Vol. 51. NO. 2 Flesherton, Ontario, June 10, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors late Sandy McDonald CEYLON The world's lowest priced Si*. 12 modelj 1-it.nu frois J610 to J34C it factory. PONTJAC 6 moffl.v lishng from *S73 to 3 I .0 I J <t fjtc:;ry. OLDJMOBILE - 6 mccW. liwinz from >!.085 to JI.230 at f-.-:or;-. MclAUGHLIN- BU1CK 22 moddv !i<rinB from 91,113 to *;.vco . factor/. CADJLLAC . Over ?t modf'-. avail, acl*. ranging from tho c_.;. j v.n a - jj.vo. to the djiihc \M: i: .- ' ' ;nd -p tc thi V-I6 i i .- - torn bodie ' jr nucS s Jl ?.<>>.-. A!! p.-:c.-j i: . -.. < -: MOTORS builds a complete iine of motor cars, cne for evc-ry puna and purpose. You wH! find them on display at a dealer noar you. Study their voiue. They are thoroughly Canadian in manufac- ture, and fine cjrs in every re- spect. Then again, General Mofon offers the motoric! many other cdvaritsrjss. One of these is Se.-.ora! Motors' own rime pay- ment plan GMAC. Your con- tinued satisfaction is pledged by tfio General Motors Owr.er $3r- vice Policy, the broodest and most c:--:ous in tho irid'jsfry. And a splonaid bcc'y of dsalsrs located cvrryv.hore in Canada is ready to ccr^otstrats, ar your conveni- '.?::, Gc-r. ;-il Motors v^Iue. Lori In lha clfssified pa^cs sf your phsnc bocV undsr "General Motorj" for the address of ?he nearest oti'ar. There passed away at his home or; . thp South Line. Artemosia, Alesarrler McDonald, who has been in poor health ' for over five vears.' He gradually grew weaker and the end came Tr - -- day, June 4th at 9 a.m. He was born and raised on the "-rm wherr- he spent all his years, except for three months in the We*t. He was in hi* 58th year, being the '-"ur^e?* on of the late Malcolm and Jessie McDonald, who preceded him 24 years and 6 months ago. Sandy j waj of a very jovial and kind nature. ; One sister and thrc-e brothers preceded | him: Mary died at home when 18 years of age, He:tor at his home in PriceviHe 20 years ago. Malcnim of, Flesherton three years ago and Daniel -15 months ago. He leaves to mourn '..is loss his wKe. one son and one daachter. Ma!:olm and Mary. One i brother, John, of Flesherton and two sisters. Mrs. Jo? Watson (Maggie) of Sauireen. Jot. and Mrs. Joe Ferris (B'M of the South Line. Rev. Stewart, Presbyterian minister of PriceviHe. had charge of the service. giving comforting messages to the i b:-c;Yp.i O7.es. Afi.-ward< the \\-^-: laid t - : r h-> R ? ; Morn in E v ererjcn C^r-erory. Carried '' -;--. .Ta;. 0!liv-.--r. .la*. Torrer. '.Vo.lt.':- Mill--. Chs Huddv. Georg? Mi-Vi;ar ar^ Jo* White. The -.askc-t '. '.vith beaut'.'ul flower-. testifying to the high esteem in which r 1 - - ,' ,; ;. ' I.-.. . r.v !<?. ^^ - from :\ u - friend ' .1 v/re-uh from ;h<. ward Cltib. : A ' ". - . . .. .. ., ^ v "' t . a'l . M:.- Mary McDonald of Toronto estly hope for her recovery. and Mrs. F. Wiley at pre~er.t. Mrs. arrived home on Wednesday night to : Mr. and Mr-. J. Hock'ey and son of Wiley is a sister at Mrs. Doner. ! the bedside of her father, who passed Shelbi'rne were visitors recently with The weatherman is sending us cool, away about 9 a.m. Thursday. Mr. r-r.