How Fast and How Far Can Humans Fly Our Future Airplane Speeds Will Be Almost Unlimited But Man Must Train His Body and His Senses to Withstand the Strain, Says Noted Army Aviator By Lieutenant Lester J. Maltland, In The New York Herald-Tribune. first uncertain "gasoline buggy" after years of hard, gruelling tests. Man will be able to fly great dls- Just so the airplane of the future lanoes, at tremendous altitudes and j v j11 emerge from Its present adoles- wlth unheard^ speed, as soon as he ^nt ta S !nt a tuln s of now " D - an train his body, his nerves and his Beamed perfection. to take advantage of the ma- 1 Nothing Is impossible in connection JM chinery engineering genius t his disposal. Thla ti my answer to the three ques- tion* o( how fast? how high? how oon? that are continually being ask- ed by every person remotely interest- ed in aviation. How toon the human machine can be trained along these lines still re- Bains to be seen. In the light of the achievements of our present-day fly- em, I would say that the day is not far off. Many records have been broken in r*ent rears. Planes have climbed dis- tance* Into the sky hitherto believed laaposiible. Over 40,000 feet above the Mirth, man-made machines piloted by knman eagles have soared and come down safely. A plane piloted by Squadron Leader Ortabar of th Royal Air Force has 1 will put ' wlta irplanes. Twenty-five years ago i the thought of man flying in heavier- I than-a craft was regarded as ridlcu- 1 lous. And yet, look what man has ac- complished. He has not only learned to keep him- self aloft, but has be-:: able to fly oceans, conquer all sorts of hazards and even carry on successful warfare from the clouds. What, then, can we not accomplish i in the same amount of time in the fu- ture? We can only judge the possibility of future accomplishments in the light of past ones, and, taking the last twenty- five years of progress as a standard, the vista that opens out before stu- dents of aviation Is practically un- limited in its scope of possibilities and Think of arising at a fairly eurly M^eS a sp~d * , * < " having breakfast Mt. Robson, the Loftiest Peak of the Canadian Rockies MA n. i h. nd . du e t the difference in time, ar- , ^ ^ J?L ? ?h f ft. i! : rMa <"> tb. West Coast In time to ! mor * out another part of flying that teat of remaining In the air for weeki ; d , k , exacts its physical toll from the avia- * ,im. M passed into the realm of ^ j/^ mlnf . lt ^ 'or-,peed flying. * u ' '-"-'- The great strides aviation has AT a to tne public asking just now .IcTrecord. SZ comme'rciaT ^r \ <* *. >< few year, bring near- don. my answe, is: The whole future ; P" ** - -- I commercial flying is bound up in '" *' tteee experiments. The machinery that has to lightened . fee work of the farmer was achieved | through experimentation. The auto- 1 "^' . 'I.!?' ^ Mobiles -n*t now travel at ao swift a being able to bend time and space to his will. This fast time, according to solen- in the upper re- The efforts made by dyers to-day to In the Pulitzer race !n 1922. when [ raced with Lieutenant Maughan, his Owl Laffs About the b*t you cau do Is to go aight ahead, workin all th time, JlCWttCt the wrong people. Like father, like son but like daughier and you don't give a darn for the rest of ;he family. Classified Advertising BABY CHICXS He "Just as Burgess and the widow Jones started up the aisle to the altar, every light In the church went out." She "What did -hey do then?" He "Kept right on going. The widow knew the way." Hew :o the waist'.lne. iet the hips ; fall \rbere they may. Gladys "Aiter I'd sung my encore, ] I heard a gentleman from one of the I papers call 'Fine! Fine'!" Harry "Goodness: And did you; have to pay it?" HICKS IN Six VAIi- . IKTiii.-. ": and MP ;au.Joue free. A- H. Sw:tzr. Grantun. Ontario. A- 1 TYPEWRITERS BARGAIN IX P.KBUILT EMPIP.J5 typewriters, guaranteed some as new. J-6 casn with order. Satisfaction or money reiunded. T'.vita for Type- writers :; st. Peter sv. Udntr*aL_ : EFBESEHTATT7B WASTED . .L'LD YC '-1KK TO BE THE local r.-;ji-eseiitative lor fast sell- ing; household necessities. Write Clar- nce Cameron. 