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Flesherton Advance, 9 Sep 1931, p. 1

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r Vol. 51, No. 15 Flesherton, Ontario, September 9, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors . > CEYLON ilton, -son, Roy, and daughter, Mar-/, Miss Gibson of Oakville, Mi;s Blanche Hamilton of Winnipeg and Miss Irene -lr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of To- ; Stewart of Toronto, rontc were week end visitors with ; Miss Irene Marshall, Mrs. A. Rut- Mr, an-.! Mrs. J. Gibson. Mr. J. Gib- son, Mrs. Cameron Smiley accomp- anied the a back to the city. Mrs. Chas. Irish and dai"*hter, Is- t)be! of Toronto and Mr. Percy Homp- hill of Alliston wer e week end vis- itors with their father and sisters. Mr. Wright o: Csprey and Mr. and Mr?. Will Walker and babe of Eu genia were abo week end visitors at Mr. S. HemphiM's. ledge and Miss Bella Kennedy spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge at Holland centre. Mr. and Mrs. Redden and son. Mel- 1 rh H: ' itrkt - PCRTLAW Harvesting v.-ill soon te completed if we are favored with fine weather. a number of outfits are operating in ROCK MILLS Our sincere sympathy i? extenjei: tj Mr. Thos. Be:risc ard family in their very sera bereavement by the death of their son and brother, Join, who '.v;is killed in a car accident last week. Mr. Geo. Pedlar of Durham called on his brother here the first of the week. llrs. Chas. Hornsby of Coliingwooi: is spending a few days with her Threshing is well under way now and 'cousin. Mrs. L. Pedlar. Mr. and Mi's. Ahred Tucker of Dromore, were recent visitors at the vin t>. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Gaorge Tucker of Cleveland visited at Mr. George Arrow-smiths first of week. :Ir. and Mrs. Armstrong and son, Claude, of Toronto/, . VIr. T. Porte.- of New Bedford. Ma:-s., Mr. and -Mrs. G. R. Jaek-jon and son, Keith, Mr. Lou Lackey of Dundas spent the ! Miss Beatrice Boyce is so much im- proved that f%e is able to return homr from a Toronto hospital. Thi-.? is glad news to us all. Miss Violet Taylor of Toronto spent week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. MJ- week atte n din & Flesherton high school. and Mrs. Will Cro*ken and Leod. Mr. niece, .Miss Colleen of Toronto spen~t teat ' ner ' Wc hope that she wil1 enjoy the week end with Mis.-, M Cook. i her sojourn with us ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and three Quite a rumbe of our P 60 ?' 9 sons, Le Verne, Miiford, Sherman, ana ' becn on the siek li;iC of late< but Mrj. H. Piper visitad friends at Laur- i aPP^r to b * recovering without ser- hon-.e of Mr. John Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. C. Newell visited with relatives in Durham recently. Miss Gladys Wickens of Kimberley visited during the past week with her cousin here, Miss Ita Pedlar. We are glad to report >lri. R. Clu.-I; getting along nicely after b?ing in- jured in a car accident last -veek. Our school opened last week with] The TJ p. w . O. held thei.- - Miss Helen Heard of Flesherton as mOL . tini , on Wednesday Ian at th e home of Mrs. Thos. Setts, owing to the busy time the attendance \vaj smaller than usual. Visitc-is ever the holidav at the the week end with her parents on the Centre Line. .Mary Sheardown started last a11 istcn the first of the week. ious development. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall took in the' Nel ' 30n an<1 Harry Westlakc of T - Tbronto exhibition on Saturday. Mr. j ronto haVe returned home after spend- Marshall also going to visit his 'son at' in? their sc ' r o1 va '' ation with their I uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Shrardown. Mr. Geo. Blakey and sister and 1 their lady and gentlemen friends of! RodrL'k. Miss Gladys Sellers of Toronto spent the week end with her friend. Mrs. Anna McMillan. Miss M. Cook and Mrs. Percy Hunt Toronto visited at the f rmer> * P ar ' spent Labor Day with Glenelg friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Haw and fam- ily spent the week end at Lucknow. Miss Agness McPhail M. P. attend- ed the Toronto Exhibition where she was also a speaker in , Build- ing. Mrs. Raney and daughter, Jean, of Toronto visited with her mothe:-. Mrs. McPhail last week. Mrs. Dan- iel McGregor also spent tho past week with her sister. Mrs. MePhail. Mrs. Anna M.Millan and son, John. ental home. The services at Mount Zion church, also the Sunday school, have been withdrawn in order to allow the people to participate in the anniver- sary services at Eugenia. home of Mr. and Mrs. A. were:- Mr. ar.d Mr.-. Stanley Bla.-'/ -. Mr. H. Allen :in<l Mr. and Mrs. Saxon, al! of Toronto, and Mr. anj Mrs. T. J. Fisher and Mr. John Black- burn of Flesberton. Sii-vi^o will not be held in :ht chu:V: here on Sunday owing to the pev.- basarr.ent being built at the pres- ent time. Mr*. J. Thompson of Coliingwood is spending some time with her daugh- \. Blackburn. PROTON STATION The United Church congreation ha- arrangernentj to hold anniver- j sary services on Sept. 20th. R. v Frank Sullivan ci Thjf.tletown will be I the minister in charge. As he is WP>! and favorably kp.uwn in this lo- cality a !ar>{e attendance is expe-.-ted. '-' me of the visitors to this village ovei- the week end and holiday ware: Mr. John Hemphill. Miss G. T -rncr. Liiiian Ilemphill and girl fric-:ul of) at the home of Mr. Jan-.c Hemphill, Miss .Ma:-jor:e A.heson and' 5eivice OF THE (ganabtun iKefciral Aafinriai tatt V G E * GRANT FLEMING. M.D. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY VARICU.SE VEINS friend, Miss Margaret McGhee, of T)-j body by the art erio =. ronto at R. G. Acheson'j, Misser G.I-- tack tj ,,,., h .... /t hy Margaret Lyons and Mr. L :ri Jai-kson and Tarbct. v.-it'-i tht-'r gasoline threshing outfit r!-.aking their annual call in thij f, which i auses the . to magnate in the lower pare if the body, predisposes to the oc- currence 'if varicose veins, as doss :irr r . v/hi-jh calls for extra b'.jr.i is carried and is bv by -.he veins. The bleed, current in the v - ms j s n .. U ch force to circulate the blood through kirke oi Toronto at the homo f Mr . :han lt js ir , the . irt ,,., -.t, fhu ovr . oseiwB mmamt , lf ,,,, L > oc ''- - -he bofiy. -.a weight should be mtamta'.nevT -... i r . - oi the body should, by -I- nr it. ... _.. , A .jr;.,_ t ;, {l ow | n . . . .. ' excessive an-.ount of I 1 :er to prevent var-..-L-s j j veins, ir.unity. ".ing. ' of HH- . - ir. - ?!r. ary ... -'? X". and Mi-<. Ku^. :il !:-. .: an.! Mr E. R'.:- " ."'i '-. MAXWELL EUGENIA ":ial treatment. r -tri . interfer ilarly I the booly. . when, R sa on : :..- . -. :li'' - ' becked i : caus i na ' - CARD OF THANKS wisi '. ' '.' -e ?.*<>i f:i: their . ank.- ant. \ ti:o kuuinoss ar.;i given them in, their re-jev.t tro;.'