-i Mrs. W. H. Little. wet weather, but there has been woe- Mr, and Mrs. Rar.cy and daughter. Miss J:l:nston has been spending derful 'aoid growth. Jean. ar.> visiting the latter s. mother, c::tra tir.:e with her Entrance c!~ The census enumerator for this Mrs. Macphail. 'for s ime time past. We hope that district, Mr. Ja>-. Faw.;ett, is at his j she may the frmta of he.- *>:'' la and set t :- getting along by all her pupils' being successful. fin*. A y ri-er of the friend- of Mr a; '- 1 :[ "- Wtr - ?m: ' :h 3 P ent a Mr arri Mr--. Dcnsnore Watson *-:-- ' t '" w '^'-^ ' '- their daughter. Mrs. VT ; ,.,.,_.,. , ]Iate tv ^ (1 .. pT ... e : f , ed upcn them one even ir.cr recently an,! Dannie Cameron on the old farm last havin-r at:a:--d it. fiftieth birthday. fho * rr h a profusion of " -u::a-.e z.-. i useful gh'ts. after which After thes.> long i-ears of ,.-~~.^ .... ^ ,. IOT uitl , Mr. a-.i M.-. Henry Alexander ^ "', lhos vV" h "- *' i"'^'."^"" p """ tly "" nt to K.i : ,fi%Kt^ S ^ ssjfsJA s^s^ i- -- i- z v w r c . s r d ; until at it, colder, Jubilee it hL to her n '^~ ' or the "'" , Art: ". Ia ' attained that gilt edge eMellen^ M " ar '' Mrs ' H ' V Gautlin * ^ " whioh ranks it V-h ** ^'"^ Stan1 ^ of To '^^ ^ : .'-h the ? art at P re?ect - Ir u twenty-two Iix-al publications. it wifh our * - ( Little families. years since he left this district :o nc<>me We are o-lad to report Mr. John Mi-N'cvin so much improved as to be able to be around ajnin. Mrs. Francis Shier has be-n : uite ill the past week or two. will soon be restored. Hope she and Betty rf Dra;.ton spent -orx? davs -.-."' 'h M.- I . Lyon-. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Waiter. Mr--. MoKerzie and Alvin " - ; visitors with relatives in Tor PROTON STATION Cer.sratuiatioss to Mr. (' Mr. Harold Thompson ' D'-'-hin- Mr-. James Blakey passed awa- -t t4n is hpre v "'' th a trac? ' )r r - n ' ! "" Waa.'h.?n e an,! his b-iiK M : .-- A Hie St. Catherines hospital on Thursday '' mH is ^ - " the Morris, of Flesherton. Mr. a- : Mn last.o Deceased -.ras a daughter --f lan<i on the " : ' ! h ' the Th.->s. Waucbvpe and Mr. and Mrs. ih; late Mr. and Mrs. JaooS Pmrlia- ^mmer fallowing it. War. -hope mer.t and spent her girlhood her-. ', Th neocle of M:. Zioa ohur.rh ar- "- " ^on.iay. After her marrias-e to her nr.w txvef; lookin- iV.r.vard with [i a ant ex- husi-an-i. th.-y : i st of the time in pcctanoy to the Sunday School onv in - ^^'^^^ h .^..f";. 5 !? Os: -, - -. \Siut five y :ir ion t Id in ! h on the l-'th inst. .1^0 thov ; - , <-. r tthartfl v. Besides her husband sh is survived by a .r> t'am : ly of four -r-i two 'i.i-.-- ; - -'-v. The i.:ntr?v!. - :.-- ' M- .7ion - .. _- itl ! -j. ' and - FEVERSHAM M^Car.reH. while enroute to her - -.er h.irr.o -'! the Jtan ! t /.;-. I-'.ar..:' r zui - ' V-. 