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Flesherton Advance, 24 Jun 1931, p. 3

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Twinkling Stars Puzzle Scientists The Tonic He Needed That such a simple and every- Bight matter as the twinkling of the Stars lg not properly understood by science or really explained by cur- rant scientific theories lg argued by B. A. Synge in a recent communica- tion to the London scientific periodi- cal the Philosophical Magazine. Star twinkling usually is explained, Mr. Synge recalls, by what opticians call refraction; that is, by the bending of the light ray from the star by the upper layers of the earth's atmos- phere so that the ray alternately en- ters the eye and falls outside it, snaking the star seem to. twinkle. Another conventional theory, Mr. Bynge explains, i 3 that the light ray from the star interferes with itself In the same- way that colors are pro- duced In a butterfly's wing or in a film of oil on water. The interfer- ence of adjacent light rays which causes these colors may even result in what seem to be black, spots on the oil film; that is. in complete ex- tinction of the light. This is sup- posed to happen to the light ray (ram the star. These theories of twinkling seem all right on super- ficial view, Mr. Synge agrees, but calculation shows, he maintains, that <hy cannot explain the real twinkl- j tag. Both the bending and the in- j Inference of the star's light rayo are , too small. Instead, Mr. Synge sug- twinkling on another optical effect '. called diffraction, like the colors j seen when light ihines through a i tot of fine lines ruled on a plate of; There will be No Increase in the price of RED ROSE TEA OR COFFEE on account of the New Duty and increased Sales Tax T. H. ESTABROOKS CO., Limited Toronto Ontario j;ni Hatherton was right in the middle of his final examinations at Var^Ly \vnea as he a d himself something snapped and he was just a bundle of nerves. He went to a doctor and " ls story. The medical man, not so long out of university himself asked a good many ques- ! tions about Jim's examination and his home folks. Finally he said "You sit right down here at my telephone and call up your mother and { have a real good chat. I know you write every week and all that, but just have a good chat and d ? n>t . hurr y for Jt wiu not cost much . anyway." Jim did more than that ; he called his home every evening from his rooms while the exams were on. The sound of his mother's voice seemed to be just the tonic he needed. The Blackberrying Season Letter A letter 1 a story On a shred of rag. Prom a cloud of glory, In the postman's bag. It Is but a feather, A wing-weight, no more: I run In any weather, For It, to the door. When I hear the ringing Of the postman's bell. I run, alnging, If It comes, all Is well. Isabel Flske Conant. Somewhere along in May the ex- ;quls!te white of the blackberry bios- | soms began to foam down the back lanes in Waverly. At the same time, and almost every day. there fell a dry odor hung in the air. A fiery gun , Native Runners Varnishing As Mexico Builds Highway A Highway is being built by the stood in the parched, clear sky. We | Mexican government from Laredo started again, we small ones trudging to Mexico City, a distance of 750 unimportantly in the rear. Nor for 'miles, writes a correspondent of all the kingdoms of the would would , "The Christian Science Monitor." It little, slender, silver rain, stopping for j we. by sign or word, have attracted | is a vast engineering problem to ; a while and beginning again; this wag i adult attention to our delighted plna- j bridge mountains and dales, for the , called a blackberry rain. The coun- j fored selve*. We were in a different i route selected veers purposely from try grew a very fair thing, mist-white, | and strange country, sky overhead, i the easier flat and barren desert cloud-like; the smell of the blossoms, ground underneath, but of wide spaces. 