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Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1931, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^^^^ 5ctvica OF THE (^anabtun 4Hr total A0H0naitmt GRANT FLEMING. M.D. ~. ASSOCIATE SECRETARY STOMACH TROUBLE Dhtcomfoit i:i any part of the ab- domen is apt to be blamed on the stomach. Those who frequently suf- fer from such discomfort usually say that they have "stomach trouble". W.hen tha stomach goes on the rampage, most persons place the blame on the la.;t thing which they have eaten, and make up their minds that this or that food does not agree with them. Whether or not we enjoy health does depend, to a considerable ex- tent, upon the food we eat. We know that in order to have health, we should use a balanced diet, which included milk and potatoes, fresh green vegetables and fruits. ^ We know also that we should not fat to exces-3. It is not to be ex- pected that the stomach can b a- buscd by an excessive or indiscrim- inate use of foods or beverages with- out causing trouble. The abuse of any organ of the body leads to the man who rushes through his lunch, his mind occupied with office worries, and who does not take time to relax, will almost .surely have hu stomach "KO back with him". Loss of appetite, nausea and vom iting arc the symptoms which usher in the onset of many of the acute diseases. In such cases, the stomach is effected by the diseases which are attacking the body, and the stomach as on<> part of the whole body reflects these conditions. This is partic- Dundalk Celebration Large nurrJbers from here have at- tended the Dundallt Old Home Week t-i-li l> -ations and have enjoyed thr- j program of music and sports provided. TI'c Old Timu Villas Quartette which appeared in Klushorton at our cel- ebration t-.vo yi-iirs ago, gave a sacred concert Sunday evening, assisted by the Me- ford biind. Op Mo"(!*v the Governor-Contral's Body Guard band of Toronto headed a splendid parade of floats, decorated cute.;, etc. A band composed of twelve players from Markdale and Flesherton, in comic co.stume, joined in the parade and provided music (?) quite different from that supplied by tho highly equipped organization head- ing th" parade. Anyway, their ef- forts in providing an extra attraction '. In our childhood, most of uj learn to' greatly dislike the | .vords"don't do that" but of course when! we grow up we learn that most "don'ts" have a lot of reason behind them. However, some of' us npver do learn. For example there's the man who seemed to catch the fancy of the : habitually exceeds the speed limit, crowd and the management were kind ' i followed one of these chaps for enough to treat the players to dinner , a b ou t 3 miles yesterday on the Lake at that fine hotel run by Charlie Max-: Uenni.-.-n; from Flesherton, Frank ularly noticeable when it is some other abdomonal organ, such as the appendix or the gall bladder, which is involved. The stomach may be upset as the result of heart disease. In order to do its work properly, the stomach require.) r.n adequate supply of blood. If this supply fails because of heart i and Y."Thurston"., digestion is interfered with, Thc weather fur tha cc ] c b ra tion but the cause, in su?h case, is to be] has , jeen vory good) althou| , h ,. ain fel , found in the heart, not in the stomach. | op Sumiayi but wjth the large crowd Thf-se conditions are mentioned be- of old boys and girls home for the Shore Road. He didn't hit less than fifty at any time. Luckily traffic was light. He was indignant v, h. . I waved him to stop. "Sure, I know I was driving fast," folgan, Jack Colgan, Waller Perkins,! he said, "but the road was clear and Jack Perkins, Milton Perkins, H. ' j' m j n a hurry." well, thc Queen's Hotel. Thtir kind- ress thi'.i way was certainly appreciat- ed by the boys. Those who joined ! the band were: from Markdale, A. E. had to exp i a i n to him that no Di-ncan, Char,. Bcllnmy, Barney Wei- , nlan can driVe a car at excessive ton.Jlus. Wilson, Emerson Bellamy, J 3pee d and get away with it . . . breaking-down of the organ sooner or' cause they indicate that while we event this indiscrcssion on the part later. The whole body suffers as the result of such carelessness as trouble in one part affects the whole. However, pain and discomfort in know that pain or discomfort in thr aUiomen means that there is sonic- thing wrong somewhere, even if there is nau?oa or vomiting it docs not ncc- thc abdomen are not, by any means, e^sarily imply that it i -, the stomach always traceable to the stomach or which is primarily at fault. It does to the food taken. that the real cause must be The upset .stomach may be due to I fcvund and treated if the condition is won y, nervous -strain or anxiety. The to be corrected. A True Dog Story The Modern Trend of Jupiter Plrvius had not the ex- pected effect, due to the disnlayed 'by the particinants. Tho citizens of Flcsherton are pleased with the success of the Dun- dalk celebration and the wish is that they come out on the right side ot always. You see, in the city a driver runs at a much lower speed and his mind and motions are keyed to that speed. In an emergency he knows what to do, and does it instinctively. O.casionally on the highways he ".steps on it" and at the first emer- gency he's in trouble almost before he knows it. No two ways about it. I know. I'Vo seen it happen often enough. The fajt driver always gets his . . . the ledger. It is a tremendous un- eventually, sometimes even through .Icrtaking to stage an event of this LO simple a thing as a blowout, kind, and if their efforts in provid- Better slow down, before you set inrr entertainment are rewarded with a credit balance we will be only too pleaded. Many stories have b; i n rning dog.-, to show their devo- tion to mankind. This i.< the si'>ry of u (!>>: who pave hi.s life in on effort to yours, brother. Well, I'll be seeing you. I4M44 Wh- n the men of today were lads i n if n -*--ii !)uWl ; hcd ithe school teachers and others grabb. IfcAl f lUCWiinn QTDFFT ^311 R3ISIi)0 WllllOUt ed thc Diamond Dick and other vivid UULLIIIUIV JUU 01 ItLLI :"; ni.r_ >arr.s from their Ivinds lest they save members cif the bovine t |'>e lYom might become tainted and dare to yn and do likewise. But tho fiction death in a bla/.ing barn. Recently the .... . . of that day hud nothing on the facts ltnt*rt firwl i 1*1 t\l<*mji M t ..' iitfii, it H*r Pvl *-\ _ I barn and implements owned by Nor- man A'.verbuck, near Centerville, Wa- terloo county, were raked by fire. When it was <li.-n-over.'d that fourteen tattle were in the barn, the do?, m in and soon v. *l!i them. Likewise he brought out eight pigs on a second trip into tho barn. Th?n it wa.; discovered that >i' to.lny. For example did Diamond Dick or any of his followers do any- thing iiior ( . da.-ing than that of the yiung men in the Sunday night cap- ture of a policeman at Walkerton and and a hold-up thrown in, continue a merry race o>f two hundred miles abou 1 . the province. Not a bit. Yet . . l(.\.l . nw* n /!,. 1 C*. one call still remained in thc stable, . , ' what teacher or others are telling and una be t- ,,,*.. Hdo again .,,,. ((j , off ,. ^ ^^ entered the blazmg mferno. but this ||f u Tru , t , K . ,.,,, (|<)lh |n<|Ve? _ time he d:.J not eome out. \Vhen the' ( . ,i liru , W(!0(I Bulletin. ashes coolest sufficiently that the ruins criuld I'.- expl<,:'cd, the charred body of the dog \v;is found In side the remains oC the calf. Arthur Knter- jHe. T)II> ( are with which raw milk cati iS ENTIRELY PAVED <"ollinc\vood street is completely iia /cd, the King Paving Company! finishing with thc laying of concrete ard curbing Wednesday morning. i The mixer and outfit is now busy lay- I ing the cement at the west omf ol that street finished by this week end. The hasp for te concrete wall in front of the Phillips property has been laid and thc wall will be erected when the roadway has become suffi- ciently hardened. We understand that the contract the paving cf the 20 foot strip on higbwiiv north and south, to be doocl by thc Provincial Department of Highways, was signed on Saturday Using Skim Milk contaminated owing to un- and work will commence- shortly, the sanitary conditions was recently de- cement to bo laid from the south Quite often, some breeders or far- feed skim-milk to their calvr.i because the milk is sold un- i-kimtnetl or is converted into cheese, or else the rules governing accredit- ation forbid feeding unpasteurized skim-milk. In such cases thc foh- owi"T system of feeding is recom- mended, as it has given very good rc.-.ults at the Experimental Station of Ste-Annc de la I'ocatiere. This system cons.'fts in feeding v.'holc milk up to thc age of four or fivo weeks and gradually leaving out all milk thereafter to feed only good clover or alfalfa hay and n mixture r special meal made up as follows: SO pounds ground corn, 75 pounds ground oats, .">() pounds bran, 50 pounds oilcake, 50 pounds dried blood meal, momtrated in th town of Burling- boundary f the Milage first, thenc, * pound.. r } *> n * mcal - 4 Pnds fin- ff i_ I importance f the dairy n- ton, where complaint! had been made to the nortli end the historical development vjr; ..,,i inK thc mi | k SU| , p | y jn thnt of Canada is about to be recognized f l (K -alit.v. Two offi. iuls from O. A. by thc in tmn of a cairn on the Bite dl the first cheese factory in Canada, which wa:i located in Ox- ford County, Ontario. C. v! , : ;ed thc district nnd ;und that the bud flavor of the milk was due to fly spray material used in the b T7. Surrounded by her family (,f 7 ely ground limestone and -1 pounds salt The calves should get used to the to this rub somo of ehiMrcn, their 20 grandchildren and mcal ' as soon as thc - v are onc wcck 18 B rcBl-irrnnl"hil.lron. Mr. and Mr... S. Allen, Glen Williams, celebrated the 00th anniversary of their wedding III E STORB WITH BERVICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER 8AVES YOU A LOT OF MONET 3 Days' Specials to End Big July Sale. 3 Days Only AT THESE PRICES Special Sale of Ladies' Dresses $1.00 This group comprises our $ 1 .50 and $ 1 .75 lines \ PRINTED SILK 'ii) /t ^ '"' 3 YARDvS $1.00 *';* In allovcr and tweedy patterns. 3 days only 3yds. $1.00 Final Clearance of Voiles. 3 Prices only 25. 39. 69c yd. All new cloth All new cloth attractive 4 patterns. All marked half price. MILLINERY SPECIAL , .!< * "*' GROUP NO. 1. 2.50 io3.50 Hats S9c. GROUP NO. 2. 3.50 to 4.50 Hats $1.79. Printed Pitjw and Printed Foulard, Reg 39c yd. All ni'l fa in. wide. 3 days only 25c yd. _^,_ i ,' ' . I the n 8e r drop a liU ' ( ' in th bottmn of tht ' P al1 aftcr tho animal hns Uken its milk. This mixture is kept con- stantly before the calves until tho age of thirty days, that is until the feeder begins to cut out the milk, and the meal is fed only twice a day aftcp weaning 1 . Tepid water is given to replace milk. This system must be followed until the age of six months. The calves raised by this method may appear thin during the first thirty days after weaning. The far- mer imwt not 'be alarmed, for the calves though not fat will be growing good frames and if he weiRha the calves he will notice that their weight increases regularly and they will soon be strong and of very good apppcar- ance, with a lustrous coat. Calves raised by this system at Ste-Anne weighed, on an average, at birth f>7 pounds, at onc month 91 IIHHMI! ., at two months 130 pounds, at throe months 176 pounds, at four months 228 pounds, at five months 280 pounds, and at six months 333 pounds. Bf STENOTYPY ,.,,r MACHINE SHORTHAND Class Will Form Sept. 1st An exceptional opportunity to prepare yourself for this new profession FACTS ABOUT STENOTYPY The Stenotyp la a short- hand machine which re- cords speech in plain printed letters much faster ana more accurate than ordinary short- hand. Oil The Stenotype has been "II tested thoroughly by bus- iness for 12 years and Is accept- ed as the coming form of sten- ography. ON Stenotypy Is a distinct pro- **l fesslon and those who en- ter It are afforded unueua! op- portunities. 4\\ The trained Ster.otyplst Is * I in demand for high grade stenographic and secretarial positions with the most progres- sive firms. The exceptional Sienotyp'Bt can look forward to \yor'.t f.s convention reporter, court reporter, etc. MODERATE COST CONVENIENT TEUMS CLASS STARTS SEPTEMBER 1 C|| Stenotypy Is easier "II more pleaeant than old methods of recording dictation. J|| Complete training In Sten- "II otypy takes only a short time and the graduate can take dictation accurately and rapid- 1711 Stenotypy is an exceptional 'II opportunity for only the bright and capable young man or woman. Do not consider it unless you ar in real earnest about your business career. 8 Our training In Sicnotypy Ifi complete, and under the direction of experienced. capable instructor. The ma- chine is furnished with tha training. Write, phone or call for complete information Northern Business College C. A. FLEMING, Prlncliwl Owen Sound, Ontario replied the Highlander. "He has be- porno I 15 vpnr< olH .*' Now n> knov. that it is only a fairy story. Send The Advance to n friend. BUNGALOW AT ELGENIA FALLS FOR SALE AGENTS WANTED Man ;OP woman to travel and appoint agents for old-established house in bu-siness in Toronto ever forty years. For terms and personal interview with one of our travellers write Dept. W-S, Winstone Co., Toronto: Six roomed bungalow with sun par- ilor adjoining, hardwood floors through , out, hot air htated, furnace in good i condition, electric lighted, softwaterj cistern in basement, good garden M: acre lot; would make an ideal summer home or good ptrmanent home. Will; sarif ice for quick sale. Apply to J. E. LARGE. R. R. 1, Niagara Falls, Ont. or P. Munshaw, Eugenia Falls. INSURANCE See us or phone regarding your automobile, Cargo, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Guarantee bonds plate glass, and fire insurance. Our rates are reasonable and we guaran- tee service and satisfaction. _W. J. W. ARMSTRONG ~ ' Licensed Agent ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. adn Mrs. T. W. Findlay of Mea- ford were in town on Wednesday. Miss Annie Howard of Toronto is visiting her brother, Henry, here. Flesherton won a softball game from Ceylon this Wednesday night. The return game in to be played in J. I). McLeod's field on Friday night. Anil now we have a real Scot coming forward with an alibi story for the Scots. Last week editor Samson, of the Elora Express, published the fol- lowing story: Among the train pass- engers were an elderly Highlander and a young Ind. The former was holding a watch in his hand and was studying it with intemie interest. Suddenly he seemed satisfied and he beckoned tho conductor to him. "What is it?" the latter asked. "I want to Memorial Service Will be held at Priceville Memorial Monument on Sunday, Aug. 9th at 2:30 p.m. Thc two resident ministers. Rev. Stewart and Rev. Bartlott, assisted by Rev. Father Mcliugh of Mark- Hon. Dr. Jamieson has consented to act as chair- dale, will take part in the service, man. Music by Mass choir. THE BRASS BAND OF OWEN SOUND WILL GIVE A SACRED CONCERT FOLLOWING THE SERVICE AS WELL AS WELL AS ASSISTING IN THE SINGING. A liberal collection is askVd for

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