POOR MOTHER ? . -mother's Day. It makes It a burden Mothers, mother?. Doesn't nearly which is the last thing a true mother half the world consist of mothers?' wants, but the little kind thought of Types and models countless in number' * loving card of remembrance, or pass across the changing scene of siving of a carefully raised flower or arthly life. There Is the little old-, small gift is Immeasurably dear to me fashioned mother who still toils and , m - v children." Works night and day for her children. I And there I* the more sophisticated! TW |LIGHT HOUR STORY modern mother who sees she has time 1 for the almost daily and much-coveted : "About Chicks and Oth game of bridge. There is the care- ; Friends" less mother and the good mother, the Chapter 20. universal mother. Undo Will and Aunt Kate were But it does not matter In what sta- bringing Billy home in their big car tlon of life she walks, there is no one after his two weeks' holiday in the knows better than she !ir.-elf what it n j g city and he could hardly wait til means to raise a family of 2. :',, 4, and ne go t home. He kept thinking abou' occasionally the "daily tea party of Mamma and Daddy and all his good leven or twelve children." The home little animal friends. Of course, al IB a factory and its machinery is made along the way he enjoyed passing the up of exceedingly delicate and compll- gr eeu fields and the woods and h eated mechanism. If the work is well laughed out loud at so many things h done or ilf who knows better than saw on the way. Once he shouted the world that it owes all its progress ."Oh, look at that young colt in th or limitations to the type of home field over there. Isn't he fine? I wish from which its individuals sprung. i had a colt." Sure enough there was How time flies: and there are only a frisky little horse playing with its twenty-four hours in a day. What Is mother horse, jumping and kicking up left undone Monday must be done kj 3 heels and shaking his head just Tuesday, and. if Tuesday goers by with aa though he were laughing. You Its tasks unfinished, the pile just know Billy might have a colt some grows higher, and some day there day, f or who knows perhaps Betty, the must be a reckoning. The little child other horse in the barn who works out o soft and swf--<- i- nevertheless the i n the Held with George all day long most exacting and tyrannical of al! in iy.i s ht have a little colt next year. Ji= wee commands. He see? neither Well, after a Ion? nice drive In that Ickness nor is sympathetic for that nig car Billy just couldn't help call- om^times extremely tired mother ing ol ,t after he kept looking and look- feeling. No one knows hotter the rizid jng for something stralffht ahead that demands made upon her for the doing ;i e expected to see any minute now, What New York BY ANNABELI.E WORTHIN'GTON Illustrated Drtxs,, i-k'ng Wesson Fur- nished TT''-/ " / Pattern Of endless lit'lo thinj-i which must be "Oh, look Uncle Will, there's our done. ;, : r:i away over tl;pi> and our lions.:-. Yet with every hour filled to over- i know it because It's got a white flowing while the family is growing fence all around It." he flnds hers-lf sometimes warned -Uncle Will smiled aud just kept on by those with more 1-isure. or perhaps ( lriv;il _, ;ul d soon they turned in at the tees in some newspaper article that It i ane ' u; 10 most necessary for her to broaden j umpe a out first, for he out. She Is told she should learn about he j ust got out of the door wne n some- toe outside world and its doings or, lhillL , knocked him right over so that when the family is crown, alack and (le {ell smac ] on the ground and then ilas. her own good husband will not felt a soft _ wet tongue licking his be able to talk to h >r when they are cheek an( j ne j ust couldn't get up. for old .ind alone again, for she'll wake tnere waa Rover standing over him, Up suddenly to find herself far behind no [ dmg n j m down for he- was so glad klni. to see him. Billy was awfully glad to This Is indeed disturbing, but the day is only twenty-four hours long an<l the babies' clothes are all dirty again, company is coming to-morrow, nd there's not a thing in the house to eat. "What was that you said about Russia yesterday, John, the baby cried and I didn't just get It?" Perhaps It is up to John to see that be does know about Russia and about politics and the newest thing in elec- tricity. John works hard, but his working hours can be counted from igut to five, or from seven to six. He must have time to read his paper and does read it. What better way Cttu he flud to see what he has retained than to put into words what he has read to mother after the baby has ' a c | ullr uu tu everything was quiet topped crying and there Is quiet while aga [ n . Kittens don't like a noise very the dishes are being washed and put muc i, so sn e thought she'd wait for away. John might even wipe the a wu |[,, i- a tsi ami dogs are very dif- dishes. Oh, yes, there are ways and ferent> are n't thoy? Billy picked her ways. U p am i petted her and she put her But as years pass aud she ee> the paw on his cne ek to see if it was really gradual consummation of her work in her growing family she goes on less dismayed. Well she knows that home laughter, the sunshine of the soul, the happiness of the heart and the com- see Rover, too, and he hugged him back. Well, after a while he did let Billy get up, and oh, when he got up, there was Mamma and Daddy looking just the same as ever and smiling with big smiles that were only for Billy. It's wonderful to be loved like that, isn't it, children? There's noth- ing like a mamma and daddy. After all the noise was over and Bitly was telling Mamma about all the fun he had when he was away, he felt something soft and warm rubbing around his feet. Well, well, here was Fluffy come to say "Hello" in her own way, fnr she was purring as hard as she could. You see when so much uoi.-rt was iioing on Fluffy hid behind Tlit-u he said, "But Mamma, how is Topsy and her little kitt-u- .'" 'You'll be surprised when you -ee p-ntonshlp of years are ties that bind them. dear, they've B ro n >o big." ei-urely until the time for the great parting arrives. So they went out together to the ham. Here was Molly the cow, wait- Sunday School Lesson .- - smart ilay iues,3 this May 10. Lesson VI The Parable of tha Pounds Luke 19: 11-26. Gol- den Text It is required in stew- ards, that a man be found faithful. 1 Corinthians 4: 2. ANALYSIS. I. TWO PARABLES OR ONK.' II. FAITHFUL STEWARDSHIP. III. GROWTH THROUGH I SE. I. TWO PARABLES OR ONE/ It has often >een noted that there is a very close connection between this parable of the "Pounds" in Luke and the parable of the "Talents," in Mat. 25: 14-30. The -esemblar.ces are as remarkable as ^he differences. This does not, of itself, create serious diffi- culty for us, for -ve might have simp- ly two versions of the same parabie | (the parables must have been tuld and | retold many times before they were ! written down), or there is no rea?>,'i why Jesus himself should not have used two very similar parables or the same parable with variations. A ; much greater difficulty in the parable of the ' Pounds" lies in ^his, that ap- p. vntlv we have tw> stories mixed together. One J a story of a noble- n.an who goes far away to be made i king, as, for instance, r.obles of Pales- j tine not infrequently wer.t to R.itne to i receive their title from the imperial , city. Ii. this story the nobleman'? fellow-citizens do not want him to be made I'ina. and ?end a deputation to protest. He. on his return, has to deal with the malcontents. In the TWiv^-i story a man goes away and leaves S'ii!'c of his capita! witn hi* s'wnr.ts thnt .hc-y may tr>d<> with, and on his return he Heals with them ac-ordinir to their faithfulr.e-ss "o their trut. The fwo stories have reallv very little- connection, and he careful reader will r.r.tice that vs. 13, 14 do not go to- er-ther. Ope is about "servant?." the o*her nKv-i- "fiti7.en"." It : * no*- T^ = IS so :='bV to =.-lva >,; difficulty with r - Tvnv e'^h^r =i:nrw>*o * parables of TI><US hnvp Women Journalists Have Benefited Papers and Magazines Lork Luke Hopes for Daily Edited by Woman and Without Political Leaders Tract Society Publishing Books in 200 Tongues London "I look forward with ln-i "During the !.i^ - . :."i > -;<:s, I hay terest to the day when a national dally i come in contact with the question of will be edited by a woman, and. I hope, i *fc" <rorn many pointa of view i and I have of recent -.var.s been struck have no political leader, at all," Lord j bjr , hd grow!U o , rVmmillP lnteregt ln Luke declared at a reception given In newspapers and magazine*, his home In Portman Square recently, to mark the appointment of Miss Anna Hepple as the* new editor of the Mi-jj Hepple said that unti'i she had shared in the popular miscon- ception that the Religious Tract So- Woman's Magazine, published by the cie'.y's only fu::c 'ion W:H the publica- Religious Tract Society. j tlon of ita wor!U-f:im.-n tracts. Actu- "A generation ago," he continued, ; ally, she added, it U n.ib'.j.-hing some "the arrival of the woman journalist of the fluest books was making something of a sensation iOO oilier langua* i. in Fleet Street, though perhaps ow- Miss Heppla d.-ploied the appeal lug to an oversight the fact was not) made by some of '.li. >;,-iii iitei rura recorded as such on the evening ! and Sims to the - people posters. The male Jouruali.-t regarded: to-iiuy. S!ia rr,:;-:<i.-r i le her with a good deal of suspicion, j of combating this -A-.H -o diver- the pub;;..- mi mi to n . topics. Pb < s tl - . i:ity of th* i -ue -aid, "But she came, and her influence has been profound. She has brought into the magazine pages of our news- papers and the lively columns of our which is ..ir:-\ ^ :jui;>.)se In magazines an attention to detail and tim .iu.l _.- . -.- except maka up aad technique which waa R. i --- i: i badly needed. I Science Monitor I: money, but the application of :: is to the use of the talents given us by God. For instance, the voica of coruc'- Vast Stone Tapestry Ready For Exposition in ParU is a talent. We nay develop it or! Th . i indar- wemaydeader.it. In Luke 8: IS, rh '-.._., . . _. r .. , )f application seems to be we have a U, e Perma ' faculty of attention to the teaching . of Jesus. If we exercise that faculty ver - girlish and practical at the same time. : t.rntv. Carry it out in rayon printed crepe twr> jc with picot-edge, dor.e professionally, ticr hrv>r rp.th^<- c!um- : 1v finishing the capelet collar and bolero, into on p. or w mav = ur>p.ve that And you have a darling dress, that ' incidentally one sees in the most e x- elusive French houses for spring. parahle.of^ t^ , mother reigns supreme in her . ing to be milked. She called Hilly Kingdom of the home, and mixed up when she saw him. "Moo-oo" in a low wi;!i her endless doing of little things voice and. after he petted her, tin; la the boundless faith she has in me walked ou to George and Betty, t'.ie her child. ; wo big shiny black horses. They Mother asks for few things, but stamped their feet mid threw up their w ..at she wants she wants. She says, heads for Billy to remember them. "If my children want to please me. ' Horses have such nice silky noses to wvito to me regularly. If you can't pet. Did you ever kuow that? All write a long letter write a short one, at once here was Topsy aiui, mind you, nd even a few words Is much better , she made a big jump and lauded right tluin nothing at all. for it shows that ou his shoulder, for she was glad to see him, too, but when he went to her box where the kittens were, not j oue was to be seen. Do you know where they were? Well, they were It's tremendously easy to put to- ' " FAITHFUL STEWARDSHIP little daughter can In v. 13, there are make it herself. : we learn the fat * of Style No. 3027 is designed for girls of 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. This is not t is import- ant, hov.ever, that in this parable Printed and plain flat crepe silk, each servant receives the same sum. wool crepe in roman stripes, wool i< j 3 presumably the servants' oapa- challis prints, dimity prints, linen, city that the master wishes to tf~t. batiste prints and shantung are suit- The sum entrusted is a remarkab.y able omart fabrics for youth. i small one; the mina or pound was only Size 8 requires 2 7 s yards 33-inch WOTth some twenty dollars. or 2H yards 39-inch material. HOW TO ORDER PATTERN'S. V. 16. We should remember that this L a parable or story taken from ordi- nary everyday life. One cannot arsjue Write your name and address plain- from the story that Jesus approved ly, giving number and size of such ' of what we today call "Capitalism." patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in : or that Christians are justified in coin (coin preferred; wrap speculating in the stock market. We y) for each i number and , t^seu XfbJn JithVfn it carefuUy , address your order to Wilson Pattern little> yoi / snall be entriI3t ed .vith Service, .3 West Adelaide St., Toronto. ! much j t we srrow in ara.-p ; if w do not, we lose rhe '"acuity. "Take h>-e<i. there f ?t.-ar.u<? that a m a .n ; should be rewarded with ten cities 'or you see, they forgot about him, they were so little when he went away. l^ieVu connect^VtMheTther7t/>ry "Mamma, where is Jimmy Chick and of the no bleman (not the master) who the other three little chicks that look fjo es away to get a kingdom. *o much alike?" y 21- The servant tells his m.i>'crl : : 14 ' > willa egi i .. ' ".v.jntf 1 mder ". '-'inch (. [ta th-.'iM ry" of r > In - -.1 < tad I-': enc ; . - ,.'ir- - Relics of Primitive Man Discovered n Florida W h U uudenv.iy ,-a o ( Florida, i. t the Na- tional M . ;re ou th ancient f.-i. ;_ have not encountered h,;n .:i ing rurougb the fossi; i discovered so far. But JamM W. .1 conducted j the 1D30 ex;,-. ..; o Florida, ha* | Just report . .. L .if a,,-. -ailed arU- facu. Gldley b sg hla :i:id nonstl- | lutes additions: tee ol arly maa These pooU, that, thougfe In forests. j a Florida. still reded "The first of rheae." he says. "Is a Tie total sky almost without defect, crudely formed arrow :>r spear point. And like the flowers beside them, chill n waj \yi ag . mder one of the and shiver. large bones of a poorly preserved Will Ilka the flowers beside them soon skeleton of a m.i.-;.idon. The other artifact Is a ,-mail >r>n awl." Theae artifactsETAOINNUNNUNTJ These articles wer found benea&h. stratlfled swamp <leposits. "Lsn't spring glorious T Don't you ;hlnk 1' la the best time in the rear?" "I should zay nod." Spring Pools be goiia, And yet not out by *ny brook or rlvar, But up by roots to bring dark foliage on The trees tliat i'..ive It la their pent-up buds what we'll tell you about next time." migration of birds from Africa to sunny Italy resulted in disaster, as tlieir climatic sense was insufficient to ; i,j s attitude to his -hi! .ir-r. charga of County Health Let them Uituk twice !)<?for they -* boin i::id>'i-Uken at use their powers "Oh, they're alright, but you're go- j that he' is well known ";-r his sharp To darken n.inir* -ind be summer ing to have a surprise when you see ; practices. To "take up what you ! them. Billy," said mother, "and that's not lay down" was a proverbial "X- pression for fraudulently appn>nria f - ine the fruits of another man's labi.r. , -, . _ i This verse, then, makes it very clear Birds bcarce in Europe that the parable Is not an a'.'c-ir'ii-v, Constance. This year's northward nd that neither God nor Christ cor- " with the master. The ?t,iry Rural Health Training ji-DiTd. Training doctors to take Units la the Unl- vorsiliy of Toronto. Dr. O. M. Little To blot cut and drink up and sweep -d Dr. W. G. 3aa;uiers are taking away the iK>3t graduate work In publlo These flowery v.-aters and these watery n?ai:h prior to raising charge of the flowers - waru them of the unexpected snow- falls and cold waves which swept Cen- tral Europe In mid-March. After negotiating the Alps and find III. GROWTH THROUGH USE. V. '-!4. Perhaps the shakers here - < nig their familiar resting places In 3tory with conviction, for they have aewly-formed units at Red Deer and w-'From sr..iw -hat only meltcMl yester- '-Vsh R^er. Alberta. County Health (i .,v Units are small t'ull-iiiue medical iie- Robert Frost, iu "\Y--st Running j partments of health, serving rural areas in tha same way that a medical from dlseaso. .ibout 50 per the South German Plains and the hard-headed, austere b:i?ine*i See Six Types of Nebulae Mount Wilson, Calif.- .>Lx .liffsreut Black Forest covered deep with, snow, ' m en of this type, and the story rir.es : forms of spiral nebulae are seen at the feathered tribes flew restlessly fue to them till Jesus says. "Tal back aud forth for days seeking food away his pound and (rive it to the city Rural Quebec Is now nt. cos'or<M by '.hsf -v and resting places. Finally those not who has ten." At that point, Jesus' too exhausted conquered the Instinct audience "otests. " * conquered which drove them northward and flew back to sunnier climes, but swarms, what r , 3a ; dj for , hePe is f. i think of nie. Another thing, do not think that you need get me a big present for Mother's Day when the struggle of Hv ins ! hard. That Is not the idea of afraid of Billy and were all hiding, mistakes. Joliu Ruakin. j weakened by the hard flight, perished principle that to him that hath ha!l of hunger aud cold on the plateaus of be piven: and from him that hath mt. \Vurt temburg, Baden, Bavaria, and the shall be taken even that which hj Rhlnelaud. Larks aud snipe will be hath." especially rare lu Northern Europe 1 This principle in v. 'JO is quoted this year as a result of tha late snow- also in Luke 8: 18 and may often have been on the lips of Jesus. I parable, the principle applies to . ' money, but that was not the sense in Pnda U at the bottom of all great whfc jj Jesu , meant x The ^ra- fall. tion is taken from the stewardship of immense distances by tlie 100-Inch telescope litre. Tiioir shape* range from a flattened spinning '.op 'o A circle with a bar across i;s center. Gold Bullion Value Rises The total value of crude sold bul- amuiinted to i. 317, 254. as compared Hubble, the f tha world actually -ivi.iying vary dis- tant space. THE HUMAN SOUL God's jjrt>.it j st temple on this Is the human soul; It was His flrst i cent. Ontario's raid mills produced : ''rude bullion to tha value of J::f>,518.- | "iiJ^ in 1930 and handled :!.!>4ii.iiJ:l tuna j of ore in the process. Ca'i;i<i,i W<)elt ilv T .Vi>lc. tsmple in Paradise, aad It will be His last temple <>u eartli and to see It In GOOD LUCK Good luck Is the willing li.mdmald ruins might well" prevail to make the "' 'ipright. energetic ch;ra,-!.-r and angels >?';> (u>..-iutious observance of .i ity. MUTT AND JEFF By BUD FISHER. Why Doub'e TrDubie? A t*ATTeft OF FACT THV DON'T THX WALK SINGLE FILE: 3UT \rtHY SHOU-t> THe SOT THe CCMSUS""} ALL, TAkrew-excePr FoRTrtt MARCHING/ 1 ( j IF ALL THfc CHINS6 MARCHED FOUR ABR6AST I