I! SALADA' II TEA ill The Tea that comes to you 7 'Fresh from the Gardens The Bishop Murder Case A PHILO VANCE STORY BY S. S. VAN DINE .- V M'l'SIS. A . :i ;ii i ' it KI.IJJD la found llll il v ,:. his I ;irl . allOtt.T. Johnny .-i>: !KK. I* found with a bullet through H.i- top ( ,f hi* I,, ad. District m 'alls in 1'hllo Vance. who claim* ttie murdt-is ur- founded on .iul .11 . ' lie work of a maniac Tliosf aftRn :.tt*i] uitu the case are: Prof. li;ll:trd. lil nil-.-,- )tvll, and hl ItrutcKC. HiBiiril Arm SMI. n. uisn a pro- trimiir of i.-i.-itlii'inatii-M. John I'luili---. ft neighbor with a passion for > III-HS, Mrs. Drukker HI.I! lit-r .-< n Adul|ili. Mrs. Druk- ker In mentally uiit>;iliin<'t-(i and Adolph ! a rrli'i'I'-. with a sii|ii-r-tiraln. Mr* I*iukk-r till) huw ihp murderer pnlil her a i t-rrlf> Inn visit the previous fiiKM Y,,- - I'.tMt* that Ailvlrih Druk- ln-r II M us to )ii wln-re:ilidum on tho morning ' l:"t.in'* <l.iili \ .ni''- ] !- tlonn l';"f I nil. nil IIKMII niAI'TKK XXIII (Cont'd.) !i aiu-d lo'.'ly forward nm! cruf-hel out his , ; rotte with ( .hat taut ik'.il.- -ration which I had long ince oiiiH- t<> i "C'l^ni/. :is a sign of rcpri -'-'I '-xci' -111',-r.t. Then he rose cr.rcV--!y iir.d tr.oM-d to the ches.' lab!" in the c<>rm-r. He stood thi-r, OIK- l.ani! n t'nc < n the exquisite marquetry of th- altci nating square*. "You :-:iy that M :. I'ardee was analyzing his po.M'.ioi I>TI ibis lx>nrd whrn Dnikkcr came over to him?" "Yi-. that is riirh: ." Professor Dillard spoke with forced polit*nrss. "Dnikkcr sat down fat-ire him and rtudied the layott. HP -tartcd to make nme rotv.ark, and Pardpe ro- ALUMINUM LAWN MOWER A LIGHTER, osier run- ning and longer lditm<j mower. Aluminum Drive Wheels mid Side Plates. Banum Metal jell alisninq btaiin^, ileel dove Wheel Ale* and Steel Dove Wheel buihinqv At your hardware dealer'*. CANADA IOUNDRIES FORCINGS LIMITED quested him to say nothing. A quarter of an hour or so later Pardee put the men away; and it was them that Drukker U.ld him th:-.t nis game was lost that he had worked himself into a position which, though it looked favorable, was fundamentally wet k." V'Enc-t.- had been running his fingers aimlessly over the bo.i-d; r.nd he had taken two or three of the men from the box nnd tossed them back, as if toying with them. "Do you remember just what Mr. Drukker said?" he asked without l(Kiking up. "I didn't pay very close attention the subject was not exactly <f burring moment to me." The:, '.as an unescapable m-te of irony in the answer. "Hut, as nearly as i can re- call, Drukker said that Pardee couM have won provided it had been a rapid-transit game, but that Rubin-) stein vj'.s a notoriously plow nnd care- 1 ful player and would inevitably find the weak .-pot in Pardec's position." "Did Pardee resent this criticism' 1 " Vance now strolled hack to his chair and selected another cigarette f rorn j his case; but he did not sit down again. "He did very much. Drukker has' an unfortunately antagonistic man-! nor. And Pardee is hypersensitive on the subject of his chess. The fact if, I he went white wiih anger at Druk-j ker's ftrictures. Hut I personally changed the subjc-t; and when they, went awa; the incident had apparent- ly been forgotten." We remained but a few minutes longer. Markham was profuse in lih apologies, to the professor and sought to make amends for the patent annoy- ance our \isit had caused him. He was not pleased with Vance for his seemingly garrulous insistence on the details of Pardee's chess game, and when we had descended to the draw- ing room he expressed his displeasure. "I could understand your questions relating to the whereabouts of the various occupants of this house last night, but I could see no excuse for your harping on Pardee's and Uruk- ker's disagreement over a game of LUMBAGO? A pain in the lower part of your back can torture you. Hut not for long, if yon know about Aspirin! These Ii.innlcss, pleasant tablets take away the misery of lumbago, rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches, toothaches, and systemic pains of women. Relief oon:es promptly; is complete. (Icmiine Aspirin cannot depress I lie heart. Look for the Bayer cross, thus : (To be continued.) What New York Is Wearing ches*. We have other things to d<- was just half-past twelve? I notice besides gossip." you don't wear a watch." "A hate of gossip parlance also "Sigurd told me," she explained, crown'd Tennyson's Isabel thro' all f "I was rather mean to him for bring- her placid life," Vance returned puck-! ing me home so early, ami as we en- ishly. "But my word, Markham! tered the hall here I asked him spite- our life is not like Isabel's. Speakin' fully what time it was. He looked at seriously, there was method in my his watch and said it was half-past gos-.)|i. I prattled and I learned." ( twelve. . . ." "You learned what?' 1 Markham de- manded sharply. With a cautious glance into the. tnil Vance leaned forward and lowered his voice. "I learned, my dear Lycurgus, that black bishop is missing from that| BY ANNABELLE WORTHINGTON set in the library, and that the C'VSB-J man left at .Mrs. Drukker's dooi Hl, lsi ,,.,,,{ /-,, -,/, :,ir, /,,. Fllr . Hatches the oth T pieces upstairs!'' W/'K/I/V/ I!' -I, This piece of news had a profound ell. '. nn MarklKun. As was his ha 1 it when agitated, lie rose and b pacing back and forth, his ha' (is clasped behind him. Heath, ((<.>, though slower to grasp the- signifi- cance of Vance's revelation, puffed vigorously on his cigar an indication that his mind was busy with a diffi- cult adjustni"!!' of facts. Fiel'or-- either had formulated any comment the rear door of the hail opened and light footsteps approach- ed the drawing room. Belle Dillard, returning from Mrs. Drukker's, ap- peared in the archway. Her face was troubled and, letting her eyes res' > n Markham, fhe asked: "What did you say to Adolph this morning? He's in an awful state of funk. He's going about testing all the door-locks and window-catches us if he feared burglars; and he has frightened poor Crete by telling hc-r to be sure to bolt herself in at night." "Ah! He has warned Mrs. Menrel, has he?" mused Vance. "Very inter- estin'." The girl's gaze turned swiftly to him. "Yes; but he will give me- no ex- planation He's excited and myster- ious. And the strangest thing aln-ut his attitude is that he refuses to go rear his mothe:. . . . What dots it mean, Mr. Vance? I feel as thougr Something terrible were impending." "I don't know just what it does mean." Vance spoke, in a low, dis- tressed voice. "And I'm afraid even to try to interpret it. If I should le wrong " He became silent for a moment. "We imist wait and s?e. Tonight, perhaps, we'll know. Kilt there's no cause for alarm on your part. Miss Ilill.ird" He smiled com- fortingly. "IT-w did you find Mrs. Drukker?" "She seemed much better. But What cam* before: Captain Jimmy and his dog o ottle tret lost In the darkness. | while Ms'lng over the Chinese War Zon-j. They are oaptjr-l by bandlta and sfpa- ated Captain .Ilmmv makes his ami plans to se Scottle. for the raitVifj) Yes. sir. Just as I crowded the old Chinese Interpreter Into the freight car to hide from those pursuing lever and opened the throttle. There was a violent spinning of drive wheels. Tha carg bumped and crashed against one another noisily, and at the same time I pulled the whistle valve wide open. Th whistle fairly shrieked. It was a perfect bedlam let loose. Panic stricken, the bandits rush- ed to the doors to escape. Some bfrndit-i, a blark object came hurtl- jl]mpe<] out> some were pushed out, Ing In and struck me square In the , her9 s!mply fell out . But in less belt. "Scottle!" We untangled ourselves, and tl ere grand re- But there wasn't any time to waste. The bandits following on our Some place must be found to the corner of the car were piled a number of tea ches;s. These I shoved out so the three of us could hide In behind. Over the top I spread some o'd straw matting;. simply time than it takes to tell it, there was not a bandit on board. Away we roared, gathering speed as we backed down the track for \ve dared not go forward in the face cf the signals. The engine rocked and swayed. I took up the shovel to feed the boiler fire, when suddenly a heaty boot stuck out from under the coal and someone hollered. What i.ext. Even the coal was alive with Chinese bandits. "Maybe I'm a bandit. Captain" -a!