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Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1931, p. 1

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Vol. 50, NO. 48 Flesherton, Ontario, April 29, 1931 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON EUGENIA . WODEHOUSE PROTON STATION PRICEVILLE Weather Forecasts Mr. S. Hemphill received wovd on Trout fishinsr season foil! zniscins Fi'ft 1 , The close nf this week brines u s to MA T?RIFII Af (ho vor>tr>rv linn- Mi-. Harry Fleming and sinter of Thursday that his Nephew Mr. Fred- Arbor Day will be rick Hemphill of Churchbridge, Sask. the first fine day next wt ,> had happened in an accident that A play "The Seen! S'0iso2 morning and in the afternoon had Cabbageville" is , the first of May. The wintry ( i a |k, at noon on April 25th by Rev. Toronto were rwent uue. I* wlt h Society if to - weather of the last few days makes M. p. oidham, Ehvood Moo: e. son oi their sister. Mrs. Fred Karstedt. Ladies Aid, on Friday (niiwimwenini,', ! 22nd. Particulars late Mr. and Mrs. Walker teolfi Sloan we given a surprise on Unity '(yay I'voiis passed away. No particulars as to be given under the auspiM moists ofllic - how the accident occurred have been received. He was the youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hemp- hill and was born in this village 37 years ago, where he was held in the of this week when a tap ssi.rgc miifer highest esteem. He leaves to mourn of their friends and neiffcrsiodifliors iii tlie his loss his loving wife, four brothers, village assembled at thc Imemod home of Dr. Mr. W. Hemphill of the T. Eaton Co. 'and Mrs. A. Little to spends i Id a ptat and Mr. Joe Hemphill of Toronto, evening. Mrs. Jacob Hinsillilliams m Mr. Walter of Regina and Kilburne an appropriate addressiiftUjlipJIetlu'Srei- of Vancouver, B.C., and also three entation of a beautiful Wp-i(|s(j spread ss sisters, Janie "Mrs. Thos. Wilcock," made to Mr. and Mrs, fantolfiloan, aid a Maggie "Mrs. C. Murdock" and Minnie pretty candy jar to MisiltaumiOIlonaMailio "Mrs. L. Murdock" all of Regina. j s attending Normal SrW imi lonol in fan- This community extends its deepest to. The presentations* wm> mailiby sympathy to the bereaved ones. Mr. M rs . Adam Smith and it I iilliia Mar|tlio Will. Hemphill left Thursday night p ar k. All sang "for iky as pney arc jollv slides, ton were attendants. After thc cer- hj s prouerty by the erect ior. of a fine mony the wedding party returned to Rc w fence. ;md is also renovating the us feel we are paying for tho M r . aR j jj,. s< \v. J. Moore of Flesh- wonderful -weather of the past, which crton, to Dorcas, youngest daughter \vastoo nice to last. ' 3 f Mr. and Mrs. Thos.. Wauchope ot On Friday evening 1 of this week Mr. Proton Station. Mr. Goulori Wam-h- Stewart Cooper of Markdale will give ' ope and Miss Allie Norris of Flesher- an entertainment of lantern Admission. 