2-J Mr>. M M " Mel - -' ,. \ r Mr. a ' ' .. _. . _ . . . Mr. and ! '. . . " - bereaved oneg and a t . . - '." -,: h"< of ?.fr CORNERS Mrs. Robinson is visitinjr for a fow days in Dundalk. George Ludlow is busy these days asking people questions. Any other time we'd not tell you everything we know, George, for fear you'd know "s nv?h as we do. and then some. The League had a very enjoyable time at their ice cream social on Friday evening. Mr. Jas. Lockhart and family, ex- cept Argyle, left on Wednesday for their new home near Clinton. Argyll- is remaining for the e;;ams. On Monday evening the r.t.-^abors met i at the home of Mr. A. Stinson for a t'arewell party for Mr. and Mr< Lockhart and family. During the evening Mrs. Walter Acheson read n ; very appropriate address and Mrs. Million Bannon presented Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart with stainless steel knives and silver forks: Glen with silver cuff links and Argyle with a fountain pen. ;-.? i!;u- rhrer. Kdv;h. nrj Mrs. I '<' <' ->. "i Holntein M- Joh-i , ^!o^";^!::.; a;-'! < -n Puv:,! and family c.' GIa:;us. Brnre Cou Th'- oo- ,.\-t _>nds it.; 'l.'eDest sympathy to the family and relatives. - Willran T , - r .. . . , vv M : '- Be .".nd her '' ' ' . ' ".'-' t W V Bey ill : v. : At! - " ' " - : Mv. ;ir. ' '' s. Archi Dor.er ' " ' ' - Mr ' v t. in a and Varna . aro anxi.-v- f.n- her. We all earn- Angeles. Calif., ar Poronto ( . I Gyproc Says KEEP OUT Fire. Draughts, Rodents YPROC Wallboard that does not barn is the way of least expense when you desire to make alterations in your home, store, fac- tory or on the farm. Use it for all walls, ceilings and partitions. Gyproc is made from gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and f 3 of an inch thick. It nails and cuts as easily as lumber with a minimum of waste or muss. Gyproc is fire - resistant, easily and quickly erected, structurally strong and has insulation value. It is draught and vermin-proof as well as fire-safe. Because it is ivory-coloured, it does not require decoration (when panelled) yet it is also a suit- able base for Alabastine, Gyptex or wallpaper. Consult your nearest dealer to-day. He will gladly supply you with a direction sheet on Gyproc. Or write for the interesting, free booklet, "Building and Rmodcllin-r with GYPROC". J7J GYPSUM, LIME end ALABASTINE, CAN.UDA. LIMITED For Sa'.o by Flesherton Pliuiing & Chopping Mills Mr. ant troit spent the v-ek e"d with - 1 - - former's parents, Mr. ar i Mrj. J. Ft McLeod. M----. Mary Rutledge is visiting h Ron ^it Holland Centra. Mr--. Wm. Mathewsop. a" ' --i. Ernie, motored to Newmrvket tho first of the week. Mrs. Porter of Durham is a guest of Mrs. Kno.x this week. M:-. an<' 'V'rs. Evans and dauehter. 1 Peegv. of Toronto sn-nt the week end with Mr. Allie Muir and son. Grant. Mr. P->S* McMn'te" Toront'- 1 <-^.-~ 'f "''k end with his parents. Mr. :ir >. Mrs. Archie McMuIlen. M -. M. Fcreuson. whi h-s bnd trouble wi'h his r :< ?ht ''ind beire H-id! 1 - swollen spTt a "ew (Kivs in Varkdate hospital, whe-o the do-?tor lanced the hand, which is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Dave White of Owen "" '' ".-'' the first of tho week with Mrs. Whit.-. vook tha r his brother. Edward, -vh i lives at Cloverdale. B.C.. had r-;x =<-.! awav nt tb . Rcyal Columbian h-svnfl nr, Vav i.