THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9, 19TT t I Local and Personal Flesherton Santa Clans 'JOHN WARLMG PASSES Presentation On Eve Day December 23rd J J h J ^KsJ r . i.. 1 ^: Of Tbeir Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling is spending thi-i week in Toronto. Mr. John Nuhn Jr. was in Toronto a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauIey were in Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. George Armstrong spent the week end at Collingwood and Thorn- bury. Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald spent a couple of days the first of the week in Toronto. A stock company played in Flesh- erton on Saturday night and present- ed the favorite comic couple, Maggie and Jiggs. A fair crowd attended. A Christmas concert will be held at S. S. No. 10, Artemesia, school on Monday, Dec. 21, at 8 p.m. Admiss- ion: loc. Mr. Walter Akitt has been making ice in fast order the past few days and he expects to have the rink open for skating within a short time. Mr. G. A. McTavish was in To- ronto on Monday attending a special showing of the 1932 Chevrolet car. Keep your eye on Cheyrolet! Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and son, Jack, motored to Marmora and spent the week end with the former's 'ather there. \. special meeting of the L. O. L.. No. 833, Ceylon, will be held in the lodge room, on Thursday, December 10, at 8 o'clock p.m. A full attend- ance is requested. Artemesia Royal S.arlet Chapter will meet in Bennett's hall on Tues- day evening of next week, December 15. All members are urged to at- tend. The Ladies' Aid of St. John's United church held a bazaar in W. Moore's store on Saturday. A large num- ber of articles, besides baking, veget- ables, candy, etc., was sold and over $80 was taken in during the sale. Mr. Wm. Osborne. Feversham. ha= taken a course in radio work and ha? made himself proficient in radio re- pairing, specializing on battery mod- el*. If your radio is out of ordei consult him. Postmaster W. W. Trimble celebrat- ed his 77th bi-'h^.-.y on Sunday by taking a five mile tramp through the storm. Best wishes are extended to Mr. Trimble on passing another milestone in life. A blizzard Monday morning and the tcmroratur^ at 10 degrees below zero en Tuesday morning was this district experience* the past few days. While a considerable amount of snow Ml the roads are stili open for motor transportation. Springhill school. S. S. No. 3. Art-j eir.esia will hold their annual Christ- mas entertainment in the school ' house. Monday evening. December 21. A three a?t play will be presented by the young people "The path across the hill". Jack rabbit hunting has comm-.rtcedi again and the boys are taking a great kick out of hunting these fast travell- ers. On Saturday five were sighted. but the boys only were su.-cess.ful ir securing one, which tipped the scales! at ni"o pounds. Last week the L.O.B.A.. Flesherton, packed a barrel of fruit, and a bale ( of clothing for the Orphanage at Richmond Hill: Mrs. Roy of town, who , has proved herself to be a wonderful friend to the Home, knit and donated 48 pairs of warm mitts, what a relief they will be to the matron and staff; and what m joy and comfort to the kiddies, who will bo so fortunate as to posess them. The Association feel very grateful to this kind IwMrted lady. The kiddies are assured that Santa Oa Tuesday, December 1st, 1931, Mr. John Warling passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Will Tim- mins at Traverston. He was a sor. Claus will again visit Flesherton this : of the late Mr and Mrs - R - year, but the date has been changed , and was b on October 28th, Ie44. to the Wednesday before Christmas, ' at *bleton in King township, York December 23rd. The program is to j County - and came with his P^ents be changed and we believe that it will * ' Vandeleur on March 17, 1858. He be more satisfactory to the majority wa - a v '<teer belonging to No. 6 of people. Santa will arrive in town Company, 31st Regiment; in politics as usual and after greeting him the! he was a Conservative. Sixty-one children will gather at the town hall \ years Ia3t 2nd day of March he was where a program of moving pictures j married to Mar ? aret Hemphill and ONTARIO AT INTERNATIONAL j Judging i n the grain classes will be I watched with keen interest by Ontar- Ontario Grain Growers ha'e for- io growers and exhibitors. warded to the International Grain andi ,^ Hay Show at Chicago more than one! ._._. i hundred entries of gram, grass seeds After residing m Artemesia Town-,,_j rn. land corn. There were more entries ship since March o-f 1910, Mr. and fr ., ... . .. lor gram this year than m the record i Mrs. John A. Hogarth are returning 5 . to Toronto to live. Mr. Hogarth has! wnen Ontario growers ! year of won a championship, two reserve Drizes , will be given for the kiddies to en- joy. It is expected that the pictures will be scenes appropriate to Christ- mas besides a comic to bring roars of laughter from the youngsters. they began home making on the farm, beside the old homestead at Vand- act enjoyed the best of health the! championships and forty other t . Past year or so and was forced to' Tne province , s parti , ularlv wel! retire trom farm work. Mr. Hogarth; reseRted in the dovep and s has been a credit to Artemesia and claMe8f there ^ ing 16 entrie3 ftf his departure will be a distinct loss to the township. Mr. Hogarth was Reeve of the township for two years, spent three years as Deputy-Reeve and two years in the council. eleur. They raised a family cf ten; On Wednesday night of last week R. G. at Moose Jaw. Jas. A. of To-; a large number of friends and neigh- ronto, Jennie (Mrs. Jas. R. Webster) ' bors gathered at the home of Mr. clover, nine in soy beans and eight in aLsike and seven in field beans. Due to the changes in corn borer regulations, Ontario corn growers were able to exhibit corn this year. Some 20 entries of corn of exception- ally high quality were forwarded to While the pictures are in progress | of . Port Hanev - B - c - Lavina ( Mrs. ; and Mr=. Hogarth and presented them the parents will be abie to visit the! WilL Timmins of Traverston, Edgar and Melville with a handsome lounge stores and finish their last-minute of Toronto > Ma V < Mrs - J a*. McClock-| lamp and a metal bridge set. They shopping. Wednesday, December 23 lin) who P* 356 * 1 aw *y eight years j were completely taken by surprise, but ' > is children's day in Flesherton and every kiddie in the country is expected to attend and enjoy themselves. Mr. T. S. Cooper, Agricultural represent- Chicago this year. The results of M EN WANTED Earn S3 to $8 Daily at Auto and Ignition Repairing. Battery. Welding, Electricity, Radio or Drafting . Learn in few weeks GUARANTEED PRACTICAL Shop Training. Quick, sure plan fr profitable spare time j >bs. Write for Free Pay Raising In- formation and Employment Ser vice. Application at once. Standard Trade Schools Dot. (45) TORONTO ONTAHIO wno passed away eignt years ; were completely taken by surprise, but & ago at South River, Lelitia (Mrs. J. rhanked their neighbors in a few we': *& Neely) of South River, Ethel (Mrs. I chosen words. A very pleasant eve- ' Gilbert) of Wiarton, Ella (Mrs. Alb. McNally) of Traverston, Leila (Mrs. ative at Markdale, has kindly con- 1 Wm ' Walker) of Eugenia. There s-nted to supply the program, which | are f pandchildren and 11 great offer is greatly appreciated by the grandchildren. He is th Santa Claus committee. | b ! f a fami 'y of ei * ht ; All we need is a fine sunny day and ' e: the kiddies will be out in droves. Flesherton L.O.B.A. At the regular monthly meeting of the L. O. B. A. 545 the following ofi- icero were installed: p. W. M. Sister Mary Phillips W. M. Sister May Fisher D. M. Sister Amanda Down D. Rec. Sister Gertie Lever Fin. Sec. Sister Sadie Ward (absent.) Treas. Sister Maud Tumey Outer Guard Sister Hannah McDonald Inner Guard - ander. The funeral took place on Thursday frcm his daughter'-s residence to Markdale cemetery. The pallbear- ers were: Mr. Edward Baker. Fred Boland, Jas. Harbottle. Will. Hutchin- son, George Summers and Elmer Warling. Much sympathy is ex- tended to his aged widow and fam- More Thieving Some more thieving has been going on near town, this time at Mr. Wm. Johnson's farm at Springhill. One night last week Mr. Johnson lost a- bout 100 bushels cf wheat, taken from Th<? a i a ning was 3rpr i '- qrames and dancing Mr. and Mu. 1. :irth expect to leave J shortly for their new home at New Toronto. Mr. Parker McCabe of Toronto is , the purchaser of Mr. Hogarth's farm. : which was formerly owned by Mr. Wes. Buskin. The following is the' address read: Dear Friends: We. you:- friends anc; neighbors, have gathered in your home this evening to say good bye to you ere you leave for your new home. It was indeed with deep regret that j ? we learned of your intentions :o de-! part from our midst. As citizens 3| you were highly respected by a wide 2* circle of friends and as neighbors we i believed you to be of the highest type, < * but what is our loss is anothers gain. As a tangible expression of the ' c-Jteetn in which you were held in the i community we would ask you, Mr. I icd Mrs. Hogarth to accept these gifts BENNETT'S Gift Shoppe HAVE YOU SEEN OUR LARGE STOCK OF GIFT FURNITURE? Solid Walnut or birch walnut end table-. <::: o.kers. magazine racks, etc., as low as $1.00 Solid Walnut cedar-lined chests $14.50 and 521.00 Solid Cedar Chests SS.OC What could be nicer for Mother and Dad than a. Marshall Spring-Filled Mattress Toys. Sleighs. Wagons, etc.. selling out at cost prices. S K and also Melville this gi:':. Wishing new [ his granary during the night. Sister Addie Alex- was not discovered until the I you health and prosperity "in your next afternoon and by that time all home 1st Com. Sister Mrs. George, trace of the culprits was lost whe. Signed on behalf of the community covering the irround. I; , Chas. Doupe. Cephus Hindle, Chas'. S Emerson J. Bennett Johnson. i srow Lecturers Sisters Mrs. George is thought that more than one per-! Best. Littlejohns and Mrs. Ernie McKillop. son was implicated in the act. A' Chaplain- 'ey. Dir. RADIOS of -Sister Charlotte Cross- neighbor saw a truck parked at the side of the road in the swamp ju-' ' Cer. Sister Mamie eat of Wm. Moore's residence, but I Trent p. Sister Hawken, assisted by sister Wauchcpe. installed the officers in their chairs. Ser.d The Advance to a friend. nothing was thought about it at thei time. Constable Denton wa- rati- fied and visited the scene, but was not able to secure much information. Advertise in The Advance. MH.K.UIK STEADILY MOfXTS A car with a mik-age of over 100.000 ' to its credit used to be a curiosity, but j not any more. Many cars u-uxl only ; for pleasure trips now roll up as much mileage in a year as cars used to do in* whole lifetime. Automobiles are built njwiuiays for greater service. There is a limit, however, and it be- j gins to be felt that rty-Ui.oment buy- ing M about due for an upturn becaust of continued use of cars beyond their time. This replacement naarket will not be decreased any by the protracted summer weather that has been re- [ ported all over the Dominion. Vol- ume- of driving under summer con- ditions has continued alnxist to the. Winter season, bringing countless cars- that much nearer to need of repla.-e- ( ment. Buy your Flour and Feeds from the Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour Made from No. 1 Western Wheat Patry Flour Cracked Red Wheat. Grits, j Made From Choice Ontario Wheat ! Bra::, Short? aivl coarse feeds! Only 13 Shopping Days o Christmas 4F ARE YOU GOING TO LEAVE YGUR SHOPPING UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE? Why not come to our store, where you will get real courteous service, and let us help you with your Christmas list? During 1 the Christmas season \\c have a special price on all our watches. FOR HIM Leather P>elts. new designs SI. 00 In^ersoll Watches from SI. 50 Hard Collar Bugs $2.00 Soft Leather Travel Slippers. reg. $3.75 $2.50 Pen and Pencil Setts from S3. 75 Cigarette or Card Dispenser $3.75 FOR HER Silver Tea Service 3 piece S15.00 Silver Candle Sticks from $2.50 Silver Tea Service 4 piece $18.00 Casseroles from $3.50 Beautiful Pearls from $1.00 Semi-Porcelain Tea Sett 15 pieces S3. 50 Mamie Clocks from $10.00 Writing Paper from 25c to $2.50 Hand Hags from $2.50 French Headed from $2.50 W. A. Armstrong & Son Jewellers and Watchmakers FLESHERTON ions at Exceptional Prices I! -h T'.-w..-! Sc:> Fancy Turkish Towv! ; Ladies' Silk and K i <','. -ves Ladies' Rayon V^ts. a!' - Bloomers i" Ray or. Siirs . - \ -'--owr.s L;'i;es' S:ik Ho- o-y T.a t iv< S-';, ar.v! \V-ol Hosiery Men's Wool $-.v. at > .................... $2. Missos F.ay.n Pajamas M:s>ses Rayon Underwear Ladies' Rayon Pajamas .................... $1 Ladies' Fancy Silk Scarves ............ $1 Mcrs' and Boys' Cloth Caps ............ 7 $1.^5 . .,. ;o $;>.50 9c to 1.25 ."lV to D5c $2.i,> :.' Sl.: ! o to Sl/vg :-' >1 "' .25 to $4.35 ?1.95 49c .95 to $'?.73 .00 to $C.19 5c to S-VJo Hens' N\-glig - i -: > to *.? ?:.' - - -. ''- ns' Kid " - ; :j $;? M r'arcy MU- - .' ' -' :<.! t.rar:ors 25 M.-'s 'ancy Socks oOc to $1 M^n's S'.iX Ne.'.vwcar |l.j Setts $:.!.> to $-2 Ladies' Umbrellas ?1.30 :o S2 Baby Crib H^nkets Toe to Si Baby's W-,-: < t :ts <s^ Fur..-y F'.ar.:u\otte Blankets $2.3'J to $4 H. Dippers "-(.V to ?:' Jackets. Bootivs. Mi:ts. Touques ard Fullo". - 50 : ' 75 ' "" ."5 25 " " Fancy Handkerchiefs A \vonder j 'ul selection of Christinas Handkerchiefs in Fancy Gift ! ,;nvns. Linens. Silk and Crepe de Chine in \vhire and colors. RAYON AND SILK GOODS Men's Rayon Pajamas $1.95 Misses' Rayon Underwear 49c Ladies' Rayon Pajamas .... $1.95 to $2.75 Ladies' Fancy Silk Scarves .... $1 to $2.19 Splendin Assortment of China and Colored Glass Flower Vases. Fern Pots. Sandwich Setts. P.erry Setts, 1 P>on Don Dishes. Xut Howls Salts and Peppers. Cake Trays. Spoon Trays. Salad Howls. Cream and Sugars. Fancy Tea Pots All Reasonably Priced. Open Stock Semi- Porcelain and China Dinner Sett<. choice of 20 fine patterns. S17.95, $20, $25, $27.50, $31.50, $39.75, $45.00 and $55.00. Christmas Groceries Xew Raisins. Currants, Figs, Dates. Prunes, Candied Peels. French Cherries. Shelled Almonds. Shelled Walnuts, Icings. Mixed Xuts. Candies. Choco- lates, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries. Grape Fruit. Grapes. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO