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Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1931, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY. APUII. 2:. 1MI THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColKngwood street, Fleaherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canadm $2.00 per year, when paid in advance fl.60. In L*. S. A. |2.50 per year when paid in advance f 2 GO (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paf>er Association) W. n. THURSTON. - - Editor F. J. THURSTON - Asiwc. Editor TMK MOTHERLAND FIRST There has been a disposition on tho part of -Mime people, who art- none too friendly to tho Motherland and her institutions, to belittle the piv-- cnt vtamlmg of Gn>aJ Britain anior.R the nation*. They have represented her as a .decadent country, over- whelmed with unemployed men and women, and as it were, on her last legs. Viitinir Britishers, however. it this characterization. They declare that though Britain has suf- fered, in tradr and commerce, ns all civilized nations have done, becauso o r the feai ful expenditure r,f life and treasure in the Great War, she is holding: her i'.'. n with the best of Shi ha; ft-wer unemployed than either Germany or the United States, and nwinv "f thn<e bring ii^s: '(d by what is kn-iwn as "the dole" are really only temporarily out of work or are partially unemployed. It has to he borne in ir.ind. a!:-o. thai it is through no lack of enterprise on the part of employers of labor that work has licen scarce i n Britain. Tho chief cause of the shurtaire of orders I in the inability ot Britain's f..- Tf-isn customers to pay for her pro- ductions. They were impoverished hv the trre:it bl'io'i-lettini.' competition r.f liiU-lS. and have pit yet r.-fovered from the effect of that awful rarnaire 't<-> the (petition of which sonir f. < II h folks prr-Iess to liirhtly look f' rv::ird. Then the Motherland U n.> only honorably pavinir her colossal war d. Ms to the lat penny, but is tem- P'.'arily. let us hope, carrying the indebtedness of som.> of he- allies. One other sirnificnt feature of the lation in the Home Land is thr> fa' t that. f<>r various causes for which she i-. not mnponible. it is no.v Tin lunirer no.sihl> for he;' surpln . pn:)u!nt.ip t" fre.-lv seek homes In nthe- lari'l-. \\V bear in min I I I :. }: natural increase of the popi.- l.-r i -n " e C'-at Britain is ahr.ut .".!">.- I'M' that i- to say. nearly on.> third f.f a million v :i'.' men anil wown :r . :idd("! to the i mulnl ion of th" Ian' 1 . e- '.-">- vear. Thus if thn pnpti- ' i>i.. (minify \v-re the '-an-. I'M .'.. t'" \\oiiM In. . : i y '.'. !i id.' ' f :\ i 1 1 ,i ; !r:i'i ' i i ;: i V ' T- ('; !' land i f \ss( ; :,! I: ' ' . and whe " , - i'..' ' r.llil] ' " i 117! !> r.d I. 11 ill ' n '.' and -' 1 ii ' M ! : urn! ar ntcrial | riMTMKIAI. NOTES The !>: " "- manufacture" i - i 1 t'ri!<-d S'ate; d 'clavn th" ]., ' of t' p '- rl time! i '. alent for th,. I :( : yen--, t , no"- ! r-i-d the i i-ie--. -\" vc-v \vcll. , ' \i'Vd tin re is no turning bnck. * The T!'i,- : -"i Hoi '',-'-! '-(i\vrrv :il hnv.' l.anred the Bilde fro-n Sovii ' -, f ' try. '! ' refuse ' > --'iin . thei. . onduct I" Serin' 1 !! a' t.-nrl-'i"-- find declare "".',- OIHVI.-C IV". Rjlile ! ' the Bibb- nnnn cs u!" P : C nlnrie" n 1 ,. ii.:iwn i,v tl,, It in v.-ho ron"'>| ihe sale of intoxi.'Btir" i s f,, r th. Province. I, n' S' Hi-'i>" Dravton. th chairman "t leas' is n li'-ci-al stcnder. II-' has in ,', I'lr tia .' .1 palatial mar.sion in To- fiaying S. r >0.liOn for i!. arv! ex- press ir; : the intention of making ad tliiior on i 1 co.t,e-- aroth'-r S'.'I'.OOO llninilt' n h:is be-e-n --hort of it se--- ond me-mber since the fo: mei M.P elied al'iio t ^liO d.iy.; ago. and t!-,. T- ronto fill be v.v-ep- and refuses to fie eomfo'-ted. :' I.'.M 1 1 i't 1 v h ining i! poli'iial friends n-icbl. |mv ( . a . ban-',- (,f iKvess if the fight could b, brought off now. Whv bother, gentle contemporary? Let. Toronto asi^n ire '.f her t ip-beavy representative!! 1o speak for the near-by e-ity. To ronto iiie-tnb( !.(, with the exception ot Mr. Factor, 'eemst to have only on-- Bpeech on publi'- a'fairs "Me, too," xvhen the party whip is e-racked, and one of her members would never be mis-ed if loaned to the city below The Mountain. fanner is report I'd to be still eir. the increase. The public will hope that the Ontario commission enf mee! ical experts to investigate tho late-' methods of dealing with tho el'moase vill result in discovery of some 1 more su eossful means of combatting it than has yet been available Moan time every suspicions case fOum'd have' immediate medical nttcnlio'i. The- doM,e>"s are agreed that at pre.> pnt it is possible to raccetufully com- lial the disease whin d.-nl 1 with in its ( .nrli(".t st;ige. The guvernmenl l.a eliine Well to d'l.i- i 1 . i.iaMi i up with thp experts in order that the latest findings may be av.ifl- able to every one concerned. Parliament Not Dull During Pasl Week Parliament cannot be accused of having been ilull this past week. The long Speech on the Aeldress came a' an end. The Prime Minister nmdc u remarkable' contribution on thj last day of the debate. While the speeches emphasized difficult times nil over Canada, the plight of the West was mure particualarly stressed and in his re-ply the Prime Minister devoted him- self largely to answering Western nicnilwis. He charged them wilh over-stating the conditions: "Members (if Parliament are sometimes accepted as being more important individual? than tlu-y are, and their opinion has attached to it an importance that is nut warranted." He d< nieel thfit (here was general piivation in tfhe West. "The Bank reports show th-t tens of thousanels of farmers in \V" t- (iii Canada have money in the bank." One of course needs to remember that in bank reports borrowings from th<! hank appear as deposits. Mr. Bennett took the statistics of the years l:i2t. '2'.! and'3() and from the j m showed over two billion dollars of new wealth had been produced in the western provin -os from the f"rms anel mine-s. This new wealth could ii-it all have disappeared, he said. : "They are- nut bankrupt anei insolvent ;is has been claimed." He- went on I jire.'ve- this by i.huwing the annunt, of money spent on automobiles. Th" cost ( f ga.-e>line- and reirist ratinn fei-n in the three prnrie p : ovir.:-"; last yr>"" -.- as shown to be $!i.r,2fi,0()0. In th" figures ejiven no distinction was nveic hetween the town- and cities and the- rural population nor Were th;' threat distances in western C'anaela alluded to. He claimed to have- incT-sed the sale of wheat in Great Bi itain in the last year by u million bushels over Ihc year before and the sale i" France by five million bushels. "Whal is the -,-ause of Ihe (rival <!( I'Tession in we>sern Canada?" the Kt Hon. gentleman asked the Ho"<:p. and then proceeded to answer his own que-stion. "Hon. gentlemen opposite know that the most important cause is speculation. No speculations in wheat options or in oil or mining slo.-k but speculalion in the large- sense in which what term is used. Hon. gentlemen opposite know that tho most impri-tant cause is speculation." Immigration wa.- given as another pause of the I'nemployment, but Hon. ircinlx rs interrupted to point out that l-oth parties were responsible feir the foolish immigration policy ot th la: ten years. It seems difficult t i explain wha: 'iipi-are'd t<i !.,. a eliivct attack on tho \Vc.-l and the spcfrh of th Prime Min- ' i- :-oinpai-:il.le' Ic tli' "Fi'-'e i e;;' ; ch" of ih.' Kt. Hon. Mr. King, in ?1 hi : parliame nt. I* n'.ii'c c\ i- 1 ly ui pi i -<| ili II,,:' -r. On,. M .' hive a lemg !'ii-;i:-i".' lo ro- ' havii :' b- ' i .,. li>, !i Tiiaji .'( . pry ,!' e r.t >t'ry. Th- inel. p.-ndcnl Farm l,ci ' pply r. . i i : ," ii. cell. ' r. ':,... ,M:III the I '.!'. -\ . mi nib to conditions with wh: h we are ab- olutely familiar as nut only exagg- t .'atdl but as carrying weight tb-oughout this count i y ami through- out the world only in virtue of th-j position which we ocupy and not by virtue of either the common sense, tb knowledge or I might say the accuracy of statement on the part of the mem- bers themselves." Mr. Speakmu:: was followed by Mr. Robert Gardiner, the House leader of the Farm group who said Iv did not know where the Prime Minister obtaineel his informat- ion, "unless it be fiotn the rwretary ,f the Canadian Bankers Association. If h? believes that such information is absolutely correct then I ;'<p under- stand the position he is adopting this afternoon." In answer to Mr. Ben- nett's question "Whciv bad this g'-eat volume of new wealth gone?" Mr. Garelinei :iid a great dial of it had gone in high interest rates. When \cu ask farmers to pay 8, !, and 10 per ( L nt for a long term and when the p/ofits of the farmer are not laige at any tim.