^th. He '.vr- - tho <o.- ->nd e'dest son of f ho la\-. Mr. an-i Mrs. Wm. Stone. He was born in Qv *>'-! Ccunt;-. Irelar.<*. and vras in his ,'*8th yeai. His wife wh<i pre-'eikii him eight years av> was Susanm Writ* aker, sister of Mr. Richard Wh'ttJkr vears afo poing to Por 1 - Roll's K.i.. years ni? ci'ing to Pat Kelt's Rd.. Cloverdale. B. C. where tu> farmed quite --fcocssfujl". He loaves to mourn his loss, three son:: and five daughters. Geor^-o and Arthur of Cloverdalo. B. C. and WiTatn S. Stone 01 Van. "nvcr: Mrs. S. P. Chaplin of Airassi. Mrs. Robert Boydon, Mrs. H. Parson of Port Kelts. Mrs. C. H. Clay of Anyo.x. Mrs. S. G. la Marsti' of Marpol" also t.vo brothers and! ons sister, Henry of C-vlort, William ' A'-thv:--M B. C.. (Sara> Mrs. WUIiu:-,< of Covan, Sa.sk. Ro'.'. Mr. Math-\vs gav" comfo-tii'ir i:'r? .-;\ res to be bereft ones. Tho .i:r.cral took ;',;; \ n-oiu Surrey C.'ntvo T,. O. I. Hal! to Su: r.y Cl ' ; . ' M>-. .; |1 .:': -shalt at: : c.l tho --ai'va daughter, t 1 t Marshall ; ' ... , Qj, fcgr>. w> - j pi V ' &. ! -:.Uh !!. --.-.' L' - '-- .''' v, 010 given ti\- -:u. ; - \\\->v ov.ttr- i tnir.ed by thr nu n !;i\vn 01 tho bfl v.!;i.h overlook-. t l io shor.* of : ; Ontario, and tho !:,-;u5uati'.':i .!; was held in the auditorium when a wost enjoyable timo was spent. We extend congratulations to Miss Irene! in her success. Old Boys' & CirV JUNE 27th You ar int t Flesh - ' . , June 27th. t<-> meet yi.ur oM friends when they Duller fur the annual picnic of the Old Roys' ^ Girls' Association. If yoi: are not sure f accotrniodation let us know and a place will be found for you. But be sure to come and you \viil find a royal welcome awaiting you. Meet Your Friends at the Picnic ,.| Minister?; THE STORB WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.ltd. CHAIN STOBES Markdale, Ontario OL'R BL'YUXG POWER SATES YOU A LOT OF MONEY }^ Seasonadle Merchandise Prices that are Far elow Resular at Ladies' \Vcur N\'v: K'^i-'v'"'- 1 -: ta.brsd > vr fir.est .nislity Faillo Crepe in plain Uiadet. Tho new summer Styles at *'.2.i>5. Polka Dot Ensembk - . i : .' . '.'.. .'iK-n of ' ' r.'\v ; ' ; fine n smart styU-i -.. - ; .i! Special! SlS > v . \ - ; r.:i(i\ -' Sni : :i:r [!.'.: , ll > - '. cu.-yi- , . -J. .".. tats :r.:;rkc'i for t'vs '-ij: A!! other V.-i:i prteaa, Boot and Shoe Dept Cfr't-e V?.iues Nevet Before Surpassed .': Colon rovl Siun- nur Shoos SJ.5 a pr. Sere's the l>:s Special for !. >',."' .Shi ; :k I : .'5. \ Work B $2.3' .''-.re ' : . - .\'.on'- Oxfco^ls <; .5 OBtf ! with upper MS > '-. " a p-. t:ik>-r; I'.-o'n our this :::'.', e Dry Goods Specials That Are Worth While \ oilos IT; -' .'. ,\'' '. - Kl.i r;;'. P-. - ''': .'.nd T?c v<-' r y ' a yard. d Ro n -i t; o a \-;i- ! I-. K'.o:r.l T\. -o iy Pa;; .. , ,i yard. C I:- : I '.;{.;#. t-' : : . . i . ;. . 3 : S!. : '. r-ROCKRY SPKCIAI.S Children's Shoes SI. 7" P;! :u , u . ^ Oranges, good size, per d:zen '''? Lard. -Mbs 23o '.; ratent S!in- ; vrs i- ;h extra heavy . $!.T'.'> a pair. Salmon, g od pink, per tin.... 16c i