10 and 15 cents. Mr. Clinton Henning; of Markdale is the home of the bride's parents, whero for the summer with Mr. ' a dainty wedding- luncheon was served lo them and their immediate relatives. Later the happy youn.; ?ouple left liy motor on a honeymoon trip to Detroit. We wish thorn a long life of happi- ness and prosperity. The United Church congregation regret the departure of their student Mr. Cosby Bo'ves, Miss Doris Mi- Li-an and friend of Toronto were rp.-ent visitors at thu h'iii;c of Mr. lierniine McLean's. Below we publish the weather fore- casts of Mr. .J. B. Bowes, "Chatsworth Weather Sage" for the year 11)31: April About (ith strong, cold winds rain, snow and fosts. Rest of month to last week quite mild and dry, Mr. Roht. McConkey i improving About :JOth strong winds and rain. Gordon Wiley. Mr. Frank Ball is with Willard Wiley. Mr. Maurice Helming, who is working for Mr. Elmer Gil ray of Eppinj;, called on h is brotlie r and both spent, the \veek sndwith t-heir mother in Markdale. Mr. Robt.. Brown went to Thornhury Mr. Eilgar Faw- f or fish on Friday. cet> was also down during the '.vcnk and secured some. i minister, Vr. \V. G. Prosspr. whom the past Mission Board ha.-- seen fit to send to Northern Saskatchewan for the sum- Kood fellows," then a iiil JnirJJainty Iwli tc attend the funeral. Mr. Edward Sergant of Shelburri" was scrve d.. The <-vi?it://n\vasst spent a couple of days the past week, j n mus ic and dancing, fc'iK Mrs. Sl The youmg people of the Kimberley mer mojiths. The best wishes of his here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Crosken of To- lonto spent the week end at R. Cooks and was accompanied by M". Wils-r- Mi-Mullen who spent thr- \vint<"- v.'ith abode. h. lai-'jrhtar Mrs. I.. Marshall in To- ; n t ^ p ronto r.nd who will spend the summer with her son and family here. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledarc and two children of Holland Cenii'p spent "v week end with thyiv respective parents here. Mr. Ja:-. McWhinnoy spent a couple* will leave in a few d.'i.vsifliflinlfw hci-lwic in Toronto and Mr. StaiiilTlw n \vill rain her<> fo>- a couplo of wksrfw'Wecks, ffc wish thorn every succesiitMlni intlwiw Tlu-y will heffiMiMKli HMd hire, but "\\\i(is i ){ is oi'bs :; .-mothers .aain." Mrs. Wilson is visitlmkittiorHiei-dauiililff, M-s. Roy MaeMiilan i!WiK JlarkdaMt nresent. Mr. and Mi";. Winir fevi,fl D:r. ics l i Miss N'ea William.-) r[ fwowT Toronto. !i- it.'d recently with thi'W'*' w Y.P.S. cat-rm un on Thursday evening j Proton Station friends will follow by invitation from New England and : him. Mr. <"'. T.e-llo, n lv:i : j:v,' ":- spent a .--(icial rivninjr. The visitors | dent ficm ^nimamicl follf>-_ . Tci-. :!- supplied E*. gocd program, after which to, is !:c!mr .-.-r,t tn thL- i' : L-I<l ;\?A v. p a. dainty lunch hrou.arht a ploa.sant | truFt that h" v.'ill hp assured of a hearty when he arrive. 