_:e and bureavement. '.::r exercise, be kept in good con- n to support the veins. Thos e .-.'.. are :'---<:u-ireci to stand for long :..: iown \g in . having their ir.iis>aL:i i d from the' u'et to the hips. - pation is the most common .cms, of the rectum, i iliieh are called haemorrhoids . -, The legs and rectum ar-.- - body v.-h." . '- -,:pation cannot bo corrected by commonly >t th or p re v ( > n .. on O f these lies in iar.ce of constipation through toiiet habits, diet ami exercise. four.'!. on garters ..'.uy b< -a' hart-' s: in :aet. ::\- caihanic habit ;> <>ne .-. tiio ir.ust frequent causes . A tumor ::. ':.' ;H-!V!S. of o"-is;ip:'.':"p. anil ?o leads to haem- i .. ,vei that CARD OF THANKS ,ation, or pressure on overload.''! :is u result may pregnancy ,-ns >. v r.s '-n the : -_ ;: enlargement .if th'.' ve'-s. -;rnis of : :- which the Ar.nivcrvaiy services will bo held; in th church here Sunday morning at 11 oMock when the congregation ' The annual Harvest Thanksgiving -ervi.-ea of St. 'Mary's Ane| can ... ... of the four churches in lie circuit diurch. Maxwell, will be held on bun- ... . _. ... , Miss G. Sellers, Messrs Ross McMuil- Sunday : e n and Arthur Whittaker motored to Dc held at l a - m - day. Sept. 13th at 11 a.m. and T p.m., all children will The preacher in the morning will bo tho :-as: ir. Rev. M. F. Oluhani and in the evening the Rev. C. O. Phewill uf MarUale. Aj cordial invitation is extended to all I people in the community to attend <>- chuvh service.-. We extend our sincere .ytnnmhy to Mr. Tho*. Bcnu-ose and family in the loss of their son and brother, * am - lohn. also . Mr. and Mi -. Samuel Hawkens and ''ami'.y ha\v ouv sym- death of Port Elgin fir t of the week. ;Mr. Ho M.Mul'.an of Toronto spent the week end with his parents Mr. and Mr*. A McMullen. Mr. S. Hemphill had the misfortune on Wednesday a.m. of last week to have his collar bone on right side broken, wh'lc working on a pump at the Durham Road school. The pump was hoisted i-.bout 20 feet the air and a piece of iron weighing c- feout 81bs. connected with tho pump bead which was not observed to be loose, ' .-11 and struck I'lim on the shor'.uer, breaking the collar bone. Tfie teacher. Miss Beatjn. who had her car at th school brougt him homo at or.?c and Dr. Milne was quiA^y tailed who attended tho injured mem- ber, and is doing as -.veil as can be expected. - Ml '- anj Mrs - Moii'at. Miss Delia White. Mr. Robt Brown T1 ^ Won-.on'; Institute are < cf Toronto were week end visitors i taininn th e Grand mothers on Thurs at Mrs. White's. Mrs. Brown who' <! ->- -Ptember 10 at the homo ol will take nart. There will be no Sunday school. Rev. Mv. Warrea of Markdale will have charge of the service in the evening. We hope there v. iil 'v a good attendar.-o ut both - >!"> ices. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Camcrjn and hi'.ircn L-. Toronto ai=o Mr. and --lr?. Geo. Johnson and :ons, Harold an,: Mervyn visited the first of the wiv,\ wiih Mr. and Mr---. Bert Ma^co aiuV I desire to c''".:i-f-:'!v ''vnV n.v (\-.-',:\:r. , onus of '-.L - .i:-t 's.-:is'. i friends ar.,1 neifrhbors for thoir n\-in\ : :- w!?ich t!u- ! '.- nr: kindnesses durii.'j uiy wife'.; ill"*-'-;.-. ; jrn:al. may a-'. L; ; a cause and for the n'.iry -oral tributes d >- ..-ose vei: . Aira:n. if the tissue death. surrounding rhc veins is r.o- hvaitny. -.l:e veins may not have proper -ort. and. as" a result. ec .n..' w 'ght normal, and avoid .