THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, NO%'EMBER 17, 1931 : . > . Nomination Gossip William Rae Dies From Gunshot Wound Nominations for the Township of Artemoia and Village of Flesherton councils are to be held on Monday, William Rae, aged about 67 years, November 30th, and already there are j was round dead in a field on his farm LICENSES MAY INCREASE An upward revision in motor license fees for 1932 is almost a certainty, according to information forthcoming- from unofficial sources. The increase in license rates will in all probability be necessitated in order to meet in- grumbles and rumors of an election. | about 7 o'clock Monday evening, death j ; rease d expenditure through employ- It is reported that Mr. John Davis, j resulting from a gunshot wound in; menc relief on provinciai highways who has served as Deputy-Reeve is I his neck. The tragjc event occurred anil otfc ,, cxtenaion3> it is pointed out. to try conclusions with Herb Corbett in tne farm of the deceased on the -phis year motor licen fcr highest honors. Then Garnet ; _ 14 ^ Concession^ ofJVrtemesia, about an exceptionally low Magee and I. B. Whittaker will try; conclusions for the position of Deputy- 1 * "> *" Reeve. At to who will try for the Council is unknown, as it seems those positions are decided at the last mom- ent. -) Town politics in the village are failed to appear for supper a search i was instituted by his son, Alvir., and a neighbor, Mr. David Genoe. Mr Rae, it is reported, was to have ap- peared at Owen Sound the next day. Tuesday, to answer to a chargre laid under the Inland Revenue Act, but quiet and The Advance is of the Oqin- j consequently this charge was wit'n- ion that an acclammation would be drawn. It is supposed that thjs fact in order for the present council. Reeve ; "ided him to take hia own life, al- McCauley and his council composed | thoagh hi-s family stated that he did of Messrs. Richardson, Mathewson, | not seem despondent or morose over i n . u i the affair and appeared to go aroand Darga^el and Welton. have done eoodj_ u . .__, work this year on the paving woric and their retention for another year would be in order, so that they can finish their job when the final est- imates are received. Local and Personal This year motor license fees reached the rate! So, for the smaller type cars with the others arranged on a sliding, scale. Present reports., however, are ' [ Veterans Marched To Church Oo Sunday Remembrance Day was observed in Flesherton en Sunday with a mem orial service in St. John's United -hurch, which wa^ well filled for thp >c;asion. Veterar.-j of the old No. fi C?., Slat Regiment, South Africa war and the Great war paraded, along i with the members of "D" Co., Grey! R;'r;.-.-.e-t, and were led by the Haw; Pio> Band of Swinton Park. About' to th< VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Amos. Smith and son Clare, of Meaford were recent visitors n-ith Mr. and Mrs. -Sam Gilbert. Mr. Will Holley of Holland Centre visited recently with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan anu family and Mrs. Davidson visited rec- ently with friends in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnson and Mrs. McGee motored to Toronto rec- ently and visited with friends. Mrs. Ed. Baker spent a couple ol rith friends in Toronto. I Mr. Cottenden of the Soo was a rec- 1932," but at the same time assurance is given that any increase will be but a temporary one. Mrs. G. Lowndes Dies At Sarnia After an extended illness during! Che past six years Helen Fultot Lowndes, mother of Mrs. E. C. Mur- ray oi town, passed away early Mon- day morning at the home of her laughter, Mrs. G. C. Raymer, at Sar- ""ev. W. J. Scott was at Betverton last week visiting his mother, wl-o is seriously ill. at his work as usual, and they