1 stretch that was used by the build- . together with the drip of the rain, i miles of leather-hued fences, a tree ; ers of the existing rai!wa>. gave the whole weather an unexpect- ] here and there, an elder bush with its t ed strange loveliness. You felt your- 1 broad fragile blossoms, or a patch of self a new-comer in a separate world, j the first yarrow, bitter, crude, grey- "1 know of no more deplorable frogram than the current effort to \nmairiie' the machine." Louis Un- 'ttrmeyer. Civilization Is the art of living to- gether In an Lloyd George. ordered society. D. the trend of modren civilization. ] There is at present no telegraph and no postal service. The native has never heard of an automobile, and his method of communication dates back centuries to the Aztec and I were included in the party which .bottom. Here were our berries. In a! period. Runners are used to carry set out from the old house some June j minute or two they were falling with word from one village to another, afternoon, intent on filling sundry j a pleasant clop-clop into our kettles. | But A month or so later, the fruit appear, ! white, straight as spears. It was as then a round, glossy though we were walking to the ends The black-berrying season was of the world. Suddenly we came- to ' a hollow, and a huddle of brier*. show- By what favor of the gods my sister , ing patches shining black from top to first scarlet. black. on. The route is through virgin terri- tory in many districts unaffected by Color Combinations For a contrast of form acd color ', use specimens of dwarf French mari- gold in maroon among masses of cam- panula loreyi. The golden Santa Barbara peppy. Humnemannia, looks well In front of j tall autumn lupines in blue. For color mass in a "neglected" cor- ner: blue cornflower, maroon an] yel- low calliopsis. and red and white Shir- ley poppies. The white Shlrleys, es- pecially those with the fascinating j green and black centers, jmbine well with blue, lavender, or purple flowers. Gilia capitata has finely cut foliage and feathery flowers of lavender-blue. It will enhance groups of coarse plants, such as the zinnia. Where there are huge, old speci- mens of hollyhock, start one or two annual vines at their roots. The vine- covered hollyhocks will prove very effective, whereas ordinarily they would have to be cut. leaving a great gap in the borders. The feathery cypress-vine is one of the most use- ful for this purpose. Classified Advertising BABY CHICKS 4 I EAfci CHICKS BAKRED ^ rV * - citj. A.-.ccuas. Wiiteand Brown ----- r-s. . . M b &u rud, la, i L'i-- LETS six weeksk old. 55o. Catalogues. A. H. Sw;:zer. Gracton. Ont. PERSONAL MARRY. RELIABLE MATP.IMC'X- IAL paper mailed free. Address Friendship Medina. New Torn. *CJ AFE COUNSEL" 511 - P.vJS C3 book. Illustrated. Discusses prco- lems of love, marriage, etc.. In plain language. Full particulars about our "Special Get-Ac<iuainted Offer" sent free to anyone over IS years of age. "Vrite International Distributors. P.O. Box 202:!. Toronto. kettles and baskets with the ripened ; the sound turning into a duller one as fruit, none will ever know. It was ; the latter began speedily to fill up. always in the afternoon; it was always i All about was the ecent of the ber- hot. We started off. each carrying a j rlw. like something spicy boiling over j fathers to succeed them. As when tin kettle, crossed the orchard and the; on a stove, and of the wind in the! the pioneers made tfceir way west the runners are preparing, as the water carriers of Mexico City' did a few years ago. to retire. No sons are being trained by runner , Old York Road, climbed a fence, and : fence, and the- earth under our feet. j in the early let ourselves down in Macdonald'a pas- j Llzette Woodworth Reese, in "A Vic- ture. A breathless moment. A thick ' torian Village." Tc Roaf is Best Medicine On ITICUICAIIC V/I1 I the s >" stem n*^ 8 ln building good j strcng 8hapelv ,,. There ls one Tery lmportant tning to remember however. If the sun- ; light is to effect your skin as it must As Much Bare Skin Should be , Exposed as Modesty Permits 1 suit the rays must fall directly upon days of the United States, native scouts point to the camps of the surveyors as an inevit- able sign that their offspring must be service station attendants, hotel clerks and what not. but certain'y not follow In their fathers' foot- steps. * "The world has never failed to re- turn to religion after a period of scep- Direct Action A wiki duck was seen taikng drastic measures to puard the crumbs thrown to her iIuckHnjTs by kindly passers-by. These crumbs were attracting spaV- rc-ws, and the ducklings hadn't a chance. The mother duck felt this couldn't go on. She attacked tne sparrows ami sent a few of