WEDNESDAY, JUNES, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColHngwood ttreet, Fleeherton. Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, whn paid in advance $1.60. In U. S. A. $2.50 pr year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members at Canadian Weekly News paper Association) W, H. THURSTON. - F. J. THURSTON - AMOC. Editor <;1VK RAILWAYS A CHANCK bore testimony of esteem: spray from I the family, the New England church, j Woods family, and Sewell family. I The deep sympathy is extended the family and friends in their hour of I sorrow, especially to his daughter, ' I Orlie, who feels his loss keenly. Mrs. Jos. Lanktree of Maxwell is visiting friends here. The local branch of the W. I. met | on Thursday afternoon last, May 28, : in the church for the election of offi- j cers. Mrs. John Morrison, who was ' Editor President the past year, resigned and Mrs. Ernie Boyle was e'ected in her place. Vice President, Mrs. Matt. Di-vitt and Mrs. R. H. Wiley was re- ( leoted as Secretary-Treasurer. Miss Verna Wiley enioyed a de- The business nu-n of Harriston, we lightful trip to Guelph, in company: are informed, circulated a petition with three other girls of this district, in that town for all to eliminate ship- Mr. T. S. Cooper of Markdale took mc-nts of goods coming in by motor them by motor to attend the girls' and return to the railway the work convention there, of carrying their package by rail. Mrs. Clara Wiley and Miss Hazel This action ir commendable and no holidayed with friends here the past doubt if more towns along that line weok. of the C.P.U. would do the same th:v Mrs. Thomson Elliot and little train, which, was cut off a month ago. daughter of Toronto is visiting her would be returned to run its usual mother, Mrs. R. W. B.-eadner. schedule. Likewise, Flesherton mer-| Mrs. Clifford Risk suffered a ser- chants, at present, have most of their ious accident one evening last week shipments coming in by truck to the while she was milking the cows. The detriment of railroad business. We cow she was milking kicked, throw- have to depend on the railroads for , 'ng her under thc one next and in the winter transportation in thb section mix-up she was badly tramped, and it would be only wisdom on the Three ribs were broken and she was part of merchants if they would have bruised badly. Her many friends all their orders billed for railroad wisi h h ?r a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cherry and cartage, seiously chance. Think this matter over and give the rai'roads a EDITORIAL NOTES. children attended a dan.-o given at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mi : . Dave Symer,, on Fridav evening Mr. and Mrs. Willard Wiley and i family visited one evening last week Fashion circles inform us that ladies with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilray at are this year to practice economy in their bathing suits. If only our farmers could get really living prices for their products, the long-wished-for better times would really be right round the corni-r. When the staple industry of Canada is prosperous we all feel it. The farmers sell freely; buy freely; the merchant shares the prosperity; the manufacture likewise; he runs his factory full time; pays his hands good wages; and they, in turn, spend their money in purchasing products of both farm and factory. Thus the Mr. and Mrs. dive Doland and little daughter of Detroit were callers in the neighborhood Thursday while fishing at the old pond. We extend sympathy to Mrs. A. Bowen in the death of her mother, Mrs. Marshall, of Wingham. FEVERSHAM A number of people from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Alex. Mi-Intyre at Mclntyrc on Tues- day of last week, when a large gather- ' ing of people asesmbled to pay their last respects to one who was held in high esteem. Rev. Gogson, her past- or, officiated and preached a comfort- ing sermon from the text "I am thc ', resurrection and the life." Besides the sorrowing husband she leaves to mourn the loss of a loving mother two sons and one daughter,' Mrs. J. W. Winters and Gordon cf Toronto, and D. A. at home, and two brothers, Andrew of Toronto and Jas. ' of Kindersley, Sask. Three 'sisters Mrs. Graham and Mrs. McRae of Wellwocd, Man., and Cora Dand of ; Toronto, also survive. Thc flowers were numerous and P><?autiful and ! were carried by six of her neighbor girls. The pallbearers were six of her cousins, William Thomson ami Ern Davidson. Major McRae of To- : ronto and Chris and William Thom- son. The remains wer.e laid to rest in the family plot in Mclntyre ceme- tery. The sympathy of the entire community is extended to the bereaved family and friends. Mr. James Saycrs, our villager, held the lucky number on Friday morning last when he caught a spe.'kled trout in the mill pond hero measuring ISVfe inches long and weighing 3'-: pounds. This is not a mere fish story, as tho writer saw the fish measured and weighed. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Calling- wood and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. For- sythe of Owen Sound were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby last week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette and I two children, Allan and Betty, of ( Owen Sound visited with friends last week end. The New Budget drawback of 99 per cent., if used for wine-making, in Canadian wineries. Five cents per bushel on the freight EARLY CLOSING EUGENIA Features of the Budget ' presented to the Dominion House of Commons, on Monday evening, in which our readers will be more particularly in- terested are as follows :- There was a deficit of $75,244,973 in thc last fiscal year. Sales tax is increased from 1 to 4 pe- cent. If goods imported, 1 per cent, excise tax is leviel. Letter postage is raised to three cents, but drop letters wtthin cities bear only 2 cents postage. Anthracite coal will now pay duty of 40 cents a ton; soft coal now also on the free list, will pay 40 cents a ton; coke $1 a ton; Canadian mines are bonused. Insurance premiums (except frater- nal societies) 1 per cent. Tea, produced in British territory, row free, 4 cents per pound, British preference; from all other countries 8 cents. Imports of used automobiles pro- hibited; increased duty on higher priced cars. Increased djity on imported part? of autos. Power riven to trovernmont to aid window glass making in Canada. 15 cents per pound on magazines and noriodieals intended to be pro- hibitive. 1 -~- -.' Posta<*" rntes on Canadian news- pp~ A rs ir Teased. Two cent tax, hitherto pavablp only or rhennos for more than t<"i dollars, must in futum be paid on all cheques, bank receipts, nost office monev orders, and travellers' enemies; postal notes to bo similarlv taxes. Incroised tavps m oranges, and other fruits nm' foodstuffs. from British nossesion get rates on all wheat exported will be paid by Canada. The increased taxation, the Finance balance her books this year, but there be a deficit of $10,000,000. The following merchants agree to close their stores at 7:00 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday dur- th e months of June, July, August Minister hopes, will enable Canada to i lr( j September: ED. SEELEY, Maxwell C, M. HERON, Maxwell (G. EBY, Feversham E. ROBINSON, Feversham. Grey County Egg Grading Station OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Our experience merits your confidence. THOS. OWLER & SON, Props. PHONE 55. FLESHEPvTON TRUCKING I am prepared to truck live stock, farm products, gravel and sand, etc,, at reasonable rates. All cargoes are insured. R. J. VAUSE, Proton Sta*'~T Phone: Flesherton 32 r 13. Groceries 3 Lbs. LARD .............................................................. 35c 2 Lbs. EASIFIRST .................................................... 25c 6 Lbs. WHITE BEANS ............................................ 25c 7 Lbs. ROLLED OATS ............................................ 25c 3 Cans PEAS. Xo. 3 .................................................. 25c 2 Lbs. Pitted DATES ................................................ 25c 24 Lb. bag PASTRY FLOUR .................................. 55c 2 15-oz. pkgs. Christies SODA BISCUITS ............ 29c A. E HAW Ceylon Store open even*- evening but Tuesday and Friday Small Advts. Safe Lock Fence High School Won Fesherton high school are now the undisputed soccer champions of the j Georgian Bay District of the C.O.S. I S.A., as a result of their 1-0 victory worlds wheels u<, round and every- , . _,, .... ..... v. ,.,_ :. ..... ./, I lasl Saturday at Thornbury. Only the most ardent of football fan:; witnessed the game as a drizzl- one. but the loafer, is Speed the happy day! bcnefitted. Tho usua! summer demand for unit- ed effort to cut down road disasters are being made. Some of the sug- gestions are very foolish, chie,f of them is probably the demand that motorists should bo permitted to speed up to 45 or 50 miles an hour ing rain fell throughout. However, this failed to dampen the spirits of either team, who struggled for sixty minutes in mud, water puddles and even hay to determine the champions of Georgian Bay district. The gam,, was replete with pictures of determ- ined youths struggling for a kick at . , , ' jrwMHM ?i.i UKKUIIK LUI *i KKK in when r<. one is in Bightl That s, , . k . the bull, missing it and collapsing in <{ the motorist. But how is the Jehu ., to avoid disaster if, thus rushing waiting puddles. The goalies, more- lortunate m their choice of positions, through spa;e, anything goes wrong , ,. , 9 stood clothed in Blicknen, watching ith th- n-achlncrv of his auti ' v- , tli _ t dasher info a flock of school child- ren? By thr> wnv there does not appear to be any great effort to provide. footpaths for pedestrians along th highways. Walking, we aro told, the fray. The game opened fast and with a beautiful combination effort the local students netted a counter, Ferris scoring on a pass from Akins. Haw has I.ecome a lost art,' and no' wonder i <iroppp(i a corner ki:k in thp same when one considers how it Is , I*' 1 - which however, was lost, discouraged. The next fifteen minutes saw much fierce body checking and even good- WODEHOUSE natured trips, but no goals. The third quarttT opened' after a ten June comes in gorgeous array; the m ' nute rest . b tn teams considerably fine rain of Saturday has made na- refreshed. Thornbury, with new ture look her best. Blossoms and ! * hort P assin K tactics, sueci-eded in leaves galore, while the grass and ' havin(? scverl1 ' shota . an<1 eventually grain crops have grown rapidly. I W0n * P cnalt y kick . which missed the A feeling of sorrow was felt' K nl by y nrds ' to the W of the l(u ' als throughout the neighborhood when it ami thc (lisma y ' their adversaries, became known that Mr. Jas. Kirk- 1 Flt ' shert( ") thl>n kept the ball at their Patrick had passed to his reward in rival>s <> n(l f>>r thc rest of thl> period, the hospital at Maikdale on Sunday! The follrth and last ( l uart< r opened morning, May 24th. ' For the past I with a rllsh - Thornbury endeavoring eleven weeks he had been a patient! to knot the scorc - Hcn<lin K vollp y "' there and up until a week before he ' shot!l in upo " phill 'P H ' which th( ' lat - <Jied hope were held out for his re- ter " toppcd with stlenlin K * Tl * covcry. He had been a sufferer for ' <-nls ' COntcnt with their ont> K al several months and after entering loa<1 ' mmlt ' nly owaHionnl sallies - the hospital a serious operation wan ThUH th Ram " endc<1 ' th Fleshcrton performed, which gav c relief only for st " (l " nts turnm home "soaked to a time. It became apparent that the tht! hi<1 '" but with * pl asant feelin8r . inside them for they had the Georg- disease wan gaming jrround and must . n _ n ^ u j _,___L.._ _, , He was a In mentioning the members of the cast in the play "The Secret Society of Cabbageville" given in tho church here on May 22nd, we omitted the name- of Mrs. Thompson (the deaf old lady, with her trumpet, bag of peppermints and bottle of smelling salts), who was none other than Mrs. Lewis Genoo. who acted her part in i\ most capabb manner. We aro sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Elwin Jamio.son, formerly of FlcFrrrton. We extend our sympathy to tho sorrowing relatives and family in their sad bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and dntxrhter. Isabel, Woston, visitod Mrs. M-Donald's uncle, Mr. Henry Cairns. Mrs. WiNon of Markdale spent a ; dav with Mrs. Turner, while on a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Janiioson. We arc very sorry to report