1 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1931 / ' - ' - The parable cf tbe talents ia familiar to everyone. The napkin in Biblical times, the stocking of the last generation . . . and to-day, too often, the worthless "security." Extreme caution on the one hand, foolhardy trustfulness on the other . . . both are financially reprehensible. To what is your hard-earned money entitled 1 Absolute safety, the first essential; and the second, a reliable, steady accretion of interest. Both essentials are inherent in a savings account at any branch of THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid-Up Reserve Fund 30 Million Dollars 30 Million Dollars CASH Local and Personal New Officers of W. I. Will Ask Ontario Govt. to Pave the Highway in Town The village council met on Monday evening and transacted considerable business. - G. B. Welton was instructed *o hsve the cook house removed to a point nesr the pavillicn. Considerable discussion took place on tli problem of the paved streets and *h- Reeve was instructed to apply to the Department of Public Highways to have the Provincial Highway paved throughout the length of the town and recommended various widths for the naveme".t to be. It is likely that a dr-putation will go to Toronto to inter- icw Premier Henry in an effort to have the street paved at the same time as the County Road, the cost of the project being lessened thereby for .ill parties. Dr. J. E. Milne was appointed as Medical Officer of Health for the village, succeeding the late Dr. F. T. Bibby. The following accounts were ordered to be paid: Advance Printing Co.. $12.- 79 ;J. Field, cutting grass $4; H. Mc- Caulcy, hauling gravel $5; Mrs. Bibby, balance Dr. Bibby's salary $3. At the Court of Revision $100 was taken form Levi Pallister's assessment and the roll was then confirmed. Big Crowd Attended Kimberley's Celebration was blessed with good a good crowd for the Inspector Angiin Makes Report The following is an extract from the report of Inspector R. W. Anglin on his visit to the Flesherton High School on May 4 and 5 last. The three lady assistants are each completing two years of high school teaching and are establishing them- successful teachers. The maintaining his reputa- effective teacher. All teachers have heavy teaching programmes and have been devoting themselves unstintingly to the welfare :f the pupils. The hoard and the Heathcote Orioles but were defeated. ' miinitv have good reason for f-el- The hardball game between the old jnp satisf [ ed with the 8en . 5ce rendered by this staff during the two years ?!ni"st erdod. T am glad to know that the pupils of this school have been distinguishing themselves in public speaking, in dramatic work and in football; and that their Literary Society has pro- vided them with considerable oppor- turity for self-development. Kimherley weather and annual 3rd of June celebration. The main street was lined with cars and judging by the car markers it looked like an Old Boys Reunion as cars wera there from surrounding country as far south as Toronto and as far nor f h as Oiillia. One was even seen from Detroit. The sports commenced about ".30. The softball game between Colling- v.-ood and Clarksburg was won by Colllingwood who then played the rs nrincinal is a? an An Economical Wall Finish Turned Back at Border I rival teams of Kimberley and Dundalk | was well contested, Dundalk coming j out ahead. Horseshoe pitjhin z was another sport which a number entered. I The children spent most of their time around the refreshment booths. Supper was served in the hall frm | 6 to 8 and as the Kimberley ladies j are noted for their good meals every- one enjoyed that part of the day. The concert commenced about o' clock. It taking the form of a plav "Backwoods .Blossom". The local talent have a monoply of both play and its author. Ttte play was built up around the pioneer days of this district and was composed by Miss Margaret McAuslan, who also played the part of the heroine. The scenery was in the form of an actual log cabin built on the stage. The fittings in the interior were ia harmony with the old pioneer days. The players all were dressed in costume of that period. Th,> Hall was filled to its capacity and all com ments tend to show that all were highly pleased. Many old timers remarked that the cabin and costume. 8 NOTICE After motoring to Sault Ste. Marie ^n his way west Mr. Harold McKech- nie with his family of four children, was refused admission to the Amer- ican side and was forced to turn back home. He arrived here Wednesday night last, secured the r.ecc-essary j were ?