THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 1931 . Surplus on Power Bill Late T. F. McCarthy f color scheme Walpamur, the famous fla'c finish for walls and ceilings, forms the most delightful background for ycur treasures. The soft lifcht-dlffusinil effect it prrxlaces, and its egg shell bloom, give a ncr,- beauty to your rooms. It is o easy to apply, and has such covering power, that it is most economical in mate- rial and labour. In addition, it is permanent, washable, fire-resisting, and non-absorbnt to moisture. It can be applied successfully on a wide variety of surfaces, such as smooth and rough plaster, wallboards, etc., and permit* of teitured effects. Cmtult your decorator or dealer at to tti Mny ut*i. Ajk him for a ihad* cord or rrite to ut direct. Flesherton has received their 13th power hill from the Ontario Hydro Electric Power Commission and again I we are pleased to report a surplus of I $354.55 which is considerably lower I than previous years. The reduction in the net surplus is accountable by the heavy expenditures on the local system, several new lines and instal- lations being made, and also on ac- i count of the reduction in rates enjoy- ed by the consumers of the System during the past year, the minimum domestic bill now being $1.00. The local System also had to pay their ?hare for the installation of a new station at Hanover, which brings the N'iagara power in to the Georgian Bay Systc-m. Total revenue for the year amount- So 152.8^. ma.le up by domestic 2458.16 ;'.! F.-ht an.i power, S2105.M: street lights, S345: r-.i'. miscellaneous Sl^.~". E"r ;>n-..-."inted to SIT 1 ."-? .'I!, com : r.ur.hasei!. S.Tlo*.^ bution ar.; maintenance. .?_"". ^7: a :- -trader, and eerera!. * !;".": in- - .- ' - . - 5431.46; de' i- tnres principal ar.-i sinking ;". The total plant %-alue of the Fleshe - -' m - Jl< ";.4; 'Thomas P. McCarthy, one of th? best known locomotive engineers on the Michigan Central Railway, died on April llth at his residence at Niagara Falls, Ont., aged 60 years. Born in St. David's, he had lived in St. Thomas and Toronto, and was an engine driver for 38 years. De- ceased was a member of! St. Thomas Lodge. A.F.&A.M., of R.A.M.. St. Thomas, of Port Hope Lodge A.O.F.. Toronto, and of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers. He was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Surviving are his widow, formerly M:s> Carolyn Radley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Radley. an<! one daughter, Miss Araminta, of the Stronr Memorial Hospital. rVx?hester. N'.Y and on? son, Waiter Loe. is a student at Washington College, Washington, D.C.. The wealth of beautiful flowers ex- pressed the affection and esteem erf a host o? friends, who paid tribute to his memory. His relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Harman Radley and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stin- son. were present at the funeral. tivation, freedom from weeds, and care and quality of live stock. The Richmond Hi!'. Agricultural Society has decided to inaugurate a "Better Farm'' competition this year for which a silver trophy has been secured. The contestants, \'. is st;p. il : must be bona fide farmers, resiii.r.-j within a radius of 12 mi'.es from the village of Richmond Hill, wh.<-h short distance north of Toronto, ar. I cultivating 50 aer<e> :r more. Th- \ n.r will be on the basis -. .-at- less of ground and su:- . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Alfred Hawkes, Deceased All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, who died at the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, on December 20th ,l'J3i) are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of May i:-:}i. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, ha -.