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Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1931, p. 4

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KTEDNESDAY, AUGUST B, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE We can supp you with all of them ly Financial Statements Booklets v , _ I'amphleU ' \ lir. liun-- Reports Folders ^ Fine Stationery Statement Forms - : ::: ' EI fcli Intricate Rule Forms L Factory Forms Business Record Forms Blotter* Manifold Forms Interleaf Forms Cheques Receipts Envelopes, all kinds Ticket*, all kinds Business Card* 1'crsonal Card* Wedding Stationery Funeral Stationery Announcements Shipping Tags Posters Sale Bills Window Cards Auction Sale Bills Fair Printing Prize Lists Factory Forms Ktc., Etc., Etc., LET IS HELP YOU WITH YOUR PRINTING Call us and enquire- a1nut any of the above' items you may need. You know the number Phone 18 Fortune Made By Promoters of Grab MISS MACPHAIL TELLS ABOUT THE BEAl'HARNOIS INVESTIGATION Well, it's over: Sunday, August 1st saw the dose oaf a long, wearying and discouraging session; members are fagged and for the most part gloomy in outlook, due possibly to the mid- summer session, the general depres- sion or the Beauharnois revelations. The dominating figure of the Prime Minister stands out clearly. Able and sincere as he undoubtedly is, he has this session done much to take from if saleable at the market quotation would at one time have beeen worth $17,000,000 and at to-day's quotation of (4 per shade would be worth 14,000,. 000. This cash profit was paid out of moneys borrowed by the Beauhar nois Power Corporatioin, Limited, by p sale of bonds." Mackenzie King's speech on the Beauharnois power project was weak in the extreme. It was extremely lengthy; for hours he labored to show that the government of which he was the head passed the Order-in-Council giving Beauharnois 40,000 cubic feet per second of the St. Lawrence water, in all good faith. Nobody for a moment thought otherwise. Even opposition newspapers and the oppos- ition party did not believe he knew at the time the Privy Council order through their supposed political value, then as a former school teacher and as a woman I would ask: What are we going to teach the children of Can- ada? the boys and girls in our PuWc| C aiedon"I!^.'."."."^.".'.. Sept." 25~ Fall Fair Dates Barrie Sept. 18, 19 What is the use of saying to BoUon October 2, 3 schools "We must have high ideals we must be honest and hard-working we must respect our institutions, we must look up to our public men and have confidence in them," if such men are to be allowed to remain in the parliament of Canada? Here are three the Beauharnois committee, and I suppose they will continue to bear the Cape Croker Reserve .... Sept. 24, 25 Chatsworth October 8, 9 Chesley Sept. 24, 25 Clarksburg Sept. 22. 23 Collingwood Sept. 23-26 Dundalk Sept. 29, 30 Durham Sept. 15, 16 senator - 3 who appeared before] Fcversham October 6, 7 IS, 19 FleshertoB GranJ Va| , gept 2Q prefix "honorable." If there is Jo Hanoyer ............................ g lg be any respect for the Senate-and ; H ^ ................................ Sept. 8, 9 thfyp is nrr-cious httlp now we oucrht Parliament what little power remain- wa s being passed that Senators in his ed to it. The Cabinet is now supreme it is almost in complete power over the tariff', it ha-s a blank cheque for the relief of the unemployed and for the relief of the distressed farmers ot confidence had received large sums of money on the understanding that their influence would be used to secure the Order. He did not, it seemed to me, cut himself loose from the dubious | Saskatchewan. Now the unemployed , method of obtaining campaign funds, are to be assisted and to what extent nor did he make any constructive is wholly in the hands of the Cabinet; suggestions as to how the mess was and in relation to Beauharnois, while to be cleaned up. lie asked for a e is precious little now we ought to rid the Senate of their presence, and we should not be afraid or ash- amed to say so." AGNES MACPHAIL House of Commons, August 1, 1931. CONTROLLING WEEDS Repeated experiments hav e shown that summer plowing of sod land Parliament was asked to cancel the j