3a Wellington 3L 3.. Toronto. Ont. __ , , plane reached a speed of more than I minding your own business drinking > Art _ ; i __ 200 miles an hour. plenty of water, fighting for frest air, face over oar roads came from the reach the ultimate ceiling are far more He come down from :he gruelling i dodging motor ,-ar- and hoping for the test completely exhausted, and said i best. that at times when the plane was tra- velling at this then unprecedented speed he was absolutely lost In a haze. I On ever}- turn he said he waa stunned Would You? I thought that a word of mine. t saeWeV >* ui <-i**-*t. v ti UUP^ SUM ejj *** uwi v . i _ important than a mere desire to shat-l almi)st lnto unconsciousness, and at , Pe-^ps unkind and untrue, ter a record on * tlme ne was oonipletely "out.", "^u-d leave :< M-ace on a loved TTTA^A ' A ?.... **_ i. ^o/*a When In Toronto Make Your Home at HOTEL FORD Bay St., at Dundas St. Every -otei srvlc In a clean, c ei. fireproof building. 780 rooms. It is up there, at a ;;.-.:: incompre- jne's henslble U> tb ordinary persoo, that Were it not for that tact that he re-! covered almost Instantly tha: raoel 1>d never speak it airline's ma v"be "found "oveVwhl"^ The j wouJd Qave nded ln I***?- Wotlld * m * planes of the future will fly at light- j ' m ** elt wai thoroughly fagged out,! and to 1 could understand his state : nlng apee/d. It U already known that In these up- of complete enervation. thought that a smile- ot ui.iis Might. linger the whole day thru Rheumatism? Quick relief from rheumatic pains without harm: After ranking sharp turns flying at An d lighten seme beart ni'h a heavier fast speeds I have gone "blind." This i part, condition Is caused by the blood being I'd not withhold It dm from the brain by the sudden 1 Would you? turn in direction. While uncomfort-l :ble, It is only a temporary condition, ; When men In an older day jilted a for when the ship gets back on an girl she took it to hear', but now she 1 even keel the head clears Instantly. ' takes it to court. Ti- sensation is somewhat like nav- : Ing a bright sun suddenly d!*pl a w;fe No 990 _.. An( , , jo Vn . - OV6 me _ ar:; cloud. your ma je s ty?" At the present time the strain of Klnf Solomon "I cer'aiuly do, my the two and thus increase the I ^!^ li "^ , J- '^ - '- - '"- per regions there are winds that blow { at hundreds of miles an hour. It re- ' qulreg no great stretch of the Imagina- tion to realize the desirability of a fast plane's taking advantage of a wind blowing 300 miles an hour. We know from Lieutenant Orlebar's record that planes can be flown at more than 300 mile-a an hour. We also know that there are swift trade winds In the upper regions. Knowing these two things, the next step Is to com bine speed of our fly inc. Riddles Why U a dog biting his tail a good ; manager? Because he makes beth j en'' meet. What is the difference between a i butcher and a flapper? On* dresses : to kill and the other Mils to drees. What sleeps in the daytime and flies [ around at nigh*? A bat. PROPERTY EICHASGES For a latlsfactury xuhacg* of your farm, business. <-lty or town property writ* or H. 11. Davidson. 10O Adelaide St. Wt, ' Toronto Some'.imes youngsters display an ajaa/lng grasp of popular Idea*. Like the little boy wao was asked by his mother recently: Mother "Were you a good little! boy at school to-day?" The Son "Ye. mamma, I didn't get caught once." Judge "You stole eggs from this an'a store. Have you any excuse?" Acc'-sed "Yer I 'ook 'nem bv mis-' i Judge "How i* that?" ( Accused "I thought they were : fresh." The reason a Scotch bagpiper walki I up and down when playing - he pipes is because '.t !s a!wa harder to h!' moving 'aT-up'. Agent Wanted of unquestionable integrity whose record In his community will bear investigation, to dis- tribute investment securities for a Toronto investment housi? established over forty years. All replies w!'