'. Vol. 51. NO. 7 Flesherton, Ontario, July 15, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors i CEYLON EUGENIA Mr. Peter Muir, teacher near Ott- ' The gloricas 12t h is over a-ain awa, and Miss Lotie Muir, teacher at ano ther year. ROCK MILLS VICTORIA CORKERS - . J2S. Woodstock, are visiting their brother, Mr. Allie Muir and family for a fort- night. Mrs. E. White of Toronto and Mrs. D. McTavish of Flesherton and daugh- Rev. Mr. Pope of Maxwell was a jj r anc j #,.$_ jj. caller the pa3t week at the home of anc j Marguerite Stinson o: Toronto are j A very sad ami impressive funeral \vm. Pedlar. i spending a couple of weeks under '. ; ;-v:ce to:k place at the Stayner Mr. Mr. Elwood Genoe and three child- the parental roof. Ur::ed Church on July 7th when Re- | ter, Mrs. Coleridge, of Kingsville vis- en of Toronto visited for a few days E!va featchelor of Proton is vis- 1 bee; a Ann Vickers, wife of James Mr. Percy Hemphill who has been ite< J rece nlly with MM. Ja^ob Will- with his brother here - ^ Harr >' iting her friend Helen Moore. assistant at this depot for .the past 14 ; am - years has been transfered to Alliston, ' ,, , M n T Sir. and Mrs. O. Turner and fam- and left on Monday to commence his ., ,- ,, ... , , .. ... ily, Mrs. C. South and family, Mr. ' and Mrs. Will Magee and Miss Ila, Gnoe, and also called on other friends j[ r . anc f Mrs. Ri:hardson of Laurel while here. Mrs. Bray and son, Kennsth, and duties. He will be very much missed, and Miss Richardson of Toronto vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stinson. Buckir.garn, was laid away to a well earnj rest. She was borr. in Fairmont, Ontario, January 29th, 1853, ar.d resided thsre daughter, Hilda, cf Proton are holi- Mrs. Ren Acheson and babe vis- j unt il her mairiage to James Buckmg- ai he was always so obliging, kind ; "~ "_T\fr"p * iJ daying at the home of Mr " and Mrs - ited a few days at her home at Max- j ham of Maxwell in 1878. Seven child and ever ready to help in any good ,", Ma *<* a " d sons, also Lorre Atki , orii we ,, cause. The good wishes of the com- ^ Harold Fa ^r and Miss Dor- j Mr rnd Mrs Hudson and family munity go with him. \ th / P' cnl ? ed , at Co hngwood on Sat- ; of Collingwood, Mr. Fred Bracken- Mr. Lawrence Mills of Toronto is visiting his father. Miss Eugene Brown of Detroit anci urday and attended the celebration.! bury and two children of Owen Sound (Last Week's Items) A very enjoyable time was spent. | ^ ~ recerit "^t^JVidi"^" PedTar \ h ^^ Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. families. ' by the ladles and little daughter, Betty, of re.n resulted from this union: George of Ottawa; Etta, Mildred and Edgai of Stayrer; Elijah, of Maxwell; Alma. Mc-ar.s for lessening this danger, ad- vised by ar.imal husbandry experts,. include: Never turn a cow out on alfalfa pasture on an empty stomach; g: -e a small feed of dry hay before rurning out; have a liberal supply ci water available in or near the pasture at ail times; don't turn the ccws out onto a freshly irrigated pasture, or a pasture reeking wet from rain, heavy dew or coated with frost. Much of the danger may also be avoided by mixing grass with alf- I alia in seeding down the pastures. Tho cows prefer grass to legumes such as alfalfa or sweet clover and ies o? the W. il. S. assisted j (Mrs. R. H. Wiggins) of Chicago and i wi ,, ^ , , f , . . ann . Htp , wpro rfTPT*t inmtoifi on*n thp Pwlat*' r\ *.