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Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1931, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 27, 1931 V Local and Personal Mr. Jack Cairns and F. Livingstone of Barrie were in town on Thursday. Mr. Geo. Wright and family spent the holiday near Collingwood. Mr. Jack Dow of Toronto was. in town over the week end. Miss Kate McMillan, teacher at To- ronto, was home for the holiday. Miss Hattie McRae of Toronto was home over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merriam were in Owen Sound and Chatsworth over the 24th. Misses Shirley Murray and Mario j McEachnie of Toronto spent the holi- day at their resective homes in town. ! Mr. C. E .McTavish has been elect- 1 ed President of the Motor City La- 1 crosse Club of Oshawa. For all kinds of flowers and garden ; plants visit W. A. Hawken's store. ! Phone 17, Flesherton. Mr. Emerson Thompson left last week to spend the summer at ! Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. George Julian o-f Col- j lingwood called at the home of Mr. Geo. Mitchell on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Henderson of, Toronto were holiday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Kennedy and son, Jack, spent the holiday with the former's brother at Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neilson and children of Toronto speTit the week j end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Capstick and Mrs. Wes White of Toronto spent ths first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben White, west backline, Artemcsia. Mr. .7. D. Clark of Weston has joined his wVCe here, after spending: the past two weeks with his son at Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Harpell and daughter of Toronto spent holiday > with Mrs. E. Trempe and Mr. John "Bellamy. Mrs. J. H. Thake and son, Harold, and friend of Hamilton were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mr. Albert Anderson and two daughters of Toronto and Elsie and i Albert Andrew of Shelburne were *>.<? guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Mr. ard Mr?. Elhvyn Jamieson "r<< : ^hree children of South Porcuniiu visited with his mother, Mrs. Mary Jamieson and brother. Mr. George Jaraiosor;. on Monday. Ellwyn is the sports director with the Dome Mines at that point. Mr. and Mrs. X. Leader, Mr. and Mrs. Roy M.Oeoch of London and Miss Ida Fisher of Toronto were hoi- , iday viistors at the homes of T. J. Fisher, town, and Harry Fatten, 4th lin, Artemesia. Eleanor Koszell of Caledonia. 8 year ' old granddaughter of Mr. S. Osborne of Kiniberlcy. was successful in winn- inir first place in the Haldimnnd County Musical Festival. She also had special mention made of her p ; r- no work, but was handicapped. r.\v ; ni,- ; tc the age limit in both being vp t ' 13 years. Visitors at the homo of Mr. aii'l Mrs. Fred Mathewson over th_ holi- day v.vro: Mr. and Mr.--. KaUih D. Farpro and MU.-^ Eleanor and Barb- ara, Frank Townley. Mr. a:vl Mvr. Oliver Smith. Mr. ami Mrs. K. Win- ters, all of Toronto, and Mr. ami Mr". Norman Wiley and two children o- Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson of Til- bury were in town for the holiday. Mrs. Currie of Detroit called on friends here on Tuesday. Mr. Roy McCauley and son. Jack, of Toronto spent the 24th with the former's mother, Mrs. A. McCauley. Mr. Irvin Holdn and four boy friends of Toronto spent the week ond, the guests of Mr. Jas. Wilson. Justice and Mrs. W. H. Wright of Toronto called on Monday on the former's brother, Mr. John Wright. If you are considering getting an electric refrigerator see the Norge. W. A. Hawken, Flesherton. Mr. Gordon Warling and family of Bartonville, near Hamilton, were in town over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller and daugh- ter, Marion, of Meaford were week end visitors in town. W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. Moore on Wed., June 3, at 3 p.m. Election of officers. Paying dues. Miss Marion Stuart returned home last week after completing her sec- ond year at Toronto University. Mrs. Roszell and daughter of Cal- edonia spent the holiday with Mrs. Will Stewart. Mr. Alfred Harrison wa in Toronto last week and attended the Woodbine races. A. W. C. Colgan and Mr. and Mrs. John Colgan spent the holiday with relatives at Strathroy. Miss Lillian McMullen and friend, Mr. Melvin McMaster, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. <?. McMullen. Misses Ethel and Betty Rusk ctf r.