-.p.,' reirar-i only to the claims of . he shall then have had notice. - " nto, this Oth day of ' ' A. N. M:-.Mic-ton. Pu' ; ;c Trustee, ' : ~ ' T - nto. SPECIAL BARGAIN MEN'S FELT HATS Walpamur a product of The Crown Diamond PalntCo.Linrited Torooto Montreal Halifax f /M /amouj flat tlnuH for wuili und ceilinft. : Walpamur products are sold by Albert E. Haw, Ceylon, Ont Local and Personal Division Court Clean up and paint up. One week from Friday speckled trout! Mr \Vm. Alexander of Feversham visited his brother, Robt.. on Monday. A couple cf our village youths keep the roads to Kimberiey well beaten. Messrs. Royden and Glen McDonald spent the \veek end at their home at Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller and Pearl and Gordon Gibson of Meaford were week end visitors in town. Mr. H. Aleyander of Feversham and son, Ivan, of Owen Sound called on the fonrer's brother here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Henry and two children of Berkeley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \V. I. Henry. Phone the names of your visitors to The Advumv office. Call ISw am! the trick is done. Miss Betty Gray of Owen Sor.ivi spent tV past :'ew d".y* v-ith her sister, Mrs. Ir.a Me'Tiuni. In-T'V. . Morrison is the euest of his r.ephew. Pr. J. E. Milt'e. while- attending to his official duties ir. this district. Mis* Pollr Barrett. MUs EuphemJa Graham and Mr. Star'.oy Brown of Owen Sound wire w^ek end visitors with Mr. r.nd Mrs. Robt. Alexander and family. Mrs. R. \V. Shaw and two chi'.Jror. of Lions Head are spending a with the t'oriver'< :\-. vents. Mr. and Mrs. \V. H. Thiirst.-!!. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred MeMaster were in ToroiUo on Monday atterd- ng the funeral of the letter's un.-Ie, the late Geo. Collins, formerly of Collingwood. who passed away Sat- urday last. Tho addition to the Bell Telephone Co. office in town is being finished this week. When the work is com- pleted the branch will hav e more commodious working quarters. Misses Brydon and Lightheart of the Flesherton hi'rh school staff have re- signed and will be leaving at summer holidays. Miss Brydon has secured a position in Humberside Collegiate, Toronto. According to the Markdale Stand- ard Mr. Haze Freeman, formerly of Flesherton, is preparing to erect a service station on the site of th e oUl skating rink in Markdale and will handle the product of the British- American Oil Co. Dr. T. W. Wilson, V.S.. of Tilbury and his mother arrived here last week and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bapka for a few days. On Monday they moved to their farm south of Ceylon recently purchased from Mr. Banks and formerly own- ed by Mr. Andrew Gilchrist. About 40 voung people, representa- tive of the Townships of South-East Grey, met at the Park House. Flesh- erton, on Saturday evening. They decided to hold another banquet sim- ilar to the <5ne last year, in the Armouries at Markdale on May 39th. There will be a" banquet at 7:00 p.m., followed by a good program, after which there will be a dance. It i? hoped that Mr. Penton Massey. teacher of the York Bible Class, To- ronto, will be present and deliver an Thursday morning last was Divi-- ion Court day in Flesherton and sev- eral cases were disposed of by Judge Sutherland of Owen Sound. There was a great array of legal talent, including a K. C. to argue the cases. W. D. Henry. K. C., of Markdale. E. J. Moon of Shelburne. Fred McKay of Owen Sound and Campbell Gra~t of Walkerton. An action brought by Lougheed against Kadesky. the result of a car accident, resulted in the action being dismissed, with costs to thj nlaintiff. Bechn?r vs Township, of Proton was for the return of school moneys, amounting to SU.OO. which had been paid in one section while his ch'ldrvn WITO attending another sector. Judgement was given in favor of nlaintiff. Several other minor actions were disposed of. Herb Akins Won Cup Herb Akins of Flesherton brought honor to himself and his school on . Friday night, v.-'nen he was victorious j in capturing the Toronto Dai'y Star ; trophy at the annual district oratory , contest held in Knox Church. Ow^n i Sound. The^e wero three contestants: Herb j Akins 01? Flesherton. Victor Shouldice | of Chatsworth. who took scond prize. and Miss Jean Hewitson of Owen Sound, who came third, each contest- ant choosing as a subie'ct "A Can- , adian Statesman." Herb and Miss Hewitson chose Sir John A. Mac Do n- ; aid as their subject, and Mr. Should; _-e Sir George Foster as his example of n Canadian statesman. After the main speech was deliver- ed each contestant gave an impromptu speech and this was the deciding fac- tor in Herb's win, his speech on "What I would do if I were a millionaire." being a masterpiece for wit