*. m ^ . i ^ L*ta,e me tut" o i Lucir tipuc'.lLcs OK MS tors wn.li the fedlar , k .. tu . ,_ dies of the Inistiog chu r:h Percy (deceased) of Chjcago. ., ff ,. ; entertained at Milton Bannon's, the j Mrs. Buckingham was a member of Miss &ugene nrown ot Detroit anti Hunan and little daughter, Betty, of M- pi j p i s, tne Miss Victor Fairweather and two Gait, also Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Big- Mu ^l r ''p a ^ ** r *u \ J , ladies from Bethel, Proton Anglican i the Anglican Church until her marri- twins, Aileen and Alvin, of Toronto i gar of Owen Sound visited on Sunday 7 " and Proton United -lurches at their | age, when she became a member of I " vCiI OUUJ1U V131LCU \fll OUIludjr ('"IV't 1 !! tnP nfl.^ t\Vfl WPf'K" With flT^il* viisted Miss M. Cook the put week. : with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwirk. _: _ annual P icnic at M i lto:1 Bannon's. ' the Methodist church of Maxwell. Sh t past week, i with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick. friend here> Miss Lorna Ch ard. Mrs. J. B. Cummmgs and mother,! Miss Georgina Smith has been nurs- Mrs. McDonald, of Oshawa visited the past week with her brother on Tuesday, June 3th. The day j was a member of this church until the ine Mrs A Muir near Cevlon for j and Mrs. W. J. Chard, Clarence , thoujrh terribly warm was et)joyod j family moved to Staj-ner in 1910 when ing Mrs. A. Muir near Ceylon for aru i Mane visited over ths week end here, the past few weeks. | before feeding on these. S. S. XO. II, ARTEMESIA SR. 4TH CLASS Violet Fitz- with friends at Gait. Rev. Mr. Mills and Mrs. Mills of Misses Jessie and Bessie McDonald The fishing Club members at the 'accompanied their aunt home for a club house over the week end were: Markdale called on the Atkinson fam- summer vacation. i Dr. Wright, Mr. H. Dunbar. Mr. and iij es the past week. Mr. Robert Rutledge v,isi <;d his ; Mrs. Thos. Wood and Mrs. Glassco. mother here last week. Miss St*Ua Marshall returned with him to H611- Kaitting of Feversham, Mr. and Mrs. Soma from here attended the and Centre for a summer vacation. - ( Ruth Hindle of Duncan were week Orange celebration at Feversham on Mr. Mervin Baxter of Collingwood cm! visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will.' Monday. spent the week end with his uncle, Kitting over the week end. Mr. and Mr. J. Gibson and family Colin Evans has return3d of Stayner were recent visitors with simmon-s, John Boland, Lloyd Boland I by all, in games, contests, and short ; she > became a member of the Staynei Mary Summers . Mitchell Taylor . program, and of course last but not Methodist church. least the lurch. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glazer <Sr.), Mrs. Cohen, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glazer While Mrs. Buckingham's work in th church was of the sort which did not attract attention, yet it was ex Mr. Harry Burke and Miss Queenie fcJ^JRSla!"* *" " T r nt nC ^ d tW chi ' dren at the ^^ '"^ W>d h<?r influence Mr. Petr - Muir and family, his moth- er who has been spending a fort- night here returned home with him. Miss Gladys Sellers of Toronto spent the week end with her friend. Mrs. Anna McMillan. Mr. W. A. Cla.