Kon- . "Pth, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee. still on the si:k list, but hr>"o to hoar of h' '<n<-?dv ro'-overv. Thp different far"ilies who aided in tho concert in thp '-hurch here on May ?id. fi-athTed at tho homo of Mrs. Chns. Martin on Friday evening and spent a very enjoyable time. The Messrs. Hargravo of Toronto snent a few days recently at the home ' of Postmnstpr Park and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Willinnn of Toronto visitod with Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith. Miss Mne Carruthers returned to "- position in Weston the first of th" wook. ' Mr. Woslev Cnooy of Toronto visit- H friends i n the village over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Kaitting and family *nvp -\ party to a number c- f their friends one evening lasts week. A verv nlea^ant time was spent in music and dunging. Friends at thp home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting over the weok end were Miss Queenie Kaittinr- and I friend, M". Burke, and Miss Minerva Conn of Fcversham. First quality Wire Fence No. !' gauge 27c. a rod, delivered to your nearest station. Ask ! further particulars of SAFE LOCK WIRE FENCE CO. Ov/en Sound, Ont. CAME ASTRAY 6 yearling cnttle. Owner prove property and pay expenses. Jas. Hopps. Fleshor- ton. TENDERS WANTED Tenders to be rc?eiv?d to Monday, .lune 8th for tho draw'-'.g of gravel on township roads, per yard, ppr mile, on,, way. T. H. PATTON, Supt. For Sale FOR SALE Good timothy and alfalfa hay, $10. Minnie Graham, R. R. 4, Markdale, phone Flesherton. FOR SALE Purebred English improved Berkshire sows. Albert E. Sparks, Phone 33 r f, Flesherton. WOOD FOR SALE We can deliver same day as order- ed, in any quantity, of Maple, dry, at $3.75 per cord 16 in. Maple, green, $3.50 per cord, 16 in. White Birch, per cord $2.75 16 in. Cedar $2.50 per cord. Gardens plowed and rubbish tak- en away. W. J. W. ARMSTRONG. NOTICE AUCTION SALE FOR SALE Set double team Trespassing on lots 138, 139, Con. harness, first class shape, reasonable | 2, S.W.T.&S.R., Artemesia, is strictly IT T~tAVT f, Cnr\f 1 .' 1 '.,.-,-: ' if : t '''. ADVANCE ADS. PAY - OF - Valuable Farm Property - in tho - TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY County of Grey There will be offered for sale by puHk- auction on SATURDAY, JUNE 20TH, 1931 At the hour of 3 o'clock in the aftcr- the Village of Maxwell by virtue of Iiower of sale cantained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, the following pro- perty: Lot No. 8, and the East on?-half of Lot No. 7, in the 4th Concession, N.D.R., in the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, containing 150 acres by measurement more or less. There is said to be good buildings on this property, and a quantity of good bush. TERMS: 10 per cent, of the pur- chase price to be paid down at the time of sale. For balance, terms will bo made known at time of sale. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid. For further particulars apply to MALCOLM McLEAN, of the Town of ColHngwood, in thc County of Simcoe, Solicitor For the Mortgagee. ALB. STEWART. Maple Valley, Auctioneer. price. H. Down & Sons, Flesherton. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull 11 months old. Frank W. Taylor, Markdale, phono 58r2. FOR SALE Beautiful roan pony 4 years old. broken single and double, also to saddle. J. A. Stewart, phone 46. FOR SALE Barred Rock baby chicks. First part cf May $12; last part and June $10 per 100. Kindly order before setting. Mrs. Edgar Patteron, R. R. 2, Pricevillc. Phone 22 r 41, Flesherton. FOR SALE $1300 buys house and lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, hard and soft water, small stable, and about two acres of land Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. Must be quick sale to wind up estate of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Executor. Miscellaneous NOTICE Cattle wanted to pas- ture on lots 158 to 161. 3 S.W.T.&S.R., Artemesia, well watered. L. Duckett, Proton Station R. R- NOTICE- Fishing and trespass- ing prohibited on lot 24, Con. 3. Art- emesia, known as the Harry Genoe farm. H. Radley, Leesee. STALLION FOR SERVICE eventually prove fatal, highly respected citizen, a good neighbor and beloved by the whole community, who feel the loss of a brother and friend. Tho funeral, which took place Tuesday afternoon, was largely attended, the c-hureii being filled to the doors with sympa- thizing friends and neighbors. liov. Mr. McCauslar. I was insisted by Rev. Wilkinon of Temple Hill, a former 1 p:i tin-, both paying tribute to the deported, who in bis miiel way, filled a place in the hnrch left vacant. ian Bay Soccer Championship safely tucked under their belts. Tho team was composed of: Goal, Bob Phillips; Full Backs, Bert Morton, Morvin Johnston; Half Backs, Jack- rn Stewart, Ed. Patton. Earl Johns- ton; Forwards, Her!) Akins, Jim Mc- (''nddon, ; -> Ferris, George Mc- Mnster, Jim IFnw. Low Footwear Pricas When ymt wish Good Footwear at tho right prk'e you can get it nt this The pallbearers Were! T. I. l':iw .". It. D. ( am-.liio!-*, .li.lin Clnrl..-, It. ll. \1i i,V, Work Boots $2.50, $2.75, $3.1; \\ 111 f, Ban V Icy .Jr. and Kd. Wil- : I ' COX. He- If.-'.-- I ill '. ! V.i .::' ! ' ' >: i: v I li i;l SI .25, ,?1 .fiii. ,,f |.j,,,: lwo r,ons, Uoy a-.i,; Woirrn'-, buiH-b od-,-1 arch , nnd one daughle,-. (Vile, \vli-. 1 for her full and >i in 'h. 11 very mot her (>a- . The flciT.! tr urn- year ag',. "' ;.-. and : t's are low and ^tri'.-tl- ; W. L. MORWOOD Flesherion - Or. I. Flour and Feed "Rlossoiii of Canada" first patent flour "Superior" llrand, per bajj "OVunarlu". per Imff Shorts, per bug ............ I Men's Boots $2.70 $2.40 $2.50 $1.20 \\'.' have placed on our shelves a line of Men's niueher Hoots, selling at a special price ................ $2.80 OVERALLS - Kxtr.-i heavy IH-niin Overalls $1.90; Overall Pauls i?l,50. 0. & A. Cooperative Co., Limited Ffss^erto-s, Ont. That fine big Trotting Stallion, WILLIAM W. BELWIN, will stand for service at his own stable, Flesh- erton for the season of 1931. To insure: reduced from $20 to fl& hard-time price. Parties wishing to use this horse kindly come before 7 a.m. or after 6 p.m. A. HOY, in charge. NOTICE The imported PoTheron "Diamond" No. (13044) 186922, will be at the farm of Ross Stevens at noon each Monday, commencing June 8; Thurs- day nicht at the farm of Bert Por- teouf. Maxwell, and at Fred Irwin's Friday nights. To insure: $12 (hard time price) a $4 cut on last year's price. ' J. L. LOVE. Proton Station FARM FOR SALK 150 acre farm for sale or rent on sharer,, lots 1C5-C6-07. 3rd range S. W. T. & S. R... Artemesia. John Hogarth, Proton Station. BULL FOR SERVICE Rebistered. Durham Bull, ronn, for service on lot 1C.:!. 1st ran re W.T.ft S.K., Ai-tenu-sia. Terms $2.00, pay- able January 1, li>' '. CLAUDE AKINS. prohibited. R. B. RUTLEDGE, Ceylon. BOAK FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for eer- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. BULLS FOR SERVICE" Registered Jersey Bull for service on lots 151-152. E.T.&S.R., Artemesia. Mabel Petunia's Masterman," No. 52,716, Canadian Live Stock Record Terms f 5.00; also one good Herpford bull. Fees $2 i n advance. H. RADLEY. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Berkshire Boar on lota 151-153. Grade sows $2, purebred* $5 cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. BUSINESS CARDS * T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Physician to all domestic animals and surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County o* Grey. Term*: 1 per cent. Satisfaction gumrnteed Datee made at The Advance office. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrtrten, etc. Oficea Owen Sound, Durhm and Flesberton. Flesherton Saturday afternoon and evening. Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas adminmer- ed for extraction. Office at the resl- dencn of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 88S. A. F. A A. M. meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm- strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W M., W. R. Meads;' Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioneet for the counties of Orey and Simcoe Farm and stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guar- anteed. All arranrromonts and datva may be made at the Advance office,** I addressing me nt Eugenia. telephone 43 r 11, Ftesherton or by