WEDNESDAY, MAY 0, 1DSI THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Greater Value at New Low Prices THE rLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on Collingwood street, Flefihcrton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance (1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 'Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) tf. H. THURSTON, - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Assoc. Editor I That Vote in Commons A RIDE IN THE DURANT 4-07 gives you a new conception of four cylinder performance and riding qualities. The Durant 4-07 . . . built to Durant standards of quality ... is a big car with rvjr.y big car features . . . roomy interior for greater comfort . . . lor. j wr.oclbdsc . . two-way shock absorbers . . . steel- drau'ic brakes . . roller bearing steering gear and powerful, economical motor. In addition the Dur3nl 4-07 has big car appearance, fine up- holstery end mar./ refinements. Sei the DuK.rit 4-07. Drive it ... without obligation. TENANCE SERVICE PLAN a l> o it t our Ma: n t v n .1 nee Service Plan . . '.&A.' mi/ea tor feu than 1 cnr a OTJ/. A Canadian Company Controlled by Canadian Capita! DURANT MOTORS of CANADA, LIMITED JORONIO (UASIDE) CANADA ) URAN1 A GOOD CAR GEO. F. BRACKENBURY Flesherton, Ont SMI Late Thomson Alister Another life Inn'/ i- .ien t . of ()>pr y township paxsd! t^ the Great Bcyon-l en Monday morning, April 27th, i;i thf PCI in i.f T': :: -'r, .Mister, aged C8 years, after a:. extending' over a period c.f a 1 , : fn week-, of which In- wa.i a |/a':. ' .ilferer. IIe| had been in the (i.&.M. hospital in < ' I'WLnd. v.-hiT.- < . ry c;ire and at-' t'-ntio,, \v,-i Riven ' m. l^it hi-; health failed to improve ;i!i< ; t > \ a.i-ed pear, fully away on M"r..!.iy in 'iniiiw. Th j ren.ains wi-ie I i ij hi to ir old hum-: on Tuesday ;u;<! tin funeral h-ld! on Wednesday afti-i n . : t-> Maxwell' cemetery. The l:< . F. Ivan cimdur;- 1 -d tin- service at '1 < bo'ist- and at the' grave. Al.niit th:i'y of his h;-oth-.T I- iii ester.- turned < ;'. In pay their! last respert-. Mr. Alisler was a chiiiti r member of C.iurt Feve? sham No. ").'!l, whi.-h organized in' November 18!' 1 and had remained in good standing f-.r thirty-six years. He was held in high knew him. A fir service at tlu c,n <'( Hast Mountain, visited recently at the home of their daughter, Mr.;. Cecil Belt.-. Mr. Th"s. Bet's and daughters Edith and Mabel vi*it.-d the fiivt of ihe week with friends at Maxwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wickens and family of Kimberley visited with her |.ai.-Tits I'.erc. Mr. anil Mr:i. William Pedlar. Mrs. B. . largrnvi 1 an- 1 son (Jeorgi- Ire in near Markdali*. called on rel- al ives here th,> pa.^l week. I'nily t'. I'. W. < '. will hold their May meeting at (be l-.ome of Mr.;. W. (Jiii-ilcn, Ibis \VcdTie.--day afternoon. Sevoral deer have hcen found dead in the woodlota and on the premises of fanners whose properties are clese to the swamp north of Alliston and east of Camp Borden. It i? thought that some disease is respon- sible. INSURANCE Sec- us or phone- regarding your automobile, Cargo, Accident and Sickness Insurance. Guarantee bonds plate glass, and fire insuran.-e. Our late.s are reasonable and we guaran- ) ias introduced Tho Farm Group had moved a ;:ub- amer.ilment which struck, out the words of the Liberal amendment and substituted new material in its place We supported our own amendment and sat through the voting of the Liberal amendment, thinking it logical to vote neither for nor against a motion that had been, so far as we were concerned, eliminated. We were busing our right to sit in and not vote ' on the ruling of Speaker Lemieux ; given on two occasions when lion members had not voted. lie ruled they were not forced to vote. On this occasion Speaker Black '.