-, you can understand that ven a pi of liable year does not mean very much if the farmer happens to have any debts. The legal rate set out in the Bank Act is 7 per cent, but the rate charged is as I have said. May I call the attention of the Prime Minister to the fnct that the Bankers of Canada are the greatest law break- ers we have? The Farm leader .lainied ihat t'rv palatial baildintrs subie;-t.s. the man ceases tn bo a British subject, the wife need no^ assumy his new nationality. And in the wcstein cities had come from the land. The farmer? of'i-r Candnda coi-ld not have speculated t<; any great extent fur lack of "iff- i.'nt money lr> nut un a margin. I toeik the trouble to prove I'rom the Prip'o Minister's own words in the House of Commons on Februiry llth 1H2!>, that he sfongly supported increased expenditure on immigration. AGNES MACPHAIL Oratory Contest On Saturday Afternoon This Saturday afternoon, May 2nd, at 2:00 p.m. a public speaking contest will 1) B helel in Flesherton high school between pupils from the various high schools throughout South-East Grey. This contest is sponsored by Miss A. C. Macphail, M.P., anel is an annual affair. Miss Alice Heard and Mr. Herb Akins will represent the Flesh- erton school. Let us encourage the students by attending the public speaking contest. FEVERSHAM lAllister in the G. and M. Hospital in Collingwood where he has been ill for some weeks. Mr. Allister was i village. home being quite near this n ii i n .; Zella Long of Pumlalk Bn - ness College was a week end visitor , with her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Long. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Oranga- ville Business College spent the week end at her home here. There was a good crowd of peopU attended the auction sale of used furniture here on Saturday evening Ben Elliott, of Huron township, has ^ix ewes in his fle>ck that presented 'him with 18 lambs. This is a record never heard of before and one that will be hard to beat. This record may be hard to beat, all right, but it was equalled in Mulmur township during March six ewes belonging to Dalton and Austin Brown (Route Shelburne), Lot 9, Mulmur- Mel- READ THE SMALL ADVTS. still living. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alfred Hawkes, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, who died at the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, on December 20th ,l'i30 are reciuired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of May 1931. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at Toronto, this 9th day of April, 1931. A. N. Middle-ton, Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. and things went lively with Mr. Ja-s. Fawcett yielding the hammer. Miss Ella Alister was called to Coll- i ingwood last week to see her brother ^ tjlltll , ul _, ) _ v , _ ,. Thomson who is ill in the hospital. ancthon Town i inei giving btnh to 18 His many friends here wish for his lambs . Seventeen of the lambs are speedy recovery. The farming operations came to a sudden stop last week when it fell about C inches of snow after a days rain which was very welcome after, A ,, pepsonil are " hereby not;.' ' M the long dry spell. It has been snow- haVe theh . pl . pmises c ] ean alul . ing more or less every day for some ru bbish taken to town dump by the days now, though it melts as it falls 2nd of May, as the Board of Healt^ for there is no frost. will make an inspection on May 5th. Word was received here Monday By order of the morning of the death of Mr. Thomson BOARD OF HEALTH SPECIAL NOTICE Small Advts. For Sale EGGS Can supply a few sett- ings of Jersey Black Giants, on order EMERY FISHER. Phone 23-J TENDERS WANTED NOTICE TO CREDITORS FOR SALE A number of pigs i to wean April 15th, at $7. per pair. Fred Russell Markdale. Phone 30-rl41 Saturday (s Good Day Flesherton Fair will be held on Sat- urday this year. Evidently it was with some misgiving that the directors made the final decision to abandon the mid-week day in fa v ar of the last day. If results are as satis- factory as they were in Alliston last year Flesherton fair board will come to the same conclusion that Alliston has reached, namely, thai Saturday is the best