coald not account for his rash act. The late Mr. Rae left the house ic the late afternoon with his gun and saw, intending, it js said, to fix the poke on one of the sheep and then would have a short hunt in an adjac- ! ent bush. His son, Alvin, wa* plow- ing in a field and at the usual time j Sil y e rs ago the late Mrs. Lowndes came home, stabled his team and com- 1 suffered a stroke and since then has menced supper. A shot was heard t been in delicate health and has been , to b fired while the meal was being ' tenderly cared for by her family. She ] eaten, but nothing was thought cbout. ! was born at Chesterville 79 years age it until he failed to appear at 6.30. 1 and waj married to Rev. Geo. Lowndes aia. A Mr. Genoe. wa; i wno predeceased her about four year> ; Reeve H. A. McCauley is in attend- 1 called and search was commenced ' she 'eaves to mourn two daugh- ance at County Council at Owen Deceased was found lying in * fence ters and one soa (Nettie) Mr*. (ReO this week. corner, wjth blood Ilowing from aj G - c - ' of Sarnia, Fred of Mrs. M. Wilson returned home on gaping wound in the neck. Friday after spending a week with Constables Cook of Meaford and Collingwood street. Toronto street. thence to the church. The service was taken by Rev. W. J. Scott and was most impressive. Geo. E. Banks read the list of those who laid down th.;.- i:v--s in foreign fields or while in service and H. A MoCauley deposited a wrearh on the church altar in memory of former comrades who failed to return. A lament by the pipes sounded through- out the chiiv-'ii ';rium. Among the old membrs of No. 6 Company were W. W. Ramage ot Priceville, John Weber of KimBerley both holders of the long service med- al, S. McMullen, John Wright. W. J Bellamy. C. W. Bellamy, 0. Phillips R. Hark, Wm. Burnett and Jos. Field John Hogarth, a veteran of the con- test in South Africa, was also in the parade. Great War veterans also attended in force fro.Ti Osprey and Artemesia township, also by a num- ber of members of the Mark>!a!e branch of the Canadian Legion. Mr. Geo. Shannon left on Tuesday for B. C. Mr. Loucks Sr. of Chatsworth spent a few days with Mrs. S. Wyville ano Miss Minnie Graham and Miss Lee of Listowel spent a few days with friends in this community. Mr. Howard Graham attended the Young Peoples Rally in Hanover, alsc The Grey District meeting of the S. G. T. in Kilsyth recently. Mr. Jos. Buchanan. Mis; Lillian Buchanan and Mrs. Davidson were recent visitors with friends in Owen ' NOMINATION' MEETING 1931 Township of Artemeiia '-. Notice is hereby given that a meet- ing i the electors of the Township of Ajtemesia will be held at the Vill- age Hall. Flesherton, on Monday the 30th day of November a: the hour ol One O'clock in the afternoon, for tha purpose of nominating Candidates for the Office of Reeve. Deputy Reeve and Councilors to serve during 1932. If more than the necessary r.u:r_ber jf Candidates are nominated for any the sams will be opened in each Poll- ing Division at Nine O'clock a.m. ana will remain open until Five O'clock p.m .for the election of the same, at the usual places for holding such on Monday the Seventh Jay of cember, Dated this 18th day of November 1931. W. J. BELLAMY. Township Clerk. FLESHERTON NOMINATIONS 1931 Miss Hazel Wyville. R. N.. has re turned home from Markdale after spending a couple of week*. ! ' Won Xotice u here *' 8 iven that meet - ing of the electors of the Village of Flesherton will be held at the Village K ^ n Monday the 30th day of Nov- emb r l ? 