-onstipat-.on distended. , Ha;-bottle. ! - . - Ii is much easier and more satis- ..'ii.-to'-y ) prevent vari.-ose veins than - to cure them. Once the con- u'irinn has developed, relief may be (:.".:. d ' -h proper treatment, i u- in -ill eases, '.he cause of the con- . : i removed or a relapse; ccur. cles health v and the thi OSPREY COUNCIL if y'j would escape varicose vein--. T'.-.i :nun : .ipjl Council of tho T.nvr.- |; <hip o" Osprey met in t'-.c Orange HaM } f v.-i-.h the .-..embers all are.-ent and th 1'. -ho chair. Th : min::tjs th ' meeting wen Har-iy S8. \V. J. Fe - >'. Tw. . Nottav.-a.-aga. towniino a ?12..3o. H. .Mclnnis. Superintendent Ih-; Ci i;:v ! a-i'o'irniHl to meet a: -.. a a ami ei>nf::-:ed aftjr the passinT -_-.,_, . .- .... on Saturday, (V-- Mr. in<i Mrs. Mr. and r,o.\ Mrs. Po'.-k and son, Arthur Pi-k .w. h-.ishnr.d and I'au.^hti.-. V . Hainmmul a:;J t'arv.ily <!' r '- I'!O'|L wei-.- ' e:i i as -. ::- followir-- amendment: -on -- He' nnn -- Thar the '. .'s of Aujft:.-' ' ' e amende-.i ohmrVTinir amount :.;enti>- frup; S7.S : i Si^ 1 f ' colle ' I. vi ol Kiners.;r at '- oVlnck p.m. TENDERS WANTED be ' visited her mother. Mrs. M:- DougaM Stiphns. Th . K. Th( . . M. C'. N. '. has been visiting her mother for ~ week returned hme with them. Mr. and Mrs. ,T. B. Cummin; nf Oshawa spent a couple of days with ] Mrs. H. Piper and also called on old : Iriends. Mrs. Cecil Archibald of Proton spent Labor Day with her parents. Rev. Mr. Scott had charge of the servi.-e on Sabbath after a five weeks vacationf feeling much benefited by th" holiday. Miss Greeta Sellwood favored the congregation with a sweet solo "Lifes Railway Station" which was enjoyed by all present. Mr. Dan McKenzie of Feversham spent the ifirst of the week at Mr. S. HemphiU's. Miss Margaret McMullen of Toron- to spent the week end at her home here. Miss Blanche Genoe of Toronto spent the holiday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Collinson and family visited friends at Owen Sound first of waek. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLachlan ot Toronto, Miss Burk of Nottawa, Mi- ami Mrs. McKechnie of Durham, Mr. anil Mrs. Mitchell, son Jack, ami daughter, Betty, of Hamilton were first of week and week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. FYank Cairns, Master Biul Mitchell who has spent summer vacation here returned home with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Quesnell and family of Owen Sound spent Saturday al Mr. L. Duekett's. Visitors at Mr. John Setwart's for B-!lville. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Lawler and \ thi:r attended the Toronto Exhibition , Mullen .'or u tew uays. Crawford and children ^. and Mrs. He, b Ha.ey ar,l u-n of Wimisur ;;ro vi>itinc; witl i 1 Campbell, Clarence Findlay. Herbert farmer's pai-vits. Mr. and -Mrs. Robt. ..,-k. Hnrcy. ( ; Hi-- Mar- McKee returned to To- t0 n O itor were re: ,i as fojlowi: v, r on Monday r.i'.ov .^pendir-.i: t'v- i\-.tu"-N,in. Pa- vl \\'i;r ><. N\ ;' V.'i?: h.reo \vet-ks ;'. her par-.'iual h.--no ters, Wesley M'li. -head. G. !! Mrs. .). Stephen's. A good time is Fred Ross is attending the Ex- Tho UUtfa this cr, Fred at Niagara last week. MJ> -r-t. Jim and KdJie Hav- if Toronto spent a few day* Mr. Charlie Long visited his broth- J with the Park family. Mr. and Mrs. Hoptans of Toronto visited over tho week end in tho v.U arc. gusssts at "Fair View Villa". M: . R. Gordon and children hav.