them scuttling away minus their tail feathers. Two of the worst offenders met a still more dreaii- ful fate she seized them with ht-r beak, crapged them to the pcnd near by, and held them under water un;:l they were drowned. The farmyard duck has been known to take similar action in the same cir- cumstances. A man is bound to think of all just excuse for his offemler Mar- cus Aureluis. DJ rou WANT TO GET OUT OF the rut" Are you ambitious to ret ahead, and unable to see how to <lo It? Have you ever thought of salesman- ship 'he highest paid profession ;n tha world* An established Toronto firm o(N * to supply, absolutely free if co^t. a complete Specialty Course In the trt of salesmanship. Two or three we?ka spare time study will complete the cours^. and you can start earning as soon as you are proficient. Booklet x- plalning this offer will b* mailed If you write immediately to: The British-Cana- dian School of Salesmanship. 113 Fed- eral Building. Toronto. "Most injustice is not inflicted de liberately. but because people do not take tie trouble to think things out." Rudyard Kipling. BnaJ U kJcal (of Inbnif ecd- *. where dMT mn unable n children. By JOHN BURKE INGRAM the bare skin. Even u rough glass or the ,! nhing the invisible produce Vitamin D are <lo not reach the skin. Brajncf Milk Free medicine folks, walk up and tlme one muSt be carefu , ln taking if they passltlclsm and agnosticism. "- lightest of ! terton. rays which filtered and At the same K. Ches- C.W.U { I TV. Bordca Co_Ud. 115 Grorf. S.. Toronto. Send rn free copia of ourotbon. ' lilfr.tvir. 00 lount Ftnliof. IMPROVE YOUR APPETITE Feeling indifferent to food? Out ot eortaT DcpreMcd? Stimulate your digestive tract with Dr< Carter's Little Liver Pill*. AU vegetable. Gentle but thorough. They'll get rid of body poison* that cause Indigestion, Gas, etc.. and give you a new in* terett In food. 25c & 75c red package* , Ak your drussist For CARTERS IESSPILLS Gardeners, Farmers, Horticulturists KingBugper Th Quality Product Insecticide, dis- tinguishable by Us three-fold pro- perties. Sure Death Insecticide, Plant Fertiliser and Plant Protector against Blight and Disease. Your selection of King- BUR Killer for your Insecticide will Insure you the greatest results at a minimum cost. Have your Jeuler supply you. Demand King BUR Killer. No substi- tute.* Write u* for particulars. KING CALCIUM PRODUCTS CAMPBELLVILLE, ONT. get your free medicine. Greatest 1 cure-all in the world and It's free!" This Is not. as you might think, a . patent-medicine seller's spell. It's 1 just to remind you that the open ! season for sunlight has oummenced 1 and that sunlight is the greatest "un- patent" medicine in the world, even though It is only recently that we have begun to realize just how im- portant it is. Did you know that when sunlight i'alls upon your skiu it makes ;i kind if food which your body needs very badly? This "food" is known as Vitamin D. You've probably heard about Vitamin D because a great .leal has been written and talked about It during recent year*. The "t'ason why people take cod liver oil ?s that it ts rich in Vitamin D but i-od liver oil is only a substitute for sunlight. The vitamin is produced o f exceptional natural interest apainst in the cod's liver by the action ot disorderly development and spoilr'.icn. sunlight and you get It second-hand, to improve the means of access for It is much better to get it first hand pedestrians to areas of natural beauty. and to promote measures for the pro- tection of flora and fauna. Preservation in many cases could be ensured by a planning scheme. The question of prov|linfr camp sites in natural reserves should be examined. Provision of huts or hostels mijht ! be facilitated. Areas examined and suggested by witnesses as suitable for nationr'. parks were: Snowdonia. 