31 t the hour of seven thir- ty O'ckick p>m. for the purpose of nominating members of the Municipal Council and the Public School Trus- tees, to fill the various offices for the vear her daughter in Toronto. j Field of Flesherton investigated the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith and two i case and Dr. Martin, coroner of Dun- ' little sons visited on Sunday with the dalk. was called, but decided that an j latter's mother, Mrs. J. E. McFadden inquest was unnecessary. Mr. Ross Smith, who is in his sec-j The tragic event seemed to have ond year at Toronto Normal school, was home over the week end. Mrs. Wilfred McMaster and little daughter of Hespeler are visiting Mrs. R. McMaster this week. Mr. a.r! Mrs. Chas. Jamie--'>n ch'ldrn of Cv en Sound were in on Sunday In-spec:or Kobt. Wright paid t Brampton and JEt'ial M_rs. (Dr.) E C. Mur-ay of F!shrton. The funeral is taking place today Wednesday, internment being made in the family plot at Grand Valley. We Travel Fast Now been well planned as, it is stated. the gun butt was placed between the ~~~~~ rails of the fence and wired thereto.! Aut!)mobil s - dirigibles and flying- MIXED HIS METAPHORS A young politician, speaking at a village in the north of Ireland, was ; condemning the Liberal Government for its policy concerning the income i tax. The following is said to be part' of his speech : "I say they'll be cutting the wool of the sheep that laid the Miss Betty Murray, 12 year old, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Mur- ray of town, has been declared winn<"i i of Dr. David Jamieson's goUi medal ' for the High School Entran.-e can didate in South Grey securing the highest marks a; the annual Jure! examinations. This is the first time . that this award has been made for a Flesherton student. Miss Betty is ; to be congratulated upon her success ' and for the honor she has brought If more than th< is nominated for any particular office and a poll is required the same will be held on Monday the Seventh day ot December 1931 at the hour of Nine O'clock a.m. and will remain open until Five o'Clock p.m. for such elec- the wire passing around the 'gun machines of various types have prac- trigger. When the gun was pulled ! tically a'*" 1 * 1 *" distance on this, forward by him it was immediately < frarth ' *** Advance had a the shot entering his W * '* say. fellow a man. woman or All interested are hereby to take notice. Dated this 18th day of November 1931. W. J. BELLAMY. Village Clerk. iday and Satur- last, when, in company with tw t : local school an official visit last week '"" and is now working in this district. ' discharged, neck, death apparenty coming at _., n ' others we motored to North Bay, cov- Deceased leases to mourn h s loss . ennjr the distance 11 6^ his wife, and four daughters and; _ sons: Bella (Mrs. Wm. Mc- Kay). Stewart and Thomas, all of dudng two Stop8 t<j ^ o W e left home at 5:35 a. m. for the Miss Florence McFadden of Nestle- "7V; ~\7 "' ' ~~ l 235 mile run. North Bav wa reach*. L-ssming, N.I., Lillian and Mary also ton spent the week end with her moth er hre. Mr. and Mis. Sam Alton ?.nu UU'e age of fifty years but who has these mighty truths thundering in ears for centuries. (Applause.) Tne young men of Ireland are the backbone of the Empire. What we have to do is to train that backbone and bring it to the front fair came as a shock to the whole! [ at 11 o'clock. This abo included tw.-j ; stops to call on friends at Burks Falls: i and Powassan. In the afternoon we drove out fouz - son of Luck-icw were the ga-sts of j ?O mmunjty and much sympathy i< Mr. and M's H. A. McCal-y ovei extended to the bereaved family '' ] one of the government hi*h- * week e:ul. j the trouble that ha, come to them. ' '** C P *- *"* f N rth Bay ' when? Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sled and child ! The funeral is to take place Victor Ellis of Collingwood. for- merly of Kimberley, has been ap- pointed district representative of the Canada Life Assurance Co., with headpuarters at Collingw.