'v;t Sunday. ;f days the pa<t week with friends at M .._ am , M '.. s _ _,. u ., )h K)]l - Mi | U | iam ,. t]lik , ami profitable e'''eninir to a clo^e. The rr>- vwins of thc hte Joseph LiHiktree. -,"!.! na:-sc'H :iv..'iv * hi- late home near Max-.vell. were i"! :-rred i-iVi \v F>-i:;!:inl <v:u>lerv beside thos:- i' hi. ' " v.'ifi-. Mr. Li'.nkt-.-: was n it'.-!i!'.T. t here 'or rti.-'nv yoai-s In-fo-v 'siovimr 1<> Maxwell. Much >';".v. p:\thy Er.retonded hid wife -'ml f mil'.-. Mrs. (I ovd'in WiK-y svonl ' '.:i ;t vv.rk emi with ln>v .-,:.:!;'r, Mrs. ("', j P-'u-U R;--. E. Bat-: : -> ! ' ntndall: ,'! :-.. : ^ ! I-': 1 ..- 1 . :'. nicnt. :\'. tin- S IMI lay riirht ler- vi;-i>. 1 ;j; nwir.i i i h.' -: n roy ttvathor M' - . rtu-': 1-11 T wi:\ lia.'l.i- -. hi: wife ha v ' moved to ?u Ec|-- a ' Ruthf fovd' !inu'-t> ''' t!i" v ; ll^it" 1 , Fi ; . .--J.-Val'y )!' S-.vint.--. interior ot his house. Mr. James Turner is th" carpenter. Misse Annie and Atrnr, Harrow, Owen .Sornd. motored down Saturday and visited their sister Mrs. \Vm. Beaton. Mr. and M'-s. Bwe of Markdak-. visited recently !lt H. B. McLean's. Mi', and Mrs. Jim C-utc-hi-lv nf Ro:-ky Sauireen. were recently iriK'st ; with Mr. :;nd Mrs. F. R. Olive:-. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon son. Keith, M.'-. Aicx McCaniu-li. Brockviilc. wore visitu 1 -;; th" Inst "! tiio wee'; ;;t thi- ho".in i.f A. L. Hinck's. ."ir. Murray .\iclicil. t.'avhei' :it ;-t'Ila, Kin> j '.;:n n i >; her.!!' H"' n l'i-\. <lays. o\v!n;; ' - sitvll oox in lii: ; ' i..::. Mr. A':/.'<! Mini'ks of Holbtcin the \y. :. i'- : | ;! hi:, \Vi " t- ' ".' t i i IMII>:'< Mix. Mcl.i.-ri :' i, hrart 1 r ."I,! Siu:i!-i is ii. .utendi-- Mr. J' ! :'..-s Sltll-''o::!<. S\V;;i: t r;]:r:vil \vit i' Mr. Iljin i air-ilie May First week has greater part of the April strong of wind, rain and frost, then warm and dry for about a week Latter portion cool and very dry. June Very calm, cool and very dry for three weeks, last week st'rong winds and rains. July About 10 days real warm. About the Kith to :>5th. very strontr persistent and cool winds, very heavy- rains that will cause floods in many L ' s t ; places, and in northern localities frost. This storm of wind, liko the an-i one in January, will cause tremendous *'as that will be very destructive trr life and property. Aujriist First half very decidedly sultry, with many thuniK-r Latter hall' very .aim. warm warm, "tonns. ai'd '''' ; p c nl A Hie ', 1"-. c :-- .'-. liont i he i!'h very ivlnds. very heavy rains :>.!\f i M] ;i ; itrii ; - ubjcct to ,i thii ' month very W;K :r,, 'iiild and i : cnts Hn never. Mrs. J. Kennedy and three children visited her brother in Owen Sound on Saturday. Mr. F. Marshall mado n business trin to Owen Sonid on Saturday. Mr nnd Mr:;. Harvev GHffen. Mas- ter Walter Griffen. Miss Mpiklo, all "f T'ornnto, a"d M'-s. Wilro -k of ''lesherton visited Mrs. White on Saturday. Miss Mary McPonald. who spent tho past fortnight at her home, re- i; oun< j turned in To-onto on Mn-'Iav. Mi. and M-s, T.utlu Torn-v and son, Jack, of lauri.-ton visited ( hn latter's mother. Mrs. H. Piper. Mas- ters LaVorno an<) Mi! ford Finer ac- companied them home for the week end. Mrs McCoi-nirv-k and lUtle daue-ht ->r of Sv-inton Pnrk visited her mother, Mrs. Knox. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott -hilHrp-. ."nd Mr. II. Stone motored ' to Shelburne last week. f i cnioute to Wiarto-i. A number fi-'iir. IvwiitfuDt atlcmln! 'iir '!an?e in Kimbcrli-y WMIW Friday Aii- insr. We a:-o so'-ry to report UK j-i-t Jin. W't. Purvis on the sick liit, F sw we hopt she i - soon well a'rain. Mr. R. McMaster rul* fc son Wilkl. well <lrillevs, are drilj ittJ jig at 5!'. A. F. Pedlnrs at prcsciit, TlffirfT They ilrillwl r. v;ell for Mr. Will Wir wll.Hei- rmitly. Cant. Bn.tti-n nnd iif( ill ifr of ten tTi and son M r. Jifc-adti rlhi'.i- tillcn m and wife visited wi'JiDr, : .iflDr. anil lire. .s. Little. Tho W. M. S. art fdlWltestttmu reailirw to quilt in thc> basemcntr'tR'-i {' thetkrtlxfc OP Friday afternoon ntit M. Rev. Mr, Pope he irpiio oriraitW =-= Biblo Class to meet ii II n III II) oVM> o; .Sunday morninjr. He wtll.wv; \vonlil liioalWDl the youmr pet. pie ( hop alini ; jnd gii|.< 1 T ; nnd i- vi: "' s ant ' over) to altfi .tn-nd. Irene Martin to rm as tetunsl too o (Iliyh School at FleshwHt) to wmerj o \Vi!cy. in Markilal.-. i!r. \Vi Haul Oillx- * ;>.nil family vis- ?ti'(lv,-i)h tVi 'in!:; lu-rr 1 i lie past week. Th loc-il \Y.I. will viwtlhis v.-.-pk r-.n ThtK-j-fiay at t!n- hmnc ot" Mrs. here. ROCK MILLS "Chiropractic" >Tr. and M'-<5. Ar-h'e Sinclair mot- ored t-> Harriston the first of the iverk to vi<it the former's mother. Messrs- Jack Cherry ''nd Mervin Mnir of Tornntn spent the week <-r-I \vifh Mr. "nd Mrs. P il>t. f :imnlip'l. >tr. S. H-mphill an<l fanvlv moto-e<l ' Mr. am! Mrs. WrU MeFad.Ie- Mi^ 1 ^' ' Gladys and Master B.aymcnil. O'-an<re '.,, '"nll<---. v/evc cnller<: at P.. Cook's on i' Monday. her studies there era I weeks at home. i? jptniliiii; sev - T/ANDELEUR Tk i.~ aiuLl'iiv Vv"o'iKM)'< In hriil thcii- i-en-iii-11- inonrhlv nuvt-nj; at lh horn. - ef Mrs. Will RaWifTe or Tlmrsdav- ai'lcrncon <if last week April 2".-<l. There was a larpo nu.n- hcr of ladies proport. i';id a pooi! program of pnpi'rs. reading:;, etc-., wn.- l'flvidd liv the i)i< i r.ibo~:'. Consider- 'bio !nir-;ini's< was tiiin-'a'-'ttd and !:-"i-l' :.;"_:- scrvc.l. Mrs. .T . .[. MXleo ,,r Tcrnnt > is vis- itinir rein. tivcs in this community. Mr. an <J \l\-i. Anme: Smith ami son. flare, ot" M!'i!:'n:-il \vM-e i!ie *rii its of Mr and "Mr--. Samnc! Gilhort re cntlv. fJORN' - On Saluvdnv, April ISth, 111. to ZMr. and Mrs. Elinor VV'arlinjr, a sun. will May rot. :n- !n-i(i :iii I chii >:: here r.c-;; ; > Sabbath, e Flesh. ':',., >n E;"> date. . \Vr.i. Pedlar and M;-. .;r. Pi-dlai- vi.-itcd a:i cv!; -,vi:!i the Meldn:-n .'"! rd. ,iv. !;-.., ifny: hi'Sil in '^ rhurrli ri !h:i Mr. and M.- ;. and M.! 1 -. LiAv I'vcnine lai't familitv, at Pnrtla".-. :-T--. i"-il i:\.-. V.'. :-:;! fan-.ilv cf Toi-int.) v.