Royal Commission to further investi-iand the subsequent cultivation of! Ordtr-in-Council issued by the King gate the sources of campaign fund; the soil until fall very materially Government, they were nLso asked to give the Government power to change management of the Beauharonis pro- ject. Just what the new bill means is not clear It is only fair to say, however, that the Prime Minister has moved rapidly forward in the way that seems to him to be best. Another disquieting thin',' was the he did -show deep sorrow over the treatment accorded him by Senator Mc-Dougald and that he deeply rfc gret'ed the whole affair no one could doubt who heard him. He was he said, in the valley of humiliation. We livo in too fust an age for any- one to listen contentedly to speeches throe and n half hours long and terse Holatein Sept. 29, 30 Kilsyth Sept. 30, Oct. 1 London (Western Fair) .... Sept. 14-19 Markdale October 6, 7 Meaford Sept. 15-17 Mount Forest Sept. 16, 17 Orangeville Sept. 17, 18 Ottawa (Central Canada)....Aug. 24-2U Owen Sound October 1-3 Paisley Sept. 29, 30 Priceville Sept. 10, 11 j Rocklyn October 13, 14 Shelburne Sept. 22, 23 Tara :... October 6, 7 Teeswater October 6, 7 Toronto (Canadian National) Aug. 28-Sept. 18 Walters Falls Sept. 29, 30 assists in the control of weeds, es- pecially on perennial plants such as couch grass. It has been found thatj plowing the sod land in July and I riltivating at ten-day intervals un- til the fall freeze-up almost entirely | Th- Collingwood Bulletin thinks the prevents the growth of couch grass ' Blue^Mountains, west of Collingwood, clause in the bill for unemployment speaking was never more required ! relief giving the Government the right ! than on that occasion. | to provide for "peace, order and good government." The word/ suund well enough but why they should have Mr. Bennett's reply to Mr. King was and in a measure, constructive. His attack of the Leader of the Oppos- bcen inserted in the bill giving a blank : it' " reminded one of Meighen. H-J cheque to the Prime Minister for the --"'"I he would ask Parliament to can- . i- r _r .11 rol the Order-in-Council ind that relief of distress, was not made clear o the House. By far the most discouraging aspect THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each wek. Circulation over 1100, ' Price in Canada $2.00 per year, , when paid in advance $1.60. In U o. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. H. TUURSTON. Burned Hay Crops cc! the Order-in-Council and that Beauharnoi? would be put under n.n\ management. When pressed as to be, they and other weeds, whereas plowing once in the late fall or early spring with no subsequent cultivation, has practically no effect on the weeds. would be a fine situation for the giant new telescope that has been donated to the University of Toronto and is now being built in England. c.f this session was the Beauharnois ; wno the new management would revelation. The whole story is a i hc state ; ! " thl f b nke i rs - . * h ' long one, but a group of financiers ' > r from what Banks, ,s unknown, wanted f, develop the power of tho Tne Order-,n-Counc,l has been can- St. Lawrence river, at the Soulange* ; cclltd and 'delation transferring the , sction or the po-rtioin of it that lay **w* l>a. The persistent The funeral pyre of a ruined crop between Lake St. Francis and Lake' rum01 ; '* that tteproject W1 > P ass of hay WE.: burning throughout Mid- St Louis. Before they could nroccei! , into the hands <>f >Slr Herbcrt Holt - .lle.ex County Friday and Saturday. ' they had to buy out the "rights" of' M - v rcaction to the whole s ' tuat '" Scores of columns of smoke curling j tho Robert Estate; they had also to l ex P>' esse d in the I skyward from all .sections of the obtain an Ordor-in-Council from the ' ! * IaW ~ county marked the end od thousands ; Dominion Cov,. mont g.ving them j whether provincial or federal does not of tons, which had it not been for, th ril{ht t( , ( i ivt . rt the water of the mat , ter lo me ~ to force th f wh S the heavy rains would have been ! st . Lawrence from the one lake to tho ! "'I'' ' 1 our , *?** " atural rc ^ urcps * stored safely in barns now. Moldy ,, tr ,. . Thoy needed also to sell thei- from nearly two weeks of daily | bonds to the public and, like any other i-akings in the fields, the major business, they wanted to be sure of a Editor F J THURSTON - Assoc Editor ' )art of the Vl ' ar ' s cro|)> was not *"| market for their product when they 1 to be hauled into bams when the sun haJ it ready to sell. disgorge Ihoir dishonrst gains or else go to jail like any ordinary Canadian citizen would have to do if found guilty of petty thieving. Why not? You Need Fruit BLUEBERRIES A good week for .Blueberries. Order a basket for Friday. HONEY A good supply of fresh honey on hand . the lowest for years. Get our price for 50 tb. A. E HAW Ceylon Store closes Tuesday and Friday at 6 p.m. EDITORIAL NOTES. broke through clo'iils again last week. In many cast; diiy or t\vo it was left for a iK .-t ruction started The decision of the Ontario govern- i,, c;;:nest. nut late Friday there nient to inaugurate straight salaries v . :i .irci-Iy a landscape in the sur- to Magistrates in lieu of the fees, rounding territory that had not at whi.h have been in vogue for many least one burning hay pile. Many year.-, u commendable. This shoul \vcro dumped into the river. make for greater justice in thc courts FariM r.; were inclined to look upon of the province. th:: situation without pessimism were few farms from which In talking to the average man on a f tw tons had not been harvested Ihc -treet it appears as if he was I nn ,[ stored in barns before the rain moving spirit in the scheme j othcr thinf , of p ,. attic . al i y no monetary va ,. I(1 was R. 0. Sweezey, an engineer by profession. \ Mr. Sweezey were I ,, h , )U , ( , not associated many men, among them Small Advts. to jail. So why , people who have taken ! _. certainly did not belong, Senator W. L. McDougald and Mr. R. , Q lht , m> v . hl . lhcr tnt . v nave g - lvcn ft I A. C. Henry, wlm became Deputy],,, , nmcone ,. 1:il . or rt> tained it does] LOST Lower section of truck Mini.itcr oi Railways Th<-rc wi r e n ,.. M , at ter why, I ask, should notj raek Reward. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. several companies at one time and an- BUch people be brou g nt within the' another,, but the mnin one was tho _. 1 .; m j na i t . ol |e'.' \\V Light, Heat :'.nd Power are passing, through very difficult and very hard Company. Apparently an obstruc- , tinu . s am | , h;U tl ,,, rc k , nothinK quitc lion was placed in their way by a nauseating to the people of Can-| ; "fake" company called the Sterling I a(la> not hinK that arouses a rebellious si commenced. A bad slump m price has ( i n ,i us tr i a i Corporation, the leading ^ pil . it so stron ,,] y as the fact that " is a Beauharnois investigation or not. j,een prevented, it was claimed, by f i^,, ri ., in it being Senator MacDou- j when ' lhcy arc ' st ,-iving to remain Th.'V have become accustomed to pol- t h.- weather, an'! accordingly a good . iticians' grabs in the past and willj 1)r i (( . (, what liay was hurvi-stoci, to- |sailu . | aw fj rm j n Ottawa. They (tho look for them in the future, whether! go theT with what was loft of last stcrlin.T Industrial Corporation) had will tend to balance the asked the Government for the right For Sale FOR SALE New Frost & Wood ide delivery rake and tedder. Archie McKechnie, Priceville. they are striving and Mr. Henry, members of tho honest nn(1 cheerful and hard-working FOR SALE ~ 50 Yorkshire pigs, at the same time they sec a bunch of - months old. F. M. Curran, River thcr,- is an investigation or not. * * The last issue of the Durham Chronicle takes us to. the task for reprinting an article from an exchange vith re-pect to n de"Nion by a Magis- trate in regard to cows on the roads. There have been many dcci-ions giv- on by Magistrates that ' rangi ti. us and also we are sure, to tht <-ilitor of The Chronicle, and in print- yi ar s c fanners' lo.;scs. Tara Leader. ARRESTING TI1K SLOW I'OKKS ing that item we were just pa:, sing lur<)( , ( | fin a st.'.ted fact from a brother editor, v.-liic-h v.e t'.ok In be d.irecU Many California has just acquired a new traffic law which has at least one innovation <.f general interest. This :j a Mv-tion which forbids driving a niotii'- civr ill a speed so slow thar the reasonable ilow i.f traffic is re- Traffic officers are given full authority to arrest drivers who magistrates have given rt range de- ci.iions here HJ well as elsewhere-, and ;M '. t in |iul(inir alon;r and holdinR up the movi'iiKiil c f oilier vehicles on tin- road. Although there is no I to divert the water.* of the St. Law- ren.o, but luiil not been given it; they had no rights whatever, yet Mr. paid them over a million ilollni.i fd their supposed rights. He also, either personally or as head <*f the Company, donated roughly $800, mil! to the Liberal campgain funds i ' $ILT..OOO to John Aird Jr., of Toronto, who, MT. Swctzcy says, sug- tfil that be make a contribution to tho Ontario Conservative party bc- i ii'.i e they would probably be having a lot of dealings with tho Ontario , ".mil frratefulnes:! was alway-s , |. I'll M4w l WIFU ini/iii'ii^ii era .mst natural that w e should (|(fmiUi (nw Jn ()nt!U . io agninst , low Regarded n an Important factor in driving, the slow poke motorist, who ' dc-nling with n democratic govern- that one of these weird de- cisions h?d again been made. A horse trader was trying to sell cndangers traffic by his <nail-lik c But Mr. Aaird now says he speed can be lined on reckless driving! received the money for himself in pay- count, as n recent case in Mimico; mont for alivicc hp K RVl ' Mr - n wind-l,n,kun horse, and was trot- rc , veu i p ,,; wht . n a molodst tontributea th,- nature of whid, he has for K otten tmg him WOWdfor mspe ,,,n , u ?)() fjn( J(> UK , ^ fm . j^,.^ )U t .a worth noting that ,t was fro rogues making off with wealth that: vicw - P ho "c 65 r 4, Dundalk. really belongs to the nation. Unless' FOR SALE 20 young pigs and I ... * 1 I VJVJMI ., I " ' 1^ - . L I il 1 something definite is done to curb 2 brood sowg due jn August. Cecil these so-called financiers and the sen- " ntors who got some of the money NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIK MATTF.R of the estate of FRKUKRICK THOMAS B1BBY, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, Doctor of Medicine, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 51 of the Trustees'Act, R. S.O. 1927, Chapter 150, that all cred- itors and others having claims or de- mands against the estate of the said FREDERICK THOMAS BIBBY, who d'ed on or about the 17th day of May A.D. 1S31, at the Village of Flesher- in the County of Grey, nre rc- Monaghan, R.R. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALE OR TRADE Part Jersey heifer, 2 years old, milking. Fred Stuart, Flesherton. mmmmt FOR SALE 150 acre farm for sale or rent on shares, lots 165-66-67, 3rd range S. W. T. & S. R.., Artemesia. John Hogarth, Proton Station. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Berkshire Boar OB lota 151-153. Grade sows |2, purebreda $5 cash in advance. -H. C. RADLEY. FOR SAiLE -Steam sawmill, shingle and lath mill; 60 h.p. boiler, 40 h.p. engine. E. D. Harbottle, Feversham, R. R. 1. FOR SALE Quantity of 1st and 2nd class shingles, 1 inch balsam and spruce lumber, also some 1 inch white wood: 2x4 scantlings and 2x8 joists Jas. Oliver, R. R. Priceville. FOR SALE 114 cord -soft buzz owner stroked the horse's hack and remarked to the prospective buyer: "Hasn't he a lovely coat?" But the other man noticed that tin- horse was short-winded, and answered: "Ah, I like his coat all right^but I don't like his pants." a rate of 17 miles an hour. ,,l It is worth notinp; that it was from . , . , ,, ., quired on or before the H is! the Ontario dovernment that the' } n , ^ rom , ftt AGENTS WANTED $:)., $:t.r>0 or $4 p<-r day guaranteed for sixty, *evcnty-five or hundred days' agency tessive rate. M da.i.f.rou:. a traffic o! fence, high- 1 Hcr.uharnois Company secured the way oflficiah. declare, to drhv nlon* | contract for a long term sale of elec- tric energy, which enabled them to sell their bond-3. Mr. Sweezey's company secured the OrdfT-in-Council iVom '!