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Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1931, p. 6

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A cup of Salada Green tea invigorates and refreshes II SALADA 11 GREEN TEA * 'Fresh from the gardens* Markham? Or, perhaps you came to CHAPTER XXIII. give me news." | p ro f es sor Dillard took his pipe slow- , Unfortunately we have no news. ]y fr()m hig , nouth> ami llis ex ,,, , ,, became resentful. "I must say," he We have come to solicit aid ajrain. Mitrkham hesitated as if uncertain how to proceed; and Vance assumed the role of questioner. "The Kituation has changed some what since we were here yesterday. replied testily, 'that I can see no valid object in my j answering such questions. However," he added, in a more indulgent tone, I "if the domestic trivia of my house- What came before: Captain Jimmy snd , > t<-n run' I i.ra lini-B nriwn anil * V '"'' "tlio became lost in the darkness while cn> a ' hold can be of any possible assistance lng ove , , he Chinese war zone. ->- there is a possibility that our investi- gation v. iuld be facilitated if we knew the exact movements of the members to you, I will of course be glad to go landing, they are captured ' ' ., binillts. Captain Jimmy into detail. He regarded V ance a r ,i ans to set ,,.,.,. moment. "Yes, both Drukker and Par- party. by Chinese escapes an.l the remainder of Ma of your household last night. These ()ee saw Bdle ,. |!it nij?ht A1I of u , movements, in fact, may have influ- j nc ] U( |j n(c Sigurd, were together in this Cautiously 1 moved toward the ' room for perhaps half an hour befoie f ' a 'P- The fires had burned to em- theatre time. There was even a cas- b 6rs and now and then flamed up surprise, but made no comment. u . a j ist . uss i ( , n ab()llt ]i, sen ' K genius, in 1 ntf""/- Certainly the outlaws wouldn't He said merely : "That information Ii wn j cn in-ukki-r annoyed Sigurd j be looking for an escaped prisoner very -;,sily given. To what members , K ,. e . lUy j)y maintaining Hauptmann's fowling around 'lieir tents at that enced certain factors in the case." The professor lifted his head The Bishop Murder Cas; A PH1LO VANCE STORY s. s. VAN UINK I do you refer? 'To r.o member specifically," Vance ' hast) ni'd to assure him. A i .-.,. . li<-ari; ^nuttier. j. , . g f< 'iiha bullM III, ,:-.-..'. ' 1 'iMfU't A in . > Vanctv M . .ltd ot. i. . . el IK- . "i A d a n.i . Thi.n- - - ' ' ' till i , . .- iii i;.-. Hini iu I . . i . . MII, .-.. ii i nfi ,. l I'.iMN'C, A HIK 1. 1 J*nji<^' .- ' 1 i : '-' Drill kr ll I . :i .1 mill Adul|ih tf . i .1 . - Urn. l . ':'.> h"w ihe ni'iuli n ' . , .1 ; ' ,i ' r i - : ' 'tit- JM eVIOUS lgl,t ' ' \'l"li>li Drill. - t, I'K on Hi* l. . : ' 111 \ yT.- i _ - CHAPTER XXII. (Cont'd.) "Drukkn tells me," commented Vur.ce, "that you twitted him on his inability to work out a modification of the ii ..ntum theory in regard to light int. :erence." The uid man smiled ruefully. "Yes. I know that such a criticism \vould spur him to a maximum effort. The fact is, Drukker is (.11 the track f Minn-thing revolutionary. He has already worked out some very inter- esting theorems. . . But I'm sure this Nn't what ym gentlemen came here to ii:.~4-us. What can I <| for you, There is no substitute for __!hru(lie's -Arrowroots I-or nearly 80 years preferred by the mothers of Canada l*caiu< of their ftrmen purity and high quality. Only Chriftic's can make Ghrutic's Arrowroots. IMPORTANT / Have you seen the new McClary Coal and Wood Ranges? New, different, beautiful, efficient, represent the finest value ever offered Canadian women. > mailO.1V 17 superiority." Then at eight o'clock, 1 gather, Mr. imniciivu i'i <t>- iii mil \V,-11. let n,e ,,,-. . ." He took out | Arneon ami M,,s D.llar.l departed, his old meerschaum pipe and began <- av ' *>" an<1 Mr ;, J a " lee aml Mr ' tilling it. "Belle :-ml Sigurd and I Drukker alone ,.-re. ,.'..i^ Af "That is correct. had dinner lone at six o'clock. At lii'T past seven J)ruk!;er dropped in, and a f< w minutes later Pardee called. Then at eitfht Sigurd ami Belle went to the theatre, and at half past ten "And at half past ten, I think yju said, Mr. Drukker and Mr. Pardje went away. Did they f?o together?" "They went down-stairs together," 10 tne ineaiie, aiui HI nan imsi in Drukker and Pardet went away. I th * pi'"lessor answe.-ed with more myself turned in shortly after eleven, than a suggestion of tartness Dr, after locking up the house-I'd let ** f ; l M ' " ent f h 7;,, M 1, 7 Pvne and Beedle go to bed earlv. And ha<1 an appointment at the Manhat- tan Chess Club." "It seems a bit early for Mr. Druk- that's about all I can tell you." 'Do I understand that Miss Dillard and Mr Arnesson went to the theatre! ker to have gone home," mused Vance. together?' "Yes. Sigurd rarely patronizes the theatre, but whenever he Hoes he takes Belle along. He attends Ibsen's plays for the most part. He's a devout dis- ciple of Ibsen's, by the way. Hir, Am- "especially as he had come to discuss an important matter with you and had had no adequate opportunity to do ?o up to the time of h ; s departure." "Drukker is not well." The profes- sor's voice was again studiously pat- erican upbringing hasn't in the least lent. 'As I've told you, he tires eas- tcmpered his enthusiasm for things Norwegian. At heart he's quite loyal to his native country. He's as well ily. And last night he was unusually played out. In fact, he complained to me of his fatigue, and said he was go- hour. Rolled near the largest of the fires, figure of Carefully crawled nearer, small twig under my and I stop- motlonleifl, even breath- a minute J As I wiggled closer I could mak out his features Sure enough, 1 was poor old Fu Hsu (Foo Soo) the \ interpreter. so cold and He was cramped and geared. I held up a finger in a warning, and worked my- Loose e tones began rolling, the burros instead of walking on) their tip toes, seemed to stamj/ along 011 their ueels. You know how loud everything sounds whe< ;-oii want to be quiet, and It certain- ly seemed as If the noise we wer making must wake the whole camp. Finally we cams to the narrow defile. Beyond that no'.ch there watf a bit of a plateau. It was here that the bandit guard would be. The oandits had just risen to their feet at the sound of our burros com- ing thrnigh tlie pass. Plainly they were puzzled. Had w corns rldinff out Into ttem like a whirlwind, they would have understood, and started firing on us. But here was . stnnff, of burros peacefully wending their way into the light of their camp fire. Leaning forward from the neck cl my burro, I pricked the last of th string with my Jack-knife. With shrill cry he jumped against thai next one ahead, who it turn rushei| the next. In a moment they wera in headlong flight. They scattered right and left among the bandits, and when a burro self along to a point where I could j failed to bowl one over, the ropi caught his feet and tripped him. Then, in the midst of the uproar, w cut his bonds with a jack knife. "All asleep?" I whispered. He nodded. Quietly we crept away toward the cool spring. The fresh, cold water revived him won- derfully. He drank as though he never intended to stop, questioned him. Then I dashed out yelling. The rout was complete. \Ve just waited long en- ough to grab a rifle and went on a mad scramble down the mountain side. .Mile after mile we rode at bre:ik "What happened to Scottie? The i neck pace. Far back up the valley groumled in Norwegian literature as \ ing immediately to bed." any professor at the University of j "Yes )uiU> in keeping," mur- Osio; and the only music he really | mured Vance. "He told us a litt'e cares for is Grieg's. When he goes while ago that he was up working at to concerts or the theatre you're pretty sure to find that the programs ate liberally Norwegian. "It was an Ibsen play, then, he '.- tended last niirht?" " 'Kosmersholm,' I believe. There's a revival of Ibsen's dramas at presort six yesterday morning." "I'm not surprised. Once a problem has posed itself in his mind he work on it incessantly. Unfortunately he has no normal reactions to counter-balance his consuming passion for mathema- tics. There have been times when I've in Xew York.' Vance nodded. "Walter H.-impden's Vance, for sonu doing them. I>id you see either Mr. ; cl ( .;ir of this point. Arnosson "r Mis Dillard after they! "You spoke of Mr. PimWs engage- feared for his mental stability." reason, steered returned from the theatre ment at the Phi-ss Club last night," "No; they came in rather late, I ! he said, when he had carefully lighted imagine. Hclle told me this morning! a fresh cigarette. "Did he mention they went to the Plaza for supper ' the nature of it to you?" after th" play. However, Sigurd will 1 Profi-.---or Dillard -mik-d with put- be here at any minute, and you can roiii/.ing lenity. learn the detail.-, from him." ThomV .., u . talked about it f,,,. an hour. It' tipa around- his the professor spok,- with pati.m-e. it ! p ,. a , s , hilt a Kt .,H|,,,,an nuim-d Hub - 1 ml * ht ' Ir P ' was plain that he was annoyed by the insU . in _ a Kenius O f the chess worM. apparently irrelevant nature of the interrelation. "Will you ln> KI>OI| enough, . sued N'anri', "to tell us the- circum- siiii;. i - mi. HIM tril with Mr. Drukker's and My. I'anli-e's \ ; -it here after din- I understand, who is now visiting this dog. Bow-wow?" "Blandit hit him on the head- dog he bite blandit. Tie drg to tree. No Idea where doggie. ' "And the Colonel?" I asked. "Colonel, he blandit, now. He Cook," whispered the Interpreter. "He'll probably make a better bandit than a Colonel." Meanwhile, a plan ha< been form- Ing in my mind. Quietly we picked our way to where the Hurras were hitched. We tied a dozen of them together so they would lead In a line. The other burros .ve cut loose, so It would take time for the bandits to catch ihem and get on our trail. Taking the halter of the lead bur- ro. I hea led down the valley that led through the cleft in the moun- tains. Fu brought up the rear with two more burros their lead ropes waist for fear he He was the most hopeless Chinese I ever saw. the whole bandit camp were In hot pursuit. When my burro showed signs of slackening speeJ. I thump- ed him in the ribs and off he went again amid a hower of du?t ar.4 loose stones. Rounding a orner w came sud- denly to a rail- r o a J track, where five or six decrepit old freight c a r a stood, and a riik.-ty old en- s;i!i". We oou'.di !-.-'. i " :'ie hoofs of t!ie outlaws' burros pounding down t'n-j. valley as we reached the cars. I leaned over and grabbed Fu by th" <lack of his pants. As I heaved to pul) him in, a dark body came hurtling in, caught me amidships, and ovsr we all went in a pile 0:1 the floor. (To 'ue contiiui"i| i country had taken him on for three P ur ". exhibition games. The last one was yesterday. It began at two o'clock and was postponed at si.x. It -hou'.i! have, been played off at eight, but Uu- 1 binstoin :is the lion of MMUC dinner Chere was nothing unusual about ' llowll . t ,, wn . , () th( . hllilr Bet f,, r the Ihey often drop ,n during! 1)lav . off W!l , ,. k . vt , n . Pimk .e was , n ' tl,e evening. The object of Drukker's - , PnU . r . ho(>k!Ji ,,. ),e ), i(ll i ost the firs.1 ': * to discuss with me the work ame an( , ,,,,,. , lu , secim , 1: am | if he had don- his moJification of the he t . olll( , , tllvif won ,. lst ni( , ht - s Kam ,, quantum theory; but wh.-n I'ardee ap- hp %V((U , (| have bl . ok( . n evpn with Kll . Chocolate Ma'lei! Ik The health-giving, delicious drink for children and grown- ups. - - Pound and Half Pound tins at your irrocers. 3 peared the diwussion was dropped, j ,,;,(,.;. He se,.|.u..l to think he had an Pardee is a good mathematician, but . ^...n,^ .-h,,,,.-,. iuvonling to the way advanced physics is beyond his depth." ; the p . l|lu , stlm( , at six vi,H-k; al- 'Did either Mr. Drukker or Mr. thouKn ]) ru kkrr di^au'reed with. . . . I ardee see Miss D.llard before she , 1( . nulst hav(l ROIU , (1 iroctly from bore \\fiit to the thcat rt '" If you want you must toil for it; if-'good you must toil for it, and If pleasure you must toil for it. Toil is tln> law. Pleasure comes through toil, and not by self-indulg- ence and indolence. When one gets to love his work liis lif* is ;i happy OIH 1 . .Inllll Kllskin. FREE l.ttiK" :ilutr i 1 I 6(1 :.i tal,r. ii' 1 in-w mil ri-lin" bicycles t r > 110 up. .1.11. cycles. it.i.ii.