day of the week to hold a country fair, especially if the town I n which it is held has an e-xtensive for- tneT resident connection in Toronto. Alliston Herald. IS ILL IN TOKOMO V Miirtin Phillips is ill at the i' 1 i)f !h . en IM T ii 1 into. Mr. O. W. pliillins and ^cn. !!,!.. and Mrs. W. "P. of Ceylon mod. red down on d:iv afternoon ;-.nd Mrs. (iibson ii-jraineel for a few (lav . IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JOSEPH HENRY LANKTREE, late of the Township of Osprey in the County of Grey, eleceased: NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Trustee Act, that all creditors and others having claims on elemands against the estate of the said Joseph Henry Lanktree, who died on or about the 14th day of April, 1931, are re- quired on or before the 30th day of May, 1(31, to deliver to Mr. Thos. Lanktree, Meaford, or George T. Mc- Konzie. R. R. No. 2. Meaford, the executors of the estate of the said deceased, their CH-istian and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and th* nature o-f the sc?uritie? (if any) hele! hv them: AND TAKE NOTICE that after f.uch last mentioned date the said ex- e-ulors will proceed to distribute the asset:; of the said eleceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said e xccnteirf will not be liable for the said asse-ts or any ptu't thereof to any person or persons of whose claims potiee -hrtl! rot have been received by them at the time of distribution. !>ate,< at Meaford. Anril 2">th. 1!I!{1. CFO. G. ALBERY. Solicitor for the Executors. Red i'- ! said, "I t] thai diiritiu- t)' i-nti-e d ba1 I '.. .. M n.'ier i;i {}.'<- c irne ,!' ''),. Cbanibe - v. l.o poke, refrained ' t! iduolMly ficMi making any t'ltement of a coiideiiinat iry I . ler. They hav t . re-f raine-d fiopi tai.' . in iittituele of parti.tan-.hiij. Th-\ liu'.'e or* lined conditions a they kn"'.v the 111 to exist; they hi'.Ve eiffereel cer- tain suugesli(.n;;. as i >(> thought t: nding toward their amelioration and (day. I am sorry to say it - when at lust the Prime Minister takes pai' 1 - ! in the elebate, he throw.; back in uui ' faee< our offer of frienelly eo-opcr- ction. He re-pudiat'-s tbe assista n -e \- . thought to give- in meeting trie :< millions which prevail and he' haracterizeB our :tatemerts as ex- v.'ire.-ated, as be-iiv/ n ' according to !':iets, as tiniiing n(.t towards th,' Ix'tteiment but t'j'.vards the imperil;- in,' of the future of his e-.iuntry." H , characterizes e>m -tateinents in regard Sale of High Shoes ChiMri-ifs !li,L;!i Shoes arc oflVrcd this \vgck here at tlu- sacrifice |>rici' from $1.00 to $2.00 a pair ( her Rubbers at the new lo\v prices \Vonicn's 75c: Mm's SI. 00 per pair. A. E HAW Ceylon Si<>rc open every evening but Tuesday and Friday New Low Delivered Prices on The New Chevrolet Six Roadster $695.00 Sport l\i>ads|er 7u5.00 C'otipe, 5 window ,SU).0() t-port Coupe, 5 window ISXl.(K) Coupe, 3 window 791.00 Coach 791.00 DeKuxe Ce.ach 856.00 Sedan 917.00 Special Sedan 951.00 Truck Chassis KM" w. base .. 724.00 Truck Chassis 157"w. base .. 780.00 Presto-Lite Batteries We carry lo complete line 1 of these well known batteres and are offering them a a special 10' i reduction from regular prices. D. McTAVISH&SON Chevrolet Dealers, FLESHERTON Goodyear Tires We are the Gexwlyear Selected Dealers for this popular line of Tires. There are more people ride on (ioodycar Tires than on any other kind. You will find our prices the lowest they have ever been offered at in Ihis district. Standard Pathfinder 29x4.10 $8.30 $6.50 29x4.50 8.90 7.35 :{0\4.50 9.25 7.40 28x1.75 10.2."> 8.70 29x1.75 10.70 8.80 29x5.00 11.05 9.20 30x3 'i 7.65 5.75 NOTICE I have hired a first class blacksmith and horseshoer, and solicit your business. H. Wilson, Flesherton. FOR SALE Irish Cobbler potat- oes for seed, also Collie pups, good heelers. T. L. Hughe=, Markdale R. R. 1, phone 132 r 4. FOR SALE Barred Rock baby chicks from a good laying straia Order now for April and May delivery. MRS. CHESTER LONG, Fevcrsham. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, roan,' year old; 2 Shorthorn Bulls, red, 10 months' old, all eligible for registra- tion. Donald MciMilllan, R. R. No. 3, Pricevillo. FOR SALE Rubber Tired Buggy' newly painted: heavy wagon with double box. nearly new; elemocrat wagon; set heavy sleighs; set of 12 bull iorn harrows; 14 foot hay rake. I". (',. Ka:stcdt. Flesherton. j FOR SALE Barred Rock baby' chicks. First part of May $12; last! part rind Fu.