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Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1931, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1931 '~ > . Low Price on GOLDEN FLASH Gasoline Trade In Your Old Tires Have good Tires all round at all times by trading in your used tires for new ones. This offer is limited ID the 30x3 1-2 and 29x4.40 sizes. Liberal aHowances for your old tirer. GEO. F. BRACKENBURY GARAGE & SERVICE STATION' FLESHERTON Commence Work On The Drains la your subscription paid? Look at your label now! This is renew- al time and The Advance will great- ly appreciate your early attention to this little matter. Local and Personal Two Fine Orangemen Big Crowd Visited Miss Vera Tracey of Toronto is hol- idaying with Mrs. M. Phillips. Flesherton L. 0. L. No. 2855 had ; two oid Orange brethern in the Lodge j room on Monday morning. Bro. W. j Crossley, who joined the Assoc- Feversham For The Orange Parade 1,'eversham was the centre >m for this county on 3 of Mrs. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan and iation 60 years ago, and who is an Mr. ar.d Mrs. D. W. Adams visited on hor-ory member of the Lodge, and Bro. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jos . Blakley, an honory member of w ^ Q ^ Lodges and 4 Ladie3 Blakely at Harriston. L. O. L. 244, a member of 06 con- ^^ attended to celebrate the 24l3l Mrs. (Dr.) Trelford of Toronto is ' secutive years standing. They al- arriversary of the Battle * the spending a month with Mr. and Mrs. ways make a point of attending each ^ Rain fd , im , rmittantly all ; W. W. Trimble. Twelfth of July, besides at other times afte ,. noon> fcut fortunat? i y waited tc ' The W. M. S. will meet in St. John's in th e J' ear United Church on Thursday, July 16th at 3 p.m., when a welcome will be given to all visitors. Mr. and Mrs. R. Rodgers of Grey- 1 Turned Over On Curve stone Park^New Jersey; Mrs. J. Wat-, David Harris of Humber Bay had do so until tl _> finish of the parade. It put rather a damper on the speak- ing in the grove, but the large crowd. > then gathered in the agricultural hall. The large parade of 18 Lodges, composed of 550 men and women.! son and two children of Toronto are 'both ankles fractured and sustained started promptly at 1.30 p.m., head;dj paying their parents, Mr. and Mrs. [severe cuts when a large Studebaker j by Wor. Bro. H. G. Burke of Fever- j M. Wilson a visit. Mr. Ross Thib- ear overturned on the curve at the sham Lodge on the customary white eaudeau cf Detroit joined his wife foot of the station hill, I 1 ! miles west horse, followed by the Meaford band, j over the week end. " , | of Flesherton, shortly after 8 p.m.. The Swinton Park pipe band also' Flesherton football team had re- 1 Sunday evening. The car was owned , supplied music at the head of their venge on the Pricevilb team Tuesday and driven by Mr. W. J. Watson ot local lodge. The lodges in the par- evening for a 4-2 defeat administered Humber Bay and with him was his ade were:- at the latter's field last week. They WJ'e and four daughters and calcomined the Priceville while scor- brother-in-law. Mr. Harris. While ing three goals themselves, all three ( rounding the sharp turn the car is being notch.-' \" 1. Brackenbury. two t alleged to have skidded on loose grave on combination play and one on a J and swerved into the deep ditch over- penalty kick turning against a telephone pole, pin- ' Mrs. Roy'ThBtlethwaite and son'" 1 "* th * driver tehiBd the whe * L of Toronto are holidaying with her Several of the were severely father. Mr. C. W. Bellamy. cut f h fl >* *' a33 ' ^ "" as taken to the Durham hospital. The party was returning to Humbei Corbetton L. O. L. 353. Proton No. 732. Durdalk L. 0. B. A. Dundalk "97. Swinton Park 1136 Proton Station 244. 