- (n I'mnn. Mot in s I tatlon paid Wnii- M. DUXD CYCLE AND MOTOR 625 Quoen Street W ;O.. to tin- club, for it was fully half |>i-! ten when be and Drukker unit out." "Rubinstein's a strong player," <>'j- -rvcd Vaiii-e. A new note of interest, J \vhy are you readini; that liouk on which he strove to coiu-.-al, bad cone ,| l( , c ,| lK . a tion of children?" Son "To into his voice. "He's imo of the gra-id ; Sl .,, if yi ,,i are l.'.iir-ln^ i.., tip prnppr masters of the game. He del'vat-d , ]v ." V Capablatu'ii at San Sebastian in I'.Ul, and between l!'l)7 and 1!)1- WHS con- sidered tlie logical contender for the No Haul Feelings. Lady "Have you ever b-en offered work'. 1 " Tramp -"Only on. H, madam. Aside from that, I'vi- in*-' with nothing but kiii'l- uess." Hudson Star. - Tlii'ii' i..r. !" no eono-rt In two, v.h.-re tin :i- : - no i-oi ; :M one. li. W. i: r- j,, ms liavi . a ALUMINUM and 20 Ita- LIC HTER Toronto. j nt . , w .,,. lir , ,;,, , U , I( , by n ,,, t ,, r Uske v. . . !lfu .r eWtion'aml n-'vcr Yes. it would have been a gr>i,t decision. Calvin Coolidge. -.> - __ of t ]j >;ll , |a .. u .j, u; ; V for Lasts longer than Iron Mowers DEMARKABLY |; s ht '' became of its Alumi- num parts, remdtkably durable because of its Banum metal bcannss, slccl drive wheel axles and steel dnve wheel bushings. Your Hardware dealer hat it. CANADA FOUNDRIES & FORCINGS LIMITED WOOL HIGHEST PRICES PAID The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST.. TORONTO ALUMINUM LAWN MOWER ISSUE No. 20 '31 feather in I'ardi-e's cap to have beat:-n ' him. Indeed, it was no small compli- ment t<> him that he should have i>cn; Xot the eye but the pirit t'urni-K matched with Rubinstein, Paniee, di'- the best proof "f i)iorie<. -Albcr spite the fiimi 1 ofiis gambit, has neve- , Kinstein. been ranked as a master. Have you [ - - heard the rc<ti!t of la.-t night's L f amc. ' _ by the by?" Again 1 m ted a faint tolerant smile at the corners of the professor's' month. He gave the impression iu ' looking down benevolently <vn the fool- ish capers of children from some if real intellectual height. "No," be answered, "I didn't in- I quire. Hut my surmise is that Pa nice lost; for when Drukker pointed out, the weakness of his adjourned poi j lion, he was more positive than usual. Drukker by nature is cautious, and he rarely expresses a definite opinion on ' a problem without having excellci'l grounds for so doing." Vance raised bis eyebrows in some astonishment. "Do you mean to tell me that Par- dee analysed his unfinished game with' Drukker and discussed the possibilit- ies of its ending? Not only is such a course unethical, but any plavor would be disqualified for doing such a thing." "Tin unfamiliar with UK- punctilio of chess," Professor Dillard returned acidly; "but 1 a in sure Pardee would not be guilty of a breach of ethics in that regard. And, as a matter .'f fad, I recall that when he was engaged with the chessmen at the table ovi > there and Drukker stepped up to look i.n, Pardee requested him to offer no advice: The discussion of the position took place some time later, and WHS kept entirely to generalities. I don't believe there was a mention of ny specific line of play. " (To be continued.) SCIATICA? litre is a never-failing form of relief from sciatic pain: Take Aspirin tablets anfl you'll avoid needlets suffering from sciatica lum- bago and similar excruciating pains. They rfo relieve; they don't do any harm. Just make sure it is genuine TRADEMARK KLJ Power Lawn Mower 30 Inch Cut Manufactured and serviced by H. W. PETRIE, LIMITED 147 FP.ONT STREET WEST TORONTO 2 Phone ELgin 1271 lV -ite or phone for <!esc,-iptive folder and price. I

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