THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1931 Local and Personal Miss Tena Henderson of Waub- aushene is visiting in town at present. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McTavish were in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. John Nuhn Jr.. Mrs. J. O. Patton, and Bill and Fred Patton Old Boys' Picnic On Sat., June 27 The date of the big picnic of the Flesherton Old Boys' & Girls' Assoc- iation, the event of the year, has been Dr. F. T. Bibby Died On Sunday After residing in Flosherton 'for the past thirty-five years Dr. Fred erwick Thomas Bibby passed away t set for Saturday, June 27th . It will ; hu home in town early Sunday morn be another chance to visit the old ing 1 at the age of fia years. For the town ,meet your friends and spend past year or so he has been in failing were in Toronto over the week end. ' the week end amongst old associations health, but continued his practise here Mrs. C. J. Crossley and Mr. VLsn Boyd of Toronto were week end vis- itors with thefr mother here. Sir Baltimore Oriold, that "har- binger of real spring, is again ren- dering his cheery music amongst us. Mr. Steve Sutton and Mr. John Nuhn Sr. spent Sunday with friend? in Drayton. Miss Isobel Armstrong of Duntroon spent the week end with her brother George, here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pinder and Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland were in Allis- ton on Saturday. Monday next, May 25th, will be ob- ^_Y^4 ~ - - U-l:j-, r u~ ,.11 ,.****.. in town will be closed. Mrs. Steve Sutton spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple of Lady Bank. Dr. G. M. Leeson, ex-M.P.P.. di<.! at his home in Varney last week, the result, of n stroke. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and Mr. and Mr'. Reid of St Catharines were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Akitt over the weok end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Perieoe and two sons oi Toronto were the guests of the former's sister, Mrs. A. Stewart, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown and that are ever dear to the memory, until two weeks ago. Last week h Plan your holiday now and be present spent a couple of days at the Owen that day. We will keep you acquaint- | Sound hospital, hut returned home on ed with the progress being made in j Wednesday. He gradually grew the preparations for the event. j worse ard died early Sunday morning, Last week only one of the three ! the cause of his death being attrib- peonies presented to the village by j uted to pernicious aenemia. the Prince of Wales had shown eigns of growing in their plot in the Dr. Bibby was born in Flint, Mich., and received his early education at Memorial Park and it was up to a ! Brighton, Ont., and attended Toronto height of eight inches. It was thought j University, graduating in medicine in vhen the other two had not appeared i the year 1887. H} practiced in that they had been stolen by some ! Heathcote nnd Kimberley .coming to miscreant. However, since the j Flcsherjon about thirty years growth has appeared and they are ! ago. For quite a number of years dcir.g nicely. We hated to believe | he had been a coroner of the County that any person would be guilty of of Grey and was also Medical Officer such action and we hope that the ' f Health for Flesherton. In re- peonies will remain in the park forjlifiion he was an Anglican and a manj years. staurMi Liberal in politics. Besides his widow, he leaves one daughter. Marion, and one son, Hugh, both at home and attending Flesher ton High School. He also leaves three brothers and one sister: W. E, Bibby and H. C. Bibby, both of I Inspectorate Changes Considerable changes are being made in the inspectorates in Grey ; Brighton, E. M. Bibby of Grand Rap- County, to take effect at the close cf , i(lri _ Michi) an(1 Mr s g G N es bin of the present school term. Flesherton Brighton. and Avtemesia township will be added | Thc f u ' nera l took place on Tuesday. to South Grey, under the inspectorate; Se ,. vice was hcl ,i at his | at;l r c>sideneo of Mr. Robt. Wright of Hanover, an a t 2:00 p.m.. Rev. F. M. Oldham, old Flesherton boy. One of his town- { Anglican minister of Dundalk, taking ships, Xormanhy will be added to the ; the service. Interment took place -n inspectorate of North Bruce under | Forest cemetery, Orangoville. Inspector MtCool. Inspector Morr- : R ev . H. M. McMaster," Anglican, min- ison of Meaford will also loose Osp- ; j s t,, r officiating. daughter, Myrtle of Toronto were j ivy. beside Arterr.esia and Flesherton, I The pallbearers were: Messers E. v.