( , realistic that they were taken All persons indepted to the late Dr. F. T. Bibby are requested to call and settle at once, without further notice, and oblige. MRS. F. T. BIBBY. NOTICE papers for admission and left again on Sunday for the west. Whilo on his way home he was unfortunate enough to have run into the ditch bad; to their childhood days. Mr. Andy Andrews, in his capable manner, helnd train the players. Flesherton tyrchestira played 'be- r.c-ar Robinson's corner, this side of i tweun the acts and Maxwell, and have his car consider- [ Wickens favoured the ably damaged. The cause of this accident was attributed between blind- ing headlights of a ear he was meet- ing and a flat tire. ENGAGEMENT It will soon be summer holidays for the school children. Miss Marie Mi-Eachnie of Toronto spent the week end at her home here. Mis Edna McCallum of Toronto is visiting at her home hero. Mr. aivl Mr*. F. Marsh and daugh- ter, Gladys, c; Toronto were week end guests of Mrs. W. E. Morgan. Mrs. H. Gray of Owen Sound spent a couple of days the past week with her daughter, Mrs. I. Merriam. The examinations for the first and second forms in the high school c^m- m^nced on Monday. Th tourist traffic so far this ye-M- through this district has been pract- ically negligible. Mrs. M. Wilson returned home !"* week after spending a few weeks in Detroit. Miss Tena Henderson has gone to Toronto where she will reside with Mr. Hnrtloy Blackburn. Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto r- spending a week at hor parental home here. M". and Mrs. Clive Dolan and little daughter nf Detroit visited at Mrs. Cargoe's last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Blackburn spent the week end in Toronto with Mr. Hartley Blackburn. Mrs. Chas. Bo- land accompanied them. Mrs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville visited at her home here last week. Her mother, Mrs. D. McTavish, re- turned with her for a three weeks' The annual convention of Artemesia, M?.:-kd!.le and Flesherton Religious Education Council will be held in Mt. Zion Church. Portlaw, on Tuesday, June ICth, 1931. Kisses Kate McMillan and Dell Thurston. of Toronto accompanied Mr. ncl Mrs. John Montgomery and spent the week end at their homes here. The latter visit ?d with Mr. aid Mrs. Gco. Arrowsmith at Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Karstedt, Miss Elda Karstedt and Mrs. G. A. Me Tavish attended the funeral of the former's niece, Mrs. Lincoln Th.iyler, which took place at Parkhill on Thursday afternoon last. The service in St. John's United Church on Sunday morning was taken by Mrs. Pilkey of Hanover, who spoke on the needs of the work among our new Canadians in the West. Mi-s. W. J. Soott and Mrs. E. C. Murray Assisted. iday afternoon of last week -an tea was held at the home fomp, the raison d'etre being Aching marriage of the host- s hter, Miss Allie Morris, to jn Wauchope, which interest- 8 took place on Monday. /liver Caldwell moved his fam- Jwen Sound last week, in place jarrie as formerly stated. Mr. F. uark has taken up residence in the >use vacated, and Mr. W. G. Kennedy .ias moved into hig residence, vacated by Mr. Stuart, formerly the W. Arm- strong home. The election of officers of the local branch of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Moore en Wednesday afternoon last, and Mrs. I!. Down was chosen as Presid- ent for the coming year. The other officers are: Is'.. Vice Pres. Mrs. H. McCauley. 2n'\ Vicn Pres. Mrs. W. Boyd Sc-.-.-Tens.--Mrs. J. Dargavel. Dist. Director Mrs. G. Johnson. Dist. Representative Mrs. Inlcster. Trip to Niagara Falls Fifteen lads of the senior room of the public school and Principal Ira Vert lam. nlvo Mr. Shackleton, teacher at Priceville, along with eight of his pupils, enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls Friday and Saturday, that will b long remembered by the boys. The trip was made by truck with Mr. S. Sutton as driver, and a member of The Advance staff went along to chaperone the outfit and be a general nuisance. A stop was made at the Welland Canal, a short distance east of St. Catharines and the boys ware fortun- at_ to see a couple of boats going up and coming down the twin flight of Mr. nnd Mrs. E. T. Tee'er an- nounce the engagement nf thei:- se- ond daughter, Mary Vii>;t:i. to Mr. Allen C. Whito. !!>' sen of Mr. and Mrs. Bon White, the marriage ro rlr.ce the latter part of June. M: . and Mrs. Colin H. Mat-Lean, ' Priceville. Ont., announce the eng-g'-- mcnt of their youngest daughter, Kster C., to Neil E. N"<> urui. ">'>n of Mr. and Mi-:-. W. J. Norman. Bndii-nr*. Ont . the marriage to take- place to- ward the end of Juno. Mr. r.n.l Mr-. Andrew Pr.llisler oi 1 Muxwe'l wish to announce the engage- j ment cf their daughter. Bertha Cath- c. to Mr. r>:',v : :l Alexander, son of Mi-, and Mrs. David Winters, also of " : i --.veil, the marriage to take pla";> j on June the 20th. Mis? Glnily" audience with n recitation. The orchestra cave -i -.lance at the clon-, which was largely attended Everything but the dance was under the auspices of the Women's Institute. The proceeds of the day, without the .lance, amounted to a net profit of S1U.OO. The annual meeting of the South East Grey Political association will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, on Saturday, June 13th., commencing at 10 a.m., to receive reports and election of officers. Picnic lunch, tea served at 12, afternoon for unf in- j ished business and address by George G. Coote, member for McLeod, Alta. j Every farmer should be present. R. L. Aitehson. R. D. Carruthers, Director President