and humor. Besides winning the cup he was presented with a medal to com- memorate the event. Principal S. Thibaudeau of Flesher- ton High S:hool presented the tro- phies to the contestants. At a meeting of Creemore business men it was decided to change the half holiday from Wednesday to Thursday during the summer season. $1.49 Men's Fur Felt Hats all ne\\ nr:i shade^ full ran ire of - ; - to 7 r l choice of li-ht. med dark greys fawn* ! : ^': - ai shades f bp>w:i. All perfect c ds. Less Than Half Price each GROCERY SPECIALS Lifebuy Soap 4 bars J5c Pear! \\"hite Soap 7 bars 25c Sunkist Oranges 25c per doz. P>!ack Tea, Special IV.end 35c per Ib. 3 pounds SI. 00 NEW HOUSE FURNISHINGS L'V < >ILCL' I'H: V ' ' ? - : - F > i Rr.i CURTAIN RODS-f \VIND< >MW ?H DES F [LI.ED CURT \!NS Sum' - ist coli irs r. \xcr-: PANELS c silk Swiss Curtain Lovely nc\v ! ~ : _;:> Shad v. C:x: >nnes v/Me : r si k Ira - - '-'' Sateens newest : -=. ^a::erns D'.:!Vsrai>''\v NV> A!! .specially priced Fu!! ran^e f Bran : . "... -Hender- son's Faints. \ ;i-rishes and Quick Pry- ing 1 Floor Ena:".e' : > at ycv.r service at H-nisecieananir Time at Xew Reduced Price-;. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, ONTARIO The fit <" vo:'! ' for tranv months ca:-v Tiv*i':ay aftf-n^or. and the wet weather was continuing this Wednes- day morning. This will be welcomed by evi'rV'Vie a< the cround was dry ar.i very little- water was in the swamps Quite :\ number ! v orn this district wore in attendant at the "At I! in Toronto on Friday evening ar-. 1 .-. jiio-it cn'iyabo evening was experienc- ed. There were near'y 40i'> of the i '. ; '. oys and eirls in attendance at -.'. affair. Th,- 11;::.- of tho pLni-'. which will be VMd in FlesK-r- . has not been decided u'vm. but : * ': evpe -tod that it will be July 1st. Mr. and Mr*. Oliver Caldwell ar : i'.-v'^hie' <pent t'-e week end at Go ' - rich. M-. ard Mr*. F. Wicker.* iml fa;v- ily wish t> thank their Wend.* ami neigli'o. ".-.< for their kindness and sympathy shewn them in their recent sad bereavement. al*o for th-^ bauti- ful floral tributes and cars loaned. SHERW/N-W/LL/AfS using MAR-NOT-- finest floor Varnish A MYSTERY SOLVED Some time last November Mr. Sam Shicrs made out an order to R. Simp- son & Co.. Toronto for $10.44 putting 1 it in an envelope addressed to Simp- sons and wrapping it with paper sm' claimed he put it in the mail box. After waiting some time and not receiving his f^rcel. came to Yixy offk-e in reference to the same. I told him we had never received his letter or order. Mr. A. McEachnie the courier stated he had not received the letter from the mail box. On Saturday April Hth when delivering his mail on R. R. 3 Mr. McEachnie noticed something on the ground at the bottom of Mr. Shiers box and in looking pln*'v '" tVl " ud found the money and envelope, but badly discolored having lain there all win- ter. So everyone was happy. W. W. Trimble. Fot Master. New Watchmaker Mr. Carl Johnson, an expert watch- -maker wtih IS years experience, has ! full charge oi the repair shop in W. A. Armstrong & Son's jewellery store. , Yor aro assured of the best of work- JmanshM that can secured, on your watches or clocks. Bring them to us to be repaired properly. \ vrr A nc P v V :' '. Mar-Not i* made specially tW ;IM- on HI;---. M.nlo l< stand tho tramping of nailed h.-fls. the *lUlin and <aillr!ii of little ftvt. the moving of furnititre, spilled \>ater. Pi>:skiu tonsil i$ Mar-Not. You may dent the wood but Mar-Not will still cling to its surface. And it dries overnight with a rich, long-wearing lustre. Hot or cold water won't affect it. Mar-Not i* truly the world'* finest floor varnish. Typical of the quality and value in the Friday aud Saturday sugges- tion* listed here. SHER-\VII.-LAC STAIN \ VARXI5H FOR FLOORS ANP WOODWORK MAR-XOT FLOOR F.XAMF.l. PAIXT & VARNISH DRl'SUFS 15c to SJ.50 Fl'RXlTURF POLISH FLOOR WAX Scrub Brushes Toilet Inrushes Nail Inrushes O'CEDAR MOPS AND MOP STICKS COVER THE EARTH Tubs Wash Boards Pails Wringers WASHINV, MACHINES ROYAL PURPLE GARDEN SEEDS 5c Package SCREEN DOORS AXP SCREEN" WINDOWS Jardinieres and Flower Pots Shovels. Rakes, Hoes, Lawn Mowers F. W Duncan HARDWARE Phone 54 5- 9' )' t ' . ^ - ././ th* r. ,M ' / ... ,-r ti ^ tAi* /OHWUJ -^.--v m -.-, -y -'v-*