4>artmoor. New Forest. Exmoor, Dovedale. Pe.ik District. Lake District, South Down*. Bowland Forest. Forest of Dean. Car- nock Chase. West Riding. Cairngorms. Trossachs. Black Mountains, anil Bre- con Mountains. sun baths to go easy at lirst; other- j wise that painful and well-known phenomenon sunburn, will result, but while taking this precaution see to it that you get out in the sun this summer as much as possible wear- Ing as few clothes as modesty and the local police force will permit. Britain Plans to Save Beauty Spots London. The appointment of ar. authority to formulate a national park policy for the preservation of famous British beauty spots is recommended by a committee which was appointed by Mr. Ramsay Macilonald in 1 with Dr. Addison as chairman. The committee's report, issued re cently, states that the objects to be achieved would be to safeguard areas Winifred: "When I am married to Bob I am to have three servants." Freda "Piisihly, but not all at once'.' WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST.. TORONTO This rew. patented. Fireproof ment Hox <A small Safe I will supply your need of tire protection for nil four '. ar.iable capers, and cost? ontv J1S.75. Send for circular. Agents wanted. Fireproof Cabinets & Safes Ltd. 353 Or*nwcod Avnu. 'oronto 8 ft MILLION FAT FOLKS CAN'T BE WRONG And that's .1 low estimate of the Dumber taking Kruschen to ker j> 1, wn i sufxrfluous tat. When vou fake vitalizing KruM-hen Salts for a few days that old indolent arm chair feeling deserts vou it doesn't matter how fat you are tli nrge for activity has pot you and you're - stepping lively.** And best of all vou like this activity you walk a couple of miles and enjoy it you thought vou'd never dance again, but vou tind you're getting as spry as ever the old tingling, activ* feeling reaches even your i'crt. Knischen is A combination ot th i\ *alts Nature has already put into your body to keep you alive if it were not for these vital salts yuu could dot live. One Dottle is enough to provi- to you fhaf Knischen will make \MU feel youni^T spryer more energetic you'll enjoy life- ever,- minute ot it A half teaspoonfui in A gl;i^ >f hot water every morning is ull >.ou need ro keep healthy keep \.mr tcmach. liver, bowels and kidneys in plciuliii ivndition free your \>teni from harmful toxins and uu.i-. which In Canada one can do most easily In the summer time. Sun- light when It falls upon your skin produces a certain chemical reac- tion and this reaction preduces Vit- amin D. Now the moral of this article Is a very simple one. Get out Into the j sunlight as much as you can this summer and get your full share ot j this greatest of all medicines. It Is possibly even more important that : children should do so than grown- ' ups because some authorities claim that In this northern climate almost all children have at least a touch as some tlm<> In their lives ot the disease I known as rickets. This disease Is I caused by lack of Vitamin D which " Knights' " Meaf ord Flooring It 8 Good Sfe your dealer It's Even Better Get our p ficcs IT'S THE BEST Knight Mfg. & Lbr. Co. Ltd., Meaf ord The Invar Tape The invar tape used in land sur- veying by the surveyors of the Tope graphical Survey, Pept. of the Inter- ior, is composed of an alloy of iron and nickel in the proportion of 04 per cent, of the former to 36 per cent. <;' the latter. As its name implies, it i- invariable or nearly ?o; that is to sn\. it is not subject to as large change, in length due to temperature variation as is the ordinary steel -ape. ' are sure to get in even with the house screened. Hang up AeroJon the fly catcher with the push pin and longer and: wider ribbon. Aeroxon is irresistible to flies because the glue is fragrant and sweet and will not dry jood for 3 weeks' service. *t drug, grocery & hardware Horn. Sol* Ajfnt NEW TON A. lili-. 5u f 'out St. I: 'i'oi. i * AEROXON 'LY CATCHER Gets the fly every time * Prevent Summerllpsets Warm weather and changes of food and water bring frequent summer npt>ets unless healtbv elimination is sssnred. YOD will find Kcen-a-mmt effective In milder doses and espe- cially convenient and pleasant for summertime use. If baby has COLIC ACRV in the night. Colic I No raus* for alarm if Cutora is hanctv. This pure vegetable prepara- tion brings quick comfort, and ,-an never harm, it is the sensible thing when children are ailing. Whether it's the stomach, or the little bowels; colic or constipation; or diarrhea. When tmv tongues are coated, or the breath is bad. Whenever there's ieed of gentle regulation. Children love the tasted Cistoria, and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use. And a more liberal dose ot (...i.-i >ria is always better for growing children than strong medicine meant .mlv for adult use ASTORIA FOR CONSTIPATION | ISSUE No -3-31

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