- (Intended for Last Week) On Wednesday. August 2(5, Women's Association held a I\. Rir.n. R' -=-el! C.'.iiieron. \Viiev Ti-ui:::o"n wait'.'i Cum i! re the closing of odd. Monaghan - Wilton - res:P:r.i.'n of H. G. Burk b - acc-Mitad. th 30th cltrk tho ec" t or* 5 Wilton Monaghun T!>at Thos. ,; '_^^ I'cniit-:--; in wnii'isr. .iii :.-> sse-i and to the undersigned Soli received until Friday, -he day of <V- . ' : '. ut thret o'clock p.m. t't'i- -he if ' ' lands bcKn :t\- Hast ha' of L nui i'rr 1> --hip anil which may be more par- arly liescribed as follows:- Commencing at a point in the -er!y limit of said lot 23 distant b 74 deg. 27 mins. west 320 feet the south easterly angle of said thence north 50 deg. 30 mins. .>e*t .M:! feet, thence north 1 deg. '553 then B rth 55 dogs. 31 mins. ', "> feet: thence north -S4 dogs. - ;Vei: thence south 71 degs. 2o-i feet: thence south 2!> dog?. m:ns. wes: 2' ; .~> feet: thence south . 2 -\-vt: thence south :,-.-. s - - - t 7 to a- - th - -rherSy limit of saiii- ant south 71 dogs. .'J7 mins. in rom the southely anglo : --aid lot 2>. this 25th day of August. 1931- W. l. BKI I.AMY. r hip Clerk, Township of Coliingwood in th'- '' in ty of G'-ey. comprising 100 a :'. far::-,. i.- ihe Alexaiui. '- : K t'n the lan.U i. a VJT house. .1 ir < with slon ng : oxcellon; :a v : . all well fcr.-eti - :'. ! ."> a ._ l e . ; - -. - !. locattd as I TENDERS WANTED . Tenders wanted for 58 S-t'oot cedar . S and '.* inch top: 7 10-foot markets, scho.'l, :n-.d ciiu*. .-.. tender r.eces:-a:'!':y av-cepted. I . i ut Mc:iii-!-'i. Septenibei 1 Ith ' Goo. G. Albery Sol:.i-n- fov Dr. -I. F. MoKee and Alex. McKeow. Kx- verv gone to Beuverdale to spend a while p t , lr j s - s jesignatoin as weed inspector! -i.-ce^ful corn roast at the home rt with er uncle. Mr. Jos. Leppord. j b<? accopte d and Win. Thompson i V- Edgar Betts. A good program* Mrs. Walton of Sault Ste Mane s appointec | jn his p i ace and stoaii. j of mu.V.- readings and contests was visiting with her sister. Mrs. Aiex.| By ., aw Nv) ,._, w:ls i n ,.., H! uce,l. sett- after which Mr*. P. A. Winters Carruthers. ! ing: rates as follows: County Ifi 2-S ,, , resented Me-rs. John and Goo. McCurdv nli , u Towr ^ :hio u and Genera! School tht> expirawon -f one month from the Patolli B . R . " The have returned to their home in Bufi- Rate 10 ,;,, W as read the required' fit^publication^f this - alo a.'ter spending the past week or with I Miss with a cut glass water sett. evening closed with a good feed 1 ov corn. A nice sum of money was so with Mr. Robt. Purvw. realized. Mix. J. L. Morrison and daughters/ few days Flora and Thelma visited friends here| Bcntham, in Flesherton. this past week. Mr. Stephen Gi'y of Meaford vis- ited his father, Mr. M. Guy. Mr. Andrew Orchard of Minesing .-ailed on Rev. and Mrs. Pope on Sun- dny. Mr. Guy Pallister cf Toronto spent the week end at his parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wright ami \ posts with 12 inch ti i and 4 brace post.'. 12 feet long with a i> inch top; and the building of S'J'i rods of wire fence on what is known as the >ic- : - > Deviation and Mr. Fredf Smith's lot. The end posts to be dwn ~i feet and stoned, the brace - to be 4 feet deep, the centre- post to be 3 feet deep. Tenders wil> bo received up to Saturday, August 2'.Hh. 1M1. at 12 o'clock. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be forwarded to T. H. Flesherton. number of time.;, signed and sealed. the 20th day of August. IMM the Bv-law No. 13. wa* also introduced. Council of th<? Township of Arteme, W. Walker Sr. is spending a appo inting Crater X. Long as Clerk, ^ her niece, Mrs. R. ' at tne salary of $:!5i) and By-law No. 14. appointing G. H. Burke an. I .I-is. each, was TENDERS WANTED lows, viz: Mrs. Robt. Purvis accompanied by Rinj, as collectors at 3 Miss Jean Young is visiting for a rea j_ ; i g ,,ed and sealed. few days in Orilfia and Toronto Mrs. E. White o Toronto and Mrs. Wilton Monaghan Tkat tho foU deviation of Road as fol- Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for grading and fill, or* All and singular that certain parcel what is known as "Turner Deviation'' or tract of land and premises situat u at lots 27. 2S. 3 S.D.R., up to 12:OO lying and being in the Township of o'clock noon of the 22nd day of A Artemesia, in the County of Grey, and, ust inst. lowing accounts bo r ai.l: f Prov j nce of Ontario, containing by. The lowest or any tender not nec~ Grey County, indigent patient accon n t |adn - easurement fou[ . am , two . fifthg essari i y accepted, 'plans can be seen- D McTavish of Flesherton visitad rec- _,| - -. v u i t* lilt b*v~AIALIia ^..J?**4JF l\. V \J p V^\4> A I ently with their sister. Mrs. Jacob | $35 . S8: Municipal World, mppli ( acres, be the same more or less, being at the Clerk's office. Willis-ins. , Clerk $18.94; Frank Winters, sheep L . om ,, ostll | o f parts of i ots 26> .,- a>) j p ate(i August u > Mr. F. Weatherall of Kingston vis-; claim $6; Henry Hanr.on, sheep claim L > 8 itl the Second Concession South ited a few days with his wife and children at the Eugenia House, last : Mr. Harold Cook of Owen Sound ,^jn. Joe, attended Exhibition wofk. Mr. and Mri. Frank Hall of Ham- 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. tenwick. visited over the week end at the home ilton have returned home after spend- ing the past week with Mrs. Hall's parents here. M-. and Mrs. Chas Hanlcy and ;7: Advance Printing Co., Voters' List etc.. 1 27.83. Morrison - Heitman - - That following road accounts he paid: R. J. Talbot. pay shoe* $175.;i.V, R. Talbot. pay sheet Townline fc>.i2">: W. .i W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk of Artemesia. week end were:- Mr. and Mrs. Ham-late. The census people asked iii' yo,'J had a radio, but not if you had a cat. Perhaps they were afraid the statistics would be hard to tabby- Ulron spent the week ci'4 with Mr. i p n: dgeon $18: Mex. Stevenson $11.115: and Mrs. C. B. Wilson at St. Cath- Mi-.s Irene Clinton and Mr. Jack Brotherton of Toronto visited on Mon~ day with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley. Mrs. Wm. Hanley is in Toronto vis- iting: friends lor a few days. Wm. Essland $i:l.'U\ Marshall Armour $42, Dav e Ro-herts $3. Gravel G. E. Miller 88.30. G. Tyson $8.1 0. W. J. Mullin 40e., Thos. Brown $12."0, Mrs. Ed. Cameron $5'. 20. Sam Clayton $-!.SO C. Sr>rott 50c. Wire Fence Bonus Wm. McQuay $7. JO, H. Mclnnis $4.80.' BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNER\L CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 J. W. BATES Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS

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