-p ?10 per 100. Kindly e'ider before setting. -- Mrs. Edgar Put'cron, R. R. 2. Priceville. Phone' 22 r 41, Flcsh.-rton. FOR SALE Cedar row-boat with ir.up':- pr.ddlos; Stiulehaker car; quan- ' tity of tools, elrills wrenches pinchers, cold chisels, pipe wrenches, also mach- inist tools anil small radio with essr phonos. S. W. Sloan, Eugenia. Tenders will be received up to 12 o'clock noon of April 30th, 1931, by the undersigned for man, and tractor of not less than 20 horsepower on the drawbar, to run grader; tenders to be for actual time grading. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated April 7th, 1931. W. J. BELLAMY, Twp. Clerk. TENDERS WANTED Tenders are asked, for cutting 300 or 400 rods of second growth on the Valley Road, two rods on each side or 66 feet in all. Tenders to be sent to the undersigned. Can take 40, 50 or 100 rods. H. PATTON, Superintendent WOOD FOR SALE Let us deliver your wood as you need it. White Birch 16" long $2.75 per cord; Maple 16" long at $3.50 per cord. Wood delivered same day as ordered. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Phone: 13 FLESHERTON BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. C. STEWART. Caretaker. BARKED ROCK BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Banner oats for seed. These oats were 1st h 192!) and 2nd in 1!>:$0 standing fiild crop competi-| ton, pOsrye Agricutural Society; also strck of mixed hay. Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell P.O. phone 4 r 2, i Feversham. FOR SALE McCormack-Deering fertilizer drill, good as new; Peter Hamilton 13-disc grain drill; Kemp manure spreader; span of good work horses, and cow, due in April. John Plester. International agent. Phone 44 r 4, Fl?s/.crtt.n. FOR SALE $1300 buys house and lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, hard and soft water, small stable, and about two acres of land Good invest- ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. j Must be (]uick sale to wind up estate of W. A.Armstrong J.W. Armstrong, Executor. Barred Rock Bred-to-lay Baby Chicks, from registered, blood tested birds, all government inspected and approved. March and April chicks M.-..00 per 100; May and June chicks 12.00 per 100. lO-Ti with order, balance on arrival. Guaranteed 100 per cent safe delivery. ARMSTRONG POULTRY FARM & CHICK HATCHERY Phone 13. FLESHERTON BOAR FOR SERVICE. Registered Berkshire Boar on lots 151-153. Grade sows $2, purebreda $5 cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. Miscellaneous NOTICE CJT of cement has just oel. F. G. Karstedt. Flesherton. PASTURE TO LET For summer, by month or more. Apply to Wm. Hales, lots 171 172, W.T.S.R. Arte- mesia. NOTICE Cattle wanted to pas-. ture on lots 158 to 161, 3 S.W.T.&S.R., 1 Artemesia, well watered. L. Duckett, ' Proton Station R. R. i BUSINESS CARDS T. \V. WILSON VETERINARY SURGEON Physician to 'all domestic animals and surgeiy a specialty. Phone 2 r 4. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Termi: 1 per cent. Satisfaction jfuamtcad Dates made at The Advance office. M1DDLEBRO & BURNS Barristers, etc. NOTICE Custom chopping and rolling 6c! per bap. Satisfaction is guaranteed. ' EARL McLEOD, Priceville, Ont. ! FARM FOR SALE I 150 acre farm for sale or rent on shares, lots 1G5-G6-67, 3rd range S. W. T. & S. R.., Artemesia. John ' Hoparth, Proton Station. ni'I.L FOR SERVICE " Rrhistered Durham Bull, roan, for service on lot 103, 1st range W.T.& S.R., Artemesia. Terms $2.00, pay- able January 1, 1932. CLAUDE AKINS. Ofices Owen Sound, Durham and Flesherton. Flesherton eve^ Saturday afternoon and evening. Dr. W. U. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto street, Flesherton. Phone 69. Prince Arthur Lodge, 838, A. P. A : A. M.mcots in the Masonic Hall, Arm ' strong Block, Flesherton every Frl- ' day on or before the full moon. W. ' M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A ' McCauley. Wm. Kaitting, Licensed Auctioned . for the counties of Grey and Simco* . Farm and stock sales a specialty.' Terms moderate, satisfaction guar-' nntced. All arrangements and dar*i. may he made at the Advanc* offica.oi . addressing me at Eugenia, telephone 43 r 11, Flcsheiton oi *jr.

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