-hich will be added to the inspect- A. Preston, G. B. Welt.on, F. W. Dun orate of west Simcoe, but will gain ,. an . w. G. Kennedy, G. McTavish. and two townships in the North of Grey. ' W. A. Hawken. Inspe.-tor Wilson of Owen Sound will have several townshios in north Bruce added. If the changes take effect Inspector Wright of Hanover will likely be re- quested to move, probably to Durham. He will have considerably more terri- tory to cover than heretofore. week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fish"'-. Mr. Wr.. Wilson r.*nd two hoy friends of St. Catherines motored up and spent the week end with MV. and Mrs. Walter Akitt. Mr. and Mrs. R. Maddocks and Miss Mary and Mrs. J. W. Bates of Toronto visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor. Misses Kathleen and' Irene Mac Donald and gentleman friend spent the week end with the young ladies' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joha Mac Donald. The Ladies Aid of the United Church, Flesherton, will hold a sale of home made baking on Saturday afternoon, May 23rd. Donations gratefully received for the sale. St. John's United Church is now using the new hymnarv at each ser- vice. On Sunday, May 31st, Dr. Alexander McMillan will be here to dedicate the new hymn book. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Trelford of Owen Sound were viitors the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Kar- stedt. The W. M. S. will Tx- held in St. John's church on Thursday (to- morrow) at 3 p. m; and the Mission. Band in the same place at 4:15. Par- ents are invited. Miss Hazel Alexander and friend. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Alexander and daughter. Jean, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Graham and family cf Owen Sound. Mr. Royden McDonald and brother. Willard, of Durham, accompanied by Misses Gladys Wickens and (Gladys Melton, en.'oyed a trip to Buffalo on Sunday. We understand that M'-s. H. Down has consented to act as President of the Fleshe'-ton brar-h of the Women's Institute, and the election will likely be made at the next meeting of the Women's Institute in June. A credit snle of farm stock and im- plements will be he'd on lot 30, co-i. 7. Arier.iesia, (Collinjrwood Gravel), the p-.-onerty of James Milne, on Sat- urday. May 23rd. See bills. Wm. Knitting, auctioneer. Dr. L. G. Russell, R. O., r-C Ha- : ton hr.s been at An".*: rung's 'f-wi'l 1 ery stora '.rcc- Monday. the x even'iiK I'orviee in St. John's l"ni:-.';l Church TV. Russell rcm'.ored an ex- cellent solo. A nlay entitled "The Secret Society of Cabbageville" will be given in the Orange Hall. Eugenia, on Friday. May 22nd, ur.der the auspice;-- of the Wom- en's Association o? the United Church. Admission 30 cents, children 15 cents. Come and enjoy a good play. Dr. F. W. Murray of Toronto, ac- companied hv Rev. Dr. Johnston of Victoria College, Toronto, and Mr. C. Withers, President of the Domin- ion of Canada Guarantee & Accident Co., Toronto, are on a few days' fish- ing trio. A special service for Victoria Day and Whit Sunday will be held in St Mary's church, Maxwell, on May 24th, at 11 a.m. A cordial invi tation has been extended to the L.O B.A. members of Maxwell and Faver- sham, also any L. 0. L. members of the district, to be present. Fishermen have been swarming into this section during the couple of weeks from many far awaj points, one group coming as far awa> as Buffalo. Many fair Batches hav, been report :d ,but no fish was a large as that caught recently at th 8th line bridge over the Hydro l.ak by. Mr. Ed Fisher of town, whic measured 16 inches in length, HURRAH! HURRAH! The supposed champions of Eu- New H. S. Teachers Two new teachers have been sour- ed for Flesherton high school, to r- 1 - places Misses Brydon and Lighthrart. ' -ho had resigned. Miss Clara Gray , of Toronto will teach Latin, Anci.-n' History and English and Mrs. Filshie of Chesley will teach science and art. ' genia school came up to try to win These teachers come highly recom- against the hapoy-po-lucky eighth ' mended and. with Miss Acheson and line school pupils. But alas! they , Principal Thibaudeau, should round wer sorrowfully disappointed when , cut another excellent teaching staff. | the score resulted in a 44-31 victory for the eight line jschool, without the final inning for them. The 8th line ones are to bs congratulated on their snlendid playing. game was played last Wednesday evening in Eugenia. The score at this game resulting in a 19-0 victory for Eugenia. The return game is t.i be played this Wednesday night. Who will win? We shall see. Gas Station Improved Quite an improvement is noticed in the appearance cif Mr. Geo. Brack- enbury's service station at the south end of the town. A lattice fer.ce has been constructed on both side^ and the whole has been painted in black Public Speaking Contest The public speaking contest for Group No. 1 oi the Young People's ' Union of Grey Presbytery will bo I held in St. John's church, Flesherton, on Tuesday of nevt week. May 26th, j at 8 p.m. There will be aompetitors i from Flesherton, Markdale, Dundalk and other points. An interesting I program is in store for all those who attend. Come and encourage the young people. The winner of this contest will enter the final compel! tion for the championship of the Presbytery. The average attendance in Peel and orange blocks. Special lighting County schools last year was :).F>0!). has been installed and the station is now very pleasing in appearance. Concert Here Friday The comic drama "Kathleen Mnv- urneen" is to be given by Dundalk alcnt in the town hall, Flesherton. n Friday evening of this week, May 2nd, under the auspices of Grey Chapter O.E.S. Teat reception This play had a in Dundalk when iresented there a couple of weeks go and you will be delighted w'i "i fou attend here Friday cvcnin.r. \dmis3ion: 35 and 15 cents. Economical Wall Rev. and Mrs. Bel.vy and son, Ray, f O.shawa, former residents here, iccompanied by Mrs. Harkei 1 . Mrs. Belfry':; sistir, are visiting friend* n town to-day. Grey County Egg Grading Station OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS Our experience merits your confidence. THOS. OWLER & SON. Props. PHONE 55. FLESHERTON INSURANCE See us or phone regarding your automobile, Cargo, Accident and Skkness Insurance. Guarantee bonds plate glass, and fire insuran:e. Our rates are reasonable and we guaran- tee service and satisfaction. W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Licensed Agent Phone 13w FLESHERTON. 'Chiropractic' In Flesherton each Wednesday from 2 p.m. co 7 p.m., office in Mrs. M. McDonald's residence, Main St., for chiropractic adjustments, mas- sages and sun lamp treatments with the Burdick Mercury Arc Lamp. See C. G. MacGILLIVRAY. L M .. *ia*i*Lua, Chiropractor UP AMUR the famous flat finish for waiis and ceil- ings is econo- mical, because it is so easy to apply that a little goes B long way. You have a choice of the moat delightful shades, that dry with ail eggshell bloom. It has a soft light-diffusing effect, and makes a lovely background for your household treasures. It Is permanent, washable and fire-resisting, and looks equally well on a wide variety of sur- faces. Contull your decorator or dealer. Aslt Mm for a shade caril. or write to ui direct Walpamur a product ol The CROWN DIAMOND PAINT Co. Limited Toronto Montreal - Halifax Walpamur products are sold by: ALBERT E. HAW. CEYI.ON. ONT. RUSSELL BROS., DUNDALK D. McKlLLOP, FLESHERTON ONTARIO A Message from the Premier on the subject of Highways and Highway Safety Prcbabiy no single development in the history of our province has had more widespread influence upon the lives and habits of our citizens than