-c:c re i-n'; vis:ti:rs with t'- ftn-nii-i-'s l.vol'i, . M; - . N"iiv:i-.;iii ?rl:u Illiinirray, a-i;l fam- ily of the r,)!liiv^v,-o.i.| Cii-av,.!. pa:t. T}\" bad 'A\-:-.-. hi-r his put a slip t,> all -;:.'i'<iiim- orc";-'!,<ns ar.l it will bo a f-'v.- iiav. ;.-.; In I'HM- the firnir-^ will he ali!' 1 to work on the larvi asr:-.i-\ as the fnll c' snow hr.s made the ;;rour.'i very wet. ADVANCE ADS. PAY In Fit i ach \Vt-dnesday from L' p.m. 1.0 7 p.m., olfii-e in Mr--'. M. Mc-Dnnald's residi-m-i-. Main St.. fov rli!M-Mr:!:tic .ul i iii^t mcins, mas- saii 1 , .: aiiii sun lam;) treutnu'nu with th Biirdick Mert-ir-y Aiv Lamp. C. MiuGlLLIVKAY. Chiropractor' !!:_ i I.a;.t : ralin and dry. !), -toiler A'ro'it f\\-~\ : t -n iiav- and di y. :' - ni 'iit- ! 1 : !l \vind t'r . i h:"i >.:\<l. aiinut the .((inir coM 'vinil: . r:'.in>:. snow frost, lialanc,- mild :'.nd calm. mbi ' lalrn and ''on| a n'i hal ' dry. Dctv'inlier V'-ry calm ami vi-vy dry to about tile ISth, then very -Ironir winds, heavy rains n;\i snow storm. January. 11)32 - - Quite mild and calm for i In- fir-t two-thi; '>'' <i tin- month. nnd ;>ro- Donald (iray has been apppointed oail .uiiHiiissioner for West Cwi'.lim- bury at !! cents an hour. X BATES BURIAL CO'Y. DTBTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR THE L'SE OF OUR PARLORS 122-124 AVENUE UD. TORONTO PHONE: Nijjht or Day Kl. 43U ;. W. BATES. Formerly of Flesherton R. MADDOCKS. Will Speak KM [ A.RTEJIESIA JR. -!* 'i CLASS Lin B-.iland, PORTLAW (Last Week's Itei::s> Farmers are busy on the land. Mr. Densmcre Watson has been off work as thc result of an injury while attending a buzzing outfit. A lar<re pole fell apainst his ba.'k. Miss MePhail of Winnipeg, Miss McCarthy and Mr. McCarthy and friend of Toronto visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker ^peci;i| meetina;o[te/l) - the EipOR a will !-c hold ijWt n thn (liimir - Eugenia, on HjtslslBiinirsdny, Aprili il it 8:00 o'cI-.!ik|B : ,r;i, Mr,ffl<en-n of Barrio, nsanaa-i-r ii!v 'lit it fiiiK'^-f >- operative P;u-!iei-.-. of IHrii ihiitntarin, aid Mr -i r. W. W. VVlu-rlci of (MiHitarltsbari, ffil I II he preseni t.> addi'ts Wl iho iiiKtinp^is and explain abort llttogwf : hog pKkingmg plant at Barrie. This meeting is to fc iii sifcht intol o cof all farmers. Please iWlBJttflid, LEWIS GEN(IE.Prti1..Prcs. WILFRED M, ,33EE,Scratir v - r ;y. 31i!-hell P. :J Wilira < Will'" P. Ji:. :: Taylor. -'l CLASS ' CLASS -B; Al:ar TEiylo", Al-chie Gr:ilu:v,, ' " i itUo. arm.;-! Jean \\ \-\-i c"- 1 Bake -. Ix-ulah CARD OF MWHANKS Mr. and Mrs. E. with friends in Coilino-wood last week. lly . *'} sh to_ thank Mr. and Mis. Middleton of Toronto is onl famnm- friunili an. rsnd for their klmW kindnes an md spent the week pnd with the latter's -"ympathy shown thciiiilHlni in tMncwnrr nr parents. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shier s; at bereavement, also |Uio)ta' the butlJti- Mi-s. L. Lyons and Mr. and Mrs! ful floral tributes aiJorS'w cars taieil. Gilbert Little visited with the for- mei's siytjr at Dravton. (ice. La. l: ; - l-'\'-lyu M..