4th Line 11-2. Flesherton 2S55. Flesherton L. O. B. A. Omngp Valley 509. Markdale 1045. Vandeleur 1383. Maxwell 666. Feversham L. O. B. A. Feversham 1085. - Rob Roy 1045. Maxwell L. 0. B. A. Singhampton 586. The speeaking on Orange principles ' and aim ; was of a high order anu local labors and' 193i - to Mr - and Mrs - ^ s]ei Smith addresses were ffiven by the follow - families. I < ne * Cora McFadden) of Singhamp- ' ">K : w - J - Miller ' Mr. Jack Kennedy is visiting at, ton ' a son - his home at Marmora this week. ,/r,, El rr Fi "" r " """"" 62 Years a Blacksmith M- Peter Dow spent the past week with 'relatives at Lions Head. Mr. and Mrs. F.d. J.mieson and Bay after vuMt^ng Mr. Watson .broth- family and Miss Audrey McGlassen j Mr - ' of Toronto are the guests of Mrs. R. . McMaster. There are about 175 men signed for work on the pavmg t, be done _ in Flesherton. ' Some unemployed n ;_ T ; u ....... _ Uat * on - at Durham ' JOHNgoN _ In Artemesia on The village Council met for their regular meeting on Monday even- ing and after parsing a few account^ reviewed several By-laws with re- spect to the pavement and "passed one of them, a By-law to provide for proceedings of works undertaken as a local improvement. Consider- able discussion tcok place on various points of the work. On a motion of M,r. Welton, sec- onded by Mr. Richardson it was de- cided unanimously to continue the 30 foot pavement with curb from the east side of Pinder's lot to the east side of the town hall corner. It was considered advisable to continue the wider pavement with curb to this point and it wcuIJ s-ve considerable money from repairing the shoulders after a heavy rain and sand would not be washed down into the catch basins. It was also decided to con- tinue the : '- pavement with curb to the w ..-; . ._ of Hill street at the Park Hotel. The drainage will be made from the Park Hotel towards F. G. Karstedts and from there towards McCauley's mil! and from the M.-Master prop- erty eastward to thj mi!i. A drain has to be constrc-ttd through the mill property to carry the surface water away and thi:-. work was auth- orized to commence at once on a mot- ion by Mr. We'.ton end Mr. Dargavel and that Mr. Mather on be foreman at $3. per day. The rate of pay for this drain vrork will be-25c per hour. By-law No. 180. declarinr the in- tention oi 1 constructing cer'.i'.ir. work; as local improvements wa? read the first time and laid over t.i the 6th of August, after the required time from the appearance of the adver- tisement. v The following accounts were ord- ered to be paid:- H. Down and Sons, changing water tank 6 times $3; Municipal World, supplies $3.79; Thos. Clayton, stamps $1.20; R. G. Holland, 3alary, etc., $20 81; W. A. Hawkcn, spray S3; Ad- vance Printing Co., voters list S52.50; Hydro lamp, etc. $26.28; J. C. Mercer, j*are of expenses to Toronto So: The Reeve, expenses of council to Toronto S10: H. Howard, work $2; T. Lever moving cook hous t NOTICE I All nersons indeptec to the late Dr. F. T. Bibby are requested to call and settle at once, without further notice. | oblige. MRS. F. T. BIBBY. Buy your Flour and Feeds **,- from the * ^'< Osprey Farmers' Milling Co. FEVERSHAM Family Bread Flour ; Made from Xs. 1 Western Wheat Pastry Flour Marie From Choice Ontario Wheat Cracked Red Wheat, Grits, Bran. Shorts and coarse feeds LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NOTICE L TAKE NOTICE that the Coun- cil of the Corporation of the Village of Flesherton, intends to construct a^ !o:a! improvements the work.- set out 'below in column 1, on The streets set j out below in column 2. between the j ocints set out in columns 3 and 4. t-.d intends to sDeciallv a -st^-- - part o* the cost upon the land abutting dir- ectly on the work. 2. THE estimated cost of each ! work is set out opposite the respeei- I iye works in column 5. and the per j tion of the cost which is to be borns t by the Corporation is set out opnosit" the respective works in column 7. Works "Viricrete Pavement Concrete Pavement with Curb Concrete Pavement with Curb Concrete Pavement with Curb Concrete Pavement .vi-.h Curb rete Pavement Concrete Pavement \vi:h Curb Street Collingwood Street Colling-wood Street E The special assessment is to be paid ! in twenty annual instalments. 