*he Govern- ment, but by it the amount of water that they could divert from thc St. Lawrence was limited to '10,000 cubic feet per second. In spite of that they wont right on in their prospoc- SMALL C.HKCKS ARK EXEMPT By another twist in the Bennett day of August, iy;H, to send by post prepaid, wood for sale at $1.50 per cord at the pile, 16 to 20 inch. Approach- able by truck. R. Plant, Flesherton. or deliver to Lucas, Henry & Lucas, Solicitors for the Executrix of the estate of the said deceased, their hristian names and surnames, addres- ses and descriptions, the full partio ulars in writing of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the security, if any, held by them. AND TAKE NOTICE that after such last mcntioined date the said Ex- work in your locality representing | pr0|trnm ()f taxationp bank cheques, __ _ ^Id-established house in business In - m (m)prs nn( , lrave ,, crs| . c het,.i tus n(1 Rl totl or 'ntad that | ccutrH( win procml to distl . ibutc the Toronto over forty years. For terms , ccfj of a Vnlm , of $f> ()I . u , ss nre cx .jthey had secured the whole flow of, f ..,. c ^ amoI|R , thc f artie<| |;ntitlcd and personal interview with one o^ our travellers write Dept. W-0, Win- Bton Co., Toronto. TRUCKING \ Trucking special. All live stock ! trucked to Union Stivk Yards, ' Toronto, at 40c per 100. Why pay more? All cargoes ore insured. R. J. VAUSK, Proton Station I'hvnc: Flesherton 3y r 13. empted Iron, the stamp tax. The thc rivcr ' Bs*M paying fabulous j ^^ havinjf ^^j omy to date of the imposition of taxes upon | "" to layers, to individual politi- , daima ()f which sh{> shnl , then hnve cheques und money orders was set 1 cmna nml tn variou:. other people, the , notir<> nn( , that thc gaid Exccutrix 1 ' on August fi, .1. It. ^ vided. however, that pro r,fund of **" - < 1 "'Pny has done very nicely for it- '" ^ > <* ' ht ' ou "- taxe.- * claimable upon Commons Com:iiiUec: "As the sit- money orders or travellers' ebeciuqB, issued between .Inly 1 July HI. and nation now stands the promotors of 4 he Rt anh exploitation of a irroat natural re- 1.1. c, have been nhle to secure to tii'iii. -.ilvei a rot urn of nil money a.l- No loss than xix different contract- 1 vanced by them or any of thtin, n ,.i are at work between Arthur and! profit of S2.180.000 in cash ami one- Orangevillg on Highwuy 1. [ million class A common shares, which, will -not be liable for the- said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall , not have been received by her at tho \* project. Involving th P . t . mc of auoh (1 i stl . ilH!li( , n . BUSINESS CARDS ! T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Phys-ician to all domestic animals and surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Terms: per cent. Satisfaction guarnteed ma de at The Advance office. M1DDLEBRO & BURN Barristers, etc. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton everj Saturday afternoon anrf evening. horns and Barred Rocks, 4 week old p"l!eX 30c; 6 -weeks old, 40c; 8 week old pullets, 60c. Write foi prices on older pullets and selected yearlings. We guarntee live .de- livery wherever desired. COMMERCIAL BROODERIES, Kitchener, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR SALE Bargain Prices to Dr. F. Carr-Harris will be available Clear: Tom Barren Large white Leg- at Flesherton every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday afternoons' on noti- fication of MM. F. T. Bibby Phone 5. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture. 0. STEWART. Caretaker. BULLS FO SERVICE Registered Jersey Bull for service Dated at Markdalo this 17 day of on lots 151-152, E.T.&S.R., Artcmesia, July, A..D. 1031. Ll'OAS, HENRY & LUCAS. Markdale, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executrix. Mabel Petunia's Masterman," No. 52,716, Canadian Live Stock Record. Terms $5.00; also one good Hereford bull. Fees $2 in advance. H. RADLEY. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resl- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray, Toronto street. Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 888, A. P. 4 A. M.meeti in the Masonic Hall, Ann. strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W M.. W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auetionew for the counties of Grey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Tcrmi moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. AH arrangements and datwi may be made at the Advance of f lce, addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Fleshertoa or by

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