-k, ex M.P., Messrs. H. Hess, J. Jackson and 0. Hess, all of Palmerston spent the week end at Mr. Donald McLeod's. Miss Millie Wliittakfr visited friend? at Angus last week. Dr. and Master Bannon's. Donald Robinson of Dundalk is visiting his cousin, Jackie Bannon. MU'j Alma McLean cf Pricevilie JR. 4TH Elta Cargo*. Wilnur Cargce, Hilliard Fitzsimmens. SR. 3RD Willie Bowles, Bernicc Harbottle. JR. 3RD Allai Taylor, Archie- to his home in Gait after spending a her sister here, Mrs. Lome Atkinson | ouplc weeks with his friend, Willie and family. Fcnwick - Mr.and Mrs. C. Newell were vis- Mr. W. D. Campbell of Toronto is itors the first cf the week with Dur- ipeadbt a couple of weeks with his ham friends. wife and son, Billie, in their apart- ment at "Fair View Villa." Miss Edith Fenwick has retu'ned here. homo after spending the past week v.-ith her sister, Mrs. Clarence are the league repres at the r pocd was far-reaching and pene- , graham. Carman Sewell, Jean Wyville, trat.nir As Rev Mr. Gray said at her Be u!ah McGee. Laurene Baker. funr -al service. "She indeed wa-, an , exampb for all of us to follow." 2N'D Evelyn McGee, Pat Weber, and Dorcen Boland. Ernie Shepperd, Jean- nyore who knew her will vouch fo, Carffoe , Pauline Hutchison. Ralph the truth of th statement. Fitz , imm ons. Hughie Wwille. Jne of the ir.ain principles of Mr-. SR PR _ JoyCe Mc c ee Mac R^. summer shcool at Pre-sque Isle. ">*ham Christian make-up wa,' cliffe> Binie Jchnsoni Melvi]le B uch- Visitors at Mr. Albert Stevens' ' sa y' r -J-' uch she most rigidly ob- anan Lavergnp Baker were; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cantrel and served: H I couldn't say something P R. PR . _ Franklin Warling. Fred- Owen Sound. troit called on the Pedlar families ^ ^L Z n , v i aid Eller of Detroit Mrs. Stevens Mrs. Cantrel and hi'.dren ren:a:n the frentlemc-n all returned t !-is EUGENIA PI'BLIC SCHOOL .. ... Mr- and Mrs. Ralph Burkhold;- and ?..^?LL n ?J e - . C " J* (daughter*. Helen and Mary, of To- ""fo. Mr. and Mrs. Fry e and sons. Angus accompanied their sister home and spent the week end. Ted and Gordoni a]so M ; their respective home-. Mi -. Will I.-win o;' Gocdwater. Sask. JR. -1th to SR. 4th Delsa Kaitt- !::nd Mr ' Jno - Xcva! - Toronto were 2, Hcrbie was evidenced by the hen o." iriend; and relative-, who t:) camo with many floral tributes from distant points to do her honor. Simmons. E. BROWN*. Teacher '-!. Annieta Turner Fawcett Helen and Mary remained for - ND c > JR - 3rti Jean Tudor oa. Leone Duckett 65, Cvelyir Campbell ? Iorz tho cr ": k last Mondav. Fish- Mr. Will Crosken of Toronto who ' Latimer of Toronto spent the week SR. 3rd to JR. Uh Vcrda Genoa visited the past week with his wife end with Mr. and Mrs. Jsrob W1I- G: '- H = z l Turner Cl. at Miss M. Cook's returned home iams. the iirst of the weak. a fortnight's holidays. Mr. S. Hemphill and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Herb LeGard and <-'- Winneta Martin 61, R-gjjie Faw- Misess Maud and Reta, motored to family of Pickering visited with Mr. cett 60, Carmel Martin 59 (R). Thornhill on Tuesday to attend the and Mrs. Btrt Magee on Sunday. The Sr. 1st to 2r.d Elward Camp- funeral of a cousin. little Misses Lillian and Doris" Mageo bell 88. Elmer Colgan 7'J. Doris Mr. and Mrs. Cooey of Owen Sound returned home with them to spend a Fawcett 71. Mabel Duckett 6'J, Rody spent Monday with Mrs. John Ken- few holidays. , Gordon 60, Ruth Gordon 57. rpdy - Miss Gertrude Lever of Flesherton SR. PR. to 1ST Jean Proctor Mr. and Mrs. L. Dtrtkett and fam- and friend, Miss Bertha Ottewell, 90, Gordon WeWheral 99. Dclbert acquairtance- last week Poris Banr.on returned to Toronto with the Giazers. M.. \Valter Allen and several of tho younger c-en.'ratioT held a nicnici Pouring of cement on the last sec- tion of the new addition to the Gov- ernment dock at