-oj. ycung people, in times ol depressicc improve their education b be .eady to take advantage of good times that are sure to follow. This winter is the t'.m for you to prepare and the bes: place to set a practical Business Trama is a: The Northern Business College Write for fall informaUon C. A. Ouen Sound . ! a ro\v had taken place over the food ren of Prescott spent a couple of days Thursday and intern-..-nt will be mai'e with the former's brother here, Mr : in Johnston's cemetery. Fergus, the T. J. Sled. } family home before moving to Art- A dan:e will be held in Proton Hal' emesia towr.ship. on Friday, Novetr'^er 20th, under the _^ auspices of L.O.L. 244. Boys 35: ! girls please provide. During the past week >". We*. Armstrong has been remodelhni: the interior of \ :s store, whi -'.i ^Iljxv j for more display room for the various . articles on s*\.e. With an extra staff of carpente quest-en. Scrub Hunt Held By This was partially ji: : but largely caused by agitators from St. TK- country around North Bay Is composed of mountains and lake* ! It is said that 50 per cent of tht '.and arorn-.l North Bay ;; water to use an anachronism. .Afterwards v.-- :ook a 20 rnile run towards Cobalt. } f| I j It is a wonde: Tu! gravel read, up ami ' L> V. ** jown hill and arcund lakes, with .:. a+**44>< On Friday. November 13. the mem- signs of habitation for fifty mil a stretch. On our return to th-, 1 citv bers 01 the Maxwell L. O. L. No. 366 we attended a banquet in the cit working this week splendid progre;s>':ld a -s.rub hur.t. In the evening '' ~ ter which the run w a : r is U-ing made on Mr. Frank W. Dur.- they met at the Orange Hall, where i< uir r. -. V vi^ar. where we spent can's row hardware store. It is ex- I they \ver~ joined by tfu-ir families as ;'. pleasant hrar \vith the charming! pcv.-;od that the building will b,e ready well as those of the merrbers of the family oT Mr. George Stuar:. Nexc ii-r i -cupaney in about two weeks. i J - O- B. A. a bountiful fowl suppe? i'v a leisurely run xva< made home. The W. M. S. will meet in St. y--" -er\vd and enjoyed by aU. A As a wnderfi-.l demonstration of John's church on Thursday. Nov. 19th, " hort impromptu concert of mu;ic and., what the modern mode i-f tra\vl ,.:(: at 3 o'clock. Final arrangement.- ; ; whes followed at the close of i! >. this day of :';i< --nating ex: will be made for the autumn thank- willcn - County Master. Bro. FranoU encca v,-?.s the most interesting v.v offering meeting which is t.> be hA- ' Seeley. was presented with a beauti hive ever had packed inta fifteer nil Sunday November 22nd. ' ul Orange emblematic rin.c by Bro. hour*, and over a c'istanee of 2SO t , , . . . ,. . ; H. G. Burke on behalf of the Lod*<>. miles. The three month , old son d ,ir Tho rest fp ^ ^ and Mrs. Cecil undorwen ^.^ FMovi ^ ^ , ' ~ a serious operation in the Hospital . r . d I rf|/|7 ) n l^frj^JA for Sick Children on Tuesday and was : Bvo g^^ ^ ^^ ^ KUthj UO UdlfldgC rcpoxted Tuesday evening to be pro- j tp perfornl j Jelly Powders j o PKGS. 2'..- ! TOMATOES | LARGK T!\> 3 TINS 29c s ^ l _ - PEAS 3 TINS 29c CORN 3 TINS 2Sc Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 START TO PAY TO II \YK YOl'U CARP ri'NVUKP FOR A GUARAX IT.KH AT. I. WOOL Bl.AXKL'T MEATS Fresh and Cured J| 4 ,>.>^^^^c>^uJ^x<KS'^;K~>^<^.'-^^^X":-><KK-:K>v^^^^^x~^:K^^-:^XKK^^^ Shortening | 3 Ibs. 33c Chase aiu! : COFFEE Ciiv.-- 'ilf wait t 50c LB. Peanut Butter 2 IBS. 35c n. rj favorably. very nK-asant d;ity .-venim:. The ir.-.-:v.bers of L. O. L. Mr. Robert McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. i X. 6G(> feel that the services you have Wilt red McMaster and babe of Hes- peler spent the week end at the for- mer's home hero. Baby Lorraine McMaster received the Holy Rites of Bapr.^m at Cook's Presbyterian Church. Parkdale. on Sunday nipht. Maxwell L. 0. L. degree team, hold- er rf the Dr. Sprcule Memorial Cup will compete for the Grey C;>unt\ championship at Markdale on Mon- day evening next. November 23rd. Il is expected that four teams represent- injr North, East. South and West I will compete. Saturday Tlv Ueraid travt-";^.': 33SIC miles behind two loaueu truck- o:: ' the highv-y between ^tayner and Sunnidale v'^ They were KO.PJT 35 miles an hour and occasionally a little better, but what thev were do- rendered to Our beloved Order and to .mr Lodge in particuar cannot be al- ! to pass without recognition. Your wrk during the season a* Wor- . ihipftd County Master has been be- ' * *?** r d Ca " n0t ? a ^ urat '- >: >' yond reproa.-b and wi!! be well r >- i t)esmb r d - , 0> - a ^^^ V* mcmbered throughout the county oO'T "S"S East Grey. \Ve wish however tc ^ bcer ' recentl> ^ and /P^ ad - particularly stress th, unfailing ef-^T^ 2? ifet 1 ?^! torts you have put forth to make out the success it now is i-'. \vhi.h the twin wheels of both i ; s rsn most of the time throwing- the gravel in a little ?tream to oru- <iiit- and The Thankofferimr service of the W. M. S. will be held in St. John's United church next Sabbath, 22;ni ir.ot., at 7 P.M. Miss Effie Jamie- son, General Secretary cf the Domin ion W. M. S. attended the African Jubil<\> last year ar.d will give moving pictures at this service. It is hoped thero will be a large attendance. Mr. Harry LeGarJ was last week \ictim of another unfortunate aec; dent, when a s.-affold, on which he working, while building a barn, fall only a distance of As a token of our appreciation of vour work, which cannot bo too highly i jcmnierdt-d we ask you to accept this ling with the fervent hope that you may long be spared to share in "the work with us and through your in- fluence lead us to greater things to come. Signed on behalf of L. O. L. 666. ROBT. PR1KSTLY NORMAN CAIRNS ' dama e to the ex.eed the sum to operate the vt aid. *** trucks dij sMy k-ense J. Elliott of Barri and Gor- ,$>>n K. F. Gastle of Carlvle werv Lying in her bedroom with a bot- tle of chloroform beside her. the br<iy ?f Mrs. F. Sampson. Gue'.ph. was l\>und by her husband on his return to the city after a few days' absence. As uneiroloynvent relief measure- on which it is hoped to employ 1.500 men, the Provincial Department of acquitted at Barrie of the charge of Highways is calling for tenders for was broke, and , . -- - fcur or five feet and had th muscles murdering Mi j. David Hisey of; the construction of a road from Made-t- in his richt av:n baiily torn. Mr | Waubaushene. The Judge mpheld : to Perth, a distance of TO miles, to Geo Johnson anil son. Mervyn. were 'the contention of the defence counsel provide a through highway from Sar- r'--- \.-<--k ; ".; en the scaffold at the' that the charge should not go to the ! nia to Ottawa and reduce ttic distant >l\\'.: tut wer.> uninjured in the fal!. ' jury because of insufficient evidence. "VJT. To:.^'t'> to Ottawa 45 Men's Winter Chercoats Special Offering at $14.95 llr.ivy \vi:nor overcoats in Fiaiti IMuc Molton< and Chcxiots. ;-iul Heather mixture cloths ot" different nowilar ^i' some ^lai'i ix. some belted backs -- good deep comfortable collars - - up-to-date i-i ever\ re- spect. Sizes from oo to 44. REOULAR PRICES FROM $20 to S25AU. AT ONE SPECIAL PRICE $14.95 SKK wixixnv nisn.AY THIS \\ KL-:K Ladies' Shoe Bargain $2.29 Ladies Patent Leather Shoe* including Ties. Buttoned straps. Buckled straps :md pumps a clearance of a number of b.-st selling lines of which only a few pairs remain unsold. All perfect goods and n:\v lasts. Low. medium, high and spike heels All sizes from 3 to 7 represented in this offering. Regular prices from S3 to4 75. SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICE $2.29 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO >.