WED.. SEPTEMBER 16, 1931 THE FLESttERTON ADVANCE Eugenia Service (Continued from Page 4) voic# to a chain prayer of confession. The Mis.ies Klla Morrison, Muriel Carruthers and Mr.v Albert Arnott brought to the catchumens the assur- ance of forgiveness as it is found in 1st John 1: 7-'J. The cJioir sang the first verse of the hymn which ends with the refrain, "Who is a pardoning God like Thee, or who hath grace so rich and free." Mr. T. R. McKenzie led in prayer and the Rev. A. M. Pope admitted them to the fellowship of the iiU-ring, the choir sang a most ap-j O'Conncll, recently president at a! of were in the barn at the time and propriute hymn for an anthem "Ye' criminal tovrt in Toronto, made refer- 1 were destroyed. Insurance to tine (intes Lilt up Your Meads on High."i er.ze to this practice as follows: "For When the Stewarts had again taken their places at the communion table, the congregation sang softly "We give Vice but Thine Own." Mr.i. Thos. M Ki>e read the r.T.'.natlons. After the first verse of "Break Thou the Bread of Life" was sung. Mrs. Pope read a very fine message to the new members from Miss Clara Barnes, tht pasl two weeks you have noticed that perjury of the worst kind ha; been rampant within this court of a certain class of witnesses, so much so that it threatens to become a public scandal. It seriously interrupts the extent of about ?600 was carried. Another barn was destroyed by fire eerly Tuesday morning on the west backline, Artemesia, three miles from Flesherton, owned by Mr. Herbert Douglas of Toronto. The farm has low residing in Hamilton. ministration of justice and steps ! *> cen operated on shares by a Mr. must be taken to put an absolute endl Brown ' and K hls los3 , ls /"ported to to it." And yet the learned judge amount to about SIX loads of ha y an<l raln ' The ar table of our Lord. The choir sang the Hebrew Benediction "Tne Lor<l Bless Thee and Keep Thee." Mr. Wm Morton gave the prayer of consecra- tion. Mr. Wm. Wright spoke a few words of kindly counsel to the young i Christian living, people. Mrs. Florence Lyons, as one who united at our last communion season, gave testimony to the cst wordvt of personal testimony com- ing from a burning and prayerful spirit must have found an echo in every aspiring heart. Mr. Russell The earn- 'contented himself with a condemna-j * raln ' The one and Mr. Cameron assured the new members tr^ they did not stand alone that lay, as the speakers, along with many others, were making n re-dedication of their lives to more effective The minister said that as the whole irrvice constituted the sermon, his re l ' n " [ marks would be but brief. These he couragement she had received in holy basc<1 on t|)e tcxt , <Thcy continue< | Imng from the fellowship she had L tca(lfast | y j n the fellowship." Mrs. i . i i . ; _. 't\. /~i * tion of the growing evil and no charge bar " f a very large Douglas s less will no ... ,- I doubt be heavy. was made against the offenders to whcm he made reference. Mere men-' ===== tion o? such matter will not stop the practice. Then why not make an ex- j ampin of some of them? Aylmer Express. Normal School Opens The Normal school in Ontario re- opened for the 1931-32 term on Tues- day. Four former students have enter- ed the teaching course:- Ross Smith ing his second year. Misses Patricia -Morgan and Bessie Beard and Harold Thompson, a former stdcent, Charles flaw and Evelyn Turner. REAL ESTATE CHANGE The residence and property in town, near the high sjhool, owned by Mr. John Thi.stlethwaite, was sold on Mon- day to Mr. Thos. Taylor of town, who will occupy it immediately. MED IN ORANGEVILLE HOSPITAL Alex. Matthews of Shelburne was killed when he was strcck by a car driven by Mr,. Earl Hannah ol Mark- dale, son of Mr. Robt. Hannah, for- merly of Markdale. The accident oc- :urred near Corbetton when Matthews, a garage man, was assisting a car in difficulties. Garage Entered been privileged to enjoy with Clara Barne.s Ella Morri.ton, Mrs. K. J Morrison and Mrs. J. McCutcheon Mr. Sam Arnott made an earnest plea that we should make a new effort to make Christian fellowship a real and effective sharing together of vital re- ligious experiences. Mrs. R. J. Mor- rison agreed with the former speaker but emphasized also the danger of nothing really being dune unless we individually pledged ourselvc i to do this very thing, and she asked that all who were ready to share in this new fellowship should stand and join with her in singing "Blest be the Tie thai Rinds orr hearts in Christian love." Mr. Wm. Soutt, the senior elder, and Mrs. Solomon Turner, the oldest lady in regular attendance, were requested to join with the pastor in giving the right hand of fellowship to the new men. hers. The congregation then joined in the singing of "Take My Life and Let it be," after which Mrs. Wil- fred Inkster led in prayer. As the five Offering Stewards took their places before the communion table, the Laurie Pedlar gave the closing prayer and after the hymn "O Master, let me walk with Thee," was sung, t'f bene- (1; tion was voiced by Mr. Wetherall. Miss Olive Menzies presided at the >rgan, in a very efficient manner, Mr. Harry Jackson announced the hymns Leonard Latimer acted as Down's garage in town was entered by burglars early Saturday morning last and succeeded in getting away wkli two inner tubes and several gall- ins of gasoline. Entrance to the garage was made through a window, one man doing the stealing while the pVre<1 other kept watch. They were noticed at their work and an alarm was made to Alf Down, proprietor of the gar- incl Mr. usher. N'ee<llos ; to say, the prccenting ol <uc'n n service entailed an immense iniount of effort on the part of the 1 irnstor Mr. Pope, for weeks past, but the ballowedncss of 'hat Sabbath age but the thieves must have be- come alarmed by the phone ringing, as when Stan Menzies came out to the street the car was seen speeding over the hill east of town. THE STOKE WITH BERVrCB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale. Ontario OUR BUYING POWER BATES YOU A LOT OF MONET parturc was a hurried one live gallon cans were left Tlieir de- an two on .the sidewalk which they had intended to fill and carry with them. The .only morning hour, the realization of th? | report pj W as the two tire tube; livinc presence, and the .spiritual quickening must bear fruits for the Kingdom in the cutii'-. Cont. days and years to TOO MK H It is astonishing to find so many people these days who do not ?eem to ri .'dgnize the .seriousness of taking an oath. One has but to attend almost choir Ming the first verne of "Saviour, I any wtting of a court of justice to Thy Dying L*>v e ." Mesdames Ja.'ob \ discover that some witnesses perjure Williams, Jack Campbell, Ed. Hillodc. j thrmselws when giving evidence. All Lewis Gcnoe recited four scriptural in- i judges and magistrates arc well aware junctions specifying the offering that '>( this state of affairs and yet it is are ac eptable to Cod. Mrs. Robt. rarely that a perjurer is placed under T-ylor voiced the offering prayer, ' am. U and punished for their sworr. whilst Messrs. Wm. Jamieson, Jas. I falsehoods, and HO others take the Mcnzics, Henry Arnott, Ed. Binning- mutter lightly and do likewise, having ton and Jos. Hawkins took up the i,. .Var of the consequences. Judge about six gallons of gas. Jwn- "tnble Cook of Mcaford investigated >n Saturday morning, but to date n.) tra:'C of the robbers have been foum:. Barns Burned A frame barn on a farm owned by M:-. Archio Conkey of Ceylon wa? .ompletcly destroyed by fire early Monday morning, when it was struck by lightning. The barn was situated " p o miles north of Priceville. Thi- blaze was first noti-ced by Mr. Alex. had made considerable headway and bythe time Mr. Conkey was roused nothing could be done to save the building. A seed drill nd seven loads' INTERESTING BARGAINS LADIES MILLINERY Stylish Felts attractively trimmed, new rtyles arriving daily $2.50 and $2.95. SPECIAL ? DAY SALE Ladias Heady to Wear Millinery Crepo Dresses in all r.2w styles. 50 Dresses In group 3 day price ?4.05. DRESS SILKS 95c YD. Special sale black and navy. Dress Silk 36 in. >rid'j. * Extra fine guality out it goes at 95c yard. FALL DRESS MATERIALS AT SPECIAL BARGAIN PRICE 95c YD Regular 1.50 1.75 San Toys and Charmenze in all new shades out they go at 95c yard. SPECIAL SALE MENS' TIES 50c EACH or 2 for 95c Ir new attractive designs regularly sold at Tfic an $1. eaih. We are enabled to oTfer you these .plendid value;; through a special purchase. 50:, 2-95 MENS SUITS $17.75 In all sizes navy and brown. Regularly sold a ?JM and $23. .Special 3 day sale price $17.75. Overall Value That Are Best Yet Heavy beach or blue denim overall Sl.OO pr. Al sizes with bibs. SPECIAL SHOE SALE EMPRESS SHOE $4.69 FR. Out to clear our regular lines of Empress Shoes Reg. 5.50 to 5.75 values all new styles $4.69. ARCH CORRECTIVE SHOE $6.25 PR These high class v.-ell made :hoe wiih arch support rever were before offered at the new low price $0.25 GROCERY SPECIALS THAT ARE GENUINE Millstrcam salmon, best quality pink, 2 large tin ~25c Kelloggs corn flakes 3 pkg. 25 Cream oi wheat flour, every bag guaranteed, $2.4' cwl VThite Seal flour cwt. $2.3 Oranges, good size ; doz. 19 $1500 in prizes offered for the showing of Live Stock and Hall Exhibits at the FLESHERTON and Join the Society and win your share. NO DETOURS AS ALL RCADS WILL BE OPEN THE FIRST DAY OF THE FAIR Races 2. 18 Trot or Pace PURSE $40, $30, $20, $10 2.28 Trot or Pace PURSE $40, $30, $20, $10 Named Race PURSE $30, $20, $15, $10 Membership fee of $1 only deduction. \Y. W. Trimble, Starter School Parade Prizes of $6, $5, $4, $3, $2. Only the school children in the parade admitted free. Parade will form at the Market Squer MIDWAY Big Midway wksere you can enjoy yourself with games and other amusements. A play, entitled "When a Feller Needs a Friend" will l.c piTsontc-d by the 1-U-shcrlon Dramatic Huh b"tli nights of the l-'air. Vhis play is a real scream so don't miss it. M )M ISSU >N : To r.ronuds 35c and 25e. Concert First Xight 5lV and 25c : Concert Second Night 50c and J5c. Cars on grounds 25c.