>ivnto and Mr. Chas. Lipsett c: 0\ven Sound were holiday visitors <v;:h Mr. ar.d Mrs. T. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Field and son, Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs. "Reuber Spence and son, John, spent the holi- day with relatives in this district. Mr. Ben Cheeseman. Mrs. Isaac Cheeseman and George Cheoseman of Stayner visited the former's sister. Mrs. T. W. Wilson, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. McTavish and little son of Oshawa holidayed in town. Mrs. McTavish is remaining for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. PoultJr, Mr. Herb Poulter. Mr. and Mr?. Whiteid e and babe of Toronto visited or Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Mrs. Jeff Thistlethwaite and two children. Myrtle and Jack, motored up on Saturday. They returned T Monday, accompanied by Mr. Thistle- thwaite, who had spent several weeks with his mother, Mrs. Alfred Thistlethwaite. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Penfold and Mr. ar.d Mrs. Frank Horton of Toronto were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mr--. Albert Stewart. Mr. Fred Stuart has rented the Patten residence on Toronto street, now occupied by Mr. Oliver Caldwell. and will move thereto when the latter vncates. T"h-> holiday motor traffic throucrh t.-v.n was iiuitc heavy, but it was not as dense as other years. Th> weather over the week end. while not .'. "ni. was very pleasant. Miss Doliie Bnrrett and Jvinhomia (ivahim and Mr. Stanley Brown of Owc:i Sniim! spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander and family. The t "vr.-'hip of Xovmanby is not ': -!n;r taken out of th'. 1 inspectorate of S.iuth Grey, as was repotted s-vne -.I . .- ago. M--. H.'i't. Wri-ht will HerbAkins Again Won Moves To Barrie Herbert Aldns has aain brought honor to himself and his native vill- age of Flesherton by winning the oratorical contest on Tuesday even- ing held in St. John's United Church, under the auspices of the Young People's Union of Grey Presbytery. Herb spoke on the subject, "Canada's Greatest Living Statesman," and handled his subject exceedingly well. The others who took part were: Hillis Burnsida of Markdale, subject "A Successful Boy"; J. C. Warner of Dundalk, subject "The Collapse of Religion in Russia"; Miss Dorothy Meldorf of Dundalk, subject "Home". The winner of the contest will rep- resent Group No. 1 in the final for the championship of the Presbytery to be held in Markdale shortly. Rev. W. H. Bartlett of Priceville officiated as judge. Therp was a large number in attendance and all thoroughly en- joyed the variety of subjects provided in the various addresses. Howard Graham, Presbytery convenor, presid- ed during- the contest. Mr. Oliver Caldwell, Lineman for i the Bell Telephone Co., has received instructions to report at Barrie the , end of this month. Mrs. Caldwell and children will remain until the end of the school year. We will be Try sorry to lose Mr. Caldwell and family from the village, but the best wishes of many friends will go with them. The change is being made , through the appointment of a man- ager for the Markdale office, who will 'also look after the line. "Drink," said the Irish preacher, "U the greatest curse of the country. It makes you quarrel with your neighbors. It makes you shoot at j your landlord. It makes you miss I him." Shoemen say that women arv wearing shoes two sizes larger than women wore twenty years ago. We just knew something like that would happen if woman tept putting her foot down so hard W so often. ADVANCE ADS. PAY INSURANCE Se us or phone regarding your automobile, Cargo, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Guarantee bonds plate glass, and fire insurance. Our ' rates are reasonable and we guann-j tee service and satisfaction. W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Licensed Agent Phone 13w FLESHERTON. Grey County Egg Grading Station OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Our experience merits your confidence. THOS. OWLER A SON. Prop*. PHONE 55. FLESHERTON Died In California Mr. David Hincks of Ceylon re- ceived the sad news th.? first of the week of the death in Los Angeles of an aunt, Mrs. Eleanor Taylor, partic- ulars as to the cause of her death are not at hand. The late Mrs. Taylor was formerly Eleanor McNea. and was the youngest child of the late Mr. and Mrs. David