: 1 per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed Hates made at The Advance office. POULTRY WANTED We are paying highest cash prices for choice dressed poultry. A. Muir, Ceylon, 'Phone 28r3. A K Azjz> woo ,, en mill er, the right to build a $10,000 addit- ion to his plant. FURS WANTED Highest prices paid. If you have any write or ship to D. Cadesky, 586 Fourth Ave., East, Owen Sound and you will be treated right. Phone 116, 8th J. The Advance makes a lovely Xmas gift KDITOIM.M. NOTES Will the Liberals swallow the Pro- gressives, or vice versa? Anyway a fusion is likely to he made. n Fifteen countries are off the gold basis. France and the United States hold most of the world's gold supply, but of what use is it to them? * * The Stayner Sun came out with its special Christmas edition last week with a twelve page all-home p-i"t paper. We congratulate the Sun on their Christmas number. There is talk of a petition b< inf. .Circulated throughout Artemesia town- ship to secure the real feeling of the electorate on the road problem, at present the topic for conversation. I 1 was felt by many that if the (jucstion had read "Are you in favor of a change in the present system or re turn to statute labor" thut it would have carried in favor of the change. It is proposed to bring out a score or so of Dutch settlers to work on the land in the Holland Marsh, which ia being reclaimed. Surely there are enough Canadian families to do this work without bringing more people into th<! country. The provincial law provides for the euspenjion of the driving license and all motor vehicle permits of persons convicted of serious Infractions of thp motor vehicles law or involved in accident!. Already 2,212 licenses have been cancelled when the persons failed to file proof of financial re- sponsibility in the form of nn insur- ance policy, a bond or securities. They will not be allowed to operate until they comply with this point to the law. But what about the hundreds of drivers who are travelling the roads in old motor vehicles just hanging to- gether and without any financial stat- us, insurance policy or bond and are only brought to justice when they have caused considerable damage in an accident or caused lo.;s of life. They should be eliminated from the roads before they run into trouble for themselves, and others and should l>o ohliired to carry insurnn.- ngninst public liability nml property d' FOR SALE Car load of flour and feed to arrive on Thursday, this week. Telephone your requirements. Ground mill run screenings $12.50 per ton, shorts 9oc per cwt. Bran 85c per cwt. Three star flour $2.10 per bag in 5 bag lots. F. Karstedt, Priceville Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental Burgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Oaa administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 61. Prince Arthur Lodge, 333, A. F. & A. M. meets in the masonic Hall over Kennedy's store, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., C. Meldriun; Secretary, H. A. McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Liciud Auctl*n for the counties f ON? and Farm and stock sales Terms moderate, satisraeUoa guar- anteed. All arcangemairta mad dtta* may be made at the Adranee offiM,o* addressing me at Eugenia. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Russel' Graham of the 7th line of Euphrasia have the sympathy of many friends in the death of their little daughter, Eliza- beth Marie (Beth), who passed away in Toronto on Sunday, December 6th, following an operation for bowel trouble. She had been ill only a few days and was taken to the ho-spital in Markdale and later to the Lockwooc Clinic in Toronto, where an operation was performed early Sunday morning She was nearly three years of age and was a bright and lovable child and her parents and older sisters mourn her passing very much. The remains were conveyed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Snell, uncle and aunt, of Mrs. Graham, in Markdale and the funeral took place to the Markdale cemetery on Wednesday af- ternoon. Rev. Lee of Elora a friend of the family, preached a comforting sermon and was assisted by Rev. J. R. Wilkin- ?on of Temple Hill. The pall bearers were: Masters Donald, Harold and Bruce Graham, H. Johnson, W. Wiley and J. Semple. A large number of floral tributes were on the CTsket. Mr. V. Reist will have charge of the Grand Valley rink for this season. Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Made From Choice Ontario Wheat Bran, Shorts and coarse feeds . a suggestion? We all know that the best way to wish a friend a Merry Christmas is to say it yourself especially in the case of out-of-town friends who appreciate your voice more than any other form of greeting. BUT if everybody waits until Christmas Day to make these calls there are bound to be crowded lines and delays. We telephone operators all wish to avoid that sort of thing. We want to put your Christmas calls through promptly and pleasantly. We therefore suggest that you place your calls as many days before Christmas as you can. < --. A Christmas greeting is just as timely and appreciated before Christmas as on the day itself; it is spoiled only when it is late. So please be early this year and let us show you how quick and courteous our service can be. CLEAN AND STERILIZE ALL DAIRY UTENSILS The keeping quality of milk de- pends directly upon the number of bacteria present and this in turn de- pends upon the thoroughness with which dairy utensils have been clean- ed and sterilized. The use of live steam or scalding with boiling water is always effective providing it is available in sufficient volume, but as a general rule the quantity available on the average farm is inadequate for effective results. It is for this reason that the use of chlorine in suitable form is recommended by bacteriological experts. It acts rap- idly in cold water, and is cheaper and more convenient than the heat treat- ment generally recommended. When proper]y employed chlorine steriliz- ation gives excellent results and the practice, already general among milk and other food plants, is spreading to thf dniry farms. By-law No. 185 i VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON A BYLAW FOR REGULATING THE STORAGE. HANDLING AND SALE OF FRESH MEATS WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to regulate and controll the sale of Meat in the Village of Flesherton. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNI- CIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPOR- ATION OF THE VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON, ENACTS AS FOLL- OWS: No fresh meats in quantities les-3 than the -quarter carcas shall be sola or offered for sale in the Village of Flesherton, unless from a .ihop enuip- ntd with proper appliances for re- frigeration and storage and for the proper handling of meat. A license fee of one dollar shall bo paid annually bv all persons selling or offering for sale fresh meat in quantities less than the quarter car- ens. A penalty for each and every viol- ation of any of the terms p-d con- ditions of this By-law upon n summ- ary conviction before a Magistrate or Justice ot the Peace, shall be. for tho first offense not exceeding TEV DOLLARS ($10.00) and for the sec- ond offense not exceeding TWENTY- FIVE DOLLARS (25.00): such pen- alties to be recoverable in accordance with the nrovisions of the Ontario Summary Convictions Act. AH rtv-laws and parts of By-law* inconsistt I . herewith are hereby re- noaled. TTHS BY-LAW shall come into f orce and effect on the final passing thereof. Passed this 14th day of December. 1931. H: A. MeCAULEY, Reevv W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk ;_.j '...:..: :f.. :.;; !;":;/ bard ;'-:r.cs r.nd c:;c:::s;:t cppir- tdv tr.:n Mid rcnirn v.ho are prepared to accept executive positions f.rfi plcrU'fvl. This v.lntcr is your opportune tlr.ic to i;pend a few months at the Northern Business College. Owen Sound, beccmc prepared to slip Into a well paid position. Write C. A. Fleming, Principal, for "full information. ' ':" '> . - The Northern Business College Owen Sound, Ontario '

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