the automobile. Ontario was one of the first provinces to recognize the importance of this modern means of transportation, and first, also to adopt .1 progres- sive policy of road building and road maintenance. Today, of Ontario's 72,000 miles of roads, more than 38,000 miles arc improved gravel, 7,000 miles are paved, and 09 per cent of ail roads are surfaced. These roads .ire not only a remarkable convenience, but, as well, they are a responsibility. The seriousness of the responsibility is evidenced by the fact time in Ontario last year, 52-f persons lost their lives through automobile accidents. All available statistics would seem to indicate that most of r.liezc accidents were avoidable and were caused by either thoughtlessness or wilful violations of the common-sense rules of the ro.-.d. The Ontario Department of Highways is about to publish in the press of Ontario, a scries of educational advertisements, in which an effort will be made '-o keep drivers and pedestrians .ilihe, alive to the necessity for the continuous exercise of care, courtesy and common-sense in the use of our highways. Suggestions made in these announcements will be, in effect, a digest of all the information gathered from every section of the world which has been found to be of assistance to drivers and pedestrians in avoiding highway accidents and making these same high- ways of inestimably greater value and benefit to every citizen. The first of the announcements referred to will be published at an early date. Your attention is invited thereto, and your co-operation in making our streets and highways safe is earnestly solicited. Premier. SOME HALF-HOLIDAYS Bee ton Thursday. Bolton Thursday. Allist.on Thursday. Brampton Wednesday. Creemore Thursday Dundalk Thursday. Durham Thursday. Flesherton Thursday. Grand Valley Wednesday. Orangeville Wednesday. Owen Sound Wednesday. Hanover Wednesday. Meaford Wednesday. Milton Wednesday. Mount Forest Friday. Shelburne Thursday. St ayner Wednesday. Tara Thursday. Letter to The Advance WHAT ARE CHURCH BELLS FOR For over half a century the citizens of Priceville and the people in a radius of four miles have enjoyed hearing the fine tones of the bell now in St. Columba's steeple, but for some timo past we wondered what was the "Bat- ter with this bell, for we could not hear it ring even a short distance 1 from the village. We enquired of several persons, and at last understood that a "modern architect" conceived the idea of hoarding up securely th-j windows and apertures in belfrey ''ml steeple in order to prevent owls, bats. sparrows, tree toads black spidders, etc.. from congregating in and making that lofty auditorium a club room and sleeping quarters thus de-filing the sacred edifice. Would not a wire screen of medium texture keep out all noxious intruders, and at the same time allow the sound waves from this lovely bell to waft over the vicinity as of yore? Antics like the above are apt to give the pub- lic a fear that someone is wandering too near the "bug house gate". If a light is placed under a bushel it is rendered useless; also a church bell muffled in a box is af no benefit. \V> imagine the care- taker, when he pulls th,. rope, knows full well that "the bell shall not ring to-day 1 '. RING OUT SWEET BELL Some Special Items of x Interest in House Furuishings FLOOR OILCLOTHS Xcw Spring di-si'.^v;. 1 >ard. 1 ; .. yd.. 2 yd., yd. \vidt-. p-.-r sij. y;ir< 50c LINOLEUMS- NEW DESIGNS X'ev, (k-M'^ns. 4 vnrds v, i<le. per lineal yard $3.65 Kxtni Heavy. 2 yards \vidr. lineal yard Kxlra heavy 4 vnrds wide, lineal yard $3.85 Cougoleum Rugs All New Patterns () X U $11.75. OxlOXi $10.25 ( )x ( > s ! >.(K>. ( 'x7' j Sr.-xS OII.CI.OTH AND KKi/rnL MATS A NO SQl'ARl'.S Swiss Lace Curtains, Lace Panels, Frilleed Curtains, Bungalow Nets, Frilled Nets, Cretonnes and Art Sateens. Kirseh Brass Curtain Rods tor all windows. WINDOW SHADES Window shades in plain and duplex colors. Priced from, each 75c SUNWORTHY WAU, I 1 AIT.KS BRANDRAM-HENDERSON UXOLISK P.YIXTS & VARNISHES CHAMPION PAINTS $1.10 per quart F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO