WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, I'J.'il THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Published on ColHngrwood atreet, FlMherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1100, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In U. S. A. $2.50 per year when paid in advance $2.00 (Members of Canadian Weekly News- paper Association) W. n. THURSTON, - F. J. TIimSTON - Assoc. W.M.S. Meeting EDITORIAL NOTi:s Johr i: 1 . . LT . 1 1 ami <e'lrite. reniAlF! :un| v il . , . ,- "th UOVI <,],! ii..\ " .vhich v- > . A Prii in, who .-utV, red fro "rintrini: in !ii- ai ~," [ <!, <! ii wht n. a- hi- medical a-i ex] ' i'.. hi- ch'.u-i.- I th il:< : nla : in clock :H!I tb.- a-h barrel. * A phv insist !:;>.' th >vili 1 - owcr is th'- i ' 'I' tb. tr.i wi^-r girl. Tin- will to pic.vdt i to <-"me. a'.! ' "i oon in ";. manv cases. Let u- all ke;.,) che. -ful wbil- ai i- ir.jr in tho nromr.tion of better time-. remembering 'hat pulling a lo-ir face The Easter Thankoffeting meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Monday in St. .John's United Church with Mrs. W. J. Scott in the chair. After the opening exercises announcement was made of Grey Presbyterial to be held , -i May 14th. All those desiring to attend are requested to give their name to Miss MacMillan or to Mrs. (Rev.) Scott. All supplies are tn be Editor' sl ' nt to Mrs - John Wri ht - A Wl> '- r ... ' come was accorded to those who rcp- n -i-ntcd other churches or societie-. A -obi "The.-., were N'im-ty and Nine" was rendered by Rev. W. .T. The speaker of the afternoon was- Rev. Mr. Donald of' Indore, Ir.dia. wh.i his audii ". -e i-ntranced while hi i ,-u--toms of tbe Indian people Hi- told i>f tbe difficult!! 1 .-! the rnission- . . - , .... '> : tlvv wcro three-fold, '.he lanirua^o and the " nt r.'liirion ! or cust'.ni-'. In the nod there aiv three ).rr-=hyi <>r ; < - a:"I ..... s a iv !;t'oi;.-n: in oi-lcr .! . - 'n i.thei- tin- T lisTl language i- UM-C). Native schools arc , in d Christian schr.oS- are oucn- ,-b; .- ho\v. ar.l airls attend nn " - ' i .- in the si'.P'c el:is-i, thlt:' tb I'-'V n thiit the ;:irU ore as clever as are. The Hindu religion ab- n>.c n from any blame; triu 1 Ir .'!, to tho;n but thov arc .' in any way responsible. Ponie- iiv.i-- the Hindus become Christians f r |.?otection nnd expect to bo paid. A convert might be baptized, but pot allowed to partake of thr does rot add any more spe-d or funji.unt, now they must show by the to life than pouring dishwatc-- in the I rutward lifo that there is an inward K as tank. change. Mrs. Cargoe moved n vot? of thanks to Mr. Donald, which was -c,-onded by Mrs. Down, after whic-h the offering was received. Represen- tatives from tho Baptist, Circle and Toronto -ity courHI announce- tin \vhen the World's Temnerance Unio.i rr.i-.-t-: there soon they will take th" , ladies on a trip around the harbor, < fom the Eucrcnia W.M.S. were prr and The Star onines that this is or. the asMimpti >n that like water. But surely our snrightlv oonti-m'warv i.; asking- the visitors too much to like' To"i.-to water. sent. The benediction closed the meetme. and then a social half hour was s P ( ' nt over tho tca CUI ' ? ' ENGAGEMENT Before adjourn'inir recently th y r nt1( ] ji,. s . Jhos. Wauchope wish V"ited States Congress parsed the ^ o announce the engagement of their bill making "The Stnr Spanieled ,| :luK hter, Dorcas, to Mr. F.hvood Banner" the national anthem, but thei Moore, son of Mr. and Mis. W. J. Winchester Star man is bewildered by, Moore, Flesherton, the marriage to the legislation. To his cultured enrj take place in April. the chief difficulty is unsettled. He will not \tf happy 'till he learr.l- j whrath<>r 'be f;econd verse should I "Dum-d"-dum dum dum dum"| Dee-dfe-dee-dcp iloh dee doh." j \-ir-TfM)l \ VICTORIA or Your correspondent made a mistake M i /fi-- tj^**- -iiwMV** *in viiri.- i , * 1 1 . j . f Let the loan! of radio crooners take!" 1 ri-nortimr John Duncan m place of Kmuslev Gallasrher as 1st \ ico Pres- a try at it. Auction Sales A credit a'i'-ticn Mile of th,. farm stock, impl'-mi-nts, i-t .. of llv ..state of the lat<. Lanktree, will be held nn Lot. 1 I. Cop. fi, (l-prev on Tupd<iy c<f text v.oik April LTith. See bilN. .T;i KiiWc-tt. anctiotieer. An an ' '" '.I" ii 1 ' '! -I ho'i'-e fin-- Tii-hini' w ; ll U- h. 1.1 in !' vi l im thi^ Suturdav > rnini". .\>--il '.'."'i. |,!ete tO' !. o, .J. S. S"ii;h of TOM. ' S , t,il! ; for complete list. ' lioi per. .1 , in I:D I-" \VU ' ' '-i ' hi- 1 " ,!:,,.. Ai il 17th. I'd. infnnl 'win i - M .1 I! \V'l ..-. [ f. fin .! ' , in liunilal': Ii ; ;,i . mid : ill nil' : 11,, , ti,, , v ho died th.' v, ),, oi (.. ! npnl by is exliri ; Jr. nnd Mr \V>1 on in the ' ' oy.l I'"' 1 71, Dori-* Han Ji c (iibson High School Reports I iil'\1 I }.],.-, : I.ii.-i it I.l An-hibalii TI - .. Mary Wilson 7i, :!," Middl ..... 75. I'M ('iitbeiino Meuarl Mi-'l. Allen 72, llellil Vause 7-'. HM' I'ai ; or >'<.. 1-Y.v" c (' illin on <'':, M:II ion'o.d I'l.'i. hi'-l< M'-wri' ' ' : ' .1 m McCn: ma I- i'.". Jean \V"' Ii n croft .'.\ Kathlcin \V.-i' luir ."M. K\rlvn Hi-own .'". Will red He i , r .:;. Hob Bellaniv .M!, deori'.- Hoyd M, (leorirc Akitt .Ml. Wesley I,ittlejobn f)0, Meivvn MoFaddon ."ill. Fail Mill Welton IK, Roberl Dargiivel 4:1, Harvey Croft II. Helen Moore lilt, Atitfiis Tiirney Itli, \'.\ ,. ret: Tulbot :!4, Milfoil I'ipi-i- :!". FORM 9. Arithinoti Hon. non HH, Alma McLean 8 M. Daisy McKndden 7H, I'ass - Hn/el McKillnn Of), Isobel McMillan 05, Dorothy Wolsloncioft iri, Mervyn Johnson 04, Kd Pntton 4, Stanley Hunt fil), Frank Eagle^ BO. Fail Hessio ('uirns II!, Ita Pedlar 42, Lucy MncDomild 31. Bob Phillips 34, Cecil Chard VI, La Verne Piper 30. 1IPPKK SCHOOL ALGEBRA Hon Alii-o Heard 5)8, lola Graham !H(, Hossie Heard H8, Lonlie Ferris H4. I'IIHB-- Hert Mor- ton 07, Jim Hflw fi2, M. Whit taker T.J. FORM It COMPOSITION Hon. Monica I,nmlx-rt 80, Murray Stuart 78. Puss Stella Marshall ('(, Juckson Stew- art M, Emory Fisher 5.">, Jack Mo- Kivhnio . r . I. 1 C.-oige M.M^Ior BH, Jean llinck.s , r i2, Rowciut Mugee fit, Ellin Pinker 50. Fail Daisy Alc- Fiulilon '111, Earl Otlewell 48, Almoda Ilin k, I I, N'eiilini Mi-Mil-' T in, I!o!) Phillips :tR, Macil Snell 37, Jim Bannon .'10. Kinpsley Gallagh ident of the League. Mr. anil Mrs. Arthur Clayton of Toronto visited at Milton Harmon'-. Mrs. Bannon returned homo with them for a few days. Op Sunday Mr. and Mrs. .John Bat, lu lor and babe, who hyil bivn vis- iting at the home o! Mrs. Batchclor's lalii'T, Wm. Moore, were driving to chinch, a car, coming in the opposite ilin tion, swerved in front I'! the Inn so. frightening it and ditching the I ,iu';ry. They wore all thrown out anil the bugK.v was smashed, Kit the o--cupaiits do not. think they wi-ie Inn : vi'i-y much. Baby Ann Stinson has In .-n quit . ill with pneumonia, hot i-;, we h ipe. ini PI-O\ in;'. Mr. and Mis. .las. Stinson with their gnindson, Gordon Youel--, Iriv,. moved back to lh"ir farm lately Va.-nli'il by '<: , i II Hill. Mr. Stiiv-on was jit Xia'/ara last week atteiidinjr the I'lin- <,al of hi- brother-in-liiw, Thomas P. McCarthy. SPF.CI All persons are heieby nolii'ir.l l.i iVo their i'1-emise: 1 , dean and all b liikon to town iliiuui by Ih,, L'nil ni' R'ay. a, 'h l!.,r:,l of [lenlt'i will make an itispei tion on May , r >lb. I'.y nvili'i- of the HdAP.D <U' HKALTII Grey County Fiji] Gradiiig Station OI'KN' \VI-:i).\l^;i)AV AMI SATI'KDAY NICIITS Our experience merit < you'- confidence. TIKIS. ONVI.KK \ SON. Props. I'HONK f.r,. FLKSIIKRTON' fealtlt the common peo P ,le fire talking i .. m listen to what they have *> say and at ular upheaval. Mr. Bourassa said: the bank to ask for a loan of $200 "Since I have learned of the con- or $300 would quite possibly be urged by the banker to take more than he dition of the people of my own city as ^^ an( i he would get the money I have told my children that we must on a no t e without any additional spare uoney to help other people. I security. Now, when these same have ceastd travelling in Pullman men go to the bank they find their cars; I travel in the common cars credit gone and their securities of no either on the Canadian National o- value. Such treatment is wrecking the Canadian Pacific Railways. When their morale. j "I would suggest a rigid enforce- ment of the Bank Act. Imlpement con- , . cerns in the West have tten allowed times I hoar things without their ^ gel , their poo( , 3 on notes bearil>g knowing, and r-o I realize the truth ejght and nine and ten per cent in _ i r H,,-,I for, nf what my noi ^ hbor sai<1 a minute tei-est after due date, something lingl^VifSVo'rt^vS: ^ - "-hat ferments of hatred are which should not be permitted. I There is, beyond ..ue.tion one fb*|il of tbe baby's Jaws through tr, -w-j %**%? "^ l^ to !hf S5 Gov a most unusual statement to hear ment payinsr the freight on all gram? 5old since the price dropped bek 0- per bushel. That svV-':li7." ,:-. OF THE (Sauabiau iiebtral Aaanrtatirm GRANT FLEMING. M.D. - ASSOCIATE SECRETARY NATURAL I-KKDING Ano which is best for the baby, and thai act of nursing. is th.. natural food - breast milk. It Natural feeding would appear that this fact generally known if we urc ! j'.id:; 1 .- hottl,- feeding . Th: proj er prepJir- l,y th" ri;:::'>.-r i.f bi'.i.ii -. \.-'no, ii| i;i ; ;->n of artificial feedings ronuires the K'/h'est exi-use, of for no uce ;.' ' bl :-''.'V.ti(-n and takes time. is much more n ' :;!,p! (! and lake.-, far less time than in t h<? Commons. Possibly the largest farmer in the would involve only fifty Commons. E. E. Perley, Q'appelle, the crop as considerable . h Ls , vrey serious one to make, and it hat is, should not be made except for som e ! with conriderable asset*, who entered, pirr-eil on artific'al feedin-,'-- . nother should deprive her child of b ; n;."irr.l food ii;*t bccaiiFe sh:; ! T u u i i Mr s thinks she cannot tiur.-e the baby, o : or the baby I.. :UI--P it is he ause somo one has told her bow i r /-' r n '.! i" him. U '> cl"an be;-au.: e v, 1| }>:>',': - <\ , on artificial food. . i i . c-hance for i; to he'-,,r,!,' TI-.-- iU .-i-ion to wean the baby is mi! .niina'.i <I by hanil! : -f. l'-.-)i :,n.l ; t is a!.'-o u; i rile, that Is, ?hoi.!d not be made except t'lert- . n . re ;':> germ 1 :, and conseqiu-ntly, ^;>od and sufficient reason. The ' a e I'-i'rm in il. !'< nil thes<- mother should talk the matter over j ic.-.-ons, it is sMjicri v to nttificial with her doctor nnd leave the decision tVdling. to him, because it is. after all, r. j The breast-fed baby is more likely medical problem. It is not right ti r'.void I'i.-i nsc'. te have sVontrb'inc; to wean tho and then ask the i .ini ti'eth, to have finr vr nnio.-les. doctor to prescribe artificial feodings. I The baby is, in general The doctor should be consulted before ] a healthier and more sturdy baby weaning, not after, than is the baby who is artificially-' The quality and quantity of the f'.-il. breast-milk can be improved by (Conservative) addressed the House, shipped during Seytembe.r, Ov ma hp , fu , gwtinnf . and Noveni ber. before the price droj - ^ be! - ?o " said Mr - p ^ AGNES MACPHAIL When he left th^eml of the En ishels of clean gram was rea* mvivrp AHVTQ PAV ADVANCE AD\ TS. PAY Small Advts. For Sale EGGS Can supply a few sett- TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to 12 Many infants hav,. been brought attention to health. Regular feedings , ings of Jersey Black Giants, on order O . clock noo fif ^ ril 30th } up successfully on artificial fe'-dines. by tbe clock are de-si. able for both EMERY FISHER. Phone 23-J , ', ' but this doos not alter the fact that, the mother and the child, comparing the artificially-fed baby Every child should be breast-fed, FOR SALE 2 purebred Shorthorn of not less than 20 horsepower on the with the naturally-fed, those who have and no'mother should give up breast- | Bulls, yearling and 2-year-old. Edgar drawbar, to run grader; tenders to be 1 ot>n deprived of their natural food feeding unless she is instructed to do do not thtive as well. so by her doctor. Miss MacphaiFs Letter made known his error to him. Sine" tho Speakur always officially thinks that the Government side has created In her weekly letter to the press the greatest volume of sound. He cf Grey County Miss Agnes Macphail, corrected himself by saying. ' 1 have M P. says in part; made an obvious mistake, in my Before the orders of the day were P'n io n the A >' cs have it< " A 8 rou l' called one day recently, Mr. C. G. of lhe "Nay" supporters then stood Power, the member for Quebec south, l 'P '" protest; the bells rang and the universally Called "Chubby" Power, vot " was olv called the attention of the House to when Mr Woodsworth rose the the fact that the Hon. Mr Dupre nthcr tla y to make a few iremarks Solicitor General, had been reported on the unemployment situation, he in a French paper in Montreal as referred to a speech he made prev- having made his maiden speech In iously this session to the effect that Belts Eugenia, phone 9r33, Feversham for actual time grading. Lowest or ; any tender F6R SALE Massey-Harris fer- tilizer drill, 11 discs, nearly new. John J. Meads, Phone 21 r 12. not necessarily accepted. Dated ^ J; 19 t 31 ' ~ W - J ' BELLAMY. Twp. Clerk. TENDERS WANTED Flesherton. 1 >VAVII.A||U**AIS1 ['111 ,1 IH- .'1.1 UVilt CL Parliament. "It was bis Parliamentary if 'ork on , relief was not supplied CHE STER LONG. Feversham. debut. He did very well. An eloquent there would b- riots. The Hon. Dr. ' speaker, and corrected the mistakes Man'on, Minister of Railways called of the opposition." n 'm to order and intimated that he He was loudly applauded by th.> was inciting the people to riot. This Rijiht. The house lauglud merrily 'seemed the signal for many new mem- Tbo speech thus reported had not bl ' rs of tht> " ouso to cn!l out remftrks yet been made. .lust here Mr. Han- of ft * >ar from complimentary char- ?'.'>!! i:f York SuiibfTy. interupted a <' tor : "Russia! Bolshevik! Winnipeg Cbni, by Power to say, '"Go on with Strike!" New members of course the iiuestion of privilege. Mr. Hanson cannot know J. S. Woodswcrth'a un- i- H'iven to interruptinir speakers. tiriRjr devotion to the cause of the FOR SALE A number of pigs ' to wean April 15th, at $7. per pair. Tenders are asked, for cutting 300 Fred Russell Markdale. Phone 30-rl41 or 40 r As of second growth on the I Valley Road, two rods on each side NOTICE I have hired a first or 66 feet in all. Tenders to be sent class blacksmith and horseshoer, and to the undersigned. Can take 40, 50 solicit your business. H. Wilson, ' or 100 rods. H. PATTON, Superintendent WOOD FOR SALE Let us deliver your wood as you need it. White Birch 16" long $2.75 per cord; Maple 16" long at $3.50 per cord. Wood delivered same day as ordered. W. A. ARMSTRONG & SON Phone: 13 FLESHERTON BOAR FOR SERVICE. FOR SALE Barred Rock baby chicks from a good laying strain. Order now for April and May delivery. FOR SALE Shorthorn bull, roan, year old; 2 Shorthorn Bulls, red, 10 months' old, all eligible for registra- tion. Donald Mo.Milllan, R. R. No. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE 50 acre farm Lot 156, Con. 3, N.E., Artemesia, good house is H-iven l<> -interri-.ptine: speakers, urn* uevuuon " >. iu--i- > lllt l -_j v frs w nrv . Registered ^ orkshire Boar for eer- Mr. Power said. "I weSld Tu^i -H<ing people has^earned for hin- f^S^S^X^ f ^ ^^f" Bacon Ho g Club, the property of the Ontario Depart- ment cf Agriculture. C. STEWART, Caretaker. that my Hon. friend do not taliTtoo th " respect of the Commons. The imi"],. or they will ma' c a Minister immediate icsult of their interjections of him and so keep him oven quieter." xvus tlu ' :iroilsill '- r " f tlu ' ^"'1<'''' lo Krryone enjoyi-d the jibe, even the ata supreme effort to which the whole House listened as i< very rarely Mr. Bourassa followed anil n.nmcnt supporli.. .. On Friday tho ex-mini -tcr of l.aboi, l ' u ' . Mr. lleonaix moved to adjourn the tol<1 how llis I 13 ' 11 ' 1 ' h;ul trlC(1 last ile 1 -ile tn discuss l!',. riotirur which winter to relieve some of the suffer- 1 ail re.ctitly taken pln.-e in Winnipf-.r. i"WT in Montreal and his vork in Tb ( . speaker rilled him on! of on!. :. connection with it had helped him tn A nuiuber of mongers np.iea! ,1 from reali/e tho abyss of poverty of the tiling. The ? pi .: , (hi n ; if jobless. Had it not been for his investigations he would not, ho stated, , 01 1 CM i^tii lours in iu. IK s ruling say aye ami , . -^ n , k|low , h , . rtirni*n rvt n*t 1 . . . , , . the (lovernme lu.'.ily, nyc. HL *UIIK lu "iiv, uyc. ,... , . .'ii "All those opposed to tho speaker'^ ditions and should perhaps have failed ruling say, nay." Then Mr. Speaker: I ns lhl> M ""-- tt ' 1 ' " r Railways fails tli ( . lion, (uoriri- Bl:u k, -.aid, "In my! 1 " "'" ll >(:1I '>1 h '- s Honorable IrieMd oninioM the Nays have it," the! from Witviipei;- and might have con- sbouls of hiughtcr ef the nu-mbern eluded bo was simply prompting pop- Sale of H^ghShoes C'liildn-n's lli^'li Slices an- utTiTcd iliis wci-k lu'To at tlii' san-il'ia- prii-i' from $1.00 to $2.00 a pair ()\rr Rubbers at thr tu'\\ low prices Women's 75c; Men's $1.00 prr pair. A. E HAW Ceylon Store opi-n i- very evening but Tuesday and 1'riday Buy For Cash Save Money I'OUTLAW HAS SOMETHING TO OFFER THE PUBLIC AT RIGHT PRICES. . _ __. Three Clover Leaf cups and saucers 25c No. 1 Patent Flour per cwt $2.50 Shortening, per Ib 15 C _ Knisins, 2 Ibs. for 26c ALL KINDS OF CLOVKR SEEDS We have a few men's Mud Rubbers at 50c per pair whilu they last HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS J H. WALKER Phones: Ihmdulk 71 r 5. PORTLAW Flesherton 70 r St.m> closes \V-dne.tlay at 12 p.m. and Friday at C p. Beecroft, Flesherton, phone 45 r 3. FOR SALE - Barred Rock baby chicks. First part of May $12; last part and June S per 100 Kind BARRE1) oriler before setting. - - Mrs. Edgar I'atteron. R. R. 2, Priceville. Phone .'2 i 41, Flesherton. FOR SALE Cedar rowboat with maple paddles: Stiulebakcr car; quan- ; >!Ti'oviHl. March and April chicks tity of tools, drills wrenches pinchers, W5-00 p.'r 100 : j[ ; ,y nm j j unp en ; oks n Barred Rock Bred-to-lay Baby Chicks, from registered, blood tested . all government inspected and cold chisels, pipe wrenches, also mach- : " l) Per 10(>. in inist tools nnd small radio with car balance i r. arrival. Guaranteed phones. S. W. Sloan. Eugenia. per cent safe di livery. with order, 100 N..T1CK -Commencing April t, AR MSTRONG POULTRY FARM & my implement shop will be open each ironing from 5 to H) p.m., to continue until July 1st. John Plestcr, Inter- national agent, Flesherton, 41 r -I. FOR SALE Banner o;i',s f.n- soo<!. These c.ais were 1st i- 1D2!' and -nd in I'.'.'iO standing field crop competi- tion, ptlsryc Agricutural Society: aU.i st;n-k of mixed hay. Goo. W. Ross, Maxwell P.O. phone 4 r 2, Feversham. FOR SALE McCormacx-Deering fertilizer drill, good as new; Peter Hamilton 13-disc grain drill; Kemp manure spreader: span of good work horses, and cow, due in April. John I'lester. International agent. Phone 41 r 4, Fleshertfn. FOR SALE $1300 buys house and lot in Flesherton Electric lighted, hard and soft water, small stable, and , about two acres of land Good invest- } ment, bringing in 8 per cent. net. Must be quick sale to wind up estate Phono I 1 !. CHICK HATCHERY FLESHERTON FOR SERVICE. _ Registered Herl-shire Boar on lots 1-153. Grade sows $2, purebrcda ?5 cash in advance. H. C. RADLEY. FOR SERVICE ^ Registered Yorkshire Bason hog . G. IT. Cairns. GEO E. DUNCAN DUNDALK ' i LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Termi! 1 per cent. Satisfaction guamteed Dates made at The Advance office. MIDDLEBRO & BURNS Barrutera, etc. i Ofices Owen Sound, Durham nd Flesherton. Flesherton afternoon and evening. Miscellaneous WANTED Milking cow, fresh, 1 or to freshen soon. Walter Scott, ' Ceylon. , j PASTURE TO LET *- For summer, by month or more. Apply to Wm. ! Hales, lots 171 172, W.T.S.R. Avte-j mes'm. NOTICE BUSINESS CARDS Dr. W. D. Bryce, L. D. S., D. D. S. dental surgeon, graduate of Uni- versity of Toronto. Gas administer- ed for extraction. Office at the resi- dence of Dr. E. C. Murray. Toronto Flesherton. Custom chopping and rolling 6c per bag. Satisfaction is guaranteed. EARL McLEOD, Priceville, Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge, 388, A. F. & A. M.meets in the Masonic Hall, Arm. strong Block, Flesherton every Fri- day on or before the full moon. W. M., W. R. Meads; Secretary, H. A' McCauley. FARM FOR BALE 150 acre farm for sale or rent on shares, lots 105-00-07, 3rd range S.I W. T. & S. R... Artemesia. John ! Wm. Kaittingr, Licensed Auctioned for the counties of Grey and Simco* Farm and stock sales a specialty. Termi moderate, satisfaction fuar- an * ce d. All arrangements and data bc made at the Advance "