3. A PETITION to the said Cou- cil will not avail to prevent its con- ', struction. but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pur- suant to Section 8. of THE LOCA.L IMPROVEMENT ACT. to the Railway and Municipal Board, bv a majoritv of the owners reoresentine at least one-half of the value of the lot which are to be specially assessed therefor. 4. A By-law for undertakins the work will be considered bv the Coun- cil at a meeting to be held on the 6th day of August. !::>!. Munic. Est. cost For' ' n per foot To Cost ofccwt front 22 feet. Victoria F.,\-: side of Levitt Street Collingwood 201.3 Feet Street West of Mary St Collingwood 32.2 Feet Street Wast of Peter St. Collinewood S7 Feet and East of Durham Sts. Toronto St West Side of Hill St. Street East - : .ie Levitt St. $ 1S7.00 $ 123.05 $0.041 201.3 invest of Mary St. 1440 824.69 0.907 "4.2 ft. west of Peter St. 2768.00 11)24.94 1.403 87 ft. east of Toronto St. 2664.00 2002.96 1.395 Vest side of 3880.00 2666.58 1.604 72.".2 ft.west of West side Alice St. S03.00 644.69 0.076 Pavement with Curb Concrete Pavement with Curb Concrete Pavement wic'r Curb Sydenham Manra-- 154.3 ft.Xorth of Street Street North side of Coiiing'd St. 2400.CO 1587.S2 0.833 Sydenham 154.3 Feet Street North of North *'de of North Side of Coiiing'd St. 1392.00 796.99 1.799 Collingwood St. Toror.- - h siiie 2~-' -h of Street Colhngwood Colling'd St. 245ri.c> l.*14l>!) 1715 Street Toronto 27-> Feet 3 Camol-rM --> in. Sour; ! street 4446.00 :j 034.49 Collinirwood - PATED this 7th dav of July. 1931. W. J. BELLAMY. Clerk from Mount Forest and other places were looking for jobs, but prefer- j Mrs. Wm. Johnson, a son. SMITH On Wednesday, July 1, Nice Juicy LEMONS 40c per doz. Try our TEA 3Se Ib. Messrs. \V. Turney, C. J. Bellamy, F. W. Duncan, P. Dow and G. Irwin Last week we published an item attended the Orange celebration at; from the Tara Leader, which stated Lodge ol Sir Knight Jas. Jackson, Grand Treas. of Grand Black chapter of Ontario West; Sir Knight Rev. E. Baker, Grand Chaplain of Grand Black chap- ter of Ontario West; G. Littleiohns, past County Master of East Grey: New CABBAGE CITY DAIRY ICECREAM Ken Kennedy's For Groceries Phone 37 Fly Tox. larg-e bottle and sprayer -Ml for $1.09 Ging-er Snaps. 2 Ibs 25c Try our Orange Pekoe Tea. Ib. .. 60c Pork & Reans. 3 tins 29c Rice. 3 Ibs 25c Lovely Cheese, per !b 19 C Toronto on Saturday. Flesherton L. O. L. and L. O. B. A. that J. J. Corbett of Arkwright was the oldest blacksmith in point of ser- Ir. Geo. lev. Tiller. Rev M. of Os prey: F. Oldham. Nice Ripe TOMATOES Nice Juicy ORANGES ^ -^ 2doz.39c Prarie Rose Flour i $2 25 Bag MEATS FRESH and CURED; W^-:~:->->^->->-->.>.:-M-:-X~>->->*-:~:-:->^M-!->>^ Rev. Pope. Mrs. H. Down, and Mr?. lodges attended the District Divine j * in Ontario, having spent 56 years Tm ^ C ' ounty ' M " a , ter F ' j Seelev service at Proton Station on Sunday j at th * trade - <- ntl1 th * > te a PP^ ' preiidcd over the gathering as chair- afternoon. Rev. Bro. Oldham preach- ed we were unaware that Mr. Henry mftn ed a very fine sermon. There was 1 *** of town holds the record un-j The s m ^ somewhat a large gathering of Orangemen. *"** l V % " a ? f 2 ^"'^ , th f * ' marwd bv the rain which 1*11. buc .... , . ' .. ,1 Mr. \\ilson de.