IT. C. McKcchnie, Sec. W ALP AMUR the famous flat finish for walls and ceil- ings is econo- mical, because it is so easy to apply that a little goes a long way. You have a choice of the most delightful shades, that dry with an eggshell bloom. It has a soft light-diffusing effect, and makes a lovely background for your household treasures. It Is permanent, washable and fire-resisting, and looks equally well on a wide variety of sur- faces. Contult your dacorator or dealer. Ask him tor a iHattf card, or write to \u direct Walpamur a product o/ The CROWN DIAMOND PAINT Co. Limited - Montreal - Toronto Halifax Walpamur products are sold by: D. McKlLLOP. FLESHERTON ALBERT E. HAW, CEYLON. ONT. RLSSELL BROS., DUNDALK BATES BURIAL CO'Y. ;| DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE USE OF OUli PAELOES 122-124 AVENUE RD. Russians I'-o reported r;""inting foreign books without permisrion. In their determination, perhaps, to be- 'ome well Red people. J. W. BATES. TORONTO PHONE: Night or Day KI. 4344 Formerly of Flesherton MADDOCKS. * ! Nice Juicy LEMONS 40c per doz. Sold Markdale Garage H. Down & Sens of Flesherton have d ; suor.ed of their garage business at Mnrlu'ole to Messrs. Bert Jackson and Harvey Lucas, the decl taking effect in Monday. Stock taking commenced Monday and the w'r.ding up of the details will be finished by the end of this we?k. Mr. Robt. Down hf.s been manager rf the Markdale locks at Thorold, which is one of "the I Branch for several years and has made greatest engineering feats in th* a success of th -' business there ^ vor jj intends to join ihe Hydro staff and ' The jiijtht was spent in a tourist will likely be given charge of NEW CARROTS 10c Bunch New LETTUCE Pineapples no\v at their best V ; I Are V or ^enneay s Grocer ".es Phc no .57 Fresh ground Coffee, per 1!> 60c Just ;i Real Good Tea. per 11) 3Sc Pork and Means 3 tins 29c Golden I>antani Corn J t'<>r 29c MEN'S WEAR MKX'S WORK SHIRTS. H Garment Guaranteed It will pay yon to look these over Xiee Ripe TOMATOES _ _ Xice [nicy ORANGES 25c per coz. Prarie Rose F!our $2 25 Bag MEATS""" I'Kl-SH and CURED camp at the Falls and the illumina- tion of the cataract was viewed with interest, but was no wonderful sight. As boys are bound to do on such oc- casions they were awake at daybreak and after breakfast, the sights of the whirlpool, hydro development and the tall shaft of Brock's -monument wc>-'.- visited, the climb up the latter being one of the big events. The lads had a wonderful time, and despite the rain which fell steadily t'i-om St. Catharines until home was reached, they returned in the best of spirits and in the greatest enthusiasm for what they had seen. They are already talking what route next year's trip will take. Quite a large number of citi/.cns attended the funeral of the late E. N. Jamieson, which took plat'e at Owen Sound on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The funeral was under the charge of the Legion of Owen Sound and full military honors were given to the deceased. given charge of the Tara lines. "Dick" Richards, who has been in the Markdale branch for some time, will take a position in the garage office here. The Presbyterian \V. A. will hold a cake sale in the Wright block on Sat in-day afternoon next at 2 p.m. Mr. John Armstrong of Toronto was the guest for a couple of days with bis brother. George, here. The semi-annual meeting of Art inesia District L.O.L. will meet on Tuesday, - T '. ;- T>i'i "' s o'clock p.m. at the 1th Line Lodge room. INSURANCE See us or phone regarding your automobile, Cargo, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Guarantee bonds plate glass, and fire insurance. Our rates are reasonable and we guaran- tee service and satisfaction. W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Licensed Agent Phone 13w FLESHERTON. NORTHERN TRANSPORT CO., LIMITED Transport Pioneers of Highway No. \Q D A ! LY S E R V I C E Operating subje'ct to Government Control. Insured under the Public ' Commercial Vehicle Act, Class A, Province ot" Ontario A. B. Ferris, LOCAL AGENT Park Hotel Phone No. 50 Flesherton I resses ow An entirely new assortment of. Wash Dresses just placed on sale at special prices. Kach line includes several distinct new styles and ; ; made up in a lari^e and varied selection of figured and flowered designs in printed dimities, prints, percales and batistes. Kr.H ran.qv ot sixes. Ladies' \\"ash Dresses 79c, $1.29, $1.39 Girls' Wash Dresses mcrs 79c, $1.29 Children's \\";ish Dresses with lUoo 98c, $1.39, $1.79 HAIR NET SPECIAL 6 FOR 25c Double mesh, first quality made from sterilized human hair. Colors, dark, light and medium brown and .sjrcy. Summer Canvas Footwear for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Lo\v prices: all sizes. BOYS' WASH SUITS $1.00 Just right for warm weather: service- able and easy to wash ; new colors and stvles. GROCERY SPECIALS Black Tea. Ib 35c Our own blend Tea. aluminum pkg. per pound 50c Blue Berries, size 2 tins 15c Sliced Pineapples, size \ l /z tin 15c Blue Rose Rice, 3 pounds 23c Castile Soap, 9 cakes 25c F. H. W. HICKLING - FLESHERTON, ONTARIO