Midland" took place- .recently, and the dock, it is expecteu. Bleating is an ever present danger will be ready for use within the next TO AVOID BLOATING with dairy cows on pasture, partiou- two weeks. ing and cooking a camp fire dinner was the chief snort. Maud Acheson caught th? fish of thp <! whi?h measured eleven and one-half long. BATES BURIAL CO'Y. i! The importance of Eastern Ontar- io in the dairying industry of the ily motored to Creemore the first of teacher near Dundalk, visited with Col<jan 80. Dorland Campbell 77, Ray nrovince i.- indicat- ' by the f net i the week. I Mr* Pha Vi>; n XT_J. a*. !?......... re t>.,.., i-.,...!., ci \r, ,.....,.- that ovr (iSO che~'- % factories arc operating east of Toronto as con-.- DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERN COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUR FUNERAL CHAPEL 122-124 AVENUE RD. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 . W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. HADDOCKS, Mrs. Chas. Martin Monday afternoon. Fawcett 76. Reta Gordon 61, Murray that over and Mrs. Neil McKinnon of Brampton < It was Mr. Bert Magee who visited Williams 61. Mr. J. C. McMullen of Tcronto , in Toronto and not Mrs. Mag ee, as are visiting at Archie McMullen's j stated last week. Sorry this error ?. Raymond Gordon. this wp k ' i occurred. JR. PR . _ Dorothy Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Dill Stuart and fam-' Mr. J. Fawcett and daughter. Miss' Pas' ^0. Honors 75. ily cf Bolton visited at Mr. Fred Vemice, returned home Sunday after SYLVIA E. ACHESON. Teacher Marshall's the firH of th? week, little j spendir.R the past week in Toronto M Laura who has been visiting her Messrs. Ernie Hoop ami John Camp- " grandparents for a couple of weeks bell and boy friend of Toronto spent returned hom c with them. | Sunday at Mr. J. Fawcett's. .Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Griifen of We are pleased to have Mrs >for- Toronto and Mrs. Wibox of Flesher- ' gan and family back in the villa-c ton visited with Mrs. White and again. JR. PR. to SR. PR. Gladys Duck- pared with 85 factories wost of To- ronto. These figures were recently complied by Geo. H. Ra-r. Diractor of the Dairy Branch of the Depart- i!aughte>- on Saturday. WODEHOUSE Mr. Thos. Tudor of Toronto visited with his brother. Mr. Henry Tudor, and family recently. Mrs. Leonard Latimer spent the past ! week with Meaford friend;. PRICEVILLE Tlie recent heavy rains have inter- fered ouite badly with Lha alfalfa haying which was well underway and 5-3 a good crop. The moisture will ' do more good than harm, bringing] along the root crops, the timothy hay ; M " antl Mr3 - Kldon Runciian and and grain crops also the raspberries, '-'-'''* Mr. and Mn=. Fred Runciman which promise good. Other small t{ Toront are holidaying here, ore- fruits will be scarce in this locality. ' UT ~>'' n K M-v. Buckham's house. Strawberries were plentiful. Miss Dolhi McPhail of Toronto rs Road working is the order of the spending a month visiting with her day. Mr. Carl Cook of Rocklyn is aunt> Mrs - M?Meekin and other operating the crusher. Mr. D. Weber lvipptis - cu Kimberley i-i true-king the crushed "* ant * Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and stone. family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay, Mr. Mrs. H. Fawcett returned home on am ' Mrs. Ha-vey Farrow and son, Sunday after a weeks visit with Elvin - Mi -s Evelyn Hamill, Chats- friends at Meaford. Sh,' also attend- wortn - visited last week at the home ed the Chappel reunion there. j of A - L - Hinck's. Miss Florence Brindlc visited a few Mrs. Wm. Bell, Paisley is visiting days at her parental home at Walk- 1 ,* 1 Mr " Alex - Stewart's, erton. Miss Doris McLean is spending two Mr and Mrs. Alwyn Fawvett of \ we ks visiting at her parental home. Detroit were holiday visitors with his ' Mr - Clifford Hinrks left Monday to parent-, Mr. and Mrs. T. Fawcett. j attend summer school in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wiley and Miss Mis 5 Margaret McArthur returned Ella and Victor were at Chesley dur- home af *r spending six weeks vis- ing th past week. |iting her aust, Mrs. Dobson. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherry and Miss Gretta Nichol, London, is vis- two sons. Glen and Gordon, wero up itin K ner three brothers, Thos., Dave from Thornbury on Sa \irday am 1 an< ' Jno., and other friends, spent the week end with her parents, | Mr. J. E. Dobson and son. Alev, Mr. aftd Mrs. Dv Sy;^, Rarr-Head. j Toronto, are spending their holidays ! Mr. R. Fawu'tt and fanii'" 'attend^ with Mr. A. B. McArthur. | a fami'y reun^-; Rt Eugenia on Wed-! Miss Jean Hincks is visiting her. nesilay last. j sister, Mrs. Chas. Tucker, Ebenezer. J Mr. and Mr-. Willarfl Wilev and - ' i family. Mrs. C. Wiley of Markdale, Sixteen countries have already an-, Mr. ami Mrs. Gordfi Wilev nrd fam- j nounced their intention of taking; 'iv and Mr. Jos. Cherry motored to Prt in the World's Grain Exhibition j Thor-nbury and visited the letter's and Conference to be held at brotho;-, Mr. John Cherry nnd famiv. from July 25 to August 6, 1932. n& v c I CHEVROLET T*h vorld's Iowt Ericvd Six. 1 4 models sting from |6 1 to ?840 at factory, tax** txtra. PONTIAC 6 model*, listing from ^s-^ to *1,0!' at factory, n\o-* xtn. OLDSMOBILE 6 models, lixtn* from >1.08) to 11.2)0 at tavtoi v. taxes extrm. MCLAUGHLIN- BUICK 22 models, listing from ^1.290 to 92,660 *t f*ctory, taxes extra. . CADILLAC Over 50 modtts avail- able, ranging fro.-n tho Cadillac V a at! <. 920. to th* Cadillac V-12 at SV! V and up to th CtdilUc V-16 with nu- jora fccdjai (;: ', ;.COO ana morv. All prics Your Needs For The Harvest BINDER TWINE, DRAW ROPE, SLINGS AND SLING RCPE. TRIP RCPE, PULLEYS HOOKS AND HITCHES HAY FORKS r.AU.x FORKS. RAKES. HOFS AND SHOVELS Bug Killer, Parij Green. Fly Spray, Cow Spray, Fly Swatters, Sprayers, Screen Doors, Windows, Hinges, Locks, Pulls MASSKV-HARR1S LMFI.F.MF.XTS & RF.l'AIRS Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE -:- Phone 54 'ER General Motors car you chooso, you will possess tho beauty end enduring worth of a Fisher Body. On tho highest priced car as wo 1 ! os tho lowest, tho Fishor embiorn is o nuar- antee cf advanced b-t sound sfyla coupled with the best of Carwdia-i craftsmanship and mounds. You may bo confident, too, that your car's fine performance will con- tinue to match its beauty. General Motors givos with each ccr a bread Owner Service Policy Vnat pltovH:s reasencbb asrjranco cf cc-' ; ~:- ously satisfactory operation Sco the nearest General Mots. -, dealer ^i *- * 9m . ^ . - - today, and find out how you can conveniently purchase on time pay- ments through G M AC . 01.1:3:3 "House of Quality" \Ve have remodelled our Ice Cream Par- lor and we have an excellent assortment of Ice Cream. Sodas & Sundaes that will please you. ? '* CONES BRICKS ESKIMO PIES ICE COXLD DRINKS SERVED FROM OUR SERV-ALL COOLER _. Jas. A. Stewart I GROCERIES PHONE 46 WE DELIVER IN TOWN