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Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1931, p. 8

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[WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1931 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Sold in Flesherton by Flesherton Tlaning and Choping = Gyproe Says KEEP OUT" Aiy Spjrts This Year? Is there to he nny sport in Klesh- crtun this year? This is the (iiicstion heinff asked by the younj: fellows of the village who are desirous of secur- ing some competitive (jamc for this summer. Many are speaking of football, while others arc advocating the good old game of baseball that was so popular here a few years agn. Dundalk is proposing to hav t > a hall team and with their half holiday chanced to Thursday the operation of the Centre Grey League, or some other organization, should he a suc- cess. We are sure that Kimberlcy would enter a team again as they are the present holders of the Centre (Jrey League Cup, and their old team is practically intact. While there are very few of Flesh- erton's old team available for duty we believe that if the young fellows would take hold and practice faithfully they i could round out a snappy team. How about i>. fellows? Will We have baseball or football, or both? Football is be: oming more popular I and with a number of good players in i town, reinforced by high school lads, should give any team r. battle all the way. Several teams are being org- I anizcd in this vicinity. igh School Reports Fire 9 Draughts, Rodents GYPROC WaHbeard that docs not burn is the vv;iy of least exp-.nse when you desire to r.ialu- ; .her;-.? ions in your home, store, fac- tory or on the fat. in. U^c it for all walls, ceiling; and partitions. Gyproe is r.-.ade frcr* gypsum rock into sheets 4 to 10 feet long, 4 feet wide and ;{, of an inch thick. It nail-, and cms as easily as lumber with a niininnirr: o v. le or muss. Gyproe is fire-resistant, easily and quickly erected, structurally strong and has insulation value. It is draught and vermin-prco: as well as fire-safe. Because it is ivory-coloured, it does not require decoration (when panelled) yet it is also a suit- able ba^e for Alab.istiue, Gyptex or wallpaper. Consult your nearest dealer to-day. He will gladly supply you with a direction sheet on Gyj:roc. Or write for the interesting, free booklet, "13 in! ding and Remodelling with GYPROC". GYPSt.M, I.1MK ami ALABASTIN?:, CANADA, LIMITED Ontario AI.C.KHKA Hon. Audiov Brown Sr>. Fa- Ka-| Johnson TO. Patty Mnrran 51, HerlK-n Akins .VJ. HaroM Turni'i- "id. Fail - Marie FenwiV"; !(>, ,7. Stewart -I-'!. ('. M'-Ma-ter ''. Foi.'M t ROTANY Hon. - |> : !hi Wine TS. Kvrlvn Brown 7">. !'a-^ Cath. ii SU'W.-i't 71. Mar 1 .' Wilson 71, Xlervyn Mi'Fad.'.-i 07, Bill F'ark.- Frnr.-i - follin^irr <',->, Konal.l Mi' ' in ':''. i:<'l,< i-; H'-Hamy . r i", Jean \Vo|. -tciK-rol't ">i>. Mill.- Allen SI. I lovd A i rti ilold .">!. Marion Stafford ,il. Fail Mutrh ISiMiy !", .!i:n Mc-C >rm- aek -17. Ceo. Akitt .I.'!. Dick Strw : :,-i I. 1 !. Milfoid Fipi-r -III. Angus T'.irm-.v IS. \VMved I',,-' :!7. Harvey Croft :ii. 1,'ipl.' i-t I >:inr:i .! :!1. Kathcen Warling :'M. Kverctt Tall.ot 2">. Weslev I.ittle- johns 22, II. Mt-oi-f -?i II. \V. !!!,, ]',. FO'JV i! LATIN* Pass-- Doris Bi'nnon f.-l, I.u.y M.-HonaM fi:!. Isal-lle McMillan , r >R. Verdun McMaster ">ii, .Icar-'tle Mi'L">d ."I. II.".7.el Mi Kill >p .Vf. !).:- othy Jai>i!< -on ">-. ('hri-tinn MaoKi.i- ii'iii .",!. Fail -- Bessie Cairn* 17. lia FYiMni- 11 Karl Ottewell -10 Fivd Fav.-i'i-H M. Alma Mad. can :i7. I.n- VCI-MI- Pine r .'!7. Mervyn Johnson 'M. Str.nli y Hi- it III. .1 c Cilism J7. I'.ai'k Kiu:!.v --'I). Comin For Sale l>y Flesherton Pinning & Chopping Mills Mr. I.av.s'jn, jierhiaiieiu w:ive:-, -f Lawson's Heauty Parlors. Owen Sound will lie at the Munshaw House Mor- , day. May 4, to do permanent waving in any style at the following n'-iee": Luster Pierre, regular $10, in stan- dard or combination, ?V. I IVrmalete, regular $l. r i, in si unlanl croi|uiKnole or combination, $'.'. Oil of tulip \vo.xl. reKular 18, in Ktawlard crotiuigncilc or combination, $11.50. Oil of tulip wood is the best pcr- ,..,,.( known l..-lv. All our work al.M.lutely guaranteed. Call at hotel offiei- or phone hotel for appointment. please i-onie with hair washed. Open for business at 8 u. ro. VHE STOlUt WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL & CO. ltd (MAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER PAVES YOU A L OF MONEY Spring Sale of Men's Light Overcoats and Suits LINGERIE SALE SHOES Ladie:' Silk Lingerie, 69c a Garment New Styles in Pumps and Straps Spciial Sal.' "i Ladies' Vests and \\V arc offering i>r ms Week-end r,l<, outers, all .., 1 shades and first Sale three new st\ les in kid Pumps. ( |u.ility d'.llis at o'V a nurment. Ke<-;. $4.50, !'>r S-v ( >5 a pair. LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Special Clearance of Ladies' Tweed Coats. Regular $15.00 and $17.00 Coats for S<).95 and $12.95. .. DRESSES A Clearance of Crepe Dresses. $X.05 Dresses. Special Frier $6.9?. SILK HOSE, 44c A PAIR 1'u re Thread Silk Hose in all sixes and all shades at 44c a pair. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Carpenters' Saws, made with high quality hlades, each Carpenters' Unices, just a few of these 1 left at. each 7 ( >c Mixed Nails, per pound 3c Special Prices on Paints and Wallpapers GROCERY SPECIALS Corn, 2 cans for 25c Tomatoes, 2 cans for 25c Cream of Wheat Hour, cwt $2.50 Brooms, each 39c Chevrolet is the world's largest builder of six-cylinder trucks WfHEIlEVER you go on city * street or country road you find Chevrolet six-cylinder trucks very much in evidence. Thousands of these sturdy trucks are oil the job daily, de- livering goods, moving supplies, doing all types of light and heavy hauling. Every line of business is coming to rely more and more on these big, powerful Sixes. Indeed, the demand for Chevrolet trucks during the past several years has been such that Chevrolet ranks today as the world's larg- est builder of six-cylinder trucks and commercial cars. ISU&LriiVl'V J~~, '3 A5> ;": ^<T * * * ' *^ *. ' ' *'/ -* - **.3 '*." co. ** , "Us ; *Uia&P>iL ^:r>AY NICHT ON ATT-.^A c:: PARADE" Thr whc^ba^ moJ*l a 109-ioch . . r Jal chj',is of Iul.'-;on . .:>. ard f.u 1 ' . in tr::ct ,:( of 1*1 I:T-!I ..h. .i>. c and ih? other '. ''".!.:. !i. Fca:um i.*l.:Jr. Ntvv ,' ul rrar whe?l, ** t!i :0" x 5" R-p!y t:*j^Jt-:yp fc -;rd tire*. New and h.-jvirr front ailc. Special iruek-typr clutch wah tr:i- inc. 1 ! il.j, t. N\\/ and heavier rear M^^jivf new .': in ^ Paly cnclocU 4-whccl brakes w::h larger re.-.r dru-r.5. Fcur-ipnd tranmiksion. Ne-.v, roomitr, fircr-Hoking cab*. 30-hcr?rpowcr 6sryIinJr valve- i .-lie; J cnciac. !$675 Cl IGVKOLhT I ' .- TON CHASSIS V.'ITH HI" XCHEEI.BASE- i .")i , .' ,'i.-r/ opliun. f5l' rtlrj 1'j TON CHASSIS WITH 15T' WHEEL- BASE. S7)0 (Dual *lutl option, fiO titn) COMMERCIAL CHASSIS. 470 Iil.!%--.i:.-il above it the Cherrolet I' : too truck con* plvt* with Chevrolet cab and stak* body. All phcat l.o.b. facioricl. T r.d ipcul cqui| m m v ii 1 1 L E T r^., B EB TRUCKS /< c L y E n .4 i. LiA M O T O K S V 4 L V E C16.3 D. McTAVISH & SON, Chevrolet Dealers - Flesherton, Ont. Jeattlt or Tun (Bauabmu i she should not become over-stout. , She should drink several glasses ol wator i-ach day. Her diet should in- clude milk, jneen leafy vegetables and fruit. Question;-, concerning Health, ad- thessed to th> Canadian Medical Ass.-.iation. 184 College St.. Toronto, I will U answered personally by letter. Aaacnaltott GRANT rLEiVilNO. M.D. ~. ASSOCIATE SECRtTAHY MATKUMTY Any norinal healthv woman may expect to ir<> through nrrtrnnney with no greater risk than nnv t u-' tt'ke when ualkintr down the street. In lii-tli c;^es there are possibilities of dui'.ge '. lnit if reasoniihL' are is take:i Hit re i-; oi-rfect safety. Prciriiaiu-y is n nurnial condition, but it does not nienn thai, fn:- :' perio:! of time, nature is under :' .train. Tho strain can be met \vithou< caus- nig a breakdown, providing pr iper care is taken. Accident:, (if pregnancy occur, lint so do motor and other aceidi'iiN. Trt.>iv are veiy few accidents of urct'.nan.'y which cannot be nreventeil. Kvery expectant mother should Iv itnder regular supervision duving tin- whole c*' hi'r pregnancy. Hv this wo mean that she should have the necessary examination to make suio that conditions are normal, to detect any abnormal condition and to have- it treated before harm results. Serious conditions raretv develop suddenly. It may appear as though they did to the person concerned, but there are usually certain change* which the doctor would )wc noticed days en- \v<>eks before. He cannot detect these unless the woman has put hersef under his care, and this is one reason why We believe she should do so as soon as possible. The. expectant mother also needs instrtv.-tion so that she will have a minimum of discomfort. To meet th> strain she needs to make some pdh'stmrnts and she can be helped in doing this by proper advice. It Is not n question of being fearful of null. mi' an unnecessary fuss, It is | a matter of common-sense to mnk allowance for the special delimits in cider to be as comfortable as possible. Nothing 1 a mother .-'.'cs or any ex- perience she may go through can cause a child to be maiked or altered physic-ally. There i .: no connection between the nervous system of the mother and the baby. The baby does depend on the mothe'- for its nourishment, but this docs not mean that the mother should eat enough for two in ilu- sense u eating twL'c us much as sh c . diu before. The expectant mother should not cat. more than a wholesome amount; Be Was A Stranger A stranger visited Ihmtsville and teok outers for clothing, collecting de- posits thereon, but the tailoring firm disclaims all responsibility for him and whose representative he claimed to be in his dealings. Consequently those who placed orders with this outsider are anxious concerning their deposits. Cop 'crning the incident the Forester poitodly remarks: "IV/haps wo may hope that the educational value o'i' the incident may be such as to induce citizens to be less ivady to purclia-io t'rcr.i strangers that which they can buy quite as cheaply from local bus- iness men, and with no danger as to tlu- fate of their cash deposits either." & Save Money PORTLAW HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER THE PUBLIC AT RIGHT PRICES. . __. Three Clover Leaf cups and saucers 25c No. 1 Patent Flour per ewt f2.60 Shortening, per Ih i5 c- Raisins, 2 Ibs. for jj&c ALL KINDS OK CLOVER SEEDS We have a few men's Mud Rubbers at 50c per pair while they last HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS J. H. WALKER - - PORTLAW Phones: Pundalk 71 r 5. Flesherton 76 r 22 Store closes Wednesday at 12-p.m. and Friday at 6 p.m.

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