-ideci that the Mark- 1 .. , . Mr. Jos. Armstrong and family of after nuite a delay the gainej were _ . . .1 smithing trade was the trade for him . , ... ., _ . , .. Toronto have taken up residence m . . played. Heatncote Orioles won tlu> their summer cottage here. i and he apprenticed with Mr. Adam ] Smith, now residinj; at Eugenia. He Softball tournament ar.d Holstein ue- feated Camp Borden in the football, Mr. Butt Field spent the week end is sti ,, workinir at hL , trade in Flesh . in tov,-n. He was accompanied home | erton where ho haj been fift th e game being dec.ded m ten nrtn- by Mr,. Field and son. Bru.e. who jn business thp other twrfvc vear j uto, of play. spent the past two weeks here. Fev?rsham was nicely decorated ie P sl re - he worked at Phelpston. near Elm- 1 , ;, , Mr. Ted McDonald of Pickering ; vale . It is the hope of his frionds i ^ the biggest day in their history, is spending -a week with hi? mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Legard of Pick- ering were in town over the week end. j Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Smith of Sault ' Ste. Marie, Mich., visited their cous- ins, Mrs. K. Pnton and Mi>-s M. M> Millan, the past week. Miss C. K. McMillan of Inverness, Que.. i' visiting relatives in twon. Mrs. Jas. Ferris nnd famihy of. _ Toronto are visiting with her parents. Mr. ar.d Mrs. \V. J. Meads. hope here that Mr wil , on will carry actively for many more years. Changes Firm Name c.5 it ->vas the first County celebration j hek; there, and their reception to the mar.y Lodges was perfect. Every- thing went nicely and orderly and th?re were no accidents to mar the day, which was a wonder with st many cars threading the streets. After operating under the firm Jamie Reid, the famous Scottish name of H. Down and Sons for the comedian, and his company of artists past twelve years, one of the pro- gave a concert to a crowded hall, prietors, Mr. Alfred Down, is taking ( Afterwards a dance was held to of the business this week. j bring to a close one of the best I FLESHERTON VOTERS klST 1931 celebrations in the history of the ! county. Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart of Burks: Fa)?!* ml jMisa "Lottie StHirt of. Notice is hereby given that I have Sudbury visited o n Monday with Mr. ' complied with sec. 7 of the Voters' and Mrs. Fred Stuart. List Act and that I have posted up IN MEMORIAM HAKC.RAVE In loving memo-v I nt my office at Robt. and \Vilfrcd McMas- ._.. , T . ,.,, . ter. who are working at Gueloh. spent ' ^th day of July 1931, the hst of al ^ who passed away, July 19th 'i. ' ._:n. -u : . *._.:i:._ u_. persons entiled to vote i the said ':>:">. the week end with their families here. The officers of the W.C.T.U. were j re-elected at thoir annual meeting last week. These were: Pres.. Mr?. Inkster; Vice Pres., Mrs. Wilcock: Rec ' S:., Mrs. T. Bentham; Corr. Si-c., ! Mis V. Nicholson. Mrs. J. McDonald, Mrs. McMillan, Mrs. Dodge nnd Miss Farrow, all of WYsr/ield, Mass., are tho grurxts of; Mr. nnd Mrs. Jas. Robertson. municipality nt municipal elections' and that such list lemains there for! inspection. And I hereby call u?cn all voters to take immediate proceedings to , have any errors or emisions corrected sf>"crding to law. the last day for appeal being the third day of August, Dated July 13, W31. Two yea:-:, have passed Since that sad day God called tho one we loved away. Forget her? >k>, we never wi! 1 .. As years roll on we love her still. In she suffered, I" naticrce he bore. Till God called her honv. TO suffsr no more. Ever remembered by Her father. . J. BELLAMY, Clerk. mother, brothers and sisters. Men's Ordered Clothing o ^. SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF S% ON ALL ORDERS TAKEN FROM JULY 15 TO AUGUST 15. HI- ROF.R "CLOTHES OK QUAl.ITV-Kv.rv suit specially cut and tailored to your individual measure. This discount applies to all this season's samples with- out exception. Offering of Silk Crepe Summer Frocks Sleeveless no two styles alike washable silk crepe that launders perfectly in new pastel shades white, rose, orchid, new blue, irais. peach and jade. Good assort, Specially Priced at $4. 50 merit ot sizes. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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