McNea, pioneers TI Artemesia township, and was born on the farm on the west backline, now occupied by Chas. Stafford. Sur- viving are four brothers and two sis- ters, William. Robert. David. JLm. Snrah and Jennie. The Flesherton Advance gives you what you are most interested in the home ne CHESLEY. JL'NE 3rd The Thirteenth Annual Soldiers' Reunion Celebration A bisr day of sports ar.d amuse- ments, including Horse Racing. ball Tournament, Softball Match. Airplane with thrilling parachute drop. Midway Attractions. Music by the Bruce Regimental Band. Magnifi- cent Fireworks, Grand Parade. An all day performance the best yet! Returned men wearing service button admitted without charjre to the afternoon sports only. See large posters. Some Special Items of Interest in House Furnishings FLOOR OILCLOTHS Xe\v Spring designs. 1 yard. I 1 2 yd., 2 yd.. 2'j yd. wide, per sq. yard LINOLEUMS NEW DESIGNS Xew designs. 4 yards wide, per lineal yard Extra Heavy. 2 yards wide, lineal yard Extra heavv 4 yards wide, lineal vard . 50c $3.65 $1.75 $3.85 Congoleum Rugs All New Patterns 9x12 $11.75. 9xlO r j 510.25 9\9 50.00. 9x7 : _- $7.35 OILCLOTH AXD FELTOL MAT? AXD sni' Swiss Lace Curtains, Lace Panels, Frilleed Curtains, Bungalow Nets, Frilled Nets, Cretonnes and Art Sateens. Kirsch Brass Curtain Rods for all window-;. WINDOW SHADES Window shades in plain and duplex odors. Priced from, each 75c SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS BRAXDRAM-HEXDERSOX KNV.LIS H PA1XTS & YARXISHES CHAMPIOX PAIXTS 51.10 per quart F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ESflONS Have you enough Lif> Insurance? N'o matter how largo or ho\v small your c.;U\tc, it \vill suiTer licavy deductions before it reaches' your wife or family. Doctors, nurses, hospital*, undertakers. Kuvyers, etc., not to mention succession duties, if tlie estate be consider- able, will reduce the net amount payable to your heirs by anything from lO^t to 25f. Take your pencil and try a simple sum in arithmetic, using an actual case as an example: Typical Case My Case Total face value of all my life insurance policies $5,000 Estimated value of my rec.l csta'.?. securities and other assets $ Total. $7,000 Less 15% as indicated above $1,050 Total estate (net) $5,950 Invested in good securities at 5% this should yield my family an annual in- come of $207.50 IS IT ENOUGH? Fi!l in and mail tlie attached coupon: SUN J.IFE ASSURANCE C OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE Please send me youi r-^'phlet. "Is It I' CTI no paint bargain life 1 x> -a sN. , O" .** G^^i? low need fewer gallons of SWP to paint your house Fine old SWP Housr Paint has such wonderful "body" that each gallon thvruufhlv covers mure fqimre fert (/ n n.7 . That i one reason why SW P House Paint cost* no more than cheaper paint on yoorhoOM. The &avin<; on eallonage does it regardless of the price per gallon. Iii addition vou get the suixrior qualit'- of SVt'V the moreVcau- tiful, weatbcrproi>{ colors the Icng service that saves 50% to bO ^- in repairttitig cost. All be- cause line old S w P is made of the finest materials, by the lar"- r-t paint and voruidh makers lu the world. Come in and let's do a little imple arithmetic before you squander moncv on cheaper pa HI t. And the time to pauit i* nuu-. ^o;:r but. trv!n:il-r. there's IM |'.r:a I- ' -r. your izara^f. vonr fiMu*--. !.:rx: :.: h^t- ^.vo.- j-ulit^ . \\ - - your fhutt'-r-. icr ;:-. linger l>i'\> >\\ l> to (j,. t i : .. [,,., t paint I'.i : i - they all need lli<- wi-.itli.-r-r. i I ,,( _,[] r|, u i\ ,,(,v wo r-<-in::i> .! in:; pr.U.-eti.:n of SV I'. it as _, |,. ,,|,. r on ,, ur K r ,,l a y a ud Voueaiibuj cheaper paint,of court*, Saturday j-ii!; -!f Vuiil Prt>./ucf9 ar /./ f h, t>ri<l orrr under i* famoufl fracie rtiar^c. VI - t. L . :. :. ,-d l\.i:.:-' >'l ! Name (Mr.. Mrs. or Miss) '. \iteof Birlh. (.V. .-t! ) .. '. u) \. , ' i (City) . . .*",: - YOU NEED THESE NOW LAWN MOWERS Hall Hearing. 14 inch cut S.50 Plain Hearing-. 14 inch cut 5/~. r.RASS SHI- \RS SIIKl-T SH1-ARS SHKl'.P CUPPINV. Pl.ATL-.S White Cups and Saucers, per doz 85c TEA KETTLES Tin C.ranitc Aluminum Copper PM1.S TIT-S \V.\SHI\r, MACHINES R \K1-S HOKS SUOVKl.S CKMKXT l!ARn\VAl,l. Pl.ASTl'.R 1!ROOMS r.Rl'SHMS AX1.K GKl-ASl-: Motor Oil Machine Pil Turpentine Linseed Oil WIRE FENCE BARB WIRE STAPLES Frank W. Duncan HARDWARE Phone 54 Spccif\ SVP and e a ftt'Hut painter. I

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