. : be Tea'sd In confidence. Reply P. 0. BOX 91, TERMINAL STATION "A", Toronto. These upper regions lure every flyer on. They hold mysteries, and at the .":; time they hold the greatest pos- sibilities. Here again tue flyer's physical abll- r ; well. When the upper air lanes are fathomed, however, there will be a eat change In the status of flying. Earth bound vehicles are restricted In their possibilities for speed. They ' Thrt-e days ot Spring weather and some folks ire already kicking about! the heat. A young married couple; have to pull together to make ends What makes '.:Je dreary want of mo-ive. George E thi> travel now ss fast as thev can within meet. Money isn t everything, but its the only thing that keeps breaking from being a crime. The Instant a man brings up the subject of thrift, his wife demands that he quit smoking There are many menaces in altitude Wn constantly crossly and rec-ro..- ; ... . Inir ,31.1 rth*r nnrh Tnn HTrtjif , J , lack of oxygen and subzero weather! they are unable to go faster, bitt be- ar* the groat foe* of flyers at the cause It Is not safe to do so. maximum "ceiling." The ground la covered with living ; Large 111 - ed oatalogus : new and rebu I bicycles fro n $10 up. iloto:- I cycles. Boar- i Ovtboari. Motors 1 tatlon paid. To relieve the wont rheumatic pain ii a vry supple matter Aspirin will do it \er> time! It's lomething that you an alwtys take. Genuine Aspirin ialit* un ftarmlets. Look for the Bajer Cross en each tablet flying. But Just now I want to ay TIMDC MARK Rtfl. in Canada WOOL TWELVE CENTS The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd. 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO Makes Homes Healthful and Beautiful Always sweet and clean Free stencil premium label on every pack- afe. Send for Decorator's (,!uiJe and Stencil Catalogue. 403 GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINK. CANADA. LIMITED Ontario ing each other's paths. Too great speed endangers not only the life of the speeder, but the rst of the world as well. No uch condition exists in the- air. The sr>e>>d limits of the airplane rest only on the ability of the pilot and the worth of his plane ami motor. My opinion Is that, the pilot is the chief one to be considered in the race for faster air travel. Kiijiineers to-day can transfer from paper to reality I faster p!;iMH rhiin *< art 1 as yet able' to fly. When man Is able tn train his body to stand the strain, and 1)1 -senses not! to give way under the t^rrinV pressure; ; tion to unemployment ig It affects 635 Queen Street W. Toronto. Kennedy & Menton 421 Colleflj St., Toronto Hariey Uavidson Distributor' Write at an < J-T jur bargain list of used motorcycles. TtTins arranged. l*/iff tolerate Itmpl If l,i, f,n,, 1. 1* and DandrnlTi Ciitifiira Soap and fulicura .ill aulrkly uid nl<ilT PrifT prefer** roar kiD ' '" r :i:id groa:. for him, I : in ike it | at ,i les an GAS lieved relieve W HAT most people call LuJLg Uon i* usually excess aoM In the tomaoh. Food has toursd. Th One tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many time* It* volume la acid. The results are Immedl- of treuieudous sp> r . h will rind am s;in\ the plane 111 possjhle to eat up <i ; -;.i he-Mi. 1 which tho pr-^i-ir hour will be but child 's play. As tlie airplan> iin!us';> ^rmvs oul er, we are constantly (hiding on mon and more about fuel. H ia aii::uii)K, In the light of recent ili-nuvii' little, we really knc\v a: liis". about this most important iw;-;. of tl Our main struggle now is to get an ideal fuel ou that will H- u ; i >ss and furnish more power and to dm! a means of lubricating the motor ef- ficiently uuder all weather conditions. As for the motors that are being made to-day they are marvels of en- gineering construction. They stand up under hours of flying at terrific speeds. The motor of the future plane will undoubtedly be better, however, alons with the rest of the machine. No matter to what decree oil effi- ciency the plane Itself is developed, unless we find somo way of success- fully combating the lack ot oxygen and the low temperature of the upper regions we cannot fly there. The ordinary person canuot and will not travel by air unless It Is made comfortable for him. It is our business as pilots and explorers of the air to undergo hardships to prove that fast flying is feasible. But we must offer comfort and safety before the world will fly with us. Every one can use his imagination insuot remedy Ii an alkali which | * with no harmful after-effect.-. Once you learn this perfect way you'll nevor de : IB *oj other manner with the headaches, gas, bloating, nausea, dizzlneas, in- digestion, biliousness, eto., due to an over-acid stomach and bowels. Be sure to gt genuine Phillips'. Look for the name Phillips 01 the BABY'S OWN Praises Famous Vegetable Pills For Indigestion "Having been troubled with Intiijcest- ioo truf Sick Headaches for several months, I was recommentfcd to try jour famous Pills. After the first doee I was made aware of tbcir very real tonic value." Mis M. Croydon. Dr. Carter's Little Liver Pills are no ordinary laxative. Djey are aU vffrtablm and have a very definite, valuable tonic action npon the liver . . . exactly w: at you oeec to end Coomjpation, Acidity, BilkxjBneas. Headacnea, Poor Compio*. feu, etc. XI Jr_jj:sts, 25c A T5c nxi pks. Take Long Walks Fat Men are Told How can vi MI walk -ill vnur tal JB 5011 haven't any nu-ruy tn dn it f Y>II .iia fake ^jff fat with Knisciicn Salt? it yitu A-ili akc me iiuif tf.i-|<iM<u in hot water rverv tnoniuiv before brraKt'aNr, iinitlit'v vmit ijid ,iuL xrrcise fifuliirly. Then' HIV i> .iiifrn'iit .ui.< in Krrisi lien thai vour bmiv >rimi.i iniiuft have ii you ire ;<i /njoy ^imij hc:iltb. While von jre 'n-iiii; l':il vmi ivill be gaiiiiuu in viijnr -nrriiv. vilalit\ ind power rf -.indiininrr. Thut uu"in^ *t;.il MUMI \on ..ill ae> alilfti- walk TIUIIV milea witiiiml iain;ii anil 'ii;uv 'MTV Nlrp v"U walk. Unii; Sinn's all .jvi-r C.uiiul:i ,oll Kpi-i lu-ii Silts, anil u |:ir oust- :iut ?.-> .-rnts it's a real blessing to tat people. acids. But don't OM <njde kelp*. Vie what TOW *o^- tor would advise. Hit help Is Phillips' Milk ot Magnesia. for the 30 yean laesj its invention, It has remain- ed standard with physicians. Ton will tod nothing else so quick ta effect, to harmless, so efficient. I bottle. AH drugstore* sell It <0e. Made in Ctnada as to what the air liners of the future j will be, what they will look like and ! whether they can In comfort span the , iou fluent in six hours. Science and the capacity of human beings for In- vention will bring these things to us. But no matter whether the coming ] plane have a hermetically scaled cabin or something else, of one thing I am sure all things are ',->* in the futurt ot aviation. ... is wise in the wy of providing your person- al comforts. You'll look forward 10 your mtili, for hfi cislly io Mtitfy thet i* <r appetite. They bm4 on 91 yn of experience In th er of plesiinj pu"Ser line* 1 840. Seilin ji weekly lion Monbeel Cbi.i relM irom .... 1 1 30 Tourlrt TMrd CeWti . . . $105 Third Oen Round Trip $155 $pci*l Sionl Thltd Round Trip Eacunlon Rls 11 W. Information from Cer. Bay and Wellington SH. (Ftton* Elgin 3471) Toronto r any ittaimTtip agent DANDRUFF and Falling Haic, ce> Mtn- . -i 1 . :.]..! as you would in hair ionic. Ou ihi< 4 tinie* a week and the rrtult ^111 be * Ctuan Head and Glossy Hair CUNARD ANCHOR DONALDSON WHY NOT HELP fOUR KIDNEYS? The spno.l nf niiHlern ''<'. i i^'ll foods, lack of pruper rxer, ;.- inahs unusual .l,'iii.iils on the kl.ineys ami liver. Fnll'ire to heeil Nature's warn- Inr of trouble nheaJ often !'-J to ill-health and misery. Don't wait for trouble. Take War- ner's Saf KUney and Llvm- Ki-ineily I-BK iiariy. Tills fe ami pleasant- tasting herbal remedy aliln Nature In Its Important duties of throwing oft body poiBons the oause of Ill-health. Don't dclny another day. Sold by dniKglPts veryli*re. For ::ee ininple write Warner's Safe Rn*J!i>s Ov 'I'm-i'Tito. Ontario. WARNER'S ?*FE KIDNEY A i /ER REMEDY or ANY CHILD Wb. can never be sure JUM wual makes a child restless but the remedy can always be the xiine* Good old C'.astorial There's comfort in every drop of this pure veflctabM preparation, and not the sughtm harin in its frequent use. A3 often - vour child lias a fretful spell, feverish, or cries and can't sleep, . in ui soothe- and quiet him. Son* tunes it's a touch of colic. SomeiuD constipation. Or diarrhea a oo dition that should always be CMC*. without delay. Just keep <-a>tor hnndy. and give it oromptly. Re" will follow very promptly; if doesn't, vou should call a ohysici CASTOR.IA ISSUE No. 16 '31