-u!ed 1 we must vote and the Prime Minister <aid unless wo did we would be named :md excluded from the Chamber. Mr. Mackenzie King, while agreeing with Mr. Bennett that members must vote, i suggested that on this occasion, when j members acted on the assumption i that they had the right to refrain, i they should be allowed to withdraw from the Chamber. The next day ' Mr. Henri Bourassa gave notice th'U on the 28th he would move thnt the | Standing orders of the House should !>c> amended by inserting "upon div- ision a member is not obliged to vote," into the rules of the House. ! A snecial writer to the Ottawa Citi/.i-n. Mr. Cha.les Bishop, comment- i ing upon the voting mix-up, said: \Vh ; l> it was condoned in a spirit of tolerance and perhaps excusable on grounds of a precedent, justified by no authority on Parliamentary usage, t seemed to the on-lookers on the ' Flo^r and in the Gallory to suggest certain symptoms of spinal or in- testinal deficiency." As a matter .if fnot rules which suited fvo parties in the House nre quite unsuitable. for the four groups which now occupy the Chamber and certain changes will lia'-o to he made. Fet quite some time organhfi Ci'.n-dian women have urged upon the Government the right of citizen- ship unaffected by marriage, that is if a woman, a British subiect, mnrried an alien she remained a British subiect vnless she voluntarily decided to accept her husband's coun- try as her own. The Government bill which vcrv much VANDELEUR Sliding operations are under v.ay a-:iin ::fter the brnla-n >-.ell. Mrs. l)an;> MrCice spent a few d-iys with Mrs. Cars. Hi MrKesso.-k of Strathavon. I Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Buchanan entei-- 1 tained a few friends f r >m Flesherton .ne evening recently. tee service and satisfaction. W. J. W. ARMSTRONG Licensed Agent I'l-.oni- l.'iw FLKSI1ERTON. imnroves the citizenship riirhts of oiv"n. By it a woman who is a B'-i'ish viihiet-t and who marries an alien can if she wishes retain her the mi by all vvh i| The Thompson family of Ripley church burial spent the first of the week with Mr. the Forester- and Mrs. Howard McCIee. c-ncirrled the grave and Bro. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and son Burk, Chief Rangi-r of the Court, f Meaford were ri-'-ent visitors with read th,. service and then they form-] Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert, ill-noting cd the broken chain, denoting that another brother Foretter had passed on before. Mr. Alister |.>ave> ID mourn his demise four brothers and one sister, Charles and Henry in Dakota, Mai- shall in California and Hobert with his t-ister, F.lla, at home here. The community park committee have secured from the Forestry De- part ment '^f the Ontario government T diiantity of Norway spruce trees to plant on the park grounds. PRICEVILLE A HI wing bee wa 1 - held in St. Coi- uui! .1 Cbur.h last week, when a num- ber of ladie* ijiiiMed two (juilts. A bountiful lunch was M'l-ved alter- wards. Mr. Clifford Him-!,- 1 and sist r Be'.h, Mi.-.-es Jean Macl.ean and Mabel Walters, motored up from Toronto and spent the week end at their different home.-:. .Mr. and Mi ... Henry llu-hai.' o and little .-mi and M 1 - Kva Ca: '>.\ of T.ironto, spent Ihe urek end here. Mr. Alex Mi-Lean aiil nister Anna Mary of Toi-nr.t i '-i-<iii-d their \>a< . n 1 Mr. iirid Ali Col, n McLean. Mr. and Mrs I.-aur Sinilh, Fwr.-her ton, visited I'riday a! .Mr. Allie Mr Li ans. Mr. and Mr- il nry Tucker and Hetty, Mr. Dan MH'aMd ami friend, Mr. and Mrs. (i. A. Black, Swinton were \isitor; the fir-t of the week at A. L. Hin-k-. Miv-. Harr ; , Hi,u-t, n and family Teturncfl to 1'i-terboroiigh after spend- ing tl-.c winter with her parents, Mr. and Mn IVh r Muir. Mr. David Ilinrks and family vis ited the first of the we>-k at Mr. Stanley H-i ii Hromorp. Orillia milk deale-s l-avo aked the town council for protection against out of town dealers. ADVANCE ADS. PAY Sale of High Shoes Children's Ili^li Slioi-s arc offered this week here at (lie sacrifice price from .................. $1.00 to $2.00 a pair ( )ver Rubbers at the ne\v low prices Women's 75c: Men's $1.00 per pair. A. E HAW Store open everv evening but Ceylon uesda and Frida ROCK MILLS The fnrme;-ri are very 'r-y '-n Mv-' land these dn\ - now that the WeAthel is fine again. Mr. nml Mrs. V.'n>. Hnrirravo of Wnrehnm. v ere n /ent visitors with his brother. Mr. John Hargrave and family. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robt. Mi-Mullen nml New Low Delivered Prices on The New Chevrolet Six Ui.adsU-r S(>o.OO S|IT| l\i;ul-.U-r 7(o.OO C'uii|ir, 5 \\-iiulo\v S1().(X) S]inrl C'liupf, 5 window SXl.(X) C'liupr, >^ \vindtw 791.00 foarh 791.00 D.-l.iixc C'..adi S5o.()0 Sedan 'M7.00 Spi-rial Sedan 051.00 Truck Oiassis \M" u. hasi'.. 724.00 Triu-k Chassis l.v'V. base .. 780.00 Goodyear Tires We are the (loodycnr Selected Iiealers fur this popular line of Tires. There are more people ride on (loodyeixr Tires than on any other kind. You \vill find our pi'ices the lowest they have ever been offered at in this district. Standard Pathfinder 2<ix1..lO ................ ?s.:to $(i..-,o 29x1.50 ................ 8.0 9.25 :il)\l.. r iO 28x1.75 29x1.75 29x.VOO 10.70 11.05 7.3, r i 7. JO 8.70 8.80 9.20 Presto-Lite Batteries \\V carry to coinpli-tc line 1 of llii'>c wi-11 known batUTrs and ai\- ulTering tlu-in a a >pccial 10' < ri-dnction I'rotn n-^nlar prices. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers, FLESHERTON British citizenship, "except upon con- dition that in consequence of such marriage she acquires the nationality of her husband." Which I take to mean except in cases where the of his country require that the assume her husband's nationality. Jf after marriage of two British- also a woman, a British subjr:t,j married to an alien whose nationality she has assumed and whose state is at war with His Majesty can resume' her B^it'sh citizenship. While th's is '-till a good way from f qual rights in regard to citizenship it is an advance for which all women will bo grateful. AGXES C. MarPHAIL. IN MEMORIAM HOLLEY In loving memory of Ed. Holley, who passed away May ist, I'm One year has pone and none can tell The loss of one we loved so well; And while he lies in peaceful sleep, His memory we will always keep. Sadly missed by Sister and Brothers READ THE SMALL ADVTS. S. S. NO. 3, ARTEMESIA SR. 4th Harold Johnson. SR. 3rd Georgena Blackburn, Elsie White, Patricia Beard, Russel Tohnson. JR. 3rd - - Ruby Vause, Beatrice Cornett. 2nd - - Eileen Johnson, Everett Pa -ker, Irene Doupe, Muriel McMullen Edsrav Doupe. SR. 1st - Roy Best, Margaret Loufrhted, Ivan Waller, Loreen John- son. Jack McMullen. JR. 1st - Keith Parker, Lloyd Allen. SR. PR. Bruce Beard, Ernest LDU?- herd. JR. PR. - Lloyd Waller. Elc-H Waller, Billy Lougheed, Leon e Jor son. ISLAY MCKECHXir.. 7V Thomas Carlyle, the great Scottish philosopher, declared that work is the grand cure of all te maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind bonst work, which you intend getting done. " Ladies, read this to your hus- bands when next they demur to work- ing in the garden after hours. Small Advts. LOST Steel wheel and tire for auto, between Floshertnn and Sl.-l- burno. Finder please notify this office. For Sale FOR SALE A number of pigs to wean April 15th, at ST. per pair. Fred Russell Markdale. Phone 30-rl41 FOR SALE Good timothy hay. JIM PRITCHARD Lot. 40. Con. 3. S. D. R. Artemesia. NOTICE Owing to my financial condition I am compelled to do away with all credit. I hav e reduced my price to a low margin and my prices are for cash only and there vAll not be any credit. When you want boots or shoes come in and get my price. Work- boots from $2.50 up. W. L. MORWOOD. Flesherton WOOD FOR SALE NOTICE I have hired a first class blacksmith and horseshoer. and solicit your business. H. Wilson, Flesherton. FOR SALE Irish Cobbler potat- oes for .eed, also Collie pups, good heelers. T. L. Hughes Markdale R. R. 1, phone 132 r 4. FOR SALE Rubber Tired Bueey newly painted; heavy wagon with double box, nearly new; democrat watron; set heavy sleighs: set of 12 I mil iorn harrows; 14 foot hay rake. f'\ G. Karstedt, Flesherton. FOR SALE Bnrre<l Rock baby ehic-ks. First part cf May $12; last part and June $10 per 100. Kindly ord>r before sotting. -- Mrs. Edgar Patteron, R. R. 2. Priceville. Phono 22 r 41, Flesherton. Wo can deliver same day as order- ed, in any quantity, of Maple, dry. at $3.75 per cord 16 in. Maple, green, $3.50 per cord, 16 in. Whit? Birch, per cord $2.75 16 in. Cedar $2.50 per cord. Gardens plowed and rubbish tak- en away. W. J. W. ARMSTRONG. NOTICE Trespassing on lots 138, ISO, Con. 2, S.W.T.iS.R., Artemesia, is strictly prohibited. R. B. RUTLEOGE. Cevlon. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hogr Club, the property O f the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART, Caretaker. FOR SALE Cedar rowhoat with maple paddles: Studebaker car; quan- tity of tools, drills wrenches pinchers, cold chisels, pipe wrenches, also mcch- inist tools and small radio with ear phones. S. W. Sloan, Eugenia. BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Banner oats for seed. These oats were 1st in 102'.t and 2nd in 1930 standing field crop competi- ton, pOsrye Agriciitural Society; also stack of mixed hay. Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell P.O. phone 4 r 2, Feversham. FOR SALE 11300 buys house and lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, hard and soft water, small stable, and about two acres of land Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. Must be quick sale to wind up estate nf W. A. Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Executor. Miscellaneous PASTURE TO LET For summer, by month or more. Apply to Wm. Hales, lots 171 172, W.T.S.R. Artc- mosia. NOTICE - - Cattle wanted to pas- ture on lots l. r >8 to 101, :! S.W.T.&S.R., Artemesia, well watered. L. Puckett. Proton Station R. K. TRUCKING I am prepared to truck live stock, farm products, gravel and sand, etc., at reasonable rates. All cargoes are insured. K. J. VAl'SR. I'roton Station Phono: Klesherton I!2 r 1.'!. Barred Rock Bred-to-lay Baby Chicks, from registered, blood tested birds, all government inspected and approved. March and April chicks $15.00 per 100; May and June chicks $12.00 per 100. 10-. with order, balance on arrival. Guaranteed 100 per cent safe delivery. ARMSTRONG POULTRY FARM & CHICK HATCHERY Phone 13. FLESHERTON ' _. BOAR FOR SERVICE. Roistered Berkshire Boar on lota 151-153. Grade sows $2, purebreds $5 cash in advance. __^^^ H. C. RADLEY. BUSINESS CARDS " T. W. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Physician to all domestic animals and surgery a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO F. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Ternjit 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteed Dates made at The Advance office. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc, 0/ices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherten eve* Saturday af'ernoon ar.rt evenir.g. NOTICE Custom choppinp and rolling Oc per Imp. Satisfaction is punranteed. _ KARL Mc-LEOD, Pi-iceville. Ont. FARM FOR SALE 150 ncrc farm for sale or rent on Chares, lots Ifi. r i-(!r.-fi7, 3rd range S. VV. T. & S. R.., Artemesia. John Iloparth, Proton Station. .HULL KOIJ SKRV1CK Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surecon. graduate o{ Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ; ed for extraction. Office at the resi- i donee of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Duvhr.m Hull, ivan. f,.,- service on lot 1(!3. 1st rnnire W.T.& S.K., ArteiiH-sia. Terms- -SJ.OO, pay- able Jniuiaisj- 1, 1M2. -CLAUDE AKINS. Prince Arthur Lodge, 338, A. P. & A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm. | strong Block, Flesherton every Frl- I day on or before the full moon. W. , M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A McCauley. Wm. Kaittinpr, Licensed Auctioned for the counties of Grey and Simco* Farm and stock sales a specialty, Terms moderate, satisfaction gur- nntced. All arrangements and dat may be made nt the Ad\anc offic, addressing me at Eugenia. I .