-( i", 1 . !> n-( P 11 Hoi- iind, P.-it, V/olii'i. J-.-an Cawco. I-r-iiim,. liutc-bir :'on, i(im'liic Wyvill,'i Fitesimi ->:on3, Erni<- Sheppanl. SR. I> K. - .!C;,'L-.- McGce, Melville Ktidianap. M;iu RjitclifiV. IJillie Johnson, La-, c-r:-,. Bake:-. No. on roll-JS. Avi-rarfc atlc-ndi-nec- 22, K. BROWX. NOTICE Clean iny, pressing and repairing of Men's Suits. MISS NICHOLSON, Fl-o.^hevtm v. , IN MEMOWUISIAM CARD OF THANKS KAITTIXG Inlwf sni'.'iw imwry o of jur dear father, Jir.Ul .t J. J. Hltin;mg-, i We wish to thank the friends and'*'' 10 Iia " 3t>(! :iwav ^11-1127111,1?. neighbors for thc kindness and sym- pathy shown to us in our recent bsWMd sin.t llisnat bereavement. THE LANKTREE FAMILY, Meaford. ADVANCE ADVTS. PAY our year.-: hayo sad day lod called the oneuiluuo! 'id love nay; ;; Forget him. no, we m vw\w will, As years roll on, wi IB ' woloH 1 him still. . . Ever remembered ly yy Daughters, jUuiuw u a and (JwnLtnie. Grey County Egg Grading StsUen OF* EN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY XIGHTS Our experience merits your confidence. THOS. OWLEK & SON. Props. I'HOKE 55. FLESHERTON Nice Tuicv LEMONS 40c per doz. Nice Fresh SPINACH on hand New LETTUCE Nice Large- Pineapples :4(W->H^xKx*>~>>w-::^r-<^<^X'<~:":-':-v'X'<'<-o.>v.:: X'icc Nine Ken Kenmninedy^ 's For GroceKeriess Phow,!7 \l J7 Macaroni Ib. i)k^s,,.'iimit 2 for 25c Spaghetti Ib. pk[.s.,.'W2fnr 25c Pork & 1 Jeans. 3 for 29c O'Canada Flour, ixrlli'drf-libl $4,95 MEN'S BWEAR Men's Overall dPa^fdPaniSpe-secial $1.50 pei pwq . pair It \\'ill pav you toWooIook tlitso 1 o ver. TOMATOES Xicc Juicv ORANGES 25c per doz. Xe\v (Irec'n PEAS 15cr perlb. Carrots 25c Basket X ^~:***x^<M5.<'':><">*<.^**<;.<. < K~^^ , JL/owNY LITTLI-: THINGS . . shells . . . how much ihey must depend en you for the things they need lo live a/id ^t big. They need a feed filled with nourishment. A feed which will build bones quickly . . . building muscles strong . . . change fuzz io fe;ithers in a hurry ... all this they demand ... and yet tdeir little crops caii handle only one tiny thimbleful of feed a day ! What a job for feed! Consider Purina Chick Startena (mash) for this job! In every thimbleful are twelve ingredients! Cod-liver oil ... dried buttermilk , . . alfalfa flour ... granulated meat . . . these and eight others are there . . . each one with a real job to do. Purina Startena is mixed over and over again , . . 960 times just to be thorough! And you will find the same care taken with Baby Chick Chow (scratch) ... to be fed with Startena. Your chicks . 7 . what they do for themselves . . . what they do for you ... is entirely in your hands. They eat so little ... yet it counts so much . . . that you can afford to do only one thing . . . feed Purina Chick Startena t Jas. A. Stewart, Flesherton

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