<l 'lie owner of the boot. "B-it not Chinese anyway!" Where had I heard that familiar voice before? I shoved him into I the light. His face was like a black Jr r V K ,, d T Ve along imaslc from the coal dust, before the bandits caught up. we .. Rv G , lv , Jed Stone/ . t ye lled. would be all right, but it seemed to ;, co ,', wag Mv o ;,, friend Je(} be waiting on the switch until i ~ e h , had not S5en for many , coming the other way had yearg _ Onr meet(ng WM one ct ' those odd co-incidences that you .lie sound o hoofs rang p fc , , llfetime the rocky railway sldine. and a jf VOU trle(1 to on the rocky railway siding, and a core of bandits began running up and down the train peeking Into the cars. Things looked pretty serious, especially when a big Chinaman be- 1 gan rummaging arounil among the tea chests. Luckily he did not no- ! tire our hiding place. Something had to be done quickly, I however, or the outlaws would re- turn and find us. Quietly 1 signal- led Pu Hsu and Scottie to follow me. We dropped out of the car and crept 5065 softly along the side of the train awny from -he bandits, and groped j ^ ^"rled to^easo'TwTtli the plan It. Jed told me a startling story. Ha had a broth- er Guy. engag- ed In Chinese famine rel.ef -.vork. A bandit -.,:ii; had pass f-d through the country raiding and plundering the pitifully scant food supplies of Mie people. Guy followed the iiandits for -, our way In the dim early morning light toward the e-ngine. The engineer and fireman leaned there's still something worrying her; and 1 think it has to do with Adolph, A n" ' i l<i..k.nj; prai'tii-ai: r.ll-day dre.ss is this tctc <ic neure brown fiat crepe silk. It has the new douole breasted caat effect with vivid orange buttons, a trimness altogether attractive. The chic cross-ovn- collar and cuffs of orange crepe silk are finished nt chief. Making no impression he finally lost control of himself, and be- fore anyone could interfere, soundly . ' <! the villain. i To be cont!nii->'l.) out of their cab anxiously. wonder- Ing what was happenin? down along the track. I slipped In behind them and gave them a good shove. Off N,,-,-: YIHIIIS; readers wishing photo they went-end over etui Into the of Captain Jimmy may have same 'y ditch. i writing "Capt. Jimmy", 2010 Star Promptly I threw the reverse BUIg., Toronto. for sh talked about him the wholeithe edge with brown silk trimming! time I was there, and kept askirgj that resembles rick-rack braid, me if I'd noticed anything unusual | The skirt has deep kilted plaits at in his manner lately." 'either side of the front, to entirely "That's quite natural in the cir- j youthful nnd modish, cuins-tanees," Vance ,-eturned. "Buti Style No. .'IOC.') may be had in sizes you imisn't let her morbid attitude i 16, 18 years, '.',(> :',8, -10 and 42 inches affect you. And now, to change the 'bust. subject: I understand that you worej Imagine it for iat.-r season weur in the library for half an hour or so ' developed in pastel flu washable crepe. last nijrht just befor? you went tc the theatre. Tell mo. Miss Dillard: when- \vs your hand-hair during thi>.' titnoV" The question -Untied her; but after ' 2 y ar ''* silk, men's ftriped shirting silk, linen or pastel cotton mesh. Size .'!(> requires :i'i, yards .'i!)-inch with ' yard :;.">-inch contrasting and Chocolate Malted Milk The health-Hiving, delicious drink for children and grown- ups. - I'mmd and Half Pound tins at your grocers. HOW TO OHDKK PATTERNS. Write your name and address plair:- a momentary hesitation she answer- ed: "When I came into the library I placed it with my wrap on the little I ly, giving number and size of' such table by the door." | patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in "It was the !i/ard-skin hag con- i stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap taining the key'." lit carefully) for each number, and "\<"-. Sigurd hates evening dress, address your order to Wilson Patt ;rn and when we go out together I al ' Service, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto. ways wear my day clothes." * "So you left the hag on the table j during that half-hour and then kept it with you the rest of the evening. '" r l |e white moth to the closing vine; The Golfing Trail And what about this morning?" The bee to the opened clover." French Savings Pass $960,000,000 Total I'ai is. French savings institutions are holding more than $!M;n.iioo,niiii for "rainy days" in Frame. The old woolen stocking. It would seem, has gone out of fashion in France and, despite recent bank scan- dals, the thrifty French public i" In- creasing its savings depo-it-=. Savings deposited in 1MO showed an Increase of It! per cent, over 1929, while the nrnnlir r of new accounts was nearly 10 per cent. hU-her than in 19:'. It is estimated that < \i-ry fourth per- son In France luis a siviufs account, the public ImnkH and !>--'' :ti< ' -s alone reporting 10,000,000 a> counts. Tl:a total similes deposit* iu lf>30 wa $itf,l>,OMI.I ..... The per capita savinn- In France re- I'lf-i-nt alioiit $-4 a person, not count- ing the investment in French rentes and government bonds, whose total value i-ei'n --. iiis many tim-'s the sav- ing i!epo-]'v. Difference in Force of Gravity A body weighing one pound at the tarth's surface would weigh 27 pousid< a: the surface of the sun. i ! ave accomplished more since seventy than during my entire previ- is lift-." c;i|)t. Robert Dollar. BOB-A-LAWN POWER MOWERS 19" and 23 " FOR HOMES ESTATES GOLF CLUBS PARKS CEMETERIES Very Simple to Operit*. 8*ve. Money jmd Doei Better Work. Writ. For Deic.-iptlv. Circular and Prlcei. SOLD AND SERVICED BY H. W. PETRIE, LIMITED ELgin 1271 TORONTO "I went out for a walk before Alld tho " la - c h!e. pitch to the ghastly breakfast and carried it with me. j Later 1 put it on the hat-rack in the! Kv '' r ""' wi<l " "'"' I(1 ""''' hall for an hour or so; but when I started for lady Mae's at about ten ! KVHI ~ ""' tt il1 '' W1 "' 1 ' 1 OVt> ''- Ial1 : I took it with me. It was then th-it 1 CleBr '" llle Al( ' ti< ' Xom<: I discovered that the little pistol hnd Fronl "'." * laclaj irp - vo " ra " "<" the been returned, and I postponed my call. I left the bag downstairs in' the archey-room until you and Mr. Markham came; and I've hnd it wi'h me ever since." Vance thanked her whimsically. "And now that the peregrinations of the bag have been thoroughly tracts!, please try to forget, all about it." She was on the point of asking a question, but he anticipated hrr curiosity anil siiid quickly: "You went to the Pln/.a for supper last nigh 1 , your uncle told us. You must have been late in getting home." Exquisitely flavoured.. And hear the duffer moan. There are greens hy the (iuadid- qnivir; Fairways In Old Cathay; Anfl a tough tenth ho'.e that will rend your soul On t!ii> road to Mandalay. "The wild boar to the sun dried swamp; The- red crane to her reed." And an easy par at Kandahar To lure the K"!rliiK hrepd. , There's a nine-hold course at Quito never stay out very late wh->n , W lth greens that fringe the sky. I go anywhere with Sigurd," she nn-| A nd they cut the, grass In the Khy- swered, with n maternal note of com-! her I'ass plaint. "lie has a constitutional | To furnish a hrassle He. aversion to any kind of night life. I begged him to stay out longer, but he ; Hy the wash of the 1'arramatta looked so miserable I heart to remain. loner in price IKEAT the family to an appetizing salad n'jJe i!o^t-!y tempting with Kralc Old F.:shioncd BoiicJ SjljJ Dressing. Yu-ir g-occr h.is it in the large 11 ounce jjr tiu: costs only 25 cents, less thin half the price you're used to paying for this kind of quality. Get some to-Jay. KRAFT Old ^QAfcond, Boiled Salad Dressing MaJr in CiruJa hv the Makers of Kraft t bce5c and VeKeeu hadn't the I Is the Hag uirfiirled. We actually got And the crack of the club in the li, mils of the dub Is the shot heard 'round the world. home t half past twelve." Vance rose with n gracious smile. "You've been awfully good to here- with our foolish questions so patient-! r- J- A < ly. - . . Now we're going to drop in j Canadian Agricultural on Mr. Pnrdee nnd see if he has any Implement Industry IHuminatln' suggestions to offer. He's According to the dominion Bureau generally in at this time, I believe."! of Statistic*. 30 of he 62 firms in 'I'm sure he's in now." Tlio girl Canada engaged in the agricultural walked with us to the hull. "He wa implement industry in 1029 were lo- here only n little while before you came, and ho said he wns returning homo to iiHend to some correspon- cated in Ontario; 1'J in Quebec; 5 in Manitoba; 4 in Alberta, and one each in Prinoo Kdw-ird Island and Sa- kntchewan. Makes Homes Healthful and Beautiful Always sweet and clean Free ilencil premium laktl on entry pac- ott. Send J'or Dccorutor'j Guide and Stencil Catalogue. 408 OYPSUM. LIME AND ALABASTINK CANADA, LIMITED l>tri Ontario We were about to go out when Vance paused. ^ ; -Better times are on the way, hut "Oh, I sny, Miss Dillard; there's they will not como all nt once." one point I forgot to ask you about. ' Arthnr Cnpper. When you cnine. borne last night with' Mr. Arnesson, bow did you know it 1 ISSUE No. 21 '31 NEW PROCESS Alabastine